Newspaper Page Text
a I k 1 ' & V f Æ1K o ° : Ay V\ j I ! j I ; / r y !» t r; vt0 A won tniul wear shot's (Ext are rightly mi ie. pinch the fr^t, cr flatten the instep er thr» \v the body to I! 1 ' far forward cr backward destroy the grace ct n tlicn. N^t III only for mt fort but for style and easy, gractfuî wa l in^ women sho-id wear to vraik v. ■ t .y c'a e Shoes »b t! so 2 ■ Shoes They're easily worth a dollar more than they cost. F qua l to $3.50 shoes in styl*, finish and materials. For preserving and polishing shoes use only Radcliffe Sh^c—10 cents. ; P ' [T ■ hollingers . M |k j ' mn The best Braids of Liprs aid ffioes AT THE 'WHITE CARIBOO BAR' % Choice Cigars always on Hand*? SKacle's Beer on Draught P. L Plsher, Prop. 1« Livery and Feed Stable First Class Rag's and Saddle Horses £? Parties taken to all Parts of the Country. Careful Drivers furnished. I R BLACKSMITHING ! First class' Blacksmith Shop in Connection. Blacksmithing done and work guaranteed. REASONABLE All kinds Charges s Ë ■ of 1 i ! 1 i i i _ 0 . • • „ • 1 • I » II • 1 • • t • • • • • • fj • y ^ • s Wm. ELDERTON. Bonners Ferry,Idaho n f Get Your Abstracts from the Panbandk Abstract Company (LIMITED) Rathdrum, Idaho AND PROMPT SERVICE ALWAYS RELIABLE Informaticn regarding Real Estate furnished at reasonable rates. Surety Bonds, Tire Insurance, Ëontuyancing and notary Ulork THE PIONEER LIMITED There is no train in service on i»ny railway in the world that equals In equipment T to Pioneer Limited train from St. Paul to Chicago via the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. RAILWAY PAUL Tho railway com tlte bleeping and dining cars on its nains, and gives to Ds patrons an excellence ot Pel vice not obtainable elsewhere. The buf fet ears, oompartment curs, standard »loop . and dn mg curs of The Pioneer : the handsomest ever built. y own» and operates • Ing R. i_FORD, Agent, Room 2, Marble Bank Building Spokane, Wash. 4 - * * « —St- A A A I y fl i ïMLâ m h\] fif The Most Delightful Way TO Cross the Continent Through Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Leadvillc I'ueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. h Daylight Ride Th ough Nature's Gieatest Jit Galleiy Passing Castle <>ate. Canon of The Grand, Tennessee Pass, Marshall Pass and the Royal Gorge. 3 3 TRAINS DAILY BETWEEM OGDEN AND DENVER further, for better can't be I, address Kqulyi d to Nom*. Seek found. For Detailed informât »» ent W. C. MCBRIDE, Gen.l Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. 124 Third Street GREAT IS IDAHO Her Boundless Resources are on the Eve of Most Wonderful Development. , -, 1 iaho is just at the opening ol great development. The advance that has been made in the past two . u _ . , years has been great, but it is only , ... . , a beginning. Idaho contains thou sands of square mills of tillable soil to be had of a generous government j for the asking. It contains other thousands of square miles of virgin I timber, a stranger to the .wood ! nian's ax, and still other thousands j of square miles, lieh in precious I metals, un prospected and uudevel ; oped. _ j . . . 