Newspaper Page Text
rs P 1 A Qothing Stock Of $4000 Value To Be Closed Out! TKe Latest Styles at Cost Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing at Cost Diseontinuc tlio Clothing business, wo will KNT1HE LINE of Men's Hoy»' and Children'll Having decided to cluse out our Clothing, and no part reserved, at Those Good« are all new, î*oth Heavy and Medium Weight», made up in the Latest Styles, and will l>e placed on Sale at the Regular Wholesale Prices. Actual Wholesale Prices This is no Scheme to Sell Old Goods STOCK, just received, and, No such opportunity to buy SPRING SLITS now in transit. This is no scheme to gut rid of a lot of old Goods, hut a Sale to clean out our entire line of Clothing and discontinue that part of the business. This Stock will be sold for Cash only. This includes our NEW also, other Clothing ever before offered in Bonners Ferry. Ill J XKe Bonner Mercantile Company h The Club Wm. HART. Proprietor. AUK NC Y FOU The Celebrated Green River Whisky High-Grade Whiskies. Imported and Domestic Wines. Gin and Cigars. ♦ BILLIARDS AND POOL Idabo. Bonners Ferry, • •••••••*-••• • O 9 • • ••§•••#•• f ILj-AJDIEI S! a Don't you believe any Store CAN or WILL Hell you Millinery u» good nor cheap um the Norihrup Millinery Co. Walt (or our a * Ä Special Summer Display » of Trimmed and natty tailored effects. Street Hats, Children's and Infant's Head Wear. ON M AFTER fBIL Iflth ■ Your In»peeth«n i cordially Invited. Dont forget the Halt* nor the Place T * ^ ■ I fionbrup Ifiillincrv Co v >-* • • • • • • • • > • • « • • • » > » • • • *"N •i r THE Idaho Market .V V W. J, llougUntl, I'ropriel« lOAIlO DONNERS FERRY, Fresh and Cured Meats Fish, Poultry and Sausages. IIItfllKST PRICES PAID FOR STOCK. v... Ol VE US A (Al I i«i [•I t Che Bonnm Terry Cumber Co., Ltd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER DIMENSIONS. st»xi or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS, SHINGLES. LATH. ». Let us figure with yon when in need of build ing material of any kind. , j I I j ! ] Finishing Lumber of all Kinds j The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co V. Local and Personal •Corned Beef at the Idaho Market. —F. ('. Fisher has a new adver tisement in this issue, announcing his place of business. William Elderton has recent ly purchased several new buggies foi his livery barn. Mr. Elderton is turning out some swell rigs for his customers. worth of goods bought at Hollin ger s Saturday. —Rev. O. S. Wilson returned Thursday from the meeting of the Presbytery at Odessa, and reports very pleasant and interesting meeting. —The 11 printed posters! this week for the I. O. O. F. Anni-jles, versary Ball to be given on April —Ten cents off every dollars r 26. — T. E. L. Logan received a large shipment of wall paper—600 rolls, - of all patterns. —Two fuesh milch cows for sale. Enquire of W. J. Hoagland, at the Idaho Market. - W. L. Kinncar, manager of the Bonner Mercantile Co., went to Spokane Tuesday, returning on Thursday. —The teachers and pupils of the school enjoyed a picnic yesterday, up on the hill near Park addition. —L. A. Berry, of Rathdrum, has been appointed deputy game war den of Kootenai county. —A. J. Kent has received blanks for fish and game license. Better buy one before you run "ainuek'' of the game warden. —Hams, Bacon, Rolled Shoul ders, Dry, Salt and Pickled Pork at the Idaho Market. —Mrs. J. R. Shavolcar left Mon day for Rathdrum where Mr. Sha velear is agent for the N. P. Ry. C. K. Andrews will occupy their residence here. —Hurrah, for Moore's Bros' last; chance on that $20. We give it away Easter Monday. —If your boy needs clothing now is the time to buy it, as we have made prices that mean dol lars in your pocket. Call and see the best line ever offered for sale. Bonner Merc. Co. || — H. L. Carlton has been aj> pointed Marshal of Bonners Ferry, succeeding Constable Collins, re signed. Mr. Carlton is on exper ienced and efficient officer, and we predict that ho will prove the right man in the right place during the turbulent times in prospect this summer, when a strong limb of the law will be needed. c,,.. — Editor Hoag, formerly of the n . . e, . . . Priest River Enterprise, lias ac-1 cepted a position ns a teacher in the Philippines. The salary is $1000 Vi -i .u i . t • a year. He sails the last of this ,, „ , . ... , month. He has not yet disposed of his plant at Priest River, the Enterprise being conducted under a lease. f , t , ï .