Newspaper Page Text
H Jighest K;,. eWorld's Fair, B CREARI fl MOST PERFECT MADE. IH A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free K from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, B 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. H l HE EVENING DISPATCH. H PhtOYO 01TY. - OCT. 8. 1895 H Cut Kates Yia. TJ. P. R B. B To Salt Lalce and Return B only 75 cents. .Limited to Oc- Hj tohcr H Train JLcuves S:SO p, in. and 8 HH o only via. V. 1 K. R, TVc H believe ill the people. Stay H 3. 1V..CRAIG, H , Agent. H Meb. Haigiit, the insane woman in HS the county jail, is quite sick today. H Jons H. Jacobs of the Fifth ward H died last night after a three weeks ail- H ment. Dr. Allen, county physician, H B!iys there was no need oi his suffer- Bj ing or death at present, only that he H stubbornly refused to to be operated H upon. His trouble was enlargement of H the prostrate gland. H The Timpanogos society will meet H tonight at the county courthouse for H the transaction of important business. H Every democrat is invited. H Keep in mind the grand bail of next H Friday evening at the opera houBe. H Now ib the time above all times to HB subscribe for The Dispatch. B "I Have used IIood'B Sarsaparilla for H about ten years. I have taken it as a IH blood purifier, and for that tired ex- H hausted feeling and it always does me H good." Mrs, B. Lindsey, S56 . South B St., Salt Lake City, Utah. B Hood's Fills cure bilousness. B T'S iu9t aB eaey t0 try (-)n0 Minute H Cough Cure as anv thing else. It's H easier to cure a severe cough or cold H with it. Let your next purciiaee for a H cough be One Minute Cough Cure. H Better medicine ; better results; better H try it. Smoot Dru Company. f Hf A bargain A isrand new 365.00 H "New Home" sewing machine, with H all attachments for 35.00. Call at this H office. B T was a revelation to mo on going H into Beck's Jewelry Store the other H day to see the elegant new line of sil- H ver novelties that he has just received, H consisting of Trilby Heart and chains, H and the new fine gold long chains, sil- Hj ver belt buckleB and ladies' waist sets. H They are just the neweBt out. B The E. G. "W. reduced the rate to HB less than lc. per mile for conference H people. Patronize them ,75c. round trip H to Salt Lake. j Eobinbon Euos. 83.00 shoes at H! Farrer Brothers & Co. B Fob Bale Old papers at 25 cent BHHJ per hundred. Apply to the business H Office of The Dispatch. B A complete EtocK of pure wines and H liquors at the Smoot Drug company. H Just received A new lot of elegant H razors. Guarantee with each razor. H Smoot Drug company. B Howe & Taft are paying the high- H est market price for fish and game. B "Tug" Wilson, made people on the HHHJ streets believe for a time today that a j circus had come to town, but all he H was doing was advertising the cheap H six-bit return rates to Salt Lake over M the B. G. W. jBj The Ladies' Democratic club will B hold their regular meeting next Thurs- Hf day night at the usual place. HH Spectators will be admitted to the B galleries on Friday evening next at B 10 cents each. The occasion of the B ladies democratic ball. Hl Axini Helqeebon vs. Daniel King j and Elizabeth E King, his wife, is the B title of a new case filed today in the H First District court. Parties are all of H Spanish lorfi. Mr. Belgerson alleges H that he has a promissory note in his H favor in his possession, signed on July i 26, 1893 for $814.50; that there Ib due Hi on it now $366.25 and interest since B October 1, 1S91; that a mortgage was H giyen him to secure payment of the Hj note. He Bnes for judgment for the H amount, $50.00 attorney's fee and for B costs, and for foreclosure of the mort B Hj Editor Taylor (colored) of the H Broad Ax of Salt Lake city is in Provo H today in the interest of his paper, Mr. B Taylor is a refined gentleman, intelli- B gent and bright, and ajpleaeing conver- H Bationaiist. He paid this office a very H welcome viait. Hl Only 75c. to Salt Lake and return H via 11. G. W good till Oct. 12. B It is a truth in meaicrne that the H Emallest dose that performs a cure is j the best, De Witt's Little Early Risers H ar the smallest pills will perform a H cure, and are the best. Smoot Drug j Company t H Taylor Bros. Co.'s stove trade has H grown eo fast that they have been H compelled to open up a separate stoye H department, where they haye the H largest stock in southern Utah. Call H and see their "Universal" cook and H heating stoyes. H There are many pood reasons why H you should use One Minute Cough H Care. There are no reasons why you H Bhould