Newspaper Page Text
j e- "TSS Jighest K., -World's Fair, H MOST PERFECT MADE. H A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Hi from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, H 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. H LHE EVENING DISPATCH. Hj PKOVO CITY. OCT. 28 1895 j DEMOCRATIC SPEAKEKS. Q Meetings Will lc Held, in B County During tltc Week 1 Commencing August lltli, H Follo-wsi Hj 1'LEAST GKOIT. H Monday, Oct. 28, 10 a. in, B(4 Hon. JT. Hi. I&aivJins. Hf I.AICK SHORE. Kjj Monday, Oct. 29, 7:30 p. xu. B Hons. JT. Mi. Milner and A. B. Hl ' aslr. Hi A3IEKIC.AJV FORK. Hi Monday, Oct. 28. 1 p. m. Hon, Hj f Ia ItttAvlins. H JLKIII. Monday, Oct. 28 Hon. C. "W. HR Penrose andMr-s.JfattieHuglieh HS Cannon. H S PAYSON. H Monday, Oct. 28. Hon. M. M. HB Tuesday, Oct. 29.-Molls. A. .T. H SPAWSM FOSK. fff Tuesday, Oct. 2. Hons. E. A. H IVilson and O. H.lSerg, H thistle. Rl Tuesday, Oct. 2. Hons, A. HBi GrcemroodandWm Koylancc, Hi ALPINE. HBI tVedncsday, Oct. SO.-IEon. W. H IV. Husenbcrry. Hj LAKE SHORE. H Wednesday, Oct. 30. Hon. Al- HH ma GrcenOod. HHR SA3fTAlJI'. HHj Saturday, IVov. 2. Hons. S. R. HH Tlmrman and Alnia Grceu- flB -wood. H jlake view. IH Saturday, IVov. 2, IO a., m. HH II ons. IS. II. Roberts and John 8H T. Cuine. HfH LEIII. jH Saturday, IVov. 2, 2 p. m. HHHH Hon. 15. H. Roberta. HHj PRoro. IHflH Saturday, IVov. 2, 7:30 p, iu. H nun. 15. H. Roberts. HH AMERICAI FORK. HB Monday, IVov, -1, Hon, A. J. HHH Weber. HHHL liEin. ft Monday, IVov. 4L. Hon, H. 1. HHHf Henderson. KH. JPAYSOHf. HNflH Monday, IVov. -1, 7:30 p. m. 89HH Hon, JT, iu. Raivlins. fiHj SAXTAQIJIIV. KHH Monday, IVov. -1. Hons. . O. HHRHK Sntoot and A. C. Oasli. ffiB SlIfcIIVGVlJLi.E. jMHj Monday, IVov. 4. Hon, R. W. HbS&E Sloan. 6yHHj Childs' nursery and high chair, SEaSiH walnut bed-room suit for sale; piano to HHBH rent. Inquire Mrd. P. P. MeigB, 2J 9SHH and Second. ShH It was a revelation to mo on going JHHH into Beck's Jewelry Store the other eBmB day to see the elegant new line of b"i1- HHGBB ver nevelties that he has just received, ShRbSH consisting of Trilby Heart and chains, BBhH and the new fine gold long chains, eii K9flHj ' ver belt buckles and ladies' waist sets. mSSSBt They are juBt the newest out. HHH Fob Hale Old papers at 25 cenii HHH9K per hundred. Apply to the business tiS&SaM office of The Dispatch. BSHH A complete Etock of pure wines and BHBjH liquors at the Smoot Drug company.4 IhSSI Pebsons delinquent with city water HraHH taxes are requested to call at room 2, HSHI county courthouse and settle at once. BBI Office will be open daily till October Smfl Slst, ; t HSHH LeAvitt'b "All Stars" showed at SSSjjH the opera house on Saturday night. HHH The specialty work was fair, some of HBHPH il above tue average, but the show HBHsK would haye given better satisfaction it HKPB the farces had not been played. HHRH Judge K. W. Smith returned to Og- HHH den Wednesday afternoon from his old BHHlH home in Kentucky where he lias been HHkjHJ for nboul six weeks past, for the pur- BBhIH pose of improving his health. He is BSHIS.b 110w at k'B nome lD Ds cy an pas HBIh bean confined indoors since his return. Bfltt'Hj " is very weak and thin now, but it RJH i said that he is gaining strength HH H ' " 'within a few days, Ogden HH'JK it an rd. HBIShB "cn" T3, T ATcEwan will this eve- HS:fB eI iR '- the Parker (central) school- HHHH " hous- ! i only give "the record" of IHffH the c.-i e financial affairs but will Hfle f H show up the glaring inconsistencies and HHiiln iny(.-.';a;ies of the .Enquirer's latest Bfl published figures on this subject. Be H JH.., euro and hear him. IKkIB -' cotmitTk of democrats came aK$B Vfr from American Pork to-day and HBEgH engaged the Democratic Drum corps of Elnjl this city to go over there and help en- BH liven tnings in that city upon the occa- WBBBt Blon e &raD ra"7 there this aiter- BHH noon. Hon, Jos. L. Eawlins is the SShB speaker. BHHH Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder HHH AreCkUHiKUs'ia&sr Rife. Sea fteteteca, HH 'Bobiksok Bbos. S3.00 shoes at njHB Parrer Brothers & Co. nHH Thk Provo Meat Co,, have the most BHHj complete Meat Market south of Salt HBHH Lake city. MraH