Newspaper Page Text
h frlmatt Çnlîrtiu. I.w look the trinrit; a««», i!»,. l » iu k wtimiMi t. ; -•a «« »ui»- riptt.,nv »i.erthtn». «ir.. irr it» last t'UtoRE si i.i.irriN »ps ».-> ipt fnr tk< sm sa ? u>.-..a«!twibdiM-UKi»'* M.w««»tn H.m. L- ■" l 1 *' 1 ** ... Djptnct court Monday. tJlig A^Vmnn ilavH but pleaaant nigh^. K \ flUo Hl « . p ' a p, 110 . IU , B . « . Fletcher s large warehouse is nearly completed. ! B Bishop Talbot can not be here till n « *4 _Uit Sunday, August 4th. " Ileputv Recorder Wickcrsbain or went to hoise last Monday. , Tbe first grand jury of Elmore ; will convene here next Monday. The Bi iietin regrets to learn I " that Asa Abbott is again very sick. *** , _ - , ...... age Fires and floodsewywhere. AV ill, ftt famine follow la-fore the close of i,. toias Mabel Payne is visiting at w Porter's old station, with japtain Hill's family. nlM^lJt'TfiM horwTlast week from kidney disease. Lawyer McCarty returned from the Atlanta Tuesday, and brings en CoUmging news from the old camp. Pigs For Hale_Six fine Berk shir«* '' shoats for sale. Apply to W. H. Owen Mt'n Goat boardinghouse. 2t j , ... ...... I ^V U = ,n e B rvr a f0 h r e c' 8 Sx C lourx, cou eu» me Monday. ^ j The all absorbing question now ngitatnig the nnnd of the Probate j tfotlH is: "Who stole my huekle- j ,„ berry pie?'' lot Geo. C'randal has sold a mill-site to the-Franklin company at Pints «rove, nlso a water right. The mill machinery is expe< ted daily. Rocky Bar can boast of many of graceful wjuestriennes, who may 1» ; is seen every evening indulging in this pleasing and healthful exercise. Joe Fitzgerald is exhibiting a mammoth tooth, which he swears l>r Peff.-rle extracted from thc up- i lier iuw «if Elmore's scholinastcr eein-rul * j Next week, while attending Dis- j wl triet Court, call at the Bulekt.x offide'givc us the local news of your ™ locality and have your name placed l' „„ .„ha,.rir>tinn lui 1 on <>iir subscription list. 1 Wjjlianis. the hunter and trapper, mgtfaiWgular weekly tn ps to the ; v lakes, roturmng with frosh, fish, grouse anil other game when in scaeqp. Give him your orders or you'll« get left, If S CED KVBKV D.XTUSDAT. of •UMCHH'Tto!*: One «'«nr hy m«U (io*«rUW> i» «dvAito«) .. «.an Mil man'l» i Threw " " rinjk cm Batvrpay, Jvly 20 1889. Sheriff White has been out this is Dr. Deflfcrlc, dentist of Caldwell has been with us the past week, and lias been kept busy pulling and re-, pairing molars for those who arc so ( unfortunate as to require nis able f services. ! piEi»— In Carrollton, Mo., July 18, 188'J. Mrs. Shaw, wife of. C. R. Shaw, of Muuutuiu. ILiaiisJ This sad news will l*e a sudden shock of grief to the many friends of this kind heart eil Indy. i Wcs. Wickersham is in Boise, and during his absence a force of car up for him a joining Sheriff White's residence. "What for? What's matter now?" RAv.-Gjhi. Bosselle writes to the Bcm.etis that Bishop Talbot has poetponed his visit to Rocky Bar to Bundav, August 4th, and Mountain Home to Monday, August 5th. The Idaho Press Association will I'itv „„ tbe *>*>d in ■Innt /nmortanf business is tobe considered—among which we hope consider»"u—aniong wnun we n.»pt Sümimu! readin«-matter" l^ Lmenti aov semeniB. . . . * . Somehow we have n.*glected to j heretofore mention the ls-autiful wire screens that were several weeks ago placed in the windows of Major Cavanah s ofhee in this place. They arc hamjsoniely decorated and have | the words, ' Bear Creek Gold Min g Company, standing out in bold Ref, and make the superintend ent s olhee have a nietrojtolitan ap pearanee. A. G. Smith received a letter from J. M. Patterson, formerly of this E lace, dated Lincoln, Neb., in which e conveyed the sad intelligence of tbe death of Mrs. Patterson ami her newly bom babe. Mr. Patterson has the sincere sympathy of many friends here for his untold loss ami •orrow. Mrs. Patterson was well 1 known and highly respected here, , and her sudd*, death will be re ce, red with unfeigned feelings of regret hy all. 6eth Williams has two large and beautiful elk antlers that he cap to red last fall, and which he in tends to mount and make easy ch*ir, «,**■ of OUT mountain hardw«x)d. One of these chairs he will exercise special care in making and present it to I rest* ! denk Ha rrison.' They are about, fou^nïnëngth with two and a beeo soak.