The Bonners Ferry
Bonners Ferrv Herald
S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor
Ow year ....
Hix months
. fl.no
Loral reading notln» Hvo cents per line
rach Insertion, l-cgal Notice«at legal rate«.
Rato tor Display udvcrtialng nude known on
» ppiicatton card« o( Thanks, h, solution, of
Rnprot and similar matter flve cents tier Mn*.
Entered at the Rost Office at Bonners Ferry.
Idaho, u* Second Cists Matter.
C atholic*
Regular tn-rvioGson ihe4ih sundav of each
Sunday school every .««day at ii :»
__u«v. father KELLY, Pastor.
... Pamatate v«iiey—Every alternate Sundii y
«i # .su p.M. öuuüHy ichtK». t v «.r> sumiaj hi
jiiooh. ui. Notiii hule— Every aiuriiHte suu
Regular ureauMntt services every alternate
Sunday murmuif hi lu do, «ml »»ine c-vciuug ut
7:8U. Suudny bchool at 11:30 a. m.
Kkv. o. ri. WILsON, Pastor.
a. U..
day ni li oo ä.
m 10.0J II. m.
Secret Societies.
«..nues-« Kerry ixKi K e. r. I)., a. f. a a.
M., l.'Olab »iHleil meitiugs mi the hist Klidd>
•vuuiliR of Hie mouth ou or before a lull moon,
Svjourulus Muster Mumiub qunlitied im* frn
toruniiy invited io mmi t. a. hiHior. w. m
Hknky MEuDiK, Scoreury.
qv on t si ,lows
Utopnia Lo.1k-i.No M.I.O o I'-. mti-a
ctery suiumny evtulüß ut 8 u cluck. \ icHiiit^
bru-.ueib iruiumuliy iu\Ued. J. U. UoHgmüu,
A.o. \vm. \EOUHekeu.Eenetiiiy.
EHER AU PEliUEE, i. O. O. F.—
lAjyui Ktbftua i.»,U** ivo. 43 , i. o. o.i.
iiiffl « c%ciy IucMiay ovt'uiug ut e;oo o clock,
visai i-k aebekan« cumia.ij uvitcu. wis»
Luzij AicEuugiiliu, N. u. .urn. c. 1*. BneliiuU,
sutreiur). _
Muuraus »•vi-iiiao
Acuio i.oujif, .\o. i;>, K. of 1*. hi eels 1 l
ijoiiau s'vj tuijuuu»- t.LuiiiK at t
u clock . \ iiuiiug iviiigiiib ut tv it y s \t ciconic .
Morrow t. C. \tui. Ferurtune, K.uiK.
pAiaBOAt. tsmiKko
Cii-bcut icittjoc .Nv. 10, meets »very oilier
>iiäny cvcun.fcî III Kuighift Of I'yiiiiuH Im. I.
»i , .* , t. l î?,*ii«, l îTA , . , »i , iuuj., M?ot i R U, tt!iu■J."' 6 ' 1
pNCAMCMENT i. o. o. K. *
m .ud K ara*M',ML « y'o'ui'Tii c 2 ?,!ûut?." a.' Tk.'-S
muhts uE i he MA<;t.ABtho—
tv. r^Hiieruiav V\uvouiug hi ho clocu.
ViMiniK Sir KulKitiH always liiviittl. it.. \s
LUIllhOlON. COUllllMildtr. it. II- NWUahll, K. K.
L A.»ii.bO*• i 11E AikiCCAUEEb—
North Star Hive, Nu. li>, L. U. T. M., meetb
every alteruuie NVeiinebUa) cveutiig ut h o'clock.
\ ibitiug Ladii-b al wav a i-oniiuliy mvileU. Mite.
Ella h EumnoToN, l.miy üoiaiaauüer. Mils.
Emma Ta y um. Meet ad Keeper.
.North Star Camp
meets lu NN outline a Hull eveiy Monday eveatne,
v ibiliug Neignbora uuvuv s welcome. \V. W.
FKKtiHALhK, V.c. E. L. Little, turk.