Thekk are many food reasons why mBBjm you should use One Minute Cough BBH Cure. There are no reasons why you B Bhould not, if in need of help. The SBH only harmless remedy that produces BH immediate results. Smoot Drug BBB Company. BB You get more bread for the price at HBH Flora's than any other place in Provo, BBB Ptemember the place opposite post- HBR office. hHB Plymouth Sisel binding twine in BHflBB any Qtiantity at lowest prices at Provo BflBHIB Hardware & Iron Company. t isshHhBHhhhBhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhhhbBI Wednesday evening the democracy in every'towD and hamlet meets to 'hear TJtah declaration of political indepeudance read.JEepublicans every where will meet with them. ' -The Enquirer takes the total figures that appear on the credit side of tho an nual financial statements of the city and calls that 'disbursements' and then says that these destrusements repre sent "the cost of running the city." Neyer waB an assertion more palpably false." All money paid out appeals under the head of "disbursements" and when debts are paid the money which payB these debts ib disuusred. The democratic city administration paid ov r 811,000.00 debts of the city in addition to tue current expenses of course their disbursements nearly or practically equaled their receipts. If they had not, no debts could have been paid. This is truth, tho Enquirer's assertion tbat the aisbursemeuts rep resent tbe cost ot running the ciiy is false. In addition, the Enquirer's fig ures are glaringly false. Go out tomsht and hear Joe. Mac haudle the En quirer's latest effort without gloves but with truth, tacts and hgures from the records as they are. Wanted. Good girl 13 or 14 years of age, to nbsist in light iiouse-knepmg. Apply at this office. Pbjssh fish and all kind3 of fancy and staple groceries at Howe & Taft'a at lowest prices.-Call and-see their olives and Swiss'cheese, just in. Just received A new lot of elegant razors. Guarantee with each razor. bnioot Drug company. Take your hour to J. L, Plora and exchange tor treeh bread eyery morn ing. " H. Harrison at the Eureka saloon has A. B.C. beer in any quantity bj the bottie or glass. m Say, why don't you try De Witt'e Little Early Kisers? These little pills cure headache, indigestion and con stipation. There're small, but do tbe work, bnioot Drug Company. The coldest draught beer in town, 5 cents a glass, at Eureka saloon. Oni-y. $20.C0 to Denver and return via Union Pacific Oct. 15th. Howe & Taft pay highest price for fish and game. oiTaxpayers of Utah county will ease lemember that Oc.oDer Slst the date when taxes become delinquent is near at hand. You are requested to call and pay your taxes at once and avoid extra cost to you and the un pleasant task of leveying upon your personal property for me Leyi Open shaw, collector, Utah county, Acts at once, never fails. One Min ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that teyerish condition which ac companies a seyere cold. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. Smooc Drug Com pany, .Notice prices ot meats on 3d page :s given by the Provo Meat Co., they are the lowest. Give us a trial and be con vinced, It's just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as any thing else. It's easier to cure a severe cough or cold with it. Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better medicine; better results; better try it. Smoot Drug Company. f Get your girl a nice trimmed hat for $100, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75, at K. A, Barney's. Judge Poavebs giyes an emphatic answer to the Enquirer's .Fountain Green correspondent by saying that all the correspondent says is a lie. If any democrat anywhere is endeavor ing to use church Influence for the ad vancement ot the cause he Bhouid be reported to headquarters at once and that man, whoever he is.will be ridden out of the party. Evary good demo crat will help Tide him out. The infant babe of Mr. and MrB. George PreBton was buried today, It died on Saturday evening. This morning at 10 o'clock some nimble thief succeeded in slipping un noticed a- suit of clothes out ot a wagon belonging to S. S. Jones & Co. which was standing