OCR Interpretation

Elmore bulletin. [volume] (Rocky Bar, Idaho) 1889-1906, July 27, 1889, Image 3

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091060/1889-07-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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^ «.no I
t*r** athwmmoN
* 1
•■■■■"'■ - -
. j
Ft any strangers in towh.
Freeh Srnita at Golden's.
Several of Sheriff White'» children
have been quite sick recently.
Atlanta has been well renreeented
_ -J, 1 • " een w ' eJ1 represented
J^n Gareoll and" Joe < Bush'' were j
. JSJtÄgg ;
Bom, on Little CaD»o^«^uly 22,
1889, to the wife of Bailey, a
daughter. '
tkttuJty Recorder Wickersham
turmîl from °Bfoise^ U> h£^^^t^r
duty on Monday last.
_ 01 * , . ,
Au* ümTrow T^'oforv Pnbl'ir 1 ? 1
iï-Âiir 7 "
*Tf" 1 ' 1 n C,OBt txxardinghouse, it
The bumtng of Caacy^iivtfland & ;
rnuxit's sawmil l & )k retard the
building of Odd F«Us hall a few :
weeks. j
Gentlemen of the Convention:
Give the small counties an equal
ahow with the larger ones in repre
The Bullktix man was nielfaed
to receive a call frofo Mj*?l5an Me-!
Girmeaa on her m«^ftt visit to the
county seat. j
8. H. McCarty was adinRfo^to ;
h^DisiriafKW on
EfiN salutes
ÄÄ nd w îî
the Buixcti» family ^anch lnd
will remain during court term.
Judge Weir Lawyer IWon and'
Major C avanah canic uuJWRn Moun
tant Home 1 uesda^/Bchind one °f
Zaeh Hunger ford s spanking teams. ;
The gallows for the hoisting works !
at Kimore new shaft was completed
last Monday, and work of sinking
lias been resumed by the contract- ,
The Franklin mill machinery and
framework arrived at Pine Grove
last Friday and is being put up !
J. N. Johnson is building a nice !
dwelling house on the flat just above
the new M-liool house. His family
will remove from the rauch as soon!
as tide new house is completed, [t
Cy. Doom is now sole owner of
Alcatra* mine on iJeer cree>lW
Pine Grove u- ..J-.-n >*% "■
frS^ into the- :
, ., 1 » . -/Tr naa CUl . ft
Ätrfnft ?:r^i 8 ^;
S,m^S^vïfrJ, #"Â
ÄSr^T fr0BI 1 to .
ThTabaencc of Hon. F. P.
anah from his seat in the Constitu
t lona I Convention ia not oniv re
«retted bv the Maior himaelf htit hv
all square men ^But his orivate
hîisK^t home could not C'n^
looted—hunec his return. In the
meantime Judec Sinnott will cuard
th«-interests <ff Elmore and^ther
imi »• " Rimore ana other
ttg £jg«Ærgjr!:
W» highest terms of his colleage,
Minnott. and feels confident that lie
». able to co,ic with Beatty, Hay- £
bum Alien and other »elf-eonsti- ^
tuted great men of tha conven
tion. when the interests of the people :
at large arc in jeopardy. ^
Ihc Board of Commissioners of
Boise county have taken s new de- ,
parture. We see by their proceed- ,
mgs, published in ihe Idaho City j ae
Worm, tiiat tliev have allowed Road ur
Overseer E. H. Miller $10 "for re
pairing a bride.'' Thev are more w
liberal than Elmore's 'boa rd evna i
will he in lettine sud .Probate
«^5 'Ätsa
«Mre A* - _
Ust Saturday morning the Mon
arch null at At Um ^^J^jand
to be in ahape to . q .
to run for an indéfini e
fate willed it otherwise. A short
s™-w »*««' — yy y»" 5*
iwSTmanv nieces cansiog a suspen
SSof ftmteToperatioS. for the
fa * j l n -_, u j n
prevent. It wa« caused ».
the casting, and it n ^y ' 80 11
tiW. before another wheel can be
Obtained. Thia unfortOimta JWUr-,
rence ia much regretted by all who ;
have welfare of Atlanta at heart.
gome conceited crank, evidenUy,
disappointed at not being called
upon to air his eloquence here on
tbe Fourth, sands a long article to
t»- H»iley WMinjr nd-lmj
the celebration at 14 ock> Bar and
misrepresentation w tin great b««
The exercises here were nmnivcreu
lôde to all concerned, and tile tel
oueatff wrote the communication in
Hv wLrfcould leave this commun
ty, whetf ^ d i8edi ftn d »ettle
in Hailey-« ' d4i , v dirlv
Acts would be-aff '
1 r.