1 he door of opportunity is . j swinging uiuecpcn. T it c .1 • In the South sum. ranging up in the millions are being expended in greater irrigation enterprises, pro ». , c , , riding new homes for many. Live ., r .., 4 « . . st ok, fruit culture and agriculture H- j • • are all m a prosperous condition. Rut it is here in North Idaho Other states adjoining Idaho have had their periods of great industri Idaho will have j al development. ' its day, and that day is now at hand. seems room for the We have the richest mines, the greatest for ests, and farms that produce ini where theie greatest development. • 1 I BONNERS FERRY Its Bright Outlook and the Favorable Attractions in Town and Country. The location of Bonners Ferry is favorable for the making of one the most important tawns in the State of Idaho. It has no rival, either present or prospective, in at. area as large at, ! the State of Rhode Island. ^ I* is situated in the North Cen which is swiftly moving up to a position as the Empire county of the State. tral }>art of Kootenai, i . . . - , .. ,. ! It is located at tho junction of ,. . >. ,, , . the Great Northern and Kootenai !.. .... . . ... . Valley Railway, and at the head f ' ,, , . 1 of navigation on the Kootenai River, , . .. • .. , , i and at the junclicn of the proposed la , f T . . , „ Ibpokane* International Raih.uv i ... ,» ,v .. • with the Great Northern, -P, t i The resources of the country tri butary to Bonners Ferry aie rich ! and varied Lumbering has already j materialized as a great industry,] but Agriculture, Stock Raising, Fruit Culture, Dairying, and Min ing are by no means unimportant, ! at this st'>ge of development, and are certain to become of very great importance. ! Idaho has tha largest and best I forests of White Pine left standing , in tha world. It also has large a 1 „„ , rnas ol other valuable limbers such i ». h n i r- , as Yellow Pine, Cedar, Pir and L- .. /«„„ ... ; 1 am uack' Koo tnai County is ; , i- _ ... , recognized as tlic leading lun.ber ■ „ , .. . , • .. , . , mg county in the state, and the i i , • 1 .. ,i> i? timber tributary to Bonners Perry II • •. 1 __ .. _ . ( is so immin ^e that it has nev er yet , r ; been comjiuUd. Pjven Montana, for a distance of 100 miles up the Koo lenai River, must send her logs down the Kootenai to Bonners P er ry to be manufactured, as there are no available mill sites along that stream until Bonners Fetry is Bonners Ferry and the country tributary offers splendid opportun lilies to hameseikers and investors, fj For the homeseeker there is still some very good governm-nt land I left, or there can be purchased at very reasonable figures improved and slightly 'improved ranches. The uses that our lands can he put I reached. i to depends largely upon the local I ion Die low lands are suitable for ; J'uzing und Hi:* jno'.u lion of bay Foot hill randies produce most an' ! norlliern grown zrope, but art pi iz" winneis for v g< tabh-s and Iruils, which find a ready matket in tributary lumber ai d mining Klo camps. The next higher, or bench lands, are slightly dryer, but other wise ar* much the same in character and production as what is termed Wood. I am prepared to deliver first ; class stove wood, either green or j dry, at the following Pricespercord: ; . »2.50 2,50 ! Cordwood . 16 inch wood, 2 ricks . Leave your orders with the Koo tenai Trading Co. tf. \ . < 'll WDM L. # mouse crops without irrig, Di m ' r n While a rapid advance marks every line of industry in North Idaho, the lumber industry is Iliak ' . » j ing the greatest strides, and is ... , causing the greatest develop men l Bi , nilU are going up ivi cm ploy ment to jreat numoers of in -1 borers, and providing a' home market for many of the products of the ranch. Towns are rapidly grow- i ing in population, and new towns j are springing up. Congressman French estimates that there is 2,700,000,000 feet of! * 1 vw,wv white pine in Idaho, covering 