OCR Interpretation

The Utah County Democrat. [volume] (Provo City, Utah) 1898-1909, October 29, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091039/1898-10-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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Hi. o
Rf Issued overy Wednesday ana Btxturilay,
flflt' 1'ltlSD NKLHON. iMItnrnnit I'ubllnlier,
NHkl Application h born undo at tin posthfflci'
fcii U I'roro qit.v, Utah, fcjr tr insnusslon through
fSSib "slie inillJJs nei-ond class mutter.
Hlff f '
HKfr l'uyublo In AdvUncc.
mKte'' Ono year . ,..,,... SS.Oi)
Hfe Six Months it KM
g jThrcu Mouths ..., U
IHI& ' Tho Ontrtat Ornon oC tlio Utah County Dcm-
fHRi ocracv, rtovotpil to tho Interests of l'rovo Clt
IK llint&ITCrv Tun Utah CoontyDbm
! lAI it Ml I 111 oatMT wants iijtciitH und
BH!)C hII It 1 I"Ll BolliltorH In l'rovo ami
Hki' cvory city and town In
!. Utah county. Liberal commission allonreil on
Wjp alt tiiMlncni. Wo Hliall aiMo lio plnmed to re-
B; 'colvo communication!) M tp local happenlnRf
tTtmmf' interest. Ai Koon as poASlhlq our munacvr
ItlS Srl1l visit tho tlltTeront precincts of tho counti
St 'with a vlovr of securing corn spondontB and
BBKlft UKonts. Atldri'BH all communications In
B l'rovo City, Utah,
IfHRfci fl r C HTP Thn follovJnu nro author-
JBflK .rll 5tr l I lrcil by tfie. mnnivROiTienl
VBR I lULOl I 1 ! of Tub Utah County
ff' Uemocii At to rccvlvo or-
Ev' ilnrs for subscription and alt other buslnvhS
Bt' and to collect money on all uccounut
Hft Lchl 8. W. Hoss
mmi-:, American Fork., Ubonrrcr Iluntt-r
, Hprlngvlllo i 1'. K. lloutz
AWBfri cAlplnu , I.U.VUHCU
Hi jDnti't forget tp remember that next
HHi .Tuesday, Nu.vctnher 1st, Is your lust
,'lH,(,rt..u,n,,y t0 rcRlstcr If you wnr.t to
f vute aVtho olectlon November 8th. If
flKfc you rcetstorod and voted lust your, cull
jfl&f. pn your registry ngunt and bvo tliui
r ,your niuito id still on tho H't. If you
R, - jtro not rents ored. tuid arp iniillllcd to
&, 4volc, don't oyerlook getting your iitiniu
' On tho Jlst next Tueaday. It Is the
N? 'duy u nil American clijzons to oxer
BHL, jelso tho rlnlit of franchise. II Is par-
ET tlculnrly tho duly of ull Democrats,
,(1rst, tn reglsterj-sccond, to vote Dou't
flk; 'overlook It. Remember that next
' Tuesday, November tljo 1st, Is tho last
Hb day, Hit Hiira yqu tiro reglsterec), und
hT then bo sure und vuto mid volo right.
Hv Jinn. W. H. King mndo nn nddtes?
K. in Sill t hula it few days ago In which
V u 'he utluVml sonio axioms of true ioli-
K jflm' ipjpu Inu hlch wp present no
Br ' puloiiy 'for roprlntlri. Scimu of thu
H- ficiai uro as follows:
H ' On that lsiurt (tho silvor qucitlon)
Hr which It uimu wtf c;inlf(l thin Shite.
Up;.. Atul but for thn imdu'u nliieucH which
K)' w,'ro vxerclio'd on tlje voteia hi other
H' Btittos, wo yould Im'vo'vyon thu Na-
K ilunitl eUotloo, L'rlilclplo hpuld cmt
IHKT trol the conduct or men. mid wo should
k' l; Wpproncli niuttoiH political with tho
EkL "samo concern wu approuch other quon-
BS 'tiiius. for on thu form of government
K: 'depends thu liupplneas of tho people.
g II , Today tio contest Is on between the
Pi p jiowor'of wbaUh on tho one hmid and
K J he Inlet'csls of tho mttsses of tho peo-
Hr plo ou tho ohoh
H- Wo told thorn tho rest oration of bin
K' vor m.iihl "lnj' npconnilfslied by the
H Democrat lc piirty, 'in'Ai IhuHu lib hn-
aVKl. arliy to the peoplu 11 would uecomplMi
Bp, till? great reforni. ' " "
iHRp; Tho Salt L-ko Trlbuno two, vcurs
M&'- ftno nlllrnied, Unit William MeKlnley
HK. nud tho p.ity to which ho h; Ionic
T were enenileH of silver; thai thity weie
B& the enemies of tho people. If tho De-
HBk raouracy wa rltrht ut. that tlmo It Is
mf fright tlow, ami ir tho Rpuhllcutis were
IHr'''1 , Vfung thuu thty uro wruiiK now.
