Newspaper Page Text
the tip of tlie Lm N*. 4M. A trteugte having three amU* anRl«* *up pnrted by elongated ni »tea, a ein* le in in um a alight arc. two right angle* formed by a per pembcular ami a horizontal; a line, an acuta angle, a plumb, a horizontal Wiected by a perpenditular, forming two recta tig lea, and an acuta angle supported by an upright. The whole will represent a word applicable to the mental »tote of the aolver of till* prcblam. for In Nu. 400.—Aungran—A Ky»lle HlrO. if any men of maor mind». Many bird» of many kind., tv uni- are dun and wane arc gay — Which b tin. oust tell me, pray 11« ia often «een wher» the river wind», But »eldom found among the "pinas" No. 401. Enigma. My flr»t hi In a con of My mcond hi in every "dais,* My third'« In "»gf." My fourth in "heg." And tike an earwig In a "rail" My fifth. My next i* in tire "mud," Mr seventh la found in King "Khud," My eighth's In "rain," My ninth in "Cam," My tenth in sweet Mux "Maidenhood," My last in nsttbar , 'baii H nor "good," How for my whole. Conceiva a crowded room. Lit up with candles to expwl Ua gloom— It A stag«, ou which our daxxlad «y«* we tlx. A clever man who «hows diverting trick*— And you all) have a vary curious skill. That baa been used for ends both good and 111. No. «•*.- Drop Iretler«. A-l-d-o-h-h-n-4-w-r-b-w-t-t-s-u-h. Supply musing letters anil find a vary com root] proverb._ No. 4<U.-Ctiarade. Aa I west out amour the men. I saw a boy whore name waa-: 1 hw a bird. It waa a-s 1 also «aw a pretty w Odom out ami linger with the —I 1 turtssl my Map. to tho forret, where A iarire and beautiful Held of-s Hut uight waa com ln*. I had to run Tu reach my borna ere tire retUn* N..w put together all there thburk » ootad mao before you aprtngu No. 4*4." ClYMMOlt* O O o o o o o o J O O Start from any circle, and, counting that eircto "1," count the next "2," the uext la th, sum direction and tho next "4* Crow out tho circle reaintcd "4." Start again from any circle not «roared out. Count ox before either in tho mine ot In tlie reverse direction, and «ore out tbv circle counted "4.'' Crowed circle#, though not to I* xtorted from, ate to he include«! in the count of four. out. Cootluuo to count four from «ny c trete not mwpd out, and to eroa out the fourth, until all the circtea but one am created out N«k 403. TnnMrnnoalluaa. Chongs ms letter at a move at. that there will »till iwmsio a legitimate word. For ex empt*, hate may he changed to love in three movre: Hale—bare—lave— lova Chang«- Hard to Easy in five movoa Cbaugn Hin to Woe in three nmrea Change Neat to Friro in eight nova Change Kara te 1 ope In live rouvre. Change Hand to Foot In six mow*. Change Blue to Fink in ten movoa No. 400, — |ll«i(]te«. Why is the tet t«n* D like % Equallitig child» What Is the be*t plait to prevent crying when your tooth is extracted» When tea young indy Uke an acrobat» Why te a man who never lay« a wager a« bad an a regular gambler I A tm&il child Just borna from Sunday ■chool luformad hi* father that hc could tho Amt five books of the New Tecta ment They were, be «id, "Matthew. Mark, Luke, John end liste hot," end thon, thinking people looked queer, be heelteUsl end edited, "Well, beU.-tu.-t or ox; it'» about the mat t: «re Key te th* Pussier. Ho. *49.—h Fuaxleof Seventh,: C U R H A N T RHUBARB APR PEACHES g U i N C E 8 O R A ti O E B BANANA* No 450. — CruaMug the River : An Kuglixh man and a »errant go over, the Enghubnuu) hack with the canoe. Two servant» go over, one servant come* heck. Two Eng lieh men go over, eu KngUahnuui and • rer vent come Ixu-k Two Knf tuhus-n go over and * rerrent come» beck. Two over and a servent return* Two xervejnta then go over tegutber. (Aber volution* ai» porethto No 4M. —A Bird Fuxxi»: 1 Frigate bird. 2. Butcher bud. A Weaver bird A Suek* bird 4 King bird & Bell bird 7 Cedar bird & Cat bird * Tailor bird Sa 4S£L—E*»V Charade: Dertou. No. 4M, —letter Rebus«, tat An M on ■ —Anemone (Ui 1 muierstond to C on figure S—Configurate No 4M—Enigmatical Tree* Box, Dog wood, A«|x*u. Rose, (Hoe, Plane. Tulip, Bpruc«. EUn. Syoentore. Poplar, Southern wood No 4M-Anagram. Termination Ha 4M—Double Acrostic V a r I * T A r m e d A L i n n * T L. o e a * T EvolvE Y o a d # R b w * a r 8 Ho. 4.S7 -I«-heed ing* Btnasb—maah Ho. 4VL— Lkwundrumai Lyre Try to bor row five dollar, of bint. Bei-sure be moke* COT Y «Ute go butt« end, meat He ha* bnu to roe «reek It slweya has it* back up. Ia the dictioaary. Your luooe. He. 43®. — Geeeraphlcel Pjvund. 