Newspaper Page Text
The Bonners Ferry rie ? > 1 «V FIFTEENTH YEAR. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1905. NUMBER 13 BonnersEerrv Herald ESTABLISHED IN' ls»l. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS One yenr Six month* ADVERTISING HATKH; Local ro.nlI pm notice* five cent* per line each insertion Lciral Notices at local rate«. Rati** for Display advertising made known on application. Cards of Thanks, Resolution* of K«$pcet ami similar matter five cent* per Um». Entered «t tho Post Office at Homier* Ferry. Second Cl I«1 ill". Mutter. DIRECTORIES Churches. pUKSBVTERI AN— - Sunday 7:H0. Sunday school at II..10*. m. lUv. O. ri WILhOX, Pastor. ;gulur preaching service* every alternate ' mormutr at 10:30. and mme evening at QATUOUC the4lh timid* y ofeneh Sunday school every Sunday at 11:30 Regular rices mouth. Kkv. FATHER KELLY. Pastor. M ethodist episcopal Paradlm? valley— Every alternate Sunday at 1: p. m. Sunday School evtry Sunday 11:00 a in. North Side—Every alternate Snu ff.\ «111:00*. m Sunday School every Sunday miu.UJ a. Hi . B«v. L. N. ». ANDERSON, Pastor Secret Societies. A SONIC— Bonners Ferry I/Klge, No.43, A. F. A A W , bolus stated mectlugsou the lust Wednesday evening of the mouth on or before* full moon. Sojourning Master Matous qualified are /ra te run II v Invited in visit Hknry», Secretary. M DD FELLOWS— L'lophl* Lcv1ge.No 36,1.0. G F., moots every Saturday evening ms o'clock. Visiting broTiei* fraternally luvlted. S M. Bauman, N.G. Wm. VeuOoskcu.Sect eta ry. O EHKKAll DEGREE, I. O. O. F. 1-oyal Rebekah Lodge No. 4.1, I. O. O. F. moot* ortry Tuesday evening cl 8:00 o'clock. ViMitiLg Uobckuhs cordially lav lied. Ml*s Mabel MoNkab, N.G. Mrs. S. D. Taylor, Secretary. NlOirrsuFI'YTHIAiv Acme Lodge, No. If», K. of P. meet* In c veiling at b ays welcome. E. L. Little, K, of U. A S. R K Pythian Dali every Thunday o'clock. Visiting knight* alw L. F.Boykik, C. C ATIIUONE SISTERS Cresent Temple No. 10, meet* Friday evening in Vlbiliug member* inv M. K, C , Ml** Phoebe Kim E ncampment F. b. ö. f. Kootenai Camp No. 25, I. O. O. F., meet* l*t and 3rd Monday* of tbe month at » o'clock. Visiting patriarch* cordially invited. il. L. Medhnry.C, P, \V. S, Curtis, dclibe. MÎ0HT* OK me MAI « ABKBS kooU'uni Tent, No. 20, K. O. T. M., meets every alternate Wednesday evening ai »o'clock. ViHiting Mr Knight* always invited. Get. CaH*toN. Commander. P, It, H. K L aw lb of ï Ïik ü m cabkks— North Star Hive, No. 10, L. O. T. M.« meet* every alternate Wednesday evening at » o'clock. Visiting Ladle* alway* cordially invited. Man. liARKIKT KXKUY, 1 .»l<l> COUUUrtllder. Mr*. Emma Taylok, Record Keeper. R •cry other Knight* of Pythias hall, riled. Mrs. K. I. Ln n t, . M oi K. < K M odern woodmen ofamkiuca NorUi Sur Camp, No. 6160, M. W. A., unci* in Woodmen Hall every Monday evening, Vtailing Neighbor* always welcome. W. W. Kckuuai ïik, V. C. E. L. Little, citric. P OST OFFICE HOURS— Oftleo opens hi 8 a. m., and clones at 8 p. rn., except duudav*. Open Sunday* from 9 a. m. to 2 p. in. Kasibound mall close* at 12.50 p. in. Westbound mail closes at 2:40 i>. in. and 8 p, m. Copeland und Dorthin moilclusesut 7 a. m. Monday*, Wednesday« and mdayi. I. F. COOK. JR.. Postmaster. NEW STOHË InT ersXT- G-oodS Wo carry a lino of General Merchandise, including Groceries,! Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes and Notions, and other lines too numerous to Our Goods are bought Right and Our Stock is mention. will be sold Right. New and Fresh. We can positively Undersell all competitors, in and see us and let us prove our assertions. We not only have a New Store and New Goods, but we Come in a position to quote you an* New Prices G. IL FINROW & CO. Doors South «f P. O. Main Street, Bonners Ferry. M. A. Pkdkrson, Mngr. I U Business Location : For Sale : The Best Business Location in Bonners Ferry, including Business House and Lot,centrally located on e MAIN STREET A Snap! For Further particulars enquire at thus office. 