( James L. Dolan, the customs' officer, went to Spokane Tuesday !on business connected with the Mr. Dolan will have charge of all customs matters in connection with the operations of constructing the line. be very important, but James E. is one of the most efficient offie era in the customs service in the j West. Corbin road. His duties —Gage Hats at Northrop'» Mil-1 linery Store. : — Rev. Father Kelley will hold regular services at the Catholic church tomorrow at the usual i . , —.1. A. McCracken is opening an ICC cream parlor in the K. Ol I', hours. hall. —Don't forget to complete that $5,(10 purchase before'Easter Mon day, April 24,.—It'll mean $20 for —William Hart is one of the business men of Bonners Ferry who has been with the town through the hard times as well as in pros perity, and we are pleased to note that he is enjoying his share o( the patronage of the public. —Just received this week, Eta mines, Mohairs, Embroidered Voi Panama Dress Goods in the shades of Brown, Tans, etc. at you at Moore's. Hollingers. Ex-Attorney General Frank Martin, Grandmaster of the I. O. O. F. of the jurisdiction of Idaho, will visit Utopia Lodge No. 36, of this place, on Saturday evening, April 2D. —Mrs. West and Mrs. Robbins are prepared to do all kinds of sew-1 ing and dressmaking at home. Apply at W Notice.—Five first-class Lots in Eatonville for sale. S. Becbec's Dental Rooms. tf . « 4 i/t il m —A. r. Anms aiul( . H. Murray,' i . i », , . it I * both well and favorably known , , , ,, . , .. . have opened up a swell establish .... . ,i . i « .. ment in the Beeler Hotel building. -Misses' and Children's Hats ion shonld see our sttn-k of Misses. , i-ii » » j • and children s headwear, dainty , . *ri i.... „ .. hats, stylish little Bonnotts, in all .. * . • , * h ir the pretty new ideas at Hollingers. 1 J -A. C. Moore and John O'Hopge have opened their new saloon. iheir fixtures are very fine. —Agent H. \V. Jones of thc G. .V at Sandpoint was np Tuesday. His arm, which was injured by thc accidental dif. liargeof a gun, while stationed Iiere, is still giving Imu trouble. —Spray Pumps and Spray Ma terial are now in demand, and you will find a full line at Jones & Bishop's Drug Store. —A letter has been received from Henry Tank of Ruihmorc, Minn., by a friend, and he says as soon as the lease ol lands he now holds ex , ... . . . pires, he will return to his native haunts, the Kortenai valley, where he does not have to wear 3 or 4 fraternity have lately tried establish themselves here in the saloons, anticipating the railroad , ' ^ ® . , lioom, but Sheriff Doust made a . ' ', n ^ . rl ^* a ew ,la ' 8 a ^° ^ notified those gente to move on with their paraphernalia, or a ,, ' hre would be the result, pair of trousers to keep from frecz ing to death. —Several parties of the gambling to bon -The compressed air Spray', Pump i» the best and most com e nient, und you can buy them a t I,Jones Bishop's Drug Store. t • _W. Wein hart, of Lomi», Wash. *- as j n town during the week, pre paring for a prospecting trip. He ! |V ai j formerly of Sylvanite, foreman of the Goldflint mill. sumed thc management of the cstablisment. j n drs t class condition and run 1 in a first class manner. --Mrs. James E. Dolan has leas tl lc International Hotel and as The house will Ik* : —Win. Eldorton is putting up a new building alongside of the El* derton building. We understand it is to be occupied as a saloon, ri , ^ ^ Speciîll Laster Sale on Mlllin 1 ■ . Saturday, everything in la * • dies Misses and childrens Hats and Bonnotts Will he soldat less cry. than cost at