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The Bonners Kerry Hera Id NUMBER 21 BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1905. FIFTEENTH YEAR. BonnersferrvHerald ESTABLISHED IN 1*1 THE PlONfctR NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI OOCNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS - .5* Oik* year Six ra>uths advertising rates Local rending notices live cent« per lint each insertion. Legal Notice« at legal rule«. Hates far Display advertising made known»-«, application. Cards of Thank*. KcaoUti.m« ot I Respect awl shntUr matter Arc cent« portlm. . . '. oidcotODIP^ DIRECTORIE S C A RritauEiicrvioei on ihoiih Kiev father kkliy p„,o, -U-utly ETiiODitfT KPbcoPAL Paradise V» iley—Kvery alternateSunday •triwp. a. s h lid« v k-i.oo. f.vtry Buucirt' si ll:00ii in. Notlh Side—Every ultcriiNte 8no> duv «I it: 00 *. in. sundiiv hwtii every ^uuduy, Rkv. L. N. B. ANUfiH-OS, Dubior. Entered »it tlie Post OfHoe Idaho, h» S econd Cits» Matter Churches. P RESBYTERIAN — Kôÿtiiar uroMi'bim; nervlm every niterimtc tiundttv TDornltnr nt nml s»me evening at r;:tu. Sunday hchonl tt H no •». m Rkv. O. 8. WILsON,Pastor. M n 1 U.U) ». »oiuiens Kerry i/Mifje, No,«, a. F. & a. U.,'lioI(i8 (Aafcnl uieoUux«ou i be Inti Wvdnv'd.iy cveiiittK of the nmiiih on or liefere ft full moon. H.iournln« Ma«ior Mmfouk nunlitied mm f»a uruuiiy mvitcd to vint Henky Mbudsb. SeorcUiry. un EFI10WS Eio,iuu L ians.Nci sryi.n. r, r*.. m.s-it every Saiunlny evttilo? ni S Vi-.uii. hm hei. fr.ieraniiy invited. 8 m. bacthan, JC.ü. Wm. VLuUaskcu.Sucaelfiry. Secret Societies. M o KBEKAII DKÜRKE, I. II. O. F. Loyal Kpbekah LcmIvc* No. 1.0. O. F. liu*o|a orciy Tucuiny rvfuiii« tl Ü.IK) o'l '.'I biii, f; Ht'bckNhn t orUiaHy i-vlic«L Mahkl M.'N'm, N. U. Mr*, .s. u. Taylou, i; clo* k. Ml.-s NIGIITSOfTHE MACOABLKb Koovuui Tent. N«. îft», K.O. T. t*vrry altoruuie We»lue»öH.v eveuiii»; mi ho'cl«»t*k mIwmjk it.viiui (>t< ■ roua.uiodcr j«, ii.'Av xLkt.H, k. k* -ijurcd I ADihsomnK MACCAHKK6 L. North Star »im*. No.iü.l. o. t M., mecu every altcniAle Wwlnewlny év«uluis ut H i/vUmjk. vutiiuK jxttin-8MiAMy» roritiaiiy iuviw*.j. Mi*. Jl.\H KiRT JCKiMtY. laidf » ouiiuawder. Xln*. » Tavu>r, uwmd K«vi>vr. _ M ouees woodmen ok amki-k; »— Si**r Ouui{i 4 No. fVltSU. M. W. A.. meet» iu NNoo.iiiu'u liait every Mimday tvi-niuu. S Inning Nt-UMibAir« aiwuvs nolcoiue. W W »AHbKK-iiK, v. c, t. !.. i.mi.».. I .cm, Dtrreiai MOUTS OF i'VTIll Aa - Ann** Loilj;«*. N«». IA, K. o( I*, moot« li. i'ythiHu itiii w.-ry Tuimdnj » vouIiik m s o ulnik. \ isliini' iviiixflitr* always vvi-lr*orm*. f„ F. Both gu. (. c. k. Li ttlk, o i a, »vs. R atÎihom-: Si STERS— Crvbeui Temple Ni. 10 , meet* every other Friday eveotug m Knigliu* t»f Pyihlu» I)» i viuuug uiemben* luvitfil. Mr*. K. I. .Lirrtik M. E. C . Ml»» CIiocIk* Mineur. M.<»i R. aiiu O K E ncampment i. o. o, k. Koolfiiiii Cuuip Nt». 2-i, Î 0.0. I'., mcflh lav» at (hi* uioutit ai b o'clock. U. L l?i nn >1 Snl M Vieltmg pmnarcli» oordluiiy liivtito. lledtury.C, P. W. ö Curu», St ilb«. K ViKillDK .> I : a i'htos. . an T P OST <0 KICK HOCUS— UftU*e opt #*xcepl phikI.i' h. Ope y p. ni, LiiKib«uiKl mail < !*♦*<.•» M'enlbouiid mall cIum'» hi 2 t'opelHiul niai l*«nhUi Mouduyt, Wcilucwl«)*» uii4 niUny» Î. F.GUOKJtt.. I'oHlnraster, 1 CltlM'hMl S p. Ill Buixliiv* from ti ». m. lo h, b a. m , 12. »0 f). It . Htul b ]l. 111. at 7 a. in. Where ©o loci Eat? Fresh Oysters any Style, time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. McMurtrie C* McGinty, I'ropriclorH. . - i j , Clothing Sale. We have 112 men's suits left which we are closing out at half I . 