0 OOO OOOOO OOOOOOO 000000000 The slug le ring represent* Ute initial letter of a «a port in Geôrgia. The row of three, • crept- at Ibe »outiiern extremity of New Jer my The row of fire, a hay ia Fonda. The row of reveu. th* capital city of Ontario The raw of aine, the Dutch ..I the Maud 00 which Hew York city I* located. Hw eeatnd vertical of Are, a geographical name which is just bow figuring ex teure rely or«— SMALL INVENTIONS. Trlllii w liii'li hiirl.ltx.l Th.... Who Fini] Thrlr I till,r. The New Jersey man who hit upon the idea of nilat-bing » ruinier erasing tip to tlie end of lead pe teil« i. wortn 9-jnO.dfm. The miner who invented a metal rivet or eyelet at eaeli end of the month of mat and irmixers |n>elcel to rwld tlie ft rain i-hiihoiI l»v the «-nrrutge ol the • any di pieeex iif ore and heavy tool«, has mails money from hl« letter« pulent he would have marie had ha a a more tlmn «truck a good vein of gold-beuriug quart x. Kvery one Im« «ecu lhe mêlai pinte» that are iixcd to protect the head« and »olé« of rough «Ikm.«, but every one diM'xti t know that within ten years ths man who hit upon the idea has made SXflO.tMNi, .V« large a »um a« *»« ever obtained for any invention Wh« enjoyed by ths Yankee who invented the inverted glas« la-ll to hang over gn« jet-* to pro tect celling* from being blackened by smoke The Inventor of the roller «knte has made «I .i»«i,i«»i. nolwlth«tandiiig the fact that hi« patent Inul nearly expired before the value of It wax axrertaincd In the crane for ndler «kitting that «prend over the rounlry u few year» out. to the ill in H.-o. Tlie gimlet-pointed screw ha» prie duisid more wealth than most silver mines, and the Connecticut man who first thought of putting oop|Mir ti|re on the ti«** of children's *hi»<« ix -ix well off ox if lie Inul inherited »1. ism.isxi, fur that's the amount his idea ha« nsillxed for him in cold, clammy coin. The common nei-dlc threader, which every one ha» «cm for «aie, anil which every woman owns, wo» a Immui In ne. -die u«ers. The man who invent«- I It ha» an income of |lo.lkMl a yent irom his invention A miniater ill Kiiglalid made Anli.lkSt by inventing nu odd toy that dnncml by winding it with a string. '1'he man who invented the return ball, an ordinary wooden ball, with a rubber string attached to pull It hack, made IMMMUMlii from it. The peewMl who Invented the must recent |Hipular toy. "Pig* in Clover." will he rich before the leaves turn this autumn. II*- was poor last November. —Pittsburgh l'rexs. 111. ily THE HOME BROKEN UP. A Nt«»rj That May Ha l>a|»llaala*i In Ftrrj <*r*at City «I «ha UriI If you want to get an I.lca of th« auinlx-r «if people who are at work down-town ltl«*n, wimien. tatys and girl» tak«- your stuud any evening at the intersection «if Washington and Stale streets, from whl«-h |n>iut more street «-nr» pull out than any other in j the city. I'he stream of humanity | seems endless, f'àtch hurrying liiini«-, and each appnrently happy tlnil th« day's work is done. I stood there th« other evening wnt<-hing the hurrying throng, when a b«»v about fifteen year» old. with hi» tin lunch-hox. was pass ing. 1 thought 1 kii«-w him. und »|ntk« his name. He türmst ba«-k and looked that th, ot tbv four. at me under the gn*-iight. ••You don't know me? ' I iuln«l. II« sai«l he didn't, hut when I told him my name he «nid. "O, y«'*," in hi» boyish way. nml offered hi* hand. I hail not seen him for six year». Wh«m I l»«l knew him he wax ane of a family ol three children: hi« father wax a prete |t«rouK mcrediant, and his mother wot a woman of culture and devoted to hm home, which was as pretty a» a pieturs. ••Where is your father?" I asked, ••He's living out in the country ; he it out doing any thing now." ••And your mother?" ••She's at her mother * in mentioning another State. "And your brother?" "At school, with my aunt" "And your little sistarf" "She is with mamma." "And you are at work?" "Y«et. sir: to- '» retail store. 1 live with some very kind people on tht North Side, nud am justout of the sho|. on tny way home.'' Then he turned away in the crowd, ami was soon lost. I put the answer» which he had given together, und 1 tonde out u storv which left u lonely sort of feeling upon me -a feeling id regret. 