Newspaper Page Text
B Jighest Kw.J-rorld'5 Fair, H CKEAH1 Hj MOST PERFECT MADE. H A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Povder. Free H from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, H 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. H l'HE EVENING DISPATCH. 3 P&OVO 01TY. - NOV. 7 1895 1 DemOobats did eome disgraceful HI scratching on Tuesday, but republi- HB cans did more and more dieeraceful. S The result is that republicans in Provo BS are split up into factions more Hjp than ever tbey were, Eeeba is accused Hk of trading votes for himself, and that Hh while being a trusted republican H9 checker. Nelson is accused of enter- Kjjj ing into a compact with certain un- Bjfl worthy democrats and swapping HB Knight and Third ward counci'men for HR Nelson yotes. The Fifth ward repub- HM licans did some work that displeased HnM the bosses, even if it was in behalf of HSg Saxey. More details could be gone into, JG but it is unneccessary. Attention is called to the adver- 1 tisement which appears on Hrst sage Hjlf announcing an entertainment to be Hh given in the opera house tomorrow pPi (Friday) night. MiBS Ruth Eldredge Kl as a dramatic reader and impersonator H has few eauals and no superiors. Pro- HM1 fessor Heb'er S. Goddatd Utah's fa Ofi mous baritone is too well known to Hpi need commendation. He has been BE specially engaged by the compary to IBH r Sing with them at Provo. A town of the exquisite muBical taste ol Provo HJ should pack the house to hear him. A W letter from Manager Bosenbaum to M The Dispatch annonnces also that H Fred Graham, Provo's own favorite W tenor, but late a resident of Salt Lake. Hjfl has been engaged and will sing with- out fail. The other artists are all high BH class and the program has been ar- J ranged with the best of care. You will H miss the greatest treat of the season if H you laillo go to the opera house to- Bj morrow night. Admission is reduced J to 25 and 50 cents. Pack the house. lHI Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder H It will pay you to call at Howe & PpH Taft'a if you want groceries cheap. H ThOBe who trade with them know they J are saving money every day. They are H never undersold. HH Eobikbon Buos. 83.00 shoes at BPJ Farrer Brothers & Co. PH The Provo Meat Co., have the most PPJ complete Meat Market south of Salt PpH Lake city. PpH Theke are many pood reasons why PJPPJ you should use One Minute Cough PPB Core. There tire no reasons why you PpH should not, if in need of help. The PPB only harmless remedy that produces Pppr- immediate results. Smoot Drug PpHI Company. PpflL Pmisn nsh und all kinds of fancy PpH and staple groceries at Howe & Taft'a PP at lowest prices. Call and see their PHH olives and Swiss cheese, just in. ' H Just received A new lot of elegant PPP razors. Guarantee with each razor. PpH Smoot Drug company. PPH There is no doubt, no failure, when PpH you take DeWitt's Colic & Cholera PPPJ Care. It is pleasant, acts promptly, PpH no bad after effects. Smoot drug Com- pHpa pany. H The prices for the Eldredge recital at PPB the opera house to-morrow night will PPyflj be 50 cents and 25 cents. PPJPJj Go to the opera house tomorrow PH night and erjjoy a rich treat. H HEBEEGoDDARD.the renowned bar- PpHn itone, and Fred Graham whose sweet PPP tenor so well known and appreciated PPP by Provo's citizen have been especi PPPP ally engaged for the recital, given by PpH Miss Ruth Eldredge and company at PJPPJ the opera house tomorrow night. Hj Mareiage license was issued last PPH evening to Alma C. Christensen aged PpH 26 of Spanish Fork and Mary 1. Hoist PP aged 20 of Provo. H Girl wanted Scandinavian prefer- j red, general housework, care of chil- H dren etc. State wages expected, ad- j dress James P. Olsen, Springville, j Utah. H That monster parade promised by K Graham didn't mateialize last night.Lt H wont materalize. Graham doesn't feel BP Guaiiam and Booth were unmerci- BH fully slaugutered by their own party. HBH Knight feels better over his defeat H today than he did yesterday. H Could flot Sleep. H UI could not sleep nights on account jHHJ of the pain in my arms. I began tak- BhBc ing Hood's Sarsaparilla and. now I am nsS able to sleep well. Mrs. S. L. Osgood, MBBJ Stockton, Utah. PAV Hood's Pills cure sick headache. Wm Get your girl