not, if in need of help. The Hj only harmless remedy that produces H immediate results. Smoot Drug H Company. B oTT Set more bread for the price at H! Flora's than any other place in Provo, H Bemember the place opposite post- H office. B Plymouth Sis el binding twine in H any quantity at lowest prices at Provo H Hardware & Iron Company. f B Take your flour to J. L, Flora and j exchange for fresh bread every mom- B inp H . H. Harrison at the Enreka saloon H has A. B. 0 beer in any quantity by j the bottle or glass. B Boady iaodo Suits at Provo j Woolen Mill company. B Say, why don't you try De Witt's j Little Early Kisers? These little pills H cure headache, indigestion andcon- H etipation. There're small, but do the H work. Smoot Drug Company. in.inam.11 ,ii.'iu hid ii r',n-v.'juimgJ!mMaioggR Cut rates v la B.. G. W. By. to Salt Lake city and return only 75 cents until iurther notice, lour trains a day. A force of men are at work today flagging the sidewalk in front ot the Taylor Brothers company furniture store. The flagging is sandstone from the Heber quarries and when laid will make a beautiful and very serviceable sidewalk. A breaking of a belt at the woolen mills last night threw the city and all stores and public buildings using electric lights in darkness for about twenty minutes just before 8 o'clock. Marriage license was issued today to Jacob A. Phillips, aged 43, of Amer ican Fork and Mrs. Martha A. Ballen ger, aged 29, of LMeasant Grove. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of W. II. Lee, jr., of the U. P. railway and Mrs. B. O'Dell, late of the Western Union Telegraph office at Provo. They were married at Tooele, Utah, and will be at Home to their friends at northeast corner of E and lllh streets this city, after October 15th. Some of Serine Courad's choice corn is to be seen in front of The Dispatch office. Or. PriceTs Cream Baking Powder D. L. Dean has opened a real estate and loan office in Swasey & Martin's bank opposite the postofiice. f Plenty of rubber hose can now be had from the Provo Hardware & Iron company. Best quality, lowest price. A. G. BArtley of Magie, Pa., writes: I feel it a duty of mine to in form you and the public that Do Witt's Hazel Salve cured me of a veiy bad case of eczema. It also cured my boy of a running sore on his leg. Smoot Drug Company. The coldest draught beer in town, 5 cents a glass, at Eureka saloon. If you want to see the best bedroom set on earth lor the money, call and see Taylor BroB. Co.'s $20 00 set. It's a beauty. Nothing so distressing as a hacking cough. Nothing so foolish aa to suffer fiom it. Nothing so dangeroiiB if al lowed to continue. One Miuute Cough Cure gives Immediate relief. Smoot Drug Company f The healing proprieties of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It cures eczema, skin affections and ie simply a perfect remedy lor piles. Smoot Drug Company. Howe & Taft have opeueu a lirst class retail grocery store in c mnection with their flourisin-T busin ss at me old stand 28 Centre street. Tt - public will receive the same courteou -reut-ment given them in the past, .if you want bargains in groceries it will pay you to call and see Howe & Taft. " Draymen Lasher, Stubbs and Hardy joined in swearing to a complaint to day in Ju3tice Booth's court againBt William Meldrum.and Tnomas Jones, two qovb of the Fifth ward, accusing them of running job wagons without first having taken out a license. When trial came it developed that Meldrum owed the B. Y academy for tuition and he was hauling coal for the school to cancel his bill and Mr. Jones was merely exchanging work with Meldrum. Sentence was sus pended on both boys on promise of Meldrum that he would take out a license for one wagon and finish haul ing the two cars of coal he had con tracted to haul and see to It that here after when hia license expired ho will do no more of this kind of nork. It was a peculiar case and one which City .at torney Whitecotton expressed himEelf as disliking greatly to prosecute. There was no ill-will on either side, the com plaining witnesses refused to charge tees tor their services as witnesses. All they desired was that people, no matter whom, shall not be allowed to compete with them in their business unless they pay a license for so doing. That Joyful Feeling: With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleaniness, which follows the use oi Syrup of Figs, ia unknown to the few who have not .progressed beyond the old time medicineB aad the cheap sub stitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. A reward of $10 is offered for in