1 aïoônn tn-nn j $10 tH) : $ 10.00 suits at $ 5 . 00 . ] goods Kaight this year, Bonner Mercantile Go. All now — 10 c grade of outing flannel, 8 e. 12 jc grade outing flannel, 10c. At Hollinger's. For Sale. A jtair of fine work mures fori Alamo Colony. sale. -The C. €. is the loading family Grocer. THE ILUNOtS CENTRAL. Maintains unexcelled service from the west to thc east and south Making close connections with] trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice ol routes to Chicago, Louisville, Mem-J' 4 >his and NewOrlearis,' and through these, points to the far east. 1 travelers desiring in-j formation as to the lowest ratest. and best routes are invited to cor-. t espondence with the following Kt ;>rtsentatives: B. H Thuubuix, Commercial Agent, 142 Third etreet, Portland. Ore. J. C. Lisdsev, T. F. «t P. A , 142 Third street,' Portland, Ore Paul B TnoMi-suN' brt. & Passenger Agent, Bldg. : Seattle, Wash. Any foot can be fitted in shqç si Hollinger's. LAYING STEEL ON CORBIN LINE Rails Expected to Reach Eastport, at the International Line, today. rp * * - ... . Iracklaving Oil tho bpolMUlO cV T . .. , „ ■, ,, ,. 1,1 R,,h " , J' «• ,V„ .- , I , , .. , |pec<ed to reach Eastport, the new town laid out ou the American side of tho Inlernatioi.ftl hue today. Tins covers the Canadian Pacific 1 ho track will probably stop temporarily at Eastport, as the « ^ PW »«1 -1 to .permit it to proceed. At ' * r . .. 1 . .... Hasipor-c the Corhin people will lay 1 11 J link of twelve miles. " An Exciting Time. The home of Conductor Geo. 1'. Tow ne was the scene of a very citing time last Tuesday evening .... , , , , WO 1UIV6 ;i 1 hoard lilt* OXpn .. . ... ^ a cat tit, but Mr. ;i <1 Mrs. Fowne . . , , • experienced the real liana. . ., , fainil v eat went wrong about 10 i>. ' , m., before the family retired, and j j ; « x- non, I ** u ' commenced running and jumpi. g | as thougii pos 8 o?so(l of Old Nick. I Mr. Towne was sitting on a chair . . : mlus direction and attempted to scale the ceiling just over the lamp, struck against the wall, and fell i i ... . ... .. , , • , t bUCK, UpSLlt lllg tilO lamp, Wllich 1 . o-• i . i .. rp , ! rollod down along Mr. lowiios in | • , , , member. lue on commenced K , . . . . . , i to leak out and take lire, but v-r», L P . . . . , 1 owne with rare presence of mind .. , , , , and bravery picked up the hu»l> ; and threw it into the yard. In the . . * j lîieuntinio tbc carpet had taken lire, , . . • and it required lions to extinguish the liâmes. It was very fortunate that the results were no more seri us. near a stand upon which rested a large Rochester lamp. He was ut- terly helpless, as one of his lower J 1 ' Jjiqbs was done up in splints, Imv three vvook« I 1 K * ing bad his k ee cap broken about ago while jumpi g from a train. The cat made a dive some lively cxer j _ . 1 .- r . i, ,, . . >Uc ' 1 <4011 Inspector D. II. Andrews, it near neighbor, was called over to put the finishing touches to the , ... , lamp and put things in order. It was feared Mr. Towne might have injured his knee again, but fortun j ately such was not the.ease. Hugo Kootenai Valley Potatoss. 