Newspaper Page Text
B No 282--VoM PROVO CITY, UTAH MONDAY OCTOBER 7, 1895 PRICE FIVE CENTS A COPY B "Talte It Aisy.- B One cannot travel in Ireland without perceiving that tbe so many horsepower H and perpetual catching of trains theory H cf life is not one that is accepted by the HH Irish people, and I do not think it over VH will be. Their religion, their traditions, VABj cneir chief occupations, their tempera- PAVAVJ went, all of which I suppose are closely K allied, are opposed to it H The sayiug, "Takeitaisy, and if yes BU can't take it aisy take it as aisy as you PpHR can, " doubtless represents their theory HK1 question either oi dialectics or of xnor- kJS als, I would sooner havo to defend that HBfi view of existence than tho so many HkB horsepower one. So far from a wise man V9PI; getting all ho can out of himself in one BjHfl direction, he will, it seems to rue, rig- JRl Idly and carefully abstain from doing HflHj to in tho interests of that catholio and PAfW harmonious development which requiret HjlH that he should get a little out of hin Hfljfl ttlf in every direction. hMH One would not like to assert that tht Jn bulk of tho Irish people arc "harmo- BBBJ aiously developed. " But neither, if I yQflj may be permitted to say so, are the Hj English or the Scotch people, and at BpHH in reality all three probably err by lob- jjBH sided activity or lobsided inactivity, it ItBlBJH still remains to bo seen whether toe BUB much perpetual catching of trains or to DHj much taking it "aisy" is, on the whole, BBbEBE tho wiser course and tho less insane in BfiSj torpretation of the purport and uses cf BBBH life. -Blackwood's Magazine HH JSotice to Taxpayers. BBvBflj The ioliowine named persons are BJBBBJj authorized to receive taxes in the dis- BBpBB tncts set opposite their names until October 31, 1895: HPSj James Straw, Springville and iLap- B John Jons, Spanish Pork, BBBflfl Lorenzo Argyle. Lake Shore. PflHpJj J- W. Stewart, Benjamin. J Richard J. Nuttall. Salem. Samuel Worsencroft. Payson. Eh Onenshaw, Santaquin. H John B. Johnson, G'ishen. VjfH Win. H. Snyder, Pan Sell. BBpJ L. B. Bodeback. Cedar For K Wm. H Vinn,Lehi. Jj Henry Moyle, Alpine. HBBpj James H. Clarke, American 'orK. jl H. D. Wadley, Pleasant Grove. J Lbvi Op.eN8haw. ftVH Collector Utah County, U. T. Hj Evening: Writing1 Classes. HH Prof. Y. M. Pratt, of Salt Lake, now engaged in the B. Y. Academy, will K start evening writing classes at the academy commencing next Monday eveniiiK, September 23rd at 7:30 and continue every Monday, Wednesday Jj and Friday evenings theieafter. HH Charges for 42 lessons only $4 00. aE Prof. Piatt is an expert penman, his HI specimens having taken the First 1 Prize at the last Territorial fair. He BpBV is a graduate of the Zanerian Art Col- ft lege, Colambuar-OUlnr- " B Did Yon Bead It? VAfAfJ Tle Capital City Commercial Col- lege has a card in this pauer offering B Instruction free to a number of per- B sons. Did you read it? B Notice of Apphcaiion to Disincorpor BBHBJ In the matter of the application of' j the Sephi Savings Bank and Trust company, a corporation, to disolve'and H disincorporate. B Notice is hereby given, that Tbe HpE Nephl Savings Bank ad Trust corn HpJ patiy, a corporation formed under and PAVJB by virtue ot the Inns of the territory of Hi Utah, has presented to the District H court of the Pirst Judicial district of HHHV the territory of Utah, a petition pray- HHH ing to be allowed to disincorporate and HHVHj dissolve; and thatMonday theeleventh HHH day of November A. D. 1895 at 10 HHVHj o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon HHHbJ thereafter ae counsel can be heard, has HHHS been appointed as tbe time and the HHHJj courtroom of said district court in tbe HHHj city of Proyo, county and territory of HHHhJ Utah, np the place at which the Baid HhHvI application is to dp heard. HHHV In witness whereof i haye hereunto HHHVJ set my hand and affixed the HHH Beal of the District court of the HHHV SEAL. First Judicial district of the HkHJ Territory of Utah, at Provo HHHV city, the 25th day of Septem- HHV ber A. D. 1895, HHHV GeOEQE HAVERCAMr, HHHV HHj J. B. Milner attorney for petitioner. HVHvJ e auove ntice is hereby ordered HHHV to be published in The Dispatch at HVBHH least once a week for one month. HHHV William H. King Judge. H Attest: George Haveucamp, Clerk. HH The U. S. Gov't Reports KBt show Royal Baking Powder HH mperior to all others. HjB Ties, Ties, Ties. wHVV Three thousand or 4,000 railroad HVVHf ties wanted, delivered on the line of HmftV the U, P. railway at once. HHvJi Apply to HHHH - C!