in front or the store. The police were notified, but they have as yet failed to get a clue of the where abouts of the clothes. CoughliN was convicted of murder in the first degree at Ogden on Satur day. The jury, however, recommended bim to the mercy of the court. Th6 trial of George .Coughlm's partner, is now on. The annual reunion ot all factory employes will occur this year on Sat urday evening next at the Fourth Ward meetmg-houEe. Picnic, program and dancinz. No politics in this, even if it does happen that Utah's famous "blacksmith orator," Hon. B. H. Bob erts talks at the opera house that night on the living issues of the day. Howeyer he mig"t make an inroad on the factory's republican stiength if the employes could hear him. Could Not Sleep. "I could not sleep nights on account of the pain in my arms. I becan tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla and now I am able to sleep well. Mre. S. L. Osgood, Stockton, Utah. Hood's Pills cure sick headache. Heady inade Suits at Provo Woolen Mill company. Angelica, Port, Sherry, Claret and Reisling wines, 35 cents quart bottle or three for 31.00 at the Eureka saloon. H. Harrison, proprietor. The healing proprieties of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It cures eczema, skin affections and is simply a perfect remedy lor piles. Smoot Drug Company. D. L. Dean has opened a real estate and loan office in Swasey & Martin's bank opposite the postoffice. t A. G. BAktley of Magie, Pa., writes: I feel it a duty of mine to in form you and the public thatDe Witt's Hazel Salve cured me of a very bad case of eczsma. It also cured my boy of a running sore on his leg, Smoot Drug Company. If you want to see the best bedroom set on earth tor the money, call and see Taylor Bros. Co.'s $20 00 set. It's a beauty. Nothing so distressing ag a hacking cough. Nothing bo foolish aB to suffer fiom it, Nothing so dangerous if al lowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure gives immediate relief. Smoot Drug Company f Utah BUgar S5.25 a sack, and 181bs for $1.00 at Howe & Tafts. All good b marked low for their special salo this week. It is a truth in meaicmc that the smallest dose that performs a cure Is the best, De Witt's Little Early llisers ar the smallest pills, will perform a cure, and are the best. Smoot Drug Company f Taylor Bros Co.'s stove trade has grown so fast that they have been compelled to open up a separate stoye department, where thuy haye the largest stock in southern Utah. Call and see their "Universal" cook and heating stoyes. No fewer than thre8 babes, prema turely born, were buried in the Provo cemetry on Saturday and yesterday. Theee arrived in Provo yesterday a distinguished paity in whose doiugs and uiovemenie, all Provo, all Utah county, all Utah territory in fact are deeply interested. The party consisted of L L, Nunn. P. N. Nunn andS.A. Bailey, of Tellnnde, Colorado. Mrs. Bailey accompanies her hii3band. The gentlemen named are' the prime moy , ers and practically constitute the Power Dam company now operating in Provo canyon. A Dispatch reporter tried to "j;et an interyie.w. out of them this forenoon, but they were all mum Said they, 'We have nothing new only what will keep for a time. In the course of a fe days we may have something to say to you lor jour readers." The party went up the canyon this atternoen to look over the preliminary lines staked off by Engineer .Cramer who has been at workup there for a few weeks and they will determine just uhere the dam will be located, its size and just how much work will be done this year. The reporter was assured that tltere is no question of a doubt but what actual construction work will begin on the power dam right away and that power and electric lights will be Bupplled the city from it by spring. Ballard's Snow Liniment. This invaluable remedy is one that ought to be in every household. It will cure your llheumaiibm, Neuialgia, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Frosted Peet and Ears. Sore Throat and Sore Chest. If you have a Lame Back It will cure it. It penetrates to the seat ol the disease. It will cure Stiff Joints and contracted muscles after all other remedies have