a nice trimmed hat for $1-00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75, at It. A, SIB Barney's. VBS Heady made Suits at Provo PBS Woolen Mill company. BS The healing proprieties of De Witt's EBBj "Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It BBBt cures eczema, skin affections and is BBJ simply a perfect remedy lor piles VBBJ Smoot Drug Company. BBS D. L. Dean has opened a real estate BBBJ and loan office in Swasey & Martin's BBJ bank opposite the pnstonice. f B A. G. BAktley of Magle, Pa., BBB writes: I feel it a duty of mine to in- form yon and the public that De Witt's BBJ Hazel Salve cured me of a very bad BflBj case of eczema. It also cured my boy BflBj of a running sore on his leg. Smoot BBJ Drug Company. BflflJ A complete stock ot pure wines and BBJ liquors at the Smoot Drug company. Hj It was a revelation to mo on going BflflJ into Berk's Jewelry Store the other BflBj day to see the elegant new line of ail ver novelties that lie has just received, 1 consisting of Trilby Heart and chains, Hflflj and the new fine gold long chains, eil- flfl! ver belt buckles and ladies' waist sets flflfl They are just the newest out. B Say, why don't you try De Witt'B J Little Early Kisers? These little pills j cure headache, indigestion andcon- etipation. There're small, but do the work. Smoot Drug Company. H Howe & Taft pay highest price for j fish and game. B Fob Sale Old papers at 25 cenw per hundred. Apply to the business I flflflt jfflce of The Dispatch. r I m .ji '"wBaaHaannutm'k"' w 1 1 1 1 mUniiBin .or Judging by the bills the Eldridge recital will bd the best of its kind eyer giyen in Provo. We congratulate the management of the Polosophlcal soci ety for securing such an engagement, The Provo Hardware & Iron Co. are out in today's Dispatch with a changed advertisement. Fpad it. This enterpriEing firm fs deserving of vour patronage They carry nothing but the best of wares and at prices that defy competition. Complete returns from the three counties comprising the Fourth Judi icial district show Wilson to have re ceived the following majorities over his opponent Hatch. Utah, 103; Wasatch 23; Uintah county 59 Total,185. Geo. Rtndkus, well known in Provo, is down from the capital rush ing insurance collecting tor H.J. Grant &Co. The county sheriff and aides were telegraphed for trom Springville tod;iy. What for they wtu d not say to the newspapers. Renting another of those cases where the officers seemed to fear that the criminal would not learn that he had committed a crime until he saw a report of his deed, in the papers, a reporter made an ef fort to learn the facts and inform the culpiit, (who always of course is the only vJio reads the papers) of what be had done. The particulars Eofar as learned are these As R. G. V. train No. 2 eastbound pulled out ot Springville ifc ran into a herd of sheep and the engineer reduced the speed of the train, He was moy ing along slowly and had not yet killed any sheep. The herder leveled a gun on him and compelled him to stop the train until tLe sheep were gotten acroee the track. Of course great com Taotion ensued and rumors were soou started and officers sent for to capture the daring sheep man. His name couid not be learned. Just why eo great au effort to kc ep this and the paiticulais of the offeuse from the public is made is Dtut our comprehension, THE fVSQST remarkable cures on record have betn accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is unequalled for all BLOQP PESEASES. Acts at once, never fails. One Min ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that feverish condition which ac companies a seyre cold. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate resulte. Smoot Drug Com pany. .Notice prices ot meats on 3d page is given by the Provo Meat Co., they are the lowest. Give us a trial and be con vinced, It's just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anv thing else. It's easier to cure a severe cough or cold with it. Let your ni'xt purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better medicine; better results; better try it, Smoot Drug Company. f The A. O. Smoot Lumber yards have men at werk about the Central build ing, corner of J and Eighth, and in a few days that building will be covered With a roof. Leonabd Dodge has