1 There have been all kinds of I potato stories in Idaho this year, but wo believe that Fitzpatrick „ i_ _ ,.i -, ... , . i Bros, have on exlubitmu at their Meat Market some samples of po j tatoes grown on their ranch a few , miles up the valley that easily en title them to the blue ribbon. The I . , . . , . weight of several potatoes was III j and 4 pounds, and one went as : high as 4} pounds. They ha-d wo ] special were just a part of the ordinary care or cultivation, but crop. —Ladies, we have the famous Jackson Corsets in all size,-, front 18 to 40. Try a pair once and you j will wear no other. See them at ! Hollingers. ' ' ! Church Notice. Regular church services arc held al thc L U 0 F - 1Ia11 cvt r - y Su '" day Evening, beginning at 7:J0. ' All aro eordiallv invited to attend R. C. Moter, Pastor of the > 1 . E. Church. . , , . .. , P ™'»»*« 1 their suit against the ^y. ^ or damages. Ihe Rail way Co. pay Callahan & Bogle $1000. The damages were oeea g j one( j b y a fire which destroyed . , . „ * , , lr "P camps near . nnfl i-'°i n L the fire being due to a spark (from an engine. —The Rathbonc lodges of the ] state have draped their charters \ n mourning as a mark of respect to their deceased sister. Nhs. Sophia Cunningham, Grand Senior of the Grand Temple, whose death was —Callahan & Bogle have com — Rathael Farnam, residing near Copeland, was transacting business in town last Tuesday. reeent ly announeed. . . . , , OUt a big material yard, where , . , . j tk .°f " n rp 1 mr "I «•."•*■■»«* «■" ">* d « '«<■! . . . . . . mg in largo quant,ties and is '•» mg stored at sidotrac is along the G. P. H., until as the material yard is ready to receive it. E - IL Ro,,2rts » superintendent •»£ construction, was out over tho line a few days ago, giving the contractors hurry-up orders. I he weather has been favorable and , , . good progress has neon made. 1 ' Thinks well of Ecnnars Ferry. Charles (!. Reeder, of Spokane, owner of several line tracts of land in the Kootenai Valley, arrived ; Tuesday and remained over until Wednesday, on business connected | Avilhhis interests I fa com -1 here. pnny with A. J. Kent, his rep resentalive at thife place, ho drove I out t<) lali0 ¥ome personal observa- ' ^ ()11<5 1 Mr. Rocderhas great faith in Bonners Ferry. Ho thinks it onlj T a question of a few years until our bench lands will he cleared and assume considerable importance in an agricultural way. Those lands, with our great valley, the timber industry, our transportation faeil itieB) alK , uther a ,l vant „ g es, arc bomi(1 to build up an ini p or , tant , , n. ■ n ° nnCra «1 n„ |w»lînv»*c ll.«W tlir* *ll. IvtuOf l»< liCNLS tiU « nu . n i, n iM .»ml mvn ii^ lou il ougtit to huila and ou ii its .. 1^-1 ,.* . own wntei m stem, declaring it to j ,, f , ir .l,..,,,,,. • . bC lüï Cheaper ill UlC long 1 till. T . i lnM1M 1 11 IbRALD OCilCVCS tUO lOU eo,»IU finance the prorÄsitiun. , 2 for a nickel children's school handker 1 i Additional Locals. , K' " 7T X ' having buffered a paralytic stroke Tuesday about noon, chiefs at Hollingers? His iiealtli has been very poorly for s -veral months. He was reported Averse we go to press, and bis condition is , such as to give Mrs. Carlton and ! his many friends great uneasiness, 'ntunnan, a -'*n of A. * k" atcrman - ftf t ' oni l^ nR ' d b - v Wlfu ', ur !' 