failed. Those who have i.een cripples for years have used Ballard's Snow Liniment and thrown away their crutches and been able to walk as well as ever. It will cure you. Price 50 cents. Sold by Smoot Drug company. The Corbett-Filzsimmons slugging match is commg off after all. The date set for the fight is October 31, and the p'ace, Hot Springs, Arkansas. A 3-foot ivein of solid anthracite coal has been struck in the Thad Fleming claim. Some very neat 1896 calendars are being circulated by the Utah County Fruit & Agricultural society. The Dispatch was favored with one, The republican city committee denies all responsibility for the lying circular,"ltead theEecord"printed and published by the El quirer and which the Hon. Jos. T. McEwan is so un mercifully riddling in the present city campaign by reciting to the people the facts as they are on record in this city books. There is probar-.sjno nonor in Europe more esteemed or which is granted to moro deserving people than tho ribbon of the Legion of Honor of France. Ite possession almost always implies hero ism, patriotism, self sacrifice, intellec tual power or some quality or group of qualities to which we all look up. It has just been awarded to Sister Agnes, tho head of a nursing institution at Brest, tho famous naval headquarters of the French repnblic. Sister Agnes is a nun who has devoted all of her religious career to nursing the sick and wounded, and more especially those of the French navy, tbat came to her port. She pos sesses remarkable professional and med leal skill and is said to have saved hun creds of lives by her tireless exertion -Paris .Letten That Joylul Feeling With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleaniness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, ia unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines aod the cheap sub stitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. A CLEVER PICKPOCKET. Q Was ; Russian and Alarmed and S ap prised a Grand Duke. One 3ay, at tho dinner table of a grand dako, tho French embassador ex tolled tho dexterity of his fellow coun trymen, as exemplified, among othei things, in tho cleverness of the Paris pickpockets. "I should not wonder if tho Sfc. Pe tersburg pickpockets could give them a start," replied the grand duke. And eeing an incredulous smile play around ho features of the embassador he addod, "Will you bet that, before we rise from tho table your watch or some othei valuable will not bo taken from youi person?" Tho embassador accepted the wages for the fun of tho thing, and the grand duke telephoned to tho chief constable asking him to send at once the ciovereaJ pickpocket ho could lay his hands on. The latter was to receive tho full value of every articlo ho managed to "annax' find be allowed to go unpunished. The man came and was put into liv trry and told tw wain at table along with the t)thor servants. The grand duke told him to give him a sign as soon as he bad accomplished tho trick. But be had to wait a long time, for tho embas sador, whose watch was tho article te be experimented upon, always kept on tho alert, and even held his hand to his fob when conversing with tho most dis tinguished guests at the table. At last the grand duke received tho preconcert ed signal. Ho at once requested tho em bassador to tell him the time. The lat ter triumphantly put his hand to bis pocket and drew forth a potato, instead of his watch 1 There was a general bursa of laughter, in which tho embassador himself joined, though with a wry face, for he was unmistakably annoyed. To conceal his feelings he would take a pinch of snuff his snuffbox was gonel Then he missed the seal ring from his finger, and lastly tho gold toothpick which he always carried about with him In a little case. Amid tho hilarity of the guests tha sham lackey was request ed to restore tho articles, bur tho grand duke's merriment was changed into alarm and surprise when tho thief pro duced two watches, two rings, two snuff boxes, etc His imperial highness made tho discovery that ho himself had been sobbed ar the same time. None Blntt f&jOT WHAT WE SAY, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla Does, that tells