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The Bonners Ferry Herald BONNERS FERRY. IDAHO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1905. NUMBER 18 FIFTEENTH YEAR. Bonners Eerrv Herald ESTABLISH KD IX Ml. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OK KOOTENAI COUXTY. ' S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS ft 00 One year a ' th« advertising rates Lock! reading notice« five cent* per Une each Insertion. Les« l Notices at legal rate*. Rales for Display advertising made known on application. Card« of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect and similar matter five «ent« per line. c Entered »it the Post Office nt Bonner« Kerry, Idaho, os Recoud Cl i«« Matter. _ DIRECTORIES Churches. P RESBYTERIAN — Regular preaching «ervlro« every alternate Sunday morning Hi 10 ;JW. and 8 a me evening at 7.:W, Sunday bchool >t n sou. m ItkV. O. S WILCOX, I*H*U»r. QATHOLIC— th«4th Sunday of each Regular «ervioe« b.mtiay school every Sunday al 11:30 tno-lh. ». n„ Rsv. FATHER KELLY. I»««tor. ETHODIST KPltCOI'AL 1'iirmtiae v»U«y—Every uit«ru«le Sunday • t V:80 p. tn. Sunday tchool tviry Suuda? ti 11 :uo m in. Noith Bide—Every alU-mule Bun day hI li.OO a. ni. Sunday S< lu.ol every Sunday iO:lH a m. Rev. L. N. B. ANGER OS', Pastor. M Secret Societies. M asonic— Bonn««»: Kerry Lodge. No.43, A. F. «t A. II.. bolus «luted meeting«'*» «he last Wednesday before a full moo«. evening of the month on Sojourning Master llafOiM qua lined are Ma ternally invited to visit Dkkry Mki.mi. Secret ary. DD KKHOWS Ulopiiia Lodge, Vo 34,1.0. O K.. meet» every Saturday evening ni 8 o'clock. Visiting bro'hcis fraternally Invited. S M. Bachab. IS. U. Wii. VtuGaskeu.SecieUirjr. KREKAH UKGRKF, I. O. O. F - Loyal Rebekah Ixxige No. 43, I. O. O. F. id eel « every Tuesday evening M o'clock. Vl«liit. g Kebekahs nordially iavlted. Ml**« Mabkl MoSava, X. U. Mrs. B. It. Taylor, Heere tar y . O NIGHTS OF PYTHIA» - Acme Lodge. No. I. 1 », K. of I*, meet« In Pythian i labil every Thuudii/ evening at 8 o'clock. Vntlling Knight« always welcome. 1. K Buy k eh , C. E. I A. Liitlk, K, of R. A 8. K R ath bom: sun* rh Creoeut Temple >i. 10, moot« every other Friday evening lu Knights of Pythia« hail. Vititlug member« luvited. Mr«. K. I. Little. M. E. C , Miss I'noebe him car. M. oi 1L E ncampment t. o. o. f. Knot* uni Cmiij» No. 2ô, I O.O. F., meets 1st and 3rd Mondays ol the mouth al 8 oVluti. Visiting patriarchs cordially iuviuo. Wedhury,i', l*. W. S. Curtis, dotibe. K NU.II a OF JIM MA< ( ABEE6— KouP'Uhi Ten i, No. 2», K O. T. M., meet* every alternate Wednesday evening ui ö o'clock. Vlsiiing jir Knights always Invétid <»*« B, 11. WiUhB, K. K li. !.. dv-r (AUS TON. « L A DIES OK 111 K MACCABEES North Star line. No. Hi, L O. T . XI ., meets every alternate Weduesdsy evening ui « o'clock. uys cuniially invited. Mu«. 1 41» y commander. XI Hs. Visiting Ladle* mi » IIaukikt Kkkby, Emma TaYLOH, Record Keeper. ODERN WOODMEN OKaMKKICV N »rth Bt*r Camp, No. rtldU. M. W. A.. cry Mutidsy evening, s welcome. W. W. M fcuccis in Woodmen Its \ tailing Neighbor« ulwav l-Kait«iA4 <ta. V. C. E. L. L , t itra. in 1ST OFFICE HOURS office open* «. 8 a. in , mid cl 086 « at 8 p. m . except tidii'«. Open Sunday* from 1 »h. m. lo 2 p. in. Kmc bon nd mall cloaca al 12.50 p. m. Went bound mall flows« Ml 2 40 u. m. and 8 j», in. Copeland ami Parthill mallcloacaat 7 a. ni. Uoudayk, Woducadaya and md*y* f. K. COOK. JR.. Postmaster. P NEW STOßE G-oodS We carry a lino of General Merchandise, including Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Guods, Hats, Shoes and Notions, and other lines too numerous to mention. Our Goods are bought Right and will be sold Right. Our Stock is New and Fresh. We can positively Undersell all competitors, in and see us and let us prove our assertions. We not only have a New Store and New Goods, but we Come are in a position to quote you New Prices G. H. FINROW & CO. Two Doom South of V. O. Main Htreet, Donner« Ferry. M. A. Pederson, Mngr. Business Location : For Sale : The Best Business Location in Bonners Ferry, including Business Fresh Oysters any Stylo, any I House and Lot,centrally located on MAIN STREET A Snap! For Further particulars enquire at this office. 44tf Where Do Yoci Eat? * time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. McMurtrie t* McCinty. I'roirictots. • 1 y £ y EYY IS CONSTITUTIONAL Supreme Court Uhholds the Action of the State Board of Equalization. Boise, Idaho, Nov. 1.