-d or ptrified in magnesia springs and look as bright ns pure ivory. Williams says he made a chair of elk horns years ago in Cali fornia and sent it to General Grant While he was President hot the on. orlule he was I resident, hut the om he proposes to give to Mr Harrison pentors are rushing commodious house ad in r< Htid ! or«». KLMORI.k MIMXO OITLOOH. Met-p >1 .•niton if a Kr» Claim», to !»«• I'olloMiHt up an Correct ln ore. look of this Section of Idaho been ni more promising than at the present nier. time. The Elmore mine, which has been ing the backbone of Rooky Bar for the *'" ; „ , i 1 last twenty-five years, never looked ■ ' GoHl better, nnd which has given anew , ... . , . 1 ' nn|tetuosity to prospectors and cap- and ilalists to direct tliair attention to tJlig thc ^ mineral zone of Idaho. , n ... . f . i ne * umnue, ol oiu-ume latiie a* a gold producer, i* uteadily and way grandly advancing to the front - t be ! B t n m. ; ♦ j . „ , The Ophir is now at a depth of . U|_wat«r U.V4.1_ mul tiuuTlMI 1 " U waltr , kVLl "" "" aw or 800 tons of ore on tbe dump , ready for crushing, and at that Und ; depth thc ore is perfectly free and best will average $100 per ton in gold, it I " hUo lh,! ««* wil > 8" *** hi 8 h O.0U0. A small aver age lot of e e is now being worked ftt Keeger l| lni „ and Superintend i,. nt ()g),.ghy is more than phased w ith the result. Hoisting works day and a mill are badly needed and should by all means be put up this "The Mountain Goat mine still holds its own good record, and is on the same vein an the Ophir. The fluttering showing of the Ophir ami Goat has caused consid '' rtt * , * e attention to prospecting in that vicinity, and the result is that doubt a mineral belt has j been opened up that has been passed the I over for years, and which will rival the fau,<mB Elmore and Vishnue lie claims in richness. j The John Boyle, west from the Ophir and owned by Boyle. ToWhe, j Cochran and Fitzgerald, is a mam j ,„ 0 th mine, and they have a large lot of free milling ore. This is a new discovery, and their tunnel,300 feet in length, has opened up a fine body of ore. The Wanakontona, on the divide of Blake's gulch and Steel creek, ; is on thc same belt. The croppings assay as high as $300 per ton, and the whole mass of oft: from wall to wall, 300 feet in width, assays $12 P®!* 0 "' ,, , , . i Thence come a block of mines "'"king almost a squan'—tbe Josie, j Blaine, E. Taylor and the Emma, j wl "ch all show well. The Ada Whelpley is a "«w k> ™ l ' on nea , r th f (l0at owned hy l' 1 J . e f^*. n brotke " a,ul (l - 1 a y ne 1 little work has as yet been done 1 but the ledge is well defined and the 1 |g exceedingly flattering , l ; v T ^ i(( befg can be traced and is now *° Iocatt . (1 fof mill . 