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The Bonners Ferry Herald NUMBER 14 BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1905. FIFTEENTH YEAR. Bonners Eerrv Herald ESTABLISHED IX 1S81. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OK KOOTENAI COCNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS *100 .. ..00 One year .. Six month» ADVERTISING RATES; Local reading notice» Aye cent« per line each insertion. U*gal Notices at legal rate«. Rates for Display advertising mad- known on application, fards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect and similar matter five cents per Une. Entered at the Dost < Mlir at Komi Idaho, as Second CM iss Matter. DIRECTORIES Churches. P RESBYTERIAN — Regular i)reachl Sunday mornimr al 1 7:30. Sunday school *t ll:S0 a. in. Rkv. O. S. WIIäON, Piurtor. : very alternate me evening at na service» 10:30. and » C athouc Kegiilar servi co» Sunday school every Sunday al 11 ;«u Rkv. FATHER K ELLY. Pftor. M ethodist episcopal Paradise valley—Every alternate Sunday «t t 30 p. m. Sunday Aehoo*. every Sundaj at 11 ooa in. North Side—Every alternate Sun day at 11 :Uü a. in. Sunday School every Sunday Hit. l. n. b. ander.-on, Pastor. Uie4th Su.uIhv ofoacti mouth. «. n.. îu" tw a. m. at Secret Societies. Bourn-re Ferry Lodge, No.43, A. F. A A. If., holet» «luted mectingsou the laut Weduehday evening » < the mouth on or before n full moon. Sojourning Master Masons qualified are Da ternally invited to \islt Henry MKUIJZR, Secrelnry. OD FF.l.I OWS— LTophiu Lodge, No 36.1.0. G F., moots every Saturday éveulng ai8 o'clock. \ isitiug Brothers fraternally invited. S M. Bauman, K. Q. Wm. VfciiQaake u.Secieiary. EBEKAH DEGREE, l. O. O. F. lAiyal Hobekah Lodge No. 43. I. O. O. F. meets ortry Tuesday evening it 8:00 o'clock. Vial ting Kcbekaha cordially iavited. Mias Mabel McNava, N-G. Mrs. H. D. Taylor, Secretary. _ NIGHTS OK PV mi An - Acme Lodge, No. Ift, K. of P. meets lu Pythian Hall every Thmidwy cveiiin o'clock. Visiting Knights always wt L. y.BoYKBK, C. C. E. L. Littlk, K, of K. & S. R ite boni bisters Creaent Temple Ne. 10. meets every other Friday evening In Knights of Pythias halt. Visiting members invited. Mrs. E. L. Littlk. M. K, C , Miss Phoebe Kim cur. M. of R. amt C O K at 8 . ..-H. E ncampment i. o. o. k. Kootenai Camp No. 25,1. O.O. F., meets Inland 3rd Monday a of the moults at 3 o'clock. Y tailing patriarchs cordially invited. H. L. Medbury.C, P, W. S. Curtis, .Scribe. NIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES— KooC-ual Teiil, No. 2», K.o. T. M., meet* every alternate Wednesday evening at »o'clock. Visitiug Mr Knight» always invited. Gtr Cacston. Commander. D, IL W K* L A Dl K8 08 THK MA' ■ V ! • i ! 8 North Star Hive, No. 16, L. O. T. M. every alternate Wedueoda y evening at »o'clock. Visiting Ladle»always cordially invited. Mas. Lady Commander, Mm>. K , meet« Harrikt Ekbuy, Emma Taylob, Record Keeper. ODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA— North Slur Camp, No. 6160, M. W. A.. Hail every Monday evening. W. W. M meeta iu Wood Vialtiug Neighbors always welcome. Kkkbk.u hk, V. C. E. L. Littlk, ckru. ST OFFICE HOURS— Office opens a* 8 a. m., an 3 dotes at 8 p. m., except Sundays. Open Sunday» from a. m. to 2 p. m, Raaibouud mail closes at 12:00 p. m. Westbound mall closes al 2:40 p. m. uud 8p, in. Copeland and For thill mallciosegat 7 a. m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. T. K. COOK. IK.. Postmaster. P ( NEW STORE IfcTew G-oodS We carry a line of General Merchandise, including Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes and Notions, and other lines too rumerous to mention. Our Goods are bought Right and will be sold Right. Our Stock is New and Fresh. We can positively Undersell all competitors, in and sec us and let us prove our assertions. We not only have a New Store and New Goods, but we are in a position to quote you Come New Prices G. H. FINROW & CO. Two Doors South of P. O. Main Street, Bonners Ferry. M. A. Pederson, Mngr. Business Location : For Sale : The Best Business Location in Bonners Ferry, including Business 1 louse and Lot, centrally located on MAIN STREET A Snap! For Further particulars enquire at this office. 44tf Where Do You Cat? Fresh Oysters any Style, any time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. McMurtrie &. McGInty, Proprietor*. TO BONNERS FERRY BY JANUARY! I Such are the Orders to the Contrctors on the Spokane & International. "To Bonners Ferry by January 1," is the order that has gone out along the line from E. J. Roberts, superintendent of construction on the Spokane & International Rail way. It looks like a pretty big under taking, but E. J. Roberts is a man who accomplished big things, and if he has set his head on accom plishing the work outlined above, it is pretty certain that it will be ae he says. And if he has given the contractors orders to hustle, it is a pretty sure thing that they will hustle. Mr. Roberts was in Bonners Feiry on Tuesday, on business con nected with the road. He