Satokdat, Jvi.y 27, 1H89.

the bar by t
Tuesday. TJ
Ijtwyer M,C*
la What th.
1 a»t OpUlr Clean-u| j
HnaluiTi in «lotit.
I-Itat week wo mad*
u*n of
I the fact that tbe Comfort Con. Min
! * n 8 Company had made arrange
ment» with Rceiar to have 30 tons
of Ophir ore worked at the custom
1 ,hc Va,Ue of th ® whole ledge, from
wall to wall, without any aborting
whatever. But «a the opport unity
-IT..-I ..i ;
j was afforded, , upenntendinl Steve
Uglesby concluded to increase the
run to 50 tons, which he did. This
ore came from the 241 foot or water
level nml M»ir.uwl ti ^
ZLj l à ^'M or a
fraction over ♦IK.) per ton in cold
j • gering that the Ophir rock
; - 7"
.walieg the \«*st amount of ore on the
duKip, «nd its favorable surround
ings generally, is it any wonder that
.experienced miners eipreas aaton
.« »m, i i „ t .u .» l
at the delay of the Ophir
(owners In erecting reduction works
at the mine.
Mr. Oglesby superintended the
- -x JaJ- Ç r ™., »
when the gold brick of 2(124 ounces
; reaches headquarter* in New York,
„ 1 , 1 , r ,„ r ii f „i 4r< i» ^:n /•
: * ,l h pa.ticulars. it will make ( on.
j fort feel mare comfortable and cause
the managers to make a move to
wards extracting the million» of dol
j arg j n , low in sight in the
Onhir mine
1 1L.J__
Louie Franke came in to Rocky
Bcr Monday, bringing with him a
j lot of ruby silver specimens that
; gladdenetl the hearts all old pros
pectora who got a glipac of it. He
nig a new find in an unexplored re
giou the rich specimens exhibited
Cziszk. t'oombs, Alexander, ('lin ton .
a " d «»I«« ^.Mlocl their bronchos
and started for the new dorido i t
i8 abmt W S» ,S«hwe.
0 f v Bar on the Middle lh.im
ei^ht miles below the mouth of t he
N; or tli Boise, and alHiut IS m ; lrs
f rt , n , Idaho Citv. The specimen« r
are from cro tînmes ransiim fmn, i
to 5 foet i.i w'Tt'hà^imd lI ar"' K Vx< ( c" l'
fogly rich in silver—so rich in fact °
that the nreciniis «tuff »m, I,, ol 1
out over any blacksmith forae Tvv„ P
fo ations wer. n ul. hv Franko
he TnÄ oît.riÂ
ander. Our advice i»: stick to free
milling, gold-ore districts and do
your prospecting. .
»• .- , . P
[t hr ow , from a buc'k nJ K Z%T b
Ü^ï.wdnvsaà, t of
Notwithstanding h^iLnbtd"".^
.Notwithstanding hts disabled con
- h " ° nc - arn ' ed and »««•»rf
"Ut gritty man came up from Dog
^; rwk t0 a!<k court .«compel
ï/ u, 7 »7 hi '" r hat hae
Cav-i^Zi" ™ labori,^ ^
-..i »... ^
1 ^ btalesmau reports the dis
co ve . r y ofrich and extensive placer
diggings in North Idaho, 30 miles
^'"A'ton district in Idaho county,
J^P 1 * ««kmg m there by hun
dred "' and ln 8,1 probability every
foot °* »vadable ground bus already
kjeen •
V>ruana t>.oim»day.Jf Jmi Smoot
la " "'^Wft'hnsed a new on
£ a / h ^ ,Cr 'plarw-r, edger shingle
^ 8 ; 1 ■ 8 ' ws. etc., for their new
A has been shipped and ,
J"» ld ^ Krr within the next ten
^ a -' 8 , 9t
„/ I tice Weir favored the
, i.letix .'qj ce with a call Tncs
, - v . • W'eir lias already en
ae " r ' u '""'mdf to our ptsoplc by his «
ur . nc n ! a ,nners generally and his C
ul / positive hut just actions
w "'' e co ydueting court.