8 , and on its riimisiiou la llerited. Never Ixforc has the mining out , western extremity, so fur as traced, ! ; ' is the projjerty of Irvine A: Adani8, which is now being worked by Dr. Wright under lease. Here also are ! soul <» very promising locations made re-, by H axe hur«t & Lawson, ( This same licit can be traced still, f ur ther east to Bascom ranch, 15 ! miles, where are l<K-at*-.l t\w D^.j. | demi and Starter, recently sold by Yan Sehaick and Joy to an eastern company, and which is UK) feet in of width, the on* assaying from $20 to $100 per ton gold. The Jennie Van i is also a promising location. Half a mile disthnt arc the locations of Mr. Howard, which are quite flattering, a Representatives of the new company u are exi>e< ted to be on the ground soon, when jvork will be commenced. The Bonaparte mine, which has ^° < ' n ^ ,r 8omc time, now shows up better than ever before, under the to management of Wm. McKim. Be- i fore another month passes away cv- a erything will be in good working ^TR^Warrior^'the wlde'west At K« d \\ arnor, the wide West >» owned by an English company, all<i . l8 I»»" hoped that pu bhc funior ig onJ too true that they n wiU Boon commence operations, as thi8 P "**'1 hnH »'.»re than once put to the test and yielded up to j tg hundreds of thousands. Adam Gottsch has some valuable 0 mines adjoining the Wide West, but I whe „ a newspaper man approaches hhn he is as mum as an oyster. | E c. Towne and others are doing considerable work on the Potosi. They have ore that will mill $50 on average, in the bottom of their shaft e They have considerable water to 'contend with, but are running a tunnel to drain the mine. It has been an old saying in the history of our camp that when of Rocky Bar was up our sister town her of Atlanta was down, but from all indications the saying will not prove true this time The Buffalo mine. which has been i»Ue for a number of 1 years and that has produced mil , lions, has resumed operations, ■ re- under Rudolph Burhen as superin of tondent, Quite a force of men are at work and the mill will be entirely and remodeled. From a silver mill it will be changed into a concentra in- ting mill, and the machinery ,a ex pectod daily. The fahmna mine August the null w 11 t* moreaetd care tw « n4 y "tamps. JUUgs rreatn, wno rest* ! has been at tne v> asningion mine for years has at last 'b«*n reaarmd a h >» ^ v °, is worth $2.^) |>er ton in gold. pure N«r Attant^m Orouw jtrwt, » : a new camp has been discovered by Cali- L Young, R. Buhn-n and (». Butler It bids fair to make a noise before on.- lone They have laid out a town om nmg^ i nij nrincioal lo- ' - - Htid carry cunt-iderab'e high grade ! or«». K*-^ The Montezuma mine at Atlanta, own,*,! by K. Oaetx and T. Walter, shows a six foot vein of #18 gold ore. and in all probability a small ni j]{ w j|| he ert . -ted there thus stnu nier. At Pino Grove a new mill is * ing erected for the Franklin mine,, an *'" 1 j" another three weeks will grinding away on rich ore. GoHl Hill t ompany, at i ne sann are now In with their tunnel {«*» 1 ' i l * . I » « e ... f. ,« and have Upped the Jetlge, four fwt | wide, and by go»*l judges said to *"*> >*, r . „ . v ' I p in t In* «loiiui*, nt Ho.s8 \ alu\ . , ecujmlerniife work i* going on in way ' way of pnancctiiiR. Here are large ledge« of low grade ore that will in j t be „ear future make Idaho famous. »• So, instead of running off to Af- ! . Alaska and following up nu 1 ».iv* « * w»ry excitement, ye gentle pr««e- u , |*-etnr, stay at home, and you will Und that you are not only in tjup^ best country to prospect in but twit it will pay you to do so. . Gold quart* mining in hlmore county I* y et in its infancy. — • _ «-« min »»«..roymi b, Kire^ Juu Smoot drove into town Tues day evening, bring the startling in formation that t'asey, Holland A Slllo<>t » B M wmil, situated on Lin «oln creek, about four miles below Rocky Bar. liail taken fin- and was totally consumed, it occurred at .'1 o'clock that afternoon, and was caused by sparks falling from the smoke-stack upon the roof. N«>t withstanding the great efforts of every man, woman and child around the premises and an abundance of water near by, the liâmes could n«>t lie chet ked, and in a very short time the buildings, engine, plainer, shingle machine and 25Ü.OOU Äset of lundier was a mass of red-hot ndnsji Half of the lumber dcstroyedaMMIHimp^m, dressed, of first-class quality *ndi very valuable. The dwelling housef took fire several times but fortune J. ately it was suppressed before tlie building received much damagj T A Mr. Smoot estimates their loss «** 1 between 18,000 and $10,000. The flames of the null communicated with the dry brush upon the ad joining hillside, and it spread rap idly, but delegation-of.