formation which will lead to the con viction of any person bieakingschool houBe window lights or fence gates, or in any other way destroying district school property. Board of Education, by J. M. JenEen, clerk, Wanted: 2.5C0 to 3,000 good stock sheep on charts. Addrees W. K. Henry, Provo, Utah. Angelica, Port, Sherry, Claret and Reisling wines, 35 cents quart bottle or three for 31.00 at the Eureka saloon. H. Harrisonj proprietor. Acts at once, never fails. One Min ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that feverish condition which ac companies a seyere cold. The only harmless lemedy that produces im mediate results. Smoot Drug Com pany. If you want to find a complete line of fancy and Btaple groceries at the lowest prices, call at Howe & Taft's store, 2S Centre street Democratic Meetings for Utah Comity. The following is the official an nouncement of democratic meetings as issued from head-quarters on Monday evening: THURSDAY Ocr, 10. Lake Shore Hon, C.C.Eichards and A O. Smoot. Springville F, S.Eichards and Mat tie Hughes Cannon. FRIDAY OCT. 11. Spanish Fork Hon. C, C. Bichards and M. M. Warner. SATURDAY OCT. 12. Pleasant Grove Hon. C.C. Bichards and M. M Warner. TUESDAY OCT. 22 Hon. B. H. Boberts, at Alpine at 7 p. m., and at American Fork at 830 p.m. FRIDAY OCT, 25, Hon. B. H Roberts at Spanish Foik at 10 a. m and at Springville at 2 p.m. How m?e Fortune 100 for every $10 invested can le made by ourncw SYSTEMATIC PLAN OF SPECUALTIQN. $10 OO and more made daily on amall in. vestments, by many persons who live away Irom Chicago AU we ark is to Investigate our new and original methods, Past workings of Dlnn and highest reforencos furnfshed. Our Book lot "Points & Hints" how to make money oven when on the wrong side of the market and other information sent FREE. Gilmore& Co.. Bankers and Brokers. J Open Board of Trado BIdg., Chicago, 111. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report THE UOrtOON JOHNNIES. ions at British Koblcmon Shock Polite So ciety by Their Goings On. Polite society in Loudon has had an other severe shock in the announcement that one of the most oligiblo yonng men in the matrimonial market has engaged himself to a pert yonng person playing a second rate part at the Gaiety theater. The gentleman is Majoribanks, the eld est son of Lord Tweedmonth, one of the wealthiest of peers, and the lady is Miss Birdie Snthoriaud, better known per haps as the sister of Lily Harold, the comedienne and singer of plantation songs, at present gracing the Drnry Lane pantomime. Nobody has ventured to suggest that these two yonng women are not as gooa and virtuous as they are undeniably pretty, and it is a fact thai they reside in a geuteol suburb with tfioir widowed mothor and frequently take part in local church chanty con certs, but all that, with additional proof of severa respectability affoided by the fact that their father -was a cicrk in th Bank of England, is scarcely sufficient to justify thoir ambition to contract ai alliance with a family the head of which is a member of the British cabi net Lord Tweedmonth asked newspaper men in tho commons lobby to contradict the report of his son's engagement, from which it may be assumed that h? succeeded in arranging matters. But it would not ba at all surprising if the match would be ratified after alL oung Majoribanks, who is familiarly known to tho habitues of the Gaiety theater as "tho Skipper," celebrated hia majority tho other day. This infatuation is probably the result of tho latest fad among tho London Johnnies, who indulge in exciting ri Talry to score the highest possible num ber of attendances in tho front row of tho stalls where the most popular enter tainment is given. There is declared to bo the finest aggregation of female love liness just now in "Tho Shopgirl" on the Gaiety theater stage that was ever achieved in London. The same individ uals fill tho front stalls night after night. They are either very young or very old, but tho young ones predomi nate. Tho Sun reporter in the lobby tho other ovoning heard yonng Majoribanks boast to another sprig of nobility that it waB his sixty-second attendance. Tho other appeared quite crestfallen. He aid it was only his forty-fifth, Lon don Cor. Now York Sun. A ROYAL DORCAS ANNOYED. Tho Princess of "Wales Overwhelmed Tby Indigent Centenarians. A kindly act of charity privately per formed by the Princess of Wales with out a thought of advertisement ia nay causing her much inconvonienca Some weeks age the attontion of tho princess was drawn to tho sadly destitute couci tion of a Mrs. Thomas, a centenarian