1V, ' d , - vt ' 8tw | ay ° n to relatives here. They will con- | —Janies K. Dolan, the customs inspector, has been ordered to the International lino to attend to! a visit .. tinue on west to the Ralouse. . , , .1 . , (he customs business nt that place, mainly in connection with the en try of twenty-odd train loads of of the Spokane & International. «tee) required in the construction — Mrs. C. I'. Sheffield, cashier for the Great Northern Railway Co., in their office in Bonners Ferry, went to Spokane yesterday, expecting to return today. — Hen Morrow has accepted î ... .. . f> .. iiofiuon with the Homier Mercan-1,,, i.., .. . i c tile Co., taking charge OI the ... Malehouse huSllVCSS. î • Mrs. A. r. A nms arrived from o j . ii . . Spokane on Wednesday, returning ion Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Annis visited their ranch while Mrs. Annis was here. ca ted at Burley, Idaho, a flourish t own j n the irrigated belt The Burley Bulletin mentions Mr. Melder prominently in connection with the orcanization of a lodeo of n» »ni. organization ol a lodge ot Oddfellows at that place, he hav ing been elected Noble Grand. He — E. W. Wheelan, Esq., was ca ]ied to lUthdrum during thi week, to defend two alleged "boot " g ' Friday and is conducting Services at the t 'atlm' ie ehnrelu , — G. E. Melder, son of Judge! :tml ;, Irs . Henry Melder, is now lo was active in Ofldfellowship while in the North, and was a member. <»f tiie Bonners Ferry lodges, clearing both clients. Rev. Father Kelley arrived THE FIRST STATE BANK. — The Name of tho New Banking In stitution of Bonner* Ferry. "The First State Bank of Bon ners Ferry" is the r.#me of a new financial institution organized this week to do business in Bo mers Ferry. The incorporators are W. I*. Mahoney, \\ . D. Baxter and J. l. Monks, of \\ utertuwn, S. D., and A. E. Rickerd, of the Bonners Fer I „ j p Ü1U | |j T \! « wire irf r > LUIllUer Lo., UUU L . 1. Atoorc, Ol Mooro ta, of««». The oopiul .took 01 , 1 « instilu tien w to bo $15,000. Itu qrticlts of incorporation are all signed up. , ., : utU re of Mr vlonks who u at present in California. Vlr Mahoney returned Tuesday {rom Spokane wher o he placed hit or j C r for bank fixtures. stitulion ....ii commence business a , , oou a * tll0 building can be fit- t » nn.i «i.n ted m*, ana the legal requirements tlQ .. as to incorporalii g COIIlplICU With . .. . _ • .• , ineluuing the examination I)\ Hit. ' The in state exanurer. The bank will be located in the iloliinger hui ding, .Mr. having made the purchase o{ lh V properly on Thursday, pa_\ ing •f 1200 cash for the same. Air. Mahoney and Mr. Baxter are the organizers of the institu They are highly impressed lion. with the outlook for uonners Ferry. iiotli Mr. Mahoney and Mr. Bax ter are married men, and they will bring their families itère, between now and spring. qq ■ i i 1 lii.s il «13 DCCu a VtTV busy your . . . , in the land department. In ad- | dition to transacting the Laud CommisBioner Munson Here, Hon. Chas. J. Munson, state land commissioner, was in Bou lters F erry last Tuesday on ellietal business. He was accompanied by Mr. Hadley, one of his iteUl work ers. ordinary bustm ss of the departmet. select Ions to the extent ol over 210,00U . ' acres have been made, as against a little over -100,000 acres in the 10 years previous. Then, again, each legal subdivision has been careful ly inspected and its value dett rm 1 iued before filing, wllich lias not always been the ease in the past. . .... ' U BhouId ^ Uru in mlntl a,8 ° that | scleelionB are much more difficult' j t,, make now than a few years ago, been because so much land lias as'thrown i.ilo forest reserves, and jollier lauds settled up, leaving so] | UU 1 C 1, less desirable land to select from. , . . .OF. MunSOll litis (JonionstniUTl i his seleel.on for