Hollingors. — Chus. O'Callaghan, the woll known real estate dealer, has been quite sick for the past two weeks, for the first time. -Advertisers will please note that copy lor display advertising should he handed in not later than Thursday to receive our best ser vice, and local reading notices should reach us not later than Friday noon. Always bear in mind that we cap give your advertise ments better attention, display and position if they arc handed in I early. and was able to be out yesterday —If your boy is "tough" on bis clothes bring him in and get a tough suit, as wo have tough suits fl >r tough boys. Bonner Merc. Co. —The" Rathbonc Sisters enjoyed ! a delightful social evening on Fri day night. — Senator W. B. Hcyburn has j our thanks for a sack of govern ment seeds, which, while they last, are a * t *' e disposa 1 of the Senator's friends and Herald readers. i —Saturday s Bargains. Beautiful bhirt u aisfcs, the newest things in ,, . ' . ri ^ ® t (»mile and Belts. Swell Corset Co .. , vers, Muslin underwear, Under . . _ . ,, ' skirts. Dress Skirts, all new arnv ftt „^lingers, I —Iwo shipments of Michael . , 1 .... , btern Clothes received this week to , . ,, , ^ ^ replace those wild on the 120 Las 1 , ter offer. Only u few days left Mon thc drawin Moore's have 8ome « crackerj#ck u Buit patterns —Geo. Schofield and sister, Mrs. E B Moor()) returned from Wig . cousin last Friday. They werei accompanied home' by Mrs' Perry mother of Mrs. Schoncld who will spend the summer here. J. E. Callahan is home from Alberta where he and his partner, M. P. Bogle, have purchased land , with a view of establishing a cattle j ranch. He speaks well of Alberta. —Two new saloons opened in quick succession since last issue, first, the "White Caribou Bar", op *T at °^ ^- v . ÎV S' ,F* S « er ' al "' , 0 Kootenai Hotel Bar', operated bv Annig & Mu Both openings were we p aUendcib evening, April 23. meeting is expected. —Rev. J. M. Eastland, of Kalis p C H ( stopped off lyre on his way to Sjwkano Monday. He is expected back today to participate in the dedication services of the Paradise Valley church. — Christian Endeavors are pre paring to furnish special Easter] music for their meeting tomorrow An interesting Miss Foyicl Williams is the leader for the eve niHg. Albe /*. ' V ", (î » r( | on * 1 °™P d Master of thc A. F. & A. M.,ofIila b°>'YjJt Yisit Bonners Icrry Lmlge ^°* 4nisevening. The resident Muom are immctnc for .» ban* quct and grnt . ra i good timc to which they invite all sojourning Masons and their wives, complete stock of harness, saddles, the trade. —J. M. Townsend, thc harness maker and saddler, has moved his shop into the building one door west of the Hotel Casey.He has a and all sundry articles that go with Repair work promptly ••iwiUmI. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Office ('»Mir d'Alene, Idaho, April 1,-190.'». A sufficient ronteid affidavit having been fil ed in this office by Fred Llpp. contestant, against Homestead Entry No. 2*13. made Oct ober 12. 1901. for SL NE'4. AU. NWji. Section 32, Twp. 64N.KIK. H. M . by John Berry. cou tentée. In which it is alleged t!tas •mid entry* man has wholly abandoned »hot trad and Changed hi» renitlenec therefrom for more than 'iv months aiiust making said entri that sala tract is not settled upon ami cultivated by kh hi party aa required bylaw, that there are no Improvement* nor cultivation by said par ty a* required by law and that »aid alleged absence from nabl land was not «lue to hi* em ployment in the Army, Navy or Marine ( of the United States «luring the war with ; or «luring any other war in which the United State** may have been engaged either ns a pri vate soldier, offie«*r. I.» . Cure» Spain Marine. man Said parlies are hereby notified t«» an pear, »pond ami «>ffer evMence touching aula alle 'clock a. on May 2.*». l'ddf». • Ü. S. ('oinmibHioner Thomas J. Jones at iô ta £Si«kV mî SmL *ï* "fi!' - m« proper*« ih.'w t'imi'nacr !iuc ôîàlred ÄdS£«?,V'h.u ™ l ?huoUCTbe h gn ; ?5 by taTis proper publ, K. , s"beNs. Renter. * " »t in PI , 1 || | f ir * s Figure Beauty Secured IP By Wearing The Fashion- /■* Hip Modcl i ■n D mff. 