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The Bonner& Ferry Herald BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21,1905. FIFTEENTH YEAR. NUMBER 16 BonnersPerrvHerald ESTABLISH KO IN 1SSI THt PIONEER NEWSPAPER Or KOOTENAI COCNTT. S- D. TAYLOR. Editor and Proprietor TKRMS One ye.»r BI» mouth* ADVKRTTRIXG RATKS: Local reading notice« five cent« ]»er Une each Insertion. U'uul Notice» at le cal rule». Rate» ft»r Display advertising made known on npplicrttlon. Curds of THh H k», Resolution» of Respect ami similar matter five cents per line. Entered at the Post Office at Bon liera FVsrry. Idaho, Second Cl Matter. DIRECTORIES Churches. pK KÖBYTKRI AN — rYiera every alternate und »mne evening at Regular preaching in Sunday morning at 10:30, 7:30. Sunday bChool at 11 Rev. o. 6 WWteON, PeaUir. QaTHOLIC— Kitgniai «erv4œ«ou ihe4lh Snudo-y «feaeh Hi. Sunday school every Sunday at 11:30 a. n.. Rev. KATHKR KELLY. f ew tor. M KT 11 0 1 » 1ST Kfl àOOI* A L— Paradise valley—Every alternate Sunday 819:30 p. c:. Sunday itffco». tvery Suuda? at 11 ;uo a in. North Side-Every alteruate Sun day ni 11 .00 a. in. Sunday St I 1 .. 0 I every Sunday ■ 1 10:40 a m. Rev. L. N. IL ANDERSON, Pastor. A M*miî.«».v»ry !«!«,. no.«. K f. * a. LÎ ouKÜSSäwuS? bSro« 1bu teminy 'S" '' ,u ' 11Mc< ' " rc hemby WK 1 .I. 1 B, S ecreur y. uiopitin La.ige,No as, i.o. o K.. meet. Lro'hciTTratetDRny 11 lavi s"'m. b'IcbÄ n. o. \\m. VtuGuskcu.scoieiary. R e Liidrc K<if'«i, i. o. i'isuüL ViAiILkTihi" 5 înra'iSi'iy VivifSi." 1 Mil's sccreitij! S|!AR ' N l Ml> ' **' Tavu> *. Secret Societies. M m> I K1.10W- o N IflHTSOF V YTH4 As Acme K odge, No. 15, K. of F. meet« lu Pythian Hall every Thimduy evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting Knights always welcome. !.. F.Hoykbu. C. C. K. 1- Lutj.k, K, of R. A S. R ath rom. sisters— (Jreseul Temple N(. I«, meet» every oiher Friday evening lu Knights of Pythia» hull. Visiting member» Invited. Mrs. K. L. Little. M. K. C , Miss Phoebe Kim rar. M. of R. c E ncampment i. o. o. k. Kootenai Camp No. 2Ô, !. O.O. V*., meet» 1st and 3rd Monday* of the month at Visiting patriarchs cordially InviUd. Mcdbury, U, P, NV. S. Curtis, Se» lbe. 8 o'clot k. 11 . L. NIOHTS OK TUP: MACCABEES— Kool<>udt Tent, No. 20 , K.O. T. M., mecU every alternate Wednesday evemiiK-at 8o'clock. ViMtinj* Air KniRiiin always invited. <!«r CaÜäTON. r I . II. WALkKR,K.K. K ODKRN WOODMEN okAMKR ic.i Nuriasi«r camp, No. «RW, m. w. a.. meets iu Moodmcu Halt every Monday evening, ÄÄÄÄ. L A ill ES OK THE M A (TA BEES Nortla Sstar Hlv e, Xu ev«ry ai («nu tu Wedue»day evening at 8 o'clock. \ Uilln« Ladle» hIwmj* rurdHilly mvtLed. Mk*. iUURiir Kkulv, l.M.iy Gu\ Taylor, Rccoid Keeper. . 18, L. O. T. M., muet» iumuder. Mb*. ML . »T OK KICK IIUKKS Ufrii* cxc*r])l suinJuj*. Open Sunday» from '.»a. 2 p. in. Kat>'.bound mall clone« a WchiDonnd mail ci< *.*•»»• at 2:40 p. m ('opelntni and Porthili mailoloNOitat 7 a. i Monday*, Wutiucttday» mid Friday«. f. F. COOK. IK., Postmobter. P' n. 8 »I. .oui el •s at 8 p. m., t 1U ; .VO p. in. . and 8 p, m. q , ÜbSI w \az ij'OOClto NEW STORE We carry a line of General Merchandise, including Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes and Notions, and other lines too ruinerons to Our Goods are bought Right and will he sold Right. Our Stock is New and Fresh. We can positively Undersell all competitors. Come in and see us and let us prove our assertions. Wo npt only have a New Store and New Goods, hut we arc in a jiosition to quote you [\J \A/ Dnippc _ - mention. G. H. FÎNR0W & CO. Two iKiors Radii »rf I*. O. Wain Streel, Bonner» Ferry. M. A. 1'KJiKKSON, Mngr. Business Location : For Sale : The Rest Business 1/oeaiion Bonners Ferrv, inehnling Busiueea House and Lot, centra 11 v located on MAIN STREET A Snap! enquire at tliis office. For Further particulars 4411 Where Do You Cat? Fresh