ocmmtss.onc. | was a particularly fortunate one, .. j having liandletl his department j with energy as well as good sense hind honesty. He is making ! splendid record. | 1 Special Sale. We have placed on sale Sevent* - five Boys' Suits at $1.75 per suit. I These suits are ilark colored and , willtor Wl . illllts aml aro Rol d evert : ! where at $2.75 to $4.2 your choice | Mercantile Co. | j Our price at $1.75. —Bonner Presbyterian Services. I T . . • , . , 1 llitGri-Stinjî revival services have • »ii .j t . . î been lielu at the l*reshvlenan , . . . . , _ church each event c tins week. Dr. ... . , . , ! U are will remain for several day*, . v preaching tomorrow at lü:ttO a. m. * «- .j.n *« , » ; and i :.3u p. in. lie will also preach . . A - .. n „ each cvcm g at < :o0, until Ihurs , , , ... . day,, when he will preach our Thanksgiving set mo • at 11 o'clock " la. m. The citizens of the town are their stores and askeij to close shops in time so that all may at ! ten<1 the Bcrv,cc - . — Simpson Gloves for ladies are noted for their excellent wear and perfect fit. We have them in all 1 colors. Hollingers. C all 111 and see them at M. £. Ladies to hold Sale. | ... , . » , sale Of homo cooking:, ladies aprons, The Methodist ladies will have a etc., at Alexander's Furniture Store,on Wednesday, November 29, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Cook Wants Position. A first class Japanese cook whnts position in Hotel, Restaurant, or Camp. Enquire at Royal Uest Charlie «fur., Bonners Ferry. Ida aurant. North Side News. Miss Wray who is teaching school in tho Honker district came down Wednesday and went to Unthdruin to attend the teachers' examina tion. Owing to the il lues of our tench or, Miss Dawson, there has been no school this week. jj Ferbrache, who lias been confined to the house by an attack again. 1 M,. ,„ d Mr.. C.rr.U .„.1 chil.l „ « „.hi,,« ( W|1 , irL , y^iting at ilie Hooker rancl , Mrt . Carratt is a flam-hter f «, , V, r n i e of quinsy, is now able to be out Mrs. Signor has sold her sawmill to Mr. Hannah of Washington. The machinery was shipped this week to some point on the Okanogan ri-1 [ ver, Wash. Mrs. Signor also sold her house to Mr. MeCrcedy who moved his family into it this week. Mrs. ; Signor left Tuesday for Spokane and the Coast cities. ! ] The Steamer Errand Boy is mak- i"S''egular trips down the river, bringing back haled hay, powder, etc., for Winter, Parsons & Boomer. Landquist, a nephew of ! Mrs. Covert and Mrs. C. I). Howell, C. E. | arrived last Saturday, from North He expects to spend the 1 Dukota. winter here. j The Shields house has been rent cd by D. T. Daniels, of Daniels A 1 McKiver, the railroad contractors. I McKinzio Edwards, a former j resident of ibis place, but who for j nearly three years has becc serving j with Company 1), 19th Infantry, j at Vancouver, Wash, visited a few days the past week with relatives here, vt r. Edwards was married Oct. 11, to Miss Jennie Lind ot Colville, Wash. Wood For Sale. j \y c !lrc j, re p a red to deliver wood i iu t 0 | U)wn at thü foüow ; • I tng price; a | i) rv Tamarack, 16-inch length, 3 Ricks for $5.25. Call on 20tf Osler & Mustard Bonners Ferry. j ; Real Estate so] Now is the time to buy, while Price* are Ixmv. Homier* Ferry I* growing ami will eontimi« wm nt » home Look . . . in » healthy climate. Or do you want to make a good Investment ? Look over my Bargains r FARM and CITY PROPERTY An Ideal Stock Farm, •atiow land, all fenced mid improved, good orchard. 