Tent, No. 2o, K. u. T. M., meeu
Or AMEI.il, l
, No. 6100. M. W. A.,
Railroads and Malls.
.\ll.WAV TlMKl'AKD—
liroit Northern Railway trains arrive sud
. 3 i No. I !
No. 4 ; No. 2.
10:40 10:10
a III {'. tu I
:00 R:30
1:28 i 12:57
1 > in
8:35 C; 15 SPOKANE
C. i'. SHEK1IEED, Agcut
Kooter.ul Volley Railway trains leave Great
Northern I»* pot at 8 a, in. «.il l ueadayi», Thurs
1 Saturdays, reluming la time to eou
hocl with .No. 3 nod No. 4.
Of fife o|»eiis H4.8 «. in ,im 3 dotes at 8 p. in.,
except enudftj s. Open Sundays from 0 a. in. to
2 p. in. Kuu'boiiu.l mall done« at 12:50 |i. in.
Westhomid iiuul doses at 2:40 p. m. ami 8 p, ni.
CopolHiid and Puni. Ill mailc*«)M'sal 7 a. in.
Mondays, Wednesdays ami Fridays .
I. K. C OK. JR.. Postmaster.
Gias. O'Callaglicm
j Real Estate e
Notary Public
Bonners Perry, - Idaho.
Dr ay ing*...
Prompt attention given to
anything in the Dray Busi
ness. Transferring, Gotds
Delivered. Furniture Mov
ing. Contrasts taken. ; : :
Wood for sale. Cull on
0. A. Blakeslee
ELC. DAY. Prop.
Fnmigol ffornik'ldc Sterlllzhi? iwctl.
Anttoeptk* Lotion» lined.
. Clen n Tow via
H«-aIp and Face MaMUtgc Treatment*
Everything in sanitary condition.
notice .
No Chloroform uaed while getting
First Work <«uamnt4*eil
G- . <1
Bonners Ferry, - - - Idaho.
Legislate Convenes anc. Elects Hunt, Speaker, |
£nd Senator Crum, Prsident pro tem.
BOISE.idaho, January 2.—It
s than 20 minutes
, .. , a , ,
to Shift thimiurdcn Ol statt gotcri.
nient from le shoulders of the out
, I . ■
going to thfe of the inconung of
set the law making
motion. The eer
lient Is and t|
emonv, whi
1: was witnessed by as
I crowd their way in
and galleries,! was stripped of all
, '
, . ......
Byl o clock in Hit m
he hallways at he capitol build
nig were crowJW ami at the noon
, ,
hour every nook and cranny on the
second floor which commanded a
view of the ceremony was occupied.
1 he hrst improvement to attract
1 ....
« tto . nUo « ll T m ' umcr 1,1 " ' l ;' h
J: ' nltor . Max 7 had arranged
decorations. 1 hose who were a ecus
tomed to sombre walls were pleas
many as eoul
to the house Aid senate ehamhers
antlv surprised. The legislators in
" 1 , .
particular CXPrtriSCd then* keen
1 1 .
appnciutioii of the appropriate and
1 1 - ,
bright decorations in the senate
alu i house churobers.
lacked 15 minutes Oi the* POOH
hour when Governor-elect Good mill
Mrs. GoodiiiiT. Lieutenant Governor
Sleeves and State Chairman Bradv
alighted from a carriage at the
Jefferson street entrance. Adjutant
General Vickers met them at the
gate and escorted them between two
tiles of Boise Ilk b sei .1 cadets
w J j it* 1 1 WCTC UP Oil either hid"
" 11 11 l, l' 11 Viin
of the walk, the cadets presented
arms as they passed up the walk,
tllL ' governor and lieutenant gov
ornor hauling and Chairman Brady
escorting Mrs. Gooding.
Received Governor Morrison..