1 thought of the home a« 1 had «ceu It and kuown it, aad won dered what combination of clreum «tance* could have possibly broken iL Hut I know it is broken. And that il w hat I learned in watching the crowd In the eveuiiig at that corner. I ho|i< it wax the only story of that kind iu the thousand« who went by. -Chicago Inlet Ocean. not until there ex three a« could Tecta Mark, edited, mat The stremgeet wheats are of spring growth: Duluth and other spring wheats of the United Stales and fail-1 servant» Eng rer over xervejnta ai» bird. Suek* Cedar on ■ figure Dog Tulip, bor moke* The Strength of Wheat*. ado. with Snxonka. Kubanka uml (•hirka from Ru«»i»- Th<n«- grew in latitudes where winter i* long and seven-, and »pritig ami numSs-r almost together, and where the season* nr* regular in there, «■hnraeteristiin* pro eire-ly the op|Mmite of those obtaining iu England, where spring wheats rarely do well. It might he suppose«! that winter wtiretu, which are so much longer on tlie ground, would make the "slrougext" Hour*, but they «io not, und this fact ho* attne-ted the atten tion of (ii-riiian chemists, who have shown fix*n a large number «if analyse* that the highest pen-enlogc of gluten is found in small gi-nitied wh«-atx which «r«» on the ground lex* than I,l" day*. So shat tho more rapidly 'In- wln-at plant lx matured the larg« r the pro portion of gluten, while the longer it is on the ground the more- sfnreh the whi-utx contain. • " * 1 »»w some very bountiful Hungarian writ, at» on the market last w«-ek, and If th«- geu •iiti i-liai'iu-ter of those grown in that Ktuntry is any thing Ilk«- equal to wh:«t i saw. 1 don't wonder at the quality ol Hungarian flour. Hut I am tohl tlmt our miller« cun not make llungar a-i Hour jut of Iluugariau wheats. I.omlon Agricultural (iuzctle. go It .Thar 1,14v » » la*il in «MA I nx? I.ure a jail t> Missouri WfffM • ffratld Jury ha» ooiulwintonl thirteMB different times, and out of which every : prisoner who wanted to ere-ap. hZ i Con.-, hat the comity won't make re. ! pair». Th#* »uporvim>r* ar£n» that ja!!* m« .. i;,* „# k , arc »vlic** of barburiKtn. — In on*- corner of a church at Roc'r ! MISCELLANEOUS. letter three, Jer The Springs, (ix., a flying *<|uirre1 hits ids nesl, and on Simany«, every time tliq congregation begins to »ing. the »qtiir. re! roiDN out to the edge o( his uesl and listen*, returning when the sing ing cettooa. the rely Informs,to* obt*te...i OM w»MB III Caunlrlx Near are* Car. The funeral procession mutt not or«— a river. I CURHENT SUPERSTITIONS. The IhMttmiiu* » dying per*on Cul U lu the next to follow. A dHlwhith hung on a door-knob In | • ei «r 11 of Uouth in u fumiiy The corpue mu*l not puM twio any I »mi of the name road. dnmv* on am." : very ,,ver ! ing of the ground indicates di -. I— 1 1 * r nr death within ti your. \\ hoever work« ou a xiek (s-rson , , orix. drex« tie or »he will die within a year. If a hoe !»• carried through a house ■ome one will die before the year it i I ; ! the a out. If jliirtecn »It at a tahlu the til not live through tin who rlsex Unit year. The person on whom tho eyes of » dying |ier«on lu«l re*t will lie the tlrxi j to die. Whoever counts the carriages at a ! paxxing funeral will die within the year. To bronk a l.a.klng-glnxx lx a sign ol b - death iu the family ilie yeai clot*»«» II th i-e |M-i-eoue liHik at the name time iuli. a mirror oae will die within : the year. The dock «tumid he stopped at the time of death, a» Its running will bring ill luck. If one die*, and norlgor mortis en xm-x. it liidlcnlesa «peedy xecomi >lculh in the fondly. If it henree I« drawn by two white horses death in the neighborhood will • occur iu a month. It I» unlucky in u fum-rnl for those present to n-pnxx the liouxe s hmv death bun isv-urred. If ruin falls on a new-mnde grave will Is- another death in the fam a l In I a the ily within tin- year. If the grave i« left iq»-n over Sunday •«•ur ta-fore tlie nnolhcr death will Nuiiday fid low ing. To k«-«-p the corps«- in the lion»«- over Sumliiy will bring «loath in the family liefore the year U out. It is unlucky to pass through a fum-rnl. either hstwacn tlie earrings» or th«- III«-» of mon ruer» or> foot. If rain fall» into an open grave an other burial in the cemetery w ill occur within thr.-e data AI a fum-rul cntarlng a church beforo th« *•'«- mourners means death to some of Die ««uleriiig party, I «»put on a bonnet or hut of < at mourning is the sign that j mu- lajfor«' the year I» out. D any one com«-» Uj «« funeral nftcr in j the pro«-.