r It Is Mark Haqna who lays down tho
KV .yules. ''"
PO "' If elected nnd sent to Congress he
MHp, (Alm.i Hldredne) wljl votu (or Tom
KBL Hceit for speaker of tho IIoijmo, A Yolo
wV for Reed moans a vuto for guld.
UnHKr .
flnHr XIQ Democratic party has kept thu
HB pledges of two years ngo.
H Coti;ru4rnnn King closed with this
HR atiiUn'icnt worthy of t)p cnuiduration
ftBk- of every Amcrlcmi citizen, whether
Kr tepnblicun or Deinoerui:
WEkJ v The Republican party la coninill ted
IH to thu retirement of tho greenback)
WKmb Jtnil trie reinement of fllo silver ceitl
HHV: entos. und whu'h tlioy meet In Congics
hHHL the bill which U on tho caleutlur will
E.BK! conpi up for passago. Wo need'stronir
gflH mo'ii " Wahliigtoi to defoitt that
BflHf inessnte. Unleiw wo defeat' It the pen-
BK plo of this country will pass Into flout)-
H olal seivituUe.
BJB; If you r for free silvor, your only
jKS. Bourse Is to voto tho Democratic ticket
Hk and vote It straight, "Ry their works
ilHi?'- filia!i yo know them,"
"SKm- W quote the following Uqm from
SBb'' ' Vm L5ko lluriui of WeduoRday:
;Plrt lenities from Provo report that sur
1HL veys lira being mado Mr nn Impurtatit
'iWBg'' krlgnlloti and land reolamntton project
fflH' ' io iho north end of Utiihiqoifuty. The
: XJKBte P)hii is to run U -tollif ditch from
wBr uVmerlcal) fotk cariyon to jhu fertile
'RHP yet arid benrrj laudd west of tho Jor
BfHBgA5 - ' dan river, unit north of UtulHuko. A
waiwlly' v natural reservoir In the low lillls hack
PH of iho laud to be reclaimed fill be
VtiftHr " ' HUd with vater' In tlig" spring' hmd
Bk'r from Amur'ican Fork oanyon, and In
SJHHp thUiw'.y It Is propoel to b,Il)g nndor
Kr etiHlviitltin 20.000 acfi-s' qf IIUO Irtlnl,
Wfflm'i' re1' "dapi"1' forlwt'turqwinirand nhlv
!&,, tve mllw ftom the Lehl'sumTr f-fx'uVry .
Hi'1 ifrM ".WW "Vji'l'lKt'-d wlrri thf
BnHfe , JTtb4rt sk'pwtii.yv plHtit, toiv
ban: jOiterftitnt.iMpieYii'rtrHy.iH, mHd'to
Bfl'l''V,Wttia.- pwtab. fall yet
rmt aojUB&mmw lmt bw WaU U tbv
WkWm , tp
Siatu-boatd of land cnuitiilrHloilors for
concessions of arid la d. However.,
what dealing with .the Slnte land
tmnrtl tiro necessary 'to bo inado In con
jectloli with tho enttirorbo will nn
doiiblcdly bo undertaken lit tho proper
Wo hopo.tho entertiriso .vlll bo pro'-,
netited. Irrigation tnn done in iclt for
Utah. It has been Iho Hfo ot
agrit'ultttrt.', atid on apiculture and
iiiliil,rig this new Stale must (le
pend. TJiy coucesslnus of arid laud,
If asked fm-, should ho made mid an
other section opened fur an ImHHin
already proven so beuollclnl to the
people of (Jtiili county. Wo hope the
irrigation proposition vlll be socccs
ul. It means much, for Utah county
and consequently for Unit.
Many times hns It been nxerlcd by
o-ealled "silver Roptihl enna" t tin I
President otcKlnluy Ims at tempted to
tecum I. leriiuilotinl bimetnllsut. LIs
ito to ii'lmt Congressman King hb
truthfully s.ihl in regard to'tlte iittl
i lido of tho ndmliilslfniloo at to nllver
while that alleged njouctaty coininls
slon was In ISur'opus
While It (I ho tnotlelnry commission)
was In EiikImihI MeKin ov ntienileii
Unit feast of Helshazz ir whleh tynsltoltl
In thu city of Nnw Yoik nn'il Mure
spoku these words, Which have been
cotMiderod so g'ood they havo been
placed ot, tho outside of this ltjpobll
can blblo ns n sort of uolden text:
"Nothing should tempt us, nothing
ever will tempt ns, io scale down thu
B.icrod debt, of thu Nation through u
legal technicality."