44tf Where Do You Cat? Fresh Oysters any Style, time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. any McMvirtrie & McGinty, Proprietor*. MUST CONSIDER WATER WORKS ! i : Spokane Parties offer Proposition Offering one Solution to the Problem. - - j , i lie Water WOFKS problem TOP Bonners Ferry is still being figured upon. Alex M. Winston and Myron M. Faison, of Spokane, are ready to undertake tho enterprise if they can get some financial assistance from Bonners Ferry. The situation as stated by their representative. J. F. Reynoud, is this: They have invested $0000 in Bonners Ferry in an electric light plant. They have left some $6000 to $7000 that they are willing to put into Bon ners Ferry, in a water system. They require $3000 or $4000 more. This sum they want Bonners Fer ry people to subscribe. To explain further, they state that the cost of a system of water works fur Bonners Ferry will he $ 20 , 000 . 000, can be raised by themselves and locally, they can secure the other $10,000 needed to carry out They propose to finance the en terprise as follows: They will capitalize for $20,000. Against this they will issue $20,000 in 8 per cent bonds. It is these 8 per cent bonds that they ask Bonners Ferry citizens to subscribe for. The If half this sum, or $10, the enterprise. promoters propose that for every dollar's worth of bonds subscribed for, the subscriber shall receive a bonus of fifty cents in stock. The subscriber is therefore to receive a profit of 8 per cent on his bonds, and any dividends that the stock Found Idaho Alright. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Gray re turned from a ten-days trip to the coast last Tuesday morning. They visited the Exposition for several days, and enjoyed the balance of the time in tho Sound cities. They arc enthusiastic in their commendation of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and were very much gratified to find Idaho so well represented in the various displays. The Idaho building was one of the finest on the grounds, and the display of grains was far ahead of any of the states in artistic arrangement, looms up at the exposition as a very important commonwealth, and her exhibit is in keeping with her importance in material wealth and social advancement. The Ida A long pause. "But, lKuess,notmanyof| them will ever get in!" In general, Idaho ho commission is entitled to great i credit. They had a very pleasant trip, j interspersed with many amusing incidents. They relate a story of an old gentleman from Massachusetts who was viewing the forestry exhi hit. Ho stood with open-mouthed 1 wonder as he gazed upon specimens of tho giants of our forests, and he soliloquized thus: "Wonderful! Wonderful! Won derful!" A pause. "But the Am erican people will spoil their forests —they spoil everything—they would spoil Heaven!' THE ALAMO COLONY And the New Religious Movement in the West. By Rev. A R. Adam*. A. M Since founding the "Alamo Col-j ony" and inaugurating a new religious movement a few months ago, we have received a number of inquiries concerning our work and the doctrines of thc "New Church", To correct a popular error allow me to say that we de not claim to be the founders of a new church or purpose is to restore to tho world religion of Christ and his Apostles as found on thc pages of the New Testament. or a new denomination, but our in faith, in spirit and practice, the Hence we have aban-: doned all human creeds and books of discipline and hold the Sacred Scriptures as given of God to meet all the purposes of a guide to our faith, a rule for our life, aud a law for the government of the church, We call upon Christiane every where to abandon tho. c things, may earn, after paving expenses and interest charges. The HERAT.n would urge that any fair proposition that will in sure waterworks for Bonners Ferry should receive the most liberal consideration at thc hands of the business men of the town. To bo frank about it, the situation in Bonners Ferry is a most serious one, when the danger of fire is considered. Bonners Ferry has been very lucky. There have been no serious fires for a number of