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H - No 312-VoM PROVO OITY, UTAH SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9 1895 JPRiOE FIVE CENTS A COPY H H . t - - "J ri -ii 1 1 ii f- t-wttm tumim inirMi mfnmti 1 -mm-iw --! i rm i i i m 1 K jM ii i T ll H Beyond Description K Intense Suffering With Muscular K Rheumatism. E : I hereby certify that for Beven years I H wca troubled with my knee. I used pre- H s sJTN. scriptlons and H 5J$ liniments bnt all HH l to no purpose. WNk (if. k The trouble kept Rjra M n growlig fforao IBl l $:& iHti and the joints Baft syj n began bo enlarge. 1 v j, y t My knee became Kkk 'A f)? almost stiff and 1111 A '"if Jk? pained me so I III wJ-"-rf;3m i U Mr. Ezra Kencdlct at tlmes ftnd of" MH stromsiiurgh, Kcb. ten itwould seem HflH as if I would have to have my leg ampu- Hjfff tated as tho pain became almost unendnr- HjHB able. I suffered beyond description. FI- B nully, hearing of Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 E concluded to try it. After I had taken HB one bottle I felt much better and after UC taking several bottles can say I am well, Vj IVSy Knee Has Been Cured BH end that I can walk and go around as well HH s any one of my oe. I am 63 years old EH and work my farrr. nd my ability to do fljj bo I attribute to tua beneficial effects of IH Hood's Sarpaparilla. I advise all who are I nfllicted m ith rheumatism in any form to HHt take Hood's Sarsaparilla." Ezba Ben- yBS EDICT, Strorusburgh, Nebraska. food's SarsapariSfia H Is the Only H True B!od Purifie? H Prominently in tho public eye today. E HOOQ S Pi iiS nsM.iadaoi. 'ue. H -u IVont of JIJIt. EvMV A good story is told of two yoon H uglisbinon traveling in Europe. They B bad never thoroughly mastered any of BH tho languages commonly spoken on the H continent and were particularly weak B in thoir French, knowing that language H jvell enough by Bight, but not having a PIBV ipenkmg acquaintance with it. B Finding themsolves in a small French BBBB town oiio oremng, they woro desiroua BPBi of obtaining a good cup of coffee. Know B ing that cafe was coffee, and that lait PBK was milk, they endeavored to call for a H Judicious mixture of the two, bnt their B articulation was of so remarlcablo an H order that they succeeded only in get- B ling tbQ colTco. Cafe an late they tried PBBW without buccess. Then dn lay-It wa B attempted unaveilingly. Tho suggestion B that lait might bo piononnccd "light" H was adopted equally in vai- B Finally in despair one of the srrujj H glirig youths exclaimed: B "Well, it's mighty queer wo don't Hj know enongh to get a little drop of B "Do yon want milk?" asked the wait- H ress, opening her mouth for the firs? BBB Hj "Y-yes," stammered tho travelers, H overwhelmed with surprise. B "Then why didn't you say so at first?" H queried he girl as she flounoed off. H And again tho yonng men didn't BBH kuow. London Tit-Bits. BBBB Two Sides to tho 3Icdal. B Everybody knows the woman who K says society is such a Lore. Few of ns H know her intimately, for, in point of H fact, she docs not go "bout much. I ran H across her at a friotia's house the other H day and marked her languid air. Tho H hostess was indiscreet enough to refer pBBBJ o it, and even the teacups shuddored B Jt-ith horror at the woman's reply H "Yes," said she, "paying calls is so H tixesom e. ' ' BB "Oh!" responded the hostess, "but H think how much mor? tiresome it is to H trecoive them. " H And tho teaenps scored one for tht PBBBJ iosteys Wnshington Post. H How m?e Fortune lB $100 for every 810 invested BBBBjj ca.ii le made ly or new H SYSTEMATiC PLAN OF H SPECULATION. BBBVl SIO 00 and more made daily on amall in. BBBBI vestments, by many persons -who live avav BBBBI lrom Chlaxgo BBBBI All wo ark iP to iine;tifrale our new and BBBBJ original methods, Past workings of rlfln BBBH ncd liighest references fu nisheil OurBook- BBBBI let "Poir.tB & Hinu" bow tn make money even 9BBB1 hon nn the wr-nt-'sldo oi the TiarKet and EBBBI