'' r 5 (' \ v o G i v_/Ai> . i Pub & Prop. - - Editor r..i t-.m >n me postotiice at Mountain Home, ! daho, "h second class matter. Willie E. Longfellow Eugene Pay - ter year, invariably in advance Six months, in advance . Three months ,, . $2 00 1 00 50 Mailed to any part of the U. 8. ADVERTISING RATES: Locals, 5 cents per line to all using display apace. 10 cents pet line to trauscieuts or casual advertisers, Notices tyf icc crenm socials, fairs or local entertainments, to which an admission is charged, 10 cents per line, Resolutions of condolence and cards oi thanks, 5 cents per line. Church notices and reports of social events free of charge, RAILWAY TIME TABLE. No. 2 No. 6 East East hound bound 4:00 a 6:25 a 12:20 p 7:40 p 8:10 a No. 1 West bound No. 5 West bound Leaves Boise MtHome 11:00 p ! oo telo 4:35 p BultLako 10:20 a 4:10 p 7:14 p 2:00 a 1:25 a arr 3:00 p arr 12:30 p 6:10 a 11:45 p JUNK mor> Mon Tiles : Wed Tlinr Fri Sat 1 '2 8 9 ! 10 11 j 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 I 19 20 I 21 22 ! 23 24 25 j 26 27 i 28 29 : 30 Tuesday, May SO, 1905 j 3 5 6 / ANTICIPATE PROSPERITY Atlanta merchants and others anticipate a lively and prosperous season this summer, and are pre paring to meet increasd demands of trade, The mercantile estahlish merits are laying in unusually heavy supplies of stock, one prom inent business house-Henry Crab —having contracted with John Burton to transport from the freight warehouse here 7000 pounds every 10 days, requiring the operation of two 4-horse teams As a matter of fact, Freighter Bur ton is already exceeding this fig ure, being compelled to run three teams of ,our horses each. In view of the growing business demands in the outlying mining districts—and, in fact, all of the territory within our natural sphere of influence-- the merchants and others who have at heart the cc umierciai deveiopment of Moun tain Home should lose no time in forming u Board of Trade, pim; hi r or some through which united and effective effort organization could he diiecled. This powerful lever, necessary to healthy growth and commercial stability ready Boise men are now engaged in capital to con hits ai delayed too teen >W rauing snHuicnt irsl-ciass wagon roatl from their city to Atlanta, real izing the financial benefits follow ing such improvements. With a good highway bet wee places, Boise, of course, would naturally attract the winter trade; and unless some suitable effort is made in behalf of Mountain Home, to attract and hold the business which, under favorable conditions, would naturally come to us, Boise -and other progressive communi ties—will soon be fattening on the cream of commerce, while we— well, perhaps we may get a little of the skimmed milk. struct a ll the two The Walla Walla Daily Union conducts a "Prize Story Depart merit" in each Sunday issue, the contestants being pupils from the various educational institutions. In the issue of May 21 appeared contributions from Edward Mason, Caroline Wasson and Grace Sweet zer, all in the Freshman class of Whitman College. Edward Ma son's story, "A Baby Missing, awarded first prize by the judges, who, on that occasion, were Prof. O. S. Jones, city superintendent of public schools; Rev. Austin Rice, pastor of the Congregational church, and Miss Elizabeth Hand cock, of the faculty of St. Paul's school--all university graduates. Caroline Wasson's story, "The Dummy," received First Honorable >> was < < : Mention, and Grace Swcelzer'-, New Experience With the Indian Race," Second Honorable Mention. Edward Mason's friends in Mount ' ain Home will he pleas, d to know that the editor of the Story He partment says that he "is regard ed as one of the most a popular freshmen in his division, and du ring his attendance at the inetitu tion he has attracted to him large number of friends 9 9 POOD MAUAZINE The May number of The West erner magazine, published in Seat tle, has made its appearance, plans of the publishers are to rep-! resent, or interpret, the West with stories, sketches, poems, and arti cles of travel and research—the The! very best obtainable—and to sell the magazine at a subscription price of twenty-five cents the year The magazine contains the Lest nhotnera nhs vet lirinted nf the juiinvigiitpiih ytL pi.liieu ui uie Igorrote tribe of dog-eating Filip inos, who will exhibit tit the Lewis! and Clark Fair. According to the; writer in 'The Westerner, there are in the Ppilippines but two! tribes lower in the scale of human- i ity than the Igorrotes. These are 1 the Negritoes and the Linguanes. [ It is only within the past sixty! years that a feeble ray of civiliza tion has fallen upon the savage darkness of these lives. I CARD OF THANKS To the friends, neighbors and all who assisted us, and, through word or act exprensed their sympathy and softened the sorrow incident to the passing of our mother, Mrs. Margaret, Ann Allen, we tender our sincere thanks and heartfelt grati tude. Mrs. Geo. Williamson, J. H. Davidson. Mountain Home, Idaho, May 29, 1905. 