towns, business district is built makes thc danger very great. the disaster that might follow if a fire should get under way with out a water system to fight it. Thc outlook for the town is very bright now, but a bad fire would put it hack in the old rut. matter of insurance—it is claimed that the present, almost prohibitif rate could be materially reduced, if we had a good water system, years, and people have been lulled into a sense of security, not profit ing by the sad experience of other The manner in which tho It is needless for the Herald to call attention to Then, thc <• For these reasons the Herald would suggest that our citizens give the subject of waterworks the most liberal consideration. It is not unlikely that Mr. Reynoud has a good investment to offer you, but also a proposition that means much to the safety of your business. such as human names, human creeds, and human societies, which have kept the religious world divid ed, and join with us in a movement to answer the prayer of our .Sav ior that we may all be one "as Thou Fathca art in me und I in Thee". This body of religious people is knewn simply as "Ti e Church", and we believe that our mission is not only to prepare man for thc life that is to come, but also to help them in the life that low is, to clothe tho nacked, feed the him gry, lift up the fallen, educate the orphan, and furnish work for the unemployed. With this object in view wc have purchased8000 acres of land in Kootenai county, Idaho, and established a colony where we will gladly receive whosoever may come. Here we are sheltered from the storms and fierce turmoils of the world. Here we live as one ,, attempt at robbery last Tuesday night. The successful effort was at Hoagland s Meat Market. In Ibis instance the building was en tered by cutting wire screen on tho uoors. 1 he cash box was relieved 0 f abou t dve dollars in coin, which hadbeen loft on hand to make change with. i The other effort was made in the ; bar room of thc Hotel Bonner. great family and have all things common as in the days of Christ and the Apostles. Robbers. There was one robbery and one John Dolan, proprietor, While Jerry Dore was showing guests to 1 their rooms, the bar room having been locked, the place was entered from the kitchen. Finding the cash j register locked, tho robber, or rob j hers, carried the register into thc ! kitchen, but were evidently inter j rupted in their efforts to open it, ! by the return of Mr. Dorc, and j they flew without securing its i contents. . Mr. Dorc, on returning, found 1 that the bar room was locked from This aroused his sus picions, and, gaining admission, he found the cash register gone. the inside. He gave the alarm and an investiga lion showed the facts as above i stated. The robbers were not ap prehended. —There will be preaching service ut the Presbyterian church, Sab hath, October I, at 10:30 a. in. and 8 P- <«>• Unfair to Borah. The following newspaper clip pings hit tho nail squarely on the head, as regards the political sit* nation. A great many of Mr. Bo rah's wannest friends are more than disgusted at the manner in which sortie newspaper friends accompany their support of his candidacy with vile, unjust, and uncalled for abuse of other public mcn in lhe 8tatP ' Thc Herai d is of the °l ,lnl0!1 lhat a rul ° or ruin Program is not going to help Mr. Borah ' 8 can(lulac >'' The comments we r eler to are as follows: Evidently W. E. Borah is tak in R «"Wantage of the Portland Or Roman's animosity towards Ida ho ' 8 representatives in congress to boom hlmMlf for a scat in the U - S ' 8enate - Mr - Rorah had bcttcr look t0 hi * home newspapers for su PP ort infitead of P lacin ß himself * n tbe hands of the splenetic Orcgoniim. Heyburn and French like all men in public office, are open to criticism, but there is no danger of prison doors opening to receive them like some men whom the Portland paper supported in the past. Borah may be all the Oregonian claims for him, but he will find fulsome praise from old Harvey Scott high at any price." The foregoing