otl.or Information sent TUEE. BBBBI Gllinore& Co .Bankers and Brokers. BBBBJ ODCii'B"Ard of Trade Bldjf . Chicago. Ill VbBJ "H7AKTKB: A reliab e, acMvo jrentlcman BBBBI ' or ladr to travi'i lor rcliablo established BBBJ bouse Salary 87M, pa able $i5 weekly, and BBB1 money advanced ffr epontx-s hi'uation BBBBI 6'eady. Bcfcrcnces Eneloee eir-addrebsed BBBBI stamped envelope. H. E. Ilt-hS. President BBBBB Chicago. fBYH m GIU a-Iilkni?, Sir, She Said. B "VIier5 are you going, tny pretty maid? B To buv aDian-. sir, Fhe eiiid. BBBBBJ And which like yu best, my iretty BBBBJ The silrur-toned EMERSON, sir, B Bbe H And where can you find one, my pretty Bj H At Taylor Bros. Co., sir, she said. H TberP the EMERSON sUnds, B 'Tis the b -et ev-r raado, H And no other I'll buy, BBBBbI Though j ou a ed me. she said. f H ATTESIKW FAJS9EKRS. B ifyon Itavc potatoes, alfuira B -riced, Iioucy, t lieat, oats on- B ions or cabbage by ilic car BBH losul, call on me. Xliiulc K can VbVm intercut you. H Sprins-villc, EJtali. H Use rure Water. HB Parlies desirous of takiua the city BbIH -water will do well to call on the super- B intendent for the cost of connection BBB yiith the water mains. Bates or any BB other question pertaining to cost and B use of' the city water kindly answered H EphHO$1bb, Snpt, ASiLUiVl BuAnb Treasurer Authorized to Borrow Money. C0NTBACTS AWABDED: ThoTJtah County Teachers Association Met in Bacular Session lntorestmc and Instructive Lecture Delivered bv Mlsa Kolton, At yesterday's session of the board of directors of the Territorial ineane asylum. President Shurtliff and Di rectors Creer, Milner.Wnilmore, Smoot and Bartow was piesent and the fol lowing business was transacted: Keports by the medical superintend ent were received, audited, found cor rect and approved as followe: Salaries of employes payable October 20 ?1320 65 Current expenses for Uctooer.. 9bs 73 C ntingent cash paid on cur rent expenses in October. . 248 10 Cash paid to treasurer in Oc tober 277 45 Cost of iloor in coal bunker (in cluded in cuirent expense) 54 00 Cost of bridge over East Union ditch (included in current expense)...- 31 89 The superintendent's lepoit on movement of patients stowed 109 male and 10S lemale now m abyluni; 2 males died in October; 4 males and 4 females cured; 1 male and 6 females admitted. A special commute' rt a; minted to examine into all accounts due the asylum lor treatment, board, etc., and report at next meeting the condition ol same The report of the secretary on con tingent cabh, showiuc $250. Ul) paid su perintendent with $314 89 on baud was approved. liids forfaupplies were opened and awarded as follows: Coal, Castle Gate company, 300 tons; U P. Gjal company, 250 toiiB ; Provo Coal company, 250 tons. "Wheat and corn, John "V. Iloorer. Be f, P. Speckart Groceries, Z, L. ST. I. DruRS, SoiOOtDrujr company. The leport of the treasurer for Oet. sliowrcg disbursments, Ou contingent a iA 8 32S33 On care and treatment 2 999, S3328 29 Receipts all sources 277 45 Cash in bauk Sep 30 53S 21 $ 715 GG Leavinc ovei draft 2512 03 lurnishingand airing courts account 3344 51 Total over.lraf t $3857 IS Was audited found correct and ap proved. The treasurer reported $497.60 inter est due and payab.e. The amount was appropr'ated. The lolloping tesolutions was in troduced and adopted. WnBKEAslheie are no funds in the tieasury to meet current expenses noi can any Le obtained from ti e terntoi lal treasurer, Therefore be it Resohed, That the treasurer ia hereby authorized and directed to borrow $5000.00 for a period of not exceeding six months at a rata of interest not ex ceeding 8 per cent per annum and to place as collateral security therefor any of the latest territorial warrants in his po-session. Claims was allowed as follows: J. B. Milner, committee work $4 00 Wm. Creer " u 4 00 Boaid then went into executive ses sion. At 2:50 it arose and the repaired to inspect wards. Adjourned at 3;30 o'clock. TEACUEBS IK SESSION. The regular session of the