Newspaper Page Text
The Bonners Ferrv i NUMBER 20 BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1905. FIFTEENTH YEAR. BonnersrerrvHerald EST \ BUSHED IS 1W!. the pioneer newspaper OF KOOTENAI COfSTT. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor ren mb « 1.00 One year .... PI* moulin . 0 HATES: five* cents per Une nt legal rate*. ADVERTISIN' Local reading notices each insertion. Legal Not lot Hates for Display imvertlslng made known on application. Varda «{Thanks. Resolutions of VttfSDect ami similar matter five cents per line, r the«ih Sunday of parti I Entered at th«* Post Ofllcc ut Bonner» Ferry, (de bo. aaBooouil ('1 Matter. DIRECTORIES Churches. P RESBYTERIAN — Regular preaching service* every alternai© hnndiiv morninjr rt and » me evening at . Sunday school tl 11.80«. it tv. O. ri W Î L>0 N. Pastor. C AT IIOUC— Regular services on Sunday school every Sundayal 11 ■ Real FATHER KELLY. Pistor. inonih. «. n.. ETH0DI9T EPISCOPAL— , .t> so'T^'^uu.uv^h^ ■ IL^.ÛÎV £ w'"s«^d« •*io"uj «. i*. R«V l. n.'b. axusr-ov ^ M Secret Societies. ASOKIC- ilouuem Ferry Lodge, No.48, A F A. M., buloHmilled mcctiugami Us*- i*hi Wt-dm-.-d.iy evening of Ike mouth on or hefoiea fu^l moon, j B^onmluic Mister Marone qualified arc Da Icrually invited lo vitit M Dene y Mkudjr. Secretory. ; _ ,,l n!>'.iliV l.L-. siLt.o.G k.. meet«I every Saturday ovt uIur at 8 o'd'o'k. Vi.-iDns t»ro'Ucrh fraternally Invited. H M. Batman, i K.Ü. Wii. Vi.nUuskeu .Sin iold y. O I R ksekaii hlgree, i. o. o. f - I.ovitl Btlxkali Lixlet Nu. «. I. O. meet * crcry TiK'«l«y ovciHii:: m z.w o'tlnik. VUUUb «KbckHhR cardia»? livlicü, Mi-.< »UiikL M.-Xjui, N. U. Mr». S. I). Tayliik. Secretwry. . F. MOUTS OF I'Y I IUAp A cme l.oil;{©, No. 1 •, K. of I', meets Di HylhUu ilali every Tour o'clot.k. VlMlitng iviiliîltiH !.. K.Boykku. c. C. h. L. LnnK, K.of H. .v s. K IfUiiillR nt fc •s welcoim*. ATIIBONF. SISTERS Croheot Temple Nc. 10, mwts every other Knlîîiit» of Pyilila» hail. Mrs. I*. 1 . Limn, . M. 01 It. mul C R Friday evcnlu«: VlMiiim inembi r- luvllt ti. M. K. C: , MlM> I'hOLM-A Kill: i E ncampment i. o. o, k. Kooieiail Lump No. I O. O. t .. Inland 3rd Moudutr*«f the moniî. et s < VlaUuiK pHinurctiH corUlali) mvlud. Mcdhurt ,U, <k*, NV. s. C iriin, s nbu. k. 11. L K NIOllTa OF HIE MAIN ABEL» KooPUiai Tern, No. 2 t>, K . O. r. M., nicutt ©very alteruuU* Weduewiuy cvpuidi; al ShVhu'k. VihiuiiK Jir KhilH'.- uiv.ujtn *■>' CaUhTON. (dnimaiitlcr Ir li. W ai.Li.u, K. K' ; L adies mn«K maccaig i North Star Hue, No. Hi, L o. T. U., mcele every ftltcunte Wudn«hd«y oveiiin;: uf h «/clock, i VUUiiik L««lu» aluuy» « '»ulia.iv iuvi .-I. Mit' j 11 a k Ri k r KxKiiY, i-Hdy » ÜXMA Taylor. lUmul Ivor ;st r. nmutiiT. Mite. j I ! ODERS IHiotlMEN ol- V! • ;• i 1 N Mill Sum lump, No M Monday < E. L. Llifi-k, * .na. M \V. A., j •flllmi, ( W W. I (hccIh in WooUroou 11a*11 \ iMIlllg Ni'ltfliD* : l KUDU V« HU, S . U. rtUVd}» ostokkdt: hoi ks Oftice open« tu 8 u. i «'ACfpl^ dikIiv' 15 . Open 8 uhg 1 * p. m. KuK'bo'-.Hl mull <■ >Ve«lbouud mull clcK k nt CopclNUti IM.nhlU d Momluy», WwIiu'wIhv» mid .uni cl om' 8 u 18 p. m., ■ I « « ; 4*1 j'. lilt'.*» at I K.CoOK./li.. rohlmubler. NEW SI O-cccLCS j ! I Wo carry a line of General Merchandise, ineludii g Groin ries Di v Goods, t kithuig, Goods, Hats, Shoes sind other lines loo rumeruus to. , Furnishing and Notions. i , mention. Our Goods are bought Right and ; will be sold Right. Our Stock i* New and Fresh. We can positively Undersell all competitors. Come in and see us and let us prove our assertions. We not only have a New Store and New Goods, but wc are in a position to quote you G U 'CTlUDDIXr Sr CC\ . H. rllNKUVy 6i LU. New Prices " Business Location DUM11CNN EUCcUlUilUinv ♦ V™ Ç-aï/> ♦ ♦ fOr DcllC ♦ f p. o. Two Doors South Mai« Street, Bonners Ferry M. A. Pkdekson, Mugr. The Best Business Location in Bonners Ferry, including Business House and Lot,centrally located on Where Do You Eat? Fresh Oysters any Style, any MAIN STREET A Snap! For Further particulars enquire at this office. 