Newspaper Page Text
Fer» - Herald The B £> f ;i * NUMBER 19 BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1905. FIFTEENTH YEAR. Bonners Pern/Herald KsTAniaatiE!) in m, THE i'IONEER NEWSPAPER or kootf-vai corSTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERM« » 1(0 <>»•' year ... ^ ix moîîtbà. .hi A T> V K RT IS4 N G HATES Local reading notices five cents p* r line each intertlen. I.« , «al NoUc**m at le?al rat»**. I täte a for Display ndvcrtialng m ole known.on Howlioaion. Curd« of Thunk* H» s«»lmi«ms of lies pec t- and similar mnttpyftvc rent*? per line. (u«ll»^u8evonfin 1 Bonne» Fowy. u—! DIRECTORIES == _ Churches. par.siiYTKP.t an - tKelth SiinrtHy ofeach Regular prcarhln* services every Äitern«!«* Eun da y iMornliitf ul 10:80. mid *imo evening at 7:80, Sunday school *1 11.30». in Rev. o ri WILaON, Pmrtor. qatholtc KeguUr service»on Sunday school, every Buuduy «t U :.*» :1>. Rkv. FATHER KELLY. C'lflor. ' KTROblST EPUCOPAL ÄÄ mlü.Oi a,». Rkv. L. N. B. ASDKU H>N, M ■ no i'«s_ ciopiii« LjJkp, no i.o ft ii.rii •very Sal unlay evening ms \ imtin« tiM hen frsttirBNtiy iubiicd. s m. Balkan, N. G. Wm. VtuGuskeu .ScPielory. KBEKAUÜKOEKE...OO.F. Vlsliltu KtUcknhs cordial* y luvitcil. Ml»*» Mabel MjN.cvu, N. G. Mr*, s». D. Tayloh, Secret»r>. Secret Societies. iSONIC Humicr II., hula* stMiptl ineetiu.m« fV«ui(ig «• the mouth Bojouruiu? Mainer Mhious qu«lined teroully, luvlted lo vu,U M' Fèrry Lodpo. N (t 4î, A F. A A.) ihe hibi Wedon-day r he/ore m full m* Hi» 1'EMi.Y MKi.DZR. he n«ry. o R N10UTS OE PVT 111 As - Acme I No. l. r >, K. of I*. MlOOtl Hi rylUlau i 1 tii 1 everv Thucidii/ iveimig ul h| o'clock. Vieilli. : k ill»: ht» * \w W omc. L. f.Boykkr. (. c. e . u Lmi.»;, k, of u. cv s., R ATI!BONK SISTERS— Crehcut Teniptc Nt. 10, moct*» wet y oilier Krlilny eveuiu? in Kuigltt* of PyiiunH ha t. VIlIUuic member«luvllea. Mis. K. 1. J.irnr.. M. K. r f . Mus Pn K i i:. t — NCAMTMICNT I. O. O. K Koou.iml (jump N*» 25. 1. O.O. F., nu'(".> ÎNt nn-l 3nl Mouduys of the ih'goi. .h k V ibiliUK pMlriarehH ci.rainliy luviitx». Medûury.o, P. " . s. CurU», icilb*.*. NlGHTd OF TH K M AGO A lîhhS— Koop'iitu Tent. No. 20, K. «>. T. M., meet . ry uUeru.sie Wednenday evemiiü ut Kii'clnek VlMtftiR .iir Kulant* r- Al'bTüN. E , II. L K .1 1,11., It. K iiiiihU r L adies of 14IK ma<xjab«es^ Norm ${*r uive, Xu. 14, L o. T. M., meet* «very nUe r a:ile Wediiob'Uj'^-Vciiln;: ai tf o'clot k VUIUIIK 1-Mrti.-Httlwa)b ««»rrtlBlly »uviied. Mu*. IIaubikt J:«kjky, l4i<lv t ommaunler. Mius. iiMM\, Kecord Ktu-pcr. A.f "mmlï t».Ritiu< iic. v. g. K. L., i tun. is sick iioeus— Qi 1ST , MU 1 Host'S Hi 4 1*. iidjiA > from *9 h. on >p( I. to li cpl •. mil i-l«™ ' 1 til elOfCh lit 2; H» I*, iu. Il ud H J». r.i. I I'orihlli nmilclostwHl 7 m. in. SVesilMiuii i <>opel Monday, V. «days mul Frui : V. G(K';K, JR., r«slniîi;*U*r. A NEW % line of General Merclia' dise, ineluding Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes and Notions, and other lines too minerons 3 STOW Creeds We carry a Come in and see us and let ns prove our assertions. We not only have a aiicntiu'U. Our Goods arc bought Right'and will bo sold Right. Our Stock is New and Fresh. \Vc*ean positively Undersell all competitors. New Store and Now Hoods, but we arc in a position to (piotc you New Prices n Business Location : For Sale : A G. H. FINROW & CO. {.ruth ««f I*. O. Two f). Main Street. IU M. A. I'KDEHSON, Mngr. The Best Business Location in Bonners Ferry, including Business House and Lot,centrally located on MAIN STREET A Snap! For Further particulars enquire at oflice. 44tf Where I>o You Cat? - Fresh Oysters any Style, any time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. McMurtric £* McGinty, P/oij i* ! 