Newspaper Page Text
H Awarded H highest Kv:rWorId's Fair, 1 , W CE1AM H MOST PERFECT MADE. K A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free j from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, H 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. lflE EVENING DISPATCH. H PiiOVO OITY. NOV. IS 1895 B Go to Barney's cloak sale. WM David Day of Oaais, was natur al alized before Judge Merritfc this forc- H noon IB GHA8. O'Deil and G. W. Snyder, EH two transcients suffering with 1ud M tronble, are being cared for by the IH county, in the county jail. B Gua, James Hall and Jame3 H Dittmore are the names of thp chicken B thieves who hsva been operating so H extensively in different pans of Utah H oumy of law, taking chickens from H Provo BBnch, American Fork and H elsewhere to the Salt Lake markets. B A number of the chickens have been H "returned to their owners. The men H were taken over to American Fork to- K day for trial. fH Go to "Ktarncj 's cloak sale. H Marriage license was ibeued today H to James Clark and Armitta Teter- Hj son, both aged 20 and both of Letn. B The county court is about to con- jB struct a bridge over Provo river near jBj the month of the canyon and the city H council of Provo city 1b about to con- H struct a wier dam tnere also for the H proper distribution of the waters of B -.-fovo nvor during irrigation ceason. H Committees from both bodies went up H to the mouth of the canyon today to H select a location and do other work. H Both will be built at the eanae place H the abutments of the dam being used H for the abutments of the bridge, thus H saving expense. It la estimated that Hj the dam will cost in the neighborhood H of 82300 and the bridge about the H same. B Go to Barney's clonic sale. H Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder m Do not forget the special sale at H Howe& Taft's Wednesday, Noy. 13. B 1895. tSee circulars for particulars. H Come early before the bargains are all H gone. B T wu pay yu ca a -owe & H Taft's if you want groceries cheap. B Those who trade with them know they B are saving money every day. They are B never undersold. H Eobenbon .Bros. 33.00 shoes at Hj Farrer Brothers & Co. " HHj The Provo Meat Co., have the most B complete Meat Market south of Salt B Lake city. H Go to Harney's cloak sale, B Theke are many pood reasons why B "" you should use One Minute Cough B Core. There are no reasons why you B should not, if in need of help. The B ODly harmless remedy that produces B immediate results. Smoot Drug B Company. H GO to Barney's clonic .sale. B Fbksh hsh and all kinds of fancy B ancl staple groceries at Howe & Taft's B at lowest prices. Call and see their B olives and Swiss cheese, just in. B Theke ia no doubt, no failure, when B yu take -e Witt's Colic & Cholera H Cure. It iH pleasant, sets promptly, B no bad after effects. Smoot drug Com- B pany. - H GiRL wanted Scandinavian prefer- H red, general housework, care of chil- B dren etc. State wages expected, ad- H dress James P. OlBen, Springville, j Utah. B Go to Barney's cloak sale. H DscBEEof foreclosure was entered H yesteiOy in the First District coutt H for 4U7.15 interest, costs, and $50 00 H attorney's lee against Daniel Xing et H al ravor of Arnie Helgersen. H This one is going the rounds of the B papers. It's very appropriate: "There B is more joy in a printing office over H one sinner who pays in advance and H abuses the editor on every occasion, H than oyer ninety and nine who borrow H the paper and Bmg its praise, without H contributing a cent to keep it out of H t-" the poorhouse." H ' An Arizona editor wrote to a com- H mercial firm in one of the big cities H which did business in his section, so- H liciting an advertisement, to which the H latter replied by asking, "where does H vour paper go?" With much prompt- H ess the Arizona man answered, "t'o K orth and South America, Asia.Africa, H !jr fir J it is all I can do to keep it from H t -1 ling to h 1." He got the ad, H ', jxteb weather. H -. TriE dance given at the opera house B by the Denis club last night was a H complete success. B Get your girl a nice trimmed bat for K $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75, at R. A, H Barney's. H JReady xaaae Suits at Provo B Woolen Mill company. H Go to Harney's cloak: sale. B " to Harney's cloak sale. B The healing proprieties of De Witt's H Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It B cures eczema, skin affections and is BJ simply a perfect remedy for piles. BB Smoot Drue Company. HB D. L. Dean has opened a real estate H and loan office in