(gimotf ähitlftin. •».»I * " 1 We again ask exchanges to ad dress "Rocky Bar." TWmv Pon.tancin returned from a viaiVm Attente vesterdav visit to Atlante yesterday. , -Commissioner Etholl and wife | visited the county seat Sunday. j Frank Bmwnelle now runs a chair at Brookfield's barber shop. Superintendent Watson paid off bills against the Elmore on the!. 10th instant .... n * , U ' « .1 , What the Bulletin said about Rathbone, a bartier, two weeks ago, i. hereby skinned back. Andrawatha came in from Indian creek Monday to oualifv as Chief Justice for that locality. a ... „„r'frran AiUni. Jim 8 moot was over from A lante Sunday and reports every ting lovely and prosperous at that noted camp. Homer Raffensberger came up frmn Mountain Home Tuesday in anarch of work. Homer is a fair carpenter, industrious and reliable, and deserves success. The public administrator sold at Mountain Home last Saturday two horses, one mule and a wagon be- . longing to the estate of Peter Boor, J d«*.tod, fo, «io-«!. We are assured by one who claims to know that the Silver Mountain sawmill ar.d other property belong ing to an English company is within Elmore's boundaries. ' James Stewart was awarded the eontract for running a tunnel one hnnd red fwt on the Emma location ftunarwi leet on tne r.m ma _ location at $4.75 per foot, and has com inence<> work thereon ate as to . P ® 1 untedn fhSe last sltuniav an l i lrt W Home last- aturnay ami ups,t iBs> g blmork county, idmio. TERMS OS SUNaCalpnoN : Oaa ywar by »>' (l»»toOtobi, in ad*»iue, i.oo ; irr mom üaHsWat frms-TAnuL 1 p. m Curt boHMi «prou *rri v«w W«M M»4 M pw •* »-«0 p m. Lm> 1 Frwt/ht FacI bound, nt 0 » p m. TtBM Pracht bound, nt ftrOft n. m. Un) Kpdjjht Wut bound, U 12 4ft n. at. Ttaa. MrW-»'«« bound, toi » S6 ■ m U. L. ALLEY, Agent. Saturday, June 15/1889. Dtofmty AtoMtotoor Cno. L. Wiu h autborintod te •nlfott mbneripttaa*. ndwtiaiiut, nt«., for the KLftiORK BULLET! N mai rnonipt for the Mine. Alan to eolttet hüte do« Um hat« M >unUin Horn« O. M. PAYNE. Bring in orders for job work. Elegant job work now turned out at this office. all Road Supervisor Jackson of this district deserves credit for the faith ful discharge of his duties. He has made and is still making many improvements on the road between this place and Junction Bar. fright and A. F. 1 ay ne have leased the Queen of the V\ est mine froax Erwin & Adams for one year. They have commenced a new turn ml that will strike the vein oat hundred feet below the surface. o .to .l . , - . Seth Williams, the noted front iersman, hunter and trapper is again becoming civilised H« ÎM* secured a big logging contract for Correy's sawmill, and you may bet your last red chip that Seth will fill it to the letter. u . ... Major Frank l. a van an is daily taT'cÄ ChZta - if the voung man is com . ' f , leather as his sLm catch on honored sire he will soon eaten on , and become a worthy cituen of the - Far WmL Reports reach us of snother rich strike in the Tahoma mine at At lanto. It was made on the fourth level, about GOO feet from the sur- 1 face, and is of such an extensive nature that Superintendent Miller , now wears a broader and more sat »factory smile than ever. ; John T. Gilman, of the popular Alturas Hotel, has been stepping around very nimbly of late—caused by tbe return home of Mrs. Gilman from a visit to Boston, Mass. Mrs. Wheeler, mother of Mrs. Gilman, accompanied her daughter and will make Bock y Bar her future home, Drop in and examine specimens of job work turned out on our new »rosa and leave an order for bill heads, letter heads, note heads, cir culara, dodgers, posters, blanks of all kinds, ball tickets, «listing, wed ding, or business cards, hills of fare, in fact anything in the printing line. Uncle Dick Lewis of Three Creek, Owyhee countv visited Mountain Home this week to have his broken leg artificially lengthened out about six inches. Notwithstanding his many misfortunes Unele Dick i* described as being as gay and sprightly as a youth of sixteen. Next month District Court will convene at Rockv Bar and many strangers will be called to our town, Paint and otherwise brighten up yoor business houses and residence«, repair the sidewalks and cause the I county seat to present as inving ap - 1 pearance a* possible. *Hon. John Van took a horseback riJ, down to Tin, Orovn .