Newspaper Page Text
9999J 9j99k H Our Immense stock of Dry Goods H has crowded us so for room we j are forced to B Children's Shoes from 35c to 1.43 Hj Ladies' Shoes from $1.00 to $2.82 COME AT ONCE , 9 S3 S 999n i - Hb ' 24 Center St one door west of Pyne ccMaiben's Drue Store. H Sells Meat at the Following PRICES FOE CASH. H f BEEF- YEAlI " 9 Eump roasts 5 to 6c Eoasts 8 to 9c lb H Prime rib roasts Sc Cutlets 3 lbs for 25c H ? Shoulder roasts 6c Veal for veal loaf 12 he HH ! .Boiling beef 3 to 4c Sews 4 to 5c lb B I All loin steaks 10c PORK H Bound steaks 8c H ChucH or shoulder steak Loin or rib roasfs 7c lb E i 7c, or 4 lbs for 25c Shouldtr roasts 5c lb 9 I Hamburger steak 10c Pork chops 8c lb IH Bef shanks 15 and 20c each Pork spare ribs 5c lb 9 I Beef hearts 10c each Pork, whole or sides 5 to 6c 9j Beef t ngues 15 and 2Uc each SAUSAGES 9 Beef tongues, salted 25o pach " I I Co ned beef 4 to 7c lb Pork eausaS,e meat 8c lb HJ i Kidrey suet 7c , or '' iol f C & for 25c j I Rendered beef tallow 5c Pork sausage links H T Beef by the side 4c . ?3n25 I Hind quarters 5 to 5 k Werner or Frankfort 10c lb ; I Half bud quarter or Bologna 8c lb, or 81 for 25c j I Buttock 41 to 5c LARD. Hj I Fore quarters 3 1 to 4c Loose lard 10c lb j -- 3 1b pails 35c m .? MUTTON. 5 lb pails 55c '7te f rl S 20 lb Pails 81.95 H t Moulder roasts 6c lb 5Q lb ails g0 H Mutton chops leaf lard 9c lb Loin or rib chops 3 lbs for 25c ALL KIHDS OF CURED MEATS. B Mutton stew 3c lb Poultry Food every Wednes H Mutton, whole rsidt 4 to 5c 1 day ani Saturday. Hj " GASA PAID FOR HIDES AND FELTS. H " OUR MOTTO1: Lowest Prices Consistent with Best H Quality and Honest Quantity. PHIL SPECKAET, Prop. H W"j9lXiXj paper V&V Full Line of Pure Wines, Liquors and Bottled Beer for Hj Family Use HJ Prices the Lowest at r hv.itLSlOri Uhuli rAIw I bulVlrAriY B i S. PYNE, Manager. Provo City I j f irsi National Bit H OF PROVO. H r TV, B. Puts, President. 99j S. S, Joncb, Vice-President. Hj D. A. Swan, Cashior. 99 DIBECrOEB. 99? J. C. Geahasi, Geo. Q. Cakkon, 99 GiCO. TAYLOK, S. S.JOKE8, K E. P. Sheets. W. B. Pikk, 9 D. A. Swan, ? General Banking business Transacted. 99 ' Exchange drawn on.w York, Chi 991 cago, San Francisco, and all the Hf Principal Cities of Europe. 9 Bnfetv dopualt bcxes for rent st ii w.t 9! I " I i West End Foundry M AND- H Machine Shops, 9H lnsrinc, IJoiler and Iticyclc H! . Kepn.irH EJoilcr Flue ivelil- H cl or rcpl:icctl -vi til IVcv Onc H Iron and JiErss CastingH. H. STAGQ, Mgr. Provo city. H COURT UNION 8130. H Meetings held each Thursday B at Pyne & Maiben'e hall at 8 p. Om. vis ting memera cordially invited. H A. A. Noon, D. H. O. B. B W. J. Woodhead, O. Eancer, H "O rnos. Dkuoe, H ff Flnanolal Beq'y, FOR THE LADIES. GUT PAPER PATTERNS, The Republic supplies its lady read ers with cut paper patterns of all kinds for ladies, girls, boys and men. All of seasonable garments, of the latest styles, and at a cost of Eiiv 10c Each. Elsewhere they cost from 25 to40cts. Designs of new garments are pub lished every week m The Republic with an order blank for the patterns. Thousands of ladies in every State have purchased these patterns during the past year and never a complaint. They are invaluable and jrou can save on theaa patterns alone eyery year many times the price of the the paper. Subscribe at once for THE TWIGE-A-WEEK REPUBLIC OSLY $1.00 A TEAK. THE "TWICE-A WEEK ' will be sent PREE POR ONE YEAR to any person sending, before March 1, a club of three NEW yearly subscribers, with $3 to pay for the same. If you want a package of Sample Copies write for them. Address all orders THE REPUBLIC, St. Lmiin. Mo Hot Springs Sanitariifm nil ph. West Third South street, Salt Lake. This water is a sure cure for Rheu matism. Miner's