1 IONS CAUSED SURPRISE ; Reformers Win in Newyork and Pensylvania --Democrats in Ohio. j The eiff year election returns I Governor over Herrick by over j were full of surprise. In New York j 30,000. jj«Clellan was reelected Mayor by Nebraska went Republican by) a slender majority of 31H5. but ! 18,000. llearst, munieipal ownership cun- j Maryland will require anolUeial didate, claims gross fraud and will ! count to determine the contest. The àntî-Monnon ticket ■ I i won in W. T. Jerome was redacted dis- 1 Salt Lake, trict attorney in New York, over both Democratic j candidates, as W Mayor Schmitz, union labor, was and Republican reelected in San Francisco by 12,000! also Til'd S. i The Democrats control the Ohio . 111 Color, president of tie' hnrrctiglt of i legislature. j Other states voted about . i former years. ; j °hio to the surprise of My swung into the Democratic * !1 {I'oltllll 11. PaULsOH Was I'll'Ct«?»! " on * ; Hrocklin. as everv ! Philadelphia the reform I ■ - - - -— Houston will Retain his Beat. j The following is the latest in-, j formation relative to John Doua : ton, editor and politician, and ce- ! ! c<'iitric Mayor, and member of par i, linluent in British ( «minima, a ; character wMI-known in Idaho in; | . . 1 i early days. The arm o is taken j i fr011 ' t,icNoleon Dallv N, " >: 1 Although John Houston, now of Goldfields, Nevada, has resigned the mayoralty of Nelson, in justice | with ! t .l, m*:nii*inal intor # *<t.rt ; 10 HK.IIH 1[M1 HU-I -H which, he had l/ivn so intiimitoly indentitied during the past 1! years, his resignation of his seat iu the British Columbia legislature does not by any means follow as a It has not vet! matter of logic, been received j McBride or M r. ! nor is rt on the wav. either by premier (speaker Poo ley, ; When the members ol li»t house , , , , , . arc next bfoiitf lit to^<'lher i or the , , . , cU^putcll of UUSlIlCSS, Ull!*'. ; 1 . 1 thing unforeseen develops to upset T' 11 *.Urh* Mr 1^* ''»plat'O 'b ;l1 " 1 i"oimeIn«tie memher for Ne son ! will he found in his place, ever l be reckoned a doubtful quantity, to discuss the interest-) and ess of the Kootcnuys, or to proviilc the wolaonie laugh; and lo be a thorn in the llcsh from which the gov ernment of the day (of which he narrowly escaped being a member) 1 had imagined itself p rm.neatly delivered. Vour correspondent wrote recent lv to Mr. Houston at his new Ne I vada home. It was mentioned that speculation is rife through British i Columbia as to whether he intoned resign Iris parliamentary honors or to return at the opening of parliament to represent Nelson, ! continuing so islatnre, i dangerous annoyance by«' his itnrs, hv grace of the Indep udencc of Parliament Act. " to do during the .ses s remaining of the present leg as he cou d without (ho ; SIO Knowing John Houston to be a champion and admirer of blunt asked, j intend to resign your scat in the j local legislature or will you come Rack for tin l diretness, h was "Do yon 8es ions of the home until the seat is vacat l i» the ; natural course? I should like to , use a direct answer.'' ll was less i than a week ago that this letter i was written and today th ; answer came over the W estera Union wires via Tonopah : '■[ do not intend to resign. Ton lean make story. (Signed) John Houston." The - ii - *, Mr. II ouston will be indicative that; , to discharge the parliamentary duties the electorate of Nelson hasdolçgat ed to him, and give new color and animation to sessional life along quite exceptional lines. -.1 deck , , . In another column will be found an itemized gtalomcot of the con The very Uhtion »f the town finances. [ e l )< | ,r i t ^iry in « 1,t altl, - v co, I ldlt " n * lialanec on hand of *2209.40, and tins notwithstanding the fact that there was expended during the last quarter *709.73, over *5UD of which ..... . .rj , 1 ... was exp'iiueu on mo sirens. Most of the money in the I treasury has been derivctl from licenses, although Ihn item of lines figures np to a tonsbleràble sum. The amount received from flues 1 r : August was $110; September, f 192; j October, $189; total, $-197. money was collected as conducting gambling from the occupants houses. . . , i lx* * financial Btuhiiviit makes a ........ very creditable showing for th to " 11 - 1 his j lines for j games, and | of immoral' 1 ! criticism to be There is but one offered, and that is not a criticism, but a matter of opinion, and that is that there should he more money oxpciulfl in llu* way of improvo meets. If it is intended to spend more money o i the streets,Tet us have the benefit a< soon as pos sihlc. V/ARUIH 11. L. V/HITMIY HERE Dropped in Wednesday to Great] Old Neighbors E. L. Whitflev, warden of the State n nit *nti;irv 1 *■ ,!ay and Thursday, imikin irt 1 on oM nf ' dil i>r?c, in the at Boise, w a Bonners Ferry visitor Wednls-I a soei town where lie and his family re sided years. sided many years. Mr. Whitney eamo north on court business, being a défendent j n damage suit for $lO,C'(.iO,grow j ( ig out of the arrest of one ILS. Taylor, on a charge of having held up Nick Brown's saloon at New in September, 1904. p u l, plaint ill was in The •ustody nl-uut 21 hour.-, and Was released for lack of id.-ntiliojition. his tw pa rtners w« ie brought back and bound ov* t . r to the grand jury, but were rea leased on writs of habeas Ta vlor corpus. bim.-' lf brought suit for |nl s o imprisonment, came up for trial this week, ami 1 he cas uftcr hearing the evidence the jury brought in a verdict in favor of Mr. Whitney, without leaving their seats, on instructions from Judge! ..lo IT !r. Whitney returned Thun day, i, to' convey two prisoners to the penitentiary, suit on to I I t)m; prison-. r war- the 1'ullman porter, Lewis, whe goes up fur one year for u young lady passenger. Mr. Whitney is giving the state a spleuded administration of liisj oflice. both linaieiailv and in dis eipline. There are 192 prisoners in the institution at present, al though there have been as many as 2t>2. Mr. Whitney has not lost a single prisoner since taking charge. single prisoner taking charge. : — — - ■ JBAKKBE3 ASSEMBLE III FEEE.Y Ecuacrs Ferry the Mjeting Place of a Congress of Bankers. Bonners Ferrv had a congress of Bankers this week. They did not come on call, it is true, but were' drawn h. re by the natural force of j financial gravity. „ _ , . , Bonners ferrv is probably the . *, .. . * . . largcst town in the Northwest with e , (iut a hank. Ihe Llhalu 1 .a: often called attention to the pi> cndnl • " n opening litre for a bank, men have been here in numbe flir hut this week they came the four quarters of the glob bent on occupying tlie field, opening is an attractive proposi-' .. , , , turn, and we onlv wonder that ' some one did not discover months ago. Among those here this week were \\ . D. Baxter, of Watertown, S. D., E. F. Uopp. of Lind. Wash.. J. \'an The some cause passed us up, in from e, each Volsör, of Colville, Wash., and *V. 11*. Mahoney, of Watertown, S. D. All are men of ample mean«, and it would bo a valuable acquisi tion to the town to secure anyone Mr. Halfter was the first .of them. ; of these gentlemen on the ground, He having been here last were' was joined Thursday by bis bus iness associate. j the Herald that they have leased the Ilolli ger building and will Thcv announce to j ■ open a state bank tvith a capital of I •> 15,000. i Mr. VenVelsor, of Colville,came in earlv in the week and interested of the $ 10, a number of busines s men who subscribed for 19 fi r cent stock in a state bank with a 000 capital. Mr. Copp, of Lild, was the last lie A\iis t prepared to capital to îirnve. 