^nen went down Trom this place ana ameu m digging a trench and checking its progross. Casey, Holland and Snmot arc popular and energetic citizens and their misfortune is greatly re «retted by this entire community, The m ill will be rebuilt. An Ap|>r ., r „ r w nat w une. Fl . ,. , . «1 1 All person, indebted to Casey, Hob , l *" 11 A Hulo< >' arc esrneatly requeated *° come forwa.d and settle immedi lately, THe : I , W11B . 1K (lu „ ... ... omer IO I wnai I» aue turn oitier u> Casey, Holuaku A «moot. , - , I ncle Dick 1 regaskis returmnl from Atlanta Monday and contin Owing to onr recent misfor ! ,lu »e in losing onr mill by fire, we must ; now have what is due u» in order to ' rebuild. July 17. 188». ! ,, T The <;»r<i<*n city of the Monnuim. 15 , .. , , „ . | ucd on his way back to Boise, re juicing at the good treatment be received and big sales of green truck in he made up there. The camp is to daily improving. Superinteiuwnt Parueman has the Monarch mill a and mine running smoothly and sat isfactorily. Thc mill machinery was put in splendid order by F. P.Wells u f the Tahonia, with consent of Col. Miller, and they have 1,000 tons of g0 od ore ready to reduce. Charles Lange is essayer and amalgamator. The Tahoma, under the superior management of Superintendent Mil i er> ig ^ing worked systematically a „d giving good returns. Rudolph Burhen, superintendent, aml , l aVig ' men at work preparatory to startin up the Buffalo mill. They are hot experienced *ad intelligent mining n ,en as j udge H eath has thirty tons of $200 ore now out, and will soon in up creMe j t to 100 tons, when he will have a crushing and clean up. The 0 ] d gentleman is feeling so frisky I owr hj 8 good fortune that he con templates matrimony. [If this is not { nlc t j, e Judge has our jiermis gion to ifok Uncle Dick.] The business houses are yet lim on ited They are: Nelse Davis, brew e ry and saloon; JakeUlrieh.brew to ery and Ba loon: Steadman dc Con a gtancin, saloon ; Mr. Adams, general merchandise; H. Casey, blacksmith the „hop; Rufe Turner, butcher shop, and Mr. Pray, livery «table. A hotel ig hadly needed, all We arc requested to announce of {hat there will Is? a meeting of the F our th of July committees at the ■ _/a i Bi i.let.n ottu^norro^» mlay■) are U ' r 18 •* rn " t, F it P risen _, T hc editor of the Solid Muldoon ex- vi „ it ,, d Sult ,, Hke City not long ago. jj ere ig one 0 f t |,c stories he tells in hi,,,.,»,: "W. «> i. . d„k «, ^ vprftnda of the Conti- ! wno l|uU| and overl ,eard the fol {„wingconviTsation which emanated V) 32: First voice-'Oh. Clara, this is bliss!' (kisses). Sec ^ 'Get me a bird. This is h—U' W » : Captain Baxter is building a by cap> m n a , » wiB 1»* used for board • -pi , Reveille snvs he mg miners, the •*''< 111 »ays in lo- ' will also build a dwelling house near the mine. Alteniton, t'ommlt lee turn. M«M NTAIN HOME. ll<>lt*ttlr Xrw# \uins from Ihr tinskr ,, „ „ » i» . (Hhmjc Bell !» *»n Un* h« k li*t. Mrs llnros and Mrs. Newcomer Hn both e«»i»v»lcscei«t. The infant child «»! John Pence ha. KTi i-i-riom-lv »ick. The hiilic* nf Mountain Home h»»l* lo, m cream festival l.»»t evening—the LJrttfrcmU Ui K" toward Dealing the new an jg C. R. Hhsw trat called to Missouri » v , _ s n {«*» days ago, owing to the dangerous K,«t illness of his wile. | vtm Montgomery gone to Ids Mj^^fiioim* si Ketl BluffCal .,on » visit ' Mr. Field» who lives just West of . , town, any* In* I»** *tnuk fwl m Urge ' quantii** at the bottom ol tiu well. Mr. Hlein, brolber indaw of Oeorge j Fletcher, Jr., wan in tnwn U*t Sunday. | »• >» on his way to Lima. I er«, 8. A ! wl.cro he is interested in some neb! nu "'*' rl , . . , ... w 1 Ik* Fletcher» have bail the interior u , t |,eir .lore whitened »nd the w.ssl |«i n ie«t. TIipv bsve »!