^ Wk 4 l Hart has been appointed to
Judge of Boise county, in
. .
California Art Co.
, v< h , vc urnvl J ., reU h«l our tout,
will reman, a couple of weeks
„»lv. Take advantage of the oppor
Cabinet*. $«100 jk-t dozen
""*ii> J *
. —■",* V>1 „ v
An Appeal for Wtoai I« l»nr.
All pereon. indebted «0 Casey. Hoi
la itrl À' S 11100 L kft' tdi llhätiv rt'ti iiorilftl
' t :
10 cc,m K,t ai
ately. Owing to <' ar «f«» 1 ">^
tune in losing our min byGBre, we muM
; now have what «» due ...in order to
rebuild. Casky, Hou.*xi> A Smoot.
1,0 _L -.— r - -
Advice to Mother.,
Ma *. ,N8U "' * „ 8< ' l < ' T î!' f > ' 0 ' ' R n !!'
for children teething, i. ih p |
» P >. UM( , ,„ r (ur1 iirB Wlth
success by millions of
œ .there to. Ihc.. children. During
tl( w ,.f Ucri.-ng Us value is in
c4 j cU i tt Ue. It relu vv* ihe child from
p . ini cure, dyseutery snd d.arrluaa,
griping in the boweh, and wmd-oulie.
By>in,- h»ahh lo th« child it real*
ui mother. Brice 25c. a bottle
, , ,
mill. 1 in* Was to la-done to test
TV H.:
•> Constitutional Con
•t week ami in making
ilway. A partial aunt
convention's acta may!
settled down to \u iiM|»or
of tfint work la
excellent 1«'
mary of the
1». found la-low
her nocesaari to form « verdict in
l '\'*** a, ' d 1,1 "»»«denieanors
^ 1 ami l,M * mt,re twdvt * "* «••">
I!, ,, - V- (
The committee on salaries re
ported: Governor, $2.500; Lieuten
* nt Governor, the same ns Speaker
while in sea* on; Secretary of State.
♦ 1*800; Justice* of the Supreme
a Conrt> f;!,(XO; District Attorney,,
*•> o<kn
^--U^dopfo,« the fol ■
"ZÄ£ tfSTuZ
ronatruction of canala, ditrhr«,
Humes or pipes to carry water to
places for the use of private prop
ÎT Uken , f, ! r P ubl j c «*'•
"'»*'jeet to th» regulation and eon
tr „, of ,he State, hut not until a
just compensation, to he ascertained
by law. shall la- paid for.
The eoroniitt««' on labor reporte. 1
» ÏTfÂS Ti
«■ rk outsid« the ground; children
»»d" M not to work under ground:
the supreme court to consist of three ,
justirt , p t , f „ r PIX yt . arM nll(|
to draw lot. for the two. four and !
six years, me drawing every two
yonrs, the chief justice to 1 k> after- 2
wart * »*PI*< inted by the Governor
,h,î a ^ v ''' e an '* consent of
each, for two years. There shall lx
four u * r,iw of tl,t ' supreme court
a oap h year, two at Boise City and
, A ' ' ,wn ,
ih *. 01 18 .;? mI ^'.''«»rs. are
to ** »-«hject to military duty. ,
P r "I Hrtv qualification shall
VZ'ZlZ'iïJ*' any
. 8 "7î ons tlu! W'istatiire shall
l>, ' ho,d < r\r v , U .? • v J' ar8 :
t >«g on the first Monday in or after
the first day of January.
railroad» shall In- public high-.