the story of its merit and suc cess. Eemember HOOD'S Cures ATTEXTIOiV FAKMERS. Bf you liavo potatoes, alfalfa -seed. Honey, ivlieat, oats, on ions or cabbage ly the car load, call on inc. Think 0. can interest you. 1VM. 31. ROYLAKCE, j Snringrrille, Utah. ABANDONED ON RONCADOR. Zho Plight of Two Wrccfcers About i& 13one of Vho Old Kcarsarge. A tory of tho manner in which th aalk of the historic old Kearsarge, now whitening on Roncador reef, is bjing iospoiled by Caribbean sea wreckers, ind nf the awkard predicament of two jf them who wore at work upon her, li fold by Mato Sohwolow of the sohoonar Frank M. Noyes, which arrived from Ian Andreas with cocoanuts. On Oct. 38, he says, while outward jound from Baltimore, the Noyes stooS dose into the Kearsarge's wreck. To tha mrprise of all onboard a white flag was leen fluttering from the bones of tho jallant old corvet, and soon after a jmall boat was seen pulling off from ier. Captain Asquini ordered the Noyes hove to, and in a few minutes she was ioarded by two bearded wreckers who laid they belonged to one of tho Carmen froup of islands. They told Captain As juini they had been lauded on the reefs ibout tho Kearsarge on Aug. 1 by c imall Eohooner, which was to call for Ihom in a couplo of weeks. As soon ag Ihey had settled themselves they began work on the Koarsarge. In a short tfhilo they had secured 600 pounds of jopper and about 200 pounds of copper bolts. This was all of value they could leenre, so they settled down to wa4t for the schooner that was to take them and ttseir plunder away. When they were landed on the reef, Ihey had a fairly good supply of provi tions. August passed, and with its going thoir food and matches went. Septem ber came and "your, and October had nl oiosg gouo when ibs Noyes was sighted md in a measure ended their distress. For nearly two months the two man had lived on raw fish. They had no matuhei with whioh to kindle a fire, although the Kearsarge offered them her dry tim ers for tho blaze. Neither had they salt frith which to flavor thoir raw fish. Ono if them had a piece of sail cloth in his south which, ho said, ho had been chewing 18 days in placo of tobacco. Captain Asquini supplied the men with all that was necessary to sustain them for some time to come. They would not leave he reef, for they did not want to abandon their copper treas ure. They appreciated Captain Asquini's kindness, and to show it they wished to return to tho wreck and tako back to bim some mementos of the famous Craft, A favoring wind made Captain Asquini decline their offer, and soon th Noyes filled her sails and sped off to Vrard Fan Ancrreas. Baltimore Sun. Two friends, a weaver and a tallur, became in time enemies, so much so that tho tailor spoke much evil of tho weaver behind his back, though tho weaver always spoke well of tho tailor. Upon a lady asking tho weaver why he always spoke so well of tho tailor, who spoko so ill of him, ho replied, "Mad am, wears both liars." "Humor cf 5uain How m?e Fortune $100 for every 810 invested can he made by ourncw SYSTEMATIC PLN OF SPECULATION. SIO OO anrtjmoro made dnllr on nraal) In. vestments, u. many persons who hvo avav from rhicogo All wo ark Is to Investigate our now and original methods. Past workings of rion and highest references furnished. Our Book let "Points & Hints" howto make money even when on tho wrnnjr side of iho market and other information sent FllEE. Gilmore & Co., Bankers and Brokers. Open Board ot Trado Bldff., Chicago, 111. Dancing:. Eegular dancing at the Southworth hall every Friday evening, commenc iug October 11th, next. The very best of ball room music will be in attend ance. All are invited. Tickets 50c. Sealed Proposals will be received by tha board of direc tors of the territorial insane asylum, for the furnishing of supplies for the asylum, for the six months ending April 30, 1896, consistintr in part of 1,500 bushels of wheat, 24 000 poundB of iresh meat, 15,000 pound? of oats, 15.0&0 pounds shelled corn, 800 tons of coal, groceries, dry eoods, medicines and salt. Particulars as to kinds and quality of goods to be furnished will be given upon application to James Dunn, steward. Tbe directors reserve the right to reject any or all bidB not considered by them to be advantageous to tho ter ritory. Bids must be sealed and marked. "Bids for Supplies," and directed to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of November, 1S95. By order of the board. W. R. Pike, Medical Superintendent. Provo Mai! Service. MAIL TRAINS LEAVB. U. P. Going South 9:15 a m R, G. W, Going East 9:26 a, m. U. G. W.