•<) lately tjup^ m i v «l » new SMO-lh. ssfe, Marvin patent, to keep tbelr east« and books; A California Art Co. We bave arrived, stretched our tent, ■ the and will remain a couple of week* .'1 osi.v. Take advantage of the nppor» hy tunitv. Cabinets, |t.(W per doeen. Satisfaction guaranteed. of H ari.iss A Yalpky. of -- tiKAND ANI» THIAI, at'Kolta. n of / . tow /The following namw gentlemen will... dare tbs honor of serving on tbe fimt hy grand jury drawn for Elmore county. TU of ffliey aru to appear here next Monday : I fj A. O. Hmiih, K. W. Liljegran, Ale*, H. M. Irvine, Hobt. McCabe, I John Holland, K. H. Turner, E. O. ; J Lyon, A. O. Killbtuirn, Jqa. Pearson, p J. H. Howard, K. T. Willi«, Jo*. Hul | H »«T» *» , " JJ***' ""^" T A ' «!"?* • Juhu Mltch,,U > 8imi - A Mc «** 1 *, riul Kav<> the And lbs following trial ynror, b. c been summoned to appesron the «in *'■ A- tuderwood w J. luriier J V R Ï Z,£' ^ m j M Akin, J, <N*k*, O. t: Buch its anan H T Kvan, T. It 8U ,,h,. nM)ni Alanw.n Port, Cyrus Adin M. Hall, W. H Oglesby, E. U. re- Hall, Frank Smith. C. W. Joy.' ■liter Vail«-}. mft d. U. : cbUlch. J •ware. Hln-riff White droppcil down upon our unsuspecting i-itUcns last Tncwlay like a tlinntlcr boll, with summon» for those that are doometl to act as jurors Ibis tenu of court. I Mozskt. Mountain Home, July 18. : boihe: city m'l.i.ErrixM. Mrs. Kikewine, of Mountain Home, | is visiting the Capital city, a gueat of Misa Annie Barber. W. C. Wickersham is in the city on a brief vialt, and a* usual ia cutting a wide swarth in social circles. i IO „ T '* u Constitutional Convention has u> the honor of having as some of its n members the following newspaper men: 1 C. M Hays of the Owyhee Avalanche, i J. F. Parker of Idaho Free Press, Lam- ; , oreuz of Caaaia Times, Allen of Hlne t |, cno Journal, Pe rce of Challis Mes senger, and Frank Steunenberg of the Caldwell Tribune. They are making good records for themselves and tbe press of thc Territory need not Iw . ashamed of ita representatives in the body now forming a constitution fur the pro|*n*ed new 8 ta c of Idaho. The Elmcre delegates are doing a themselves proud, and are a credit In the new county. Mr. Cavanah has the chairniAnshtp of the Committee on Public Inatitntions, etc., and is also on the Committee on Mines. Mr. Htnll is a on the Committee ol Irrigation, as well aa other important committees. Mr. Sinnott will look out for the interest» of tbe workingmen, a memtier of the Committee on Labor. He ia also on the Printing Committee. to re be is mill sat was Col. of Mil of in will The con is lim the the Band of Krmled stork hors«*« lor : ^ on a *f d ,un ' n, * r ~ ,<1 "'"J" i ago. of mis m in ^ventv held fine brood mar»-» »-oils «, ! Bangs—Willow and Dry Creeks, fol- »!>o U t fouru-en miles fn.m Bois«- City. A rare eliance to purchase a fin»- band of horse, che-i*. Teim—Cash on de Sec- hvery. Call on or add raw. TOU Mhath, a Whether on pleasure bent or !»"*>•'»/». should Ukc on every trip a »-'d/j^T P;-rup of Figs.