bwasev & Martin's H hank opposite the pnstoffice. j H A. G. BAktley of Magie, Pa., H writes: I feel it a duty of mine to in- H form you and the public that Do Witt's H Hazel Salve cured me of a very bad H case of eczema. It also cured my boy B of a running sore on his leg, Smoot H Drug Company. H Go to Barney's cloak sale. H Go to Barney's cloak sale. H It was a revelation to mo on going H into Berk's Jewelry Store the other B day to see the elegant new line of bU- H ver novelties that he has just received, B consisting of Trilby Heart and chains, j and the new fine gold long chains, sil- B ver belc buckIeB and Jadies' waist sets. B They are just the neweBt out. H Co to Barney's cloak sale. BB Acrrs at once, never tails. One Min- B ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma H and that feyerisb condition which ac- B companies a severe cold. The only j harmless iemedy that produces im-l B mediate results. Smoot Drug Oom-j BBILi The county court is called to meet on Monday next. Witnesses in the Brownlee arson case are seen flocking about the 'cor ridors leading to the grand jnry room today. Joseph A. Thomas, foreman of the grand jury was excused from service yesterday and Joseph Ovard appointed to the position of foreman. "The cause of equal rights in f.exing ton is evidently becoming popular,' says The Press-Transcript. "Upon the register for those friendly to enfran chisement of women are the names cf many of our most influential people, members of the bar, college professors, physicians, leading business men and scores of names of our prominent wom en, while a long list of names is alsc seen of those who approve of women voting for school trustees and making women eligible for positions on school boards. This list of names for school suffrage is to be sent to the next legis lature to help enforce the claims of "5omen to this school suffrage.''' "My son complained of aching limbs and a tired feeling. We gaye him Hood'e Sareaparilla and now he is the picture of health." B. S. Smith, Lock box 145, Mgr. Singer Manutactur ing company, Provo, Utalh Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. The Dispatch smoked cigars at Bert Hedquist's exnenee today. It heartily wishes the benedict-elect anil his fair bride all joy. "Venison at the Provo Meat com pany. Go to barney's cioaK sale. .Notice prices ot meats on 3d page '"s given by the Provo Meat Co., they are the lowest. Give us a trial and be con vinced, Go to Barney's cloak sale. It's just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anv thing else. It's easier to cure a Eevere cough or cold with it. Let your next purchaee for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better medicine ; better resmts; better try it. Smoot Drug Company. t Go to Barney's cloak sale. For Halb Old papers at 25 cemj per hundred. Apply to the business fBca of Titr DiRPATcm- Prerarfng For a Catling. Kit Alexander had been warned aov cral times for breaohes of school disci pline and was at length reported to the head master, who gave him a final warning. One night not long after Kit was again caught in mischief, and he felt that this timo he was "in for it.' A flogging by the dootcr was no joke, and Kit determined to make what prep aration he could that the wind might ba tempered to the Bhorn lamb. Dn rising the next morning he put an first his undershirt, then a layer of etiff brown paper, thon his jerseys, upon these a sweater and over all a clean white shirt, borrowed from his chum, whose clothing was two sizes larger than his own. LaEtly ho put on his coat and vest It was a very hot day in June, and at morning intermission Kit whispered to a friend: "I'm nearly stifled. I hope he'll give it to me now. " But the doctor said nothing, and Kit went on stewing until dinner time. He felt half inolined to dispense at least with the sweater before afternoon school, but fear of the dootor's cane deteried him. All through the afternoon he suffered untold misery, mopping his face until his handkerchief would mop no more. But at length, just before dismissal, came a messenger. "The doctor would like to see Alexander in his'study." On entering the study the boy saw the supple, snakelike cane lying on thy table. "Well, Alexander." said the doctor "I can go on warning you no longer. You have brought this upon yourself. But as it is yo.r first visit here for pucb a purpose I sh,21 make your punish ment somewhat milder. Hold out your hand; four on eaohl" Youth's Com-nanion. President fcteorge T. Angel) Df the American Humane society has sent the following to the legislature