Newspaper Page Text
H uiighest Kono-s- World's Fair, H 'CREAML BAKING I POWttR M MOST PERFECT MADE. H, A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free H from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, H 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. B LHE EVENING DISPATCH. B PKOVO CITY. - SEPT. 18. 1895 H Hon John B.Milneu returned lasfc H evening from Nephi where hn bad been H at a meeting of the stockholders of the H Nepbi Sayings Bank & Trust company, H of which he is one, held on Monday. H He brings the news that that incomor- B ation has concluded to disincorporate H and dieeolve and that the stockholders Hj by resolution passed by the eighteen B stockholders present at the meeting H out of twenty-seven the whole number, K all voting aye. and representing T413 K out of the 500 shareB of capital stock, H did instruct the Board of directors to H do all things necesearry or proper to H collect all debta or claims due, pay all H just debts and legal obligations owing, B convert all of the bank's aBsests into H money and distribute the same tc its H stockholders in proportion to amount R held by each. It is not expected by B the Btockholders that they will get B back dollar for dollar of their invest- B meat, in fact they expect less than 50 B per cent. In this connection it may B Bound like boasting, but it is not in- B tended as such, to Bay that the Utah B County Sayings hank of this city is in B a very flourishing condition making a B .margin of profit for its stockholders. B This is the truth and it is very en- B couraging news in view of the fact H that business generally has been so pHI dull aB to com pell competitive corpora- H tions to go out of business or continue IBj and Iobb money, H John B. Milker, editor of this paper Hj has gone to Salt today on business con- H nected with the paper jH "1 liaye lieen troubled with itching B piles for a number of years and have H taken four bottles of Hood's Sarsapa- B rilla and the itching has almost en- H tirely disappeared." Thomas Doug- H laBS. Scofleld, Utah. H Hood's Pills cure sick headache. Hj If you want to find a complete line B of fancy and staple groceries at the H lowest prices, call at Howe & Taf t's H store, 28 Centre street H Thebe is no doubt, no failure, when H yon take DeWitt's Colic & Cholera H Cure. It is pleasant, acts promptly, H no bad after effects. Smoot drug Com- Hj pany. H Robinson Bros. $3.00 shoes at H Parrer Brothers & Co. Hl ChildeeN, especially infants, are H Eoon run down with Cholera Infpntum B or "Summer Complaint." Don't wait H to determine, but giye DeWitt's Colic H & Cholera Cure promptly, you can rely H on it. Use no other. Smoot Drug H Company. B Fob Sals Old papers at 25 cenu H per hundred. Apply to tne bnalness H office of The Dispatch. Hj Just received A new lot of elegant H razors. Guarantee with each razor. H Smoot Drug company. H Mns. H. W. Davis and daughter H having just returned from their c -strn H trip where they have selected their B fall and winter styles, will open in a H few days with the nnestline of pattern H hats ever before brought into the city, H and can assure their patrons that they H will not be surpassed in prices or H styles. B The democratic rally to ) a held at Bi the opera house on Monday evening H next will be a rouser. Every demo- (jB crat should be there and bring his or IB her neighbor. It will be the open- B ing gun of the campaign and the air B will be laden with the spirit of demo- B cratic victory thiB fall. There is in B store for the people who attend a feast B of eloquence, history and facts as to Hi the present situation. The eminent B speakers from Salt Lake who are to oc- B cupy the time have few equals and no B superiors as campaign orators. Every- B Dody knows Governor West and there B are none to whom the people will give B a more hearty welcome. Fisher S. B Harris, the democratic nominee for B secretary of state, is known far and B wide as the "Patrick Henry of the B West" and to hear him talk is as B pleasing aB a poet's dream. Hon. A. J. B "Weber, nominee for attorney general, B B one tne most pleasing, forcible B and logical speakers in the country, B and 1b a cyclone