„J vi duty a few days ago, is all broke up from tbe exercise andi limps j around a# if though he had blisters on his ankles, lie represents Pine Grove as quiet but everybody hope fill. Uncle George Ethell is vigor nnalv nrr»#mertnu? hia claim« on W® «now tn«a again. THK Kt.MOUK MINE. There is now great activity in 1 and around the noted Elmore mine, j .. , it,« .ho For several months the fifty stamp ... , . .... i t|_ w«* mill has heen silent, at d . . son has confined his force of miners _ to repairing tunnel., pr.»,.elin« mid placing the mine in good work £ .. mg shape genera y. A short time ago a large ana rich deposit of ore was uncovered on the second level. Exploration was con m-n i, ua i MH . n ! Unued, but a force of men has been extracting ore from t ns apparently unlimited body and the ore bins are now full to overflowing. This ne cessitates the starting uo of steam and the dropping of fifty stamps again which will be done to-day or to-morrow and it will be music to the cars of this community Contracts have been let for ex traeting daily large quantities of from this new find, and doubt leM it will be many months-—pos glb i y y eara _l K .f 0 re these stamps | are again hung up. j The Elmore new shaft was com menced last Monday and the con tractors are making excellent pro g re » 8 , As soon as sufficient level space is made a building 60x80 feet will h» »mwImI nn.l <>v»rv other nihor , P® '■rocted and every other other imaginable convenience for men and " the ri . t d| . J. hng ' "JJ* ^tum at the old Elmore, and 8 u perintendent Watson is conducting matters in a manner that wil^^cause tbe stockholders to bless the day wbcn they placed their great mine and nd i] under b ; 8 management. ' """ " Bate of Minin« Property. The Dividend and Starter claims on Shake creek, owned by Van Schaitk, Joy and others, have been gl ,i d u, an eastern conmanv throuch the agè^Tof rn càv^a n h y 'a.uï < Fol . 1 V tbe gnutr gum 0 f $15 00 O J . ' Tbe money is now un and , t „x ih" p a,;r. V al of the necessary papers. _ itentai Notice. p r M p e ff„ r j e u«iitist will be in Rooky Bar soon after the 4th ol July. He w ;n „i 0 v : ajt tb neoole of At ^ VW,t , A ' * -- w Macke v has la*en annointed tv m. MacKey nas been appointed jfÄÄ ,h ' fa " 0re MtJ *' Ca8 * y an<1 Mrs. Smoot, of Atlanta, have each recently recov ure d from severe throat affection. A lar 6 e ,ot of Tahoma concern trates arri ved here Wednesday from Atlanta, by Turner's pack train, > which is destined for Denver. A N«>w and Rich Body of Ore—A«v i tlvlty at Mine, Mill and the New Shan. ; Married—At McGinley Station, June j 0 ,1889, by Thomas Rowland, Jugticeof the [>„ a ce, Mr. James H. McGinley and Miss Nellie York. Frank Ake came up from Moun tain Home Wednesday to attend a meeting of .upholders of Rocky B «r and Mt. Home Telegraph Co. .. , , , r "° or th ™. ^ steady car penters can obtain employment for tbe summer, at $4 per day. by ap p]y ing to Superintendent Watson of E ^ more Some Itockv Bar man has adopt ed very peculiar and highly odor- ! iforous visiting cards—to judge from one left at the door of a certain ri . s i dence a f ew nights ago. j Mi» Lillie Fit,..ter, d,„,ht„ of Dan Fltzwa ter, is expected home to-day from Salt Lake, where she has been attending school the past , * ' - ' | Judge Ilcath, the veteran miner "tid old-time resident of Allante, is now taking out large quantities of rich ore from his mine. May he 1 