'open a slate bank' with of $15,000 but tluj other financiers (had made such headway with their a propositions that |io retired from ! the field, very uimlb regretting that I he had missed suLh a promising : opening. j As the matter now stands, there j fore, Bonners Ferity will have two j bank«, where the* town has been | praying for the pilvolegc of one, Quarterly Treasurer's Report, To the Honorable Trustees of the Villagt ! Ferrv. Board of! of Bonners The following ij a stall im" t of the money which Î have received disht rsed und . din ing August, September and October, 190 lo.eo in RECWW. Au«. 1. Util, mi Imnd ,, 3. I'eddlcrs Li«i j.-' 6. FI Î I on ' ;;ti.t) 7. Pin,« la i A. J. Konî. Un™ 11 . IA A. ,1. Kent. 1 -îî;. - 11. c Ijaty ToMimriT li. Sawyer, Ro.c* 15. 11. sawyer, «hic K». A. J. K eut. ITi. ^ l<. A. I. K eu: El ;.cm 401. iîo.op i.. t it X (.do la.oa i. ' II. 8tt\ryer, fttutl tux W. 11. S.lV.viT, ft). ■ID.00 A. J. Kent, Fin A. J. Kent, rim [>l 11. 12 A. J. Kent, lo. • II. bttwycr. H, Su wye iu 15. I iu ri.i lux I. A. J. g . A. f. K« is*** ,f, 4..00 12. œ 30. K - lit. HU. A. .» Kent. Oct. 2. IVddlers 1, 3. li. Sawyer, o. County Tri a» .. U». It. it, 11. 11. If. 1 •.( ■o am i show lire Jn.'. 1 ..00 •i H. Saw y ci 13. I'AIU '.M. in. ■y-, li. s lUo.f 13 Total Uc«.*tij*tH DlSIiÜItSEMKNTrf. \ug. IS. I'. hav. y tiny Vi «. Win, llurkf, eh s. II. li rK* r, work on r, »upplit s M \andcr, ret*. «Uh 1 •o.. supplies . ycr. s ilary 70.UO ii:ic drift F. J. II. 11 tit; W. A, *.». li. M. us. to 21 . i'.ry, InWor li. !.. »Ufii >rk \. Brink street A. ill-ii.eslt Street Oct. j I.AU 7. F. Htmgl Hum*, timber •:l.t I. street work o. n. p. A. Ur ■l tuet T. ( - | I! II. Wl 11. .1.!.. 11.1» til ii. .in j. i n ., U. C. . H ,. Ill .1. Wi r .. 17. Wl IF, K. F.nto .. 13 . H.tfaw 21. F Unat:ln n 1. street work .. in. \\ Rl«)tls 21. A. Ki*. i t F. UoHKlrtiul C.8. Hock. lt ding i*r. Ul.lX) ilar y ■ S Hock. .1. Iluwki: F. ilo.tgl md. Htrect vurk •l 2«'>. A K loin* 2*L L. Walk in •treet work rork Ik.3 reel 28 J H II upland. in i work in 1; A. Audi . IIS , cs. o r. tin, (QJi) Total l>m> Hal. Total Dated, Nov. 1. 1905. Respectfully Submitted, E. L. Littlk, Village Treasurer. tt» |21»?.).iH 122« Imnd Nov. 1. j —Snaps! Snaps! Bargains! Bar . , , , , . , ,, gains! Ask to see them! Manu ... , facturera line of sample vests, . , , , , . / .. . ' , . , .are selling these samples at than actual wholesale price. 1 a l'31ow and . Bundle was lost off of a load, , , . „ ' the wagon road between Bonners p orr y !UH t p ry creek. A suitable reward will he paid for its return, " r f°r information leading to recovery. A roll of blankets, with a quilt outside, the bundle also containing pair of rubbers. ; tiger s. , LOST! LOST! u T. W. Muxs. 1M1) Teachers Examination. Notice is hereby given that an : examination of all applicants for teachers' certificates of the first, second and third grade, will he conducted at Ratbdrum, Idaho, Nov. 21!, 24, and 2ö. Examination sessions will begin at nine o'clock! a. in. each day. 30th day of Oct., 1905. ; Dated at Ratbdrum, Idaho, this 11. C. Lobehs, Co. Sup t. ho, Nov. 25. Teachers, remember the date, ! Nov. 25, at Ruthdrum. Meeting] ' " id be called to order at 10:30 a. m. At this meeting several interesting Teachers' Association. Meeting to he at llathdurm, Idn paper« will be read, and disons ! »ions will follow. The special fea tare of this meeting will be to out line a plan for the Association for jibe year 1900. Let everv teacher feel especially invited to attend this meeting as it ! will he very important. Program and special announcement will foi low later. R. C. Eobehs, Co. Sup't. j —For fresh fruits, candies and j vegetables, go to Nutt Bros.' Con fectionary store, located in K. P. Hall. ! — Incorporation papers were til id Nov. 9lh With the oniity und I itor at Ralhdrnm and the secretary 0 f state for the establishment if I bank at Bonners Ferry. , corporators are: Messrs. Similis, ! Kinnear, O'Callaghan, and Jones, of Bonners Ferry, anil Mr. Van in ! Velsor, wno for some time lias been ■onnocted with the Bank The in ' l> ville, at Colville*, W'aOi. The new a com hank will be ready to d ' mereial and savings hanking 1ms I , 1 mess ns soon as the necessary pa pets are returned by the State Bank.Examiner. 