The Bonners Perry I lerald
Bonners FerrvHerald
S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor
One your.
Six IHOUtlM...
. .w
Lucai rradiuB notice« live ccm« i>cr line j
application. cardr of T.ntnks, Kesotuttona of
Resp«, and similar matterflve cent, per line.
ic/njo.' aTvL'.n'.i t i'iU Matter ' H " 1,,K '" Hrr> '
t :io. suntUy *choo^»unao^m Pm|oi ,
/■aatiiolio-- ~
n^uth c ""s*uj. r y l »"> "öl l e»ery IZd«'y «/uxw
* Rgv father kelly. Putor
^Bonicre Kerry Lodge, n. a. F. * a.
M. t holos elated meeting« ou (he laol Friday
evening of the month ou or belore u lull moon.
• Sojouruiutf Mahler Masons mialititid are Da
teruaiiy invited io vielt T. a. mimiop, w. m
n es«* M»v.»«u, secr c uiry .-{
"mopiu'iGlodge,Nu 86 , 1 . 0 . g s.. merit
iiro'.lieiB l i'r»!"toH'ny ll i 1 u»i*ed." 'Ilu. WaLkmS
K.u . WM.Vtuo« eu. a»fi«ury. -
U i.o}aii Hvutah LodgeN iTm, i. o. o. F.
meet« every Tuesday cvciuug it 8:00 o'clock,
viaitiLR Kebekaha cordially mviicd. mi««
Lizzie MeLallgllllU, N. (i. Un, C. P. Sheffield,
Acmo Lodge, No. IS, K. ol l'. meet« In
I'yiMaii Hau every Tnuicduy cveuiug at »>
o'clock. Vialttng Knight« uinay« welcome.
s. ii.tayio k. o, c. E. l. Lun.«, k, ot b. .its.
R 'etéaèutTewRieLaÎTo, meets every other
v II i 1 ,1Î! a L ZV,\'uu.n! m . «i 1 " u r'J o^. IU h" Aihïn'
N Loouuu 1 ! eàinp Nii.Ld, i. o.o. F., meet,
• ÈJédbury.o. t*. w. s, Cum«, scribe.
kooDaui Teni, No. Ä», K.u. t. m., meet*
.. . 1,11
Norili Star Hive, Nu. 16 , L. o. T. M., meet«
uvery ulUfruaie WeducMluy evening at » o'clock.
ViHiimij LhiIicb al\v«y8 contluily luvited. Mrs.
M "'i
M odern woodmen okamkiuca—
N-jrthSlur Camp, No. Hl«»u, M. W. A.,
1 lift -18 tu \\ oottmen Hull every Momhiy evening,
ViMliUK Nelgnlxifb al WUV8 welcome.
Ft.itHKACHB, V.C. E. L. Littlk, citric.
1'aniuiHc vm I ley—Every aiternnte Sunday
ntl.SOp.m. Sunday lelioo. tvtry SuihIuj hi
11:011a. iu. Noith Sltlo—Every aUcrualc Sun
day at U:«J0 f.. m. Sunday S«li..ul every Snu«iay
ulJ0:0J a. in. Rev. I«. N. li. ANDERSON,
Secret Societies,
w. w.
Railroads and Malls.
R ailway timkcaru—
lire tt Northern Railway trains arrive and
«kpnrtuh (ollows
8 -
1;28|i ££
! pm
I pm j am'
C. I*. 8IIEkhki.Ii. Agcut
Knoten.; Valley Railway train« leave Oreatl
Northern liepol at 8 a. m. on Tuender«. Tliur«
■lay« and Saturday«, returning ta lime to .on
Iieettviih no. a un d No. 4 . _
qostoffice lim ns
\T 1 a tire opens a. s a. in., and cio«e«at ft p. m„
eacept Sunday«, open Sundays from 6 a. m. to
c p. m. Kastbnund malt eioae» at iz;ä«r>.m.
westbound mail eio«es at 3:4o p. m. au«M p, m.
Copeland and poniiiu maiiclosesat 7 «. m.
Mondays, Wednesday« and Fridays.
No. t I No. 2.
No. S 1 No. 1
10:10 I KALISPELL t 7
p. m ti m
«:8ô ; 3:13
p m 1 h in
H .A'i j 0 :15 j
p m u m
Chas. O'Callaghan
! Real Estate !
Notary Public
Bonners Perry,
AA ****** fVWtAA
Prompt attention given to
anything in the Dray Busi
ness. Transferring, Gotds
Delivered. Furniture Mov
ing. Contracts taken. ; : :
W'ood for sale. Call on
Jvwwv w vAvavrvwvtssumed
0. A. Blakeslee
K.C. DAY. Drop.