-Going West.... 11:55 a' m. U. P. Going North 3.37 p. m. Salt Lake and Balina East 3:55 p m. Salt Lake and Salina West 4:15p.m. MAIL TRAINS AEKIVB, U. P From Salt Lake 9:15 a. m. R. G. W. From the West. . 9:26 a. m. R. G. W. From the East. . 11:55 a. m. Salt Lake and Salina West 3 :55 p. m. Salt Lake and Salina East 4:15 p.m. U. P. Mail from South, ... 3 :37 p. m- OFPICE HOURS. The general deliyery, stamp and reg istry windows open at 8 a. m., and close at 5:30 p. m. The money ordsr window opens at 9 a. m., and closes at 4 p. m. On Sundays and legal holidays the general delivery and stamp windowB aie open from 11:30 m. to 12:3 p. m. Mail pouches close thirty minutes before the arrival of trainfl. W. D. iiC-BBRTfl, Potrniptn'- SHEUHF'S SALE, PUKSCANT TO A decree of foreclosure and order of sale to me directed by the Di-trier court or tho First Judicial district of tho territory of Utah, I shall expose at public salo atthe front r'oor of tbe county courthouEO in the city of Provo and county of Utah, territory of Utah on tho 12th day of November, A.O.. IMC, atI2 o'clock m., tho following described real estate; Tho land and premises directed to bo sold by thisdecreo aro situate, ljing and being in Provo city, Utah county, utnh territory, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lotstwo(2)and tnreo (3), block eighty-ninet (fc! plat "A" provo city survey of building' lots, together w'itli all and singular tho tene ments, hereditaments and appurtances thore unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To bo soid as tho property of John li. Stewart and Elizabeth Stewart his wiio uttho suit of Edith Shearman and John Longmaid. executors of the lst will and testament of William H Shearman, deceased, Qermsofsalocisli. Dated at Provo City, Utah county,' October 21,lfa93. John A, Brown, Sheriff of Utah County. I H. 0. Edwards, attorney for plaintiff. BBS Uiiion Suits, 60c, 75c , 90c, B We are the People Who Self , Hj Children's All Wool bcariet Underwear at way MB down Prices. ' H Men's Underwear, good wearers at - 50c. jfij Men's extra fleeced, best quality at - - $1.00 H Hen's fine ribbed, all wool, DYED WITH THE H SAWlTABYOOLDYEat - - 125 H 14 OIHTEit STREET, PROVO, H Kead the Ad. ' Read the ad. headed "Pree Course by mail with the Capital City Com mercial.Callego. " It is a fine offer. Apply fpr it. Strawberry Plants. Parties wanting Oregon Strawberry Plants can arrange for them by calling on us within the next eight days. C. F. Decker & Co. ' Bid You Read It? The Capital City Commercial Col lege has a card in this payer offering instruction free to a number of per sons Did you read it? ?5j Chichester's rine'I't Diamond Bran'f. fTNNYROYAL PILLS V -. Original and Only Pennine. A j'jrtt safc alnaja reliable, lasies asS a J&,4 ISvvU Drosgist for Ciiclittcri English ifa JWAA f45y&Jsmond Brand In Bed and Gold meUllieV$y .ivjSJbaics. seated with blue ribbon. Tike 59r ' ?N &Jno other. IZtfuse dauyerous subttitu- V Ijftions and imitations. AtDruggi3ts,or9end4c W JM in PUmrl for particulara, testimonials and C j " Relief for Iodic," ' Utter, by return A If MalL 10,000 Testimonials b'amt Paper , yhielictcrOhcaiIculi:o..MmlWon'Squrro. Soldpi all Local Druadita. Vhllada.. I'tu ALIAS. OUMMONS INTHKD1STKICTCOUKT OP 0 tho Pirst Judicial District of tho territory 01 Utah, Dtah county, J. A. Goodhue. Trusteofor Kato C. Volse plaintiff, vs. D. C. bagers and Jano Sagers, tie fondants. The peoDloof tho territory of Utah send greeting to I). CSagors and Jane Sagera, de fendants, Youaro horoby required to appear in an ac tion brought against you uy tho above named plaintiff, in the district court of tho First Ju dicial district of tho territory ot Utah, and to answer the complaint tiled therein, within ten days (exclusive ot the day of service) after