-it ^u-n,» r i pb-^ he 'y * u d etlectually on the kulneys, liver in rtnJ Ik )W cU, preventing fevers, head house gche(l ao »l other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and $1.00 bouh. by The Pimirim. Boise City, July 24. Hay fm Hair. I have on niy ranch at Pine Grove k 100 Ions of fine timothy hay that wi4^* soon to bated and ready for aale, bol for CASH only. I will deliver it at any d»-sir»*d. Orders for five tons or more promptly ju20 NOTICE To the OlBrer« or Klrnore Count) . Notice i* hereby given to all county officers that when pcrchasing supplies for Elmore county, they must do so only through their purchasing agent, Mr F. P Cavanab, or upon his or dl . r Byonler of the Board of County Commiskioneis. JOHN T. GILMAN, Clerk. By W. C. WicKKRsiiAM, Depufy\ Nine miles from Kockv Bar. an A No. 1 ram b ; seven acres' under wir, fence, and in cultivation ; ditch Ukei: from river affording water in any quan tity, and a good 12x Hi board bouae. A desirable location. Price and terms: $200.00, one-third down and balance in si* and twelve mouths' time, with 1 12 per cent intoreal and good s,- ' curity Inquire at this office. jul3 For Hsiu. Noll<-e lo ttt<M-kinen. an AtroisriNC At ('«Ufi:iloM • nu'nlA of ill«* FoniiI» «>f Juif Fliwnrf ConmlttPf. . . e 4l Mr. K. C. Koch, m»c:etury of the Fourth of July Finance Committee, fo^^ht-d the Yollowinf for publi • lo, ' : id HUburw s n Mccart? K,«t iSm lf****f! > SumUy, about noo i the woods at ■ the head of a ravine »bout one mile north of this town were set on tire hy some miserable itoundrel, who ( should suffer the extreme ]>enalty of the law, if proven, for his daa jtardlv act. Tbe fire spread rapidly toward the west, reaching thc slim n ,it ,,f the ridge, in plain view of ! tow „ «„«1 extended down to the will... ^ w u, lre |. w „„ hy the hard 'work of a number of TU | un t lCcrs . Beside» the destnic- ! I fj on u f a vast aimnint of growing , timber, the fire burmd lagging and I other mining timhns tielonging to ; J u h„ Martin valued nt about $300. p ( ,rt Una te|y thefiamts were ohecked | H .f (>re rcn , hine Kuno's immense wood-pile and Golden's imwder-. house on Hteele cdseh-otWrwise ! the damage would lave been of a n)orc nature, The law is very it riet and the for gtart i ng forest | fires, and the statutei make it ini-j ^ ,»erative that persens building a camp-fire shall extinguish all the coals before leaving it. Doom,-*- J - k!h.lnr I««.. I.i.h.. i ( Ur«Ml humlrci IIh' of «mtion wiinuUw ; W K rot. K oor a- k nffiif To •m*'««i*ta revoit v»l fr».rn t|«lr of tickeU mft IhTh, M d. U. McC«rt\. 4ft _ tir m .. 107 *0 Situate fftftô 00 -er«Id« To «auojiiU from culwi-f ipilona: 40 00 .. fft «W in . «4 .V» 46 60 130 01) Tt»t«l from b«!l «n i •uH* To bills }*td: ■ S f3T4 (M) 50 00 4. » OO 10 w M U0 12 ftO 46 AO 1 M 10 on 10 OO T NO ! A0 3 00 1 »1 & OH Ift To ft on 1ft 00 « so 6 00 6 «10 Or hewtr«, ft p h t w i Uniter, «t the dan* a J T UÜWM, fur aupper bulletin. |>nntiim. O. I*. Gulden, ftmwvrka. hfwiliklinc atm*U Ml inhleWh, I»«II rent Jcwrrh Arthur, Whur. 1 m M r. Mullaney httlM tant. The of the Alt . heilig John I Kinuka ; county, turning I». W inder, cutting brush A <pMwi, i«»«>r lutbert Howell, hauling M m K«h)«hn, flagw, ok H I* Golden, spike«. naiU. si Gcorgv Flet* her, men handier Holwit Netterly. hauling t hru Farrell, l*l»>r Grotye b Inder , kaU«r Kiiuaid Hn*., retint» ing pat I HaUtt.« . Respectfully Huhinitti-d, K. Koch, S«H.-'y. itua su 0 M su : uo • It EIRE IN THK Mflt'NTAINH. plum view u! _ _ _ down to the Atlanta rond, where it wns checked ! ('■M*k Htove f|)r Hale. A brand new No. 8 with ronervnir and wai stove furniture com ilete. : baker. Apply to Royal Charter,' ming elor t, and A good A. 8. Abbott. | a »m Royal Daniels and family are rus i ticating at Nichols' inncK. Young Frank Cavanah made his firBt visit to Atlanta Thursday. 1)( . puty Hheriff Jim Gray went to n i' Fridav on i tfiriaibuainesa 1 * f nday on ctticia business. i The court house now presents a ; comfortable and irjviting appear anoe. HarUss it YalpeV are first-class photographers. Try them and be 1 convinced, . , mener back of the Mr. Decker. Thos. L. White or Odessa, Mo., a relative of Sheriff White, is visit In !„g Rocky Bar. u ._ , ,1 u--V'u; '* i' i'• c n^r c H ' ' !