Newspaper Page Text
$lie (Hmorf UutUtin. ELMO«* IWKTY, IPAHO. ! "«* a*i» fftoraiavo« G. M. PAYNE, Rocky Bar, Jily 20, 1881). lltltlGATION. - It estimated that in a period of ten years a good system of irrigation would double the product of any of; the old Eastern States where crops are grown only by natural supply of moisture. Then, according to this estimate, untold and incaleulable 1 wealth would follow hv a general weaitn woum ioltow ny »general system bf irr.gatton in the great ! finake River valley. Irrigation that the land supplied by it is to a large extent independent of the rainfall, and land thus insured Against drought or too long delay of , rainfall sells at four times the price of land of the same quality not so supplied. The irrigation inquiry thus takes a much wider range than the area of land that must be irri gated to produce anything. This area is, however, likely to produce the largest return for an investment, and is the first to be considered. How to get water and how to utilize it to the liest advantage is a prob lem to be determined by the reports from the Government surveyors now in the field. It is not known cer tainly how much water can be had in the irrigable regions in this west ern country—notwithstanding the immense flow of the Snake river. Where irrigation has generally un dertaken it has not been carried out with a due regard to economy of water. It is certain, however, that there is not enough water to supply all the land that demands it, and the question of economy becomes of the highest practical importance. The Government irrigation survey is expected to map out the districts of irrigable lands, mark the water reservoir sites, and determine the most economical methods of getting the water to the land. An estimate means of the cost and of the value of the results will be necessary to an un derstanding of the problem. Then will the Government consider the best means of carrying out the , , , , ®, , work—and let us hope its action may not be tardy. The importance of th. quwti.m justified, tho into* c«t that ha» been shown In it. The practical operation of comprehen . . »! addition of hundreds of millions, if, not billions of dollars to the value of tho lands in the region west of B the Rocky mountains. What has already been done in other sections by State aid and private enterprise indicates the wealth to be added to our beloved Idaho by the cow tcrnplatcd works toward irrigating the desert lands. MOVING WEMT. Tho Philadelphia Record, in a ro cent editorial, calls attention to the fact that the young men of all the Eastern ami Middle States for the last forty years have been going out West. The drain has greatly weak ened the stamina of some of the older 8 ta tes. Canada has also suf fcred from the same cause Young men constantly drift across the, lakes and they seldom return. The Port Hope Guide, a Canadian news paper, prints a list of 400 young men who have left that place to better their opportunities in the land of the free. These- emigrating young men are of the same class who, at an earlier period, settled Ohio, Indiana and all of the West ern sûtes proper. It is just such men who are now found as the mov ing power in t mating the new north western 8Utes just about to enter They are rebuilding Seattle to-day and displaying such pluck and good as to gain praise from the civilized word. the Union. A touching story comes in ilu Eostern press, how a little lisping child vindicated her mother's name. It wa» a court scene, where » man had tired of and deserted a wife older than himself, and denounced her as a bad woman. 