Governor Morrison received the
party in his office where
General-elect Uuheeii, Feerctary of
State Gibson, State Auditor Turner,
State Auditor-elect Bragaw, Attor
ney General Bagiev, State Trias
urer Coffin, State Superintendent
Miss Scott and her assistant, Miss
Chamberlain, Deputy State Treas
urer Coleman, Chief Clerk Hiatt of
thc secretary's office, Justices Snl
livan and Ailshio of the supreme
court, Mine Inspector Bell, Colonel
Allen Miller and others
semble.!. A hearty handshaking
followed and the quarter of an hour
passed in the exchange of greetings
and jokes.. Everybody was in the
best of humor and the time passed
1 roniptly at noon Governor Mor
risen and Governor-elect Gooding
linked arms and headed the procès
sion for the house chamber. Tlie
i . .. . . .
members of the house were at their
, , ,
desks, the senators were grouped
on both sides of the main aisle and
the chamber was thronged with
visitors. The visitors were greeted
with isplendidoutburst of applause,
In the speakers chair sat Chief
Justice Btockslager and beside him
was Representative Fred J. Turner
of Bingham county.
Directly the members of the par
ty were seated Governor-elect Good
ing and Governor Morrison stepped
in front o: : ^ie clerk's desk and
bowed to tl
wore ns
Ilhiet justice.
New C.Aiior is presented.
'Mr. Chief "lust ice," saitl Gov
Hon. Win
If the
TO ASK FOR $30,000
—Petitions arc being circulated thc estimate made by
asking the legislature to build a Ashley, Jr., the engineer.
bridge across the Kootenai at this people expect favorable action on
$30,000, that being the amount of hustle.
1 he sum to 1« asked for is ; this subject they must get in and
l T*
near neighbors the
gue.-ts were from Sandpoint, as
follows: Mim Maud Kearns, Miss
Jessie Murray Miss Lina I, ce, Miss
Mae Lee, M ss Olive Page, Miss
Til lie Toniiiton, Messrs. Win.
Allies, Jas. Il des. Samuel Yoder,
J Tominson, K. Toininson, Orval I
Frazer, ami fi f Toininson.
Miss Ethi l Riekerd entertained
a number of friends at the Riekerd
hoinfr last S^urday rvening.
ccpt a few
i v
trnoi Morrison, I have the honor
, i ,
aml pkasiiie to present to von the
Hon. Frank It (loodin- êi «h
shone who has been duly ' elected
to sue ed me as governor of the
state of Idaho and who de- : res to
take the oath of o'liee •' *
Governor Gooding was sworn in I
and instantly a storm of applause
broke from the spectators,
In r:tj>i.l succession the remain-1
-, ...
mg oliieers were sworn in, Justice !,
u. a- , . .. . .
«U livan h ang presented by Justice 1
Alisha Lieutenant Governor Wee-j,
ves by Colonel Allen Miller, .Score
tary Oi Mate (. ibton by Chief Clerk !
111.itt, Auditor Bragraw lay Theo
dore lurner. the ivtirinw nnditor
° '
1 reasurer C ollm l»v Deputv Treas
• 1
' ,n ; L " ]
the.Guhee« by John A. Hagley, the rc- j
tiring attorney general. State Su
permtendent Miss Scott hv her
assistant. Mi-s Belle Chamberlain
îllld M ilie i lispcctor Hel I hv Ifwiir
ancc ('nmiuissiomT
official was warmly applauded.
The Legislature. •
The proceedings of the first day's I
session of t!,<• legislature were brief.
In the senate thc members were
vailed to order by Colonel Allen
Miller, seeietary at the last session,
and the oath was administered by ;
Chief Justice Stotkslnger. Lieuten-i
ant Governor Sleeves delivered aj
brief address and the
inees were then elected as follows:
Senator G. K. Crum of Nez 1'eree.
caucus nom
president pro torn; secretary, Doug
las Hix of Freemont; assistant sec
retary, Mrs. E. L. Savidge of Ada;
engrossing clerk, \V. 11. Bond of
Washington: assistant engrossing
' P
iVinoiii'ig i lik, .\Iiss Ada \ ander
clerk, l!.-' Ella MiT'all or Lincoln
heck el Fannoek; assistant euroll
ing clerk, Miss Mabel Mallorv of
Blaine; journal clerk, A. C. Ro
belts of Ada; chaplain, Dr. L F.
Boa.-h of Ada. sergeant at arms.