That statement Is Jrijc. Does It look
as though tho nilnilnlsiiutlon was
working for fico coliniue?
Somo Republican papers havo tho
uervo to deolttro Almu ijldredgc, their
candltlnto for Congrcs u liver mau;
Uiifortuuaicly for Alma hU record U
iiimlnst him. Doting tho inuiunrablu
eampalgn of 1800 In-which tho hosts
oT gold were arrayed against tho forces
lu favor of thu people, all manner of
schemes were devolved by thu Repub
lican ntanageme.it under Ilunun to
encompass thu defeat of Win. J. Bryan.
Ono of these shciuus which was sup
posed to appeal dlteclly to the laboring
loan nnd wngu earner, was to locjijco
merchants and niinufiieiurois, to do
elate their cpulracts void If Iir.vnu was
elected and lu e fleet In case of McKin
ley.'s success. This was probably an
example ol thu din test poMtiea ever
exercised by an Amcrlcmi fjtrty. and
yet Alma Eldrcdgu enl himself to thu
"chenie, and ordered goods for his
Co.ilvlllo store with a clatbu attnehed
that thu llldnir of the onlers was con
ditional upon MeKinley's cleetion.
Thus did Alma Eldrcdgu lend Ids al)
lu tho effort to forever destroy Ibp
people's money. Ho hlmselt does u.it,
deny this fact, ho also says he voted for
MoKlnley und Is proud of it mid in
Pi ovo read and commended tho gold
big plank of tuSij .otils convention.
Ho says silver Is not an Issue, and If ho
had his doslru in 181)0 and now, It cer
tainly would not ho an Issue. Yet h
Republican Mippnrleis lit a l.trgu pari
of i ho p uto declare ho Is "jtt-t S good
a silver man as Uoberts." po to, with
uich silvor men.
M l I W
Tho l'rovo Knqulrur quotes thn fol
lowing from the St. Louis Globe-Demo-
Tho Uenincriicy nbt meted tho gov
ernment at tint beginning of the recent,
war. It is assallluir thu un'writnn-ui
now. Tp ipi bu-it of ts mI)I liy und op
port unity It s lighting bpulu's battles
lu tho' Paris ptutco conference. If It
win's on N'lvemhur b thero Is likely to
bo a deadlock In thu conference and
tho war miiv hare lo'be renewed. No
party which lluhts against Its own
nation can ever win In tin Important
oativass, or even might to win, Dea
turfy motip: "Qtr countty, right or
wrong,'' Is n very good into of political
conduct. In till" Spanish Imuole, both
In Its recent and in Its present phii-.
nur countty was, u the light. Kwry
country, pooplo Und riiou' despises a
copperhnnd, Tho Democriitlo pariy
will be, and should be, overwhelming;
ly beaten.
Tho Democratic party Is tho only
staunch iid unfailing friend of the
people, and consequently of the peo
ple's government. It Is not at-salllug
tho govornniutit, but the tual-nd minis
tration of the goverumerii, Tho Dctno
crailo party uover obsiructed the gov
orouient at tho beginning of (ha yar,
hut ratlipr forced tho adtplulslrutlun
Into line tor tho cause of humanity.
Tho Democratic roprcsenlutlves nnd
senators oven voted for tho war loan in
order to glvo tho Republican adminis
tration no opportunity for tho disgrace
ful "crawl" R wiiscouloraplatlug. Tho
Democratic-party 1st tho party of thu
people, whllo tho Republican party J
only tho party of tho classes. No one
can doubt this statement who reads
Industriously tlio respective National
pla,tforri.s of tho two purfleg In 1880.
Tha DoinocriHij havo loyally slopd by
tho goveninoqt on every AnutVjoau
principle sluco tho first shadow of the
war einud. Tho tiipn whp nerUhe'd on
thu MniiiH wcrp tot Jto'pindlpansnor
Diimoctrtitf, but A met leans, Tho men
who sijnk Ct'i'vern's 11e wt n not ioll
itcUns hut Anieilcii.s. The men ho
llh DeKey captinwl. Manila' nnd
broke th power ot Spttio a the OrUnt
' J
Ci ' r 3
" CI . .