10 head of cattle ami all farm machinery. Will be hold for f ?000 Just Dirt Cheap, TM It f rno and rjdand; will cut <*i hay. ■» am* of Orchard, good *, well Improved, 1C miles frogi Bonners « of Mead ICO too t. 11 K " rr> Lots in Riverside Addition F<»r 'Jü day* I will »ell 20 lots in Ulvendde Addition alfCO each on the installment plan, : flO down, and fio per month. The*« lot* ! within ONK Blof-k of (he Depot ground*td the Spokane a International Hallw ay. Don't over* I look a goo<l chance to get yourself u home.* Hero is a Bargain » Room nouso ana m acre» ni ground, nom , nil the in*tnlimeiit plan, 9 -*^ cash ami | 1 '» per. month. I* ' 4 mile from saw mill. Would make good boarding Iuxikc. Good Home Cheap. . wm m-u yon s iwre tracin or urper l Stallment plan. »IO down, balance in ! h payuiom». Here Is A Bargain, & IS7 acre* of best medow land in Kootenai Vaiuy. «»i iVmed; good house ami bum; 'eut 120 tons hay : one mile from station and Kuiinmd. p r iee| 2 --»o. " 4 1 in month ill A Good Hay Ranch, ■in first rl.ii ■«low. «ill rut Ka il road und hay one mile fr« Price 91000. A Bargain. I. > j 100 ton» of hay, ' ilh Yellow I'lne, •res land, covered l Fir. Saw Mill, Plaiur. Kdger, Price 9'JOU". TMiuaruek iA) IL P. KugiliC. For Sale. I General Mereh»mdi*e Business, Store 20xi'<0 • aero ground. 92»»kj *tt»ck K. K. Price 92U00. basement, on band, good locution Stock Farm Cheap. inj»ro\cd land, all uood board fence. Bll? Harn 7u losed will» Mca i dow land, will cut * 20 »» tona hay, pari Timothy. ] Good Orchard and good range lor cattle. One •e 9*000. V . half cash. 4 Bargains on Main Street. Kent good Store Building for 2 good Saloon location» with huUdlnm» ami throe Lot*. Price caah. Tw»»bulhl ing* and three lots, one half imereti for 9£*i0 a>h. For Sale a taw» 1 Pave several good relifXiuUhmcnts on hand that will be »old cheap. Call ami look them ill advertise your list it with me. I will over, also remember, p roper ly free, If 3 ; eharge you ^ per cent commission on a Bale. or BONNERS FERRY, A.]. KENT, Real Estate Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Jubilee of the Peace. IDAHO •Ml SHOES This is the time of the year when it is necessary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of onr Slices are made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in tho World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and now and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower than they should bo sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We call especial attention to our FINE LINE of GROCERIES, and avc make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C. C Mercantile Co [LI M IT E D] furniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PIC 1 UR FI FRAMING, CARPETS. LINOLEUMS, V\ IN DOW SHADES r T LET US FIGURE ON FURN ISHING YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGH T. W. A, ALEXÄNDER, Benners feîiv,îdâ. T . J . Jones T. A. Bishop, M. O. JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonners Ferry, Idaho j ! / Che Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Ctd I 1 HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IS THE WAV OF LUMBER DIM ENSIGNS. Sized or Rough Hi * GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHI FLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Lot us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. 4 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Perry Lumber to J V