living at Burryporfe, and tho anoient damo was made happy by a handsome donation. This camo to tho knowledge of tho local reporters, whe naturally boomed royal benevolence. Tho result is that tho princess is simply overwhelmed tvith applications for assistance on be half of aged men and women and to judge from her correspondence there must bo thousands of centenarians in this happy country. Public notico has been given that the princess can givo no more, but the stream of letters continues to flow to Marlborough House and Sandringham and Miss Knollys, tho chief private awj retary, has been driven to devise a litho graphed form of rogrotful refusal. Many of the applications are undoubtedly genuine. One from Llanelly, Wales, for instance, is accompanied by dooumon tary evidence that Mrs. Elizabeth Mor ns attained her one hundred and fourth birthday on last Tuesday, but tbero are a good many undeniable attempts to swindle thoroyal Dorcas. London Letter. Mustaches Prohibited. This is tho rulo at the well known banking house of Messrs. Coutts & Co., 59 Strand. None of tho bank olorks wears mustaches, and it has long been oonsidorod a point of business etiquetto that all tho gontlemen employed at the bank should wear frock coats during business hours. A clerkship at Messrs. Coutts' is considered one of tho prizes in the banking profession. Some of the men are university graduates, many have boon educated at ono of the great public schools, while several have been called to the English bar. Some years ago an attempt was made to havo the unwritten law regarding mustaches re scinded, but it was found that a greater number proferred tho old custom to re main in force than were in favor of its abolition. This curious custom is also said to prevail n some of tho large teahouses In the city, while it is well known that 6omo Church of England bishops profer the curates under their charge to bo clean shaven. A lady who tried about three years ago to enforce a shaved faco on tho groom in her employment, and dismissed him at once because he refused compliance with her order, found that the law gave her no such power and was mulcted in 5 for wrongful dis missal and tho costs of tho action by the bulge of the Bedford county court. London Standard Mrs. 1'caiuMioan ai rront wlnaowj Officer! Policeman Yes, ma'am. What'B wrong, ma'am? Mrs. F. Nothing's wrong, but I wish you'd step into the kitchen and tell tho cook not to burn the moat, as sho did last night I'm afraid to. Pick Mo Up. I'm Goiujr a-Milkinff, Sir, She Said. Where are you going, my pretty maid? To buy a piano, sir, ehe said. And which like you best, my pretty maid? The silver-toned EMERSON, sir, she said. And where can you find one, my pretty maid? At Taylor Bros. Co., sir, she said. There the EMERSON stands, 'Tis the beat ever made, And no other I'll buy. Though you axed me, she said, f SHE RIVALS BELLE STAR. Qneen Dolly Bnles tho Cook Outlaws na4 Holds Up Unwary Wayfarers. Solly, queen of the Cook gang of outlaws, attracts more attention hero than any person in the state. Her word is law to tho Cooks. She accompaniea them on their pillaging expeditions and is said to be a handsome, dashingyoung woman, who possesses courage unlimit ed and whose daredevil recklessness ex ceeds that of the once noted Belle Starr. She wears a six shooter and a big bowie knife and carries a Winchester. "With a gun she is a dead shot and is cool and collected in timo of danger. Tho gang was camped not far from Salisaw, two stations west of Muldrew, not long ago, when she went into town, accompanied by two of the boys as far as the outskirts. Attired in short dress, close fitting jacket and felt hat, sho boldly walked into tho postofiico and Inquired for mail, after which she vis ited several stores, where sho did some rxading, carrying a six shooter all the while. Near tho edge of town sho held up three men, taking from ono a gold watch and from the others a small sum of money, then coolly walked up the railroad track, where she was joined by the outlaws. Dolly is but 22 years old. Her true name is unknown, and she guards tho ecret of her identify welL-"'51"" e"" '", THERE WAS NO STR4NG TO f?. Sat Bo Had Abundant Reason Nevertbo less to So Suspicious. There was a bright now 50 cent pieot lying on the pavement on Jefferson av enue, near Griswold Btreefc, when a bow backed man with a satchel cam ilong from tho depot Ho saw the coin while he was yot 20 feet away, and he made a sudden forward rush to get it The movement was almost instantly checked, however, and ho walked slow ly forward and baeied to tho