- Joxes, Provo. H SMOOT DRUG CfiiVlPAHY HHHHJ A.& GOOD AS NEW BjHHH yes, that's what using our German dyes HVflHV will do for articles of clothing. Dve- HVBHV ing a faded garment gives it afresh, HVHHj full color, and so makes it look new HHHH again. Our German dyes are the best HHHV in nee. We nave them iu different col- HHHH ore at 10 cents a package. Coloring HH with theBS dyes is a simple operation HHHHj which anyone can perform. Bear in HVHVB mind that goods colored with these HHHHj dyes never crock or shrink. You thus HHVHV get a double wear ont of goods colored HHHHj with them. Don't forget either that BHHHV our prescription department is the HVHHj most reliable in town. nVHV Shoot Drug Company. uShHVhVJHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHj ''fcSHjBVBVVVHHVBVBH 'Si8BBHHHVHVIHH 'SPROIITMAYVOTE Both For State Officers And on The Constitution, JUDGE KING SO DECIDES. But in bo Deciding- Offers Some Bomnrbs That are not "Very Flattering to The Applicant Biff Cattle Stealing Case Now on Trial Other Osidbs Against The Same Defendants Will Follow. The application of Andrew Sprout, 13. Y. academy student from Washing ton county, for writ of mandamus against Registrar Brown of Provo, compelling that officer to rstcieter Mr. Sprout that he may be permitted to vote at the November election was beard by Judge King last Satui day evening. The arguments were closed this morning by Bishop Booth for Sprout during the course of which he took occasion altogether unneces sarily, to abuse Mr. Brown who has proven himself to be an efficient, able, feailess and consciencious officer. The g- nral understanding of the law is that visiting students cannot be registered. And this is a good law ; if it were not on the books auy college could control the elections in the city ?na district in which it ib located, and schools auove all' other institutions Bhould be kept out of politics. Each and all ot these students were visited by the reg istrars and Kiyen an opportunity to register it they could quality. Stud ents from places other than Provo,here temporarily only, cannot well take the oath that they are bonaflde residents ot Proyo with a clear conscience. If at tempts are made by this class to regis ter, it is only the plain duty of registration officers to make inquiry, and if that inquiry convinces the of ficers that the applicants are not bona fide residents o"f Proyo within the meaning of the law they are but doing right to refuse the applications, and if for any reason i appears that a mistake has been made and it is necessary to go into court to have the matter settled, it is not necessary for cheap John attor neys, for the benefit of the audience ot visitors in the courtroom, to indulge in a tirade of abuse simply because the opposing counsel are not present in court to object and the judge upon the bench is too courteous and degnlfied to Interrupt. Mr, Sprout was registered on Satur day evening pending the judge's decis ion with the distinct understanding that tne name should be stricken off the lists ot the ruling would be against the applicant, and be allowed to re main there if the ruling would be in his favor. The judge took the matter under ad -visement until 2 o'clook today at which time he rendeied his decision granting the writ of mandate and taxing costs, one half upon each side. While render ing his decision the judge remarked that Sprout's demeanor upon the wit ness stand, his hesitation in saying that he had bunaQedly abandoned his residence in Washington county and taken up residence here, together with the fact that he had never made known Mb mtentionB to his relatives or others in Washington county of leaving permanently, other than by the selling of his property which was very consonant with his purpose of coming here to gain an educa tion only and not as