of everj state: "It is well known to the Ameri can press that many persons and how many no sne can tell havo been bnried alive. The father of the undersigned came very near being buried alive, be ing declared by his physician dead, and all preparations made for his funeral be fore ho could give visible signs of lifa The object of this petition, which I hope yon will canso to be proporly presented, is to call publio attention throughout our entire country to this important sub ject, and I tako pleasure in sending n marked copy of it to tha editors o? ev ery American newspaper and magazine north of Mexico, asking their assist &nca." PECULIAR in combination, pro portion and preparation of ingredi ents,Hood'sSarsaparilla possesses great curative value. You should TRY IT NOTICE. For the Sunday School conference to be held in Provo,Noyember the 16th and 17th, the Union Pacific will make rate of one" fare from all Utah county points to Provo and return for this occasion. Tickets on sale 16th and 17th. Good for return Hovember 18th. G, W. Ckaio, Agent. If you want to sea the best bedroom set on earth tor the money, call and see Taylor Bros. Co.'s $20 00 set. It's a beauty. Nothing so distressing as a hacking cough. Nothing eo foolish as to suffer from it. Nothing so dangerous if al lowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure Rives Immediate relief. Smoot Drug Company f Go to Barney's cloak sale. Go to Barney's cloak sale. It is a truth m menicme that the smallest dose that performs a cure Is the best, De Witt's Little Early Risers ar the smallest pills, will parform a cure, and are the best. Smoot Drug nnmrafinv I Taylor Bros. Co.'s stove trade has I grown so fast that they have been compelled to open up a separate stove department, where they have the largest stock in southern Utah. Call and Bee their "Uniyeranl" cook and heating stoves. Go to Barney's cloak sale. Go to Barney' cloak sale. Say, why don't you try De Witt's Little Early Kisers? These little pills cure headache, indigestion and con stipation. Tbere're small, but do the work. Smoot Drug Company. Howe ,& Tuft pay highest price for fish and. jjsms, r t ) OftcSSiNG UKE WOMEN. A. TUno When rewiulne Styles Were P ferreti by Men. In point of fact, the early mediaeval man and woman looke as muoh aliko at Che fin de siecle whculman and his bi cycle girl. Tako the king and queen in b pack of oards They aro early media val. Notice the surprising similarity in their costumes the samo wide robes and angular folds, the same stained glass Etiffness. Novices at cards may be excused for being at a loss sometimes, at least until they have learned to look for the king's beard. Wjjl. the wane of the age of ohivalry there came a singular exaggeration in the toilet of men. They deliberately Imitated the women. They allowed their hair to grow long, cultivated curls ' by the hot irons and ointments and ac tually wore chaplets, likJ diadems, to curb their flowing locks. In the textura and color of their garments they showed the 6ame effeminacy, for they began to nffect brilliant reds and blues and to vtour costly trimmings and jewelry. This, too, was ihe ago of the sighing, wailing lover, fainting at his mistress' frown. Every knight who could write or sing posed as a minstrel and re heirsed his love affairs. At every gath ering of the nobility there was a child ish prattle of love, cloying and monoto nous for very sweetness. The sexes seemed to have changed places. It was the lover who was a Bhy wallflower, who Washed and wont about woeful and woe worn from his secret passion. As we look over the poems of the niin aesingers, those bards of love, the lady ieems always unapproachable, listening with contemptuous mien to the gentle man's gentle advances. While he suc cumbs to nervous exhaustion she goes about her business perfeotly healthy, either indifferent or cruelly conscious of her power. W. D. MoCraokftu in Lin mucotc'B. Somber Christianity. The Auld Lioht kirk when Dr. Chai mors visited it was a terribly bare little building. The elders were a grim set. They kept their bonnets on their heads till the minister entered, and they had each a largo stiok in his hand, which they used for "ohappin" their noses through all tho service. The minister wore no gown or bands. He gave a very long sermon full of sound divinity, but without tho smallest praotioal ap plication and without a vestige of feel fng. ai length Dr. Chalmers got out, the dismal worship being ended, and his word was, "If these people over get to heaven, they will live on tho north side of it" San Francisco