wa . v ». *"'• al 1 railroads and express
'T' n, P an hs »hall lie common « ur
r * , ri ' arw ^ »»hjeet to legislative con
tro *
No corporation shall issue sWks
° r ^ ,nds ' , for lalor d »»<'
wrv »< - cs performed, or monev or .,
P 1,0 ^.'' actually received, ami all t J
Httitious increase of stock or in
*"*" '? ^ •
Boise < ttv is to be the '-apitnl for
fr ''n'h e adtmssion of the
. täte, after whu h time the Legis
lature- uiaj provide for its relocation
b >'. s " b, î ,,l î" 1 B t ^, ( l' , " tl ) on u ' a voU ' K
of ' ht e,e ''. tors t,f . th t 8t ^,', e Rt ft Ren '
^ a
majority of all votes east to deter- J.
tume the question. G.
Provides for a svstem of nutilii J
r^M». No Wtärian tenet" •»
arc "» ,K ' lttU « ht »* an -v public
a »y dirtinetU or j;
™,nt' r " H.
ract or eolor, and the G.
legislature may enactluwscompell- «■
«»g attendant e of all children be G.
tween six ind eighteen for a time O.
eouivalcnt to three years ^ b
educated by other mean-^ <j.
eral supervision d>>» Public schools G
being vested ip-« Board of Eduea- 8
tion, eonsistyZ of the bupenntend- ( ,
•--- i B.
() w i„„ t0 ixmw health, Asa Ablsitt 8.
« Mum £ Kansas. I».
Y oung Fra ikie Jackson returne.1 J.
, o t , Eon ou Wednesday's J '
™ S ' ' A.
9t MlSS Inez .unt, of Mt. Home, is [\
visitinf: licro|, the guest of Miss ,
Mabel Pavne V.
The Gold Hill mine at Pine Grove D.
« yielding large quantities of first- W.
C ],' 1PP (ir( . daily. W
M. Johnson and W'. H. Hitching J.
skioDed out for Mt Home Thursday G.
to visit their wives and babies. '
Mrs. Wright has l «en visiting in
.iÄre «IS
i J; {ÂSTÜÎ 'SSmÄI®'
viail n .| mtivw .
Wixslclioppers, go to Nat Hulls
blacksmith shop for steel wedges
and hammers. They are the best
md , l.eni» at in the market
"ÎÂÆ'mÏÏ.' 1™,,™.! »
•« ' '»SU . y- lawy-r« and US«.
\\ ednes.iay evening, to quite hi. ap- ^
prcciative audience, in front of,
ixdlS ï> t lidli *.
Tuesday Mrs Akc received a tel
egrain <*:illii»g her to the bedside of
' lll0th „, h M rs. Newcomer, who I
lre Porr V t*. hear* i- again s. ri
to w« .ire sorr. ion u.
Uncle Di ve Clink is working hie
new find at Atlanta, and it is prov-.
!!' ing more valuable everyday. 'Ihe
j j j H f^t wide and very
rief, but the ore has to be ..mceu
whether on pleasure beul orbns.ne*»,
in »I.ould last on every trip a tH.Ule ol
g vrU p ,,f Ki«». > it uct» n.o*t pleioant
w » n d tually on the kidu.-j s. Iiver
8nd bowel,, preventing fev.-re, led
acbe » and other forms of sickness,
For *.l e in 50v snd #1 00 bottle» bv
rilled ;n * drnaaiaU.
*he committee ,,f the whole on
the hill of rights fixed a- the mim
Hon. If. W. \\ < ir. »I ikIj^iv
Chief Justice Weir convened court
in Rocky Bar. Tuesday, July 23, at j
1 o'clock p
. m.
following gentlemen were
»worn in a.x Grand Juror»:
u . ,
I • . ^,'V T ; , rrr
Tate. A. G. Kllllàu.rne. A* CL Smith!
K.d.t McCabe. It II. Turner, ( rar
«ii.lditmm Jo*, ph I Vara,.n. .lame»
( arroll, John Mitchell. S. A. Me
Anultv. J N. Johnaon, K. (I. l,i»„ n .
Julian Hill wan »worn «a bailiff l
to attend the grand jury
The first case called wa«: Maroni
Johnson v* School District Nomf>— j
Default entered and b in forclos«*!. I *
a u \i,t* , .
