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REPUBLICAN. TI l E Millie E. Longfellow - Pub. i. Prop. Eugene Day ~Entered at the postofltee at Mountain Home, Idaho, as second class matter. - Editor $2 00 Per year, invariably In advance. Six mouths, In advance . Three months „ . 1 00 60 Mailed to any part of the U. 8. ADVERTISING RATES: Locals, 5 cents per line to all using display 10 cents per line to transcients or space, casual advertisers. Notices of ice cream socials, fairs or local entertainments, to which an admission is charged, 10 ceuts per line, Resolutions of condolence and cards of thanks, 5 ceuts per line. Church notices and reports of social events free of charge, RAILWAY TIME TABLE. No. 5 West bound No. 2 No. 6 East East bound bound 4:00 a 6:25 a 12:20 p 7:40 p No. 1 West bound 1:25 a arr 3:00 p arr 12:30 p 6:10 a 11:45 p Leaves Roise MtHome 11:00 p 1'oc'telo 4:36 p SaltLake 10:20 a 4:10 p 7:14 p 2:00 a 8:40a JUNK 1905 i i Mon Tues j Wed j Thor Fri ; Sat n 3 2 1 10 6 8 9 5 4 / 17 16 13 14 15 12 11 23 24 18 20 22 19 21 30 27 28 25 26 29 JUNE 13, 1905 TUESDAY Tomorrow, June 14, is the birth day of Old Glory. We acknowledge receipt of invi tation to he present at the 23d An nual Commencement Exercises of Whitman College at Walla Walla, Washington, June 8-14, 1905. The dairymen don't approve of thunder storms. They say that Buch atmospheric disturbances have a tendency to sour the milk ahead of schedule time, and also that the supply from the cows is diminished. Avoid the appearance of evil." Good advice; very good advice. However, there are times when the aforemen tioned "appearance", is necessary in order to have fun with those clever bipeds whose chief mission in life, ap parently, is to be always "snooping around" in quest of "knocking" ma terial. It A rumor is current to the effect that A. B. Evans contemplates re moving liis newspaper plant to Atlanta, Idaho. The Glenn's Ferry Signal is authority for the state ment that Evans has been in the State about six months, during which time lie has launched two publications-— the Shoshone Herald and the Minidoka Herald. PINE SHAVINGS. Special Correspondence. Pink, Idaho, June 10.—Deputy Sheriff J. K. Winter was here this week from Mountain Home. John Winter leftPinea few days ago for Nome, Alaska. Mr. Farher returned to Pine to day, after spending a few weeks in the East. Vess Robbins and family have returned from Ontario, Oregon, where they visited friends and rel atives. Mrs. Boh Gray of Atlanta and Mrs. Jim Gray of Pine antici pate attending the State Sunday School Convention, which convenes at Mountain Home on Tuesday, Robin. If you want a pretty face and de lightful air, Rosy cheeks and lovely hair— Wedding trip across the sea— Put your faith in Rocky Mountain Tea. Roscoe W. Smith. June 13. Look out for the ladies' wood sawing contest at Brother Edward's big show. 38* SEND ME THE NAMES Of your friends or relatives In the East who are contemplating movement to the West during the Spring or Summer. There will be in effect during the Spring months, from all Eastern points to every sec tion of the West, greatly reduced rates (both one way and round trip), and it will be to their Interest that you give me the names of parties who may be induced by these rates to come West, No matter where they are lo cated, we will have our representatives call upon or write to them and advise them of the cheapest and best way to make the trip, Call upon or address C. A. WALKER, Oen'l Agt, Chicago & Northwestern Ry., P. O. Box 760, Salt Lake. Utah. THE CHURCHES BAPTIST Kt-v. C. K. Waite, Pastor. Preaching. Sunday School. Prayer Meeting. Preaching. Baptist Junior Meeting, Monday, Prayer Meeting, Wednesday,,.7:30 p '%/%> CONGREGATIONAL Tiev. C. 35. Mason, l-*astor. Worship and Sermon. Sunday School. Junior Endeavor. Young People's Endeavor. Song Service and Sermon. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday. A cordial invitation to all services. 11 a ...12 _7 p .7: 45 p .....4 p .11 a .12 ...4 p .7:16 p 8:00 p .8:00 p Rev. Hjden, the evangelist, preached strong sermons Sunday —at the church in the morning and in the park in the afternoon, aermon in the evening on amuse ments was especially timely. The ladies have carpeted the pulpit rostrum. The TO THE COAST Very low rates will take effect to San Francisco and Los Angeles, California, commencing May 24. These tickets allow stop-over on O. S. L and 0. It. & N. Railways, also on S. P. and S. P., L. A. & S. L. You may route via Ogden and S. P.; Salt Lake and the new line, the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake; or Portland, with steamers or railway. For further informa tion apply to any Oregon Short Line agent C. E. Ulkry, Agent. NOTICE OT CE is hereby given that I, Alfred Freel, convicted of the crime of murder In the second degree, at the April, 1897, term the Fourth Judicial District o( the State Idaho, in and for the county of Elmore, and sentenced to imprisonment in the Idaho State penitentiary for life, will apply to the Board Pardons of the State of Idaho, at the July meet ing of said Board, for a pardon. 