^ c " e8 ^' 1 ,n ' a ^ I-^ke is a 8 ". ,,r l time ago. The two little children of Mr. and Mrs. Powell that hare been danger ously ill are recoveri « 1-4 lor : in London. i It retires but little faith for a j m man to believe he in made of dust after he has ask«*l or credit on the lihirài* Fourth .nj bond th.i hi, name ia "mud " I >a st Monday moriiing the miners employe»! in the Elmore refused to ^/work Under the forenmnship ,,f one Mel ver, owing to his over '«-iiaiaafti periätondent Wat»on. *fc Ivor resigned ard skipped out oft! uegday morning'» stage- tin* men were *dl direha^l TW IWan WM apnointod foreman of the mine as appoinwsa lore man oi in* mine, a new crew of men took the by places of the old. Tim is a thor Ihr I 1« Jim* Arthur is building a new res cour t house for »g John Van Sehaick and family and Mrs. Mulhilly »nd Mrs. Pfau went over to Bascom's ranch Thurs day. Notwithstanding heir great mis fortune, Casey, Holland & Smoot jp a stiff up|K-r lip and will re lid at the old mill-site. k wi4^* Uncle lire Harp yesterday brought ; up from Mountain Home a 4, OU) «b. ! or for tlu . county , vhioh Chairman ^Cavanah purchaaed of Geo. Bell. ! Enterprising Jake Ulrich has had the ditch running i^i the street be halt and the tween his billiard court house substantially planked and has cleaned up so locality. ,, , . i ,____ , <, . eo I* " a »-*chr>ol census mar shal. reports .0 school children in R»Hkjr Bar district. The trustees ree engaged Miss Thomas of Moun in Home, teacher for the ensuing, generally in that term. "°h Mamma, what is a whisky A «tnugbtT ask«*d » young hope »ul <>« »hont six summers "My dear child, it grieves me to say it is what makes y)ur papa walk crooked so often." replied the mother w iih a sigh. t Vwi _r u'.i« „„„„ T l'< 1 r * n cc «f Males gave more s,- ' ha, ' •»« ««other, the Queen, for the Johnstown sufferert, She sent her] sympathy. He bought two tickets to Buffalo Bill's benefit performance Results—* appucâtww roj patent. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ( AND CARPETS. T«r n |i Pnnmi -„j "»RFMBPanO of ! of ! , to ! a | ini-j a BATHINQ. OPEN FAERY DA Y nt the WEEK r»<irw> «kt*T«s Orfirc. Haiuiv. Idaho Jul> If». I»»* NflHcv ts h«r«tb> fftwari) that Th* IWar (>««k Otak! k!h.lnr roui|winv. % curuoralion duly «bUMitltcMl by I««.. f the mie oi n«« Y««*, t>> «• Mio**») a* Mo. ! k I' OaolMllot HcmA) D»,. ldM> ., will*.' pint I.i.h.. i.rrUer' , m li,' > .plîïl^i,«ri" »'Tml'c.i All )nl«i' Rm (lib i KMMA I.OUK MIMNfl ct.AtM, , Hrur CYn k (Inrinvr!) Klk Creek or !Ur<l | imittf Ulwlrti i, I'lmorv tlormrrly Alturtsi 1 ( nuhlv. Malio IWritory. .N»nai*t m/*.f fit fern him Ur«Ml lim»»r fort of ihr lo*lr upI «urfatt* «rouii l ai\ humlrci f«rrt wkU*. Nring loi No. .*•«. «ml ilroTili«»! in IIh' ft« LI noun «ml pU( > 1 1 ihr offtvhil Writ) on Hie duriwtic urialkiii «I 1« tl«*rr«M dILmsm; rimimcariBï at center | of »«I r**d of rlftint at which the notice ol lo «mtion miiritialU ««a |mmi*w|. theip-e N 20 deurera If* , wiinuUw (•»( JÔ0 Isn't N W corner Xu. \ -n«l (mint of IwjjtimittE. Umm« routh i deg I.X mm W dtki fer». H ; ; W car No. Ï. IImmicv H «7 ÙCU 00 mm. R Ifift» fret M ! K rot. No. ft; ihemw N if (try It min esat IhJO Irrt N K oor No. «: theni-c N 67 «irx U> min * I.VhJ feet N oor No. I «ml f»Ucw of hf^inuing. é«»ve) of n* e»»r. No. S. C. N. miner«! bkw k nffiif «M Situate -er«Id« I in »hu» oftWc. «irh n httlM RMM uw- - f ■I Nu l hears 8 13 «Ug. 3« min W feet du tant. The Mkl miniuic cl tint inHitg «4 rwc'tr 1 in lh« oflk-e i of the bm<o««lM of mid iMm OMWrt ot II«! ho. in | Alt um« i« . heilig the »«pbir «un e> N.». Til John IL*\ I« ttueun eyred mining claim on the w«t 1 I dire«« that till« notice ho f«uldl*h«d in the ; Kinuka Hi lumi, «t Huckt H «r, In mb! Klinn«* ; county, Ihr iM-wafiaper |ni(»U«h«*! nmrmt the mkl 1 turning claim, fur the perk«! of aUtyr «iaaa. M O UlbUXiM. Hrgi-tei I». E. W AUortiuv tor hlaimwii Kir t imbtimlMMi July ». 