curbstone and stood there and gazed at the coin rith a foxy look on his countenance. In about a minute a pedestrian came up, aw the coin and reached for it and put It in his pookot Observing the attitude of the old man at tha same time ho tamed and queried: "It didn't belong to you, did it?" "Waal, I swan!" was tho roply. "What's the matter?" "This is the queerest durned town 1 ever struck in all my life. I was coming up this street last year about this time When I saw a 50 cent piece lyin jesi about here. I made a grab fur it, foil jn my noso and rolled all over and final y got up to find that a, boy had a string on tho m-aey and had pulled it into that doorway." "And so you wero shy of this one7" "Yaas, I was shy. " "And aro half a dollar behind tn ' xamo?" "Yaas, I'm half a dollar out Bay, aro you in a hurry?" "Yes great hurry." "Wall, I'll hov to 3nd somebody olia then. I want to find a feller who'll soJ down with me fur about two honrs and post me up. I'm comin into Detroit once a week now, and I want to find ont what's got strings to it and what's lyhs around loose and kin be picked up. M Detroit Free Press. The s'ab to cover the grave of Robert firowuing in Westminster abbey hat. just been completed in Venice. It is of the oriental porphyry of which the poet was particularly fond. It has been put into a frame of Sienna marble, and the whole, thongh rich, is of the greatest simplicity. The inscription will consist only of the name and the dates of birth and death, with an English rose at the head and a Florentine lily below. FloTrcrg Dear In New Torlt, Violets cost only 50 cents a bunch, but the bunches aro very small. For 28 cents tho BrGadway florists mako up lit tie bunches for tho buttonhole of men's coats, but they contain only one-third of the original bunch. When a man makes that kind of purchase, he is likely to conclude that theiu is a violet trust or else that enough people aro not engaged la the cultivation of violets. The best chrysanthemums sol? on Broadway for $1 each. As cultivators would grow rich selling them at 5 cents each, some ono must be making good for the lato hard times. New York Correspondent Mrs. S. P. Simmono Springfield, Ohio. Walked with Crotches Rheumatism Eczema Swelled Neck Hood's Cured. " For two yearB I havo been sick, having been confined to the house for a year. I have had eczema for nino years, having Bkilled physicians, but received no benefit. Lant winter I caught cold and became Afflictod With Rheumatism, which put mo on crutchea. Last July I commenced to use Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before I had finished one bottle I laid tha crutches aside. After taking two bottle3 the eczema had left me and I was almost entirely free from the effects of a swelled neck. I know that it was Hood's Sarsapa rilla that cured me and I think it cannot ' be recommended too highly. Although 57 years old, I feel young again." MRS. i S. P. SiamoNS, East Springfield, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Pyrlfier Prominently in tho public eye today. Hood's Pills cun 1X """fr at 14 Center Street in the Hathenbrnck H building with a New apd Stylish line of ' m Dry Qoods, Notions, Shoes 1 and Qentfs Furnishings. I We are making Specialties of ' m Also a complete line of Ladies1 and Children's Shoes B from B to E width, any toe you may desire. Fine B Infants Goods, Embroideries and Laces in all B Mew Styles and Colors. B Keep your eye on ns 1 We will interest you. B Bead the Ad. Read the ad. headed "Free Course by mail with the Oanital City Com mercial Callege." It 'is a fine offer. Apply for it. Wauted. A male school teacher is wanted to teach school in school district No. 18 on Provo Bench. For particulars apply to J. E. Jones, Provo. Farmers Attention Money loaned on irrigated farms at 10 per cent, per annnm. Writs or ap ply personally to 8AMTJBI1 CORNABr. RnaniPh Fork. "Utah, JjJ CnlchcVcrs imi;i!!j Diamond Jir.ind. P EilYiliYAL FILLS w -jVV Original end Only Pennine A r1. "iwv safe, always reliable, lasics mi Bj f'lli ySNA Dxuist for CUtchaUri Eaglub Dta Vi fcySWfjS5vi7ion(f.BrariJ In Itcd and Gold metallic Yyw fcv S9JboiM. seaiai with blno ribbon. Take Vy 5 pii &Jno other. Jtfase dangcrovt tubstitu- V " )f ttons and imitation: AtDrngnsti.orsend-lc. l. W ia itiDipi for particulars, testimonials and te K "Keller for LnillcV n teMer, by rctnrn .A IF Moll. 10,000 Testimonials Name J'aper. N y Chichester CncmlculCciluJUonSquiiro. JoM brail Local Druiiuta. l'MJado.. I'a ALIAS. ;iUMMONS-INa?HEDISTKICTCOI)ItT OJf 0 tho First Judicial District of tho torricory 01 Utah, Utah