? " ".fft.nj- L Cfr,
smv wmmmmmv B JJ
Eggertson is Closing Out I '
I '! Mm ill II Ulllll !! IIWIM 1IIMIWI1 I
Tli.o Shoo Dopartjnent'?
Ov r 5C0 pairs Ladies', Misses' and Chil
dren's; Men's and Boys' Shoes. ,
Pfico no Object,
L-' ssz !
Must be sold at once. Come today and g2t
your choice.
.;..' , . ' .i..-.-
were only Americans. The men who
matched up Shi dnmi hill mold the
xturm of bullets were only Atnerlratis.
S Is every Democrat an Anierlcan lu
every eoiilllct iiiidurtakon for Imnmn
Jly's sake or tho sak'J of thuNtlinn.
Such nn item is only conlemplhile
uoliihg, and any uo.vspaper which
would print or endorse such a sentl.
metit Is loo cinlem)iih)v ami despicu
able to bo rated tu A'oerlcin.
Tjiic Lehi IJanner Is mikiijg a most
guseetnry llgitt against Oliq F. M iltu
berg, pemneratlc candldalu'fr county
ireasurer. IJvldoully Rrt.thor Caiioll'e
mind Is distracted by t))o Idea of laying
thu county luinls d.oposltud ;i J.he
"Sugar City," and Is therefore wHiux
to lend his aid to the siippoit of Lehl's
no tot Ions goldhug. Ivliugsou's elec
tion might bo a good thing for tho
Lehi Runner, but It would bo a lad
liIng forUliiheiiuut.t, an) consequent
ly thu people of Utah cojinf.y ate going
to votu for a uiiiu thgy know they can
trust, Oito 1'". Malinberg.
Wit know that the Ilepubllcan parly
was capable of almost any kind of
tueantuss, but never pl.tcetl them on
tho level with chicken thieves until It
developed that through their atjorney
general anil thu Supremo court, lliey
Intended to taku away tho Democratic
emblem qf thu rooster. For common
thieving mid general ciieinrss com
mend us io the Republican party.
The Enquirer tiles to make Hon.
Mo-es Thatcher out to bo an anarchist.
Tho local g. o. p. org hi tines not tin-dcr.-tind
the tncnnltigof thu term Mr.
Thatcher Is nn Ametlcau clllzon mm
beeves In protecting and fo-)i)iliig
the Interests of the so people. When
ihu En -jul i er reaches that siago, it will
Ijn entitled to call Itself a respectable
W. II. IJtNQ rufHr to John Henry
Smith us "iliat estoemed gentleman
who would like to go to llje United
Stales Senate." After tho election,
John Henry will bo a wtty-behled "has
If Iho recent, Etstern bank f illtires
nieiin anything, they certainly dou'i
mean an ovei whelming dosu of the
Mi K tiley prospei ty we Ijqiir so much
about ) i eptlbllcill Itewsqipers.
TilK Repulillcaiis of Utt)i semp in be
ten llily afraid of tho Ipiupipratlf) cm
blent, and iho battle ery, I'npyotir X
up by ilu rno-teruiiil let li goatlhut."
Tliey huve goo retitjun fpr fuars.
JunoiNq (ipm lis renjirls of local
dl vi) tco cases, t''Q Eciqulrur6 attempt
ing to vie with tlit; liastern "yollow
Journals" In thulr specially.
Tins Wnqulrer need not bo alarmed
about ihu Deniociatlo rooster. It is not
fnrsalo, aqd us lu forniur years will
head tho ticket to victory.
Tim rooster still crows for Democ
racy and the people.
tell tho 'uto of their gqodnesg In un
mistakable language. TIioqu wjo ap
preciate tho luxury of a goojj cjjp of
either beverage can gratify their tastu
by purchasing our best a ijt 40p. and
our host colleo ut 40o. Tliqp aru from,
tho choicest suluctnus of ho bust
crops nod aro MmivalK'd foralrnngih
anil dtillcaey of lltvor.
Vimr gtoeety bill will bo ten per
ountless If you trade here,
GEO, E. HOWE, Grocer.
! Clw St., Provo.