Leading, Indigestion, Catarrh, Constipation, Chronic Diar rhoea, Palpitation of the Heart and all kidney and nervous troubles, Towels ajjd Buiw wgebed by Empire Laundry, WILL RECONVENE. Call Issued by the Democratic State Committee FOR STATE CONVENTION To Seconvene at Salt Lake City on Tues day October 22, 1895 at 10 a. m. Ana Issues Also a Kingriner Address Sottinc forth Plainly the Causes. The Btate central democratic commit tee and many prominent democrats from all parts of Utah met at Salt Lake city on Monday eyening October 14th to consider the present crisis of I church interference with state that ia upon us, and alter due and calm de liberation issued the iollowing serious ane solemn address and call for the reassembling of the delegates that com posed the convention that met at Og den on September 5, 1895: Since the nomination of the demo cratic state ticket, through no fault of the democratic party, there has unseu a crisis in the political affairs of this territory. It has been caused by the efforts of designing und unscrupulous republicans, who have used ana dis torted ill-advised statements of high church officials in order to secure their own designing endE. Efforts are being made to cause the people who have been taugtot to reverence author ity, that the dominant church of Utah desires the defeat of the democratic ticket. This conditiou of things needs the senona consideration oi eveiy thinking man and woman. It piesenio oelore the people a question before which ail others are dwarfed. It re lates to the rights of persons and the personal and political freedom of every individual. The democratic party, which has ever oeen the party of the fullest fieedom to the citizen, pro poses to meet this issue and to hght ltout that it may be settled for all time. That peace may come to the people of Utah. That the adopcion of the constitution that is pieaented lor the consideration of the people may not be defeated. It has no quarrel with any church ; it admits the right of every society to govern and control itd members in its own aftairB, eo long as the rights of the ttate or tho ricnts of other in dividuals are not encroached upon. Its grievance has been caused by those who are ready and willing to drag the croes of Christ in the mud and uuet and filth ot politics, to advance selhsh ends. It matters not whether this wb occasioned by innocent motives or in- noctnt action, the condition is here, and an issue has been laised. There should be uo injustice done to any man. There should bn no interference with ihe lights ot any church or of any in dividual; but (or the good ot Utah as well as ior tho good of democracy the question should be met in a manly way, and in a manner that the people will know that the democracy haa dpoken and will act accoidingly. " Therefore, in view ot conditions ex isting, in order that there may be is sued a declaration of political inde pendence and for the purpose ot de claring that no man or set ot men shall hereafter use the power or the name of any church or ecclesiastical authority to control the votes of the political sentiment of any citizen, the democratic state committee, duly as sembled at Salt Lake city on Monday, the 14th day of October, 1895, by uu animous vote, hereby directs the re assembling of the delegates that com posed the convention that met at Og deu on the oth day of September, 1&95. at Salt Lake city, on Tuesday,the 22nd day of October, 1895, at the hour ot 10 a.m. All delegates to the late conven tion are earnestly requeBtr d that lay ing aside all business and excuses they attend this convention for the good of Utah and all the people, and thus aid in settling once and lor all one of the questions that has eo long harassed all classes in this territory, The convention will also be empow ered to take such other action than that stated in this call as the exigen cies of tho occasion may require. 