270,-1 000 acre», most of which is in Nor'h ; Idaho, ana for every foot of white " pine there aie live feet of other I* I valuable timber, such as yellow 17 pine, tir, tamarack and cedir. b)ur * Umber is pronounced by aompetep. authority to be of the finest quality in the world. t . I Idaho's days is at hand and now ... J ' 1 is the lime to in on the around . n floor—it matters not whether it is a ranch that is wanted, a timber claim, a town lot, or a gold mine Or if you want to start in business' —now is the time, and Idaho L the place. foot hill lands. No irrigation is re ofjquired whatever, 'I *d ly, But as a rule, h*y, livestock, vegetables and fruit are nable, (itains do »plen moio vil as lancliing propositions, I »'v i' K to the home market. A good ■ idea of the climate may be obtained from the statement of the faet that Apples, Peaches, ['tars, [ Prunes, Apricots, Cherriesand small fruits thrive in the Koatenai Valiev, The Kootenai Valley, named àf . ,, ... ... I ter the Kootenai Liver, a navigable! . „ 6 stream. 600 to 900 feet wide, ex . , , _ ' tends from Bonners Ferry north • into British Columbia, ad ; stancel f ... , . i "I 50 miles. It is three to five, .. ., miles wide There are other va ley , . ,, 2 lands along small streams. Baek of .. „ _ eties. Bonners Perry lias a fine , , ' de, '" rt î' 1 ' " * 1 c .* iuru * lli8 ' ^ rep ' oi terian, tm I Catholic, and another, ; .. . ' ' 1 ue Methodist Episopal. to be , 1 1 . erei.tec. this ytur. 1 hare ere eight . ", secret Jriiternal organizatT'ns in the f ., town. 1 ne population centering , 41 » . 1 at iioi nera Perry may be estimated ■' J i lrom t h e fact that at the las. elect . . i lon 4oU voters were tegistered in ,, ,, , Bonners Perry precinct, ! " 18 8 healthy country and the cbniate is mild. 1 t'ere are no! blizzards nor cyclones. It is ai coun ^ r y great opportunities. the scenic grandeur of the conn * r .v would rival Switzerland. Game, big and little, is plentiful, and the [•treams are full of fish. It is beyond the purposes of this article to g., farther into details. (Write tho real estate agents who advertise in these columns and they w ill be glad to tailed ii formation desired.) ■ In conclusion it may be said to the investor that B urners Ferrv , . h ..i ... . the vailty are the bench lands, limber lands, and, in adjacent mountains, an undeveloped mineral Thpv will (i n fl ,, i lit \ "111 1111(1 il o ;uutry. New settlers are desired in the! Kootenai Valb y. 1 ospitable j copie and every ad van tage of schools, churches and soci furnish you all de and the surrounding country offer! i xe| tiniiul opportunities. sources and fxvorabb h t li is- without further The upward tendei.ct •H Iv just begun. No« Our re cation will « X pi 'nation. ■f prii'es ii i I- the time to invest. The columns of the Bonners Ferry Herald will give you a good idea of what lines of business are represented in a live way in the town. Dog License Notice. Notice is hereby given to all owners of dogs in Bonners Ferry they must, w ithin ten (10) j days after the publication of this ! notiee, pay their license for keeping Tags may be procured of j same, the Marshal. II !.. Carlton. Marshal. LEGAL NOTICES i'A . s ui< i'i'iiLU \tion. V. S Lat.i Lrthcc, Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. "nVA'v thereby Klv^n that In oompll »"înutiè'î'-AnASl I '* "auj' wîÜÎ- I a extended to nil the I I.y a ci . r A I. ISM 1 ance with the pn Contre«» for r t*«le of Timber > of Callfornln. uj ington Ti rrltory Public Land Sia Paul IV (Turk. Stute of Idnho. has till* dn> filed in (IiIm | office hla »«worn lUlcmcnt No I'urcliHHc «»f Iht \\ h\V 1 4 , S\\ 1 4 N \\ • t and Ia>i I " ,8 *' c Su 11 « t»|. eo nr x.. ■: w b m ^„1.