brought suit in the First District court against Thomas F. and John Topham of York, Juab county for 411,00balance alleged to be due on wages earned between April 13, 1893 and April 14, 1S95 earned as farm hand and laborer. It will be remembered that on Sep tember 13th the bond of one Joseph Hill-accused of fornication was for feited in the 1'irst District court and that later his bondsmen Jacob Jacob son of Plateau, Seyier county, with whose wife Hill v,as accused of having committed the crime, and Kicholi Johnson pa:a the b Jm of $-400.00, the amount of the b nd,into court. Later suit waa brought to Jjorclose chattle mortgage on sheep given by Hill to se cure payment of the bond in case of forfeiture. Now it develops R. Jb Nelson and William L. Christensen claim title to and have in their poses seesion the sheep. In consequence another suit for foreclosure has been died by Jacobsen and Johnson in the FirBt District court. Expenees in curred have forcpd their claim up to $525.00 and S50.00 attorneys fee and ac cruing coart costs. Dr. Farlthnrst on -"the New Woman," But, whatever certain adventurous women may think about it, it is suffi ciently clear that nature has certain pretty decided opinions of its own on the matter, and that naturo has so wrought its opinions into the tissue of jvoman's physical constitution and funo tion that any feminine attempt to mu tiny against wifehood, motherhood and domestio "limitations" is a hopelesa and rather imbecile attempt to escape the inevitable, writes the Rev. CharltH H. Parkhnrsfc in an artiolo on "Tbb True Mission of Woman" in The La dios'Home Journal. All the female congresses in the world might combino in colossal mass meeting and voto with passionate show of hands that woman's Ephere is coincident with the spherifcy of the globe or oven of all the heavens, but the very idiosyncrasy of her physic al build and the limitations essentially bound np in it will sponge out her mass meeting resolutions as fast as she can pass them. It is well enough for her to say that ihe wishes she were a man, but she is not, and till she is she might as well succumb to the fact that God and na ture had very different intentions foi her from what ho had for her brothers, and that ho recorded his intentions in a way that he has taken some pains to pro vent her being able to forget. I am real ly sorry for those women that wisn they were men. I wish thoy were. It would be such a relief to tho rest of ub is Will as to thqm .Notice. A full attendance is requested of the members Deborah Rebbecci lodge 6 I. O. O. F. Friday evening, Nov. 9th. Bus neE3 of importance. Mrs, Lizzie Sutton, N. G The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder Superior to ail oftsjR If you want to see the best bedroom set on earth tor the money, call and see Taylor Bros. Co.'s $20 00 set. It's a beauty. Nothing so distressing as a hacking cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from it. Nothing so dangerous if al lowed to continue. One Miuute Cough Cure gives immediate relief. Smoot Drug Company f It iB a truth in meaicme that the smallest dose that peiforms a cure is the best, De Witt's J ittle Early Risers ar the smallest pills will perform a cure, and are the best. Smoot Drug Company f Taylor Bros Co.'s stove trade has grown eo fast that they have been compelled to open up a separate stoye department, where they have the largest stock in southern Utah. Call and Bee their "Uniyti'sal" cook and heating stoves. -'- - .... A CUEVER PICKPOCKET. & Was ft "Russian and Alarmed and fin prised a Grand Duke. One 3ay, at the dinner table of 6 grand duke, tho French embassador ex lolled tho dexterity of his fellow coun trymen, ns exemplified, among othen things, in the cleverness of the Pari piokpockots. "I should not wonder if the St. Pe tersburg pickpockets could givo them a i itart," replied the grand duke. And seeing an incredulous smile play around She features of the embassador he added. "Will you bet that, before we rise from ho table your watch or some other valuable will not bo taken from yom person?" Tho embassador accepted tho wage or the fun of the thing, and the grand duke telephoned to the chief constable asMDg him to send at once the eWeres pickpocket he could lay his hands on. The latter was to receive the full valuj