44tt time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cufo. McMurtrio L. McGinty, Pro|irictuni. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND NEW BANK j i These New Additions to Bonners Ferry Glory enough für one Week. . . , , . Bonners Ferry IS the lariTfst RlKl . . . . . . ' x . tl most important town in the North west without electric lights, tele phones, water works and a bank. That a town of this size, and where the valume of business transacted is so great, should f>e so lojig with-j our modern improvements is one of the unaccountable things. ' Hut the dawn of better things is at hand. The electric lights will be turned on tonight, and telephones, and water works will come as sud ,Jenl . v 08 the bank * U " !ls thn,1 8 ht a f '"' wtuk8 ilgo that lllr water works proposition had been liuanc but it seems that there iS temporary delay. It's a good in vestment and capital will discover ed, goOD. . As ADnOUHCCd 111 tllCSC ColumiLS - Teachers' Association Meeting R. C. Egbers, county superinteu dent of schools, announces the fol-' lowing as the program of the meet ing of the Teachers' Association, 1 fit Rathdrum, on Nov. 25: j morning. ' Coln -Paper— 1 ihdpoint. _ . „ Opening Discussion — MisS lBS-l NiMiTON, Go urd Alone Noon Intermission, 12 M. AFTERNOON. Call to order, 10:30 a. in. Introductory Statements ty Sup't R, C. Eobehb. Mcetii gs Prof. R. II. McMillan, Opining Discussion —Miss Mar tua Hare, Rathdruin. A Teacher's Paper — Prof. O. R. j Teachers' . i Shkrn, Post Falls. Call lo Order, 1:30 p. m. Apportionment of School Money — Sup't 11. H. Barton, Cœur d'A lene. General Discussion. I The new Cour.-o ut Study — Prof. G. A. Hi king, Harrison. ' * Ramsey, Lane. The ]j!iw for delinque: t Chi d ren— County Att'y E. R. Whitla. Openiug Discussion-P..OF. G. W. Spœkuy, Rathdrum. j Closing 4:30 p. m. truck by a Train. mployed by the Great Northern, «and working with the crew near Katka, was struck by the K. V. logging train Thursday evening, and seriously Frank Campbell, a bridge car pouter of tills j>liu*(% m J UIVtl - accident occarrod The between town and the mill. Camp bell was coming into , . .... 1 ,u ' , u V ' l' u> hmg a Liain ot ears atieau. A >«*«">"»">• tlie front tlu ram earned a lantyn. and amp bel1 al '° hafl ' l " ö " many persons wahe the track aUhat peint with lanterns, amp ■ •. e\ tly . d,J " ot ,ot ' 5 1 * e n l'i ,r ' ,u '' '' ing train. The brakeman saw the danger when the speeder was only ji car length awav. aim called lo .. . . ... , ,. . Campbell to jump, which he did, town on a bat too late to escape injuries. The car struck the „speeder ns was tipping over off the track, and Campbell was picked up, having 'T TV' V 1 ' " l; *" /' ' badly he is injured was not ascertained. He was taken to hospital in Spokane on the next The C. C. Mercantile Co. have recently had constructed a valuable Fine Fire Proof Vault. acquisition to their place of bus iness. It consists of a largo, fire j proof and burglar proof vault. The I vault is large and roomy, aceom-l 1 modating a large safe, besides plen ty of room for rceotds and such! i other valuables as should be kept : in safety. The vault is built so lid masonry from the grouml ; to a level with the office floor, above which brick is used, making a wail of ample thickness, fitted with latest slvlc of doors. It is a verv fine vault in every parthmlar. : i,, . , 4 . . .. j last WOfU tllC tCWH , -, , . t , and possibly two banks* ! Velsor authorized the Herald to| : announce last week that he had ! completed the organization of a hank, associating his own and lo cal capital in the enterprise, j articles of incorporation | tiled, however, as staled, but the gentleman is reported to have gone ; to Spokane to purchase a safe and hank fixtures, 1 Messrs. Baxter and Mahoney is to have one Mr. Vui - ; The were not , i n havc als0 requested the Herald I» {announce that they will open « j hank in Bonners Ferry, and that * j they have go:.C out to buy bank fixtures and attend to the business j lof incorporating the institution. Banking facilities in Bonners ( llTO, therefore. ÎI CertaintV. Establishing Logging Camps. The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co. is establishing two logging camps for the winter, in addition to the camps that will be put in by con tractors. One of these camps will | be on the Movie and the other on the south side of the Kootenai. They employ about 50 men. Ed Gilson has a contract from the company and has established a camp near the Moyio springs. Occupy Now School lie ass. There was no school yesterday, it being moving day—moving out, oIUje ol(J Pchoül h ÜU , ( . into the I A fol ,., o{ lm!n aro bm J , . , , , . • placing the school furniture m the 1 a . -, new building, hchool will reopen Monday morning in the new j school house. j i Eut EonneiT Ferry don't Object. t - _ There is a lot of dLsatisfaction :U th ç little towns along the Cor lblJ P a J master of the consti action "ork w Ll not cash time oidcn- at any joint but at I oh tiers lcn\. One day recently a fellow had f'>r- ! ty cents coming and when he sold i bis time order at Elmira the met chant who purchased it found that . he could not cash It Without going ! to Bonners. Ferrv for the purpose, j j paymaster is that by paying off the men at Bonners Ferty ho can | better keep in touch with the work ing crews and secure their services , after pay day.—Pend d'Oretlle Re- | I I 1 I The argument of the construction; view. Of the big mortgages ou rceonl 1 ^ jg, )okane ,. oulltv auditor's! Ulat filed Wednesday from 1 ^ Spilkauc l„ternatiomiI Rail way oompunv to the Knickerbocker Tr ^ t WI| >a ' of Kew Y o:k ^oq.OOO stands near the head of the list, says Hie ttpokesman-Re-11,800,000 y ., w The contract recorded Bay8 tUat tb „ ru |i roa a company lins re-1 , , , , solved to issue bonds at the rate of mm , a mile for the full extent Each bond is for Iig Mortgage. t-mm iS Vahle eemi-annually,and lllsltllriv: in 1; ,^. T he lUing fee collecU .a by the auditor'""** vvas jjqo.öo. ... Clothing Sale. ' Wo have 112 men's suits which we are closing out at half of its road. $1000, and to bear interest at 5 per ■ to hear date of 1905, the interest upon Thev an their value, of . Hurry before the best numbers * a ° ur tinc * aits are gone-Moore Bros ' the' —10c grade of outing flannel, 8c. 12J« grade outing flannel, 10c. At Hollingcr s. $30.00 suits at $15.00. $20.00 suits at $ 10.00, $ 10.00 suits at $5.00. All new goods bought this year, Bonner Mercantile Co. SENATOR HEYBURN. All Efforts to injure the Senators Standing will prove a Failure. Senator Hoyburn has gone east attend to some public business' interest to Idahoans, and will found in his place in the Senate when congress contâmes, more determined than ever to wage his light for the best interests of his stale. For the past six months a most persistent effort has been break down the prestige of Senator made to The onslaughts have Hey burn, been as terrific as they have been have been the Boise Statesman,| persistent. The nuilium^of attack the Spokane Spokesman-Review, and the Porilnnd Oregonian, real assailant remained under 1 he cover, The motiv. a for the war on Heyhurn will develop in duo time, un j[ wlien it cloea it will he found that it has to do with political in- 1 r jg Ue an d th< cupidity of big cor-1 in opposing 1 creation of forest reserves in Northern Idaho, represents the porations. Senator Heyhurn the wishes of his constituents, wishes to live alongside of a