™^°,^°^'" ItaÄ'Ä I hal1 for agricultural purposes, an.l Ol establish his claim to sail iami b.r.n, the Regln« and R.a-rivrr at r»ur d'Alene, >•»•><>. i.n UnmUjr, iii- vith d«> ut M»y, wo. j He names as wit no SS,* 1 .«-." rSÎV d î ?u5?. B 'Ï4iïîrwïïii. V ' V. An> a. .. l'ià'im.,* mmiToin" " Neva. f I. of v •r v i.'tic cou nty I«.»*, for tin* •ns claiming advrnudjr the, requested to file their ! before said 22lh di»v | ; of May. 1905 3-IS -ô-î» B. N. Dunn, Beglsler. Act June 3. 1S7S. NOTH K FOR I'lTHLICATION. IT. s. La» d Office, Coe ur d'Alene. Idaho, March 21. 1905. Novice is hereby given that in com pH- j ance with the provision»* of the Act of £' on ? 1 r *'®* J ?",9 187 f 'T l i lo j," A ?, Aot for the sale of limber lands in the Stales f T«Hiory/ ?, Ts ^xilnje/to «ü"thê ,,ubllc , 'V. l Ac j 1 of Allk- *• ls "t sniMiiwim, emmty («•rm.-riy k.... l. imi, State of Malm, h«s ihi« liny flli.J In till« ® mc *; l,ir »«,• <>rn st «< .■ ». «• >* « n... iv.ts lor the purchase of the S\N l 4 , el Section No. 2, InTwp. H 02 „ n a , N ". 2 ,, K ; » , an< ^ wail oner proof to show that the land is morc valuable for its timber or »tone ! titan fur agricultural mirposcs. and to establish JSÎ.Â.ÎS«." hiÄa si'mîlî.Kllui.»: ."«L 'sftik'T m-u.,,. winis iieijom, oemt-e iî! uuJséii. uu ef s»mi point, Idaho, Harry \V. Anhlcy, of Boyer, Idaho. I Any and ail person» claiming adversely the shove -de scribed fand» arc rviutcsied daim» 22 th diiv I'lmber 1. file their before ..I • tiiis office I May, 1906. H N. lU'NN, Register. . Timber Land Act, June 3. 1878. NOTICE Full ITllLICATION. 1 Office, Coeur d'Alme. Idaho. U. S. I. April 12. 100 :». Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3 , 1878, nil it led "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore Ron. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all the I'uhlic Land States by act of Aui'ust 4 . i 8<)2. 11. Bond, of McArthur, County of Kootenai, Slate of Idaho, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. BWtt, for the purchase of the NK'., NW',, of Section No. 2b. In Tup. No tiO N.. Range No. 1 W. H M . and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more val liable for its timber or stone than for ngrteul toral purposes, and to establish his claim 1 l.ef sioner. at his offiee Tims. .1. Jones. I Bonnot r Tuesday, l !»«• ist li day of July 190 ». witnesses rant Me I »< roiiimis . Idaho. He names n John S. Bond, rich, all of McArthur, Idaho. Any und all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to fiU their claims In this office on or 1 lut h day of July I90V 6-2-1 R. N. Dunn, Register. Frank B. Bond II. Kniest Hein Indore ■1 •. NOTICE FOR ITllLICATION. Depnrtment of the Iii(<-rior. Lund Office ut d'Alene. Idaho. April 2ft. UHT». Notice Lk hereby given that the followlng imined settler hiis tiled notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim. 1 that said proof Mill lie mad«* bef« J Jones. I'. S. ( omniishiolier, at his office at June 27. 100., viz: • Tim«. R> i • Mill».. L«>'. is Fit/. i*. ,1» I», ,i N till! S« . Twii. IBS'. It. 2 W. ». M. ing M'it ne. Hair» to prove his euniimmns residence upon und cultivation of said land, viz: Oliver Uahdan. John Me Kit/, pnlrlek He naines the ■. TI Dusm • U. N. DUNN. Reglgter. ail of B« •rs Fe y, Idnloi. NÖTIGE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at d'Alene. Idaho. March 31. l«m.v Ing j..i, Bon sk 1 . »i:',io»i i,»t«s. a. io »fSo . -.'i, t»». in n »I il. i w n m si» »,,»». n». f»ii«wtn K wiim-uv« to pro.» n ! „i c,. notice for pchi.kation. .. f u»- lm> ri..r, i,«nrt ofll.o m r.nir .e m»ii<-, m o»i, Mnr. ii it, m. Notic., is i»r»i.v piv.n timt ti,.