Newspaper Page Text
The Bonners Perry Herald BONNERS FERRY. IDAHO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1905. NUMBER 17 FIFTEENTH YEAR. Bonners Perrv Herald ESTABLISHED IS IBM. the pioneer newspaper OF KOOTENAI COCSTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TEBMS *1.00 ro One year . Bix month*.. . ADVERTISING KATES: Local reading notice* five cent* per lino l*ach insertion. Legal Notice« at legal rates. Kates for Display advertising mad»» known on application, cards of Thanks. Resolutions of • Respect and almllar mutter five cents per Une. — - — — - --—-— id^ho**»« 1 Second cïïî,°jîLuuî. t Bon " e " rtny ' | ' I DIRECTORIES I Churches. P RESBYTERIAN — Regular preaching nervlee* every alternate Sunday morning at 10:!>0. and »aiue evening at 7;30. Suuday school »I ll;80 a. m. Rkv. o. ri WILaON, Pastor. I j ! qathouc 1 Régulai service« ou the4ih Sunday of each Sunday school every Sunday at 11:20 mouth. u. tu. Rkv. FATHER KELLY. P'istor. M ethodist episcopal- ) Puradiae valley— Every alternate Sunday • t I 30 p. ci. Stindav h-lioo. eviry Sunda) at II 1)0 a in.. North siile-Kvery «lunule Sun day «1 11:00 a. in. Sunday Sr liuol every Sunday at io:oj «.in. Rkv. l. n. b. anuer-on,^ Kerry. a»i K 0 , No,«, a. F , 4 A Ifl., hulas staled mectingiiou the last Wednesday evening of t he month on or »»efore a full moon. ; Mae. er M«.ous .luuiittcd «re (.«■ tern ally invited to vlui iikmby Melde», secretary . l, ßÄ°ÄNo 36,1.0. c E„ meet. evety .Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Vimting brothers fratcmally invited. S M. Bauman, N. G. Wm. VauGankeu .Set tetary. Secret Societies. M o R ebekau deoeke, i.o.o. f. ii HeLvUni. Lodge No. «. i. o. o. F. meet« orcry Tucaday evening it 800 o'clock. \ ihitU-u UebeknhB cordially livllcd. Mi«s Mahkl M 'N, N. U. Mrs. S. 1). Taylor, Secretary. NIGHTS OK PYTIll Ao— Acme Lodge, No. 15, K. of Pylhiau Hall every Thundny evening o'clock. Vltdting Knight« always wel L K Hoy kef. O. C. E. L. Little, K, of K. A s. K . Ill col* 111 nt b R atiihom: sisteks Crehcui Temple Nt. 10, meet» every other Friday evening in Knight« of Hyibbis lui.i. Viblilug member« invited. Mr«. E. I. Little. M. K. C , Ml«« Phoebe Knit ear. M. ol IL ami C E ncampment i. o. o. k. Kootenai Camp No. 25, I. O. O. K., ineel« Irland ;Jnl Monday« of the moult, ul 8 o'eloi k. Viaiting patriarch» cordially inviico. McdLur>,C, F. \V. S.Curil», iciibe. ii. i. NIGHTS OF I HE MACCABEES , No. 20, K. O. T. M., meet» K Koob'Uai T cv» ry nlteruutc WwiueMiay evemug at Ho'clock. Visiliiig 3ir Knight» aluuya invited. Ot( CaU«toN. t.oiiiiinimU r H, IL WajJi tR. K. K. L AHIKS ok THE MACCABEES— North Star Hive, No. 1»>, L O. T. M., meet« every alternate Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. VUlting LiiOiv» m way« t uMially invited. Mi;», Hau riet Kkkky, l.udy tiommauder. Mu-. EMMA TATlob, lm«»d Keeper. M odern woodmen ok ameimca— Nanti Sit Camp. No. »'.HH». M. W. A.. Woodmen Hull every Monday evening, W. W. meet* VUiung Neighbor« alwav« tvelv t l.KURAt UK, V.C. E. L. LlI iLK, Ck.rK. P OST OK KICK llOCRS Ufttce opeuM iu 8 a. m ,nn 1 plofcc« ut K p. m., except tfi'.nda' «. Open Sunday« from 'J a. m. to 2 p. in. KuaMiouiid mall cloae« at 12.50 Westhonud mail elo»eb at 2:40 11 . in. (-opeland and Porthill imnlcloscaat 7 a. ui. Mouduy«, Wednend«)*« and Friday« I. K. COOK. JU... Pont in abler. IS», m. NEW STO RE . . r a line of General G"OCClS We carry M urchandise, including Groeerit Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, «hoes and Notions, and other lines too r umerous to mention. Onr Goods are bought Right and will be sold Right. Our Stock is New and Fresh. We can positively Undersell all competitors, in and see us and let us prove our assertions. We not only have a New Store and New Goods, hut we are in a position to quote you Come New Prices G. Hv FÎNR0W & CO, Two Door« South of I*. O. Main Street, Bonner« Kerry. M. A. Pederson, Mngr. I Business Location : For Sale : 1 The Best Business Location in Bonners Ferry, including Business House and Lot,centrally located on MAIN STREET A Snap! For Further particulars enquire at this office. 