to the enemy. The B quartette will render some telling se- B lections and the Provo Silver band B and Democratic Drum corps will be in B attendance in their very best condi- B tion. Communications have been sent B to every precinct in the county invit B ing democrats from all quarters to be B present and join in the good time com- HI ing. B Heady made Suits at Provo B Woolen Mill company. E Mb. A. A, Snypeb, Supt. Poor Farm, B Winneshelk, Co., la., says: JLast m winter Mr Robert Leach uoed two H "boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Slave B and cured a large running eore on his H leg. Had been under care of physi- H ciausfor months without obtaining re- lief. Sure Cure for Piles. Smoot Drue B Company. H But Tiger Head pale ale only from H Henry Harrison at the Eureka saloon. H This ib something out of the usual. Try it at $2.00 per dozen, or 20 cents H per bottle. t B Sevkee griping pains of the stomach H and bowelB inBtantly and effectually stopped by DeWitt's Colic & Cholera H Cure. Smoot Drug Company, H Plenty of rubber hoEe can now be H had from the, Provo Hardware & Iron H company. Best quality, lowest price. H D. L. Dean has opened a real estate H and loan office in Swasey & Martin's bank opposite the postofQce. t H Stomach and Bowel Complaints are best relieyed by the timely use of De- Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Insist H on having this preparation. Don't take any other. Smoot Drug Com B pany B You get more bread for the price at Elora'e than any other place in Provo, H Remember the place opposite post H office. H Plymouth Sisel binding twine in any quantity at lowest prices at Provo H&rdm;esIronjQQinpnv, j-. Democrats Attention I Notice is hereby given to the demo crats of Provo precinct that primaries Tvill be held in the respective muni cipal wards of Provo city on Wednes day evening, September 25. 1895 at 8 o'c'lf ck, for t'ie purpose of electing del egates to the county convention of Utah county to be held at Payson on Paturday, September 28, 1895, at which there will be nominated : Two State Senators. Four Representatives and a County Superintendent of Schools. The meetings will be held at the fol lowing places : First ward, Webster schoolhonse. Second ward, county courthouse. Third ward, Franklin schoolhouse. Fourth ward, Parker schoolhouse (up stairs.) Fifth waid, Parker Bchoolhouse (down stare.) The delegates are apportioned as follows: First ward 13 Second ward 12 Third ward 19 Fonrth ward 12 Fifth ward 2o It is earnestly requested that all democrats attend these meetings and elect representative ladies and gen tlemen as delegates to this important convention. , A. O. Smoot, Chairman. E. E. Cokfjuan, Secretary, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pairiiicfaest Medal and Dlolotna. Cholera Morbus is a dangerous complaint, and of ten Is fatal in its re suits. To avoid this you should use DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure, as soon as the first symptoms appear. SmooiDrug Company. A complete EtocK of pure wines and liquors at the Smoot Drug company. " H. Hajwiison at the Enreka saloon has A. B. O. beer in any quantity by the bottle or glass. Those haying barley or wheat for Bale can find a market by sending a sample to the Utah County Fruit & Agricultural Society. F. J. Covert, Secretary and Manager. Howe & Taft have opened a first class retail grocery store in connection with their flounsinz business at the old stand 28 Centre street. The public will receive the Bame courteous treat ment given them in the past. If you want bargains in groceries it will pay you to call and see Howe & Taf t. The coldest draught beer In town, 5 cents a glass, at Eureka saloon. S75.C0 to 150.00 a month to any one to represent us. Work almost easy enough for a child to do. Mr. J. W. Nixon, Boise city, Idaho, made $214.50 in one week. Mary Bush, Lyons, Colo., cleared $7-10 in three days. Rev. Wm. Curtis, Aberdeen, S. Dak., made $14.00 the first day. No capital neceBBary. TeimB and pamphletBiree. Address at once, Shepp & Co., 1020 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. t The twenty-seventh annual conven Hon of the National American Womat Suffrage