Utah County Teacheis association waB held thiB lornoon in the Parker school house. Alter preliminary exerci-es Miss dolton deliveied an instructive lec ture on teaching science. Tho sub j ct treated upon being animals. The tallowing is a bnet avnop3is: After you have finished the very fa miliar subjects, then take some ani mal not 'o mmiliar, similar to our own but different tnough to be interesting, and it is adyiaablb to take something in each line. This fail work on files, insects, frogs, etc., is a preparation for spring work, and the return of life aad ammaiun at that season. A delimle outline was Kven for spring work, with live, full grown frogs for a bubject. 1. Let the chiidieu get spawn, (a) Where found, (b) Whj there, (c) How protected. 2 Gathering of the spawn, (a) Ob serve cloBelj and describe as to num ber of egts, siza and color (b) Why it is b iter for them to cling together () Time required for hatchug. (d) El ftct of heat and cold on them. Wa'ch the growth and change of the eggs, as to jsize, shape and color, (a,) .Note the obs-ivation in a diary, (b ) gather more eggs and use as a contiast, abd as a means of comparison, that the rapidi'y of development inside pnd outside, 4. Observe the hatching, (a.) Name and describe the tadpole, (b) Note the- color, size and manner of lo comotion. 5. Points to observe as the tadpole grows, (a.) Changes in the had, (b) ciianges in the body and tail, (c) the aprearanceof lege; sizer coior, shape and joints, (d) disappearance ot the gilis, and perccptibleulung action. Dis appearance of tail. Enlargement of mouth. Change of color of body. The food, Leaves the waters. Why? Go to Barney's cloak sale. 2sv Price's Cream Baking: Powde? Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report MURDERED BV MISTAKE. An EatraorUnary btcry of a Father 7Su "Hilled Ills Son For Another. An extraordinary story is reported lrom Tamopol, in Galicia. A peasant named Adam Gawrydo, whose property f s in a small village near Zbaraz, is Galicia, out his own son's thro it with a kitchen knife by mistake. Sox 10 week ago a Hebrew merchant, Salomon Barb, bought old Gawrydo's stock of honey tnd paid 50 florins in advance to makt the bargain valid. When the time fox delivering the honey came, tho peasan declared that he could not keep his word and was prepared to pay any damage to the merchant that the rabbi noigb.4 decide. They both went to the rabbi, who said the peasant must pay the merchant 10 floiins damages. This be did moafl willingly, and both went away together On tho way homo they stopped at. a way ride inn and did not leave it till night It began to rain, and the peasant asked the merchant to pass the night in his house. The merchant accepted, and mey went home together. The peasant prepared a bed of stjaw in the barn, and when tho merchant had laid down went lo his own room after carefully locking tho barn door. This frightened sho merchant so much that he gob np felt his way about until ho found a sec ond door, which was bolted from the Inside, left the barn and started to walk back to tho inn. In the meantime the son of the peas ant returned homo half drunk, and find ing tho barn door open walked in and dropped on the bed of straw prepared for tho stronger. He was soon fast asleep. The merchant on his way to thu Inn met a gendarme, who asked him where he was going so late. Barb told him all that had happened, and tho gen darme, thinking he had a dangerous man beforo him who was lying to avoid uspiciou, asked him to go with him tc fcho peasant's house. There they found Sawrydo in the aot of washing hi hands, which were stained with blood. When he saw them he eiclaimed, "Sure ly I killed you an instant agoP' The gendarme searched tho house and in tho barn found the son of tho peasant doad, witn his throiit cut. Tho peasant was Jrnmediately arrested. Vienna Ooa Uwdon N6WS. STORIES OF DR. HOLMESS. 