stated while here that track-laying would commence at the C. P. R. junction on Nov. 1. The first 10 miles of the road—that is, from Yahk sta tion on C. P. R. to the international boundary line—will be ready for rails by November 1. Track lay ing will continue on so that Bon ners Ferry will be reached by Jan uary 1, if Mr. Roberts has it fig ured out right. Reports from the contractors, relative to the advance ment of their work, indicates that the grading can be completed in Will Improve the Hotel Casey. J. W. McKnight, the new pro prietor of the Hotel Casey, returned from Kalispell Thursday, where he had been to look after his exten sive business interests at that idace. Mr. McKnight is well pleased with Bonners Ferry and his in vestments here, and intends to en large his business. To a Herald reporter Mr. Mc Knight stated chat he intended to make extensive improvements in the hotel. He will make it a mod ern house and one of the best in Northern Idaho, and first-class in every respect. The dining room service will tie especially improved. He is negotiating with parties to conduct that department, and promises the public such service as a town the size of Bonners Ferry is entitled to. The hotel will be managed by M. Comstock, an ex perienced and popular hotel man. Mr. McKnight's other business in terests here and at Kalispell, will prevent his giving the hotel his en tire attention. The Herald is pleased to chron icle the fact that a man of Mr. McKnight's progressiveness and financial standing has located in Bonners Ferry and wishes his en terprises great success. —We can furnish you with any thing in the line of paints at prices that will astonish you. Remember that we handle Masury'j- paints, which are the best ready mixed paints in the world, and we sell them at the same prices that you pay for poorer paints. Get our prices before you buy elsewhere; wc can save you money—Jones & Bishop. Certificates for Pupils. County Sup't. R. C. Egbers, has a supply of attendance certificates, to bo issued every month to all pupils in the county who are neither absent nor tardy. three of these monthly certificates have been earned by any pupil, a larger term certificate will be issued, and at the close of the school for the school year in any district, large annual certificate with gilt seal, will be issued to thpse pupils who have been neither absent nor tardy during the year. The monthly certificates will be sent to teachers at once. After We have —We can fit your feet, an extensive line to choose from. Call in Hollinger's, the big shoo sellers. You cannot beat our prices any whore. Besides our shoes arc world beaters for wear, and a complete line to choose from. I If the contractors arc able to com plete the tunnels, there is not much doubt about accomplishing the that time. The heaviest work to be done is said to be in the first eight miles east and north of this place. The tunnel work has not advanced with the other work. grading, That a general hurry-up order has gone out is evident from the fact that Grant Smith & Co.'s con will be laid without any loss of time, the road will Lot be completed \ main much to do to bring the road j up to the standing required for suc I eessful operation. tract of $500,000 for five miles of grading west of Bonners Ferry has been materially cut down, work consisted of a high embank ment across the valley. The engi neers are said to have cut down the grafie two feet, besides the plans have been changed to provide for a long trestle in place of the em bankment. While it is evident that the rails The by any means, and those who are figuring on construction work to support business can look ahead yet for a considerable period of good times. There will still re are James Casey locates at Sandpoint. James Casey, who recently sold his property in Bonners Ferry, has décidai 1 to locate in Sandpoint. Of this successsul hotel man, the Pend d'Orielle Review says; "Jas. Casey, one of the best known hotel men in the northwest and for seve ral years proprietor of the Hotel Casey at Bonners Ferry, which ho recently sold, tills week purchased of the real estate firm of Ridgway, Partner & Co. the O. C. Travis property at the corner of Cedar and Fourth streets, and announces his intention of erecting a 30-room hotel, probably of b;ick, to cost in the neighborhood of $10,000. The lots carrying the property are two in number, with 142 feet facing on Cedar street and 100 feet on Fourth street. The Travis property was purchased by Ridgway, Partner & Co. a short time ago from Mr. | Travis at $1500, and the sale was made to Mr Casey at $2000. "Mr. Casey left Wednesday after noon for Spokane and will bring his family back with him. They will at once take up their residence in the Travis place, move the house to tlio back end of the lot and the construction of the new hotel will be commenced as soon as the plans can be drawn and the ma terial placed on the ground." me court Rev . Father Purcell willl)e his costs of litigation ! Costs of the Brady Case. Edwin McBee, the Kathdrum at torney, has received a check from the insurance company for $2000 as attorney for Rev. Father T. J. Purcell in the Brady will ease In accordance with the decree of the as guardian of the Brady children, i The insurance amounts to $6000 i and $2000 of the amount was spent in litigation. The court costs and several attorneys' fees come j out o{ , he * 2 000.