Oysters any Style, any time Day or Night at tho Combina J tion Cafe. ivuj.rurmi.. MILLION DOLLARS THE STAKES Big Contest is on at Land Office between Gov ernment and N. P. Railway Company. One million dollars at the least estimate is the value of the land which the Northern Pacific will city, Idaho, is decided in the favor of the government, according to the estimate of F. M. Goodwin, speial agent of the general land office. For the past week and a half five men have been sitting around a rough table in the ante room of the receiver's office at Coeur d'Alene city, spitting tobacco in a common box and playing for these tremendous stakes with as loose if the contest case which has just been heard at Coeur d'Alene little concern as the corner grocery sbo « sil1 declaring war «11 Eng >d. m. T. Saunders of St. Paul, assisted by Thomas Coonev, who Lus made a personal examination of thu lands in dispute, is opposed in this great game by G. B. Gard ner, attorney for the government, o.F.jûssisted by A. J. Collier, govern ment geologist, and F. M. Good win. Twenty-eight witnesses were produced by the government to off set the evidence of a half dozen called by the Northern Pacific, these men succeed in If convincing the secretary of the interior, to whom the case will ultimately go, that the land in question is non mineral in character, the Northern Pacific will be $1,(XX),000 richer. F. M. Goodwin said yesterday: 'By the grant of land to the North I lie law isthesameas it always was, hut it is now being strictly interpreted. Formerly a claimant \ J , . Went before the general COIlimiS Kioncv to make final proof of hiJ land after having been tliero OIllv once in six months. 'Have von made continuous residence them?' the commissioner would ask. .j have never been absent for bix Must live on Homestead Land. months,' the claimant would ans wei. 'Well, then,' said the com missioner, 'that is continuous res idence.' But that is not continuous residence now. For the past year special agonis of the department have had supervision of final proof, and they are in a position to know 1 more about the lands than the commissioner, and can croesexam j inc a claimant in any manner they 1 wish. "A man must actually proof that | he has made his home on the land for five years before he will ho al lowed to make final proof. If a man has a family in Spokane, or j has sufficient residence here to j vote, and goes to his homestead once in a while, his residence is in ] Spokancand no amount of juggling with facts will make him a resident of the homestead. I "Tho only effect filing on land land building a house there has is to j keep some one else from taking it up; it will not give a man the right to make final proof and get 1 title to the land, which he must do in seven years. No one will get I land now unless he is a bona fide It is not fair to a man who goes out and develops a conn-! 1 try to have a man from town, who ! . settler. comes out once in six months, get ! j ust as good property as he does.'' i — F. M. Goodwin, special agent of die Interior Department. —An epidemic of typhoid is j prevalent in and around Sandpoint l at lhu V™ tin,u - I)r - Pa 8 c « ; four cases nt the nun* brick yard at the Great Northern, being Mr. Mergv and his daughter, Mrs. 1 Pease, Fred Matson and William Anderson. Charles Hutson of the Hunt brick yard is also ill with the malady, as is Nellie Mathews, four (miles west of town, a Fredericks«!! I girl at Colburn, Mike McKenna of Milltown and Mr. Miller of Coco . . Ur - TT typhoid patients at the bandpomt hospital, Antoine Larson. W.J. j Anderson and Mr.Mattson. North-1 in 1 Ian. ^ vv . ern Pacific it was given every odd section within 40 miles of the right of way, with the exception of min oral lands. Where lands are min jeral the railroad does not get lieu selections for them. Therefore, if this