4 4 tf Fresh Oysters any Style, any Where Do You Cat? time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. McMurtrie & McCinly, Proprietor». GREAT NORTHERN ] TO MOVE DEPOT Jim Hill's Line Planning Extensive improve ments at Bonners Ferry. - . v .. T , . , The Great Northern Railway is , . I planning some important improve-, inents at this place. Among other things the company proposes to move the depot from its present site to a point several hundred feet least, so that it will be located just [ west of the head of Main street, This will bring the depot right up j to the business district. The change will require the g-ad ing of the street running parallel \ with the Great Northern right-of- j This street at the present ! (imc j p no t open, as a deep slough 1 ' runs along the course of the street. The filling of the slough will re move an eyesore to Bonners Ferry and open up a valuable and im nnr t„ ^f r*-«*t r' 1 UiIU 011 A ,; r( . at Northern right-of-way ^ made two trips here in the interest of the proposed change, way. The company desires more right-of Railroads Pay One-Third the Taxes. TL/, munt v unditor hns coniD^L't* 1D6 COlini) JlUUllor litlo i.uiupu-1 ed the work of extending the tax for 1905. With the addition of the subsequent assessment and the in crease in valuation made by the state board of equalization, the valuation of all property in the county totals $6,577,768, on which the state and county tax at the rate of 32 mills amounts to $210, 488. Of this amount the N. P. will pay $25,338,; the Great Norlh jern, $24,458; Kootenai Valley rail head, $4127; O. R. & N. $12,815;' Fort Sherman branch of the N P. $2,620; Coeur d'Alene & Spokane Hnctvio liue,J.Ui8L Thc various telegraph and telephone companies' taxes amount to $2743. These figures do not include the special road and school taxes, which, where the school taxes have been voted, will increase the taxes one-third. From these figures it will he seen the roilroad s pay about one third of thc taxes collected in the couii tv.— Pend d'Oreillc Review. 'Holds its Annual Session at Moscow IDAHO STATE PRESS. cn October 20-21. Thc Idaho State Press Associa tion met in Moscow on .. Friday of ; I |" Qntiinlnv when not complete until oaturday, wnen ^ they adjourned, having been ro >'-! illy entertained by the -people of Several matters of ini- I , I last week, and held an interesting meeting. Their deliberations wore M oseow. portance to thc fraternity were passed upon at the meeting. The following officers were se.eet-1 ü< l f°r the ensuing year: President— M. A. Bates, of the Parma Herald, Parma, Idaho. Vice President—Mrs. Ada Mer- 1 | ritt, of the Salmon City Recorder,] Salmon City. Secretary— S. D. Taylor, of the Bonners Ferry Herald, Bonners j ' i Ferry. Treasurer—A. E. Gibson, of the 1 Gem State Rural, Caldwell. Coeur d'Alene was recommend-1 led to the executive com mi tee 'as j the next meeting place. ] decided that the Alaska It was trip should ho selected for the an nual excursion -to ho taken next Moscow entertained the editors [most royally. An elaborate hau Iquet was spread, given by the Business Men's Association. Toasts were responded to by Hon. Francis Jenkins President McLean of the .HiiKiiib, i rtMurai year. - University, Senator B. F. O'Neil, former Attorney General Frank Martin, Hon. J. H. Forney, and numerous editors present. Editor W. D. Smith of the Mos ! cow Mirror and Editor H. C. ha ver of thc Journal and the Star I — Proscriptions. Woran fill them necurately and reasonable in price, extended to thc visiting scribes (every courtesy and assisted in making their stay in Moscow very pleasant. —Jones A Bishop, . , . ii ii 