of every article he managed to "annex fend be allowed to go unpunished. The man caino and was put into liv ery and told tv wait at table along with the other servants. Tho grand duke told bim to give him a sign as soon as he bad accomplished tho trick. But h? had to wait a long tiibe, for tho embas lador, whoso watch was the article tc be esperimonted upon, always kept on tho alert, and even held his hand to his fob when conversing with the most dis tinguished guests at tho table. Ac last ihe grand duke received the preconcert ed signal. Ho at once requested the em bassador to tell him tho time. The lat ter triumphantly put his hand to hit pocket and drew forth a potato, instead of his watch I There was a general burst of laughter, in which the embassador himself joined, though with a wry iac$ for he was unmistakably annoyed. To conceal his feelings he would take & pinch of snuff his snuffbox was gonel Then he missed tho seal ring from hh finger, and lastly tho gold toothpick which he always carried about with him In a little case. Amid the hilarity of the guests the sham lackey was request ed to restore the articles, bur the grand duke's merriment was ohanged into xlarm and surprise when the thief pro duced two w atohes, two rings, two snuff boxes, etc His imperial highness made tho discovory that he himself had bees robbed a the same time. Neue Blatb Women Who Mold Opinion, New York is so vast and wealthy & community that it seems impossible to satisfy the demand for talent of all sorts. Tho city itself does not appear to pro duce enough for its own wants and so draws from tho outside world. There Is a constant stream of bright, intelligent women flowing iuto'tho metropolis, and yet there is always room for more. It is hard to keep a record of all who come, as most of them respond to engagements of which the publio knows nothing. Of the many newcomers Miss Esther Singleton makes a speoialty of literary and musical essays and novel entertain ments, in which poetry, song and the piano are components. She has a de lightful way of illustrating history, drama and verse with musioal composi tions. Miss Louise Stockton is emphat ically a great literary teacher and mas ter. She makes books living beings and makes even the dullest realize the or ganic relation botween literature and daily life. Hiss Beaston is an apostle of contemporaneous literature. She strivea to induce women to read carefully Amerioan history, to understand what is going on around them and to master the great authorities in order to compre hend reourrent facts and questions, Miss Martina Johnstone is musio per sonified. She is a master of its art and soience. She can at a glanco determine the strength and weakness of any stu dent or amateur. Miss Mary Proctor makes astronomy and mathematics simple and wonder fully fascinating. Miss Jessio H. Ban croft is the leader of physical culture, or muscular Christianity. In this field she finds tho secret of health, beauty, grace, endurance and the power to work mtiringly with either mind or body. Miss Field and Miss Yates are both fine oriental scholars. Miss Stephens is an authority on South American topics. TheEe and many others are a power in tho parlor as well as on tho platform They are leading their sisters upward into a higher and broader culture. Margherita Arlina Hamm in New Jfork Mail and Express. Pdtn Joae and the Prlvacccr. The French embassador, tho Duo d6 Vauguyon, committed tho astounding faux pas of suggesting to Paul Jones that he take command of a French pri vateer and thus escape from his danger ous situation in theTexel. Paul Jones' reply to this was an instant and haughty demand for an apology, which was promptly forthcoming. No man hated privatoering and its "infernal prac tices," as he calls them, more cordially than Paul Jones. He wroto of privateers as "liconsed robbers," aud was natural ly indiguant at the affront offered him Some years afterward in a French port he had an amusing controversy on the subject with Captain Truxton, after ward the celebrated commodcra, Trux ton waa then in the humble capacity of captain of a private ship bent on plun der. He had the assurance to raise a pennant in the presence of Paur Jones without asking his permission and in defiance of tho act of congress forbid ding a privateer