Newspaper Page Text
DISTRICT MEETING Delegates from Rebekah Lodges Go to Glenn's Perry. . . run 1 he District meeting of the Kf bekahs at Glenn's Ferry on the 5th ' , , met. Was well attended, there be* , illg present two from Hagerman, ». „ , ?r . IS from Mountain Home and ou from Glenn's Ferry. The meeting -as interesting and profitable, and ^the visitors were entertained by the members of the home lodge in their well known sisterly manner. The delegates from Mountain Home consisted of 16 ladies and two gentlemen—Dr. Swan and F. R. McWilliams. In view of the fact, or at least the alleged fact, that circumstances seemed to make it necessary for Dr. Swan to devote his attention to the young est member of his family, it is hardly necessary to dwell at length on the position in which Mr. McWilliams found himself. Just, pause for an instant and re flect—16 charming women and only one man to do the honors! Rut it is said that he bore up bravely, and reports of his diplo matic finesse are still coming in. BRUNEAU NOTES Special Correspondence. Bkuneau, Idaho, June 9. —Miss Ruby Royse is vesiting Miss Zetta Mitchell at Hot Spring. Mrs. William Hodge Sr. has gone to Boise. The Brunem people had an en joyable picnic in the park Sunday. J. Spencer was arrested last week on the charge of selling li quor to minors and gambling. His trial will he held on the 25th inst. Mr. and A. J. Harley have re turned from the mountains. Arthur Pence Sr. went to Boise Thursday on business. Appealed Cases. The case of Garrett vs. Cronin (W. C. Howie, attorney for plaintiff, and E. M. Wolfe, attorney for de fendant) came up last week, on ap peal, in the State Supreme Court. The matter was submitted on brief and argument, and decision will be handed down later. The matter of C. E. Corker ye. Elmore County (W. C. Howie for plaintiff) went over for the term, defendant's attorney not being ready to proceed. Word was received several days ago to the effect that Mrs. Frank Vail of Milner, North Dakota, was about to leave for Salt Lake City, Utah, to see her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Linton, at St. Mark's hos pital, where Mr. Linton recently underwent an operation. Mrs.Vail's two children, David and Catherine, aged about 15 and 13 respectively, are to accompany their mother. As Mr. Linton is well on the road to recovery (his condition being very favorable when Dr. Smith left Salt Lake several days ago), the party may arrive here at any time. After visiting in Mountain Home, Mrs. Vail, accompanied by her cousin, %a,rol Fallis, will take in the Lewis and Clark Exposition LEWIS AND CLARK Cheap Rates to Portland, Oregon, Over the 0. S. L. Daily from May 28 to Oct. 14, f inclusive, limited to continuous passage in each direction, with final return limit of thirty days, but not later than Oct. 31, 1905, O. S. L. will sell tickets at rate of $17.55 for round trip. For par ties wishing the boat trip from The tiles to Portland, rate will be one dollar higher than above. For ninety-day This parties wishing a ticket, rate will be $30. ticket will allow stop-over going, C. E. Ulkry, Agent. Fine job printing—we do it. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Intertor, Land Office at Boise, Idaho, April 17,1905. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 187h ,entitled •An timber lands in the States of California. Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act act for the sale of Of August 4,1892. Maude Neal, of Boise, count) inf Ada. State of Idaho, has this day tiled in tpigoftipe her sworn statement, No.1535, for the purchase of the West jj of MV J4 of Section No. 9, in Township No. 1 N, Range No. 9 E, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is valuable lor its timber or stone than for more agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver at Boise, Idaho, on Thursday, the 6th day of July, 1905. .she names tlie following witnesses: Joseph Guay, Jr., of Trinity, Idaho. E. E. Gillespie, oi Boise, Idaho. John Guay, of Trinity. Idaho. Helen M. Briuk, of Boise, Idaho. yand all perform claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their Claims in this office on or before said 6th day of July, 1905. HARRY J.SYMS, Register. Firut publication April 25, 1905. Last publication June 20, 1905. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, April 29,1905. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lends in the States of California, Ore and Washington Territory," as 11 the public land states by act of gon, Ne, i ■ extended August 4, J892, Lena K. McConne), ol Boise, County of Ada, State of Idaho, has this day tiled in this office her sworn statement, No. 1541, for the purchase of the of SEjjj, SE^i N EJ4, ami Lot 1 of Section No. 1. in Township No. 2 N, Range No. 7 E, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Boise, Idaho, on Wednesday, the 12th day of July, 1905. She names as witnesses: Mrs. C. S. McConnel, of Boise, Idaho. Mr. Judson Allen, of Boise, Idaho. Mr. S. V. Haycraft, of Boise, Idaho. Mr. Jos. Guay, jr., of Trinity, Idaho. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 121 h day of July, 1905. HARRY J. SYMS, Register. First publication, May 2,1905. Lust publication, June 27,1905. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, April 2,9 19*5. Notice is hereby given that in compliance rith the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An. act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, Laura L. McConnel, of Boise, County of Ada, State of Idaho, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement, No. 1540, for the purchase of the Ej-j of the NE?4 of Section No. 11, in Township No. 2 N., Range No, 7 E, B M, and will offer proof to show- that the land sought is more valuable for its tim \\ her or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Boise, Idaho, on Wednesday, the 12th day of July, 1905. She names as witnesses: S. V. Haycraft, of Boise, Idaho, Judson F. Allen, of Boise, Idaho. Lena K. McConnel, of Boise, Idaho. Joseph Guay, jr., of Trinity, Idaho. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on oi before said 12th day of July, 1905. HARRY J. SYMS, Register. First publication, May 2,1905. Last publication, June 27, 1905. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. HOWIE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC. w. Idaho. Mountain Home PERKY & BLAINE LAWYERS Will attend Elmore terms and Prac tice in all the courts. Booms 19 & 21 Noble Building, BOISE, IDAHO. M. WOLFE E. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Mountain Home - yjTYMAN & WYMAN, LAWYERS. Practice in ah the courts. , Boise City Idaho Idaho J. W. NIFUKIRK Physician and Surgeon, Office in Kelsey Building. Telephone No. 32. HOURS: 10 to 12, 2 to 6, 7 to 9. Residence: Cor. Bennett St. and lauta Ave. Telephone 11. lias it occurred to you that now is a good time to have baby's photo taken? Every 6 months is the rule with some mothers. come in, any time, and look \ over my work-whether you need any just now or not. L^'j ,. Always glad to see you. w? m, A \ BE ^u T nItin Bid* Photographer, Bulletin Bldg. Aa ZSk wWWWWWWM 4} 4 I ■ EPWORTH I June 16. 17 and 18, cheap rates to Pocatello, Idaho, account Epworth League convent iou. 36* IDAHO G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Cheap round-trip tickets on sale Jane Call on 36*H {' i 18 and 19 for above occasion, o. 8. L. agent for particulars. , _ Chaki.ks Okff T. C. Epperson case mew market PHONE I7I.B Orders 1-* romptiy Failed Phillips Building, Canyon Street , ORFF 4. EPPERSON, prow*. Fresh, tender Meats of all kinds deliv ered to any part of the city. Also Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Lard, etc. Top prices paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs. 82 An Opportunity ; j \ We want a man in this locality to sell the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. We can offer ex ceptional induce ments to someone who commands a horse an d wagon and can devote his time to advancing the sales of our product. Energetic men find our proposition a money-maker, ca pable of de velo p me n t into a permanent and profitable business. , j j I j ! | j i j WRITF AT ONCE WheclerSt Wilson Mfg. Co. [ I 72 and 74 Wabash Ave CHICAGO ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at Boise, Idaho, May 13. 