*»sl«.n »iHrlxHiiollierd. ath w ill | ««■«•ur iu the same house, th« ovi-r Sunday, it i» said tlmt w ithin four th« w«-«-ks one of the village w ill «lie in will wear lu Switzerland. If a grave is left open If. (luring rticktiGZH. a pair ol' Im* ilioppoil to nut'll a luttittH't* that th«* |M»int ntlekn int«» tho floor, it iiKiical«** tin* of th«» «ink ponton. womit 11 who Ini" h«*««fi w«»w Wh« a II« my not l»«l ol wot hm it 1 tht 1 id 1 won iL il ho|i< the Inlet lug put « Imr thimble on tin- tabic «» she «Its down to eat. It is a «igu that she will 1»- left a widow if »he nmrrie«. A common saying I:: Knglnnd is: "llnppy is the corps« the ruin fulls on." This ludicf exlut« ulse in the t'nii<-d ■ s t«ile«. Tint« it ix Mtid tlmt if ruin hills at the time of the fum-rul It sign tlmt the d«-iul lut» gone to IIi-hvi-ii. Chicago Mull. is THE CARPET MOTH. Never»! M««li',«U of Alla«-kittc and l*e ,lr«i.vl«vx Till« lliM«x.-lMtl,l l*r»l. Where «-ni-|H-ts nre> us«-d urn) only ! taken up once a year at ••houso-clcai» ing." the «Huidltioiis are very favoru- ! Ide for Site carpet bug's inere-ase, par tieulurly where- the hoiim--«'li'uning Is ' hurriedly dune. When n house hits one« become infest«»!, nothing but the must eneigeth- mensume will «-«»m plctely ri«l it of the |n-st. and in com plete r!<ld»m-e i-the only ii,q«e. ns in tt year u very few individuals sill so iLire.• Mre ln rix« ,rc..ut rlomaiTA A » mcime aw to do great damage At iiouHc-clcHiung time then, in* iniuiv rooms should h- bn red ms- us po^ siblo. ami III« hotlsc-kœper should go . ,, .« ' « carofully ovrir th«» room* removing all diiMb and with a )miid-uU>mizer _ Eliniila pun rttwir btUW* ehiu-giHl witli beuxine the liquid into nil the ■-riw'ks nud under tin« Ismiilx unfit every «-rovk» bus iu-eu reo«-ln-d. The carpets themselves, ... , , , • i i i i alter thorough heating, should I« liglilly xpniy«>d with tlie same sub xtjiii.-.. wliieh will Iinleklv ... niuirule stums , wnt.n will quiCKiy .«npornt«, leaving no isinr after a short time, The inflammability of benzine should be remembered, however, and no light j fail-1 should Is- hroughl ni-nrit. ' Ills done. , before relaying Ihc ciu-|H«ts. it will Is well to pour into the crocks a initier aUtly thick mixture of plaster of I an« «ltd water, whieh soon sets and fi ls ,, , , . , tin-ill With a xolld substance iuto w liiell I th.-inx.w-ts will not enter. Then l»J ttrtitiix! th»* h»)r»IcrK of th© room a uitlftl , |f tiire»4«l ITNlfiltll.lMIMM* Mflli a DUD i»i !«rn « ro<»ni»g |»a|a*p. ami afterward relay th« car|Nte Thla ' , , . , . - , _ _ thorough treatment should answ.-r in the very worst <-as«-s, and iltu , , • , , . ,, , house «to eletuiod the insect will prob ably not regain a foothold during the I ensuing y«-ar. Cloth-covered furniture which may hav«- til*«» become Infeeted i •hnuld Is- xtounn-d or also w'th 1 uml in and nr* pro that the not, have pro it the some on geu that wh:«t ol our Hour is-u/.im-. und cbvxt. or drn wer» in which , , . , , i,if<--t«-«l «-lothiug has been »lured should , he thoroughly sprit y ml. Another method of trciitment con in laving m dump cloth (un old lowol op h fiildod ehriot will do) wnooth* . # ' - !v over the kukjkm'Icu |mct r»f the *'ar {NH, und imttittg it with a hot trou I hc steam thus g ..rated will |«uss , , 1 , m n .1 llinmgh tlie . -pet and kill all tin- in- , wh-Is imim-diately beneath laborious, un entire room could be « if Hi-. I to u'livnutige in litis way.— Housekeeping If not Loo . . .. . . . . , mORKUlt? |)»t>'?*« , U hy the IsrOKtelalure; do know ,- s,.,„„d citixcn "Y.-s. I ^ ,, , . . . : ''° '"P!^ to ,M> l * "'«JT-Uery »< hZ i lh * , l \ " *TÎ re. ! «« *" h beer. -Burlington Frem ja!!* 1 ,, . f w .. .. Kverv bicycliat should um hi* ' • . * . Ä _ , ! pcrAnnal innuetice «0 hcctire 1100 a road», but hie duty doc* not require ,, m . » au him to jfot off hi* Wheel otw the handle» und nmooth the highway down with th» back of hi* neck.—Homerville ! A nai was the inst I —»irsi «-lUzt-n ids tliq uesl Jou Ciwl. — '!*>»« new .-«mstitullöä of J ifpttn I« ] iwwrlbed us "a government of the I Emperor, for the Emperor, and by tti® Emperor. " h no more resembles Magna Charta thun a hat doe*, an el*- j phnnt. und make« the government of Ohle. KUt^ hr.t Dk. aide mât Japtin In reality n government of •*! am." — The climat« of Afghanistan i« so j : very dry that without irrigation noth- I ! ing cun be grown below an elevation of 8.M0 fei I, ut which point dew tirst ! Is-ginx to form. During the mnnmer -«-axon the |M*opie live chiefly on meî , orix. which are grown in such qunn i .