region is declared mineral the Northern Pacifie is out that much, On the other hand, if the land is declared to he more valuable for [ timber and agriculture than for {its minerals, it will mean to the railroad if 1,000,000. With the exception of two townships all this region, consisting of over 250,000 acres, is included in the proposed Shoshone forest reserve. If the land is awarded to the railroad it will have the privilege of taking other lands in lieu of these put in the reserve. I have been inves-1 ligating and have found that the Northern Pacific has been in the habit of charging from *5 to $10 for its lieu selections. There is plenty of nnsclected land, left in the public domain from which the railroad could choose. "In the matter of setiling the public domain, the department is now much more strict than it used to be. Before final proof can be made on any homestead the claim ant must show that he has actually lived continuously on the land for five years, and continuous residence is taken to mean exactly what it says. Going on the land once in six months will not suffice. L 0. 0. F. GRAND LODGE Fivo Hundre d Delegates gatherrd at tewiston this Week. T K * (irmd | lu \ trr n ! in . ' U lIU 1 *" 1 ^"^" 4 0rdl ' r < lf WAMh«* b ' dd '»-ir nm.nal session at Lewis tnn tl,is weok - Other Grand bodies ?[ ^ ^ '»* at «,e same time, blcluding the Rebekah State As . HOn,bl - v L' ,d th ,° (Jrand Encamp-1 Ihe Encampment met on] ■ompleted its labor in one day. The Grand Lodge was in • session from Tuesday until Thursday, and the Rebckahs from Monday until Thursday. In all there were about 500 delegates in] attendance. incut. Monday ami j j of the officers show j the order to be in a most tlorishing condition, both In numl.ers and financially. The grand lodge has quite a large surplus in the treas ury. The membership in the stale now numbers nearly 14.000, being more than four times that of any other order. Lewiston entertained the visitors very nicely. Monday night a re eeption was held at which Wavorl Henry Heitfeld delivered the ad dress of welcome, and Grand Mas The reports Hinton icsponded. Tuesday evening the degree of ^ bl ' alr J Mas conferred by Boise ( an ton upon Past Fresidcnts Cyu 1,bbl Stokesberry and Mrs. Leonard and later tbe initiatory degree j n * bc 8U,,ord inate lodge, and the 1U ''^ kab «*•»«« bl the Rebekah ] lod «« ta < dl exemplified. Wdnesilay afternoon work in ! B ra » d ^ « as suspended that the members might be guests of the Lewiston and Clarkston In ter Martin and Mrs. Minnie Priest ; • tcr-Stute Fair. Wednesday evening the M useo vites had a parade and initiated some 100 members into the rites and mysteries of the order, winding up their hilarity with a grand banquet , u tho ! t,lc ™l|i n gi r IloUI. 1 Tht ' busincsil of thc kidge " aB tl,,isllcd Thursday. Thc h' 11 "« 1 ^ a r» the office«* for thc «" uin * Y car; | oDDKKUxuvs. J„l ul L, Chapman, Lewiston, grnu ,j master; Judge James M. Stevens, Blockfoot, deputy grand master; Fred W. W alton, Wallace, 8ran<l Wardcn; b Hadl, '- V ' secretary (reelected); M. B. Gwinn, Boise, grand treasurer (reelected); ^ Coughanonr, Pavette, grand ; rejire.-ieiilatiw; 11. W . DimUui. Boise home trustee for finir years. Grand Muster J. 1., Chapman til led the appointivootlieer us follows. William VanGasken, Bonners Fcr , , , ' ,, rv, srand marshal; Harvey Sutton, , , , ' Middleton, grand conductor; S. G. , . , Isnman, Lewiston, grand guardian; , ... . ... , , E. .1. Phelps, Boise, grand herald; Key. Eugene Walker, Rathdrum, grand chaplain. The officers were regnlarly installed. Win Filler Win. Van Gasken, ton, W. H. Emory, S. I). Taylor and Mrs. S. 1). Taylor, Mrs. H. L. Mcdbury and Miss Lizzie Me | Laughlin were in attendance from Bonners Ferry. , kkbkkAhs. j Mrs. Agnes Swinnerton, Ward j ner, president; Mrs Sarah J. Han dy, Caldwell, vice