■ o,à-n emu« ami
"ÄK»5 1 1 "
venctl at 10 k. in. The forenoon waa
occupied in hearing mot inns.
In the afternoon, the grand jury
«turned a true bill against It. I! '
Turner for grand larceny; defend
ant held in CtriO bail.
Kthell vs. Rei ser — Dismissed
without tin indice.
U H Turner w ts excused aa a
«TtfÄ .. . . . . .. .
sä . .
M.dimness vs. Hicklin—Dismis
sed for want of prosecution.
, Thursday, 2"»tli—Court convened
Ilt ,, oV1 , K k, „ U1
! People vs. K H. Turner, grand
larceny—Jury impaneled; recc»still
2 p.m. District Attorney Waldron
moved for a nolle prosequi in tin
ease at issu«*. Motion granted and
defendant discharged.
Mining C'ontpany—Dismissetl with
......._... ... . Ü
, hr " la .'- ^ tl ' ( hat tin vs. An
«Ireas: settled by defendant paying
*500 into court. co«ts paid hv ni fV
Golutuhia G . M. Co vs. the Bear
?Z k0 - coM tonext
JanHs Harvey vs. Allura - Gold
M. continu.xl m.td next term.
Powers vs. kinnev; Set for 8 p. m.
A! 1U a. m. the grand jury pre- V,
sented two true bills.
It. B. Brown, indicted for the '
crime of forgery: set for arraign
ment at 2 p. m.
,lu ' , s AMiOWKD.
At the regular July meeting of
., ,,, .
t J lc ' n,ort ' 0UI * t - v ( ommissioiiers
the following accounts and parts of
'Z™* W "" Y*"?'?*'
f-J < -rkçr, »«m, -f 12 00
•' ,1 "'* „ .. 2 N l H
( ' , ' . , ">
^ : uj lmw ,, n m ,i M . 22
K U. t '.din A- Km ,n„|»e . 21 10
C. Wick, reh.im, .«»hadv',1 Hi SO
J-T OUman, rcconling . . 49 40
J. H. Pinnev, itatmnerv H)l
G. D. Uoldeii' ea»h. mdse, etc. 101 94
J T. Gilman K«.«-^order's sal'rv 150 Vt' -
•» T. Uilmnn.' landàr,^ ^etc ' 'Äf .m
HeUrieh A Miller cash «d v ^
j; « ^Ton ST VW -d
H. ,S 60 t
G. White, boartUaJl 1U2 «Ml
«■ Whin-, •• ™ V (00 thing
G. Wlu»- n, j-> «mi
O. 'Ji c °,*
»«Ä ** S
<j. M i^yne.priaUw «7 00
M Pavne, tax collector lei'» «■» »1
j. BoberU, constable fees 12«-'»
, Golden justice'* fc«-» M (Ht
äggt '.ss
B. Clinton, «upt. »du ols, »«1 ry 58 50
8. II Hays, district ct. clerk
I». B. H.ll, ...Me fees M »
J. T. Sprague, juM.ce's b, ».. In «
' Irland, mer. lmudiso ® *
A. M Sinnott J.»taw's 1res « «
[\ JJ "^'^.rrenSiv*' 'Tf S
, N ^'.„»nihh-V f <■» :«i To
V. P. Cava'nuli, commis'r »al'ry 50 90
D. H. Etln U, " " 50«)
W. M. Stockton,
W M.HUa-kton, " milage G* (H>
J. »AVard, repairing ct. home 2B> 0b
G. !>• Bell, safe for county ***'
Telegre,.». t:.. telegram* U »re
V'^ThnMn oàncutaàé 5 97 ,
°%r" : *Î 3
'Ä .. — ] 5K
' " " ' * °,' , r "'?*"" Vl . rv
• ' '
mind, impaired > ... . ' 8
been iirgei.ilv requi -t< J by ln» auend ki
ing physician to «H«.rt »t one. f "'">
» . . . ... «" •
... by u.