10.9S1 arrm; »»»» coaflie««. ty, Idaho The know« lomllw i M James Ireland, Dealer 111 WatchesClocksand Jewelry. Fit rniture u! ! BAST CARRIAGES and fcOYS' IRON WAGONS Sewing Machines, etc. Houtl, *M*. MOUNTAIN HOME, IDAHO. ordsn proai|4l, >UtwM la. JnlS JUNCTION BAR Hot Springs» New Buildiiig, New Udtli Tuba, Clean ami Neat for H. D MMITH, l*ro|metor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uns ODfli *, It 9, m H"i** r-'v. l.Uho, J'lK u Nattn Uhe**h> gi.w, that Ox laUmrlnc Wl.r ha* S lad nf.tù'i- nl In aupport of hkt claim, and IhaLmid |»roof p made l »clore the Hwhtor and Ranci vor at »m I Boiar City, Idaho, on Auftnl 1ft. IMS. »b: Brannon Wilkin«, who (Had Pm. D. If. 37 »4 for the 8W 14 HW his to a _ __ .... butui «i u,*t *utm>iu«i ITy ciatmuc H**tx* rum, be 1 c and following wiHiMM^Io prove hit eontinumiH rw>Lt«no« upon ana « ultivatton of aakl kanü. \is;«« 1-4 «action IX, tp 6 H II ft C. He ■ Black«to«Mi, F. C. Kaasnuaaen, ft. A. Nawiuaii, all of Rrunaatf vallay, Itlaho. low*nec of auch proof, or who km»»» of i\f auh «lanLut 1 roaaoti, uimUt tha law anti II»« ragnUlionn of a j dust the hi, to POOT. ANTI liTT T T APD 1 UU1j ^'}> "LLL1AKÜ over- TABLES ————• oft! men mine mine, the thor Ihr Intarior lNtmrtment, why auch proof shoukt not I 1« «llov e*l, will lia ri*«n «11 opportunity «t ih* «hove MM a "' to c ^lturaft 0alotm res for Adjoining Altura« 11,»tel, CY. V. SMITH, Proprietor. -■— FINE MILLIARD AND POOL TAÉLëft. The Bent Wluea, Liquors and Cigars in Idaho Territory. DRINKS in «nd Meant«. re J. KTKDMAN-M. COHTAXCIW. ; «b. ! _. . . Ä A LI Ml) D L vAl lift II ! LLIvIU 11 L ORLUU 11 had be the in (OppaoJI. ih. Altura* Hotel) STEDMAN «fc CONTANCIN PROPRIETORS that None but the very tost LIQUORS Süd CI G AES ^ " "My it the her] AND BILLIARD HALL, Kept constantly on hand. EXCHANGE SALOON. (OpfmSI, Bulkiln 0*vt) JoMph Fitzgerald. Manager. ROCKY BAR, IDAHO. ll> «Liant ion lo «a. FIRST CLASS New Barber Shop. Oppooito llrixcm OSR*. Rock) Hoi X. B. RATH HONK, ...... ...... HormIw. ftirict «IMnUoit lo Imaia«». afti«rp tool« god pndcomr u pitmm my t a trial Ui»a S. H. McCAKTY, fOLLECTOR & REAL ESTATE AGENT ! Will practice law lit Justice's Court. 1 All hu*incDa intrusted to me wiil M , proitlptly attchJed to. | 1 | , ; ! Office Up*8taire f Opposite P. d. ■ J. W. ROWETT; Watflinwker and Jeweler i | 1 ; 1 ROCKY BAR, IDAHd. WATCHES. CLOCKS sad JEWELRf Of the lb-at Quality, for Hale. |{f|fivirinf Dont on Short NotW. Jetty McLaughlin, R<X,'KY BAR, IDAHO. REPAIRING NEATLY DONK And Prom ply Attended To. (OppalU Altura* Haul) Winkleback l Harris|tsa. Fine Wine« and CigartiL BIST OF LIQUORS. Nat Hall. _W Uljagrai. HALL A LIUEORAN, BLACKSMITHINC at HW ana OF ALL KINDH, AND WsgStt Work. Horseshoug a Specialty of of not Steel wedges and hammers for « ood* choppers. 8ATIHFACTI0N GUARANTEED. A UQU8T «.QUITZOW, Attorney At Law ami Notary Public. promptly « lian a»» la Calloctlona «ad lagnl Po rs mml» a w*°»aHt DR. F. t WRIGHT, PHY8TCIAN AND 8URGEOÜ ROC fc Y BAR, IDAHO, DR. WM. F. SMITH« Physician and Sr ko bon Mountain Boom, Idaho. «*.0*oe nut tear lo* Carter Otmi Mom. II 11 Cnlta promptly d«y or nlffct, in boU Mhll r. i. m. ENSIGN A STULL. ArrOBHKYS AUD COUMSXLORS At Li#< MOfMTAIN ROUX HAILRY. IiiUO *1 D. E. WALDRON. Attouit At L X ROCKY BAR. IDAHO wnt pmetfcw la oil tha J T «PRAGUE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE« NOTABT PUBLIC And CommsHcnti MOUHTAUr ftONft. IDAHO» Jk.. R4C. BXNNOTT, Jeane« or THK Peace akd Notabt Public, ouorv's nur, IDaho. Mountain Mom« Lodge, Mo- 19 I- O D F . «•tela S« 0*1 F.!k»C Holl svsn Sa» Sajramtte kaUSI »Mat uîaMmd. a L ALLEY , K. 0. R JOUNSOX, V. 0. J. T. Inan, Sootstarv- * tm EDWARDS k CO. STOCK BROKERS, 8T. LOU 18, MO. JtuFietpfti Üb» vlWnmjui Mining IftFiL \