continue to do so is the wish of an army ol menas. , Frank Brownelle received by tel egraph the sad news of the death of ; his infant daughter at Mountain Home Thursday morning. He im mediately departed for that place by private conveyance. YV. C. Wickersham, Deputy Re corder, returned W ednesday from a two weeks' visit to his parents in **oise City. The trip evidently agreed sr:'h Wes., for he has gained at least 2* pouwi- and looks that much less like a ramr,». man when left here. Messrs. Holland and Smoot came j of down from Atlanta several dajrsago and have started up their Lincoln creek Buwmill. They will keep th» mill running all summer, and they tell you in an advertisement to-day how cheap you can secure lumber from this old-time and reliable firm. A nulnber of barrels filled with water have been placed on top of i* t he Alturas hotel for better protee- ; tion againflt fire. Would it not be ;agm»d idea for our businessmen to cause hydrants to be placed at convenient points, with hose handy,!'™» to fight the fire-fiend that is likely up to visit us any moment. A stitch in time, etc. I -- - 1 Sharrhoider«' Mating. Notice to Stock holders of the Rocky Bar and Mountain Home Telegraph vi- .nd T.l op—Co m ^,.^ _ arr bereby Iiatifitd M , met , j K ' wk ; Bar on Xueaday, July », j u*clock p m., for the pur uking «eiten toward paying | hp aidebtadueaaof «aid Company,'and to consider all matter» that aaay come on before them # * THK rOTOMI GROUP OF MINKS. These mines are situated in Red ; Warrior, immediately east of the , ... ..... u< e * 10 *V"! proper y , j one of tte Inealton. being the east em extension of the original famous Wide West lode. The group embraces the Potoii, _ . • r .... . P»U»i r«*!-, N.tob .«I m.llmto *™ 1 »*"' n « ht ' The owner, of thin property have worked it for le giümate gainand for no speculative purposes, and when the well known i fact is stated that all expenses from . the grass root* down have paid bv n ! the proceeds of ore taken from the p ^ Fracü (U1(J thi , with but I gtopo „„ ab?V e the level it is gttfe u> conclude that something ; good is yet hidden in that location. ! The owners of this property have j{ lately received offer from Salt, At Lake parties to erect a 20-stamp j m, 1 upon the pro^rty fiir an uudi vided yne-hulf interest, the parties u erecting the mill to»furnish a cer- i of tain working capital for develop ment, without interest, until profite from the mine shall pay he debt. When mining men from the outside make a proposition of this d nature they must have some f°«n-1 dation for such an investment and a faith in the camp, and should be p cheering to us all. Anoiher ; », W ithin a distance of one and one , . t. l t> • i half miles from Rocky Bar is lo-gies j a ^.bearing quarte vein . whose value, if property worked, would goon „ reater than u- would soon become greater tnan that of the noted Homestead in the Black Hills. The property referred to is owned by Alexander Cochrane and others. At the point where the f ore crops the vein has been proven to have a width of more than one hundred feet, and samples taken n across the ledge have assayed from a $10 to $300 per ton. This, even admitting the lowest returns ever received from the rock to represent ite .V «™« 6 I alu fj «^rjhis | O vast of ?°. ld beann K ( l unrtz a ,n,nt of weaIth in a,, y countr y ^ .»a «gui mi. One hundred stamps could be kept dropping upon $10 rock from this mountain of ore for five years with in out disturbing more than what is "° W . . ' complimentary mkm.on. . . ' .... We 8ppre ciate the following no .• , V • ».u , , ticcs from our neighbors, and pub U-.b'a«nwith. M, 0 , kind,, of P " % ^ Wofld , WewhrM)pt x th.int.