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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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ARE YOU WELL POSTED? Do you think you know a good hat when you see one ? Most men say "yes"— And make a very poor selection. JOHN B. STETSON ORIGINATED THE GOOD HAT; And, to protect the buyer, places his name on the pad inside of every one he manufactures. m STETSON "-and lots of them. We sell the a IDAHO COMMERCIAL CO., Ltd. CASH DEALERS EXCLUSIVELY mesmsmsm m PERSONAL Mrs. Dr. Houseman will leave Saturday for Nampa to make that place her home. She has many friends who will regret her depart ure. E. A. Walters of Shoshone, a prominent member of the Idaho bar, was in Mountain Home Wed nesday on legal business. R W. Bruce, the painter, has recently been suffering considera ble pain in his left side. About two weeks ago, while calcimining, the ladder on which he stood gave way, precipitating him to Boor and falling on top of him. the R. W Robinson, agent for the R L. Polk Co., came in Saturday. He is gathering data for the publi cation of the State Gazetteer, a di rectory of valuable information. Congressman Pence and wife from Canyon County are attending the Grand Chapter at Hailey this) FREE TICKETS TO LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR During the month of June the Big Store will give, in regular cash coupons—which are redeemed at 5 per cent on cash sales—one coupon for each dollar cash purchase, which entitles you to one chance at a FREE ROUND-TRIP TICKET to the Fair. Ticket to be drawn for on SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 1. I he more tickets you get the more chances you have of winning. addition to our „ Additional Offer TO THE PERSON OBTAINING THE GREATEST NUMBER OF COUPONS WE WILL GIVE, ABSOLUTELY FREE, A ROUND TRIP TICKET TO THE FAIR. STOCK THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT T^E BEST QUALITY NO. 1 THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES. a THE C. R. KELSEY CO., Ltd. week. On their return home j Thursday they will stop off at Mountain Home and visit with Mrs. John Pence. Miss Grace Pence of Payette is also expected to arrive the same day for a visit Mrs Dora Hall, Worthy Matron of Miriam Chapter No. 16. 0. E. S., and Mrs. G. M. Payne lefJ Monday for Hailey to attend the meeting of the Grand Chapter, will also spend about 10 days vis iting her brother, J. F. Cowen, at Bellevue. Mrs. Hall Wc I f rom p ear | last week where sin Miss Grace McLaughlin came! had been teaching will visit a few days with school. She her j to Mis brother and the " wiU §° sou ri for the summer. John Pence came over from his Three Creek ranch Monday, return | 85 ing Thursday. gon, main ipate Rev. Guy Phelps, Wayne and Eugene Phelps, brothers of Mrs. F. E. Whitney and Mrs. M, W. Fairbanks-Morse • ••• GASOLINE ENGINES and WINDMILLS ...DO YOUR OWN IRRIGATING ■ ■ ■ Wc can furnish machinery to pump water trom Snake River, or canal, or open well - any quantity you want—any lift. SEE SOME OE OlIR PLANTS IN OPERATION. You can get Distillate for our Engines at less than 20c per gal. ECLIPSE WINDMILLS and TOWERS carried in stock. Can give you prices, with quick delivery, on any kind of an outfit in this line. PHILLIPS BROS. Plumbers and Sheet Metal Workers. Brooks, came from Portland, Ore gon, Friday night and will re main about a month. They antic ipate mountain trip with Mr, and Mrs. Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dellaven i have returned from New Mexico by | way of California, stopping off at Nampa Wednesday evening to see Mr. DeHaven's sister, afterward going to Boise, They will make their home in Idaho. W. C. Howie returned Wednes day evening from Boise, where he was in attendance on the State Supreme Court. Capt. Barry reappeared on hie milk route the latter part of last week, after having been laid up for several days with rheumatism. County Attorney L. B. Green was in Boise Wednesday on legal ! business. I E. M. Wolfe was in Boise last week, attending the session of the Supreme Court Mrs. Minnie Whitney arrived Sunday from Bliss. She is egate to the State Sunday School convention from Pleasant Valley. Miss Katie Brady, having closed her school near Blackfoot, returned home last week. Ed Manion is now assisting at the Smith Pharmacy. J. N. Lewis and family have gone to Pine for the summer. Howard Freeman of the Hein Cbattin ranch spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Hay-making is) on at present, nearly 150 acres of : the ranch having been allotted to' alfalfa, which is in prime condi- j tion. The present cutting, Mr. ■ del i Freeman thinks, will yeild about i 350 tong. Makes digestion and assimilation Makes new red blood and | perfect, hone. That s what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Pea will do. A tonic for the sick and weak. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Iioscoe W. Smith. * The Bennett Bros, are handling an extra choice grade of Western oats and fresh baled hay—timothy and clover. Take in the Quaker Med. Show tonight. 38* [free lessons] I MRS. J. A. PURTILL, lace-maker and I ■ teacher, will give free essons to all those I ■ purchasing lace materials durine the ■ ■ month of June. ■ I Bottenberfl Patterns at a discount. ■ painless Dentistry! Good Plate, ", p r P k> wer : j No suffering pain while having your work done by the New Hot Air ' Method. The Doctor has a full outfit for doing all ki: ds of dental work at to please everybody. 20-k Crown Gold Bridge ro°oth ,per - prices - $<>.00 5.00 and up 10.00 - .50 \, Silver Filling - - Gold and Platinum or White Alloy White Porcelain g0[d Extracting, Painless, First Tooth and up 1.00 and up 2.00 or and up - - 1.00 r all work warranted DR. ELLIS The Painless Dentist. Office at Turner House Parlors—for 5 days only. i 38-lt