Fumitfol (Semiicidv «l«rilizlng \u»«k 1.
AHlUcptlr Iiotioui u$cd.
«'Iran T*»\vrls
S*-al|» and Fare Manage Treat me Ilf
Everything in aanitary eondition.
I No chloroform luted while getting
First "Class Work Cànnmnteed
«hop in HOTEL CASEY.
Bonners Ferry, - - - Idaho,
D. C. Corbin Says he is now in Position to talk
Business concerning the C P. R. Connection.
Once again the railroad topic becomes a very live subject in Bon
nors Ferry, after being dormant foraeveral months. In fact, so little
^ «f the Spokane & Kootenai project sine,, las, fall, that
people were commencing to doubt that it would ever materialize.
It 8eem8t however, according to the Spokesman-Review, that D. I',
Corbin, the promoter of the enterprise, has been working right along,
and after overcoming many obstacles, is now in a position to build the
Mr* Corbin gave out his first public statement last Wednesday rel
ativo to the matter, in connection with a business proposition to the
people the City of Spokane—that if Spokane would donate the
right-of-way from the eitylimits to the terminal in the city, he would
bring the road into Spokane, and intimated that constiuction would
start in the spring, and that the line could be completed within u year.
It is estimated that the right-of-way in Spokane would cost $100,000,
1111,1 there is little doubt hut that Spokane will jump at this o|.portunity
to secure another transcontinental line, for Mr. Corbin acknowledges
that his line will have a 50-year traffic agreement with the C. F. R.
The new line has dropped the name of the Spokane (V Kootenai and
will he known as the Spokane & International. The company has
incorporated for $4,000,000 and the articles of incorporation were filed
at Olympia on Tuesday. New York capitalists are associated with Mr.
Corbin and the money lias been subscribed. Mr. Corbin's talk has a
business ring and the outlook seems brighter for the building of the
. .. . n ,
11 111* 1 1 ill 11 ill any tllllG 61I1CC 111C Sli)»J«*«.'t Was first UlSCUSSCMl.
• TT , ,, , ,
As readers of Ui«* 11 KHALI) are aware, the surveys nave all been made
or the new road, but the publie has never been made acquainted with
the route selected through this immediate locality. A half dozen dif
feront lines have been run to get down into the Kootenai Valley and
uU t again. Two of these surveys come d iwn on the North side of the
river, one crossing near the old ferrv landing, and the other at Galena
' . , , , .....
Landing, just below town, the latter following down the \ alley to
. ... ..
Deep Creek. Two surveys cross at Crossport, four miles above Bon-!
nors Ferrv. One of these crossings is bv an 800 foot bridge 480 feet
o .1 b i
above the water, and takes the road out through Paradise Valiev.
' _ r '
With the exception of this stupendous bridge proposition, this is said
1° he the sliortest line and affords the best grades. The other survey
crossing at the same point is much lower and brings the line through
Bonners Ferry op the south side of the town. •
TJie building (it tiiis line will mean good times for Ronnors Ferry,
no matter which route is selected. K it builds through town flic hen
efit will bo permanent. All will, therefore, wateli the eourse'of events
. . . . ,
with groat interest,
;- : -:-*
\A/' 1 T T MOT J\ 0 \S
\/\| I I I I \l I I LX >S N KX
VV I J__ l\W 1
<~\/~\ \ / I— ^ r-\ t——> m / >■ 1 —< 1 — i m ▼ ^ y <«->. a y
1 il V \ 1 Lw l 1 wl w 1 N
Timber Men Despair of Favorable
Action this Session.
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 17.—The tim- j to their interest as well as to ours
her men seem to despair of stem- co grant the extension.
ing favorable action on their 20-vear ; H . ur 1 " ffpr manufacture all
" . 4 . our timber within the statt*, to
extension proposition at thisscssion j ere( . t onr largc mi n 8 in the state,
of the legislature. It is a well to build railroads to the timber, to
known fact that Governor (iooding yield our contention as to taxes
is against the proposition, and the j and to cut the timber clean am.
, 1 |;.q.i,.,f i release the land back to the state
people sum \tr\ mucn linnitu. remtrdless of tin- •>(!
■ .1 Northern i>'irt of the State 1 ' ,
,u . -' ,J1,1L,M I 1 ,l J" ' | years, was sufficient to interest t he
particularly the localities most | people.
effected, like Mosci w and Lewiston. "With more time we would have
' . .
(Bo com niereial bodies seem to fa- noon prejiared also to take un the
. <,,,.,11 «i,,,
vor extension believing that it will M,iaU homings ot the inamduals
' ' ' it who arc anxious to sell. Inflict.