county, J. A. Goodhuo. Trustee for Kate C. Voiso plaintiff, vs. D, C. Sagers and Jano Sogers, (itfendanta. The peoDloof tho torritory of Utah send greeting toD. C SagorsandJaiio Sagcrs, de lendams. You aro horoby requiredto appear in an ac tion brought against you uy tho above named plaintiff, in the district court of tho First Ju dicial district of tho territory of TJtah, and to answer the complaint Uled therein, within ten dayB (exclusive or tho day of servico) after the service on you of this summons 11 served within this county; or if sorved out of this county, but in this district, within twenty days ; otherwiso withiD forty days or judg ment by default will bo taken agaiust you. ac cording to prayer of this complaint. Tho saidaotion Ib brought to obtain adecreo out of this court agaiust the defendants herein for tho sum ot 4J,35,0O, fcr ten per cent, attornoye foes aud for costs ot suit. Plaintiff alleges that on August U, lbS3, as Trusteo for Kate O. Voise ontorcd into a con tract with tho defendants, whereby ho leased to defendants for a term or live years 600 head of sneep at defondunts risk and to pay plain tiL' lor first j car H'ia 00 and lor cpcn succeed ingyear tho sum ol 415'J,00 per j ear and attho end of live years to deliver to plaintiff 1,000 good healtby youngBheep. H wethers, and tho othor hall owes. That to secure the pa mentolsaid agreoment tho defendants, on tho 25th day ofUctober.lMW, did execute a cer tain mortgage toi the sum of $2,000,00 and the further sums of S125 00 and SloO.OUand 8150.00 each succeding three voaie, secured by prop City moro fully described in tho complaint as follows: Hcginning at tho northwest cor ner of tho southwest quarter ot section 25, Tp. 21. south range 1 west, S. L. M; thenco east 2.65 chains; thence south 12,25 chains; thence west 2.25 chums; thenco nor'h 12,25 chains to tho place of beitinning. Containing ' 3,24 acres. Also commencing at the north east cornorol tho southeast quarter of sec tion 2(3, Tp, 21, south of range 1 west, S. L. M.; thenco south on saM section lino ii 25 chains ; : thento west 7.35 chains: thonco north 12 25 ' chains; thence casiTBo chains to theulaco of beginning. AreaOOOacres. That tho usual decree may bo made for tho sale of tho prem ises according to law and tho practice of the court. That said defendants and all persons claiming under them subsequent to the said mortgage by tho said derenduuts either as purchasers, incumbrancers or otherwiso may be barred and foreclosed ol all rights, claims, or equity of redemption in thoBaid promises und every part thereof; that tho plaintiff mar have execution and judgment against the said oof endants Tor a deilcienoy Aluch may remain after applying all tho proceeds of tlio sale of said promises applicablo to tho satis faction of said judgment; that tho rlaintiff or any other party to tho suit may becomo a purchaser at such sale. That tho sheriff, exe cute a deed to tho purchaser; that the pur chaser bo lot into possession of tho premises on production of tho sheriff's deed therefor, and that the plaintiff may havo such other and further rolifcf as to tho court may seom equitable and just. , . For fuller particulars reference iB horoby mado to a certified copy of complaint hereto And you arohoieby notified that if you fall to appear and answer tho said complaint aa above roquirea, tho said plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho rellet therein demanded and costs of suit. Witness tho Hon. William II. King, Judge, "and tho seal of thodistriotcourtof tho Flrstjudlcial district, in and for I SEAIjI tho torritory of Utah, this 0th day of Septomber, in the year of our xiord, ono thousand, eight hundred and ninoty-llvo. Geo.IIavehcamp, Clerfe, J. Ii. Weaver, attornoy for plaintiff. Powerful I Legitimate. B Merchandising 1 Without stooping to any misrepre- fl sentation or catch-penny devices B The great strength of this firm S lies in the power of Cash capital B The power of reliable goods The B power of doing business on broad B and liberal basis Money refunded B on unsatisfactory purchases, B The store after which others fl are patterning, fl The store whose influence has fl been felt from one end of Utah to fl another. H The store that regulates the fl prices of other stores is H A, O. SMOOT, Proprietor, H Successor to Provo Milling Company, JSH OFFICE OPPOSITE U. "P. DFPOT H Mannfaotiirers of and Dealers in jflH M SB CHOICE SM ANj- H ERANBS 1 raWNG fl OE ELOUE fif ' 1 HBED. I Goo3l Treatment & Satisfaction Guaranteed jjfl Grain Received on Storage. Free Corn Sheller. H ID. S.. BEEBB, Ifcgr O