Morgan !.. 1'erry of Owyhee; cum ■
mittee clerk, Miss Lilian I'lowhead
Canyon; pages, Graham MeCoa
»ell of Ada and George Parkinson
Oneida; doorkeeper, John A. Me
Ginty of Ada; janitor, Harry Clyne
[ the day.
1 he house was called to order by
Representative Turner of Bingham.,
A hen the members were sworn in
J- Frank Hunt of Bannock was
Flvvltfl-ju*aki i without oj»j omiiou.
The house elected thc following
oliieers: l haphiin, Dr. C. Ross Baker
nf Ada; assistent chief clerk, Mrs.
• « ....... f ul .
Marv A. Wright of Shoshone;
* . , , ..and
t engrossing clerk, Mrs. Mario V, li
hams of Ada; assistant engrossing
clerk, Miss Nellie B. Ireton of Boise;
enrolling clerk, Miss Rowena Hays
of Owyhee; assistant enrolling clerk,
Will T. Kirk of Canyon; committee
clerk, Missjessie Gwinn of Lincoln;
| sergeant at arms, M. M. Maekay of
! Washington; doorkeeper, R. I*,
1 hairy 1,1 Latah; janitor, IL N.
Ma.xey of Canyon; pages, I, 11.
Jensen of Oneida and Lon Dressier
"f Ada; messenger, Frank Bhafer.,
of Ada.
M*nato then adjourned for
\\ ill 11. Shearer of Ida was elect
ed Chief Clerk. There were mam
candidates for legislative offices.
—Coroner 1. A. Bishop was call
ed to Sandpoint Monday to hold
an inquest over the remains of
Fred Skag, a man found dead near
N . p. tr aek just east of town.
A bruise on the head indicated the
theory that the deceased had been
struck by a train. When last seen
alive he was under the influence
liquor. His home was at Sparta,
Minn., were he has a family, lie
had been working in the logging
Struck by a Train.
I he marriage of Miss Harriett 1.. t
auston and Mr. \\ illinm II. Emery
was solemnized last Monday eve-'
ning in the lodge room of Loyal
Popular Yeung Couple Married in
Rebekah Ledge Room.
Kehekah Lodge No. 42. Including
Oddfellows and Rebekahs and in
vited guests, about 100 were pres
,,,, , , , , .
.The lodge room had been appro
■ . , , , , , .
I'fiaU-ly decorated for the ooeosion
with p!ll,U8 iU,J * nr *** u * a " d thc
coIo ''8 of the otder. Both bride and
Kr0<ml are w embers of Loyal No.43
The ceremony was*vperformed ht
^ S ' WÜ8 °" °*. Presbyterian j
jChurch, using the Episcopal eer
With the first strains of !
, . _ .. ,, ,
vancod to tlio altar escorting the
., , ,
brides mother. A moment later
^ Ur . hritlo> accompanied by ;
b , 0ctirKO '(. aUHton .J, ;
44 , ,, ,, .. ,
attended hv Miss In i » » 111 ; i ( auston.
ll()ge ' p crkin9 and Mis< 1Iy
,, rille8nmidp . ; J iini es C'asev
. ' , , *
Jr., and Claud 11 vdorji were grooms
, •
men. Over the «mar was raised a
supporte, l by the following '
ladk 4* of Vho order; Mrs. S. mT i
,, <« • • . . .
Hauinan. Mibb Limp McLaughlin, •
M- .. , . ». v ,
Miss Mabel McNear and Miss
Mamie Shields. Thcccreiuonv was
the wedding mareeh he groom ad- 1
very impressive and together with
the. surroundings it was a very
pretty wedding. At the conclusion
friends gathered around to offer i
The wedding supper was served
by thi' Rebekahs in the banquet
room, and was such as to reflect
great credit upon the ladies who
prepared it.