-Pend d'Orcille j Rev j,. w j _ Wholesale Liquor House. J. W, McKnight, the new propri etor of the Hotel Casey, is estab lishing a wholesale liquor house in Bonners Ferry. He will carry a full stock of domestic a'id import ed cigars and of wines and liquors, maintaining a large stock from which customers may select, i For Sale. A thorough bred Poland-China Alamo Colony. hoar. tf —All our goods are fresh and wholesome. C. C. Merc. Co. — E. R. Welch has a letter from Hon. Henry Melder, dated at Port 1 , stating that Mr. and Mrs. Melder were starting for California, What Is in a Same? , . , The people of Pandpomt think there is a good dial in a name, as will be seen from the following from the News: "The change oî the & name o! Sandpoint to one of a '»ore pleasing nature IS often agi tated and the good reason for a change, universally admitted, the only objections urged being that a change would, fora time, destroy the identity of the plaee. A promi nent citizen suggests the name of Grandpoint as meeting every rca son for a change and without the objections usually urged. News considers the suggestion a The very happy solution of the question and will be glad to receive and publish the opinions of other citi zens as to the fitness of this name and the suggestion of other suit able ones. State Tax Levy. The state tax levy as fixed by the state board of equalization is caus ing considerable friction, five Northern counties, except Koo tenai, are resisting the levy on the ground that it is above the constitu tional limit. All the Attorney General Guheen replies that the levy is not above the'limit, as the total is made up partly of certain special taxes, authorized by the last legis lature and other legislatures. There the matter stands, except that Gov ernor Gooding with his .usual has ordered the A promptness ney General to proceed in court to test the case, as some of the coun ttor ties have intimated they wanted the matter tested. It is a peculiar feature that coun ties like Latah and Nez Perce, which are large beneficiaries of these special taxes, and Shoshone county whose members cf the leg laturo voted for these special tuxes, are the counties that make the roar. The Governor is doing right to take the case into court, special taxes are legal, let them he paid. If not, cut Ou»u out, and let future legislators have a little more care in what they vole. We a' 1 know that taxes arc too high, but there is a right way to reduce them. If the Spokane Fair next Week. The Spokane Inter - State Fair opens next Monday and closes on the following Sunday. It prom ises to ho the best annual attrac tion Spokane has given, and if the | weather is favorable there will un a very large attend ance. It will afford an occasion for a grand reunion of people from I all over the Inland Empire. A great many from this locality are talking of taking advantage of the reduced rates and the opportunity to sec the fair and meet their friends from oilier parts at the same time. There will be both day and evening attructioi s. —Snaps! Snaps! Bargains! Bar gains! Ask to see them! Manu facturers' line of sample vests, blankets, hosiery mid gloves. We arc selling these samples at less than actual wholesale price. Hol linger's. doubtedly he Card of Thanks. We desire to tliank all our kind friends who were so good and kind during mother's illness and death. Their acts and sympathy can never be forgotten or repaid. Mr. and Mrs. R. McPherson. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts of any nature whatever contracted by my wife, Kate Markham. A. W. Markham. Dated at Bonners Ferry, Idaho, October 7, 1905. —Cottage avenue has a half mile of sidewalk, yet there are gaps where the property owners refuse to construct walks, man is no better than another, and the town trustees should sec that One walks are constructed, as tho ord inance provides. If the property owners refuse, the ordinance says the trustees may have the walks constructed and the expense charg ed up to the property. With the rainy season now on, one has walk around through the mud travel the street. Piling Contract A. J. Kent lias been awarded a OOIllnu . { for 1500 pi i ing tobe used in the construction of the Spokane & International Railway. The timbers run from 30 to 60 feet in length. It will require 350 for the bridge and the trestle approach. The balance will he constructed across a, part of the valley, com mencing at a point about two miles west of Bonners Ferry, being a part of Grant Smith & Co.'s con tract. The plans originally called for an embankment, but in order to rush work a trestle will be con structed at present, with a view to filling in with earth at some future time. « e I» Court Postponed. Judge Morgan has again post poned the opening of the full term of the district court, and now places the date at October 16. The rea son for the last change is that the mother of Judge Morgan's late wife is now quite feeble at her old fam ily home in Illinois, and the judge wishes to pay her a visit before convening court, feeling that this may be his last chance to visit her. —Northern Idaho News. North Side. Mrs. Ada M. Carpenter came in from Moravia Saturday, returning Sunday afternoon. P. W. Batway transacted busi ness in Sand Point this week. Mr. Batway has purchased the relin quishment to Mr. Forese's home stead and expects to move his fam ily to the place soon. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fry, born Saturday morning, died Saturday forenoon and was buried Sunday. to he let to Ira Crawford's News Stand. Ira Crawford has added a News department to his business at bis stand near the Hotel Casey. J. F. Cook, Jr., has turned over his news agency to Mr. Crawford, so that he now has the agency for the Spo kesman-Review and all the maga zines formerly carried by Mr. Cook. In addition thereto Mr. Crawford will add other Dailys, both eastern and western. Heal Estate Now Ik the time to buy, while Price« arc Low. Bon liera Ferry ia growing and t grow. Look over my lift if you in a healthy climate. Or do yoi a good Investment? Look over my Bargai ill continue to , VktiQpMl i want to make In in FARM and CITY PROPERTY An Ideal Stock Farm, b af meadow land, all fenced and improved, good orchard, 40 head of eattle and all farm machinery. Will be sold for *7000 Just Dirt Cheap, • and Upland; will cut <>f On hard, good •11 Improved, 16 miles from Bonner» 160 acres of M UK) tor House Ferry. •f Im r< - Lots in Riverside Addition. For 20 day» I will »ell 20 lots in Riverside i Addition at *60 each on the iiiftallmenl plan, ! *10 down, and *10 per month. These lots are , within ONE Block of the Depot grounds of the Ppokune a International Railway. Don't over* look a good chance to get yourself a home. Hero is a Bargain. •res of ground, sold the installment plan, *50 cash and *15 per month. Is % mile from saw mill. Would make good boarding house. 8 Room house and 10 Good Home Cheap. Will toll you ^ acre tracts or larger on in stallment plan. *lu down, balance in month* Jy payments. Here Is A Bargain, IhT acres of best medow land in Kootenai Valley; ail fenced; good house and barn: will • mile from station and cut 120 tons hay ; Railroad. Price *2500. A Good Hay Ranch, 120 acres first class hay medow, will cut mile troni Railroad and Station, improved. Price *100U. A Bargain. 100 tons of hay, !ÏJ0 nerfs land, cov Tamarack and Kir. Saw Mill, Planer. Kdgor, ."«Ü II. 1*. Engine. Price *2000. •d with Yellow Pine, For Sale. General Merchandise Buninc»», Store 20xC0 ill» basement, one acre ground. *2üüü stock it hand, good location on U. R. Price *3UÜ0. Stock Farm Cheap. inproved land, all enclosed with good board fence. Big Barn 70x100. Part Mea dow land, will cut 200 Ions hay, part Timothy. Good Orchard and good range for cattle. One half cash. Price *0000. 320 ar 4 Bargains on Main Street. For Hale or Rent good Store Building for *2000. 2 good Saloon locations with building» and three Lota. Price *1500 eaah. Two build ing» and three lota, one half lute real for *350 cash. I Pave several good relinquishments on hand that uill besold cheap. Fall and look them over, also remember, I will advertise your property free, If you list it with me. I will charge you 5 per cent commission on a Sale. a.j. Kent. Real Estate, to to Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Justice of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO ■•■•■•(■•»•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•BO C. C. Mercantile Co, « (LIMITED) DEALERS IN e MSI General Merchandise I» m m # We will Sell Vou TABLE GOODS: 9 Tomatoes per can. Silver Brand Milk Marrow Fat Peas . 10 els. . 10 cts. 12 J cts. 9 m GALLON CANS PIE FRUIT; Peaches per can Apricots Pears Tomatoes 35 cts. m 85 I» m 30 „ m 30 9 9 A complete line of Men's and Ladies' Shoes, Gent's ■ Furnishing Goods and Gold Seal Rubber Goods. ALSO Shelf and Heavv Hardware, Stoves and Doors and Windows. Hail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. O. R. GRAY, Manager. 9 9 HI Ci Cl 9 3 Turniturc and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMING, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. .LET US FIGURE ON FURNISHING YOUR HOUSE WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida. liaUfiht * T. J. Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D. JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonners Ferry, Idaho Cbc Bonners Terry Cumber Co.,Dd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THK WAY OF LUMBER , DIMENSIONS. Si led or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. & > i Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. * ! ' The Bonners Lem/ Lumber Co Finishing Lumber of all Kinds