(pike ; ! tiex that sirup I« niude fisim them. — The lumdon pii veillent«, which every visitor from thiM aide of the wnior ux «o perfert. lire rci-eivlng a tremendouH ninoiiiit of locul hIiumv now. WimhI und uaphult are Um> «lip. |tcry: inucadiun can't xlnnd the heavy wear. The opinion 1« freely heard that London "ha« not yet «olved the problem of «tree! pavement*, and teems UN tar off from It nx ever." j ! that - At ati* led homestead near (Trims b - v ,, '*' rp ** •* »PP'® trt-e one liundreil years old. tho branche» of which cover an »reo of forty feel, and which has frequently of I dy and : f«"" «venteen to twenty bar rel« of mnrketnble fruiL • —In a number ol test* applied to masonry. ncc<irding to Prof. Itaker, of lllinoi- 1'nlverslty. pier» of ordinary brick »nd common lime mortar stood a pressure of a little over 1.A00 pound» per square Inch, which l* equal to the weigh! of a column of brick 8.000 feet high with ordinary Portland cement mortar tho strength wo» somewhat more than Ï..VI0 pound» per square inch, or the weight of a column of brick masonry H.tklt) feet high. A (termon living in Weehawken «cul u letter lo the Mipcrintendenl of t'nxtle (iarden offering him |1 if he would lind a wife for him who would come tip to the specifications given in Ihc letter. Me said: "she must he a rosi-cheek«-d. golden-haired Dutch girl, twenty year. old. five feet tall, weighing nut over l'JÔ pounds, plump, and -with a waist tapering gently from the head und feet.' She must be of a modest, retiring disposition and very l 4 >du»i rions " . . • a - Denmark has a new am] unique It is called the -Telit»,.cy ,\»Nuratn*»* Societyit* object bellito provide for women who can't or won't marry. Premiums begin at the age of thirteen and eml at forty. At the lat , . • 1er age an unmarried woman n-c.-ive» an annuity for life. If she marries at any tim.- after Uking out a policy »he •orfclts all claims on the society. The i profit» of the society .ree*p.-ctod U, ,m ! snough to provide well for mem tiers ( who IM?V«*r mai*ry. , - It i* *nltl that in the Southern part KiiumIa the urn* a <m*Iii of »I \Ui*n\R Mit |h HMont» iw a nnn oi j .ueh small value that It would take 1.SMHS1 of them to buy on America.« ill ôoUâm% nod t-bt**«* coin* Hr»* ho scHrce Ihnt h man who ha«* a timid rod U «» l«»'ked upon ns rich, and one who h»« a thousand is aonstdered very wealthy. It i» strange to think a person wealthy who ««WH« two-fifths of a «-ent. ami is: if It to jomforUib'y well off on on« twenty fifth ijf »i«*mi» A Sign That Neve« Fait». "William." said Mrs. Trembly, "hear that horrid dog. I»n'tit awful?" "Is that the same dog that kept ut awake last night?" ••I think so. It sound» unlucky. ! ! Is ' voice, as he »lepped out of hed and the rcHclu-d for his revolver.- Membra» dis-sn't It?" "Didn't ycu ever hear that the howl ing «if h «lug was a euro aign of death In the fumiiy?" ••No. Wh *»i family?" •■The dog's," said Trembly, in a firm Truvclrr. in « llreUvhrtMMMIWA so The x«-\.-««l rlluiat,-. «g Klnrlds. rnl<«nul<> en-i A » l'»llfurhte h*V4* FtCh bfCD much lilfwrilwd lot At i nnu \ mtm di«Mf.yet ih«u>anfte«if the iiNtiviw iu Uhmu* dir of ihi* (ni«I m«te«t> go »1 hiiun- • r--m«sl> which i. «siW. hy UrsntlvU. ander the menufarlitreni' uotltir* gMonimtee th»t. If taken in timi* end glveiTa lair trial, I» will ettect a eu re- «y »«»ney peld for It will be _ prumiitly returned. We refer lo that World Uined remedy for eouEtiinptlon (or Iiiue «ternfate) kn<»an ■*> Dr. Hielt*«»'» tioldeu MtHliesl Dlwovery. It i» the only remedy for tht» ter* rible d I •«*■*«• immufumI uf xiich mperlor curative pruiH*rtie« mb to WMrmut H« inEiiutecturer* iu welllux It under n irtiar«ute«* Ihin't Itewk. «ml hlner, end, httl um- pr I« -««i- »« .i.rrh K.-nuxi> <>f dmai«* - » - Tin- «.«»I sxinxrltxn hxl|>« the imf.irumx«,. Mar | am . wUhent x>kluK him how he lulvuil. to v.itr. j IMcHhrt |M thr nnnrrf , .. wh „ Urwl , uix.u nntblux hm «liiisl» su«l drink.' and trt Is- with rhemlrludbtvmh.n. Her"hrleels. Ilk«- those ot msuy <«thi-r vhlrrl} |ivr~.u- wh« dlRrstive eewere here Ix-eomr lm|islrd, didn't an« w1t l, h ,. r lhl , «•> lx-t..n- th.- an-» ,,t ls lT.wtelt.-r'. W«it«a« li Bitters, mreeme one of h*-r ,> fri.-ii.1x end n-lsllvr. would nn I .Imilittsll) h.rr (x-renadixl h«-r to try th. itn .l l»J a uroieriiou »»u their i«»r!. for »be w**uld »ooii Mflli « * « \ » • IHT«I «n.l Fft«l| »tioliirt» tbum ami w m, ^ The moot otwtlnate eaaevof ' l»uH«e»tkin. with it» attemtaut bearttmrn, fla _ inteiiee, e«iu»taiit unea»lu«*»« of U>e atomai'h u,,- lw vv.w. so- eootpletely« bythl, «.v.-e-isn e-m.