president; Mrs. | Emma Taylor, Bonners Ferry, war deir Mrs. Emma M. Edwards, Lewiston, secretarv; Mrs. Mary George, Bellevue, treasurer: Mrs. Lillian Warren, Sanclpoint, district deputy and president of north; Mrs. Cynthia Spokesborry, district deputy for the south; Mrs. Martha Bruner, Halley, trustee for j three years. In the Rebekah state assembly Mrs. Agnes Swinnerton, president, Meridian, announced the following appoint ments; Mrs. Della R. Willis, Lew Retta Holman, Moscow, chaplain; Mrs. Ada Merritt, Salmon, inside guard ial!; Mrs. Ada Wilson, Boise, out iston, marshal; Mrs. Anna Hite,] Wardner, conductor; Mrs. side guardian. Moscow is to have the honor of entertaining the Idaho State Press Association this week, and it will have guests worthy of the best it The editors of Idaho, ( | can give, judging from the papers they sen ont, arc an exceptionally able lot! of fellows.—Spokesman-Re view. —Miss Ethel Riekcrd of Bon ne *' s Ferry, necomp,:«»ied by her cousin. Miss Myrtle Kicked ofi v M i , . (-»rand Porks, North Dakota, are in ,i„' . . k - .. the city thisweek the g nests of II. ^ and family. Lev are en [J ,Ht0 lu | n,c fr ' ,ul ' P ul ^nc ^ |« d £**'*£* ^ "f ng friends, says the Northern Ida 1,0 where Kootenai Valley Vegetables. It becomes every day more ev ident that iu the line of vegetable ] raising with some care and industry a great deal can ho accomplished | in this valley and the adjacent territory. Only this week (îeorge ScboffieU tetehiil in some garden P r,, duee that was not in any way in bM'ior to the same varieties taised «'bsewherc. Splendid, ripe Hubbard f "l ua ' dlC8 11,1,1 oars ,,f cwn woro a "M 11 1,1 sw - '* be corl1 t ' ars nit ' a -1 sure d in average about one foot a tur< - " as that tbo Äeeds Wl ' n ' «»"'y P lanted 111 -'b>tlier Earth as lute as Ju, >' L Tho « obliged to Mr> Sehollicld specimens of his industry. » wa y fa,r was very ;«ueees.,ful as a handsome profit «as left after paying all expenses f,Ar a m,dcus fur ^turc events. piece, and the Ilubb.trd Bijuashes were of the largest. The main fea Closing of Spokane Fair. Last Sunday was the closing day of the Spokane fair, and all con cerned seem to ho satisfied with the results. It is claimed that the fair was better than any fair held before from every standpoint. III Spokane praises the manager, R. 11. Cosgrove, highly for the success. As years roli by such an institution if properly managed ought to lie something that Spokane and the ,'' rea1, surl °uiidiiig empire needs, j | ... j ar< ' lin » "*&** 1 JÎ" n f wholesale price. Hoi I Unger s. —Snaps! Snaps! Bargains! Bar gains! Ask to see them! Mann Vt'r»ts, ' We fucturers' line of sample blankets, hosiery and glove's. 1 not be responsible for any debts of ^ whatever contracted by my wife, Kate Markham, (k-lolier 7, 1005. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will A. \V. Markham. Dated at Bonners Ferry, Idaho, North Side News. | lor home in Hillyard Tuesday. ,, ., , ... . ' Miss Mathilda \\ rav, a former x . , resident of tho North bide, came in ,, , , Monday from bpukane. She lias , ", , , . , , ,, , neon employed to tench the Hooker j § William I ' eslil ' and sist,T - -^Miss Sophia Grace, attended the * a * r 1,1 Spokane last week. T. McCall has returned from a visit to his former home in Nebraska. Mrs. Eliza Moore, who has for Mrs. Belle Shields returned to several weeks been visiting at her brother's, W. T. McNear, returned t0 Spokane last week, The 20 months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aldrich was very 111 Wednesday night, one has whooping cough, which is quite prevalent among the children at present, The little L. P. Hurd, of Newport, Wash., B. F. Irish, of Fergus Falls, Minn., and A. H. Irish, of St. Paul, Minn., cousins of Mrs. S. Covert and Mrs. C. 1). Rowell, visited here this week. The two latter gentlemen were