a resident, had not conyinced him that the appli cant at the time of remoyal in fact in tended to make Provo his home. The judge was impressed with the idea that tbe main impulse leading Mr. Sprout in his present move is his desire to vote without reference as to his qualifica tions under the law, but as the appli cant had sworn upon oath in this hearing that such was his intentions at the time, the court was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and allow his name to remain upon both registry lists. The judge expressed himself as having not one word of cen sure for the registration officer for what he had done in the matter. BIG OBIMTXAI. CASE. The case on trial today is that of the People vs. Lewis McCarty and Henry Malmgreen. There are sev eral indictments against these boys for the offense ot cattle stealing. The case being tried today is on the in dictment charging them with stealing two head of cattle from Alex. Barton of Manti on Aug 9th la&t. S. E. Thur man is prosecuting and M. M. Warner and D. I). Houtz are defending. Con siderable interest is felt in these cases, not only because of the fact that the offense charged is one that people gen erally hereabouts detest most bitterly, but because of the fact also that the defendant MuCarty is the son of the no torious Bill McCarty of bank robbing fame who was killed in Colorado re ceutly. Boih defendants are residents of tbe little town of Leyan in Juab county. Cut Bates Via. Union Pacific 'n Special From Pare leaves. leaves. Nephi 2 25 I:2p.m.6:20a.n, Mooa 1 90 1:40 4l 6:40 " Santa quin 1 15 2:07 " 7:10 " Payson 1 00 2:17 " 7:20 " Benjamin 90 2:26 " 7:30 " Spanish Fork. 90 2:32 " 7:87" SDringville.... ?5 2:40 " 7:46 " Provo 75 2:50 ' 8:00" Lake View... 75 3:01 " 8:09 ' Pls'nt Grove.. 50 3:13 8:18" American Fork 50 3:20 " 8:24' Lehi 50 3:27 " 8:30 " Arriye at Salt Lake 4;35 " 9:30" Above tickets will be good for re turn until October 12th, Trains leaves Salt Lake for the south at 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. G. W. Cbaig, Agent Provo. !?r. Price's Cream Baking Powder WoriU'a Fair rUsuestMute! md Diploma. A CLEVER PICKPOCKET. B Was a Russian and Alarmed and Su prised a Grand Duke. One 3ay, at the dinner table of grand dnko, the French embassador ex 'tolled tho dexterity of his fellow comv trymen, as exemplified, among other things, in the cleverness of the Pari piokpockets. "I should not wonder if the St Pe tersburg pickpockets could give them a atart," replied the grand duke. And seeing an incredulous smile play around the features of -tho embassador he added, "Will you bet that, before we rise from tho table your watch or some othea valuable will not bo taken from yoxur person?" The embassador accepted tho wages tcr the fun of the thing, and the grand duke telephoned to the chief constablo asking him to send at once the cieveresl pickpocket ho could lay his hands on. The latter was to receive the full value of every article he managed to "annex", and be allowed to go unpunished. The man came and was put into liv ery and told tvwait at table along with tne other servants. Tho grand duke told him to give him a sign as soon as he bad accomplished the trick. But he had to wait a long time, for tho embas sador, whose watch was the article fcc be experimented upon, always kept on the alert, and even held his hand to his fob whon conversing with the most dis tinguished guests at the table. At last tho grand duke received the preconcert ed signal. Ho at once requested the em bassador to tell him the time. The lat ter triumphantly put his hand to hie pocket and drew forth a potato, instead of his watch ! Thero was a general burst of laughter, in which tho embassadoi himself joined, though with a wry face, for he was unmistakably annoyed. To conceal his feelings he would take a pinch of snuff his snuffbox was gone I Then he missed the seal ring from his finger, and lastly the gold toothpick which he always carried about with him In a little case. Amid tho hilarity of the guests tho sham lackey was request ed to restore tho artioles, but the grand duke's merriment was changed into alarm and surprise when the thief pro duced two watches, two rings, two snuff boxes, etc. His