1 * — MacMillan pants which took , so long lo get here, have* just ar At»v size vou want • rived. œ ' M oure's. -—Any foot can he fitted in shoes ■o at llollinger's. i : IN Real Estate y. whlli* I'll 1 will V. is tin* titm 1. 1l<> iillmi" to ti Ihujh* list If v. l?row. Look in a lu'Hlthy fliniat'.*. Or «lo a Ku«)d lnvc»tim*iili/0««k •mi (o innkc • r my Harrain in FARM and CITY PROPERTY An Ideal Stock Farm, land, nil fenced I. 1" lu Will be Kidd n cMttlo tiTi.l ur I70UO I. I'i nil U .1 Just Diit Cheap, l Upland; will cut - gi Orchunl. guml .1 M.'. loi n ' ! i t from U *•11 improv id, 1* L&ls in Riverside Addition. ■S J w ill K 11 . » lois in Uivt the inst* IImo . and (10 tuT mont 1$. Tin ON K HI... k of fin* l'*' A-Mit', g I « > v !- H » « I tin .ti It . Ht ki »•If a it * Hero is a Bargain. Room IinHsc nn»l I0«crc*»of grouiul. sold the iiiMuliinciil iilan. |ûüL*H»h lie fr i riling Iioum*. Good Heme Cheap. ! sl.illjin ni {*lan. (ID down, balance iu iiuiiilli ly i»ayim*!*is *16 )■' mill, W oui, I mi good I* Will -o n yt.1 L<) Here Is A Bargain, S7 lan«l In Koutt-iu Ul l>: »luth f bCKt d< '• : Valley ; i*.l cut 12») l«»n< Railroad. I" red : i ■' K A Good Hay Ranch, ill Cl claw hay nu'dow. He Iron» Kuilr (I0U0. irsl ! 1 Q 0 ton« *•» hay. siHÜon. Iinprovod. J'rl« A Bargain. ;*> 12; «ill» Yell till. PlNiicr. K«lg Trice (2UW. : Tin n«l i ir. Ti II. T. Kiigliic. Fcr Sa ? e. (huerai M«Tchrtn«li>c TJu.-lii ith biih'cnii'iii. « 11 hand. «<■•-! u ..or.-« innrov,i .,...i , m'. n , iô,V « iu.ii N" l iïiVllh. legr loi M R. K. Trit Hi.* Stock Farm Cheap. 1 ciuh.M.l with ' pat T ■■ on its 4 Bargains on Main Street. Kent gnoti Flore T.mMi km! Sul« Mini three I .«•!». Tr ingh und throe h»l>. 1 eu*ll. iTwui, 1 ; charge >UU 0 per cent cuminlssluu on u Sale. F**r Sul« llh hiiihliiiRb Tu. hx'iitio! id.) .■ * 1 : ■ hall 1 A.j. Kent, Real Estate, and Jufttlce of the Peace. BONNERS FERR/, IDAHO This is the lime of the year when it is necessary to Our Shoes Combine have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwiar. Style and Quality Most of our Slices arc made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the W >rld. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower than they should be sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. t Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. VVi tali especial attention to our FINE LINE of GROCERIES, and wo make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. $ C.C Mercantile Co [I. 1 M 1 T !•; D] ■) furniture and Undertaking CARPET», FRAMING, WALL PAPER, PICTURE LINOLEUMB, WINDOW SHADES. LET US FIGURE ON FURNISHING YOUR HOUSE WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida. ill T, A. Bishop, M. D. T, J . Jones JONES &. BISHOP DRUGGISTS \ Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Idaho Bonners Ferry, M I—jWfi WHi ' —lll! II ■ 11111 I IW1WIW11 EKy Che Bonners ferry Cumber go., Eul HAVE WYTHINO YOU WA T IN THE WAV OF . DIM EXSIONS. Steed or Rough m y GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROB SIDING. SHI FLAP. «•'LOOKING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. TI Let ns figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. ■4 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds Bonners Ferry Lumber Co J