Argonaut. A Great Memory. The Journal of Speculative Philoso phy gives a remarkable instanoe of a farmer in Indiana who could remember what ho had done on every day for 20 years. He was repeatedly tested by ref erence to tho notes made on. previous examinations, and never failed both to name the d&y of the week and to tell what occurred to him on that day. The words used in his narratives often varied, but he always had tho events to He had mentioned them before "BLAINE, A YRAGEDY." A Dom For tho Staff, Which Will Ko Be Cnacted In Now York. An American playwriter has been for tome timo engaged in the composition" of a drama of contemporary life ia which the chief character is to be a fa mous American statesman, dow decep? ed. Tho title which ho has chosen for It is "Blaine, a Tragedy." It certainly looks like bad taste to dramatize, at least in this generation, the career oi the American here named, but the au thor maintains that he can do it inof fensively and in such a way as to dig nify his subject, as tho life of Mr. Blaine was full of dramatic material, and as there were scenes in it whioh would be especially serviceable ibr a drama of real life. He says that Shakespeare made 1 so of personages who lived not long before his time, and even of some who were his contemporaries, and ne gives the names of other playwriters who have used their acquaintances In their stage compositions. When reminded that even the greatest and most picturesque Amer icans of past times, from the days of Washington to those of Lincoln, ha never been used successfully for dramat !o material, as Shakespeare used tho kings of England, he replied that this was a thing which would surely yet bs done in this country, as it has been done In other lands, and that in anv event. It is his purpose to begin the undertak ing. "Is there any manager in New York, " we asked, "who would bring out youi tragedy?" "I do not know, but there is a man nger in Chicago who will bring it out If it suits him." "Do you not fear that there would bo a storm of popular reprobation if you should make your chief character re semble the original?" "If there bo anything of the kind, cc If tho work fail to provo attractive, it Will be withdrawn after the first or sec end performance. But there aro in my subject such striking elements for afirsi class stage drama and for a winning one that I shall uot think of its failure until after it has failed. " "Would not the relatives of the d& ceased statesman objeot to tha work and get out an injunction against its per formance?" "If such an objection shall bo raised by any one entitled to speak with au thorlty, or after that ono has bsen pres ent at a performance of it, i will b discontinued. The man of my title rolt has been a subject for painters, sculptors and other artists, and there is no good teason why he should not bo made a subject for dramatio artists." After the playwriter had expressed the views hero reported, Tho Sun report er asked a theatrical manager as to tho prospects of a drama of tho kind spoken of. Ho answered that ho did not believo a Bingle respeotable manager in Now York or anywhere elso would bring it out, and that, if brought out in any American city, it would be a flat fail ure. He believed that the execution of the playwriter's project would not he tolerated by tho theater going jomuiuni. ty. New York &w. A Child Enjoys. The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results folbw itB use; so that Jtris the best family" remedy known, a.ud every Jajn)y phouja. hjiye 1 , w-ff'jM' "' -HaulwiiuMjiinMubati mil mas THACKERAY WAS ANGRY. Sha Satlors Who Intended to Play a Trie; Changed Their 31inds. Once upon a time the daughters 0! Thackeray saw that good mau thorough ly and heartily angry angry to the point of profanity. It was during thei Italian journey, when they were re turning to the ship in Genoa harbor af er a day on the shore. "We had to bo on board at a certain time," Mrs. Ritchie says in her Mao-' toillan paper, "so that we engaged a carriage and drove quickly to the quay, where the convicts, clanking in their chains, wero still at work. A boat was found, rowed by some sailors, who cer tainly did not wear chains, but who wero otherwise not very unlike those industrious conviots in appearance. The bargain was made, weall five entered the boat, and as we were getting in we could see our great ship in the twilight, looking bigger than ever, and one rock et and then another going off toward the dawning stars. "'They are signaling for us, "said one of our companions. 