8he said: "Judge, I am a good woman, and bring up my children as I should." The Court said, "that is easily de termined," and turning to the small est one, a little girl who could; hardly liap, he asked: "My dear do you ever say you« prayers? B&r an instant the child looked at him surprised, then sliding ofl her chair she kneeled, and with closed eyes, beautifully repeated the laird • prayer, and lidded: "Lord bless papa and mamma, and brother and sister and me. Suffer little child ren to come unto me. Amen." There was not a dry eye in the crowded court room, »nd the judge sat with tears streaming down his fare. * W* THK CONVENTION. We ere Indebted to Hon. A. M. 8iu nott tor the "Bill of Right»" promul gated by' the Constitutional Cunveu ! lion at Boise, and R.« - other valuable document* |ierUiniiig to the action ol i the («invention. The bill ol right* declare* lor a pop ulur government anti aaya the exercise alu | enjoyment ol religious laith sud worship ahull forever lie gu oantecd. No person shall tie denied any civil or political right» on accouut of his re religions opinion, and the bbe ty • ( conscience i* hereby »«cured, hut it ; 1 f U> " on * trued w, "' «> oath er affirmation or excuse act* h oJ , icentiou , |J0M or jllllti(y |HJ i yKlllliy ! oth( . r (•erniciou» practices, incon- ; L,, te|lt wit| , Uic ntOTaii ty, ptaceo.j .„[^y u f (| llt state, no, to permit any person, organisation or association to directly or indirectly aid or abet, mun , eel or ml vise any person to commit the of of the crime of bigamy, ptilrgamy or any , . .. * ,1 , , other crime. Lilairty of speech and of , . , ... . 11m press, the right ol assembling and (•earing arm» and all other usual Stale righta are provided for. There »hall l>e no property qualification for voting and bolding office. Provision »ball lie 1 made for enrolling all malea between the age» of 18 and 40 for military duty. 1 with a system of military throughout the 8 täte, under control of officer* commissioned by the Governor. The legislative depaitHicnt »hall consist of one senator from each coun'y and double that number ofl repre«entatire». Senator« »ball aerve four year» and representative» two yeara, and the legislature shall bold biennially, lieginning in January 18W1. The prohibition plank wac defeated by a large majority. The convention i* working indus triously and we hope harmoniously, and may conclude it* labors within the utx ten days. KOI' K NKW HTATKM. The question of admitting some of the Territories to Statehood has been much talked of recently. Senator W. M. Stewart of Nevada, not long »ince, »»id in Han Francisco : "The Fifty-] second Congres» will admit four new Hutes. They will be the two Dakotas, ! Washington and Montana. There may , lie more admitted. If I had my way the j would admit them all, cxceptiug pon ; »ibly Utah, and I rather think I would admit that. I would admit every Ter the ritory that had 100,000 people. I-sit the •J"'"' i , l 1 WOH,d , 1,0 them, better for the west, and better for llic Nation. Malm, Arixoua and New Mexico should come in. 1 am j -J—'".S'iC'' The I i> tn »oenit or H«*publkMn, would be in favor of it. How the East may go in: »! if, w jn i H . ,, 00 ugh voles in favor of the four to admit them. I 11 tho next Con of j f" il "" , exlr * ^ ( ! »ion, there will he enough votes to get has j lhen , in . nd u ,i, Wl il. beyond cavil, I be Uie very fliet businese of that »**» l " cm ' The Eureka Con. reduct ion works cow- were destroyed by fire at Eureka, Nevada, on the 10th. The Sentinel extends^iio sympathy to tho com KLMUltC CUC XT Y OFFICIA l A. ro- ; the «£?»■.