- following iimie-i s. ni. r ims ni,-.i i».ti».. ..t his i»i. nti I to make final proof in support of his claim. mi.i dim »..M ..mut »ui i... i.ih.i. i.efure ipimo w« » 1 . r s. rofnmUNioner. at Ms «»nice in s« mi point, Mnim. .... m«v it. iwv., viz: gc.kue hesky ioNnktt, who mud. ll»»»-t. ,»i Enin n... ;««. f..r the i,,,.. . » nn .i . s»» t» i, i \ a i !■ it ti 11 . imnub n... fi.iicmii'ig «in»!M s io'i.n.'vc his continuous residem*»* ui...u ...»i cultivation ..f said hoid. \ iz ( hir.ucc \v. ii.uid.iii m.a. in.ur. m,o»., cimri.s v. olds. N»eics, Mai». : Sntii to miike Uniil proof i 1 Unit lo reby ntve the loll d»i lee of her Intention HUpport «-f b-r ebiim. tin liier 1 1 h h tib'd id proof will be •e Tho». hit. »! bis lllee til May 16, I'.Ht'i, viz : . Idiibo, niEi nnule Home! M I c.\!trn»LL, 1 N»». I ii 1 be Hitlnuoti«residenee nponnnd eiiitivntion I. viz: Janies Fit* put rick , Joint D. •oil, both of # 'opelaii i l. Idubo. Cbarles F. 1 Flselur, James Kinney, I olh of Bonners Ferry. lhe|M»>i.D» R. N. IllNN. Rcflslir. I-' ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 De pint ment of the Interior. Lund Office ut ! Cipur d'Alene. Idubo. March 31. 1905. Not ice l«« hereby pi von that the following named st iller bus filed notice of bis intention 1 to innkr final proof in support of Ms claim, »ml that said proof will bo made before Tims. . Commissioner, at bis office at May 10. 1905. viz ; ! Bonners Fe •. Idaho II \ it II Y R. Katos. No. 1710 for the S'NK' ,. Her. 14. Twp. »'•! N It. 1 V. B. M lie names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous of said land, viz : Him William T Wright. James K rry. Idaho. ,18—5-13 bo 1 II I cultivation si. David Ager. on, all of Bon R N. DUNN. Register e upon Ft - Bennett, It. N. Dunn, Register, »•25— 1-2 1 . S3 ' LIV£kl TROUBLES "I find Thedford's Black-Draught ft good medicine for li It cm rod mv disease, after he had sp nt $100 with doctors. It is all the iclne I lake."—MRS. CAHOLINB MARTIN, Parkersburg, W. V». If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your Irugpist and Bfx ure a package of Tliedford's Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs un the torpid liver and causes a uealthy secretion Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A package of Thedford 's Black Draught should always I« kept in the house. J bile. 25-cont **I uped Thedford'« Black Draught for liver and k dnry . v-... plaints und found nothing to excel it"—WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar blehead, Ill. THEDFORD'3 BLACK DRAUGHT PROFESSIONAL CARDS. (J S'. COMMISSIONER! THOS. J. JONES, NOTARY PUBLIC : : : : and CONVEYANCER OFFICE Al' JONES DRUG STORE ' ,ANDEL ' n . J° N ES & MARSHALL I AWVKKS ATTORNEY8-AT LAW Bon Milts Ferry, Idaho l nit »•«! States Land ♦'*> It ml» 1 . Settlement "ttranee, water Bight*. Publie and ('onvevaucer. Office .lava at It l Wednesday. I Mining I^iws, Sur of Hut a tea. Fire In Collection». Notary Ferry Monday, ; Tui'kuuy 'H-'kke ave. Bonners ferry, Idaho *-' D11YS1CIAN! " 11 1 DH Vs!tf „ . M l it i olLlAN i f^Office opposite the Pon office| 0,1 Mais Street. ; : : : - QENTI8T! Dr. F L ROBERTS DENTIST I DR E. E FRY, and SURGEON ; I_AWYERl JAMES E. DOLAN, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collections Promptly Attended to. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO. " CD H VS1CIA N I ■ -— _ T. A. BISHOP, M. D., PHYSICIAN SURGEON. AND f »-Office in loncs Drug Store. LA WYER CHAS L. HEITMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW .. , . _ . , Katlpimm, Idaho Practice« lu State. Federal and Supremo Conn« l_ A'A V ER BARTLETT SINCLAIR ATTUUNEY-AT-LAW Rathdrum, Idaho Ld. II. M. W.S. Beebee, Dentist. (I f: | ji Vgri^qe J Two Doors West of Hotel Casey Bonners Ferry, Idaho i I Painter Paper Hanger I ! AND Puintinp, 1 hipfr ILnojitiK. nt><l Dec ttlntt in nil its brunchef*. I v you the eclebiuteil Henry Bosb Co's II WALLPAPER-- IOcUP Shall be Pie Samples al Y ed to Bbt it Hotel Cast T. E. L LOGAN, Bonners Ferry. «3 i ; f L o] A Î elm in « ! v \ i t « m j » )T . T ^ Pnf The name Eldredgc has stood for the * BEST la the Sewing Machine World. rr>4 , Hire Is a New Eldredgc; BETTER I hirtV than EVER, and Superior A ii*i vy ot h crs . postive take-up; self !Mfi ting needle; self threading Shuttle; I PfifQ automatic tension relcasejautmn uic A o bobbin winder: positive fourraotion fee«!; capped netblle bar; noiseless self adjusting roller bearing wheel, Steel pitman; five ply laminated woodwork, with a beautiful set of nickeled steel attachments. dealer for the Improved Kldredge "B" and do not buy any machine until you have seen it. all Ask National Sewing Machine Co. BELVIDERE, ILLINOIS. BUY THE L* 1 ' IP i - m HE Before You Purchase Any Other Write THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE, MASS. Many Sewini Machines are made to sell rvsard >t \. Home" is made less of quality, but the to wear* Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions of tne trade. The head of all III^D-u rude family sewing machines Stfitl bj authorized dealer** otily* roa fcAuc •** M«*w Homo" standsaltha Ë.-V 4T1 Give Me .0 the A, H Remingt i • m m says the experienced operator. * « y ■ i r ■ « ««««-• 0 l \ V \ I. } | J 11 J| | j Remington TypewriterCompany J27 Broadway, New York. Write for Catalogue Remmington TypewriterCompany Spokane, Wash, 110 Washington St. AI I the Time H M \ -BY UoINU — i 0 sli i To Seattle, Tacoma and all Pacific Coaet Point». St. Paul, Chicago, New York and all Points East. Palace and Tourist Sleeper», B uffe Library Car», Modern Day CoacheB, Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte. BEST MEAL ON WHEELS s Daily Q T «O Fast Overland Trams EAST AND WEST | j For full particulars, rate», folders, etc., call ou or uddrcHH i?. CL YERKK.S, A. G. P. x. Corner Flr»t Ave A Ye»ler Way, StHlilo, Wash. II. BRANDT, c. P. A t. a. 701 \V. Klveraide Ave Spokane, Wuub. Advertise in the Herald. « 1? ;i m IJ in Bonners Ferry at the ; ; ; : " Spokane Adamant • 1 11 " ♦ Only 25c f Reduced Rates by tbeWeek. î -• o • • • • • • • • • • « • [• T0NS0RIAL PARL0R1 K.C*. DAY, Prop. Fumlgol Germicide Sterilizing used. Antiseptic Ix»li Clean Scalp and Face Massage Treatment' Everything i h used. H I « ! els Used. iliiion. nlury c NOTICE. used while getting 0» No Chloroff shed. Work 4 *Ounran Iced Shop in G. N. HOTEL , First ('In Bonners Ferry, - - - Idaho. Draying... Prompt attention given to anything in the Dray Busi ness. Delivered, Furniture Mov Contracte taken. ; : : Call on Trunskrring. Go' dsr ing. Wood for sale. 0. A. Blakeslee Subscribe, if you want tho News. DEALER in — Harness and Saddles Repair Work a Specialty Shop one door west of the CASEY HOTEL. * IDAHO. BONNERS l-'EKKY,