imperial highness made tho discovery that he himself had been wbbod a- the same time. Neue Blatt HA& TWO HEARTS. A Physician's Report on the Most Remark able Cono of William King. "William King, the negro who has two hearts and is able to control the pulsations of either at will, and who occasionally excites tho medical associa tions of tho Atlantic coast by making an exhibition of himself, has been ex- ainineel by JDr. C -A, Jnoknon of .Pitts burg, who reports as follows: "The man has two distinct hearts, connected only by the larger blood ves eols and a very elastio pericardium. Ho has the peculiar power of moving either of these two hearts independently and oan hold ono up under the ribs while the other is lot down into tho groin, where it can be felt pulsating even more plainly than when in its natural posi tion. He can stop one or both from beat ing for a period of one minute and probably longer, but he has been told that to extend tho timo beyond that limit would probably endanger his life. The stoppage of either heart silences the pulhe beats on the corresponding side, but does not affect the other. If both are stopped at once, no pulse beat can bo detected in any part of tho body. "The left heart ia tho larger of the two, being abonfc tho sizo of a cocoanut, which is very large for a man of King's size. The right one is no larger than a good sized goose egg. "When ono heart is down In tho flank and the other in normal position, they are separated by a distance of about 14 inches. As they lie ordinarily in the ohest they are only about two or three inches apart. "The most remarkable thing about King's case is the fact that each heart appears to bo complete in all its details and furnished with sufficient blood for use on its own side of the body. "In some species of lower animala there are two distinct hearts, bujt in them the right side sends blood to the lungs, while the left does the work for the general circulation of the whole body." Mrs. JuMa "5?ard Howe has beet writing poetry for nearly 60 years. Al though this remarkable woman has passed her seventy-fifth year, she haa the presence, tho demeanor, the expres sion, the voice and tho step of 50. She has a handsome face, is in vigorous health, gives heed to tho art of drea. and is far more lively than are most women at her timo of lifa She is tho mother besides of Mrs. Richards, Mrs Maud Howe Elliott and the late Airs. Julia Anagnos, each of whom is well known in the world of letters. Mra Howe is also the sister of Marion Craw ford's mother quite a galaxy of talent to bb related t? by immediate ties of blood, nnt to mention the lato Sam Ward, epicure, and Beau Ward McAl lister It was of Mrs. Howo, by the way, that Oliver Wendell Holmes hap pily romarkod on her seventieth birth 4ay, "Sho is 70 years young. " Bertlos. Berlio was mado miserable by hit wife. He married Miss Smithson, an actress many years younger than him self. She had prolonged fits of jealousy and ill temper, ruined him by her the atrical ventures and finally fell from a carriage and broke her leg, tkus ending her artistic career. Berlioz bore with her in patience until she finally lett him. Ho was a tall man, of stern aspect and very dignified. In spito of his im mense musical abilities as a composer, he could play no instrument except the guitar, and that very badly. pi The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in Ieav mlng power as the $?&& ATTLEAIDSHEEP Market Improving Rapidly Under the Wilson Bill. . AUTHEiNTIC FIGrUBJS And Informal ion Frovinsr This Fact Given in an Entertaining Interview With A. D.Hudnall, General Live Stock Agent of the D. & B. G W. Ry. Co. There has been such a demand for copies of The Dispatch dated Septem ber 30th that not one is left. The de mand is still growing. We have calls for it daily. It is wanted because it contains the following interview. To accommodate those of our many friends who haye not been supplied with extra copies of the paper of that date we have concluded to repuolish the interview, and we ask our subscribers after read it to hand it to some friend not a sub scriber, a republican friend preferred, for it contains the rich meat of truth that will do republicans