^ ni|W emir «., v in my own hand», and
euatomere wil, hereby take notice tha.
ttll Ulli DIWIoUfI ' 11 ■ ■' ' • * ■ 14 ®
hereafter U> be contracted, are jiaynbU
onlv to me or upon my written or$U*r. j
I will also ,'«y all bill* held «gams«
and coulruc ted to la- paid by him.
M i.« A 8 Aih-tt.
Rocky Bar, July 26. InM». H"
So far thi(i i7 the drvest season
. wn m , m ,| uro iind R.wky
B Thr .,,„1 springs arc
j .. » •, j, 1» la^v.-s our
^ 'J/ÏIll. «> «re «w ut
' n Jt care .gainst tire Know to a
certainty that your lires arc safe
anr j I,.-tore leaving four
fo, me», and place no lire out of «I, sirs
. sn-irk • an liable to U--carried
' 1 j n j .. the town. ' 1
' r '\. 1(Ur , ((tV f r „m
by «U meaus pn t.nl , mr la t .r, ^
exploding Hr,-era. .» on «»•*'
th»HHigh7nre*. >
Simpson foreman,
II. 'I
B. Clinton vs. Bear Creek Gold 1
, coni'r. salary 50 00 tj.e
35 00
j Oh. h. w hot!
IU-Ilatilv Neu» Nnlr» (Vom the Hnakc
The *i«.k folk* are all on the toad to !
.. . ... ,, ,,
Mm. tha !«,- and Mm I< . c (.ray are
enjoying the great delight« of the j
Jot^i» th. nil ÎT Id »
"-»hing nx.util.iii an of Llmor, »
f>r. Smith ha» succe-cdol in pmeur
"»g a much .»■«•«led rc»t, and ia now
l r 2XU|S » formidable enemy t.
ilÄir , * l " t hve in a climate cuolet
Phelps und Mi-« MaM
* # £!'' Ilm». I.,,,
Sunday. \\*• wt n* nil ulml tu Mi r.
^ ' . . —
r; Ä 'Zr.èz rr::,r:
»mi hf imif.-iIiL,
Mr», t'uni,-, daughter f M: im!
Mr*. Kcvnnhl«. lia» arrived from W'us!,.
i'.gt.m Territory, and d..t., K all that
'«'» be done to o.mif rt her pan-ni# i
this their gn u- amicthm.
Mr. <' K simw wdi return lmnu
d'i» evening: but «.It, how »inland
'"'"'y hi«!," ihn one-bright home
v: 9 '
remain* of Mr« .«il.aw wen- lovinglv
I'W.-d b, b.-r t-.*t v «,.?
''«»icieiy at Sheiuinhoati, I
has seen fit to call from this earth
Ü - « .. ,
s( { ( , „
M of 11 ,H ; ,
«« solved, 1 hat we. the memhers
'Mountain Home Lodge No. Ill,
liïü-Z ïta lïTiaSa
h-artf,-It sympathies m this the
1,0 »'s greatest sorrow.
Rcsolvi-d, 1 hat a copy of this r« s
V, luti ' m printed in the i
hi *t<> Hi i.i kti.n and the Slim mu
' lo » ,M >: also to Ih- spread on tin
minutes of this lodge.
viÂ"hë rire M ° UUU,n ^ "
They »till hare a huge nmoimt"".Via-1
l H ,r U fore then. They put ,i ,,,tion \
"> the ei,n»tituti,.n vcMenliiy pmhib- '
**•*' remling of the Hihle in the
oI u,e ,u w HUH *' I
* « ongrcssio.nil Com mitt ce from
{* W ' **" '7 '1
the city Irttirrounding country, ue
G.vcrnor S.mup and
- preminent etuxens..In the "fur
.m Mc-«rs. Stewart Burrows, (luff,
-d ÏÏi'lteWÜJÎrigl." ' U J j
t he Governor'. Uu.nls have ben :
sworn in as Territorial militia on some
thing ofthe .»me plan a* the National
Guard. They will go to Wats«»-to
there. P.w.u « aW has a com,..
ready k> ,om th rank«,
., _. . ,
Boise < n>, Julx .4. _
Biïi.i-kti» the following note* :
McMahon of Alluras is the only red
headed numb r. F
Armstreng «.( Ugan is a strong
armed miner cl llrouilford.