'We shall soon be on board. ' "We had pulled somo 20 strokes from theshore by this time when suddenly tho boatmen left off rowing. They put down their oars, and one of them began talking Tolnbly, though I could not un derstand what ho said. 'What's to be doud?' Baid one of the young men to my father. They say they won't go on un less we give them 50 francs more, ' and he began shaking his head and remon strating in broken Italian. The boat' men paid no attention, shrugging their shoulders and waiting as if they wero determined never to row another stroka Thon the steamer sent up two more rockets, which rose through tho twi light, bidding us hurry, and then sud denly my father rose up in the stern of tho boat where ho was sitting, and, standing tall and erect and in an anger such as I had never seen him in before or after in all my life, ho shouted out in loud and impatient English, 'D you, goon!' a simple malediction which carried more force than all the Italian polysyllables and expostulations of our companions. To our surprise and great relief, the men seemed frightened; they took to their oars again and began to row, grumbling and muttering. When Wo got on board tho ship, they told ua U was a well known trick the Genoese boatmen were in the habit of playing upon travelers and that they would have lent a boat for us if wo had delayed anj kaurer. " MASSAGE FOR BLACK EYES. Setter Than Paint and Beefsteak For OS iterating Evidence of Fistic Kncouiitere. Those who mako a business of ablifr erating evidence of fistio encounters is tho shape of black eyes by painting tha damaged optics no longer enjoy a mo uopoly of such business. This I was told by a pugilistic acquaintance whoso ox perionco entitles him to be regarded as an authority on tho subject. "Massage treatment of the region af fected, ' he said, ' 'will beat paint and raw beefeieak all hollow. But it should ba applied immediately after the injury is received in order to prove thoroughly efficacious. It does not require an ox pert to do it. All that is necessary is to move the fingers rapidly and firmly ove.' tho hfuli'od surface and to keep it up until the last vestige of discoloration haa disappeared. The explanation is easy. Where the blow has been received the blood becomes congested. It is the clots of blood showing through tho transpar ent skin that producu tho black oflect. The pressure of tLi fingers gradually loosens tho clotted blood, which passes off iuto tho general currents of oircula tion, and fresh and proporly colored blood takes its ploje." However, as a rule, tho professional "png" does not bother himself abou accelerating tho disappearance of a blaok eye. It is a sign which proclaims the fact that its proprietor has recently fill ed an engagement, and as such ho is an object of envy to his less fortunate brethren. It is the man about town, whoso overindulgence occasionally causes him to forget that discretion is the better part of valor, who is apt to profit most by the knowledge that mas Bage, promptly applied, will remove the signs of mourning from an eyo that has been in violent contact with some other fellow's fist, and thus obviate the neces sity of inventing a story to account foi it, which, however ingenious, will be sneered at by skeptical and incredulous acquaintances, some of whom may have "been there themdelves. " New York Herald. SENTIMENTAL FLAPDOODLE. An American Family, Inclndlng a D02. Hake a Sensation In Paris. An American family in Paris, accord ing to Le Temps, has excited some no tice in that sensation by its conduct over tho death of a dog. The animal was a great pet in tho family, and on his falling ill all the experts In dog maladies wore at once summoned. As he persistently grew worse, he was taken to an establishment for the cara of dogs, a sort of private hospital, and orders given that every attention and effort should bo made to save him. Members of tho family called two and three times a day to inquire for Kwik, as the dog was called; but, despite all care, Kwik died, and thero was nothing left for the sorrowing family to do but bury him. An undertaker was summon ed and poor Kwik made ready for the grave. An oak casket, fitted into a sec- , ona one of ieatjj was prepared and a grave made in the private plot of a friend of Kwik's master at Vaucrosson. All ftfiicial red tape was duly complied with, and on the day of tho interment the funeral cortege comprised three cat tiages. The ceremony ended, tho undertaker's bill of 90 was duly presented. This Kwik's mourners found so very moder' ate that the sum of $40 was added to divided among tho