0. V. Powerb, Chairman. . A. McjJanikl, Sectetary. How's This, We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be curtd bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J, CHEtfEY; & CO., Props., To ledo, O. We the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Tbaux, Wholesale Druggiats, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin. Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. WARD COMEKENUES. V7ill bo Held in the "Various WardB of the Utah Stake of Zion as Follows: American Pork, OctobBr 13th, meet ings at 10 a. m. and 2. p. m. Lehi, November 3rd, meetings at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Edward Partridge, David John, Reed Shoot, Stake Presidency. Clinton, Missouri. Mr. A L Armstrong, fa 0id urne gist, and a prominent citizen of tbii enterprising town, &ay8: "i sell flonuj forty diffbient kinds of co&2h medial cine?, but hV3 never in my -experieHMj aold ao pmeh ofauy one article as I have of Ballard's Uoteheund Syrup. AH tflio use it &ay it ia the most norfeci remedy for Cough, Cold, OonRumption. and all diseases of the Throat ang Lunge, they havn eyer ttJed." It is ft specific for Groupand Whooping Cous It will re'ieto a Cough in ope minu',e, Ontaino no opiates. Sold by Smod nruc comoany. Denver and Return S20 00. The Union Pacific will sell round trip tickets to Denver October 15th, at $20.00, final limit October 31st. "How to Cure all Skin Diseases." Simply auply "Swayne's Oint aiENT." No internal medicine re quir d. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptioes on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Us great healing and curative powers are posiesBed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for SWATHE'S OlNfEHT, FRAGRANT VANITY FAIR CIGARETTES NONE BItoSb'tmE FINE5T I VIRGINIA STVRKI5tt ToBACCQ 6 TME HIGHEST SKILLED workmen empiped m making TME5E CIGARETTE5 VrJ5KlMBALL&C j The American Ijpfecco (b Succeayg Ucrllox. Berlioi was made miserable by hit wife. He married Miss Smithson, an actress many years younger than him self. She had prolonged fits of jealousy and ill temper, ruined him by her the atrical ventures and finally fell from a carriage and broke her leg, thus ending her artistic career. Berlioz bore with her in patience until sho finaiiy lett him. He was a tall man, of stern aspect and very dignified. In spite of his im mense musical abilities as a composer, he could play no instrnmont except the ?njtar. and that very badly. p ' i The papers round about keep poking fun at our Dutch coroner, hnt wo wish to at least say for him that ho under stands the flexibility required in a west ern Kansas oath. At the Carl Merry in quest he sworo witnesses with this rangy formula, "You do scholemly schware dot you vill dell do troot, de holy troot andnodting like it" Hays City Seo tinel j A Sound Liver Hakes a Well Man Are you Bilious. Consipated oi troubled with Jaundice; Sick Head ache, Bad Taste in Mouth, Poul Breath, Coated Tongue, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hot Dry Skin, Pain in Back and between the shoulders, Chills and Pever, &c. If you have any oi these symptoms, your Liver is out oi order, and your blood iw slowly being poisoned, because your Liver does not act ptoperJy. KEnuiNE will cure any disorder of the Liver, Stomack or Bowels. It has no equal as a Livei Medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottles at Smoot Drug company. SErtUlnu in uABRADOR. Yields aiany aiilcs Scjuaro Talrly Teeming With Seals. Late in February tho Newfoundland sealing steamers break through the ice in St. John's harbor and make thoii way to somo