forest No one at,l c t0 !li * proposition favoring the reserves. reserve, the boundary line of which ] marks the et d of '•civilization and ixpan-j sion. Sentiment is so pronounced upon that subject in Northern Koo-j country, Senator Heyhurn would got every man and woman in this devclopment and bars all tenai county that if Senator Hey hurn and Senator Dubois would come up here and canvass the territory to sign a petition to restore the Priest River Reserve and the proposed Kootenai Reserve to the public domain, and Senator Dubois could not get a single sign Lu this matter ol forest reserves Senator Hcvbqni repre interests and wishes of hi c.ijsti its the tuents beyond all question or ar gument. Senator Dubois is now engaged i a herculean effort b* get hack nt0 t ] 10 Uupuhlican party. (>1)j , H , t U commendable, but'it is to bo r grottt 1 that he chuld not have conie out j n u nioro straigtfonvard ni!inneri rather than truckling to | 1C a d m j| 1 i s traliou ; and in mis leading the President as to sml i u Idaho on this subject, jj :l d Senator Dubois with the Hi» great prestige cf his office aided .Senator lf jp.yj.urn in his opposition to the extension of forest reserves in : Northern Idaho, it is altogether UUcl v tl »at this {great inj U ry*to our i have been prevent ed Repeal the Commutation clause j un(l t(l0 ximb.-r and Stone Actif llt , C6Ssar v, hut give North Idaho ; towns and settlements a chance ; , ii in i , grow and expand! All honor to , e - , {senator Hevlmrn for making the - Hght for the is-oplc! In co-mcctiou with this forest >' suhjeet, there appeared in "'o press dispatches a few days ago a statement that applications '«en bled with the Interior Department for the purchase of acres of forest reserve land, (probably timber) audit has been frequently announced that the ... rta *<»• .-.„„i«»:..,, 8<>\eminent was formulating rules" whe.ehy the timber could ; able to buy any of it? The forest reserve policy is Hu effective scheme ever con i ceived to prevent the common peo I pic from enjoying their heritage) and to tnrn that heritage over to !.. .. ,. . . . ; Capitalists IIOUI the inception the scheme, when the leu land steal was perpetrated, down to the . .* . 1 _ .. present time when it is proposed the balance of the will he the pur chasers of this timber? Who will Wh f»ui\-c* the money but the .corporate uiterests ! Will poor man be a -Snaps! Snaps! Bargains! Bar pa i ns ! Ask to sec them! Manu facturcrs' line of sample vests, blankets, hosiery and gloves. We are selling these samples ul less than actual wholesale price. Hol-| to ''reserve' limber lauds from the common peo 1 pie for voriioraic greou. to be par celled out to the capitalists as suits their convenience. finger's. Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that an examination of all applicants for teachers' certificates of the first, second ami third grade, will he conducted at Kathdrum, Idaho, Examination Nov. 23, '24, and sessions will begin at nine o'clock m. each day. Dated at Rathdruin, Idaho, this 20th day of Oct., IHOo. H. C. Eghers, t'o. tsiip't. —For fresh fruits, candies and Hull. vegetables, go to Nutt Bros.' Con fectioiiary store, located in K. P. Special Sale. We have placed on sale Seventy five Boys' Suits at $1.75 per suit, tIic-kp suits are dark colored and winter weights and are sold even where at $2.75 to $1,2'. Our price your choice , at $1.75. — Bonner Mercantile Co. — Head in at llqllinger's when you are looking for the best to he had in men's and boys'clothing, shoes, shirts, underwear, rubber goods, bedding, hats, gloves, over all*, jumpers, trunksvalises. - --The C. is the leading family ( 'rover. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL, Maintains unexcelled service f r „||, i| )e W est to theeuetand south Making close connections with trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice ol routes to Chicago, Louisville, Mem phis and NewOrlcans, and through* these prints to the far east. • travelers desiring in formation as to tlie lowest rate; and best routes are invited to cor respondcnce with the fulluiving Representatives: B. H Trumbull, Commercial Agent. 142 Third street, Portland. Ore. J. C. Lindsey, T. F. it P. A-, 142 ThirJ street, Portland, Ore Paul B. Thompson, Frt. & Passenger Agent, Gutman Pblg., Seattle, Wash. —Any foot can bo fitted in shoes i at llollinger's. ai Heal Estate • i» the time to buy. while Priées \ ill continu" t«» • is .WIDU : Ihuniers Ke I ~\ l .^yfôJ i oVV5à"uw*»i , i t t K °'" 1 Li'isUiienl? Look over my Bargain« la h. "„'V«,.!,. »" a' r »> m.oi.tnery. wiute«oid f..r r<«» Just Ciit Cheap. It'D acres of Meadow anil Upland : will cut * iuoh.h. i.i l»>. «n ot orchard, gumi ■. Well liiuirovcd, Hi mites Irom Bonners | FARM and CITY PROPERTY An Ideal Stock Farm. •cd und Lots in Riverside Addition. JArÄ"«.!. clShoi'i" tJm«n«"»;''Ä »'f;-,*.*,*,? ÎVxïMhfÂo» Ä'" ' n Ft Here Is a Bargain 8 Room houM' «ml IOiutcs of grouml, eol«l tin- iiihlulUnt-nt plan. I.tOomkIi it ml «l* r » i»«*r ....»nth. ]» ' 4 mile from »uw mill. Wuuld make good bout ding house. Good Home Cheap. Will v, n you acre tracts or larger stnllmcnt i>Un. «10 down, balance ly uaymema. i ii th in Here Is A Bargain, , s j Slock Farm Cheap. ! 820 ncroR inprovrd land, 5,„, ; „ ,,,i, „Ht cut 20 / 1011 « hay.purt Timothy. iiiu.fl 1 irrhiu.l «ml auuil ruiiav tur milk. On.* j. Ha ..„..h Price «soiw. I ^ut iwum« i;«y : Railroad. Privé fi.'AW. 1ST acres of best mcUow land in Kootenai : will l fenced ; good house and b • mile from station ami A Good Hay Ranch, j • first class bay medow. will out Railroad and 120 : se mile fr« •rice «1000. «>1 hay. I ! Station. Improved. DHJ A Bargain. rered ilh Yellow PI Tamarack and Fir. Saw Mill. Flauer. Kdg Price 12000. 320 acre« land, c H. I*. Engine. For Sale. General Merchandise ItuaincM. St«*r.- lOxQO » grouml. 920U0 »it«K:k U. K. Price I.mjOO. with bn»© on hand, good location •nt. 'I oiislufcd with 4 Bargains on Main Street. For Safe nr Hont s"««' Wore ButWlng for W:M). 3 good fektloon Incatlons with httlldingi undthm Prie*- ii:«ocauh. Twoiuim thre * ,üt "' ' ' 0t ' U 1 l bave »everul good rolinuuUhmunts ou haml J 1 1 ..ti will bo »old ©heap, «'all and look th« m ■aber. I will advertise your lint It with me. I will a bale. j over, a lx a 1 property Iree, U y charge you 6 per coni commis! a.j. Kent, Real Estate, aud Justice of the 1'cacv. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO SHOES This is the time of the year when it is necessary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Shoes are made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoo Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing hut the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower than they should ho sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We call especial attention to our FINE GROCERIES, and we make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. LINE of C C. Mercantile Co [L I M 1 T E D] furniture and Undertaking wall paper, picture framing, carpets, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES, LET US FIGURE ON FURNISHING YOUR HOUSE WILL GUARANTEE TO BAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners ferrv, Ida. BE T. A. Diqhop, M. D. T. J. Joncs JONES â BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Idaho Bonners Ferry, liEsSS) ClK Somt?r$ ^erry Cutubcr Co., Ltd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Sized or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHI FLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. L E Let us figure with you when in need i f build ing material of any kind. % Finishing Lumber of all Kinds farmers Fern/ Lumber Co J \