The bride and groom were pre
sented with a handsome silver tea ]
set on behalf of the lodge by Mrs. j
S. 1). Taylor. They were the recip- i
ients of many other nice piesents, j
some having been sent to the home ;
of the bride's parents., Mr. and Mrs.
wa s a st
J. Ciuistoa.
A pleasant foatur. of the evening 1
ereuadc by t|*-Bonners For
ry Cornet Band which played a I
milll j„. r ,,f entertaining selections,
Both bride and groom have re- j
sided here many years and are j
It af- j
Hkrai.u the greatest I
. , . , , , .
jj t , WftS formerly roidnnster on the
KaH ' divisj ; )n ', mt " t (h „ (inK>
0 j his «lotLtli xvas lathe hotel bus
^ n c W as a victim of Bright's
j; sr ., s ,. Hr 1 .-avrs a wife ami son
' . V , ' . ' ' M '
^ ^ ( ►istt-r of Mrs Hopkins
. V . ,, '
lieft iumlay iniirniiur lor Lvcrctt
. . . .
was with hot
(t p e l* a ,, hand If Oaehestra
|,i<r},ly creditable to that organisa
j| n „ There was a nice crowd in
attendance and the music wassplcn-1
(d( | The management was superb
a , ld ev0 rvbodv had a good time,
well and favorably known,
fords th
pleasure to extend its congratula
tions and best wishes for their
future happiness.
Death of T. J. llopkiiu.
The death of T. J. Hopkins oc
cur red at Everett, Wash . on Wod-1
mutiny morning. Mr. Hopkins is
:v brothor-in-hiw of T. J. lloilingor
r t;i the hour
of her great affii uion. The deceased
was about 48 year- of age.
The CrohcArs Ball.
w A'ears Eve
The ball given
Opticien Coming.
. . .
; iron. Spokane, will bo , the city at
I Hold Casey two davs, Jan. 11 and
12 .
Mr. D. Davidson, optician coming
lu* will oxa ni mo your eyes fret*
. J .
of t *ar«ii. lb \\ i K - \
lamest in his examinations and
will not recommend tho use oi
globes unless they arc necessary.
Mr. Davidson will visit your city
every two months,
Killed a Mounain Lion
A mountain lion
IB feet, 2 inches, from tip to tip,
was killed last Monday by Charles
Solomon near his ranch on Bkin
v •rot-k He preserved the hide with
. . , 1 , ,. ,
111 ' 0 ho:l ' 1 a,ul f ' Tt !' U<whcd ; fo ,
| mounting. He was in town Wed
nesday with his trophy which at
tract ed a great ileal of attention.
Deputy Sheriff J. \\ . Hart and
Mrs. Edwin Donat, wife of Sheriff
Doiist, came in from Paradise Val
ley today on their way to the douu
tv seal.
Tm: IIrkai.ii appears tliis work
a si von column folio instead of
alive column quarto. This is a
reduction in size, hut will only he
'inporary, as it is our intention a
little later to increase the nuinlier
The Daily News of Nelson, 15.
came out an New Years with
special edition of sixteen pages,
giving a review of the industrial
situation in the district situated
, ,
across the International Line, just
north of us. The edition is emhel
lished with numerous half tone
u ts showing mines, mills, and
other important objects. The nr
tides have been prepared with
great care, and the News is to ho
congratulated on its holiday num
becoming very active ami are pre-j
paring to make a desperate light
hcfoiv th.* FoMotiir.. It i« ...i.i
1 I.liUM. It Is s.ud
Jthat Sandpoint and Ctrur d'Alene,
the two proposed county seat towns,
. . , e %• . .
ha \ c agi ec d to a plan of division.
n , nr ,pi,..« J nmi
n 111 Aieiu nas raised »t^uuu and
will send two men to Boise to lobby
for the bill. Sandpoint has a fund
..f *•)•),in m. ,,n.i i,. 4U „„iv .♦
ot «!> an, l has onI> just
The countv division forces art
eommenced to collect funds.
town will also send a strong lobby
to Boise. It is not unlikely that
Kootenai will offer the legislature
one of the biggest county division
lights ever before that body,
One of the interesting questions
that will come before the present
session of the legislature will he
embodied in it bill to give the
holders of timber purchased from
the stale an extension of time in
which to remove the product from
the land.
sale, the purchasers were to have
twenty years to cut and remove
the timber, the title to the land ro
mainingin thc state, and all tim
ber remaining on the land at the
Under the terms of the 1
end of that period to revert back to
the state. The bulk of these pur
chases were made throe years ago
under the Hunt administration, j
and there yet remain seventeen
years of tho time. r lhc large com
panics claim that this is not time
enough to enable them to build;
plants and manufacture the lum
her. They claim that if the exten
sion was granted it would react to I
the benefit of the state—that more
the development of this industry.
will he retarded,
m, ' d ' !lU ' benefits and immediate
JweJopmont whirl, they claim is
xl,ore liLolv to result. These con
Hieting views are likely to result in
:l vi r - v stuhhorn contest.