38-42 ALFRED R. FREEL. N 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE B k Trade Marks Designs ' f Copyrights <Slc. Anvone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & t o. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr culatUm cf any scientific journal. Terms, |3 a year: four months, $1. Sold byall nowsdealors. MUNN & Co. 36,Broadwa >' New York Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washington, I). C. I I Three Fast Trains Daily to Chicago and the Fast over the only double-track railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. Ex cellent service in every particular. One of these trains, the Overland Limited, is the most luxurious train In the world, throughout. Direct connections at Omaha via The North-Western Line to St. Paul and Minneapolis. Tickets, reservations, and full Information can be obtained from C. A. Walker, General Agent, Electric - lighted Chicago & North-Western Ry. 38 West Second South St., Atlas Bldg., NW14I Salt Lake City. Utah. W. R. SEBREE, VICE-PRESIDENT HOWARD SEBREE, President A R. A. COWDEN, Cashier X/ A first national Bank A vy A vy A A CALDWELL, IDAHO A X/ A X/ A General Banking Business Transacted CORRESPONDENCE INVITED A X/ 4 \ 3 o FREE LAND IN ORE Under the"Carey Irrigation Act," j ed direct from State. Write to GON day. Booklet and map free. B. S. Cook & Co, 36 39] 251 Alder St., Portland, Or. j HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioine for Buiy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live | :>rul Kidney Troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impuro Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache, ind Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab jet form, 35 cents a box. Genuine made by Hollister Drug Company, Madison, Wis. I f'PLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE SHERIFF'S SO ; .E TTNDER ORDER of SALE TSSUEDOUTOK ™ ( the District Court of the Fourth Judicial j District, Mate of Iduho, in and for the county j of Elmore, wherein WILLIAM A. NIXON, Plaintiff, and the GLUCK CONSOLIDATED MINING CO., a Cor. poration, Defendant, upon a judgment rendered on the 22d day of February, 1905, for the sum of SEVEN HUN. DRtD SIXTY-THREE DOLLARS AND EIGHTY cents, besides costs and interest, I am com manded to sell, according to law and the terms of the said order of Rale, the following de scribed real estate, situate in Elmore county, State of Idaho, to wit: All of that certain real property, situated, lying and being in Bear Creek mining district, Elmore county, State of Idaho, known as and called the Mountain Goat, Bohlen, Ethel, Key stone and Keystone Fraction quartz mining claims. That said mining claims are about one-half ot a mile north of Rocky Bar in said county and State and on the east side of - Blake's Gulch. That said quartz mining claims are well known by the above-men- ■ tinned names, and form but one mine, and j jjti are worked by the owner thereof as one con- j gj solidated mining claim under the name of the i S Gluck Consolidated Mining Claims, by which fo name they are also well known. I That portion of said consolidated mining : tj claim known as the Mountain Goat quartz 9 mining claim is also described as follows: m Commencing at a point from whence U. S. 9 Mineral Monument No 1, Bear Creek mining — district, Elmore county, Idaho, bears south 78* 22', west 577.1 feet, and running thence north 34° 50', east 597 feet; thence north 74° 2', east 1180 feet; thence south 31° 50', west COO feet; thence south 74° 7', west 1177 feet to the ' place of beginning. That portion of said consolidated mining claim known aH the Bohlen quartz mining claim is also described as follows: Com mencing at a point from whence Lb S. Mineral Monument No. 1, Bear Creek mining district, Elmore county, Idaho, bears south 75° 81', west 1753.2 feet, and running thence south 43° 58', east 340.8 feet; thence north 24° 55', east 155.8 feet; thence north 3° 53', east 583.55 feet; thence south 34° 50', west 589.2 leet. That portion of said consolidated mining claim known as the Ethel quartz mining claim is also described as follows: Com mencing at a point from whence U. 8. Mineral Monument No. 1, Bear Creek mining district, Elmore county, Idaho, bears south 77° 34' west 710.9 feet, and running thence north 71° 7', eust 1042.9 feet; thence south 13° 58', east 340 8 feet: thence south *7° 56', west 1236.5 feet; thence \ north 43° 58', west 6.7 feet to the place of be / ginning. That portion of said consolidated mining claim known as the Keystone quartz mining claim is also described as follows: Com mencing at a point from whence U. S. Mineral S Monument No. 1, Bear ( reek mining district, Elmore county, Idaho, bears south 83° 14', west 