. . 1 we think the jieople of the north,
position from other parts of (lie where this is of most direct interest,
State, and from the Govenor, do arc in favor of extension. Rut the
not seem to make this an opportune i legislature and the governor seem
time to pass a hill. Tim tin,-! tkat they have not suflieiont
her men will likelv wait until the assllran, '° ,,{ tl,e F«'F^' « wishes,
her men will likely wait until tin Wo win not> therefore, urge the
people come to a better understand- j matter further. We have no com
I ing of their position before attempt-1 plaint to make and will simply
ing to press the matter. William j continue cutting for our jiresent
Deaav, manager of tTio Fotlatch ,n *\i 8 Falouae and Colfax, Wash.,,
! I um W r« mnrnumtinn »La ' v ^ c * 1 < aN rt ' a< -'* 1 ''Y flutation.
Lun he. Co., and representing tin W( , arc ing to leave this matter
lumber interests, says: entirely with those we candidly
1 "Wo will not urge the matter believe will have in due lime
farther. Wo had no intention of | much interest in it as we, and who
presenting the matter to the legis- 1 alone have the power to do or not
I a turc except upon conditiorf that to do—the people and the leg
the people were satisfied that it was | islature."
We felt
Comity division received a severe j «ion looks good to Cœur d'Alene
j jolt from Cœur d Alene last week, she gets a county seat in the deal..
j Both newspapers of that place, the ] If there is to be no county seat,
I Press and the Journal, came out then it is a horse of a different
with their fighting harness on, and color.
an attitude that augurs If Cœur d'Alene can't get a l oun
no good for Sandpoint. If the j ty seat, tl.<m, according tot he Press,
j newspaper« published iu "the eitv it might be well to let county divi
by the il usai ted sea" correctly rJ- j sion go, and make a stand for the
j fleet the sentiment of the people of | new insane asylum that is going
I that place, considerable opposition ; bealoeated soniowlierc in the noith.
I will develop where great strength j It seems that in the early 8ta} ,
i for division was expected. of the division movement Sand
The trouble seems U> be the ini- point and Cœur d'Alene agreed
..... ... — . " ,. . . . , , h
|«issihtlity of wiping Kootenai eoun- a division of the spoils. It was
ty off the face of the map and agreed to draw a bill that would
j creating two new counties, so as to abolish the county of Kootenai and
1 give lioth Sandpoint and (icnrd'A create two new counties, with conn
' Icnc a count v scat. Countv divi- tv si-ats at Cœur d'Alene and Sand
jioint. This bill was to lie submit
ted to R. Z. Johnson, the eminent
consulting lawyer in Boise, and if
his opinion was favorable as to its
constitutionality, it should be in
troduced. If not constitutional,
then Sandpoint was to introduce a
i.ill for a new county in the north,
; uul l>ur d'Alene was to give u
her moral support, hut nothing
Ifiorc substantial. Well, the bill
" as fnken to Boise and Judge
Johnson turned if down.
The decision was not „..expected
- tu > anupoint P'opu . in<\
were prepared for just such an enter
8 enc y- 1 hey had their own bill
ro;l, 'y. Senator Ta> lots not wish
ing to lose any lime, immediately
introduce«! the ( lark bounty
hill. In his haste he forgot to w iie
Lhe Cœur d Alene allies, and the
| ir8 « intimation that anything
lloln K in Boise was the news that
tlie Senator had introduced a
P !Unt , and now comes the Journal
and declares that Cœur d'Alene will
Sandpoint has had a delegation
over to Cœur d'Alene to try to,
smooth things over and we under-1
stand that they were partially
successful, although the Cœur d'A-1
leners are somewhat divided.
"Clark County 1
d'Alene commenced to put on "war
Then Cœur
the 1 lark County measure to
u standstill. \V hat the outcome will
lx ' remains to be seen,
K ool f many of theii citizens believe
l ^ 11 ^ 11 ls 8 U ahead with the
division on the lines laid down in
Senator laylor s bill, with a view
„{ Imu'lnirthe nonnlv «oil neiHer to
01 m.u mg tnt tounix bi. 1 u 11 .mu w
.I Iim' Imwii ,..l,o,, fl,ov
a ' ott two ycars.lnnct, uiientiiej
eonlident °« outvoting Kath
u l m '
Ex-Sknator Themas 11. Carter
of Montana will go hack to the st'n
ate again from that state, having
just been re-eleftVd to succeed.8en-'
^itor Gibson. Carter once- stood
1 high in the (Njunoils 4 % the part\\
i . . l. i i • • . * « 1 *
lulling worked f i is way« up to the
Chairmanship ofcU.é.National Com
, , ■ ,, .•
shrewdest politicians in the nation.