( ., lir( cterk Heerl is the mort s,yli»h
gentümauTu th! • « "venlion.
G. A. K. buttons adorn the coat* of
many member» of both parties,
About one-third of the memhers are
lawyers, and um-thinl «1 the balance
»re justice, and notaries,
Armstrong, McMahon Ki.mott, ,J.
r rejSÇfsrraM
the had ma., from Ho,„ .
Doorker-per Cauavan is u man of
8 „,ji van-like coustruetion and just the
ki | llf m to la un.c uiii.dy men.
»„d iutnnkr» ...»id, the sacred
„. ■
e. T . f. of Idaho will convene in
Boise t'ity, August 3otl>, and loniiuut
j n ««-»«toil till BcpirmlM-r %\. Thvcon
vet.lion will meet in the M. E.(T»*rel..
All d. legal, s are . xpeef d to be in
vit% . , v t ,„. fthi, of August. Ev
cry Uofon •» 'utitb-d to four delegates
twîmv" melnWre '''iW'ïatcâ win l U'
riaim-d by the U.lie» of Boise Oily
The railread will give half rate* for all ■
delegates, and sl«> for visitors wlw will
vi«it* Hebe during
Return s ***£»>
^'"n.^lwii'ding ?ecr,'urv wdl be valid
J w ,„ k J , v kind invilalion i«
tlli ,, ln, „ihm u-.nia-r .me o.,a..i
,. aIlrt ,,f riiriNl
.au«, um i.nst. ■ ^
MllU11 , ;llll v 19, la«..
> Mountain
MozaiiT * Si c.
Mountain Home, ,l..lv 21
Itcaolullons or «'omtolem-e.
Hau. Mt. Horn: Loixik. I. O. o, F.f
Mountain Home July 2", !NS'J, \
Wltcfens, The Supreme Ruler of
the Universe it. his infinite wisdom
the beloved wife of Brother 0. R.
G. L. Ai.i.ky,
H. < '. M \u.iso.n,
llOIMK «'ITX* 111 I.LkTINN.
l ire. PireikiM.
Beatty is known as "I.i» Lordship,
tj.e astatute gentleman front Hailey
('avanah, iH-forc leaving h.-rc,
mimished his colleague fi"*n Glenn »
to look well to Elmore and
Annitsl Meptlaf Y%\ C. T. I .
The* third un anal convention of the
/,I..ms-()oo,l IVmpiais, Itli.c lt.hU u
«>h 4 li», and all other* who love the
Mismi: Sl.CU,
j ßiiwn in Iron. t ht» Sawtooth range
1 of mountain» to Atlanta. July 1C. 1889.
two horte», described and branded
; follow» :
Ouc brown horse, branded on left
«title "8 H" with inverted "8 B" im
mediately underneath ; weight about
j l.ouy p,„ lm | f . *
(».K hay home, branded on right!
Ä etddJJiiv^Skfo"!^! 1 '° 0 ° '
» The owner ia requested to call at 1
Atlanta, prove ptv,„'r«y. pay ctmrger '
and lake them awav.
Notice to mm kiuen.
, I?U " 1 ° f Brrt ,' l ' Ml k ,l "
Ul1 » «iinmier aihI winter
W. Ala.ut one hnndn-d and fifty
°* iu»r«e«, r< nrinnn^ « *f
... ........
.* "Sllta,
"1-~ .
WUlllUQ 11 ulQIIU
, .
• ' s ' ,w U.fT Mm lniH-x, etc.
i M __
NUTlO^f* ■
\ jfZSS'S^ZUSSilm 1» I
' «f' thit^t'iSüî!
«rii'iUt»/? i*t«,r« u.« itwruur i»iii»S '« »t j
I SSifi» ÄWr» ÄJSk'tTW :
jpU" ' « *. »« » K '
ral'l»TEn! ' it .ô!i" vl. Il«..r«. ll-rv^v, Bw !
r. c. a*«»«, a a. s.-aon, .n of
th. j
,, r w i.,. .<4 K.r«.h I
»»»£/« ÄÄ'"!*"
»-* h*— rre». m—.