Bread, Cakes, It
Candy, and j
(( Wedding Cakes. ()
, II lli
F. D. KELLY, PropY. j
Tt n ii it ii n it ti it ini it ti ii it ii it it ii it ii ii
- :: Lambert's
E :: Bancing I
I :: Academy. E
a (Southworth Hall) lately reno- a
a valpd and opened under tho
uimiagemeiii of It. Jay Lain- a
beri. Will glvo a select social f;
" dance on Tu"S(lay evening,
" Noveinhurl. Admission fUc. "
Chllilreu's niatlneo Satttr-
day afternoon, November 5. "
Special liisirucilon to elnldren
fi i m 8:ao till 4:30 p.ui , tlien' a
p koet'il dancing mid iiiieral In-
- siriictioti till q:UU p.m. Ad-
; hiNsii.ii 23e. ' ' '
" Club meets Thiirsdnv oven- "
a Ing. November 3. at 8:il0, alsii
Friday evonlug, Noveuibur 11,
at R:W. a
" Wu reservo tho right to ro-
fuse tiiiiiUsluii to whom we
SCO ill. a
B a
ii'ii ti ii ii ii ii ii it ii it ii ii ii ir? ii n ii ii n ii
OF PRqyo.
Gensral Banking Easiness Traiisaclcl
W. R. Piko , , . . , Proslrionl
S .-.Jones Vice Piysldet.t
.1.0. GrMbmn, fj.n. Taylor,
Joseph F. Sndih, E. F. Sh'eols,
D. A.Swuti.
D. A. SWAN, Cashier.
Sufety tleposlt boxes for rout from
$3 pur annum and upwmds.
and Savings Bank.
Capital, $75,000, Sarplns, $10,000,
Reed Smoot , , President.
C. h. Looso VIco-PresldonL
John Jonn, Jnmeg A Buun,
Roger Farrer, L. S. IIIIIq,
John R, Twelves.
General biinklnghuslnoss transacted.
S ifo dti osit boxes for rent. t
Casn Paid for Fat Live StocL
Jl Center st,4 Provo Uuh,
Wililliiin hi initn-iifrrr ii . . MMMMnM:nUMMBM t- .lw. H
; tt "f'Bowi.
fY' ' 71 I w,ml k,,,,, "r kl.i( aJM
m .ffyssscdb, I yl" '" Going to us6 thot!H
V. .TTi7! PI i wlnler w,,y"on'ynfliMrPi!
WZi ,heni l,,l,t rn"KC trni S2S tn lM
m hKmSf ,,VL'ry buo u ",,,unnieniB
(ill CSI: l9ComP,ute.nn,, J'ou can notuilHiH
! Sr 'Wing of us. V
"'''" lo not fall to seo our HQT m
IMPERIAL RANGE. aEM ueforo u-0'pp a Heater. S
! the warmest thing that ever bap
and will save ONE-HALF your fuel. Wo nover lcavu tho store and are ihB
rcaily to attend your wains for anything in hardware. H
fter-k Book-ffinB
J'r JPaper-Ruliii J
$&iQ!Pii771tm Iinprovetl machinery. Slfl
NsPSblitSafi Wr HrHt-clnss work turned ontjM
1 PVfe'PC. U " i'8tnHshnient. Comity. UitiH
ifeiia? WL , Corpurotlon work epwlalM
IMaCZTHSft? f Hclted. Merchants, UinkenS
JSSSfeS f Lawyers will Und us up3
kSSflS all tho hlgh-cl.tss work tbatfll
The Skolton Pub. & Stationery M
;K , ,' it sB
3 HaYercamp & Co., I
?l ET alK
I Wk
f Abstractors of Title
y for Utah Gounty. m
Loans, Insurange, f fl
f Real Estate, j I
' I H
Ofllco opp. Postofllco, Proyo City, Utah, f
1 1 : 1 t
All Muds of COAL I
lv,1-:- tB'sff sugfaifa I
Telephone 32. Provo, Utah. I
MMBaBllSaMMaBfBVBa(-BlufafBiasIlBHpHM. H
20 W. Center St., Provq, I
R. E. SUTTON, Proprietor. I
Finest line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Central UtaB
Courteous treatment for all. I
, ., . 5
John A. Lewis' I
Liyeiy Stable,
"ll WMIIIIH Mwwil,!!!,,! ,WU
Best Accommodations for Traveling Men.
Give me a call when you want a first-class rig.
We want you
tq cjjme and see qur beautiful stock of Furniture, 0
pets, Wall-paper, Linoleums, Window Shades, L
Curtains, Pianos, Organs, Guitars, etc.: Crocke'
Glassware and Jewelry; Steel Ranges) Stoves a'
Stove Furniture. The largest line o,f these g?
carried by any house in the West at prices thai
be sure to please you,
Our entire stock of Wall Paper will bo sold at
riiice to make rqqin for new stock.- Come any 9
We never sleep,
CpkT f Center St.. PfiOVO; Braucli House, EUUl'KA, UTAj P (

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