6. Tonus Woman Who Dian't Uto att Literary Taste. The story is recalled of a yonng Vir ginia country girl dining in Boston somo years ag5 in tho days when Dr. Holmes went to dinners. Seated next to her was a homely, little old gentle man whose name she did not catch. He began to talk with her and asked bet how she passed her time in the county. "Oh, we read, my father and II" sha said. "And what do yon read?" asked the little man. "Well, the 'Autocrat of tho Break fast Table' for one thing," sho answer sd. 'I should think you would aot caro to read that mere than once," remark ed the little old man with a sign of dis appointment in his tones. "My father and I may not be judges of literrture," Baid Miss "Virginia airi ly and with a faint accent of 6corn, "bnt when wo gfc to tho end of the 'Autocrat' wo generally turn back te the beginning and read it over again. " Tho little old n:an smiled at this an? was disposed to be friendly, hot Miss Virginia was so displeased with his tone concerning tho "Autocrat" that she met him with chilly indifference. As soon as the guobts went into tho firawing room her hostess whispered reproachfully to her: "You didn't .seem to find Dr. Holmes us interesting as I hoped." "Dr. Holme3l" shrieked Miss Virgin. fa. There were a tableau and an expla nation. Another story of Holmes' wit is told. One day old Dr. Peabody was to meet him at a certain place. The vonerabla professor rode in a carriage. When he got there, he was met by Holmes, who had walked Near by was a Btatue of Enrydico. And Holmes said: "Ah, you ride, I seol" "Capital, capitall" cried Peabody. That night he went back home and said to his wife: "Holmes got off a good joka today." His wife asked him what it was. "Why, I was to meet him down at ihe statue of Eurydice, and whou I ar rived, ho said quito happily, 'Oh, yon. samo in a carriage!' " And then tho genial professor wonder vi Twb Ws wife didn't laugh. John Wppioy married a widow, Mns. Wcllc, who grew tired of his restlessly laborious life and complained. He paid io .attention, and from complaint she went on to jealousy, thence to fury. He rebuked her sternly. "Do not any longer on tend for mastery, for power, money or praise. Be content to bo a private, lusignifioant person. Of what impor' tance is your character to mankind? U you wore buried just now or had never lived, what loss would it bo to tho cause of God?" Sho left him, taking with her a largo number of his private papers, and ha dismissod the subject by writing in his journal: "I did not forsake her, I did not dismiss her. I shall not call her back." fhe World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in lcav THE AllSS ELDKEDGE KEUITAL. ATruiyHi(rh Olass and Hijrh Tone En tertainment Givoii In the Opera Uouae Ladt Nigrht. The enteitainmsnt given last night in the opera house by Miss Euth El dredge and pupils of Salt Lake city wae one oi the neatest aud best that has ever been given in that house. Every thing was high and truiy artistic. Mies JSldredgo as a dramatic reader and impersonator has few equals on the boards and her pupils have been so well trained that they themselves each and all are finished artists. Miss Eldredge's recitations were superb, given with suh ease and grace as to be truly delightful, not only to the cultured ear and eye but to all. Her stateequo p03tng a,nd emotive ges turing was grace and beautv personi fied a rare study of i'ac a! and bodily expressions, more fores !ul and strong by far than the best vo jl expressions and a peifect delight tovthe very large audience who beheld ib.V1- The posing of Misafes Pearl Cros by and Annie Calder was also a de lightful Ecano of living beauty as was also the marble groupe Misses Crosby, Calder and Eidredge, ' The dancing and reciting by little Violet Craig was imajenw as were albo the recitations by Claire and Ethel Ferguson. The scenes from well known plays were given perfee'ly and the closing one act comeoy "Petti coat Peifidy" was a fitting climax for the whole almost psrfec entertainment- The singing by II. S, Goddard and Ered Graham was simply charming, perfect indeed. The entertainment throughout was high-toned and such as to more than please the large cultured audience who was present. Go to Barne? 