-dy Chill»ood frvvr aad bfltona , n-mltti iU. rb. umstixin slid kidm-y tnillhl- «*« „i„, n.u. vrel by It. the I i 1 Thai I'nlukrrtx, Old Wereaw • i All tbo path» of lift l. a«i lo Ihc xmvc mud the utmoftl tlmt «t < nu do i» t * » «void tlie »hört cute. » 4'entiaaallea sf e t ,,ik fur ,nv Icnxltiuf ttno- «-»««M-, irritai tmi ut Hu luiin. ur -H-nu-Hinnitr IMreqsc "Hunvx * «wix , , <*Jh««i{ Tmrket" ,n* eu rlwtlvi- Cmuth , |- r «. .. - ,.wild ux', ix tu« in life incut» »! Iw «ttelncd by Il I» tlu xixxMC r.»a«l 1 bat Many flank move old la«d* u* the tinmuteln tup» . **..*_ . , . Jhv NUM thnt put» an «'llcte In reach *'ar- eiTnr ,rimi wumrn to lighten her l«U»r te ccruinly a èmr/orfor. (Yagin A Co. sut^y ore»c under thi* heed in ateklng Dobt-in* hire-trie soap so chap that off in- , Mn ^ u ,- oll 11 * tetai" be Loo arc uever too rnmny É ww r r » in this j • khul nurd too many h«» Th» world, «fui not ever yet lxtn «|M»k«u •C% KEY Ml I ••TOM M»\r. . , Problbly no itiMM lofllrta an much coutlii do |. M ln »* Kb. HUiAtiwm. mer lit.Miiglt- .„lb I plslufl... Hr. Havld Kenovdy'. Ksvorlu- .. . «ly. of Mondout, V V , won mon* cun*» than! »< mumn.ii.«^ S^'BLiÎLSfSSâfikÂ'ÎEÏ V'ireïï ,'X " ' Frem s «"rSV. Z'i .. from s teile ah. u«n«U»m M> ♦••»» « very hi* iwd «m«. »nd ooa« m Ih«? , relief, 1 «w In imvld Keutivdx» Kmvorii, a Kcn»»d>. »»f liomiout. N. v am «ntir«i> rid of «v. n «ymptom «»f my trouM»-. tjnly «him* bo« au tl«*» hrouirht nU»iit thil wonderful n-*ult. It Im» the built »« up *t»d tmeu of xrv«t iH*ncflt to me In 1 h, * Ärt,, > ******** to oMmv ! dx kxAxxnv'» Tavovti Rmu>y, m«dt at Koiidnut. X Y. «1 « for •'». Kfltted f».r book. I»*>w to cure Kidney. Uv«r aud Blo«i dlaonlcrv inst I taken Rite m* PILKMÜ PI».K»»:!I Dr Wllllaie', Indian Idleoiutiaoat I, theouly mttîiü» m^'tS.-" 1 " <'hronl< ••*»«•« ni l«>nx fiaiidiu* ..j y exiwrirnrc 1 that ïir^'w II , lle t> ln, * ,,u ' ** T <* Itnawdlato tea old LINO timed the lio not .nth-i eu lu.t.oi Inwei. HoM t»r WIJ ;'i M.ii.itkiturlnx <o. t'n.|>», 1 'lrvrUnil. • Ohle. «I- «öd »1 ; jury, «old by I. Hhiiuanrr A Co., Wholrerele Proa hodle. KUt^ Portland. Or i with Aiiii.iix.irxiixiT.n xixxt in«»nrr I» the l«ui «. do ... lor a great deal fiepe® da apoc he( hr.t li | * t "-.-«l "H. ___Min'HPlUA White Klrph.nt of Slam, Lion of Bn«. «-J"» land. Dragon of Chin*. Cree. of Swltaer, | land. Baii u«r of Persia, Cr®*©ent of Egypt- » Doubl. Eagle of Huxnia, Star ol ChULYb* ^7 Circle of Japan. Harp of Erin. cat them buy a hox of the genuine Dk. C. Mi Lane « Cki khkatbij Liver n " PlLdj*, price ICI rent*, and mail u* the oat aide wrapper with your addrarn, plainly written, and 4 cent« in atampa. We will tbeu mail you the above llet with an ele gant package of oleographtc and chro mât ic cards. To Ki.kmi«hj Bons.. Prrmatmo. P*. Istxr «ru** pfirr »I whirh h»vr U tmuirbt. yuan sorely ('tare«. To rax Kncma -Tlea» Intorm yoar read e r» that I have a ixxdtlv rem cl y lor the abort .By lu timely aw thoumaud. | X* have tx-en permanently cared, to wad ten bottiea of my (.»•M nsinni lillrSkf of hopeltWB oa* I shall hr ffla»l dy rass t«» auy of yonr readrrs who haw eoa | •ampUou If tbry will Mud me their «xp and poMtofficr sddrrss. Respect fully. T. A. HLOCTM. U C.. W1 rrarl st-.Maw York. Thn country I« lioo'ed with poor imluuUmaof "Oral of North Carolina Plug Cat Hawking Tobacco." SURC, SAPS. SPEEDY. Panama »ratine will «lw«>. relieve lad Ire. Pleaaaut lo take UiMnmieed mouey refuu(t«»l. i iocs tried yos will trever be wlUiont it. By r.-xl-l*-r.-.l mall. $!.;*) Send pnMal nolr lo Pauarea »«.* ihr c«..fa»x XI». Osklai d.Cal : - Iftc#. ^ IW till HIW *M|»W /n who kno<r # , hln)l when ^ ^ „ j cannot be fooled hr a pour immitatlon of , •»»* well-known "Seal of North Carolina" | Plug C ut Toluwro. /# , ar {n mim , fhn> , hf ffrnuiH£ -SenT costs you no more tlmn the nutny trashy plug cut*/A<«/»or>ir T'kTK.', h Pare* i i u^T««* v Juw?h «.nok e noo tbèrlo ® ! ^ ÏOU ^ ( $75M]Q $250.22 i..îîS?«"'îï '"À , pr**lfrT3 <rbo oui rt»rnl"h * bom« «ml «Iva* Ihrlr WiMtf tuns totlw * it»»»««. Hpgfa rooinmui msjr bf pruniabiur ecipiov«*«i •»»***. AfrvvMsiMiMlBUMrn j _ J- /.JolfllnOXAni., «« Mm *" m - j Hdn^'-ru rtvrritnrt p ™r<X B.F J. A «*. Cure yoar / / Old Time Nmokeix U (RAM PS Br. A ! . » and i at ma. : ut and IC ABB -= en-i lot the I» be Iiiue ter* iu (HOLERa >—'MORRIS the ce •«•al of ^N ^BE (ujJED bj PERRYDAHS' PAINKILLER IthisdêHitiutritiniejkMim pr trt ,,t h*-r nn .l fla using In TN Celebrated French Cure, APHRODITINE" w mttd (O I'Ultf l or mon» r«'Ttitiii«N! It *4)1.1 POSITIVE GUARANTEE • i o e n r l; a ti y fut moi n#» t oui d)M?n®c. or «fiv dixotttei of liie Bcocralt Y« or null» o( miilt««» a**v wh«?llt«r at • i»mx (»'»m tItv ut *timutentt, i iilwitT'o or upturn oi thioiixh y out li (ill iti«1t»crv(>4»ii. over tmtult-» •ihh*. Ac . »urb •» I nM of Biam I'tiwcr. temkeful iitnk, li* a«. : : K • s • it u l':t 1 1 in i n ih«» H««k, Hcrnimil llvUert«, N«*rvoux Prontrulloii Rortam •trine«. DiiuiiH.