northern outposts, lying thero until March 10, tho oarliest date on which the law allows them to "go to tho ice. " They stand out to sea until they meet tho immense fiold3 of ice from tho Arotio ocean. Thcso fields are often many square miles in extent and fairly teem with seals. A great seal hunter told mo that the sea seemed uddenly 'converted into an ocean of seals andiice. The steamer breaks into the jam and floats with it or skirts along tho-edgo, the crew, 200 or 800 in number, taking to the floating ice and living there for days and nights. The young seals fatten so rapidly that sealers say you can actually see them grow while you are looking at them. The poor creatures are oasily killed, a blow with tho butt end of a gaff finish ing them. Tho hnnter then "sculps," or skins them, inserting a sharp knif tmder the fat, and with marvelous dex terity taking off tho "pelt" skin and fat together in about a minute and a half. A party ofjmen will "pan" their pelts pile them up to tho number of about 1,000 and thrust a gaff with the Bhip's flag into tbopan. When ther& are pans enough, thoisteamer breaks in to tho ice and haulsi them aboard with a lon'cey winch, or tine men drag them o the vessel's side. The Newfoundland seal hunters al ways speak of soals as "swiles," and for our word carry they say "spell." A schoolmaster who had been listening to a seal hunter '3 story said sneeringly: "Swiles! How do you-spell swiles? "Wo don't spell 'em," replied tit hunter; "wo most generally hauls 'em!" Gustav Kobbe'in St. Nicholas ptjiltl lyHti When a tnflo will buy the greatest heaHhg" Invention of tho day? Br. Sanilcn's Electric Ileitis a complete body bnltery for self treatment, nna narnntccU, or money refunded! It -will cure without medicino Khc:mintlsm, Liimbaso,- Sciatica, Lame linck, Kirtney ami Wier Complaints. Kcrious Debility, "Weakness, Losses, Drains nna all cfiects of early Indiscre tion or excess. To wealt men it i sne greatest possible boon, aa the milrf. soothing electric current is njiplietl direct to Iio nerve centers and improve- ! ments are felt from Sho first hour itsecl- i A pocket edition of the celebrated electro- i medical work, 'Three Classes of Hen,' illustrated, is sent free, sealed, by mail npoa application. Every yonnjc, middle-age: or old man Buffering tho slightest weakness should read it. It will show an easy, snr. and speedy way to regmin strength nnu. health when everything else has failed. The SANDER ELECTRIC CC, Jfo. 026, Sixteenth St., Denver, Col. AJso 'ew York, Chicago Xondon, Engi J pwsjatPectrQ'SJqdlMoncernlnthelYorl ! V irn...i.n nmnMii w. iwiiii i ii i i i nmiiiianMMgasBaBBa DEMOCRATIC PMTF0KMS Territorial, Adopted at Ogden Senr. 5 th Tne democratic party of Utah in convention assembled, reposing its trust in the intelligence, patriotism and justice of the people standing upon the constitution a3 a foundation and limitation ol the powers of the gov ernment as well as the guaranty of the liberties of the citizen congratulate the territory now soon to be a state on the assured success of the policy adopted by the national organization as laid down in all its platlorms. For the democracy of the entire ter ritory we reaffirm our fath in the per manence of federal union and , our devotion to the constitution and the laws: and declare as cardinal doctrines of democracy: First Absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority as a vital principle of tho demociatic party. Second Total separation of church and state for the sake alike of ciyil and religious liberty. Third The liberty of tLe individual unvexed by sumptuary laws. Fourth Support by the state of the public school?. Fifth The supremacy of the ciyil oyer the military power. Sixth Exact equality of all persons