, • . . ... . ..c 4 * i . , i .. 4 1
Ills light W 11« Slllltlcd OUt h\ tlH
l«lverwavewhiel. did not subside
, .
i in Montana until lust year.
, , ,
back to the
Me now
senate and after an absence of six
will again take high rank
i years
in the tipper house at Washington.
Carter's last official act as a senator
was to talk to death a river and
harbor bill, carrying hundreds
millions of dollars.
I u,,lülîl lllvl ' rS| 111 vot ing me
River to the Sea" ilea.
course ot an argument before the
house ... on Rivers and
,, , , 1 .1 ■ , ,
Harbors, he made tills statement
j . , ,
regarding one of Idahos resources
c "
White Fine. He said: 'It
; estimated that the white pine
l,i a ho alone would scale 2,700,000,
()()0 alu ( it covers -jTn.fHHi
T . . , ,
" f «»'I- " ^
bermen to he the finest body
white pine in the United States",
| 'I-i-ip m ippmai.i.i 1 « .1 etiiuig
supporter 0 } Senator I ley burn
I bill to provide for a national board
| for tl , ontrol ol corporations,
1 "; . . JT . ..
.* Ï U . , ,
desire to bring the railroads under
■ the control of the federal govern
nient. Several bills have been
| presented, but it is understood that
! the Hoy burn bill comes nearest
lhu 1,111 l >rc
C'onuukssma.n French is making
a vigorous light f«»r appropriation«
for ill«* Clearwater, Snake and Col
In the
] meeting ids views.
j sen ted by Senator Hey burn is
of the most important measures
I introduced in congress in many
if years. -
. ....
^ 11 *" '* - '
1| ' 1 ' 1 ,e< 11 lutl > 1 11 ° 'pO
hiing to „» « uri to tin jh oph
bit* i• -1 on ■ 1 ,i i ly ''.il.nntï ut Lit«
^ un,ls di jiositi in tank«.
l» rin «r*« tlie Pa,lie as Governor
i Mornw n. attempted to have enact
to ! wl t "° a ^°' 1uk1 119
n * i nd | dh\ (tourner (iooding
, ( . his message this j ear. It is a
i^portunt matter and will he
to ,k ' ial *° thr stat0 t1 "' exU>nt
mnnv ibmisiml dollar«
" a1 " '
1,119 pun bused
i1h kol, '' r * k^kbart ranch, paying
^~ mi ' •'cliinjui'Inucnt.
Want* the Asylum. |
Representative Sage of this conn
ty has introduced a bill locating an
asylum for Northern Idaho at t'dair
d'Alene. Mr. Sage introduced the
bill for his colleague, Representative
Spaulding, of Cœur d'Alene, who
was too ill to attend the session.
We are reliably informed that
Cœur d'Alene has sent two of her
liest lobbyists to Boise to work for
the hill.
i ( .| U , i, as g„ne after the asylum,
, )ave , K . aring on the divi
s j 011 question. It will be recalled
thnt wh(>n lu>nMerg Ferrv W as urg
j (J g ,hvisiou about a dozen years
, lg0) vv j t |, Cœur d'Alene as an allv.
C()t , ur d . Ale „ c threw us down to
push her scheme for a school of
The fact that Cœur d'A
L. 0. T. M. Installation.
The following are the new officers
of the Ladies of the Maccabees for
the coming year. The installation
was conducted by Fast Lady Com
mander Mrs. C. 1). Rowell.
I'rtst Udy i'otnmander—Mr*. D. Rowell.
Lady Commander— Mrs. W. II. Emery,
j Lady Lt. «'ninimiiuUT—Mrs, T. A. Bishop.
Lady Record Keojicr-Mra. S. D. Taylor,
laid y Finance Keeper—Mrs. W. !.. Klnnear
l4idy ('haplaln—Mrs. I. C'a nut on.
Ladyflcrgcam-Mr«. k. l. unie,
»"«.re«« .tArm.-»ii«» Emm* rav.«, on
1 lauly Sentinel Ml-« Maint Collin«.
.. .. , ... , Rlli . rnn(1
* . ,, ' . .
i 1,1 * 1 110 KxpOSltlOll
1 ••
At S^ ^
VclollS, WOlUlcFful, gland llllll III
Narcissus Club Officers.
The Narcissus Club met last Wed
! nesdav afternoon and
elected the I
following officers for the ensuing !
Prcldent—Mra. \Vm. Van«.
Vice I'rcsitlcn^ Mrs. F. «»Iced.