to hoist a pennant un der such circumstancos without tho per mission of a naval ship's commander. They had a tart correspondence, and Commodore Truxton was ovidontly mightier with the sword than with tar pon, as Paul Jones writes of him that thero aro in his letter "several words 1 do not understand and cannot find in tho dictionary. " Paul Jones sent him "a polito messago" to haul down the pennant. This being disregarded, an other polito message and Lieutenant Richard Deal with two armed boatf were sent, and the pennant came down Two friends, a weaver and a. talli-, became in rime enemies, so much so dial tho tailor spoke much evil of the weaver behind his back, though fl.e caer always spoke well of tho tailor. Upon a lady asking the weaver why In always spoke so well of tho tailor, wit spoke so ill of him, ho replied, "Mad am, wo are both liars." "Humor ci Spain. " That Joyful Feeliucr With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleaniness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, ia unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines aod the cheap sub stitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. I III I l I III II mi m JLJ, l m J I', l. br n,iriTrr imi Worthy Your Confidence. The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conquering scrofula in whatever way it may manifest itself is vouched for by thousands who were seveiely afflict ed by thiB prevalent oisease, hut who now rejoice over a ptroianent cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack the glandB of the neck, or break out in dreadful running sores on the body and limbs. Attacking the mucous mem brane, it may develope into catarrh or lodging in the lungs lead to consump tion. Come as it may, a faithful coura of treatment with Hood's Sarsa parilla will overcome it, for working upon the foundation of all diseases, im pure blood, the system is clarified and vitalized, and vigor, strength and health restored to the body. vjnio rortnrc In Marocco. A charge had been laid at MuJal Omar's door that of ha f ing ordered the music of tho drums and fifes to cease on tho occasion of the announce ment of Mnlai Abdul Aziz's succession to the throne. On the players refusing, hi? highners sent a slave, who enforce'd silence by splitting up the" drums with a dagger. For this act of treason lie was afterward punished by having tho flesh of his hand sliced, the wound fill ed with salt and tho wholohand sewed up in leather. It is a common belief that this pun tshment causes mortification to set in, and that tho hand decomposes, butbuoh is not tho case, for by tho time ihe leather wears off the wound is healod the result being that tho hand is render ed useless and remains closed forever It is a punishment not often in use, but is sometimes done in cases of murder oj constant theft, as, without in any waj injuring the health of the man, it pre vents his committing tho crimo a second time or for the hundredth time, as the case may be. It is a punishment that cannot bo applied except by tho sultan'r orders. Blackwood's Magazine. flsrr LUienrbal has tor several wt5c cean making attempts at flying frois a little hill artificially thrown up foi iho purpose near Gross Lichterfelde, i tho reighborhocd of Berlin. This enter prising engineer mounted the hill wit! two immense wings fiastened to hif ehoulderi. Then, half running, half fly ing, he attempted tho descent, but fro queufcly his wings sank helpless whea calf way down, sud ho never bacceeded in reaching tba foot. One day, however, the wings bora the Qieriwenter a little further, but only to let brm fall into a neighboring pond. His w'ngs were iroen and he himself wounded, but fc will probably enow his attempts. London fitar, How Fortune 8100 for every 10 invested can lo made ly oui-new SYSTEMATIC. PUlN OF SPECULATION. $10 00 and moro made daily on amall in. vestments, by many persona who live away from fhicngo All wo ark is to investigate our now and original methods. Past workings of nlnn and highest references furnished. Our Book let ".Points ic Hints how to make money even when on the wr ng side of iho -narket and other information sentritEE. Gilmore & Co., Bankers and Brokers. Onen Board of Trade Bids:., Chicago. 111. Jlf yon liuve potatoes, alfalfa, seed, lionoy, -n lieal, oats on ions or cal!ajro ly t!ie car load, call on me. 