belore the law. Seventh The right to a free rallot tho right preservative of all other rights. Eighth That our democratic party is the friend of the laboring man in every avocation of life, and will pro tect hiQ interest alike against the ag gressions of monopoly as well as the commune. We believe the restoration of the money of the constitution ia now the paramount issue beore the country, and insist that both parties shall plainly state their respective posi ions upon the question in order that the voters may intelligently express their preteience. We therefore declare our eelve in favor of the immediate res toration of tho tree and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the pres ent legal ratio of 16 tol, as such coin age existed prior to 1873, without wait ing for the aid or consent of any other nation. Gold and silver coin to be a full and legal tender for all debts pub lic and private. We denounce the republican party for the demonetization of silver in 1S78 and for ita repeated acts of hostility to ward its remonetization. We call attention to the fact that the country was in the throes of a financial panic when the democratic adminis tration assumed control in 1893.and we congratulate the people upon the ap proaching reign of prosperify as a re sult of a democratic retorm "of the tar iff; and also to the tact that factories, foundaries and mills have resumed worksince the repeal of the McKmley (aw, and to the constantly advancing wages of workingmen in almost every industry. V e again express our hearty appre ciation of the democratic congress and president in providing an enabling act by virtue of which Utab is about to as sume its position as a sovereign state. We commend the action of the dem ocratic members of the constitutional convention in surrounding the taxing and revenue-raising poer of the state by such restrictions and limitations as to preclude any squandering ol public property m aid ot private enterprises, and to confine the expenses of carrying on the public business within proper limits of economy, despite the almost unanimous opposition of a republican majority. And we fayor the adoption of the proposed constitution. We congratulate the women of Utah upon their admission to equal political rights with men under the piovisions of the constitution proposed, and the democratic oartv for the earnest and able support of that measure by its representatives in the constitutional convention. We denounce as false tbe charge thnt the democratic party of Utah haB been guilty ot stuffing ballot boxes or other election frauds, and condemn the republican party for its un warranted and libelous attack upon the majority ot the Utah commission, and deploie the lack of principle shown by its attempt without any evidence and lor partisan purposes to besmiich the character ot honorable citizens. Utah County, Adopted at Payson Sent. 28th. Hon, J. B. Milner, chairman of the committee on platform and resolutions reported the following platform: The democratic party of Utab county in convention assembled declare as fol lows: We hereby endorse and reaffirm the platform adopted at the convention held in Ogden on September 5, 1895. We cordially and heartily approve of the action of said convention in nomi nating Joseph L. Rawlins and Moses Thatcher for United States senators for Utah, and demand that the mem bers of the legislature from Utah county use tvery honorable means to secure their election. With heartfelt gratitude we appre ciate the munificent donation of public lands granted by the federal govern ment to the new state of Utah, and urge upon the legislature the neces sity of passing such laws and adopting such measures as will secure to tbe Btate tbe most valuable public lands