662.8 feet, and running thence north 29° 52', / east 81.1 feet; thence north 87° 55', east 1236.5 feet; thence south 29° 52', west 600 feet; thence north 67° 29', west 1057.65 feet to the place of beginning. The Keystone -Fraction claim, hereinbefore mentioned, and upon which a Hen is also claimed, is not Included in the application for patent, nor In the survey therefor; but the northeast corner of said Keystone Fraction and the southwest corner of the Ethel claims are identical. The southeast corner of the Keystone Fraction and the southwest corner of the Keystone claims are also identical. The east end line of the Keystone Fraction and the west end line of the Keystone are identical throughout. The southwest corner of the Keystone Fraction lies about north 67°, west 90 feet, from the southwest corner of said j Keystone claim, the northwest corner of said j Keystone Fraction lies about east ,37 feet from the southwest corner of the Mountain Goat claim, and the said northwest corner lies also south 88°, west about 140 feet from the south west corner of the said Ethel claim—at public auction, in one pareel. Notice is hereby given that I will, on the / / / / / / 220 DAY OF JULY, 1905 at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, In front of the Courthouse door of the county of Elmore, sell at public auction, for cash in hand, all the right, title, claim and interest of said defend ant in and to the above-described property, in one parcel, to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, to the highest and best bidder. Dated the 23d day of May, 1906. J. HENRY ROSS, Sheuiff. By J. K. WINTER, Deputy Sheriff. First publication May 30, 1905. Last publication June27, 1905. 36-40-5t. T* h one BENNETT I) L> 102 j Coal ay Dealers in Seeds (Train | I f 6 finest Idaho Fresh Haled Ilay (Timothy and Clover) The very by the Bale, Ton or Carload. CHOICE GRADE WESTERN OATS ™ j j 'JteSSSS >3^ iSSS y G. w. FLETCHER, President. W. A. REYNOLDS, Cashier, > THOMAS MELLEN, Vice-Pres. & WILL T. MONTGOMERY, Asst. Cashier/) - ■ j jjti j gj i S fo I : tj 9 m 9 — ' , \ \.\ \ \ \; \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \b\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ y I : Kit* MOUNTAIN HOIVIE, IDAHO. ) Mn 75 I «es t 7 r: ) r 1 M - 7 ( a S Capital $25,000.00 A General Banking Business Transacted. Your Business Solicited. A a / I /&£ CATV The Celebrated REGISTERED STALLION V fiX DIAMOND Pt if v. 0 No. 22,585 I AM OND was foaled May 3, 1897. He was bred and raised by I evi Bailey, Owa tonna, Minn. He is a dapple grey, stands 17 bunds high, weighs 1760 pounds and Is compactly built. He is of a mild disposition and has proven to bea sure foal getter. His colts resemble him closely. Diamond's breeding extends back to the very best French strains, and he is registered in the Percheron Breeding Association books of that country and of the United States. PEDIGREE—Diamond was sired by Cesar 17388. he by Tripon 6494-5141, by Cerome 8655-436. by Vtdocq II 723, he by Bayard 1885, by Vidooq 482-722, he by Coco 11 714, by Vieux Chaslin 713, he by Coco 712, by Mignou 715. he bv Jean l.e Blanc 739. The darn of Diamond was Queen 12358, by A pol lo 1605, he by Porcine i 98-764, 1 . superior 454-730, he by Favori I 711, by Vieux Chaslin 713, by Coco 712, by Mignou 715, by Jean l.e Blanc 739. Second dam, Kvalina 1051, by Marmuduke 297. Third dam, Minerva 585 TERMS—110 for the season, payable at time of service. Return privileges granted. Mares not reiurned will be considered with foal. Care will be taken to prevent acci dent. Mares served at owners' risk. D j i 1 ; - DIAMOND will stand for mares the coming season at our livery stable. ;; GAHRETT &. DeCOURS^Y * / S / j j Square Deal Meat Market / / / / AUGUST KUNNECKE, PROP / / / When you want a good juicy steak some choice Veal, or Lain!), you must go where it is kept, and that is to the / a prime roast, / / / / '1 SQUARE DEAL MEAT MARKET. / / FISH AND GAME IN SEASON \ \:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ v Mountain Home Lumber Co., DEALERS IN BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS. Builders' Hardware, Wire Net Fencing, Paints, Oil and Glass, Seed and Feed, Grain, Grass Seeds. Agents COLUMBIA and HARTFORD BICYCLES. L. T. WILCOX, Manager. \\.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ v:\ \ \ v\ \.\ v \ \ \ v v. v\/ / <: F / W HEN you come to Mountain Home to buy goods and want to do the best you can and get the best | you can for your money, take time to look around. Go into all the stores, ft See who has the stuff you want. See f who has the most modem and up-to- \ date store. See who has the mammoth ^ department store. See who has the t % most and the best goods. Then do your buying where * % you believe to be to your advantage. a G. W. Fletcher / • v V. , . Co. Limited. t / ©. TO. if ictcber do y ri ♦t ( LIMITED ) THE MOUNTAIN HOME BOYS- M 3 April 1st, 1904.