* * lulrti* AltriflMI D. We- wror the ££££ «f—iSS the out | j the suf- pi n 1 nr 1 ^10)0^ lOllflty \\ aFFailtS. the, The -ts follows, are now payable : to ! the class : such mov- ; enter such gain Cowniiroias,r, F. t. Cbvsiwh, i burnwa; D. B t Nm Tr*n«ur«r J II Miller Cnruner Ur. F. b. Wright. *urt *yro - E. C. Town.. Supi. uf ScIsMiU. - Drol. Clinton . Rocky Bah, July 10, 1880. County Warrants on General FumL| Warrant No. 0. Warrant No. 7. Warrant No. 8. Warrant No. 0. Warrant No. 10. J. H. MILLER, Treasurer. By U. D. Golukn, Deputy. Henry Swanholm The Pioneer M» rihant, Dnlrr in Dry Qoods ilu man and Notions, wife said: and de- Furnishing (ioods, could; at her j Miners' Supplies • _ v and Agent of the .Safety Ny Powder Co. of California, Wines and Liquors Wholesale ant Retail FANCY GOODS. Tobacco« and Cigar*, . IL»u anti Cap*, Boot« and S1 hh*h. Crockery, (ilasswarc, * I W* Canned Fruit I . U'o ä£ c s vxnwi Combine* ths Juios of the Blue Fig« ol ; Californio, »o tax.iiv* and aauitioa*. Ä h om » n gyttem, forming the ON LY PER FECT REMEDY to act g.mly y.t ; p'»nipt> y or ths KIDHETS, LITER AND BOWELS CI83I1S6 till SïSÎBm EffeCtUdlIV, PUR* BLOOD, Vr •AMO TO — — SO TRAT — REFRB8HINQ BLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH . _ . , Naturally follow. Ewy on« i* atlng it Md *u are d.l.ghted with it. Amte your druggist fer SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu f» clur «l only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., 1 * ® A " faaociaco, Cal. 1 Ksw Yo«k, N. Vi Wisdom's Robertine ofl I —FOB THE— Complexion. WRIGHT & l'AYNE, DRUGGISTS Lnnibcr Down. - of |t| m f' I y y ! L' tr u IJali ) Rocky Bar & Atlanta I-sit am j in Sa w Mills. LUMBER Cheaper Than the Cheapest. ; DELIVERED AT ROCKY BAH: in: the per M. ^ ( get I Cinnmon Limitier, »15 jwr M. Cleiir Lumber, |20 per M. . Dressed und Matched, »10 eatr. I Shingles, »5.00 |ier thousand. I MILLS NOW RUNNING. Send in Orders for Large or Small Amounts. __ »Al jjQyyp jj QQ6Si B CORREYS SAW MILL Delivers (itHxl common Luuiiicr ut Ÿ17 per thousand feet. Good dear Lumber at ?-'2 per thoiiriaml feet. Shingle» at 35.50 per M. Hcnd to Um mill, on* inilc abo<c ro.l on S. H. M-CARTY in Mock) fUr, KonrKT IV.HHKl, Pioprirtor July! AUG. LUND, Merchant Tailor ROCKY BAR, IDAHO« FINE STOCK OK— . Foreign and Domettie Sailings Always on Hand. 8uiU made at San Francisco's Prices and Httthdac'.iou Guaranteed. BATH HOUSE S' 101, I A>D . B .1 RB un l A. IRNKRELD. Prep. U'o Opposite Altnras Holet, Horky Bar. H amI W rk. Riifor*, Nj*ar|s tfVJMi G. D. GOLDEN J ——DEALER IN Dry Goods and Groceries Hats, Gaps, Boots, Shoes, Tobaccos, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, Etc. Also Freak Fruit» of All Kinds, and Nuts and Candies. POST OFFICE BUILDING. ALTURAS HOTEL, I «OEN V. OILMAN, Prop. SPLENDID TABLE BOARD. Rooms Niosly Furnished. Stage for Mountain Home, the nearest print on the Oregon Short Line, leaves the Hotel every morning at nix o'clock. Stage arrives daily at 7 ji. m. Pains Taken for the Accommodation of Commercial Travelers. ; CENTRALLY LOCATED. . I AppOlfltment* Complete SHd Rates Satisfactory. I ROCKY BAR BREWERY JACOB ULRICH, PROP. Brows th© Boit of Homo Beer» From Pure Materiels And »eil» at reasonable prices, in quantities to auit, Wholesale and Retail. per A NICE, PLEASANT BILLIARD HALL Kun in Connection with the brewery, where all will Ih* Courteously Treated. ELMORE HOTEL —(Nkw Bkick Hotkl)— Corner Altnras St. d Atlanta At©. MOUNTAIN HOME IDAHO. P. LIN A HAN, Prop. O Tltis llotd, having bsrn just renovated and newly furnished throughout, embrace, every feature of a FIRST-CLASS and POPULAR HOSTELRY. Ha* large, and well ventilated Hteeping Rooms; also large and well-lighted ham jiU- UiKini» for Oommereial traveler«. The Dining Room ia first elttsr m every appointment. Ask for Clerk of the Cloturu when arriv ing at the depot JOHN MITCHELL'S Livery and Feed Stable, AND CITY HAT SCALES, MIH'XTAtX HOME, fBAUO BUGGY TEAMS * FIRST-CLASS SADDLE RIGGS. Bliley team, j>er day. Saddle