4« way in orger to enable them to , . . mi* carry out their plans, they desire to purchase a small strip of land from the citv, and another small tract owned by the Bonner Merc utile company and S. D. Taylor. The consideration the city requires is the grading of the two streets named. The object of the Great Northern in making these changes is a mat ter of conjecture. The change would be to their advantage, of course, although they arc nicely located as it is. The announced purpose is to provide for more yard room, but the building of the Corbin line probably acts as a spur, also. But whatever the object, the improve ment will be a most we lcome one to the town in general, and we are glad to note that the railroads are giving this attention to Bonners Ferry. Customs Officers to Move. An order has been issued by the Treasury Department, moving the customs offices from Bonners Fer ry to a point ou the Moyie, where the Corbin road crosses the Inter II is the desire of national Lire, the department to have the officials at the hoarder. Henry Melder will he Deputy Collector and James E. Dolan, Inspector. The change will take place within the next two or three weeks. Bonners Ferry regrets to see these offices and officers al b''', though we believe that the charge «01 only be tenqKjrary. From a business point of view the moving of Oie offices to a suburb will mat er materially, THS ANNIS BARN BURNS. 600 Boxes of Apples and 30 Tons of Hay Destroyed. — A. F. Annis had the misfortune to lose his barn by fire last Mon day night. His ranch is about five miles below town in the valley. Six hundred boxes of apples «'ere stored in the barn and wen destroyed. In addition to the fruit! destroyed there were 30 tons of hay , , , , ; 111 tl,u 1,arn A,ul SL ' v(, '' al tons of po- ; ta toes. The apples were selected stock alld were contracted at $2.00 per *,i 1 * ' \. . ' . ' /' ' . th . ^ ^ nnis learned of b * s b>ss Tuesday marning, when he I went down on the train, having I j ■ arranged to have a car set out to lwa ' 1 lhe Iunl - The building was 50x100 feet in | teize. Thc origin of thc tire is not ! known, hut it is surmised to be the ! ! I s . careless work of tramps. Mr. Annis estimates his loss at i $2'500. County Commissioners Visit. I Andrew . Christianson, Joseph Fisher and O. J. Dart, the gcntle men composing the board of conn-1 ty commissioners of Kootenai county, were in town yesterday. There business here was to invest igate the feasibility of extending, the forty approach so as to make a low water bridge across the Koot |enai. We understand that they were favorably impressed with thc pro^sition and will have the bridge constructed right away. The cost will he only a few hundred dollars it and will he a great convenience to the public. • Inc tlKKAI.D acknowledges a 6 social call from the gentlemen ! while they were in town. LOST! LOST! A roll of blankets, with a quilt outside, the bundle also containing a pillow and a pair of rubbers, Bundle was lost off of a load, on the wagon road between Bonners Ferry and Fry creek. A suitable reward will he paid for its return, ! or for information leading to its recovery. T. W. Muxs. 17-19 The United States grand jury was empaneled by Judge Beatty at Moscow Tuesday with John Cren shaw, groccryman at Rathdruu, as foreman. Several other Kootenai men are members of the jury,, among them being August A. Chase of Post Falls, Dennis Frost of liar rison, and J. R. M. Culp of the Rathdrum Tribune. Upon empan eling the jury Judge Beatty gave them special instructions relative'—Jones to the land fraud matters liable to i bo brought before them. Idaho News. Northern j ' Traveling Library Notice. Persons having books belonging to the Traveling Public Library, I should return them at once, and save expense, as the books are to be sent away on the last day of the month and a new sot received. ! M. Rose