good. From the daily Dispatch Sopt. 30, lbM. A mighthy hue and cry was raised throughout the land by the calamity howlers upon the passage of the Wilson bill to the effect that the market of the American stock-erowers waB thrown open to the Greasers of Mexico and that through this channel much of Uncle Sim's cash would pour into the lap of our sister republic to the south to the detriment of our own home cattle raisers. That the democrats had ruined the sheep industry and were now engaged in the nefarious task of killing the cattle industry. All of which oi course was false and usea only as a campaign ciy to get people who would believe it to vote the re publican ticket. It comes back on them this year as a boomerang. The com mon people can see this year the truth of democratic claims or last fall, and the falsity oi republican claims and will vote hereafter with tbe party of real progrers and not with the party ot false pretenses. It is a matter of common knowledge that the cattle and sheep market has beea and is rapidly improving. To get some inside facts, and reliable in formation for our readers, Mr. A. D. Hudnall, general live stor flgent of the Denver and Eio Gran Railroad romnonv- Mirif.c.rMj.W:'Ot6l. .Rob erts today by a Dispatch iiopor-nmi from him the following information re garding the improved condition of live stock trade over that of last year was obtained. Mr. Hudnall has been a breeder, im porter and shipper of live stock for fifteen years. He sayB the course of the financial markets iB indicative of a steady growth of public trust. Each succeeding week the wave of confidence gains increased force and is Bteadily carrying before it all the obstruction of distrust. Eegarding the cattle trade in Utah he says that native yearling steers that sold last year for $10.00 are now worth $13.00, and two-year-olds that sold last year for from $12.50 to $13.50 are now bringing $16.00 to $18.00. Thrae and four-year-olds that sold from $16.00 to $19.00 last season are woith from S22 00 to 24 00 now, and the increased yalue of all stock cattle has been fully 20 per cent, notwithstanding the fact that a new field for buyers waB opened up by the passage of the Wilson bill. And during May, June, July and August of this year 37,926 head was imported from Old Mexico, and the demand has stead ily increased. During the month of August, 1,945 cars went to the feed lots from Kansas City, the largest quantity since the market was opened. InTexss the Stockman reports 300,000 ready to go to the feed lots and two buyers for every steer there is for sale with oros pecta of an increased demand. More cattle will be led in Texas this year than during any other year in the his tory of the country. Regarding the sheep trade Mr. Hud nall says Utah wethers that sold last year for from $1.00 to 81 50 are bring ing this season from S1.75 to $2 50. While last vear there was no demand for stock sheep at all, this year the demand for yearling ewes has advanced from $1.15 early in the summer to $2 00 to $2.15 with a demand for moie than the breeders seem willing to let go. PROTECTION from the grip, pneumonia, diphtheria, fever and epidemics is given by Hood's Sarsapa-Wlla- It makes P U R B 8LOO D. Tn proportion to its size, I believe tht jumping mouse is tho most active and powerful of all vertebrate animals. This tiny croature no larger than a man's thumb is from 2 to 3 inches in length, with a tail about twice as long as the head and body. It is therefore no larger than a house mouse, but it haa light fore quarters, strong hind quarters, very long hind legs and it can jump from 8 to 10 feet If a mouse weighing two ounces (average) can jump 10 feet, liow far should a 100 pound boy of equal agility be able to ump? Figure k out for yourself, and whon you have ob tained tho correct answer, yon will prop erly appreciate tbe hind legs of this wonderful little mite. W. T. Horna day in St. Nicholas. Knth and tho Horse. Little Ruth was looking out of the window at the baker's horse. "Mam ma, " she said, "doesn't a horse use two of his legs for hands?" "Why, no," mamma answered. "A horse doesn't need hands as we do." "But, mamma," tho littiu girl per sisted, "I don't see what he does vhen his nosa itches." Youth'? Companion. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder We have had such a rush of Business that we I could not prepare our Regular Bargain Day Sale fl for this week, but will make up for it nes:t week -by giving Good Extra Bargains. M Watch this space ' I For Special Announcement, I Yours for Bizz. H 3Q and 32 PEWTER STREET, - - - PROVO CITY. I WHO IS 'TELEMAQUEr' 'the Mysterious Individual Who Staked Count Boniface and Caught On. Here is the first explanation of l hitherto inexplicable circumstance of tht Qould-Castellane marriage: Among tha guests at that most adver tisedof Amorican marriages was a man, newly rich, not distinguished for ole ganco of manner, breadth of education or for anything save an Inordinate and abnormal itch to "got into society" and a monumental cheek in furthering an ambition not uncommon to people of his antecedents. But ho was there, and all tha Four Hundred looked on and wondered, es pecially those that were not invited It turns out now that this hearty old buck of humble origin, small beginnings tation to tho wedding through Count Boniface tjo Castellano, tho bridegroom. As everybody knows, Count Bonifaw had very little money prior to his mar riage with tho American heiress. He was forced to borrow. Ho was short of collateral or other material security, but his socinl position was valuable in tho eyes of tho man to whom I have referred. Tho latter came to the count's assist ance and indorsed his notes to the amount of 200, 000, I am told, and thereafter was the count's bosom friend. Wherever the Count Castellano was, thoro was "the little joker," and of course ho got an invitation to the wed ding, and of course ho went. You can hot that this particular ex ample of tho newly rich never misses a trick in his social game. And such is the complex and hetero geneous character of our social fabric that, in spito of certain drawbacks, like the insect without wings, ho will gel thero just tho sarno. I havo not mentioned by name this Charming friend of the noblo Count de Castellane, but for an appropriate cog nomen I'll dnbbim Telemaque. Cholli Cnickerbocker in New York Recorder Schoolboy (wearily) What's the os of learning all this stuff? Teacher It is chiefly to cultivate the memory. Schoolboy Don't you think it would bo moro sensible to buy a phonograph! -Oood Nfiwp Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt m its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities mmend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drag gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro; cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, Do not accept any mbstitqte. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SW f3SS&!&, SAL 1 amsnais,ts sjysse&ss. GOOD THING HELP IT. 1 Good Advice to farmers. Do not contract your potatoe crop unless the party contracting same pays down at the time the agreement is made at least ten cents per bushel Call on us and we will tell you why. U.O.F.&A. Society, F. J. COVERT, Secretary and Manager. It is a well established fact tha sSm farmers who sold their potatoe crop ISl last season through tbe Utah County D Fruit & Agricultural society got from H $10.00 to $20.00 more for each carload H than those who sold otherwise. lie H sure and see us this season before you B sell. f Wm Are now Located in their Noxr Quarters on ff Street. jfl -- And are "Prepared with a Fine -Stock of- 9H Hardware, Stoves, Tin I and Granite ware and the JEWEL RANGE, I The finest line of Fishing Tackle in Utah County. Kods B from 25 eta. up, Trout and Bass Flies in great variety, jfl Any kind of a Eeel you want. In fact anything in the jfl Fisherman's line. HI L. D. WATERS, Manager. People generally are looking for H wealth, but many fail in keeping B it when they get it. One reason H for this is they buy inferior goods H at a high price. jfl The Provo Store, ' I . . . .HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL UNE OF. . . . MB Gioifisng, Shoes, Hats. Dry Goods Notions, Groceries and Wears 9 Of all Kinds, that are as good and cheap as there is ia ! Provo, and we invite you to come and see the sama IB before buying elsewhere. H The PROVO STORE I