'i'liinlc 1 can interest yon. Springville, KJtali. Use Jfure Water. Parties desirous of taking" the city water will do well to call on the super intendent for the cost of connection with the water mains. Bates or any other question pertaining to cost and use of the city water kindlv answered Era Hos'ibk, Sunt. Dauciugf, Eegular dancing at the South worth hall every Friday evening, commenc iug October 11th, next. The verv best of ball room music will ly in attend ance. All aro invi ed. Tickets 50c. Highest Cash Prices. Until the middle of November, I will buy steers from live month's old up for cash. Also two car loads of fat cows. Will p.y top prices. Jessk Knight. Provo, Utah. Notice. Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm heretofore existing under the name and style of Malcolm A Huphes doing business in the citv of Spanish Pork, Utah county. Utah ter ritory is thiB day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. David T. Malcolm having pur chased the entire interest of Mr, Wit Ham B. Huehes m the concern, will as sume all debts and liabilities of the firm and will collect all outstanding accounts due. David T. Malcolm. William B.Hughes. Spanish Fork, October. 31, 1895. WANTED: a reliab e, active gentleman " or Jadr to travel lo- reliable established house SaluiySTSO. paablo 815 weekly, and money advanced for axpenees Situation steady, Hoferonces Enclose solf-addressed stamped onvelone. H. E. Hoss, President ChiciiKO. SffiOOTDRHCCnMPAHY . -- e3y jv THE TEETII must have care or they'll surely decav. Lone bpfore they decoy, however, they'll look the neglect they suffer and reflect no credit upon thpir possessor. Take care of your teeth for your own sake as wpII as for that of others. The dentist can never replace what nature has given you. Brushes are the best teeth preserrers, of wl ich we haye a fine assortment, both lmnorled and American. Those who use poor brushes are always biking new ones. We guar antee a good tonlh brush and charge vou but littif for it. Smoot Dhug Company; I. X ij "IT" "HT5! & T 1 ""W ?$ "ys el dStiaBi ffiimiJ - 3L ffi M , jj J nTniiBiinTf iia-&--& A a PBfl 'T'ff- TT "-'i -i "-111- ' -'i'i '- i"Vi"i TWIT Yi V" "MTli f "ill II In " MlirWJJJlhMtJU1 .MWWtWHMMa,- BH Anything you want from B width to E E. H Pointed toes, narrow square, black with H Colored stiching, elastic Gaters witi on? H without large buttons, etc., etc., SB We have Ladies' Shoes at the following prices aji ood value" HB $1 00, $1.25, $1 50, $1.75, $3,00, $2 25, J H $2.50, $2 75, 3.00, 3.75, 4.50. H See hand bills for our On Thursday, Oct. 31st. " BB 14 CENTER STREET,' PROVO. Head the Ad. Read the ad. headecL "Free Course by mail with the Oanital City Com mercial Callege." It is a fine offer. Apply for it. Strawberry Plants. Parties wanting Oregon Strawberry Flauts can arrange for them by calling on us within the next eight days. C. F. Decker & Co. Did You Bead It? The Cilpital City Commercial Col lege has a card in this pauer offering instruction free to a number of per sons Did you read it? Pennyroyal pillb v -S OrlchmlnmlOnly Ocnnlnc A y.j '4v rc. always reliable, lasies ask . JV fcOM. I"u85l' for Chlchtsters rnaluh Dm 5Jv cr?Sh,7,oni ETand n Kwl and GMd metallicNoy Tk -VBi'.Jboxw, seaiol with Woe ribbon. T-Io YR' ' 1 5tYSno other. Eefiuedauytrouasubsttfu V fjft ions and imitations A&Dratstfl,ors-nd4c. v Jfif in .t&mps for particalaro, testimonials and V V S? " Kellcf Tor Lnillrn," In letter, br return ' Moll. 10,000 Testimonials, bame Paper ,7" "" OhIcheterCneralcalCo..lInilUon qua! a Cold 6xaU Local Druzniita. I'MIuiln.. I'u. ALIAS JUMAIONS JNTHED1STBICTCODKT Olf KJ tbo First Judicial District of tho territory ol Ut "i Utah county. J. ' lodhuo. Trustee for Kato C. Volse plalunn. vs. 1). C. bnKors and Jauo Sagors, delcndants. Tlio people of tho territory of Utah send greeting toD. C Sagors and Jane Sagers, de lendants. You are Hereby required to appear in an ac tion brought against you oy the above named plaintiff, in the district court of the First Ju dicial district of tho territory of TJtah, and to answer tho complaint UJed therein, within ten days (occlusive ot tho day of service) after tho service on vouol this summons If served within this county; or ifsorved out ol this