™ tulo „ ia*«™. ^ MMM d - h**r iur n u . ...» ««I ...u, p,mud w «,. xnd .. h0 »* " ■" p*"»««* '* l »**j ^ (rat tau . ^ tb . ! > muom., lormwir », vm.M. Hom., i». nvi« iu it i> pubiinwd n Kock, b« by U«oif« N. I'to, ne , ud to to* bright toad n«w«y to* i H. a for of N*tnp* Propre»«: Th« Futon* fk'LUrrtx, publish««! «I Rocky Bat by O. ML Pay»*, haa uadi IU appsar «ne«. It te « well printed, newsy sheet, Mid wi hop« it will become on« of ths great institutions of the Stet« of Idaho. Ketch uni Keystone: W« ora to receipt of tb« first newibsr of the Kuiou Hr turns, pubHsbed at Rocky Iter, N O. M. Payne, editor end proprietor. The to ueful! of interesting miuibf items j paper fr»« ths locsHty in which it bu with u>. .uppon it Lrm j »ihh«w s* good «>« 11 « > u>* p«p.r, >od ! | shoo,«,.suujo»™.i: w.tonc^pt «r u » bu.«u Beujm» >»« p U w.*«i u a«*. Bar, ts. — ««••». «tw, r.,». a«,. ' up u>. bri*st, mu> «s««« »sich s* io,m*ri, pub- : | *» mo»..uh, ii<»., uam* » t — « 1 •< u»««««ai,, *i»aj« tau ta* «uio«i«i ira , is *« '^ of he __ an GiiENNW FEKRT facts. _ c c. uu»n b*, bm «ppoinwd m>MM o( of ut* wo. r. oi«nn, ■« comp« ».»u, muucw ,„„ L ; p. u. «a bo mom buiwin* to law h«™ wUh , cur ^ poodlBt a < n a h„p^ tb*t u>u «ui *»« u.« a««. s*.«»i «•»<>< m.» »«Met. » ton u*. * *>ou 00 u» th» !aM " J w » 11 *• *"'• '® ok B * oul rich •" d h . lhwougl> . aii. u» bui *. ~~~or b..»« m*i. 1 » * ^1 «""•"V* « 4 STT« u ■>«"■> ««.. «11 1 — ««a ^ ^» in ^ ZTotMiM* *■»> a*m b, u» «««toi **<*>»• oi um wiadmiu aty. _ . ~~ Amice, to Mother.. Mas YYinscows Soothimo Braue, « n cb J " , anil tuw been used lor forty year* with », ^never-failing aucccaa by million, of pur- mother« for their children. During U» proceaa of teething iu value ia in calculable. It relieve« the child from come P* 1 »,. curt * dyaentery and diarrhoea, * D the boweU, ana wind-colic, LäÄÄ "" FIltK AT THK EI.MOKK. The Blacksmith Shop ana a liars« Amount of Charcoal Deairoy«l. »"»'««■MtMmaiwi.nijw, ~ Prompt Action .»d hort-n.,* ç.r- b cumiitm« hare the Mill and HoUiiim Worka. - ^ .... , . ..... Wed™rf.y morning *W 1=1» the whl.lie at .he Bln.or. ho„t,n< works sounded the fire alarm. A shift 0 f men bad i Uit ^ np ^ 5 j w t. n . . , soon pve»'«*ey rushed out and discov «red the roof of one end of the blttckgmlth ghop in fl anK , g . The hoeo wa8 got in plact . and water . «> immediateiv bn* J?""®." '^ÄdwaJ jSf " j{ wag tipJsibie to gavt . thv l £p. At each e£d of the shop, which ... a)x60 f were chart £ al bing that were fuI1 to the roof, and right there H u d to hlive bcon the origin h f th V fire . AU this coal had just i»g. taken from the kilns, and it is the opinion of Mr. W'atson and oth- for „„ * hat , lumbwillg embers had deposited there which ignited the d , jri * lhe ui([ht and caU8 ^i t h e * alion He Superintendent Watson and in p ore i an Mclvers were soon on the for ground, and their first orders were », hoigt tht , nien from the mine . When this was done then the ener wnen mis was uooe inen ineener CO lo-gies of all were turned toward pre venting the flames from reaching the hoisting works only sixty feet £ "»»y, and the mill, distent about 150 feet from the burning mass. The tramway from the shaft to the mill ran twenty or thirty feet above the shop, but a wooden chute f or the purpose of sending down du u tools, connected with the shop and tramway, which soon commu n i ( . a u,.d the flumes to the tramwav a nd it being covered and of very dr y material, it burned rapidly, and ttbout 10 O feet was consumed before the progress of the flames was checked. _ , The loss is estimated by Superin tendent Watson as follows: Shop, h.,, and ,h««»i. « 1 , 000 ; to tramway, $200; total, $1,200. Only few people in town heard the alarm, but those few hastened to the scene and together with the men abeady there worked like Trie jans to suppress the fire. Mr. Wat son s ay8 every man did nobly and he tenders his sincere thanks for their timelv aid tneir umtiy aia. ....... Fortunate indeed is it that the stamp mill would now be laid in ruins, and it would have been the Bulletin's painful dutytochron icle one of the worst calamities that could befall this community. 