'S&v j Perfect Hoes the result ( of perfect cor»et-m«klng »•J 1 • .-H m : I Beautiful Fabrics i FOR SALE AT HOLLINGER S. Get your Clothes Now For The Joyous Eastertide ! from t he only Exclusive M^n's Outfitters in the City. |l ï m -«» 1 j I i j .'V v < S v h m £Vl ■ 'm : ■ U A i\ f m WM : c ! v J I Mr^r^DP R I It ft fi\l |li\V 1 ■ L 1 . eiCri Ä 9hOPs v. il ï fl;j > «MICHAILS* ST CUN FINE C LOTH ING IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR List it with rue at the S, I*. I, A N I) OFFICE 1 have Buyers and if the Price w «ght I'll selLit. jj] VfUl W ) TO BI1V 11* IUU ft 1 1U Dill T~) ] T 1 . . f\0A | K C T A ° ^ Examine my List of splendid Ranches, Timber Lands and City Property in Bonners Ferry and Kootenai Valley, it will pay you, I am selling them every day. Here arc a few samples: $1050—A Lot with 2 Business buildings, Main Street. $ 50 —Residence Lots, Eatox ville. $1600 — 11)0 Acres Land, 2 Mims out bearing orchard, spring, 1,200,000 ft. pine timber, near river, dwelling house, snap, for short time. ,$ 100 —One Acre Tracts, North Side, suburban residences, $25 to $50 —North Side Town Lots. $ 10 —Per Acre, 40 Acre Tracts, near town, unimproved. $ 25 — Per Acre, 40 Acre Tracts, near town, improved. |$ 500-- Lot 50x140, 4 -Room Dwel ling house. $6500—150 Acres 3 Miles Out, 40 acres cultivated, rich soil, 100 bearing fruit trees, berries, water, splendid buildings, lots of timber, good road, near ri ver, terms. $6000 — 340 Acres out, 100 acres meadow, partly Ti mothy, orchard, springs, splen did soil, ideal location, fine buildings, terms. 5—Per Acre 160 Acres Tiw ber and farming hind, on road. 1$ 700 — 4 Lots, 6-Room Dwelling close to business, $1600—10 Room House and three lots, 150x140. I PARU ADDITION $50 to $100 —Splendid Residence lots 50x125. N. P. LAND . 2000 Acres N. P. Land at $1.00 to $2.00 per acre. Homestead Relinquishments, in timber, cheap, on hand. Cluis. O'Ccilldghan, REAL ESTATE. : NOTARY PUBLIC*. Tionners Ferry, Idaho. ALIAS SUMMONS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT. FIRST JUDI « lui District of the Suit* o( I«1 mU u iu »»ml (or the fountv u( KooIoiimI. Bonner Water and LIkUi Company Lt'd , a corporation, plaintiff vs. Earl C. Tyler, and . his wile, defendant. The Stale o( Idaho to Earl Tyler and , his wile, the above named de* fendant : You are hereby notified, (as you have been notified) that there Is now on file in the office «>( the clerk of the District Court of the First Judicial District of suhl State, in Riithdruui, County of Kootenai, the complaint w( th* above named plaintiff, wheriu Ike above plaintiff» seek to condemn a rml'tof way over and a cross the North half of the Southeast quarter of Sect ion 23, iu Township G2, North ot Range 1. West of the Boise Meridian, in Ko«» tonal County, Stale of Idnho, for the use ol la> ing a pipe line (ortho purpose of conveying Water to the Village of Bonner» Ferry and l«> the Inhabitants thereof, for a more particular description of the part» and- parcel« sought to he condemned you arc referred W the verified complaint of the plaintiff hvfeuuto attached and herewith serve«! and you an* further not Hied to appear and show cause why the above described property should not be condemned as prayed lor in this complaint. And you are also notified that unie appear and answer to sahl complaint ten days after service hereof, if served within Kootenai County, amt within twenty «lays, if served out of said County, but within said Judicial District, aud within forty days if served out of said District (exclusive of the «lay of service) the pUlwtkff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in thc com Given under in\ hand and ine seal ol the Dintrlei Court of the First Judicial District „( the sut« f Idaho, in and for the County of Kootenai, thih lOth lay of April, A. D. 1900. T L. Quarles, Clerk. O. J Ujiidcltn -it: i" ,,T; >Ur»L^' UI mi you wlthi