county, but in this district, within twenty days; otherwise within lorty days or judg ment by doiault will bo taken against you. ac cording to pruyer of this complaint. Tho said action is brought to obtain a decree out of this court against tho defendants herein for tho sum ot fJ.Sio.CO, fcr ten per cent, attorneys fees and for costs otsuit. Plaintilf alleges that on August 11, 1889, as Trustee for Kuto O. Volse entered into a con trace with tho defendants, whereby ho leased to dclendanta lor a term ot five years 50U head of sneep at defendants risfe and to pay plain tilf lor Urst year tl2o L0 and for eech succeed ingyear tho suinot 815J.0O per year and attho end of live years to deliver to plain ti IT 1,000 good lmalttj young sheep, Yi wethers, and ihe other hall owts. That to secure tho pa' -mentofsaid agreement tho defendants. on tho3th day oftictobor.lbOU, did execuve a cer tain mortgage lor tho sum ol W.CUO.OO and tho further sums ot il'io DO aud SloO.UU .and 5150.00 each suceeding thrco -yeais, Eccurod b prop orty moro tully described in the complaint aa follows: Beginning at tho northwest cor nor of tho southwest quarter of section 5, Tp. 21, south range J. -west, S. L. M; thenco cast 3.65 chains: thenco south l-Y-'o chains; thenco west 2.25 chains: thenco nor'h 12.25 chains to tbo place of beginning. Containing 3.24 acres. Also commencing at tho nortn east corner of the southeast quarter or sec tion 26, Tp, 31, south of range i west, S. L. M. ; thence south on said section lino i2 2ochoins; thenco west 7.33 chains: thPnco north 12 2o chains; thenco east 7 85 chains to the place of beginning. Area 9 00 acres- That tlw usual decrfo muy bo made for the ealc of tho prem ises according to law and tho practice ol the court. That said defendants und all persons claiming under teem subsequent to tho said mortgage by the said dolendunts either as purchasers, incumbrancers or otherwise may bo barred and foreclosed of all rights, claims, or equity of redemption in tho said premises and every part thoreot; that tho plaiutill u.av havo execution and judgment against the said uefendants for a dencionuy which may remain after applying all the proceeds of tho sale ot said premises applicable to tho satis taclion of said judgment; that the plaintiff or any other party to tho suit may become v? purchaser at such Eale. '1 hat tho sheriff exe cute a deed to tho purchaser; that the pur chaser bo lot into possession of tho premises on production of tho sheriff's deed therefor, and that the plaintiff may havo such other aud further relief as to the court may .seeta equitable and just. For fuller particulars reference is horoby mado to a certified copy of complaint horcto attached. And you areheieby notified that if you f ai to appearand answer tho said complaint as above required, tho said plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief therein demanded and costs of suit. Witness. the.llon. William H. King, Judge, and tho seal of tho district court of tho First judicial district, in ana for SEAnl the territory of Utah, this 9th day of Soptembor, in tho ycarofour iOrd, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-five. Gso. Hatekoamp, Clortr, I,woaverattorney fo rplaiuUff. frllBBIs! Mi, ,m Tii'-W'Ir. 'Zr gsEsi MeBw flaa Qfyf fHII Mo Time to Talk, RigM to the Point kH 60 doz. white unlaun dried shirts, any lengfh of sleeve Hl and size neck, New York inills muslin, continuous SB seams with gussets, value 60 cts. they go three for - 1,00 flB 40 doz. Jaundrted shirts, made as above, value $1.00, they ' fiH go for g0c HH 22 doz. Mens Stiff Fedora Hats, value 1.75, they go ior $1.00 HH WE HAVE PUT IN STOCK THE iflH GeleorgteflMoffierHontms Kiee Pauls y is H Riveted buttons; sewed with silk, double knee and seat. HH W have the best line of BOY'S SHOES rancins in price" fHI from $1.25 to $2.00, UBI EVERY PAIH GUARANTEED, H These Prices Prevail Until the Expiration of this Ad. wB SJ HI . A, O. SMOOT, Proprietor, " Hil Successor to Provo Milling Company, Hllll OFFICE OPPOSITE U. P. D&POT Rill - Manufacturers of and Dealers in EPill CH0IE mif m- Pi BBAM)S Jplifj MTLLIFG - ' jt'll OE FLOUE f EEE)J K1I Good Treatment & Satisfaction Guaranteed eg l Grain Eeceived on Storage. Free Corn Sheller Hb II D.S.BEBBB. CgiT If II HI P 1 its?. ;H IHHHHHmHHHHk ' I