F '" E
AS * costarcw
all ■
U* M«l»—*t ; Mmxlm to »a
i« -
Jamk« B, Nnivtox.
of horM-ifel.tMp,
Terni» —C'kkl. on de»
Call on or address
Tom ( ' a i i a 1.1 v,
lli>i»e City, Idaho, j
H«j tor Sale.
I have m.
my ranch at Pin» Grove -
100 tons of line timothy hay that will !
soon la. haled and ready for sale, but 1
for f 'ASH only. 1 will deliver it at any !
|*o!nl viu.Mrtfl, Ordurf* ft.r HvelotMorj
Dealer In
Watches,CSook 9 and
Fu V ÏZ l t Ît y C
Wall PapCX* anti j |I
i Window Shades
Hot Springs.
New nuihli
New Bath Tu!»»,
Clean and Neat lor
® A. T H X ISTJ^'
. Li a
II. I). 8 MIT 1 I
rue A TION.
P^ltvLva.a ^aloon
Adjoint,,s Allan* ll»ut.
CY. V. SMITH. rr<t|irietor.
The lient Wines, Liquors and
Cicrnrs in Idaho Territory.
I )HIN KS 1*4 snd ti «nu.
(Opp-wu u,£ Mturai lloul)
N, ne hut the very best
Kept constantly on hand.
('k|»pcMite BkfTMin (NSor)
Joseph Fitzgerald, Manager.
Noä« bat th« l»a* I,-, , a. All ! ,-^pir» .leslt out.
u j}A(.J 1 Vf] 14111 TART)
the j I v re.U OlLIllAlYI
Vow n»i«p a treat if you fail tit call.
to und Jeweler
' .
' "" ,bnW * Ulü,,,W a "° «WCUU
n ■ 1 n 'L i
KPJWimiir HOflf till Mlflri NffHCf
mLh»u(-* —- -
rtlll *- oW
Attorney at Law and Notary
Uf the Rest (Quality, for Bale.
Will practice 1..W in Justice's CbUrt.
All business intrusted to me will Ixf
promptly attended to,
1 -i,. .,_ ,
! 0W,C * U|3 SUir«, ÖJjpotita P 0.
Jerry McLaughlin,
REF ' AIR,NG nea TLY donc
And Proroply Attended To.
j |I T |\
(Ovsu.il« Allan« Iiaaii
Winkleback & Harrington.
Fin« Wines and Cigar*«
W Liljegran
¥ ALL KIN 1)8, AND
Waff an Work.
Horseshoing a Specialty
Nat Hall.
Rleel wedges and hammers for wood*
All Usai Binds*«, prwnptly »ttrn lal to
Collsetioa» sad b«r»I Itorunamis s ,p»c*Jfv.
Physician and ScrgeoN
MouuUin Horn*. Idaho,
VftOdr« M,t door So ro>.tr. Conwr Ora* SM»s,
Coll* prompO, Otundsd to, dsy or ol*ht. ln bot»
«Ut snd «KCrtrr
■ hl«
aoar* »«:.*•
ATtoasrvB asd CofxsBU.it* At BaW,
». ». ««>«»,
> q^«» iiAttry, issao.
0. E. V^LDRON.
Attorney At L a W|
rocky ;U>Ano.
Will pra,airr la »11 Uw --oor« ol th« Toirtaorr.
PstonU 1er mining -:binM procurcl.
Avd CoxvbAjwkr.
moi nt .Us home, iruuo.
Collectprompt U *tUAè$4
1 Justice of the PeAoi Assn NoyabY
ouxx'i rntKY, fWAirn.
At! kirnt. <* 1res! d.«aimsnl« mtttuÜf dross
Mountain Homa Lodge. N»- !•
I O O F.
Rrrulsr ,»»»•1»«* »• f'dd r-lawV flsH tmrr *•*
snUr i-'«oln». M T:N, hroUisM
lo.aod.Uad.,« J
1. T Srsur* X,
•liilEs SWARFS t CD.
MaaUpsI ftaili. Via
W.t, Of *«**,.

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