taken from thc Idaho Mountalnccrexprosses blunt ly what a great many Idaho papers have hinted softly. We think it is all very unjust to Mr. Borah, but somehow he seems to bo very un fortunate in tho character of his newspaper "boomers". Those that boom Mr. Borah too often accom pany their eulogiums of him with abuse of others. That makes it look as though Mr. Borah were responsible for the spleen as well as thc praise. In the present case, Mr. Borah did not seek Harvey Scott's "fulsome praise," neither did he do anything to provoke Scott's contcmtible attack on Ida ho's congressional delegation. Moreover, that same Scott was not inspired by admiration of Borah when he wrote his laudatory ar ticles. It was hatred of Heyburn that moved him. It is ungenerous and altogether unfair in any sense to hold Mr. Borah responsible for what fool and malicious news papers say about him.—Caldwell Tribune. Street Improvements. Tho town trustees have put on a gra(]ing force to improve the streets, Thc work bas been 8tartc<1 on Koo . | tenai Btreetf \ VcS t of Main, between l T J Hollinger's store and the Hotd Cagey . tonner Btreet| West of Main> will a j, 0 receivc 80U1C ut . , ontion . 0 n both of these streets tho intcntion is t0 commence at thegradoof Muin Btreet an d fill back suffic ienlly to give on easy approach to Main. Thc approaches j fire now very steep. Cottage av .... . . enue Will also receive some mi j provements, carrying thc grade I through on a level, or nearly I In addition to the above the town ha8 been doin 80nie cxten8ivc | work on the gtreet running East ! towardB thc niill and C ross P ort. Therc in , provement8 are needed, and it is gratifying thnt thc town ' HO. has funds to carry them out. We understand that therc is about $2000 in the treasury. Kootenai Valley Sweet Potatoes. Each season develops some product that can bo produced in new Kootenai Valley that was supposed to be raised only in a southern clime. Now comes M. M. Fry with a demonstration lhat sweet potatoes can be successfully grown here. Mr. Fry brought to the Hkbald 1 office yesterday a sweet potatoe vine with six well-developed sweet ; potatoes attached, produced on his 1 place on the Northside, just across I the river from Bonners Ferry, i These sweet potatoes were grown j in new, unfertilized soil, with special care and attention, just i ll<> is an experiment. Mr. Fry declares that he will raise sweet potatoes next year as a regular product, ! and believes that, with a little care j u e a i so brought in a box of 1 strawberries that were quite a nov elty, in as much as they were pro duccd from this year's runners. I they can be grown quite success ! fully. Think of strawberry plants, tho growth of this season, producing bet ries, and at this season of the year! Mr. Fry is experimenting with a wild strawberry that he thinks may develop into a wonder. It is variety that grows on high alti. tudes in the mountains. It is now ripening fruit and producirtg new blossoms. A variety that would produce berries at this sea son of the year would bo very val uable and the stock may develop into something important. Visited Myrtle Creek. A party of Mosquito Flat young folks visited Myrtle Creek falls last Sunday and had a picnic dinner. The party contained the Misses May, Nora, Daisie and Delia Col lins, Miss Wtderman, and Messrs. Oat Collins, Karl Osier, Roy Grif filt, Tom Greer, and Mr. Wcderman, chaperoned by Mr.and Mrs. Must ard. They all got home without any serious accident, with wtt feet and a few bruises. Ira Crawford's News Stand. Ira Crawford has added a News department to his business at his stand near the Hotel Casey. J. F. Cook, Jr., has turned over his news agency to Mr. Crawford, so that he now has the agency for the Spo kesman-Review and all the maga zines formerly carried by Mr. Cook. In addition thereto Mr. Crawford will add other Dailys, both eastern and western. Electric Light Plant Arrives. Three car loads of material ar rived this week for the electric light plant. Manager J. F. Reynoud has been busy getting thc