Tin: churches ha p I IS r 11 a m Kev. C. If. Waite, Pastor. Preaching .. Sunday School..,. . Prayer Meeting. Preaching . . Baptist Junior Meeting, Monday_ Prayer Meeting, Wednesday.7:30 p m .I '.' m .7 p in 7: 45 p m .... 1 p in CONGKKGATIONAL Kev. C. K. .Mason, Pastor. Worship and Sermon. Sunday School... Junior Endeavor. Young People's Endeavor. Song Service and Sermon. prayer Meeting, Wednesday. A cordial invitation to all services. .. .11 a m _ 12 m ... 4 pm .7:15 p m 8:00 p m .8:00 p m The solo, Psalm of Life, was beau tifully rendered by Mrs. Carl John ♦ son at the forenoon service The anthem in the evening by the choir was of a very high order. t The evangelist. Rev. G. D. My den of Souris, N D., delivered pow erful sermons forenoon and eve ning. The Ladies Aid Thursday after noon, in the vestry, to quilt, urged to be present. .yj] The C. E. social at the parsonage Friday evening was very enjoyable and well attended. an EXQUISITE reproduction Of a Remarkable Painting Pruttitallv Given Away "Three Most Beautiful Roses," by Raul de Longpre. At the urgent solicitation of the Woman's Home Companion, Mr. Paul de Longpre, who is the great est painter of flowers in the world, consented to make a painting of what he considered Most Beautiful Roses, fhe Three U' and the >> painting is without doubt one of the masterpieces of this great artist. This magnificent picture is reproduced in all its original grandeur on the cover of the Wo man's Home Companion for June. Although this cover is an accuaate reproduction of a painting worth hundreds of dollars, vet the June number, which this exquisite Llained i nis be . any direct from the publishers for ihe trivial sum of only ten cents. Mr. Paul de Longpre is justly cover, may first-class ( > news-sta nd or styled the "King of Flower Paint ers." He not only paints r ( )>-es. hut every flower that grown, and h the higliest authority on flowers. His paintings are found most select homes. Some the ID have sold for as much as $7,d00. Artists, art critics and competent if: judges all agree that the covers the Woman's Home Companion far excel those of any other mag azine. The Woman's Home Companion is a magazine which in beauty and excellence, art, stories, illustrations and fashions, etc , excels all other home and family magazines. Woman's Home Ci mpanion is published by The Crowell Pub lishing Company, New York City, also Chicago, 111., at One Dollar a year, and is the favorite magazine nearly half a million homes, vheie it is read each and every sscue by three million people. * The in I EPW0RTH June 16. 17 and 18, cheap rates to Pocatello, Idaho, accouut Epworth League convention. 36* How It Happened. Notice what Spring did to one of the * front windows of his paint shop the other day? Frank Clark (Spring's &istant) says it's all on account, of that last load of window glass he got in— gave 'em both such panes that they putty nigh blue all the Venetian red out of the furniture veneer; so they brushed up the varnish on the various ^varieties of glazed wallpaper until they looked like calcimiued copies of crayon creatior s in i lack and white. Spring says not to feel bad about it, though, because it may not be more than half as true, anyway. YOUR OPPORTUNITY to visit the "old home" and the "old friends in the East and return to the West, with as little e xpense as is ordi narilv required to make the ouo-wkj trip, has come. J2 tickets will he (.EDUCED R TES On May '27 and 20, Juue 3, 5, ID and ou sale from Salt Lake City, Utah, to— CHICAGO AND RtTURN - MILWAUKEE AND RET RN PEORIA AN x RETURN ST PAUL AND RETURN - MINNEAPOLIS AND RETURN 41.90 Proportionately low rates will be in effect from all points in Utah, Idaho, Montaua, Wyoming and Nevada to every sectiou reached by the Chicago SYMS, Register. First publication, May 2, 1905. Last publication, June 27,1905. urANI) n m ') - •AND 1 utwi/ju n !) 4 UllnlH?u The Seenie Line of flic World AND THE Only Transcontinental Line I'm- through Halt Lake City past trains daily 9 d d TO -M.L POINTS EAST Xlirou^ii i i i'niau ;.nd i'ourint Can** |> a ilv ber. wi en Ogden, Sail Lake ., St. City, and Deliver. Omahi Louis a mi Chicago. DINING CARS Service a laOarte on all through trains For Descriptive Pamphlets or Other Information, Address I. A. BENTON Gen'I Agt. Pass. Dept., Salt Lake City, . . , 1(1 atUq ~ Will attend Llniore terms and l'rac tice in all the courts. Rooms 19 & 21, OR ANY TICKET AGENT. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. HOWIE W. J j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC. Mountain Home - - PERKY & BLAINE LAWYERS Noble Building, BOISE, IDAHO. M. WOLFE E. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Idaho Mountain Home WYMAN & Residence: Cor. Bennett St. and At lauta Ave. Telephone 11. WYMAN, LAWYERS. Practice in all the courts. Boise City Idaho Office in Kelsey Building. Telephone J. W. NIEUKJRK Physician and Surgeon. No. 32. HOURS: 10 to 12, 2 to 6, 7 to 9. An Opportunity We want a man in this locality to sell the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. We can offer ex ceptional induce ments to someone who commands a horse and wagon and can devote his time to advancing the sales of our product. Energetic men find our proposition a money-maker, ca pable of development into a permanent and profitable business. WRITE AT ONCE Wheeler&WilsonMfg. Co. 72 and 74 Wabash Ave CHICAGO Noll( , e is hereby given that in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, Aptii 2,9 1980. compliance with ttie provisions of the act of Congress of •l :or I he sale of i June 3, 187.S, entitled "An timber lands in the Slates of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Mashing! 