36* BRUNEAU NOTES Special Correspondence. BruNEAU, Idaho, Mnv 26.— -Mr i m r * , , r . arni Mrs. Joe Hawes and Miss I Pearl Hawes have returned fvr tl 1 Frank Lewis, against whom a , , . . , lurceny complaint was issued some Three Creek. The foslcflice inspector spent a few days in Bruneau lest week. time ago, lute been released on hail. and Mrs. Arthur Pence have gone to Three Greek. Wm. Austin is in the valley. Grover Marlatt returned Three Creek Thursday, accompanied by Mrs. Gaudl will visit there for a few M r. ( r) He was who weeks. Mrs. John Pinkston went to tile mou 11 tains the first of the week. Several pew members are to be initiated into the Rebekah lodge at the next regular meeting. Don't let the children suffer. If they ;ire fretful, peevish and cross, give them Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. The best baby tonic known. Strength and health fol low its use. 35 cents. Roscoe W. Smith. Word came from Chits. Magden ; and familv last wprW to the effoot i and I,mill), last week, to the ettect | * that they had been on the go near ly all the time since they left here.' ^ They halted at Boise and points farther on, went over to Golden-! dale, Washington, and then back to Hood River, Oregon, where they are now. Their little boy Paul, who was sick when they left, is well. SEND ME THE NAMES Of your friends or relatives in the East who are contemplating movement to the West during the Spring or Summer. There will be in eilect during the Spring mouths, from all Eastern points to every see tion of the West, greatly reduced rates (both ; one way and round trip), and it will be to : their Interest ihat .you give me the names of parties who may be Induced by these rates to ! come West. No matter where they are lo 6ated, we will have our representatives call | upon or write to them and advise them of the j cheapest and best way to make the trip, Call upon or address ('. A. WALKER, Gen'l Agt, Chicago ]Q :im ] j2. Oregon K R OK I )KK OF S.vLK ISSUED OUT OK the District Court Of the Fourth Judicial 1 william a. nixon, Plaintiff. and the (iLl,CK consolidated mining to., « cor porntion. Defendant, upon a judgment rendered on the 22d day of February, 1905, for the sum of seven hun Distriet, State of Idaho, in and for t lie county of Elmore, wherein PRED SIXTY THREE DOLLARS AND EIGHTY cc nts, besides costs and interest, I am raauded to sell, according to law and the terms of the said ori.er of sale, the following de scribed real estate, situate in Elmore county, State of Idaho, to wit: com - ! All of that certain real property, situated, lying and being in Bear Creek mining district, Elmore county, ytate of Idaho, known as and called the Mountain Goat, Bohleu, Ethel, Key stone and Keystone Fraction quartz mining claims. That said mining claims are about one-half of a mile north of Kooky liar in said county and State and on Ihe east side of Blake's Gulch. That said quartz mining claims are well known by the above-men tioned names, and form but one mine, and are worked by the owner thereof hs one con solidated mining claim under ihe name of the Gluck Consolidated Mining Claims, by which ! name they are also well known. That portion of said consolidated mining j claim known as the Mountain Goat quartz J mlning < ' lilim is also described as follows: ; Commencing at a point from whence U, S. j Mineral Monument No. 1, Bear Creek mining 1 ' district, Elmore county, Idaho, west 577.1 feet. bears so and running the nee north 71° 2', 34° 50', west 600 nth 78 | north 34° 50', oust 597 feet: tl: east J180 feet: thence south I feet: thence south 74° 7' place of beginning. i T,iat P° rti «> ol said : claim known as 1 ei u„ 1S . ( ,,„ lll , e , 1 ', west 1177 feet to the consolidated mining the Bohlen tjuartz mining; blows: t cm | fencing at a point from whence U, S, Mineral Monument No. 1, Bear ( reel: mining district lore county, Idaho, bears s .2 feet, and running thence s uth 13° . thence north 24 thence north 5° ; H 8 vest I 17 east 340. ' east 58: ] tbonce south 81° 50', west 589.2 feet, if said consolidated • it That portion 7 known I (,luini Oso described ns ! mencing at a point from whence V. s Monument N the Ethel quartz mining follows: Coin Bear Creek ( mining I lmore county, Idaho, bears south 77° 710.9 feet, and running thence north 7i° 31', west .. 