's cloak sale. NAPOLEON'S VALUE OF VICTORY. It Finds a Striking Counterpart mKa cont World Triumphs. Napoleon kuew well the value of a victory. After Austerlitz the world seemed his. Fame invited, fortune favored, everythiug stimulated his aBpiring ambition. Wifi .crowing power he gathered the frniUaiyictory And so has it ever beQnrXgB& suc ceeds, A notable illU3tratn 'of'thts t-uth is fumiBhed by the dfeat victor ies won at the World's Fair in '93 and the California Midwinter lliir in '91 by Dr. Pi ice's Cream Baking Powder. Ever increasing sales and popularity have been the result. The people have promptly ratified the official verdicts that deilired Dr. Price's, tor leavening power, keeping qualities, purity and Reneral excellence the "foiomost bak ing powde in all the world." Quite as quickly as the great emperor do they kuow the value of a victory that means worlk-wide supremacy. Go to Uavney's cloak sale. TRE POWER PLANT. Next Summer "Utah County Will bo Sup plied With Light and Power I"iom Provo Kiver. The following from this morniDg's Tribune is interesting readihg tor Utah county people. T, A. Davis has returned from a trip to Provo canyon, where he has besn inaugrating work on the echeme outlined by himself some mouths ago to put up an electrical power plant ot 20G0 horse-power capacity, using the waters of Piovo river to generate the power. With Mr. Davis in this enter prise is associated Mr. L. L. Nunn of Telluiide Colo. The plans of the promoters for the present are to put in a20C0-horse-power generating plant, but all the prelimin ary work will be constructed so that the entire riyer can be duuvn on for power, and it is estimated that the river will render a capacity of at least 10,000-horee-powei. . . , , 'ihe ongmeering work, wmch has be n under way since la?t June , is nov con pleted, and Mr. Davis is just pbout to let contracts ior tho construction of the dam and the ditch which' will be a mile and a'hall long fiorn tho dam to the power station. It ia notauticipatid that much progress will be made with the actual construction this season, but work will be pushed wherever practi cable, and it lfa the expectation that be fore next summer is lar advanced, the town of Provo and the surrounding villages will be euppliod with light and power geneiated by the water powei m Provo river. The silo of the power station is about six mths up the canyon fiom the mouth and about nine miles from Provo city. Go to Barney's cloak sale. It Is tho opinion of tho true gourmet that of all marine panfish there is none to comparo with the smolt (Osmerns mordax). This primary rank i? its own by reason of its delicacy and delicious flavor, and when fried a light brown in very fine bread crumbs and served with melted butter there ip uone that dis putes its pre-eminence. Its delightful flavor, however, as well as its peculiar odoi is evanescent. Like the mackerel, W cannot ba too fresh. It is from its odor that the smelt de rives not only its familiar but Latin name, an odor so aggressive of sliced cucumbers that, if its presence bo mani fest only to the sense of smell, pGople ore often deluded into such supposition. This odor is not marked except in tha freshly caught fish aud disappears in the cooking, giving place, however, to a fitting resurrection of the smolt to aD olf aotdry seuso still more savory and do liahtful. Market Eeview. Dr. Priced Cream Baking Powder WotW'8 5&s HlhssS fikiaJ nnj Dlolsisc- We have Just Keceived 82,500.00 Worth of H Our orders are to close them out, jH WEAREGOINGTODO.IT Buy your Cloaks now it is the chance of a lifetime. Sale begins SEonnay? Nov, 11, and is for oneiveek, jfl Oloaks from 7c to $100.00 8 Yye FOR BIZZ, H SO and 32 OEWTER STREET, - - - PROVO CSTY, 9 SKATING IN CHINA. St Utility In Carrying on the Internal Trsitlo pf the Country. Skating