within tbe state to the extent of all crants made to it. and its public inBti- tutioo.5. We demand the passage ot such laws as will provide for the sale of state lands to actual settlers only, in small holdings; for the selection of suitable sites for reservoirs; for the presei'va tion from destruction or waste of the timber on the public lands; for the improvement ot and lands,and for the development of all the natural pro ducts oi state lands. We favor retention by tne state oi all its lands not susceptible of imme diate improvement, and tbe leasing by the state of improvable lands, when ever such leasing will tend to their more rapid and efficient improvement and development. We favor a revision of the laws ot Utah on irrigation. First, to secure and irrevocably fix all existing rightB to the use of water; and pro vide for an increased supply of water and to distribute all the available water fairly and justly among all per sons entitled to its use. "We demand the passage of such laws as will secure to all the people of tbe state the bnneiit of all land grants, and prevent, as far as possible, any mon opoly of either land or water rights in Utah. "We insiBt upon the expenditure of public money by the state for public purposes only, and for such purposes as economically a3 iB possible, con sistent with securing efficient service, and as may absolutely be necessaiy for the accomplishment of such purposes. There is no doubt, no failure, when you take DeWitt's Colio & Cholera Cure. It is pleasant, acts promptly, no bad after effects, Bmooti drug Com Essny, Gtaiokly, Ferraansnily Restercd. JTealraes, XerToaaaeu, SoMlUy, and all the ttla ot oriis from early errors oi 2 later exoesaes. the results oi oTonrork. aleasi8, worry, "Sv etc. Full ntrena ta, dorjl. j 1 opmant and tojoe given ta Weyery prraa and portion V of the body. Simple, niit. I (V) nral methods, filmed! e. n , .J,1' ate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 reference. Book zpla&Ation and proof dzoailtd (s caled trw. SRIMEDI0a0Q..Buffa!8,HY, Harper's Bazar In 1895. Elegautand exclusive designs for Ont-door and in-ioor Toilettes, drawn from Worth models by Sasdoz and CnAPUis. aro anllci Dortant feature. TheSo appear every week accompanied by minute description" Had de tails. Our Paris tetter, by Katiimnbde Fouest, is a weekly transcript of tnj latest styles and caprices in tho modo. Under the head of Nov York Fashions, plain directions and full ccrticslars aro given as to shapes, fabrics, trltnt. . ana accessories or ttie costumesof Jressed women. Children's ciothinprreu- es praUcal attention. A fort niKhtly Pattern-sheet bupDlemont enables readers to cut and maJco tiioir own frowns The woman who takes HARPER'S BAZAR ia propared tor every occasion in life, ceremoni ous or informal, w hero beautiful dress is requisite. ANAiTEniCAN Sebjai.. Doctor Warwick's Daughters, by Rebecca Hardino Davis, a stromr novel of American life, partly Jaid in Pennsylvania and partly in the far South, will occupy tho last half of tho year. My Laily Nobodv. an intensely exoitlng not el. by Maarten AUaktenb. author ol "God's lrool." 'Tne Greator Glory," etc. will bejrin tho year JEssnyd anil Social Chat To this depart ment Spectator will contribute hor cnarm inffpaperson"What Wo aro Doha?" In Now York society. Answers to Correspondents. Questions receive tho personal attention of the editor and aro answered at tho earliest possible date f tor their receint. Send for Illustrated Prospectus. The volumes of tho BAZAR begin with tho first number for January of each year. When on timo is mentioned, subscription wiU be gin with tho NumborcuTent at tho timo of receiptor 81.00 each. Cloth Oases for each voluino. suitable for binding, will bo sent by man. post-Daid, on