hor>e, f".50 |>er day. Having parehsoed tbojabove property of Goo. IV. KiSrll, I mlitll th« itotronago of ni y friaiiiU aoil th* puhjie gen.tally. •los«> Mirmca ROCKT BAR MEAT MARKET Ethell & VanSchaick, Prop s. : Fresh, Tender & Juicy BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, Th« Kept constandly on baud. SAUSAGE, ALL KINDS. ELMORE RESTAURANT ROCKY BAR, IDAHO. MR8. SHAFFER A CO., PROPS. NOW OPEN. Good Meal, at All Hours. Fine Lunches a Specialty. Everything Neat and Clean, And WELL COOKED. Gite Um Udi» a Cadi. leo Crsam Evory Sunday. DR. AH FONG, — DK AI JC» IN— Tea and Sugar, Chines* and Japanese Knieknacks, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS ETC A general supply and assortment of articles auiUblc for wed ding and birthday gift«. The Little Palace MOUNTAIN HOME. IDAHO. Adloinln« th« Turner llotuw TfopMot., A. J. BRtTCE, All kind of Good Liquors! Keywest Cigars. FINE WHISKEY», -CUCKENHCIME» RYE WHISKEY Specialty. k Vv«rythli»f trat «Um. Ol»* dm a at •IS FRUIT and VEGETABLE iSTORE. LEO SPANGLER llu fot*r.n*d a »artety «ton adjoining Ute Altura« Hotel, uh«*« h« «III v«e«iv« daily Fresh Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, Chickens, And «cil «I Lowest Fleure« for Cash. AIm Condi««, Nute, Pnuce of All Kind«, TobuM, Cif«ni, Ihreet Crocker*, llr. sonor. I »111 ran n MAft between Hniky aad lucky H»r rrouTOrir mnerj «rok uni onny |—ro «*••!»* kro nwro OnU nt roy Won tor protteuton WM. RABJOHN, Manager. BULLETIN CLUB RATE8 THE BAD FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL THE DAD FRANCISCO MORNING CALL fi te * . MM pro y MW, ai rumen« ro» OIQQ ©.O rpiIF SA (4 rRAXeiBCO WEEKLY CALL * to a bnodanoM p«f >• top*' It Is to •»«I .v«ry ThuruUy. aid rontolns all at I bo Imporiojit now. of th* »rek, »lauod Ira «wry <, Harter of to* (lobe, n-aplM* up to <Ulc of publication. It coûtais* la toftttiug »pedal rnmvpfSMIl» tram all At tbc prtadpa! eltto* of tb» world and a vaa ASkoout ol the toM nlcetod aad orlglaal rot labia Snsuc'.al flaws tad to bortlrulturol aid agrirul tarai aawa. at la In *mj rwpaet a firovdaa faally papas. appealing to tha iatarust of ovary elttsr THE MORNING CALL. II kill» urotrop ol ltan doily. It boa dw LA RUHT Ciaci'LATION aad to roaogatoud ro bring Uro UtADIMl SXWSf-Ara« <vf to* eaipi of Ih« fwlloviog «tikf rlyüoG pria# The Bulletin and Weekly Call, One year, oiHy -1 $3.75 The Bulletin and Dai'v Morning Call, per year* $6.50 Address, with coin, of G. M PA WE, Rocky RarJIlahr Montie B. Gwinn HKAiH^'AKTEC« For the Celebrated MOLINE Tubular and Steel Skein WAGONS And Buggies. TU« famourt John Deer PIchtti, Harrows, Kakes, Mowers. A km Air) a FSU Un» of Hardware, Hardwood, Bark Win, IRON and 8TEEL. Th« Lar*i*t Slock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Motions, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots led Shoes, Ladie»* 1 Trimmed and Untnrl med Hat*, On the Short Line, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Caldwell, - - - Idaho. Idaho Stage Co., O. J. SALISBURY, Prop., Mountain Horn«. Pina Orovo and Rocky Bar. rau, each way. »it 00 . U»» K (Statua Ilona ait» Dally. agrop lug Narnia,, arriva at Itwly Bar at » r. ». aaloc ito/ Lux a Rocky Bar at • a ». Hall,, «soap* Raul»,, Hones FOH PUBLIC Alton. Last On« at Ham Cm »a, ». Kette« I« berettr fivra tfeet the following « settler baa filed notioe of hit* intention to —■ » proof in a up p n rt et Mi olalai. and that Amts »Ul ka maaa Man Rer wer and Ka-rnar at City . Mahn. oa July IS. ISO», tit: Ami T. toabh. »tod Fro. D. S. S7S7 far tb« N .Mît WM Bar. Tp 4 », a »E tha following attnaaaaa in pm kla »a anon aad culttratkia af roMlnad* BLckaatl. »all SIS A MvAauM«. moat and Cnrtar ». Mvranta aft of U.awa'a Hr .to: Samoa! B. J !Kh pruol, « w ko •tatdkl rm the fntertor »Rw rtwwit , I»« wllowwd, will b* fiv«n ÜI butte! of that submitted by rial man t Hmun Pwut, l«|Mv. Notice of Forfeiture. To the Piti.hur«l> amt Idaho OoM Minis, Cow You MW iMitwbv I of ono hti tebovMMhw ndtwd ttUtn w •monte rwch rwr for th« > A. U. Ute». ■ Mg mm! HMH» wysoR fVw ADA ELMORE titling cttdm. «Ittteted In Itewr Cr«wk Mlnmr Utetrid, In Kimorc (form*rly Altuiwo) county, tdobn Territory, for th« |>urpo*« of pcrtormliif tho labor thereon for Lb« run mentioned, u prorWuiH of urtiN tS*4 of Lb« Rcvlud Si «tute» ai the 1'nltad tttetm. th* mum being nfwwUliiri» n* r«M)uif«d tfpon s*id protwrt) for tinned to tb* SUL <U> of iktomlwr, isss, nwi ■«»* proportion of tb« drt-d and forty- «er«• tw«!ve bundrad Mid fortj •nth« thereof, «mounting to th« »um «f tort« - ihre« tiKht> two cent« (f*3.SÎ); and to th« *nn IMS. lStf7 and ISSS la alt hundred »ad *ft » eight fifteen hutkdredth« t h er eof, »mourn In* tor mid to the midi of uuc hundred and for th« year ISSS I« Sv« Um MM thro« y tlilify and U iloll.n nsi lorty *ii «nia ùlixi 4f). «niiln ninri) ,Uy t fron tlx »rovtro M t*. nottro. m «ilhin ninotv day. »Iw IM. nwlro by »ublkollan Ul or nht I In contribute your fmoywwtba et npoMUtaro. your intorrot is row cloiiu «HI property *»f th« u»<1(n|gB«d l under th# Motion 23.'4 of th« ft* »bed »tetnhw si tat «a. CHARLES LOCkMAllTs Flr*t publication Jon« B-ml proYiMàoi» of Notice of Forfeiture. UOLDE.N RAR Lod« In Bear Crock mining d Idaho Terfltor», la «ré*r »7» Matutai Of Um I'aMW Hrotro. Mn, Uro *«lrod 4o hold Um roro. fro Um yron ISM. ISST IMS. Your dun si rold isyroJitun b (MS, i •rithln day. from Um rorrin of Iki. publkatron y«i Ml * re •3 or rtfun to «mtritet« portion «I such «vpondltar« m» oo owner, y feMWDte in Mid ctem 1 wR) become Um property •ukwciiber under «jùd McUon 2324 OKO. WINMIR, O. D COLUEN. June S~ro> aad ItotoJ Hul l Itor, ton, 4, IMS. • :t,i pul.ilrotu.n Application for Letter» Administration. of —:—— T--Uorrto. Orororoa A wOto ntlo n ttoring baa nro*. la w* by Oxurn F. MUsroy tor Ih. probnl. et Um nuncnytoU. i »ill al Saw Morris d, im «» l . ud tor th. Iisiiiii re et ■nron HMurornury UMTOWi to him ro Um rorontor. m* Um »riling- purproUiqt to be lb. ratatouro if Um Mid nuacuproi,. »ill. and Ui. i»IIUon et O. r, bring ttori «iO. th* ttork (4 Um itoa.. Htr, ISM, At la.-etock »■>.*< that <to< b* amx»itrot s •»■roi.1 Urin et tbto rourt lor haring roui M-kHcn liuo. And it to tnrthro Urol nolle, to [inn ««ipror MS .4 Koeky Bnr. ßaron liront,. Idaho T.rrtto. . Ic «bow CUM, If •Mould cat be of I. Md why tetteia tea tioirntery _ _ , „ . ,,,,. u w Orom F Mahon*,, by puhtloriton At rack itolro for *4 torot ten dan proriomiy to aid Bth .ay a« July. ISM. In th« Kairo» Hvioons. n *akly~— la a at Over, FrobnU Judge lümor« Vonmtfy Br B. Gustos, Ctork I to tod al ltth, ISM. Notice to Cretlittir». _ frahnt# Court et Elaro* County, dnha Territory, la th, aaltor of Uto rotou et Palrfcl Itol Solle* to torrhy gtwn by tb* tot rotor et lb* ît* toroiuM having etotoi lb* abl troal. to •iblblt ttoa, together a t ■ ■— rr vouctoro. »tUii* ' Sat pubbatlM el ibto rot t rotor At Kocby Bar, I toko U»».d Hock, Bar, J, Notice to Creditors. In tto Broboto Court of ETOton Ckrooty irrHun In tha wrott*» rod il. ___* . fi a l to . oriby.__ »otto* to toroby stow by ■niatomrm et tbs roteto at WiiUrou - " 'ro.N, ro ro . i.imv, o, aoa au rialroa agminat Um rofcf d to ukihii u mmtmn imuh u m, •hr pubffcstton of I within four I U. D. - anw Min r a halo* Mountain fiant. Juin I. lu. IMwwvlutiou notice. by by atom fkat lb* aa-nartaanbap .ritoH|y'bWUrow b. V KlIMaMaaS toB a T to B. Koto »til roa. All paritoa Sto-.'roL'Sl!? » T. KUuabl, »boto ridtoel th* eetAA « y g, M B fi S« »C >fwr ••• Naur, laao* M.r ; iuy