association will bo hild in At lanta in Da Give's Opera House Jan. Si to Feb. 5. The official call for the con vention says: The objeot of these conventions is ic educate women into a knowledge of tbel tights and duties as citizens of a repub lie, and through them to arouse the na tion to a sense of the national wrong perpetrated by the disfranchisement of half the people of the United States in opposition to the principles of govern ment declared by otir laws and constitn tions. While Colorado's full enfranchise ment of women in 1893 is encouraging, the defeat of tho suffrage amendments In New York and Kansas in 1894 shows how largely men still fail when called npon to put in practice the prinoipk they enunciate. Though 26 states have granted Bome slight concessions to women citizens, in no states of the Union, save Wyoming and Colorado, are women yet admitted to the dignity of equal rights in citizen fihip. In only six states of the Union arc mothers conceded to ho legal owners of their own children. Such being the sad and shameful etete of affairs, it behooves all lovers of Jus tice to rally at the call to speed tho next step in human progress the full de velopment of the mother of the race, the greatest factor in the coming civilization. A. Southern Need. "If you will agitate it sufficiently, before a year is over you will have the movement on foot, " said a new member at the club the other night "What movement?" asked half a dozen voices, and to their astonishment they were told, "Why, to have a woman's medica. college in Louisiana. " The speaker, a new coiner In New Orleans, went on tt explain the needs of such an institution in the Bouth. "Why should the women of this state, Texas, Mississippi and other southern states have to go across the Ohio river to be instructed in modi nine? Your state grants a license to prac tice to a woman physician that will come from abroad, but in no way pro vides for the entrance of her own wom en into this profession. It seems to mo, '' continued the speaker, "that you worn en would hate mightily to see a negress the first Louisiana woman to enter the medical profession. A colored woman will graduate in medicine in a very short time at the Now Orleans nniver sity, and so will enjoy the privilege of earning a living in a profession whiob Is virtually closed to white women." This protest occasioned some earnest talk of making an attempt to raise fund for a medical college for southern wqnv ta. St Louis Glcb-Democrat A keM'Ard of $10 is offered for in formation which will lead to the con viction of any person bieaking school house window lights or fence gates, or in any other way destroying district school property. Board of Education, by J. M. Jensen, clerk. Bakgains, Ba'gains, at Howe & Taft's retail crocery store. Wanted: 2,500 to 3,000 good stock sheep on shares. AddreeB W. K. Henky, Provo, Utah. Take your nour to J. L, Flora and exchange for freeh bread eyery morn ing. Angelica, Port, Sherry, Claret and Reisling wines, 35 cents quart bottle or three for SI 00 at the Eureka saloon. H. Harrison, proprietor. Easy to take, sure to cure, no pain, nothing to dread, pleasant little pills. DeWitt's Little Early Riser. BeBtfor Bick Headache, Biliousness, Sour Stomach and Constipation. Smoot Drug Company f DiABRHOSABhould boBtopped prompt ly. It soon becomes chronic, DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure is effective, safe and certain. Hundreds ot testimonials bear witness to the virtue of this great medicine. It can always be depended upon, its use savea time and money, Smgot Drug Company, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report THE FAIRY STONE. It Is Found In Virginia snd Is Snppossd to Bo a Talisman. The "Mother of Statesmen" has pro duced a number of good things from first to last chivalrous men; fascinat ing, soft voiced women; fine horses and the like, hut that a popular fad should originate with her is an alto gether new departure. Everything must have a beginning, however, and who knows, now that the fairy stone has found euoh favor in the world of fashion, what possibilities she may develop in this direction? These queer bits of pet rified earth are indigenous