- =— l - .l —
"hh Expensej advanced "ach Mon
by check direct from hea Iquarters.
Horse and buggy furnished when
necessaiv; positions permanent.
of tho product would bo manufact
ured within the state, their plants !
buln 8 conetructed larger and on a
more permanent, basis. On the,
other hand, many people feel that
an extension of lime means that
They prefer im
county and adjoining territories, In
represent and advertise an old
established house of solid financial
standing. Salary to men $21 wesk
ly> to women $12 to $18 weekly
[ Address, Blew Brtn. it Co., Dept. 4,
■ Monon Bldg , Chicago, Ill.
If You Are Not Particular
Don't travel over the Illinois
) Central, as any old road will do
you anl we don't want your pa
% . .
tronn^e; but if you are particular
wan ^ an( j rnean to
have , t> „ k the ti , Uet 8gen ,. ...
rou t e you via the ILLINOIS CEN
TR XL, the road that runs through
-olid vestibule trains between St,
Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis,
I Memphis and New Orleans.
No additional jharge is made for
a sent in our reclining chair ears
b . h are fu( , d
_ with lava tarin
| and smoking rooms, and have a
j porter in attendance.
Rules via the ILLINOIS CEN
TR A L are the lowest end we will
be glati to quote them in • connec
tion with uny transcontinental line,
B. H. TkumboI.l.
Commercial Agent, 142 Third
street, Portland, Ore.
J. C. Likdskv,
T. F. it P. A , 142 Third street,
Portland, Ore.
Paul B. Thom i sax,
Frt. & Passenger Agent, Colmau
Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
• i
C. C Mercantile Co,
General Merchandise
will Sell Vou
Tom «toes psr can.
Silver Brand Milk ....
Marrow Fut IVas.
.10 cts.
. . . .10 cts.
.12-J cts.
Peaches per
.... 35 cts.
.35 „
_ 30 „
.30 „
A complete line of Men's and Ladies' Shoes, Gent's
Furnishing Goods and Gold Seal Rubber Goods.
Shelf and Heavv Hardware, Stoves
and Doors and Windows.
Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention.
G. R. GRAY, Manager.
The Bonneis Feiiy Lumber Co.,
Can n jw furnish you with anything re
quired in the building line. We now have
a full Dock of dry lumber and can furnish
Shiplap, Drop Siding, Mouldings, Sized
Dimension and Surfaced lumber. Bring
in your house bills and let us figure on
them. You can now procure your lumber
at home, ai.d we can satisfy you both as to
quality and prices. : : : : :
Yours for business,
Banners Terry Cumber Company, Limited
r n-vjWWflW«T:.rM I
The best place to buy your Goods is the place
that will sell you the most Goods for thc least
The Bonner Mercantile Company
keeps a complete line of Seasonable Goods at
He a son a blc Pr ices.
■ : hit . ..
Our Stock of Groceries is kept compléta with fresh,
new goo Is We keep an hand,
Big Loaf, Gold Drop and x x x Flour
Canned Fruit and Vegetables,
Sour Kraut, etc
We are making special arrangement» whereby we
will bo able tu take the best possible cure of our
Family T rade
If you are nut alr"idy a customer of ours, we invite
you to give ,9 a call and we will save you money. It not
convenient to eaB, mail yaur orders to the old, reliable
Bonner Mercantile Co, Ltd
f Wl
T. A. Bishop, m. D.
T. J. Jones
Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions.
Choice Cigars, Palm Candies, Paints and Oils
Bonners Ferry,