'he unfortunate circumstance will retard work in the mine about two days only, and the mill which was to have dropped stamps on Thursday will probably not com mence running before to-morrow. ANOTHER BiaAZK. Tbe liut Chance Mill at Atlanta DMlrojed by mu Ineeadiary. Reliable news comes from Atlanta that the Laut Chance mill, belong j ; ing to the Atlanta Hill Gold Min ! . ! ing Company, was totally destroyed ! by fire on Thursday morning about 3:30 o'clock. The mill had been lying idle for three years, and there no of accidentai fire. " hat motive the scoundrel had in ! burning the mill is yet a mystery. | Th, lo» i. «tim.^ „ ,15,000. a8 talked and generally believed that Last Chance mine and m.U would soon resume operations, : m fact, Mr. Earle, one of the pnn 1 d pa l owners, is daily expected here , v. _ ««.v r„, »u.» _ * P F Those indebted to the Mountain Home Bulletin should settle p.d.q. Our expenses have been heavy re cently we and need every dollar due. u>.George Crandal writes from Pine Grove that the City Comet Band headerlby Prof. Dave Ethell, sere^ ; naded Jim McGinley and his new bride and they were royally enter | tained. Also that there was an old f«hioned barn-raising on Crandal's ranch a few days ago. About thirty stout men lent a hand, after which t bey feasted upon strawberries and cream and other good things pre pare«! by Mrs. Crandal. Nothing stronger than lemonade with a stick in it was tolerated, owing to George's itivp temperance views, Bill Johnson, the old came in from Graham, tain district, a few days ago and re ports the prospects very favorable that the English company will soon stert up mining operations again over , there - Johnson & Newton are r " nn,n K a J u "" e, n °? 0 n f. ? f . i th ** r claims in North Boise district and developing a large and nch ledge, . 8ttvier, l ' C , a "« e a P , f T h i" South Boise ranch last Saturday to purchase a lot of picks and shovels, The springs that have heretofore «upplied water for irrigating his 8 a f«!en truck and grain are almost ®fy» ftnt * " e 18 _ compelled^ U> run i ditch up to and tap tbs nw. He Bays that everything indicates a big crop this season, tliat his strawberry t w,U ^mense-if the beara »S« »■ l* t toi iusth, on pleasure bent or buaineaa, «hould uke on every trip b bottle of Hyrup of Figs, a* it acta most pleaaant \y ao j effectually on the kidney«, liver , n d boweU, preventing fever«, head «che« and other form« of cickne««. —— - - 1 prospector, Silver Moun all leading druggist* MOUNTAIN HONE. Ko,ub,c ' h * 8, ' mkr , , . W e will celebrate. Hon. John S. Lewi* of Three Creek b in lowI , We are all glad to hear that Joe _„n Vanderpool is getting well. The Odd Fellow, have soured a lo cation whereon thev will build a hall, Jn „, h ,„. „ h . tojrSTu,. —Uhl ,.in-U,.. to seldotn comes, The side-track is now full of cars, waiting for the large cattle shipment soon to take place, «us Rikewine's breast ia gradually falling and he is daily growing more Fall.uffi.n in appearance. _.«• £ *° n8 * X'mZ , i* u n R , n ^ " ™ Ï .T*" buy w.^"' b"l our rfÏÏp m.^më holding back for an advance in price, n * mber of pt „ aM j n town H they .re aeekin* new homes and h- , in £. th( . y c .„ find no better o,mu i»g. than Elmore county offers, Mamni Johnson leave, to morrow for Rocky Bar, where he had been summoned by telegraph to work on the Elmore company's new buildings. Howard Bebree was here last week He is ulking of starling .branch store in M<>0,,uin Home and is negotiating for Mitch ' U * lic,ln * u '* brick hou,B? Mountain Home people have majle brml,on on _J h !«■ £ Z fJS U s,k areLp^ last week «„d was quite low for several days, butwearegladtosaysheisagainim proving. Mountain Home, June 13. Moi a«t. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Aitur.. AdHalnc Altunu II..UI, CY. V. SMITH, Proprietor. —a— FINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Idaho Territory. DRINKS iu.-» CASEY, HOLLAND & CO'S Rocky Bar & Atlanta Saw Mills. LTJMBEH Cheaper Than the Cheapest. DEUVERED AT ROCKY BAR: Common Lumber, $18 per M. Clear Lumber, $23 per M, * 1 ™ w« «» mki ****** «., ..bust 0 «. ^ thJ s«T£îi"Æn »1 thi. n o«i». to ATST v. r Uoku "*^—' ^ ^ i" to i of Dreaeed and Matched, $10 extra per M. Shingles, $5.75 per tbouaand. MILLS NOW RUNNING. Send in Order» for Large or Small Amount*. REGULAR MEETING -OF— Elmore C«. Commissioners. The Board of County Commiaeion ers of Elmore County will meet at the office of Auditor and Recorder, in Rocky Bar, on MONDAY, JULY 8 , 1888, At 10 o'clock a. m., in regular aea sion for the tranaaction of auch buai neaa aa may properly come before them. John T. Gilman, By W. C. Wicxkrsham, Deputy Clerk of Board. Clerk. Notice to Creditors. ln th« Probate Ourt of K1 OMR!Ljr Territory In Um» matter of Um «•teU of William Ooktorarlftjr. *toi*r mi Goods FANCY GOODS. Groceries and Notions, Tobaccos and Cigars, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Crocker)', Glassware, Canned Fruit Miners' Supplies« Agent of the Safety Nytro Powder Co. of California. Winst and Liquors Wholesale and Retail ROCKT BAR MEAT MARKET Ethell & VanSchaick, Prop's. Fresh, Tendor & Juicy BEEFg PORK, MUTTON, Kept conslandly ou baud. SAUSAGE, ALL KINDS. 1. STEOX&M t. CONTANCIH. ELMORE SALOON (Opposite Om AHutm Hotel) STEDMAN & CONTANCIN PROPRIETORS None but tbe very beat ^ to v. LIQUORS and CIGARS Kept conaUntly on hand. AUG. LUND, Merchant Tailor ROCKY BAR, IDAHO. FINE STOCK —or— Foreign and Domtttie Suiting « Alwagt on Hand. the in Suite made at San Franciaco'a Price« and Satiafaction Guaranteed. aea EXCHANGE SALOON, AND BILLIARD HALL, Joseph Fitzgerald. Manager. ROCKY BAR, IDAHO. ad Nc tieotletoanly «ttonUoa to «1L FIRST CLAM POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES You miaa a treat if you fail to call. ELMORE RESTAURANT ROCKY BAR, IDAHO. MRS, SHAFFER & CO„ PROPS. NOW OPEN. Good Meala at AU Hour*. , Fine Lunche* a Specialty. Everything Neat and Clean, And WELL COOKED. Otmlb* UtMkOril Ice Cream Every Sunday. J. W. ROWETT. Watchmaker aod Jewe HOCK Y BAß, IDAHO. WATCHES, CLOCKS asiJEWEU Of the Beat Quality, for Sal*. Repairing Done on Short Not«*.. ■ Jerry McLaughlin, BOOT aod SHi ROCKY BAR, IDAHO. REPAIRING NEATLY DONIE And Prom ply Attended To. WMLEBAÜS SAL 001 Î Winkleback l Harrington. Pine Wines and Cig&riL ■KST or LIQUORS. Nat Hail. W liljftgran. HALL A LILJEURAN, BLACKSMITHIN3 OF ALL KINDS, AND Wagon Work. Horseshoing a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, * DR. AH FONG, — DBAM» u— Tea and Sugar, Chine«« end Japanese KnieknMka, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC. A general aupply and aaeortmenl of article« suitable for wed ding and birthday gift«. s. h. McCarty, COLLECTOR 4 REAL ESTATE AGENT Will practica law in Juatica'a Court. All buain« promptly attended to. intruated to me will be Office Up Stairs, Opposite P- O. DR. F. «. WRIGHT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ROCKY BAR, IDAHO, DR. WM. F. SMITH, Phtbiciaw AND SüRAKON Mountain Horn, Idaho. tfiOfloi M$t daorto IUmITi Oanmm Dnf Mar*. r. a. ENSIGN A STULL. Arroaiirra and Couhsxloks At Li.w, MOUNTAIN HOMS an BAIUCT, !**■*. D. E. WALDRON. Attorney At Law «OCX Y SAX. IDAHO. Will pnrl le. I* *11 tb. court* at tb* T*rrt**rr S W S ii j T- imom. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE^ 3STOTA.RY And Conviyaxcbe. MOUNTAIN MOMS, IDAHO, ATTORNEYS AT LA HAILEY, IDAHO rvae«Mla*H HuOnubNIki V w lW *. » Mit* lor* Un. U. X L**A OWea. *1 ap. X». AxnDBaa« Ju STICH OF THS PXACX AND NoTABT Public, rtNX QXOVX, ALTUXAS OOUNTT, ID AH'). 1 * 19 Mountain Home Lodge, No I o O f' Rafitlw SHH'tihMF at Tfnn'*rn +~ ir ~ I f i i t j'ff OLA M T. t. T. hutn, S i cw lar y . ,