'Territory," as extended to all the public land slates by act of McConnel, of Boise, August 4, 1892, Laura L. f Ada, state if Idaho, has tills day County liled in this office her sworn statement, No. i 1540, for the purchase of the K'j of the NET* of Section Nc. 11, in Township Vo. 2 N., Range No, 7 E, i> M, and will idler proof to show that the land sought is mote valuable lor its tim ber or stone ihnn for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim In said land before Register and Receiver at Boise, Idaho, on ! Wednesday, the 12th day , f July. 1905. j She names as witnesses: j S. V. Hayeraft, of Boise, Idaho, I Judson F. Allen, of Boise, Idaho. Lena K. McConnel, of Boise, Idaho. Joseph Guay, jr., of Trinity, Idaho. • Any and all persons claiming adversely the | above described lands are requested to file ! their claims in this office on ot beforesaid 12th j day of July, 1905. VMS, Register. HA li K V I. 5 j First puhlicatio.n, May 2 , 1905. Last, pnblictition, June 27, L-T NOTICi 1 I M II dll ho, iv 13. 1905. i :1 1 .:i ihe tidiowiiig Inten'ion i i )ilive »i Bi ise Notice is hereby named settle: to make ii that sai' j.ni t of his plniiH.n •roof in su It er : , u ,V;.' on .1 une 21, liK»o, viz. Roliert fi. Naliu, 11. I N I.'.,, \ W* i. mat, merii'ian lie u h nies t i h is (*oii tin nous | of said land, vi .•it ion ; <. e 11 o John Mi .. .s 1 rick ftU of IIot ' !!| ' ' Rober Register j first publication May J'i. 1995. j i.ast publication June 18, 1905. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Boise, Idaho, April 17,1905. Notice is hereby given that in compliance j with the provisions oi the Act of Congress of June 3,1878, entitled "An act for the sale of I timber lands in the States of California,' ire | gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as | extended to all the Public Laud Suites by act of August 4,1892, Maude Neal, of Boise, County I of Ada, State of Idaho, 1ms this day filed in ! this office her sworn statement, No. 1, for the | purchase of the West ' 2 of NW J4 of Section No. |j n Township No. I N, Range No. 9 E, and will | offer proof to show that the land sought is j more valuable tor its timber or stone than for 1 agricultural purposes, and to establish her j claim to said land before the Register und Re reiver at Boise, Idaho, on Thursday, the cth day of July, 1905. She names the following witnesses: j Joseph Guay, Jr., of Trinity, Idaho, i E. E. Gillespie, of Boise, Idaho. ! John Guay, of Trinity, Idaho. Helen M. Brink, of Boise, Idaho, i any and all perfons claiming adversely the ! above-described lauds are requested toiile their [ claims in Ibis office on or before said 6th day of July, 1905. HARRY J. SYMS, Register. First publication April 25, 1905. Last publication June 20, 1905. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mcdioine for Baity People. Brlnya Golden Ihaltb and Renewed Vigor. A srieciih for Constipation, Indigestion, Live j end Ridicy Troubles, Pimples. Eczemn, Impure j tipo.L Rad Breath. Sltnrgfsh Bowels, Headache, I and B.-tckache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab .'"1 form. 8 r > cents m i,r.,..:i.„ pium Company, tfadteon. Wto. 60L9EM M! !0GETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Republican office has handsome new job type. \ v \ \\ \\ \\ \ , L. T. WILCOX, President. \ \ V \ V N \ \ \ X s.\ » N / C. E. CORKER, Vice President. X FRED M. MIELENZ, Cashier. X iS STATE; / -x fi / / LIMITED / / MOUNTAIN HOME, - IDAHO. / . / Issues T per cent Interest Bearing Certificates. x\.\ \ \ \ .\ \ \ \ \.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ mm \ mm \ \ X FURNITURE STORE M. Cowen & Co. Carry a complete line of all kinds of HOUSEHOI GOODS. T » We also have u will find in our l nil line oi j 1! igh Grade Watches. Out Watch Talk represents our desire it serve our customers to the best advantage in their wants. That the effort has been acceptable to many is evidenced hy the tact that yj our Mib have doubled over lie t year. W have two reasons for this, J'riets that are Right and gcod Treatment to jutji our Customers. w .r 1 m % i i Li? , V,A J »*\M f / m f c i /1 I / n IKK' k; a I m \ % i m d y W WM. D. REYNOLDS, JEWELER ■Jip '"it ^ • I ft i fU vr A "—•—, r .. g pc . £ IjllM,-* I S.VJ » t-M :;Ll» *i E $A, !| 'j • r .' F T' i 8 % 8' D S ^ViVry.A |4 b —<=^* ■ ■ rr f J 1 l'* m aN ^ -ti* . !p C •ia : * d ,visr> V Ah • & V f i; !■ ■ 3 •ALc.* v.,.. . ) \ TIIE SCENIC LINE TO Glenwoods Spring, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaho, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points east. Connections made in Ogden Union Depot with All Southern Pacific and Oregon Short Line Trains • The only Transcontinental Line passing directly through 8. L. City. Splendidly Eqipped Trains Daily Between OGDEN AND DENVER Via Three Seperate atnl Distinct Routes. 3 3 Fo Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Loois and Chicago without change. Free re THROUGH ■ PULLMAN and ORDINARY cai*s. «i SLEEPING CARS. u Personally conducted excursions* Service a la Carte on all through trains.* For rate*, folderst, free illustrated booklets, Inquire of vour nearest ticket agent, specifying the Kio Grande rot . address Kw City. DINING CARS, I. A. RENTON,. A. P. I)., ^alt