to Patrick, a southern border county of Virginia, but off from Henry, and called, like tE6 latter, in honor of the statesman and orator, Patrick Henry. They are not ex cavated for, but lie loose npon the sur face of tho soil, and though restricted to two or three partB of tho county ex ist in great numbers and various sizes. Upon each stone a representation of the cross is distinctly though delicately traced, and a legend concerning them states that a band of fairies, dwelling at Jerusalem during tho life of our SaV' iour and witnessing tho awful scene on Calvary, were eo horrified by it that they fled to this remote region and transformed themselves into these pet rified emblems. The legend has given rise to innumerable superstitions, and from tiuiO immemorial the stones have been worn as amulets by those living in the vicinity in which they are found. The reputation was local, however, ontll that era in Virginia's history known as "tho boom. " Then her super stitions and sacred traditions, along with her other commodities, became objects of barter. Speculation fixed its calculat ing eye npon the fairy stone, and it wa3 taken from its native bed and experi mented with in order that it might be rendered marketable. It was soon dU covered that no tedious process was neo essary for its development. A sharp in strument passed along the outline stamped upon Its surface converted the jagged Btone into a symmetrical orosa and a little polishing and a plunge into a bath of boiling oil gave tho requisite Bmoothness and the rich mahogany color one sees in tho stone of commerce. A tip of gold at the four extremities and a ring to which a chain might he attached gave the finishing touoh to it, and when thus simply mounted fairy stones sold for $1 apiece. The traditions concerning their won der working power are as iuexhauotibla as the beds from which they are taken aud would furnish endless themes to writers of fairy tales and folklore stories. They are supposed to ward off evil and bring good luck to their possessors, but in order to do this must he worn around the neck and next to the person Phil adelphia Times. RED TAPE IN PRANCE. While Officials Are Tied Up "With It thfi Statue of Paget Is Minns a No3e. British red tapeism is bad to beat, bu? the record just new is with Paria There the front of thoEcole des Beaux Arts i adorned with a statue of Puget, th6 once famous tenor. Four years ago a passerby made the discovery that tho statue's nose had come off. He called the attention of the policeman on duty to the fact. The policeman reported to his brigadier, who reported to the com missary of the quarter, who reported to the prefecture of police. The prefecture of police decided that the nose had drop ped off the statue and had not been maliciously knocked off. The matter therefore concerned the prefecture of the Seine. It was then August, 1891. In October a committee of three was ap pointed to decide whioh department had to put the nosiO on again. The com mittee inspected the statue in January, 1892, and reported in December that -they were unable to report In February, 1893, this report reach ed the department of public works. The head of a room found it in June and made the lives of his suhoidinates so many burdens to them with it Somo how or other it got into print that but for this zealous official there would bo hardly a statue in France and in Na varro with its nose on. In July he was decorated for special services. Somobody else took up the report Between Jan uary and December, 1894, it had got into parliament On Feb. 25, 1895, the house sat upon it, and MM. Janres and Carnaud got off some virulent attacks upon the government for its want of public spirit Tho next day the samo passerby who had reported absence of tho nose happened to pass by again. He discovered that tho nose had not been re placed. He reported to tho policeman on duty, who, etc. Tho nose of Puget is in for another round. Pall Mall Gazette At the town meeting el Boxboro, Mass., Maroh 18, four women were elected members of the school commit tee: Mrs. R. Y. Nelsen, Mrs. C. T. Wetherbee, Mrs. C. H. Burroughs nu5 Mrs. C. H. Brmnn The Modern