gravejggers. Worthy Your Confidence. The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conquering scrofula in whatever way ifc may manifest itself is vouched for by thousands who were seveiely afflict ed by tbia prevalent disease, but who now rejoice oyer a permanent cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack the glands of the neck, or break out in drefidful running sores on the body and limbs, .attacking the mucous mem brane, it may develope into catarrh or lodging in the lungs lead to consump tion. Come as it may, a faithful courp of treatment with Hood's Sarsa parilla will overcome it, for working upon the foundation of all diseaseB,sjim pure blood, the system is clarified and vitalized, ajid ylgor, strength and, &BBltt reapp,re.a tq fte hp. p 7 i '' ARE ALL HERE. I Anything you want from B width to E E. B Pointed toes, harrow square, black with H Colored stiching, elastic Gaters with or 9 without large buttons, etc., etc., jfl We have Ladies' Shoes at the following prices -allood value IH $1.00, $1.25, $1 50, $1.75, $2.00, $2 25, I $2,50, $2,75, 3.00, 3.75; 4,50. See hand bills for our- jH On Thursday, Oct. 31st. B 14 CENTER STREET. PROVO. H SMOOT DRUG CfiMPAHY XITTLE BY LITTLE moustaches grow. It's only necessaiy to give them time and the encourage ment ot our coBmetique to develope them into respectable proportions. A full grown moustache ia the pride of youth, and nothing helps its growth so much as our cosmetigue which costs only 20c. a tube. We desire both young and old to Temember that we carry a full line of special preparations and valuable remedies which ahould always be in 'eady supply for immedi ate uee in case of need. When you want a thing, you want it, and very often theroiBn'c time to get it. Moral : Have it by you. Smoot Drug Company. NOTICE. A meeting of the chamber of com merce of Provo city is hereby called to convene at the county courthouse on Tuesday evening JSTovember 12, 1895 at 7:30 o'clock. Important business with reference to the trans-Mississippi conference. S. S. Jones, President. Did You Bead It? The Capital City Commercial Col lege has a card in this pauer offering instruction free to a number of per sons. Did you read it? r Chichester a r,nc.Ih Diamond IJrnnd. EN1YR0YAL PILLS yJJ-V Original and Only Ocnulnc A j-. ,fci gafc. always reliable, laoics uk asl i"jl VkvaSi Drug-ist for Chichester Engtlth i?fa-ift ft W&moni Brand in Kcd and Gold metallia VISW -s tyKVSUnT.., sealed irlth blua ribbon. Take ff JS 5(5 i&jno other. Refute danutrous mbititu- V 7 Af Ilm and imitations. AtDruaxu!.07iend4& I t. Jm In rtampi for partlcnlara, testimonials ani tt S9 " Relief for LodIe," in Utter, by return Jv IT Moll. 10,000 Tcsttoontala. fame Paper. v "Chlcli cater Chemical Oo.,MadIon Sqnare floldbraU Local Druczlat- J'hlladn.. Pat Notice. Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm heretofore existing under the name: and style of Malcolm & Hughes doing business in the city of Spanish Pork, Utah county. Utah ter ritory is this day dissolyed by mutual consent. Mr. David T. Malcolm having pur chased the entire interest of Mr, Wil liam TJ. Hughes in the concern.will as sume all debts and liabilities of the firm and will collect all outdtanding , accounts due. David T. Malcolt. Wh-waji B.Htjghes. Spanish Fork, October, 31, 1895. Danciujr. Eegular dancing at the Southworth hall every Friday evening, commenc ing October 11th, next. The very best of ball room muBlc will be in attend ance. All are invited.. Tickets 50c. 1 Highest Cash Prices. Until the middle of November, I will buy steers from five month's old up for cash. Also two car loads of fat cows. WW P7 top prices, No Time to Talk. Bight to the Point B 60 doz. white unlaundried shirts, any length of sleeve IB and size neck, New York mills muslin, continuous H seams with gussets, value 60 cts. they go -tlireefor $1,00 BH 40 doz. lanndried shirts, made as above, value $1.00, they Bfl go r 50c. WM 22 doz. Men's SiiT Eedora Hats, value 1.75, they go lor $1.00 jH WE HAVE PUT IN STOCK THE H Citato HoiMon&s Knee Pauls & Suits 1 Kiveted buttons, sewed with silk, double knee and seat. H Wo have the best line of BOY'S SHOES ranging in price H from $1.25 to $2.00. H EVERY PAIH eUAHAiTTEED, H These Prices Prevail Until ilie Expiration of iiiis Ad, I c o) ? ? m A, O. SMOOT, Proprietor, H Successor to Provo Milling Company. H OFFICE OPPOSITE U. P. DEPOT H Manufacturers of and Dealers in B choice dSm I BEANBS f0SjfJj MILLING H OE ELOUE Y I EESD. I Good Treatment & Satisfaction Guaranteed jfl Grain Received on Storage. Free Corn Sheiler. H