1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention if in support of his claim, ami ■ie before Register to make final pro that said proof »i nr mi and Receiver, U. S Office, Boi.-e, Idaho, on J line 21, 1905, viz. Robert J. Nafio II 1. No r the SWJ4 NEJ^, NW;.i SK'.„ Sec 21. T 7 S, R 6 E, Boise meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: John Mitchell, Charley Crabb, W. K. Strick land, all of Hot Spring Idaho; VV. N. Rober son, of Boise, Idaho. HARRY J. SYMS, Registi: First publication May 16.1905. Last publication June 13, 1905. OWIN' YO UJ R HOME A number of choice lots in CENTRAL ADDITION may still be had. The most desirable residence property in Mountain Home. m\n Ml J TFL. 154-B ) & I Many new houses have recently been completed, and others are in con templation. Get in before it is too late, j At Title Guaranteed Water Ttijjlit Included fCasty Terms We also have some choice Acreage and Ranch Property for sale. I . Commencing March 1 cheap -ii . i * Oil e WUV rates Will take etrect from all Eastern points to all points on the O. S. L. J. . a T T>„ ticulurs apply to any O. b. Ij. Ky a8W,t ' c ' E ' "''Agent. CHEAP RATES For par \'\.V V \ V \ \ \ \'\.\ \ A -V N \ \ \ \ \ \ / C. E. CORKER, Vice President. I ' L. T. WILCOX, President. FRED M. MIELENZ, Cashier. \ 4 ^ sr f e „ / k\ ,c / MOUNTAIN HOME, - IDAHO. / .a / Issues 4- per cent Interest Bearing Certificates. J / / \ . \ \ \ V \ \ \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V V \ \ V \ v\ FURNITURE STORE. J. M. Cowen & Go. Curry a complete line of all kinds'of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. also have a We fine line of LADIES DESKS and ROCKERS, (ARPUS, RiiCS and lAori BEDS. A complete line of LINKOLEUMS, in new designs, just arrived from the East. We guarantee our prices to be right. \\ \ \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\N VV.\ \ \ \ \/ / 7 Pure , cold and refreshing Ice Cream Soda with Crushed Fruits. All the old favorites; many of the new ideas. Smiths Pharmacy / / ■ / / - / g / K V. / / / / % / \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ v;<r\'VWN /\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \.\ \ V \ \y \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \\\\ MOUNTAIN HOME <LIVERY & FEED STABLE,; / PEN CE, ^Proprietor J. / ; The Only First-Glass Livery in Town, '< STOCK. FINE RIGS. GOOD /• / Vi / Dealer in Hay and Grain. / Stock Carefully Provided Lor. ■ CITY SCALES AT BARN. c * /V. \ \\.\ \\\\\\\ V \ \ \ v \ \ V \ \ \ v- V / The V, „li!iHni is an Emblem ot Value that you will find in our full line of High Grade Watches. Our Watch Talk represents our desire to serve our customers to the Lest l advantage in their wants. That the effort has l i en acceptable to many is evidenced by the fact that our sales have doubled over last year. £ We have two reasons for this, Prices L that are Right ami good Treatment to jC our Customers. I & it. HI / m i in V: 7i ■iVM ir^' \ \SyCwv ¥ Cy/A/ % - ( | I; • b IK .... iF.4-> p \ •' 5 : ( WM. D. REYNOLDS, VIJEWELER.%% S', ijkj 4 J GRANDE ^ n THE (y. g'4 lb* V . k lie ; .W* f W T |g^V n6 T v ' tH ^ I m PS 1 . > ^ a 3*. \ y M# v || vh f»7jj 1 " i fk V * « A & THE SCENIC LINE TO Glenwoods Spring, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaho, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points east. Connections made In Ogden Union Depot with All Southern Pacific and Oregon Short Line Trains The only Transcontinental Line passing directly through 8. L. City. 3 Splendidly Eqipped Trains Daily Between OGDEN AND DENVER Via Three Heperate and Pintiuot Routes. 3 fo Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Unis and Chicago without change. Free re clining chair cars. PERSONALLY conducted excursions THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CARS. Service a la Carte on all through trains. For rates, folders, free illustrated booklets, inquire >♦ vour nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rio Grande roi • lddress DINING CARS, I. A. DENTON,. A. P. D., Salt Cify.