*«». Wc«k Mein on. I«A».| !*«»" ' f! I in !•« tf ••ih'V , oltiili if no f tet led of leu icnl lu |•l«Mltarul••f»id•?<'NlMt iUMiii ly. I*ricfl» |( 00 m lw»x fi Loxm lor ff»ou iteut by ninilou r**4'«M|»t of *♦ i r A \\ It ITT VC K (il ARIXTrrNfVfrrt.i# ttnftr. »4» refund th« )i»*»»wry if • tVrwiuueiM i* Hot pflppfrNl TIi"<niiii|i oi itnttiniouinl» fMfllhj llHIlif. of both M»x«w, r»»»rn»HfM*iilly n| hr A the AFTER BEFORK all ,nv ur by bat . Co. off Aih Irre» THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. 'trenter Idh» U KvfkHK »HAK« It HJim.^ND. OR RGX T t4old by WrHblK A l»uc, DruinixU, •nti Wmhiuicton Kta.. Portland. Or. cor. Ret oud this j h«» .. than! ' very of bo« Im» In at aud S.S.S. tUvi.iff tor tbe$wmt f>i«r or five yowm b««»i tmublod « ith }#m tea ••xl Uatfhn on my hri * d b «l v , «n I f mlliMc no nlvf I « any «# t"«a c'.*'»iUmlly piwpDfud « •»)•« ami m.iUiioum prtncrit> 4 for I «MdiMMi to try y mr H. H. H. re fourni vremtnt tf Mi th* r«*i«e, four ho'il«* < ioaring tnjr »kiii cut ■HhMm t > All »• «••into in it* |,wi*i u th«| | Imm la. You cun uw t!»te IHtvr ami my n«m* m • '•' Dt.rt.iAj to the* cf U,* K. W K. r«m*dy Very truly yuur», Aumiu» P. IteuM*,», S3U MAUDume ht , hen I nmi«u. t »l. by 1 h » m« i*n* t wi, and hmv* m* cheerfully rctwumeßtl *#• Seul f .r twre.reri ■ <i tH "! '»hi«« l*u W 4 UMN* MO ! • Ivb'»» I *•«itWrref*. (limited frite». TMK MWIPT H»*l*TriC4'0. DrmWft- I. AtlfiMUte.iiro T«ru your tongm- eon Hew hrfoir »ird tea LINO TOÜB CONSTITUTION A HAND (on«llliiti»nx are much alike, and iu timed eut hn of u. the unie <»u-ea produce the uiw effect*. Vert go. tilxxiii«»*. or ; n f kind, executing that of a • , I. i„ ; jury, can rome only when Here I« In oil hodle. «.me Imnurlty of t* r Wood whirh have not «ulllclenl vitality t* throw off i with ut help. Ther. fore, the proper thing «. do I« to get immédiat Ijr the m-i-exxvry he( No aid ia #o effective a. I P an When you fre-l t h.-«r ill» «-J"» —— from three 'o ten of theae | Vr'vei m.t on ' Ihr fr "l-ng » '.. —ill*!!*«., over it I ukv ^7 u I'" 1 * * ,,d ' lo nH ' roc k the co i.atliutmn. _. , K , . n " k»Tjÿ* •*"•» »J* J^? h ' 1 »■" .wt" "• ■» ■ ■-» in I fuU-wcio _ Punt, I it R PIIIEnrV UyriwHlX a CHEAM ÎAKlHg Ppwoefi | | I : - IW nk «red W m. nUOE SAKIEO POWDXR <*) BAN THAN« laCO. CSDCAOO HIW YO«K. i j of , | It has pertmtnentlv onrvxl teoitoands ® f «*•** pronoun.-ed by «I.H-tor» li«qre Brest h ing. «*«-., don't delay, hut u«e PISO S cl*RE F«K CONfit MPTION bf Immadlitzlv Bv Drtifcui»l« % centl. j _ ^ ^ •• - Rkwabd— If you daw *n Old ^orr th*'. *ir«d» ht,*lln*. and th*t other ntntdlM hmtf tellrd to oÄll*Bm'n Ca' U, «î!5«'!ü| , £ïmftf SL «i.*ubl«, My « roîim™x5 Nrilra. Halve, which i. Warranted lo Cure wbca rverytblugelre fall«, it ant kept by yoar druroil-' rend rent, la *tain|xi lo J. C. DXSXST. hi t. AUoria. Or., aa<t ren-lvr a hox qH* F °1 CONSUMP't' OR.SPINNEYs Rir»t rtt. c all ot RorUautJ.ur «ddieE» Br. Spinney é Co. NCRVOU 8 »ÄÄ?: tt d4?ncy. Ate.« da« toenotwMor nlruw, eure), YOUNG MWIffiÂ'î fwtlon «hould mit thfliuwlD« of oar tmtimi fiL A pOBitiv« camjTMLmnined in every r»*r. Syphilt«. Urinary and Venaraai PteaparM all uooaturai dia charvM« promptly and «aXelR eure«! MIDDLE. ACED MENKttS ! pf XMMPI «e Bladder. Weak Rack. Nrr» . iMMlttf. Wartinif OT ttexn«.f btrrthgXU. rtr.. cnr»*«l » and rpatorrd io hralthy vttpor, i M, B. Jharaotta ouabla to vl«tt na mav Ir tmw4 at their banM, hy corrrriaondrnce. Mrdtciue« an«* .MMroctlona erat by maiforexprr»«. t n»uuat oi ma. Rand « oanta ia Mmmm fur i hc i ourtg Maa i : Yrtacdor t*uld« Lo viadioeli. He ABB k? (• IN a BAR« Sainplix worth «4.15 FKRB^LIimni not «utter hor»e«' fvel. water MafYty Rr In Matter €*.. Mellv. Mlek. -= Orators ««7 PUo'b Core fur Con EUIDDUUO IkTMK HKHT far ■uepthM Cl«Er. » CVUlfl. MANHOOD ! ROW U 1 ST. HOW KESTOKER the huit«« Read Dr. f'ulverwelr» I vlehrafcd "Kimiv lllNl WeMk the Radical Cure of dnrtfi by early IndtM'retlou nml exeeane ce le lira ted author. In thi» admirable clearly denn m »träte* from :w year»* mu praetlre. that the alarminffroiim*4|uet)c« _ SKSwSsHaSîirS* hand* of every youth atid man Heilkunde» •«•al lu a plain eiiYcbqic. pu*t |«hhI Free ««inpie of inedielue amt on applicaliun. The ( alverarll Hedlelne <*•.. K»»hed ia r «0. I* O Box LM). New Yolk. N Y in , $160 PER MONTH Amt expense» to represent lb* Papille Laud and I, «an € o. In thl* county. But of irfriviipp« BMlrwi. Ap ply at H* < KUtt r—4 BalNteg. Holm Eraar »•*«*. 