Secretary— Mm. W. F. Jodcm.
Treasurer- Mrs. s. D. Taylor.
Librarian Mrs. Henry Melder.
Progranj Committee—Mr*. F. A. Hlmltls. Mrs.
II. L. Medbury, Mrs. T. A. H!h1m»P* Mrs. M. It
IlHitgland. ami Mrs. (J. R. «îray.
Entertainment ('ommlttee Mrs. M. Rose
Norlhrup, Mrs.' F. It. Richardson. Mrs. W. I«.
Klnnear, Mrs. Samuel Covert and Mrs. ('. D.
Editor's Opinion ofRoyoi Cor^e
JKdith Tozier Weathcrred, in
I describing a recent trip over tho
j spiring Royal Gorge is on either
nly disappointing
j thing is you only have one pair of
* , • . , î ,
lèves, while the train darts in and!
, , , , ,,
out of the tremendous chasm. If
any who have never seen it are
wondering how it looks just go and
see. Thousands have tried to des
cribe it, yet every attempt falls
short of giving the subject justice."
If you contemplate a trip East,
write \V. t'. McBride, 124 Third
street, Portland, Ore., for booklets!
picturing Colorado's famous scen
ery, or any other information you
may desire.
MEN AND WOMEN in this,
county and adjoining leiritories, to
, ranresent ami advertise an old
1 -iiunrov non .tuvritiac no 010
es'ablished house of solid financial
. r, , . ,
standing. Salary to men $21 week
1 ., to women $12 to $18 weekly
with Expensed ad vanced each Mon
bv check direct from headquarters.
Horse and buggy fufnishtd when
neoe»saiy; positions permanent,
Address. Blew Brin. A Co,, Dept. 4,
Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111.
j Don't travel over the Illinois
ç« entr8 i _ aB anv „pj r0 ad will do
s y !)U an >\ WP don't want your pa
j trnnage; hut if vou are particular
and want the best and
have it. ask the ticket agent, to
route you via tho ILLINOIS CEN
\R, the road that runs through
8 olid vestibule trains between St.
Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St, Louis,
Memphis and New Orleans.
I No additional charge is made for
, a Pent in our reclining chair earn
- which are tilted
If You Are Not Particular
mean to
with la vat.irks
an ,i smoking rooms, and have a
porter in attendance.
Kates via the ILLINOIS CEN
TRAL are the lowest and we will
. be gla(l t0 quole th ? m in conne0 .
1 lion with uny transcontinental lint.
> B. 11 Trumbull,
Commercial Agent, 142 Third
j street, Portland, Ore.
I. f .ind. ki ,
l Bb'ß-; Seattle, \\ ash.
1 am prepared to deliver first
of , ; lnss ^ ve . " | 0<k1 ' * T h f V'T" ,T
drv, at the following Prices tier cord:
i'ordwood $2.50
16inch wood, 2 ricks . 2.50
Leave your orders with the Koo
jtenai I railing to.
T. F. Ac F. A , 142 Third street,
Portland, Ore.
Faul B. Tiiomusdn,
Frt. it Pasrenger Agent, Culman
A. 1 'kavpai.i
»Ben »is
C. C. Mercantile Co,
General Merchandise
W« will Sell Vou
Ttumtofs per can.
Silver Brand Milk .
Marrow Fat Fens. .....
.10 ids.
.. . .10 cts.
.12 j cts.
Reaches per rati
35 cts.
A complete line of Men's and Ladies' Shoes, Gent's
Furnishing Goods and Gold Seal Rubber Goods.
Shelf and Heavv Hardware, Stoves
and Doors and Windows.
Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention.
G. R. GRAY, Manager.
The Bonneis Feiry Lumbef Co,', Lti]
Can niw furnish you with anything re
quired iu the building line. We now have
a full stock of dry lumber and can furnish
Shiplap, Drop Siding, Mouldings, Sized
Dimension and Surfaced lumber.
in your house hills and let us figure on
them. You can now procure your lumber
at home, and we can satisfy you both as to
quality and prices. : ; : " : :
Y mrs for business,'.
Bonner* Terrv Cumber Companv, Limited
The best place to him your Goods is the place
that will sell you the most Goods for the least
Money. The Homier Mercantile Company
keeps a complete Hue of Seasonable Goods at
Reason a hie J 'ri ces.
CKase Sanborn Coffee
In Four Grades
20c., 25c., 35c„ 40c.
Bonner Mercantile Co. Ltd
T. A. Bishop, M. D.
T. J. Jones
Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions.
Choice Cigars, Palm Candies. Paints and Oils
Bonnerb Ferry,