—The Su preme Court bus decided that the {state tax levy certified to the v«r ! i tevy cxcccuea me nve nuns on me dollar authorized by the constitu tion tobe raised for "state purposes." The matter was brought into court lin the form of an action of the against each of the three counties asking for a writ of mandate compelling each to extend the levy as certified. The opinion rendered is in the ease against Nez Perce county, being made applic The state claimed the amount levied for state purposes did not exceed the five mills limit, other amounts sueli as those for meeting interest, etc., not being included in tim constitutional limit. Its claim was that the limit applied ouiy to taxation for running the state gov ernment during the period for which the tax was to he' called, Attention is called to the fact that there is no limit to the state in debtedness that may be created as the assessed valuation increases, as it may always he up to 1 1-2 mills on the dollar. Coiitinueing, the ious counties is constitutional. This point was raised as to the author ities of Shoshone, Latah and Noe | ; |,,, n r ,l hUlu * lutiru able to the other two. opinion says: WOULD CRIPPLE FUTURE. "Therefore if the total tax levy, both for the purposes of running and maintaining th«- state govern SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT A Hallowe'en entertainment was given in tire I. O. O. F. Hall Tuesday evening by the Public School. A literary and musical program was given, closing with a little play, typical of the event. The hall was crowded and the success of the entertainment was in every way flattering to Prof. Huston and his assistants, and their pupils. The following was the program as rendered: Autumn Song—P rimary It Fini: bed Him — Bert Alberts. Ghost Stories— Roy Blakesley. Hallowe'en—C larence Strong. Voice of the Night—Q uartette. Who's afraid of the Dark—C laude Alberts. The Old Man of Montrose — Mark Sheffield Jack o' Lanterns - Intermediate. Seeing Things-E rwin Sheffield. That Pumpkin— Agnes Callahan. The Lovely Rose—T rio. In the Long Ago— Marguerite Eagan At Candle Lighting Time— Osmaud Plato. HiUiho— Five Girls. Popping Corn—L ucile Callahan. The Enchanted Shirt —Vivian Bollinger. Time to go to Bed— Jack McNamara. October Party — Primary. A Ghost of a Flower —Patrick Henry D o Wood Hants —Tony Martin. Mark Twain's Ghost Stories —Pullman VanGaskbn. The Gii sy Countess - Duette. Hallowe'en Play—Three Acts "THE LITTLE GIRL IN RED". j a CAPTURED SEVEN CHINAMEN. | D. H. Andrews, Chinese Inspect- j or at this place made a capture of ; seven Chinese last Wednesday ev-1 ening. The Celestials were trying 1 to smuggle themselves into the United States. There was a China ' woman among the bunch, the wife j ! Inspector D. H. Andrews makes a Big Capture. of the leader. Inspector Andrews gathered the seven in at the Kootenai Valley j bridge, just below town. He was I in on the look-out and about mid nignt his vigil was rewarded by the procession coining across the bridge. He waited until they had climbed down the ladder off of the bridge, j when he came out from his hiding place behind the bridge timbers and placed them under arrest, to which they submitted tamely. The pilot was disco veredto Wold "Jake", the well-known Chinese gardener w i, 0 rents a part of the McLauhglin ranch. This was not a surprise to Inspector Andrews, however, as the I old fellow had been under suspi-l cion for sometime. He w as also • 1 placed under arrestjind mar ha-c ment and institutions and for mect ing the interest on public indebt edness and providing fund, must fall within the rate prescribed by section 9, artic!c 7, it would billow that the tinic wi 1 probably oome when it will take the entire tax levy lor '-state pur poses public indebted sinking fund, ami that no revenue whatever would he left for ma Po tabling and operating the state government and public institutions, Such a construction would certain ly never have entered the minds of the framers of the constitution. It is clear to us that the "for state purposes" mentioned in section 9, article 7, is for rui ning and cur rent expenses in carrying on and operating the different departments and institutions of the state gov eminent, which is intended to be upon a cash basis, as provided In section 11 of the same article. If "for state purposes" means all the revenue the state can raise by tnxa tion, then why use these words at all." It is further held that the coun ty commissioners are obliged to make the-levy to liquidate the in* debtedness of the county to the state, one mill of this levy having been for that purpose. The court staler the board must make the le vy if the county owes that much, but d ies not attempt to decide whether the amount is due from the county. sinking a to pay the interest upon ness and provide a | to face a more serious charge than that which merely results in de portation. The drove was locked up, pend j ing instructions from the District ; Immigration officers, The leader, Le Hung Gnin, was in 1 Bonners Ferry last August a d was rounded up by Mr. Andrews. His ' papers appeared to be regular, j claimed he was here on a visit to ! old Jake. But it was lean ed lhat Hu he hurried on through to British j Columbia, where it seems the wo I man was located. j Inspector An drews has been on the look-out f< the couple ever since, expecting 1 that an attempt would be made to, smuggle tin- woman through. | j This is the second capture Mr. 1 Andrews has made in the last ! month, having arrested live others a few weeks ago. Inspector F. W. McFarland of j Helena, and Interpreter Moy Don Sling, arrived this morning. | - —Moore Bros tit you from the ground up— Nul Sed! I are the prescription drug gists.—Jones it Bishop. >r Thanksgiving Proclamation. The Thanksgiving Proclamation of President Roosevelt was issued on Thursday. He names Thurs day, November 30, as the day. Mr. Corbin in Town. D. C. Corbin, builder of the Spo kane & International Railway, ar rived in town Thursday night and left Friday morning on a tour of inspection over the line between Bonners Ferry and the C. P. R. connection. Ho was accompanied by E. J. Roberts, superintendent of construction, and Assistant Sup erintendent Rodgers. They will return today. Tunnel Work. The Herald is informed that the progress of work on the several tunnels on the Corbin road, east of of Bonners Ferry is as follows: Tunnels Nos. 1 and 2, Dahlberg & Johnson, contractors, will be completed by Jan. 1. They are 325 and 272 feet respectively in length. Tunnels Noe. 3 and 4, Twohy Bros., contractors,—No. 3 is 600 feet long and 400 feet of work re mains to be done; No. 4 is 300 feet long, and the work is just starting. Pioneer of 21 Years. S. W. Smith, one of the early settlors of this locality, was up from his ranch near Porthill, last Sat urday. He brought up a fine bunch of steers which he sold to Huscroft & Bcnnej-. There was a time when Sam knew every man, woman and child in North Idaho, Eastern Washing ton, and the Kootenai District of British Columbia, or at least they knew Sam. But the famous stage driver and stage line operator re tired to the peaceful, but more re munerative, occupation of stock raising soon after the advent of the railways, Ho,.;;ow owns and operates a fine ranch of several hundred acreeti tîrt' Porthill. He made this office a pleasant call while in town and reviewed many incidents of a dozen or fifteen years ago with the editor. He located in this country 21 years ago. —Miss Cave, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cave, has accepted a position under Postmaster Cook, the work of the office requiring mose assistance. Electric Lights. J. F. Reynaud, manager of the Electric Light Company, announces j that the lights will be turned on one week from tonight for a trial. The street lights and such build ings as are wired will be lighted up, and the current will remain on until al>out midnight. The regular service will not he inaugurated un til a few day« later when more of the buildings are wired. Died. Little Ruth M. Danielson, aged 5 years, 10 months and 20 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Danielson, died on Saturday, Oct. 22. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all in their great loss. — Harness, Saddles, Rohes, Whips, and everything else in the Harness and Saddlery line, at Townsend's, one door west of the Hotel Casey. Repair work prorrit ly done. in to —Snaps! Snaps! Bargains! Bar gains! Ask to see them! Manu facturers' lino of sample vests, blankets, hosiery and gloves. A e are selling these samples at less than actual wholesale price. Hol Hu —We can (it your feet. We have an extensive lino to choose from, j You cannot beat our prices any 1 " lRre - Besides our shoes are world to, * ,ratL ' rs i°r wear, and a complete | '' ne *'hoose from. Call in at Mr. 1 Hollinger's, the big shoe sellers, last ! of outside, the bundle also containing a P illovv a,ld a P air ol rubbers. Bundle was lost off of a load, on the wagon road between Bonners the furry and Fry creek. A suitable reward will be paid for its return, nr 1°* information leading to its recovery. T. W. Mills, >r LOST! LOST! A roil of blankets, with a quilt 17-19 Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that an examination of all applicants for teachers' certificates of the first. second and third grade, will he conducted at Rathdrum, Idaho w Nov. 23, 24, and 25. Examination sessions will begin at nine o'clock a. ni. each day. Dated at Rathdrum, Idaho, this 30th day of Oct., 1905. R. C. Egrers, Co. Sup't. Teachers' Association. Meeting to be at Rathdurm, Ida ho, Nov. 25. Teachers, remember the date, Nov. 25, at Rathdrum. Meeting w ill be called to order at 10:30 a. m. At this meeting several interesting papers will be read, and discus sions will follow. The special fea ture of this meeting will be to out line a plan for the Association for the year 1906. Let every teacher feel especially invited to attend this meeting as it will be very important. Program and special announcement will fol low later. R. C. Egbers, Co. Sup't. —For fresh fruits, candies and vegetables, go to Nutt Bros.' Con fectionary store, located in K. P. Hall. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains unex-elled service from the west to theeastaud south Making close connections with trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Mem phis and NewOrleans, and through these points to the far east. Prospective travelers desiring in formation as to the lowest rates and best routes are invited to cor respondence with the following Representatives: B. H Trumbull, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Ore. J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A , 142 Third street, Portland, Ore Paul B. Thompson, Frt. tk Passenger Agent, Bldg., Seattle, Wash. IN Real Estate Now in the time to buy, while Prices Donner« Ferry 1« growing mid will continue to «row. Look over my lint if you want a home healthy climate. Or do you want to make m good inveatment? Look Low. my Bargains in FARM and CITY PROPERTY An Ideal Stock Farm. -—.if meadow land, all fenced and improved, good orchard. 4» head of cattle mid all farm machinery. Will he Mild for fKKXi Just Dirt Cheap, 100 acres of Meadow and Upland: will cut •h of Orchard, good cd. Di mile« from Donner« UK) ton« of hay. 5 House, weil Im I Ferry. Lots in Riverside Addition For 20 day« I will «ell 30 lot« 1 Addition at $»K) each o II» down, and (10 per within ONK Dloek of the Depot grounds of the Spokane .1 International Railway. Don'lover look a good chance I« gel yourself a home. Here is a Bargain R Room house and 10 acre« of ground, «old 1 on the installment plan, f.iü cash and $15 per 1 month. Is mile from saw mill. Would make good boarding house. Good Home Cheap. Riverside the installment plan, th. These lots are Will sell you Vi acre trac t« or larger on In stallment plan |10 down, balance fn month ly payment«. Here Is A Bargain, 1H7 acre« of best medow land in Kootenai Valley; aJ fenced: good house and barn: will cut 120 tuns hay ; one mile from station and Railroad. Price |2,'«00. A Good Hay Ranch, 120 acre« first class hay medow. will cut 100 tor» of hay, one mile from Railroad and Station, improved. Price 11000. A Bargain. 320 acre« land, covered with Yellow Pine, Tamarack and Fir. Saw Mill. Planer. Edger, 50 II. P. Engine. Price |2»00. For Sale. General Merchandise Business, Store 20x00 ith base icr* ground. ïj» *• *• • at ick ou hand, good location ou R. R. Price 930M. Mit. ; JT^ÎTTi,, 1 it 1 "« ifh V mc"**i »Tu ' y° u h i* r " n ' eommixio« ou » s.ic. . _ ______ A.J, KilW 1, IvCjli tsttllC j i Stock Farm Cheap. *R in proved land, all enclosed good hoard fence. Dig Darn 70x100. Part Mea dow land, will cut 200 tons hay. part Timothy. Good Orchard and good range for cattle. One half cash. Price $6000. ith 4 Bargains on Main Street. Rent good Store Building Saloon locutions with huilninps and three l/ots. Price 11500 cuah. Two build ings aud three lota, one half interest (or |350 CtMkh. For Sale or UUÜ 0 . 2 good for Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Justice of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO SHOES This is the time of the year when it is necessary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Shoes are made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the World. 0\ir Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, nt Prices Ix>wcr than they should be sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We call especial attention to our FINE LINE of GROCERIES, and we make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C. C. Mercantile Co « [L I M I T E D] furniture ana Undertaking WALL PAPER. PICTURE FRAMING, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. LET US FIGURE ON FURNISHING YOUR HOUSE WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida T J. Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D. JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonners Ferry, Idaho f 3 Che Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Ctd 1 1 HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN TttE WAV OF LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Sued or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES, LATH. Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. 4 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co ^