Beanty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form slows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative Syrup of Figs. ,, Notice Seventies. The-Forty-fifth Quorum will here after hole meetings every two weeks Regalar meeting will be held on Friday evening next at 7:30 o'clock, W. S. Corbett, Clerk. Ballard's Snow Liniment. This invaluable remedy is one that ought to be in every household. It will cure your Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Frosted Feet and Ears. Sore Throat and Sore Chest. If you have a Lame Back it will cure it. It penetrates to tho seat ot the disease. It will cure Stiff Joints and contracted muscles after all other remedies have filled. Those who have been cripples for years have used Ballard's Snow Liniment and thrown away their crutches and been able to walk as well as ever. It will cure you. Price 50 cents, Sold by Smoot Drug ' company. For United States Senators, JOSEPH L. RAWL7K3;, Salt Lake. - MOSES THATCHER, Cache. For Governor, JOHNT. CA1NE Salt Lake. For Congressman, B. H. ROBERTS, Davis. For Judges of the Supreme Court, SAMDEL R. THURMAN, Utah. THOMAS MALONEY, Weber, RICHARD W. YOUxG, Salt Lake, For Secretary of Staie, l'ISHER S. HARRIS, Salt Lake. For Attorney-General, A.J, WEBBER, of Weber, For Treasurer. ALMA GREENWOOD, Millard. For Auditor, GUY C. WILSON, Sanpete. For Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, KARL G. MAESER.of Utah. Fo Judge FoUrth Judicial District E. A. WILSON, Proyo. The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in Ieav G&lag power as the QoysL Lady Democrats I Tne annual election of ofucersof the Women's Democratic club of Proyo, will be held naxt Thursday evening in the county courthouse at 7 :30 p. m. The secretary will read her report for tbb previous year. Ladies do not fail to be in attendance, as this meeting is a very important one. Mrs. E. A. Wilson, President. Per May Bboavn, Secretary. ICE, ICE. IE I have on hand an immense stock of pure solid ice, ot better quality than ever before, for the use ot my patronB this summer. I am delivering daily from wagon. Parties wishing ice will please leave ordera at Boshard & Saxoy'a grocery store on J street, and they will receive prompt attention. Price, 50 cents per 100 pounds, de livered to any part of tho city. C. A. Allen, Attention Democrats! Notice is hereby giyen that a dem ociatic county convention will be held at Payson, September 28,1895, com mencing at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nominating two State Sen ators, four State Representatives and a County Superintendent of Schools and for the transation of such other busmpss as may properly come before the convention. The convention will consist of three hundred and seventy-eight delegates apportion follows: . Alpine 4 American Foik 29 Benjamin 8 Cedar Fort 5 Clintor , 2 Fairfie'd i 1 Goshen 6 Highland 2 Lake Shore 10 Lake View 4 Lehi 34 Mapleton 8 Payson 32 Pleasant Grove 27 Provo First ward 13 Provo Second ward 12 Provo Third waid 19 Provo Fourth ward 12 Provo Fifth ward 25 Provo Bench 7 Salem 7 Santaquin 17 Spanish Fork 43 Spring Lake .' 3 Springville 44 Thistle i Tucker 2 Vineyard 4 P. V. Junction : 1 Total 378 It is reccmmonded that the primar ies be held in the respective precincts on Saturday evening, September 21, 1895, It is earnestly requested that eich precinct bs fully represented at the convention. The day's proceed ings will conclude with a grund rally at which prominent speakers will De present. A. J. Evans, Chairman. Samuel A. King, Secretary. When a trifla will buy the greatest healing Invention of tho day? Wr.Snndcn's Electric Belt is n complete body battery lor self treatment, and pnarnnteod, or money refunded, it -vrill cure without medicine Ithpuirnitism, laiRibBjjo, Sclnticn, I.sme Hack, Kidney and Liter Complaints, BTeryons Debility, Wcntaiess, JLosscs, Drains nnd nil oJfccJH ot early indiscre tion or excess. To wealc men it is the greatest possible boon, as the mild, sootlung electric enrrent is applied direct to the nerve centers and improve ments are felt from Hie first hour nscd. A pocket edition of the celebrated electro- medical work, ( "Three Classes of Men," illustrated, is sent