receipt of 41.00 eanh. Title-page and Index sent on applica Hqu. Remittances should be made by Post-office Monoy ordors or draf avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment withont the express order oHak pek & EkOtHERS. HAEPEE'S PERIODICALS. ler Year. HARPER'S MAG AZTNE W.OO HARPER'S WEEKLY 4.00 HARPER'SBAZaR 4.00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 3.00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, en.d Mexico. address :HAEPEE & BEOTHEES, P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City. Provo Mall Service. MAIL TRAINS LEAVE. D. P. Going South 9:15 a m R, Gr. W, Going East 9:26 a. m. R.G.W. Going West.... 11:55 a m. U. P. Going North 3:37 p.m. Salt Lake and Balina East 3:55 p m. Salt Lake and Salina West 4:15p.m. HAH. TRAINS AEHIYE, U. P Prom Salt Lake 9:15 a. m. R. G. W. From the West. . 9:26 a. m. R. G. W. From the East.. 11:55 a. m. Salt Lake and SalinaWest 3:55 p.m. Salt Lake and Salina East 4:15 p. m. U. P. Mail from South. ... 3 :37 p. m orrics hours. The general deliyery, stamp and reg istry windows open at 8 a. m., and close at 5:30 p. m. The money order window opens at 9 a. m., and closes at 4 p. m. On Sundays and legal holidays the general delivery and stamp windows aie open from 11:30 m. to 12:30 p. m. Mail pouches close thirty minutes before the arrival of trains. W. D. .Roberts, Postmaster g. What Nerve Berriei g&Hig have done for other 'fj0 ilpHp foryu 1ST DAT.' fiSoSfeagl Y Jfl OF 15THDAY. Nv-jL VI E $$ Easily, Quickly 3 'nd Permanently Restored, soihday. - positive cure for all Weaknesses, tNervousness, Debility, and all theii rain of evils resultingfrom early errors nd later excesses; the result of over vork, sickness, worry, tic. Develops nd gives tone and strength to thesex 'al organs. Stops unnatural losses or ightly emissions caused by youthful norsorexcessiveuseoftobacco.opium .nd liquor, which lead to consumptior nd insanity. Their use shows immedi Xt improverCit. insist upon having he genuine H t jiVE &ERFHES, no other Convenient to carry in vest pocket .-rice, $1.00 per box, six boxes, onefui treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to curt any case. If not kept by your drug gist we vill send them by mail, upon receipt f price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet ft ee. Address mail o-ders to AMERICAN MEDICAL CO- CINCINNATI. O. For sale in xroo (Jity by the amoot Drug Go. Corner J and Center street, AND Kindling Wood. SIOOT & SPAFFORD. Uptown Office in Prove Gorl & Savings bank Yard Telephone 1 7. All Kinds of GOAL FTJENISHKP g H Pj$rr Course by Mail! irll WITHTHK j lfcm;rv"iw? Capital City 1 Commercial College JTO ADVEKTISE OUR COLLEGE We will frivo a thorough course of in- i 9 Btruotlon la double and sinirlo entry m Uook-keopinfr and Oommorcial Arlth-1 i motic by mull. Free of Charge, to al I limited nuinbor of persona. Ih.gtj i course will be completed in forty lcs-gj sons. No charge for Diplomas, ' Address CAPITAL pOBOCBRCIAL ! lUIIY UOLLEGB. j P, O, Da A.TTBE TO PEKA, KAB "Hap BlaG'ternl'' I DAVID MELDKUM. 9 Blaoksmitliing, 9 Horse Shoeing, m Wagon Kepaifing, Etc., Etc 9 J. et., IK I00S8 nortn o First National Bank 19 Provo. Utah 9 CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT f For 19 prompt answer and an honest opinion; -wrlto to 11 JlUiN it CO., who have had nearlynlty years Sfl experience In tho patent business. Commnnlco SH tions strictly confidential. AUnndbookof In- H formation concerning- Patents and howtcrob- H tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of median- eH leal and scientiKo books sent free. iB Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelTa tH special notice in the Scientlflc AmerlcnnTand JM thus are brought widely before the public with- fM out cost to the Inventor. 