theseryicoon vouot this summons ll served within this county; or if served out of this county, but m this district, within twenty days; otherwise within forty days or judg ment by default will bo taken against you, ac cording to prayer of this complaint. Tho said action is brought to obtain adecreo out ol this court against the defendants herein for the sum ot $J,325,00, f cr ten per cent, attorneys tees and lor costs ot suit. Plaintiff alleges -that on August li, lbS9, as Trustee for Kato O. Voiso ento ed into a con tract with the delendants, whereby ho leased to defendants lor a term ot flvo ytara 501) head of aneep at defendants risk and to pay plain tiff lor first year 412o CO and for e?cn succeed ingyear the sum of $150.00 per year and attho end ol flvo years to deliver to plaintiff 1,000 good healtty young sheep, a wethers, and the other half owts, That to secure tho pay ment of Baid agreement tho defendants. on the 25th day ofUctober.lbOO, did execute a cer tain moitgugo lor the sum of 2,000,00 and the further sums of S125.00 and S16U.00 .and S150.00 each suceeding three years, secured by prop erty moro fully described In the complaint as follows: Beginning at tho northwest cor norofthe southwest quartor of section 23, Tp, 21. south range 1 west, S. L. M; thence cast2.G5 chains; thenco south 12,2o chains; thence west 2.2i chains: thenco north 12.25 chains to the placo of beginning. Containing 3 21 acres. Also commencing at the north east corner of the southeast quarter of sec tion 20, Tp, 21, south of rango 1 west,3..L. M.; thence south on said section lino i2 25 chains; thence west 7.35 chains: thonce north 12 25 chains; thenco east 7 85 chains to tho placo ol beginning. Area 0 00 acres. That tho usual decree may bo mado for tho sale of tho prem ises according to law and the practice of tho court. That oaid defendants and aU persons claiming under them subsequent to tho 6aid mortgagoby tho said delendants oithor as purchasers, incumbrancers or otherwiso may bo barred and foreclosed of all rights, claims, or equity of redemption in the said premises and eyery part thereol ; that tho plaintiff may have execution and judgment against tho said defendants for a deficiency winch may remain utter applymgall tho proceeds of tho salo ot said premises applicable to tho satis faction of said judgment; that tho plaintiff or any other party to tho suit may becomo a purcbasor at such salo. That tho sheriff exe cute a deed to tho purchaser; that tho pur chaser bo let into possession of tho premises ( on production ot the sheriff's deed thorelor, and that tho plaintiff may havo such othor and lurtner reiibi as to uiu court nitty ecuiu equitable and just. 1 For fuller particulars reforenco is hereby made to a certified copy of complaint hereto attached. And you arohctoby notified that if you iaii to appear and answer tho said complaint as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to tho court for tbo relief therein demanded and costs of suit. Witness. theon. William H. King, Judge, and the seal of the district court of tho First judicial district, In and for I SEAiil tho torritory of Dtah, this 0th day of September, in tho year of our jjord, ono thousand, eight hundred and ninoty-flyo. GecH-vvekcamp, Clert, L.Weaverattorney forplainliff. No Time to Talk. Right to the Point B 60 doz. white? unlaun dried shirts, any length of sleeve H and size neck, New York mills muslin, continuous BH seams with gussets, value 60 cts. they go three for 1,00 WU 40 doz. laundried shirts, made as above, value $1.00, they ' E9 go for g0c B3 22 doz. Men's Stiff Fedora Hats, value $1.75, they go for $1.00 H WE HAVE PUT IN STOCK THE H CeletaieSIoilierHfliiii Knee Pens I Sis I Riveted buttons, sewed with silk, double nee and seat. H Wt have the best line of BOY'S SHOES ranging in price 91 from $1,25 to $2.00, l EVERY PAIR C.U &EAHTEEB. H These Prices Prevail Until the Expiration of this Ad, H i A, Q. SMOOT, Proprietor, H Successor to Provo Milling Company, OFFICE OPPOSITE U. P. DEPOT MB Manufacturers of and Dealers in H choice MS m BEANDS j MILLING H OE ELOTJB It FEED. 9 Good Treatment & Satisfaction Guaranteed H Grain Received on Storage. Free Corn Sheller. H