free, sealed, by mail npon application. Every jounpr, middle-aged or old man sufferinc the slightest weakness, should read it. It will show an easy, snrc and speedy way to regain strength and health when everything else has failed. ThoSAWDEN ELECTRIC CO.. JTo. 920 Sixteenth St., Denver, Col. Also Kow Tori, Chicago & London, Eng Iesfc IjneQtro.tyjdlcal poncern Ja the World' IRVINE & SOWS- 1 at 14 Center Street in the Hathenbruck fl building with a New and Stylish line of H Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes I and Gent's Furnishings: 1 We are making Specialties of I Also a complete line of Ladies7 and Children's Shoes B from B to E width, any toe yon may desire. Fine H Infants Goods, Embroideries and Laces in all H New Styles and Colors. 9 Keep ' your eye on us I We will interest you, 9 Did You Read It? The Capital City Commercial Col lege baa a card in this pauer offering instruction free to a number of per sons. Did you read it? Leave Orders for ice at Boshard & Saxey's or at Mc Adam's erocery store U. A. Allen jk. rCnlclicntcr'o Jnuil.h Diamond Urand. ENNYR0YAI PILLS (K""v Original sud Only Ocnulnc A jfj?i5 safe. alTays reliable, ladies uk , ,JV V-jiji Druggist Ibr CMchtttcr'i Enqlixh Dm i? tMmcntiran 1 ltcd and Gold metalliovU Trv .-ogSwoxes, seal wl" lna ribbon. Tibe Xff Tn trono other Rtfuxt dangerous u& V t fif tions and imitations AtDrugguts,firsead4e. W Jg la eUmps for particulars, testimonials and VtS S3 "Relief for I.oill en," Utter, by return J ff Mall. 10.000 Testimonials Kame Paper. ?" "y Chlcheater Chemical OcMadlson Square Sold tj u) Local DruiciiU. I'hUctln.. I'a. SMOOT DRUG CtlMPiHY Don't Negleci1 the throat, an open ayenue by which any number of diseases find their way into the system. It must be remem bered that the throat is very suscepti ble to attack, particularly in thib clim ate, and this fact makes it doubly true that an ounce of prevention is Better than a pound of cure. The moment thf re's anything the matter with your throit, however slight the trouble, at tend to it instantly. One of the best remedies for a sore throat is our Diph theria and Cough Kemedy, As this medicine may be needed at any time it thonld always be at hand. Don't forget thai our prescription department is the best in Jbrov.i. HmoOt Drug Company. The University of Utah. SAIiT LAKE CITY. The next academic year will begin September ISth. The following courses are provided : 1. Course in General Science. 2. Course in Arts. 3. Course in Mining Enginperng, 4. Advanced Normal Course Each of the above leads to the ach. elor's degiee; the normal diploma, oy provision of law, exempts the holder from all examinations in tne school system. 5. Normal Course, leading to a cir tificate of graduation whicn exempts the holder from examination for a period of five years. 6. Preparatory Course, leading to the collegiate Btudies. Tuition is virtually free in all de partments, a small registration fee only being required. A certain num ber of normal scholarships iB allotted to each county; applicants for ap pointment to such scholarships must apply to the territorial commissioner ot schools through the respective county superintendents. The faculty of the University haB been recently greatly enlarged, and the equipment of the institution ex tended. For circulars and other in formation, address, J. E. Talmage, President TJniyeraity of Utah, Salt Ljke qity, f Powerful I Legitimate. I Merchandising I Without stooping to any misrepre- 9 sentation or catch-penny devices I The great strength of this firm 9 lies in the power of Cash capital H The power of reliable goods, The H power of doing business on broad H and liberal basis. Money refunded I on unsatisfactory purchases. fl The store after which others H are patterning, H The store whose influence has been felt from one end of Utah to I another. H The store that regulates the prices of other stores is 9 zmmm miTriTTER'- 1 A, O. SMOOT, Proprietor, I Successor to Provo Milling Company, jH OFFICE OPPOSITE U. P. DEPOT X Manufacturers of and Dealers in jH CHOICE jdSlf m I BKANDS SJj MILLING ' I OE FLOTJB Y :EEB. ' Good Treatment & Satisfaction Guaranteed I Grain Received on Storage. Free Corn Sheller. H