is a business with the China man rather than a sport, for ho con trives to turn frozen canals nto conven ient highways for hi3 merchandise, as they do in Holland and Denmark. Pas sengers are carried in sledge chairs, pro pelled by an active Celestial on skates, and thore is no moro enjoyable way of making a tour round the 1 7 miles of wall which encircles tho ancient city of Peking than in a blodgo uf this descrip tion. Tho canals afford facilities for loco motion which are not to bo found in tho dirty streets, crowded as they are with overworked htananity. It is not likely that tho Celestials -will eycr nrfonish tho (World with a rival to our Smarts "or faces; for thoyidojiiojj aim at great speed of progression bnt they are nevertheless fairly qualified adepts in their way, and thero havobeen aome efforts mado to introduce ice yachts out thero, which would indeed be a grand thing not only for sport, but for tho transport of goods at a time when all traffio is practically as a standstill, owing to the impassable condition of tho wretohed causeways which do dnty in China for highroads. There are over 70 miles of the Poi-Ho annually covered with ice several feet thick, bank to bank, extending from Tung-Chan, the port of Peking, to tho mouth of tho riv sr at Taku, in the gulf of Chili. "What noble race course this would form fc? our fen skaters! It is not commonly known that th capital of China is icebound for five months out of tho 12, or that the stolid '.ooking Chinese could ever be graceful skaters, yet both these facta are well es tablished. The Chinese use a very infe rior stylo of skate, of their own manu facture a mere chunk of wood arranged to tie on tho shoe and shod with a rath er broad strip of iron. There is no at tempt at elegance of design or at any thing approaching a spring fastening. A pair of "Acmos, " when shown by th& writer to some native students in ths Chinese capital, produced unbounded as tonishment and admiration by their neatness and strength. On tho other hand, the very cheapnoss and simplicity of tho common native mado article tend to mako skating ceneral.--p;' Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is j leasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and euros habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs i3 the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all aud have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale ia 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for anyone -ho 1 shes to try it. Do not accept any . stitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP S&f ?Z3$S08. 631. I V GidBsfsmiit.' H There is a whole lot of sound B and solid reason why the H. H. H Singleton Clothing company have so quickly crawled to the front. H It wasn't blind luck, Oh no! Here 9 aisesome, ot the Bargjdn that have j made them popular. " " "' . i 1H 200 Men's and boys Suits now on 8 sale in ten different patterns 9 at $2.50 per suit. A, SINGLETON, Supt- H GOOD THING HELP IT. 9 .s, BH Good Advice to Farmers. , It is a well established fact tha B9 Do not contract your potatoe crop farmers who sold their potatoe crop 9H unless the party contracting same last season thrcash tb.6 Utah County 31 pays down at the time the agreement &: o, . ,! , - . ,. fH is made at least ten cents per bushel Frmt & Agricultural society got from MB Call on ua and we will tell you why. $10.00 to $20.00 more for each carload Hfl U. C. F. & A. SocrETY, than those who sold otherwise. Be IH 1 F. J. Covert, sure and see us this season before you 9H Secretary and Manager. sell. f El ,tegSf If ave Keoeived a JSig JLine of H The Besl on earth. Call and see them. fR Also carry a complete Stock of- H Hardware, Oytlery, Stoves and Tinware m Wagon Timber and lumbers Sup- H plies? duns and Ammunition -Guns mm to rent BB L. D. WATERS, Manager. H .? STSSHET, .--.- PKOTO, UTAII SB ", ' " - - ii IB dubnAHD 06 oAA.jqY M PROVOS llpgpil & fs g i-!'!!?5! SB Everything ia Season at Lowest .Figures, H