1042.9 feet; thence south 43° 58', east 340.8 feet; thence south 87° 55', west 1236,5 feet; thence north 15° 58', west 6.7 feet to the place of be ginning. That portion of said consolidated mining claim known as tlie Keystone quartz mining claim is also described ns follows; Com mencing at a point from whence U. S. Mineral Monument No. 1, Bear Creek mining district, Elmore county, Idaho, hears south 83° 11', west 662.8 feet, and running thence north 29° east 81.1 feet; thence north 87° 55', erst 1236.5 feet; thence south 29° 52'. west 600 feet; thence north 67° 29', west 1057.65 feet to the place of beginning. The Keystone Fraction claim, hereinbefore mentioned, and upon which a lien is also claimed, is not included in the application for P Btent > nor ln the siirvey therefor; but the northeast oorner of suW Keystone Fraction ftml lhe southwest comer of the Ethel claims *? ' denti ' al - „ The * l '"^ eust e " r,,er of thy Ke>stone Fraction and the southwest corner ofthe Keystone claims are also identical. The !^ e " d rt li ? 1 eof t f h « Ke >' f ,ton ? ^ tio n and th e west end line of the Keystone are identical throughout, ihe southwest corner of the Keystone Fraction lies about north 67°, west 90 feet, from the southwest corner of said Keystone claim, the northwest corner of said Keystone Fraction lies about east 87 feet from the southwest corner of the Mountain Goat claim, and the said northwest oorner lies also south 88°, west about 140 feet from the south west corner of the said Ethel claim-at public auction, in one parcel. Notice is hereby given that I will, on the 22D day of july, 1903 at 2 o'clock p, m, of suid day, in front of the Courthouse door of the county of Elmore, soil at public auction, for cash in hand, all the right, title, claim and interest of said defend-1 ant in and to the above-described property, in one parcel, to satisfy said judgment, with j interest and costs, to the highest and best bidder. Dated the 23d day of May, 1905, J. HENRY BOSS, By J. K, WINTER, Sheriff. Dkputy shkhiff. lirst publication May 30, 1905. Last publication July 18,1905. 36-43-8t. I *** >-*, -» . n *r~* (6 h r PA T #) jfc A&m.H 8 H J (J J l&m* 8 T i 8 VSl. ■ phone 102 DEALERS IN 8 Coal, Hay, Grain and Sundries Baled Hay by the Bale, Ton or Carload Corn furnished to Stockmen in carload lots ut lowest market prices. . % % f A G. W. FLETCHER, President. THOMAS MELLEN, Vice-l'res. WILL T. MONTGOMERY, Asst.. Cashier)]/ (few. A. REYNOLDS, Cashier, i nirVipn?;] W!0Uf4TA!H H0IHE, !?AK0. fJ> ft yi'i-ji . sy:rr) -A AO u/. 8) W I m n $ Capital $25,00( .00 A General Banking Business Transacted. Your Business Sol cited. / % /<* •i 0 i IV i A y , R gCl . " VA-V 'treSMra.-wswwswMretasasq r.-KVt-n -r-v■■s.xw'.vm.var: c.—r- -fr* i mam The V.',: $ Celebrated REGISTERED STALLION flB mm {a ill II .) Mk I j ll$| m DIAMOND J tu ' 3aSSSI i I No. 22,585 it -■ IAMOND was foaled May 3,1887. He was hud and raised by Levi Hailey, Owa tonna, Minn. i D d He is a dapple grey, stands 17 hands high, weighs 1750 pounds and is compactly built. He is of a mild disposition and has proven to be a sure "i foal getter. His oolts resemble him closely. Diamond's bleeding extends back to the • very best French strains, and he is registered in the IVreheron Breeding Association V books of that, country and of the United states. b uon PEDIGREE - Dt« luoiul was i ed ■ 1 Tripoi 0494 , b\ Gen n a 8655-436, by Vidocq ii 723, he by Baya rd 18s5, by Vidoeq 4S3-722! he by Coco I I 71 i tie I \ieux . haslin 713, he by u°eo 712, by Mignon 715. he by Jean l.e Blanc 739 The dam ' of Diamond was liueen 12358, by A polio 1585, he by liordine 998-754. bv sm,erior 454-730 he by Favori I 711, by Vienx ( haslin 713, by ('noo'712, bv Mignon 715 'bv loan 1 e I'land • -39. Second dam. Kvulimt le51. bv Marmadt i e 287. Th'itU .Tarn >1 inerVa • " TERMS $10 for ti e season, ,. yablc at tin e of service; lletuin privileges granted Mares not returned wfll be considered with foul, fare will he laken to prevfnt acei • dent. Mares served at owners -isk. 1 c it . ! I)fA MONO will stand for mares the coming season at our livery stable. GA- RETT A, Of CCURSfY ' \ I / \ \ \ \ '• \ \ \' \.. \ Y / 1 Mnnf * > XfJL .JL if L + MTY it 1 l_ y LI ■! try ~%+r\ f\ ^ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ • / / / W HEN you come to Mountain Home to buy goods and •want to do the best you can and get the best < f G. W. Fletcher / / i* you can for your money, lake time to look around. Go into all the stores. y Co. / See who has the stuff you who has the want. See most modern and up-to- I da,.c store. See who leas the mammoth Limited. 4 / department store. / most and the best goods. 'Then do ^ you believe to be to your advantage. See who has the ( your buying where , / ■ / / / / / . ( LI MITED ) / / j April 1st, 1904. / THE MOUNTAIN HOME BOYS- 1 / /\.\ X n VX X N