'This splendid paper. IH issued weekly. elegantly lllustrated.hasbriartho H largest circulation of any scientific work la tho BH world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. CM Bulldliur Edition, monthly, J2.50 a year. Slpslo H copies, '25 cents. Every number ctrautna bean- 11 tlful plates, in colors, and photographs of new H houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho H latest deslsrns and secure contracts. Address - MUNN & CO- asw YORK. 301 bboadwj.' Hh 'THE Senate leaf Market I Keeps alwayon hand K1 The Choicest Meats. H Home Cured 'Hams a!nd H Bacon, Bologna and H Pork Sausage. B PUKE HOME MADE LAftD. "CASH 1AI1 for JFAX CATTLE. Three Doors East of Cosmopolitan. fc9 D- iicFherson, Prop. 9 THE DEMVER m Rio Me Eiiii. i SCENIC UE OF THE 0BLD.- The only line running two through 9 ast trains daily to mM ASPEN, LEADYILLE, . H COLOBADO SP'fcJ. U PUEBLO & DEJWER H Effective April 29, 1894. 9 Train Df o.2 leaves Provo 9:26 a. m. 9 8alt Lake 8:05 a, m. Arrive at Pueblo 9 6 :30 a. m. Colorado Springs 7:51 a. m. 9 Denver 10:30 a. m. 9 Train No. 4 leaves Provo 8:50 p. m. 9 Arrive at Pueblo 5:27 p.m. Colorado 19 Springs 6:63 p.m. Denver 9:25 p. m. 9 Connections made at Pueblo, Colo- H rado Springs and Denver with all lines 9 east, Elegant day Coaches, chair cars iHH and Pullman sleepers on all trains, t9 Take the D.& R.G. and have acorn- H9 fortoble train and enjoy the finest seen- S9 ery on the continent, Shortest line to 9r9 Cripple Creek, Colorado's Great Gold MB Camp. Bl9 Train No. 2 leaving Provo at 9:26 a. MB m. arrives at Cripple Creek next morn- 99 ing 9:60. n' a- BES& aaffl0 Manager, Donvar, Col, 9 B. F. NKVIN8. Gonoral .Agent. ! H. M. OUSHING. T. P. A.53 V. 2nd South St IB , -a- ,,. "' Lake City, Utah. I IKFTOOPBRO. p AT A. nanvftr.ooir 9 IjEAVB PHOVOOB BArJT AND SOUTH. 9H No, 2. For Grand Junction andg 91 points East Hfl No. 4. For Grand Junction and I9Hh points East 8.50 p. m No. 6. For Springrillo Thistle, San- 91 potoand Sorior 3.55 p. m IBfl No. 8. For SpringvWo, Spanish 8HB1 Fort, Pay son and Buroka.. 6:20 D.rn 69HI LEA.VEPHOVOFOKWBST. B9 No.i. For Salt-Laie City, Ogden Am. 9MB Fork, Lehi and the West.. 11.55 a. ra MMH No, 3. For salt Lake City, Ogrdon, 9MB Am.ForkandLebl and tbe 9Kfl West 10.15 p. m SMM No. 5. For American Fork, Lehi, Salt 8991 Ia3H City and Ogden 3.65 p. ro i99l No. 7. For American Fork. Lehi and 99fl Salt Lake City.. 8:35.rc 991 ARRIVE AT PROVO FROM BAS'I AHU 99l SOUTH. 991 No. 1. From Denver, Grand Junction 99n and :pointsEaat 11.55 a. ra 99m No, 3, From uenver.Grand Junction MBfl and points East 10.15 p. m 9MI No. 5 FromSpringylllo.Thistle San- 99 pete and Savior 3.55 p.n. 991 No . 7 From Springville, Spanish F"k 99F Fayson and Eureka 8.35a. m 99k ARRIVE AT PROVO FROM WEST. 991 No. 2. From California, Ogden, Salt 99fl Lake city, Lehi and Am. ' H9V Fork 9.26 a. m pna No. 4, From California, Ogden, and 999 Salt Lake city 8.50 p. m 99H No. 6, From Ogden bait Laso city, 99JI Lehi and American Fork.. . 3.55p.m 99H No. 8. From Sail Lake city, Lehi and 999 AmericanFork 6.20p.m 999 i.Tho only line to ogdbn and Denver -without 999 change, Freo reclining chair cars on through 9M9 trains. Through Sleeping- card to DenVer 9M9 Kansascity, Chicago and Ban Francisco. -Bio 999 rant equipment, safety, speed and comfort Sh O K. AL r. Ticket Agt. Provo MM1 D. C. Dodi.'o-, S, H. Sabcack, MTflM Gen. uf gr. Traffic Manager IV99 F.A. ftadleigh, MtH General Passenger Agent. 9m9 "g3 u. SB SES fflUHX 23 2TOW OX. 999J v arJH rrzMl" 'F"rp 999 &t ?iS NntefR- v MVmI s&j'. ' ttostTs term 9Bk O. E, TOUIG, H SPEULTCES- H Sign Writing. HOMM Carnage Painting, 9iH9 Paper Hanging. 9V99 Shop one hall block, north of County l9vJ Comi house, 9mH 999 999