Nokthrup, Librarian. Hallowe'en Entertainment. There will he a Hallowe'en enter tainment at the I. 0. O. F. Hall on Tuesday evening, October 31, given by the public school, Prof. J. D. Huston in charge. The admission will be 25c, and the proceeds will go to the piano fund. The teachers have been working overtime to have the pupils well-drilled to pro duce their play, and the object— to raise funds for a piano for the new school house—is a most laud able one. Don't miss a good thing. Announcement is made that the Steel for Corbin Line. steel for the Corbin Line is on its It will take 25 or 30 way west, train loads to supply the line, Track laying will commence on the north end and continue south as . tast us construction work will per imt ' According to the best reports the Herald can obtain, wo think there in little likelvbood of the rails r. aching Bonners Ferry before! J or il 1, owing _ to thc continued s -arcity of labor. District Court District Court is in session at i Rathdrum, Judge 11. T. Morgan presiding. There is a long civil docket, hut there are hut few cases of especial ! interest to this locality, except the Spokane it International eondam nation cases, which were appealed to the district court hv thc settlers. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL, unexcelled Maintains service from the west to the east and south Mllkillg ..j,,.,, C onneeli -ns «ill. trains of nil transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice ol routes to Chic»»». Louisville, Mem phis and NeivOileans, and through these peint- l„ the far east. I'roKppct.vt* travelers desiring in formation as to the lowest rates and best routes are invited to cor rcspondence with the following Representatives: B. H TiifMiiui.L, street, Portland, Ore. J. C' Linls-ky, r v m e. i» \ i m rpi i « . 1. H tV 1 A , inird street, I'nrlland Ore i iiruaiHi,,un PaUL i». 1 HOMP83N, Fit. it Passenger Agent, I Bldg., «cattle, Wash. Commercial Agent. 142 Third I —Snaps! Snaps! Bargains! Bar gains! Ask to see them! Mann-] ; facturer»' line of sample vests, We j blankets, hosiery and gloves, nro Felling these samples at less; *^ an actual wholesale price, hnger's. Hol This W2ek at combination Theatre. B j nce opt . nu . e menceg wiUl ' a laughjll)le Farce j Come dy, entitled "Senator McPhce" The Combination Theatre this week is givining the beet show The show com _ fo ,| owe d bv Nornm 1>angton> t j 1( , ^ race f u | Danseuse, (luy Davis the . , ,, -, . splendid Baritone, Helen Carson, .. I • ... XT the descriptive Vocalist, and the Bonners Ferry favorite Comedv Ik,... „ , ; Entertainers, Browne & Diamond, 1 IU* talk in a roaring nhsurdity: . * atlVC Olii M.TUi and the Insurance Agent", keeps the audience in continual uproar from finish. Saturday night, as a spe-1 cial attraction, Kid Carson and Kid Rogers will give a boxing eon test. Nothing is spared ta make the Combination Theatre thc pop ular place of amusement in Bon a utart i .v 11,1 1 ners Ferry.—Phippcn A- McKinzic. Proprietors. Additional Locals. —Home baking for sale today at the U. C. Mercantile Co.'s store, by (he Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church. Wholesome nlu ^ "clieious > »'king, - -We have tried many candies and find the Palm the best of all in freshness and general excellence, Wo have just received a new slock, & Bishop, —A big dance in the I. 0. O. F. Hall next Friday night is an an nouncement we are requested to make. Those giving the function promise all in attendance a big |j mt , — Attorneys O. J. Bandelin and E. W. Wheelan were in Rathdrum during the week, attending District Court. —There will be preaching servie at the Presbyterian church, Sab bath, Oct. 29, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p. in. O. S. Wilson. —Henry Guthrie, of Copeland, was among the Bonners Ferry visitors this week. He made the Herald office a social and business call while in