material unloaded. The machinery includes a G0-horsc power engine and a 120-horse power boiler, so that by thc adding of another engine the power can he increased at any time. Mr. Reynoud informs the Her ald that he expects to have the plant in operation in two weeks. It will be a real delight to have the town lighted up with electricity —a condition that we all have looked forward to with great antic ipation. Real Estate Now i* the time to buy, w hile Prices are Low. Homier* Ferry is growing and will continue to row. Look over my list If you want a home i a healthy climate. Or do you want to make « good investment ? Look over my Bargains in Î FARM and CITY' • r * 00 «frei» af meadow land, all fenced mid improved, good orchard. 40 head of cattle and all farm machinery. Will be Bold for 17000 PROPERTY An Ideal Stock Farm, Just Dirt Cheap, :re*of Meadow mid Upland; will rut 100 ton* of hay. 5 acre* of Orchard, good Ifmiae, well Improved, 16 mile* from Bonner* Ferry. I... Lots In Riverside Addition. For 20 day* I will «ell 20 lot* In Klvcndde Addition at|60 each on the installment plan. ♦ 10 down, and |10 per month. These lot* arc within ONE Block of the Depot ground* of the Spokane a International Hallway. Don't over look a good chance to gel yourself a home. Here is a Bargain. 8 Room hotiMc and 10 acre* of ground, *ohl on thc installment plan, |50 cash and |l.'» per month. I* '4 mile from saw mill. Would make good boarding hou*c. Good Home Cheap« Will sell you aero tract* or larger on In Mtallment plan. |10 down, balance fu month ly payment*. Here Is A Bargain, 187 acre* of be*t medow land in Kootenai Valley: ad fenced; good h»u*e and barn: will cut 120 ton* hay ; one mile from station and Railroad. Price |2'«00. , A Good Hay Ranch, 120 «ore* flr*t cla** hay medow, will cut 100 ton* of hay, one mill from Railroad and Station. Improved. Price 11000. A Bargain. .T20 acre* land, covered with Yellow Pine, Tamarack and Fir. Saw Mill, Pin .TO 11. P. Engine. . Edgcr, Price tSOOO. For Sale. General Merchandise Biiblne»*, Storr* 20xG0 with basement. acre ground. 12000 »lock hand, good location on K. U. Priée Stock Farm Cheap. inproved land, all enclo.*ed good hoard fence. Big Barn 70x100. Part Mea dow land, will cut 200 ton* hay, part Timothy. Good Orchard and good range lor cattle. One half cash. Price 16000. 4 Bargains on Main Street. For Sale or Rent goo» l Store Building for $2000 2 g«M>d Saloon loration* with building* bulla 320 a<' itb i ! ami three Ixit*. Price IlôüOeaah. T» ing* and three lot*, one half lntcre*t for f:kT0 caah. I Pave bevcral go»id relinquUhnicnl* on hand that will he «old cheap. Gall and look them over, hI*o remember, I will advertise your I property free, if you lUt it with mo. I will 6 l*r cent eommUalon on a date. A.j. Kent, Real Estate, Deputy Mineral Ki corder, and Justice of the V BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO 9B9 C. C. Mercantile Co, (LIMITED) DEALERS IN General Merchandise We will Sell TABLE GOODS: Vou Tomatoes per can . . Silver Brand Milk Marrow Fat Peas. . . 10 cts. . 10 cts. 12J cts. GALLON CANS PIE FRUIT: Peaches per can Apricots „ Pears Tomatoes ,, 35 cts. 35 30 >» 30 „ »» A complete line of Men's and Ladies' Shoes. Gent's Furnishing Goods and Gold Seal Rubber Goods. ALSO Shelf and Heavv Hardware, Stoves and Doors and Windows. Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. G. R. GRAY, Manager. « furniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMING. CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. LET US FIGURE ON FURNISHING YOUR HOUSE WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida T. J. Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D. JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonners Ferry, Idaho ' f ms»-? Cbe Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Dd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAV OF LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Sized or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. * Finishing Lumber of all Kinds jhe Bonners Ferry Lumber Co