4 «l. NOTICE TO PUBLISHERS. l FOUNDRY MAX 1IKK — ESTBLISHED AT PORTLAND Mein no iUMiii by — »Y —— PALMER & REY, AI th« New Build lue. cor. Tint mud Abler HU Wf art- uow prepared to «tuait kind, ut Elr«-tni au«1 HU-re,I work to first-«-)*» ,tyt, at rvsvuitahlv prtree. kvraxmtx-r. we hav«> the nulv f'ltliuln oftht, kind In tht- Nurtheret. »'.• luiereutov all work to be perfect. Send n, triai onli-r. PALMER ic REY, l',Mpl,t< Printer,* Warthwn, Portland. Oraoou. TO MAKE — A — W Otliciois Biscuit f Amk your Grocer for COW BRAND SODA °x SALERATUS. Itnhtiiy fire ^JACOBS OR FOR LAMENESS ANO SWELLINGS. In thr Hip. true* rittdi o* Hi. Jm m. *»* la Up vm la Ml mm tara «rttWal Wmmftt. % «r y«». wMNTifii ém tL ä "r»"«SAaa«^r Swelling«. uaxu Um ran nu ,e« ntf v «UMaWulwXaJl AftXOLO TOM HAM DHL AT and IHalim. Singes I CURE FITS! whfl tfrm wwtd Ptwt'fl Oar»* for <'<«ieunii)b..n ItUHIWTOr AI.L. S ' ter a merely * ■ •»«> I Su «et of'rrr», aritar.» « nu. • 1 U. 1 > I wanaai aiy r«w. tr «ica***»» M l. In«s çïïtj äJS* rar a '"*'v-u*zrsrz E M Me.o. 1 prmcnix aed filly n don# B1« 14 a» I he only •IMK'lfi- fur IUP KTUIß < Uf" •jB of this dlNMMT. •h o.hInuiuham.m. D , Amslrnhin. M. Y. W» have anld Hi* G for TO S OSTS. ■r. rentra. y Trent, sad .1 lire given tin bad beUon. Ü. H DTCHEkOO.. t'hleags. Ill M1.M. OeW by Urugguu. A BIG SHOW I laxEMt faaaral daaitni WSM of the Mlwinlpf* trait*. Wood «a. TI*. Crockery, Glare JMssMs itltire ol «Shre p tor tall hw by In* rostl. and tasra how ta lire c hasp sad wall at wasU la «very Cooaty r. Ci ADVICE ft« ■ Dobbins' E'lecti ic Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pur*. Uniform In Qoality, IIR original formula for wfctch we paid me», U tu« Ht y trau hoA nom I*«'«» »«ktlttor« ut chanz* >1 >n the »lighlrM Tbl» Mtap t* Uii-itdc«! Im «|Mmllt r («-<Uy wllh T that tuadr twenty y r» I T »(«tain« sHklsg «ha« ran hijnr, lire Hur .1 rakrtr. It lxi*h«oi»,«e<.r. •nd blrdOK* whitew I I vk tahvN fUitneld und blanket« •» n*> ufhet **»ap * wiÙtOM »ht mking—leav»«z thrill »>>4! .utd while »nd likr READ THIS TWICE T H HR h i* a «re*« me« In* <*f lime, of labor.of w* t.t |t, of fu^. »nd of the fahnt. ** here lfohMit«' >*»A|* »4 U44*d Erronlluz to iltirrUoM», ANK trial will «lemonEinur it« grem merit. 4t ^ »ti; pay v"»i to nidke lh.ti irt^! L ike »v tw «t tiiin««. a Uird him! counierteiie*! #4.,-», It,.it«*« Beware of Imitations. Kirn i* exten*ivcb in** I NSIST Upon Ihihhln«' Rlrrtric Ikwt'i ukt Maunrtb .KImbi Mark . PhiJ*«telphiE FWftric, ît»rr fraoil.MinpIy brcMUM U U thrap The) dear at an) pri*e. Ad fct nOBRIRr KI.WTRK 41 anti take no other Nearly Every |l®C*rfrom Mahre D« .Mexico krrui tt in ««ock II your* hfiMi'i it be «ill igdn from hit EfjrtM r»h«4e«alr gructf, R K.All oarrfuH) ihr in« de «rrapprr armmti each liar. .tn«J he carrfttl t« follon tllmUeu* on each otitwidr «rrapprr. You rEMMUl aflurrf to wait lunger lt«fore trying foi younetf tSinuW.rdiate, and ituiy wonderful <toap. i ».U •1 I.L.CRA 6 IN L CO. Philadelphia Tkr Oldrtt MttUrint in tk* H e>rid it trekably «m. an I hax lieen iu tYmaUsri u*fl tor ntmrl* m mmm kliwl : tiki Then* aw few «ll i ea — i to which " r .'. •rte. p rhapa for whkrii mare reme.Het» h*ve been :ri -I withoutfluceee*. KoraU•sternal Inftemmatkm ►f m*o> w It Is an Infallible rrtmwly. If the itlrve ItuiiiMre rollotvi «I It will reverf'it We partie ihu*ty n-. He iSe •tt-ni «*n of nhrpirtenfl *o Ite i'ierlt •. rur ^ A. IIEMWAY.ftJOTSkS" UujXc**k* H.aiX* g MATTHÏ At* GRAY (O. _ EYBR-READÏ DRESS STAYS, „ . . . . ^5™*! FINEST HPRINf» HTKKL. R«W»f i oaled. Km line and Katin i ovemt a V-1~ -| r « l ri*ii Am GUARANTEED Nut to Bust, Break or BpliL. Ktitritexl to the Kean»«, ho pwkrtii or hot inum rt-^uired ßAUTION, HKWARS Of worth IrM iiuitationa. Itec *Uraps{ on the back of eacn Ray. THE EVER-READY EXTENDERS Ara made of th*- mm« material, with elastic end» and Hockte: #«r»A«k for the KYKK KEADY Ktayt and Ex teintert, aud take no otbaz. HROWN m MKTZNKK A|»nU, n33 Market Htmt, H. f. Bums Tom KkrtfTa «tewrriplte« Any Udy ofortll Dnry tntesllffnnc« can ««mil y nml quickly temm 1 » cut nnd mnl f* Any fmrmcru in cny atyte to nay. njfMurr for lady or ckild. Addrrm a MOODY A CO., w p. v n. Vo - p| a, «- v n, V« mw