town. —A. J. Sloop, Port Hill, father °f Mrs. 1. II. Waldron, left on Wednesday for Missouri, on a business trip. —We can fit your feet. We have an extensive line to choose from, Vou cannot heat our prices any where. Besides our shoes are world hi niters for wear, and a complete Hue to choose from. Call in at Hollinger's, the big shoe, sellers. ( —Harry Brown, the well-known amusement director, is hack again to fill an engagement at the Com hinntion Theatre. His former en ; gngemcnt i, ere wa8 very gatisfact i ory to (he management of the HoU(je He is 8aid to bc onc of the ^ on thc roft(J j -See printed dodgers describing | Moorc Uru8 -' bi « cash premium, It's a daisy. •IN Real Estate Now I« tin* time to buy, while Prie Bonners Kerry I« growing and will continue to grow. Look over my list if you want u home ; in a healthy climate. Or dt» you want to make ' a good investment? Look over my Bargain« in i Low. FARM and CITY flirm PROPERTY An Ideal Stock Farm, TOO acre« af meadow la ml. all fenced mid improved, good «»reliant. I'» head of cattle ami •hinery. Will be »old for »7000 Just Dirt Cheap. t-ots in Riverside Addition, For îb ( 1«}-« i will «eit m tot, in Riverside Addition nt ftvo each on the Installment plan, ill« down, and |I0 per month. The»c lot» are w Ithin <)NK Block of the Depot ground* of the «pokano A International Hallway. Don't over look a good chance lo get yourself a home. 160 acre« of Meadow and Upland; will cut 100 ton« <>f hay. 5 House, well improve«!, It» mile« fr« Orehnnl. good Bonners Forr ' Here is a Bargain. S Room house and 10 u<toh of ground, «old ou the installment plan. »50 cash and »IT per month. I« mile from saw mill. Would make ! good boarding h«»u«e. Good Home Cheap. i 1 |J t*i ment!1 Will si-ll you l i acre traut« or larger on in «tallm« nt plan. *»h) down, balance in month Here is A Bargain, •low land In Kootenai I fenced; good house and barn: will ■ mile from «talion and 187 acre« of best Valley; ! cut 120 ton« hay ; 1 Railroad. Frlee »254«), | A Good Hay Ranch, . will cm i 120 acre« fir«t ola«« hay I loo ton« nt hay. one mile from Railroad and ! s^ 11011 - improved. Price » 1000 . A Bargain. •d | r Pino, I Tamarack and Kir. Saw Mill, Planer. Kdger, 50 11. P. Engine. Price »2000. •ith Yell •ered Î120 acres la ml, For Sale. Slock Farm Cheap. sso «ere« iuproved lan.i. «11 ci»-U»-»il » i t h „«„a ( „ wr ,i f«,» o. ntg Ham toxioo. t «rt Me» 3ow laml. will cal aoo tim« h«y. part Timothy. in.t orebard«ml goml range d.r cattle;. On« 111 11 4 Bargains on Main Street. Kor Sale or Rent go«nl Store Buibiing for » 20110 . 2 good HhIimiii liK-ntion» with buihliiig« •re ground. »2tX»o stock R. R. Price ».{000. ■ litent. i»n hand, goiwl location and three Lol». Price »1500 canh. Two build lug» und throe lot«, one half Interest lor 1:150 cash. I Pave xovcral good rcliuqul«hmcnt« on hand that will bo »old cheap, t all ami look them over, also remember, I will advcrtUc your property free, If you lint it with nu*. 1 will charge you 5 percent coiumUxion on a Sale. A. j. KENT, Real Estate IH*puty Mineral Recorder, and Juxticc of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO C. C Mercantile Co ■ furniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMING, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. LET US FIGURE ON FURNISHING YOUR HOUSE WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners ferrv, Ida. "6 T. J. Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS ; ' i Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonners Ferry, Idaho J if «I»«» UEJEîWÿ Cbc Bonners Terry Cumber €o.,£td HAVE ANYTHING YOf WANT IN THK WAY OF LUMBER DIM ENSIGNS. Sized or Rough * GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHI FLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Let us figure with you when ia need of build ing material of any kind. * Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co j V