on their way home from the Coast cities, nephews of Mrs. M. A. Lord, and Opening of Hotel Dining Room. The dining room in the Casey I Hotel was re-opened Thursday j morning, after having received a thorough renovation in every part ! ieular. The culinary section of the hotel will henceforth be con ducted under the name of 'The ^ ale 1 under the personal management of A. If. Hay, who is proprietor. Bonners needs 11 *' rst class | kind and . if properly conducted will not lack patronage. Ferry resort of this —Wo can lit your feet. We have an extensive line to choose from. You eannot bl>at our P rices an }' l Bondes om shoes are woihl bcntcrB f< 1 wo "' «»d a complete Inn* to choose from, ('all in at , .. HolllllffCr the l»1g shoe ScllorB. - -_ - -IN Rea! Estate L Bmûu'r» Kt^ry^VniwiMKNiî'i'wîm . . jfi"î,\ t .iuhy"«mi!îî. U ord y " u " homc " , ' ouk ' T7 i DTIIT J /^TT*V jf AK1Y1 3.I1Q LI 1 1 on want to maku r my bargain* iu PROPERTY An Ideal Stock Farm, ru» nf im*a«lmv land, all funuud mid od, Rood orchard, Ui bund of ualllu and machinery. Will be «old for |70n0 Just Dirt Cheap, imjH-tjvi re* of Meadow i —.Ill cut .. Orchard, k°ud d. I»'* mile* from Runner» 100 ton« of Imy. •. well imji il< Lots in Riverside Addition. For 20 days Twill «dl *20 lots in Kivcr»idc Addition til ftiü euch on the inMnllniciit pinn, fin down, and |10 per month. These lot* are! within ONK BIih Iî of tin* Depot grounds of the , S|M»kHiu* a hiturinitioiml Hallway, look a good chance I« gel your»elf a home. Here is a Bargain. Don't ov s Room lionne and 10 aero« of ground, »old on ttio installment plan, (Â0 easii and fl'> per month. 1» l / 4 mile from saw mill. Would make hou»e. Good Home Cheap. l £ acre tract» or larger on in- j |10 down, lia la nee In month Will »ell y Ktallment plan. 1) nay III». Here Is A Bargain, ow land in Kootenai *d ; good house and barn: will ■ mile from »tutiuii and 1ST aero» of toad Valley ; a.l (ern eut 120 Ion» hay Railroad- I Tice |2'> A Good Hay Ranch, 120 acre» fir*t u'a»» hay medow. will cut loo ions of I.ay. one mile from Railroad and Station, imp ■lit. M ire HOD". A Bargain. 320 arre« land, covered with Yellow Pine, d Fir. Saw Mill, Flauer. Kdger. ITlce fiMuo. Tn *i II. F. Kngine. For Sale. ô nural Mur* handi»«* Ru»iiie»». Store 20xfi0 acre ground |2U0D »lock 1 location on H. R. Frlcc |:tuOn. witii basem on bund, gt Stock Farm Cheap. aiTm Inpmred Imirt. all vne1i<sed with tiood to>a«tl fence. Rig Harn TOxlOo. Fart Mca ,,0 "' I* 11 "!, will cut 2U0 ion» hay. part Timothy. Orchard and good range for cattle. rash. Frlcc *4*10. 4 Bargains on Main Street. imy For Sale »2000 Rent good Store Building for 2g«»Mi Saloon hwation* with building* land three lad». Frlcc I1ÂÜ0 eaah. Two build ing» and three lot», one half inlecest ff«>r f&O cash. . T ^ A. J. KENT, Real Estate I have «uveral gtwnl rcliiKiutohmeut» on hand that wilt to'Mdd cheap. <'all and look them over, al»o remember. 1 will advert 1m> your property free. If you Itot It with me. ! 'will charge you Ô per cent commission on a Hale. Deputy Mineral Record««, and Justice of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO WHICH THIS SPACE HEXT WEEK C. C. MERCANTILE CO. H9H9B rurttiturc and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMING, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. LET US FIGURE ON FURNISHING YOUR HOUSE WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida r JONES T. A. Bishop, M. D. JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonners Ferry, Idaho Y Che Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Dd HAVK A.vvf ihm; vor want in thk way of LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Sized or Bough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. 8HIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. \ Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Perry Lumber to J L