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The Bonners Perry Herald BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1905 FIFTEENTH YEAR. NUMBER 23 BonnersPerrvHerald EHTAHLISHED IN Mil. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS «1.0ft .SO One year . Klx months ADVERTISING KATES: Local rending notice« five cents per Urn* ♦ avh ItijDTtlon. Lcgiil Notices at legal rates. Hates for Display advertising made known on BPplioation. Canls of Thanks. Resolutions of Respect and similar matter f ve cents per line. i Dl R E C T O RlESl - ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ — . Entered at the Pont Office at Bonners Ferry, Mrtho. a« Second Cl is« Matter. nnESBYTKRiAN- I P Ucgtii«r preaci.tuir «ervifMcvflcy alternate j Bun iav mortiint .' «i «mi seme uvtniDg at ? w. Sunday ^hooi uH .% a. n. , Rev. O. 8. WILsON, Pastor. ATHOI.IC— 1 KcetiUf MTV ir«« on the 4th sn.idnv ivfonoh * Sunday school every Sunday al 11:80 rev. father kflly. Pictor. ASONic_ u , hoî?". u .u™ t naetiow« iteUM wJuiptfey ! turuaiiy invited to Mei „ eb secretarj-. Churches. c month. h iu. M ethodist kpiscoi'al Kenulnr Church Service« are bold nl the ■ 1 O O. K. H ill evtry tiimlrty EvcmIm^. bt gln- i niux .t 7:30. Ali «re vor.iiu.iv invigd to «t 1 lead. Kev 'll C. MOTEU, 1'a.tor. Secret Societies. M HI) FELLOW'S— UiophU Lodge, Vo 36,1.0. G f.. roeet« every Sutunluy ovcuinjr atH oebutk. VImiiur H ro.heiK fratcrenlly luvllod. S M. Batman, K. O. Wx. VauGaskeu .Seciotary. O EJÎEKAII DEGREE, 1. O. O. K.— l.oyul Kcbckuh l.odpe No. H3, I. O. O. F. 'do* k. Ml*8 R jnveu «very Tucaday € voulu g ti ti.UO o VIhIiIa.^: Kcbekiih« rcmliHlly l 4 vlie<l. Mabkl MjV cvu, N. G. Mr«, h. 1». Tavlom, ëotrel»try. s ü 7ii tmTf I'YThTa.-» - Acme Lorlg«, No. IT», K. of ('. luceU lu HyihtMQ Hall «very Ttnmduy cveuing «t h o'doik. ViMiUng Knight» «Uvhv« weleome. Î,. F.Boykrr, C. L. I- Little. K, of K. Je S. K R ath hone sisters Cr«M'ui Temple >t. 10, meets every other Friday evening ta Knight» of Pytln«« hutl. Vitiliog momberH invited. Mr«. K. 1. Little. M . £. C , Mis« i'hoobc Kiuioar. M. of H. «nu C E ncampment l Koou uhî Cm nip No. 25, I. O. O. K„ meet» let sad ;trd MouiImv •» of the month mi H o'elurk. VlBitiug pHirnirt'liB eordimly Invluo, U. L. Uedbury.C, I*. VV. S.Cnrti», iciibe. O. O. F. NlUiirso. THE MACCABEES Kootvuui Tent, No. 2U, K. U. T. M., meet» I V» ry RlletuMlo Wetlueuday evening VlMtiiug .sir Kuigut« nooiys invited. Cab* »ton. K 8 o'clock. G» < . K 11. NN ALkhR.K. K umuder L adies of hie. Maccabees 1 North titMT Uwe, every alterant« \\ «dn«Ml VlHitiUR Ltnli«» • Mar r i k r Ukuy-, i.Hiy to Kmma I'atlob. Kvnoid K«» per. ÜDEÏIN WcTODMK? 4ÏK AMKIMC V — N;>ith Sl**r Camp, No. H16U, AI. SS. A . meet« lu Woodmen H«il every Mouduy evening. Vl»itiug NvignUor» always welcome. ' W \\ I KKiiUAf un. V. G. t. L. Litt «.k, t mt. 16, L. O. T. M., meet» • evening at 8 o'clock. 'Uuiiy invited. Mh«. muittuder • N : 1' M Where Do Yoci Cat? Fresh Oysters any Style, any time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. McMurtric &t McGinty, Proprietors. — 10c grade of outing flannel, 8c. 12Jc grade outing flannel, 10c. At Hollingcr's. For Sale. A pair of fine work mares for sale. Alamo Colony. — W. F. Jones has accepted the management ot Bridge Contractor Skinner's sawmill, located on the Northside. — The Bonners Ferry Baud came out Sunday evening and played a number of selections, enlivening Main street. Our band plays very nicely. I lie members all regret to lose their leader, \\ m. Smith, who left Monday for Palouse to accepta position. capable manager, and a new leader will be selected at tho next meet-1[ O. J. Randelin is the ing. —Any foot can be fitted iu shoes at Hollinger's. —Simpson Gloves for ladies are noted for their excellent wear and perfect fit. W'e have them in all colors: Call in and see them at Hoi lingers. — H. L. Carlton is still in a very critical condition, there being but little change to report. —Geo. W. Martin, in charge of the construction of the S. & I. R'y bridge across the Kootenai, informs the Hehald that he will be able to complete the bridge by February 15, if he is not delayed hv the non arrival of material. The bridge timbers ordered from the Sound have been arriving very slowly, but the material is coming faster now a d no further delays are an ticipatcd. The iron was shipped! from the east some days ago and will bo here when needed. This shipment is coming over the G P. U., via Kootenai landing. Contract or Skinner, of Spokane was here during the week, looking over the no ' HEYBURN OPPOSES i Sounds Note of Alarm against Creation of a 4,000,000 acre Game Reserve. ' GAME RESERVE Washington, Dec. 4. —Senator Heyburn today issued the follow* ing declaration regarding the prop- OB h* on °f l * ,e K am<! wardens of Id- )>■)'>, Montana and Wyoming, to 1 ereilte a monster irame nresvrvo ,,f create a monsur game preserve or a nm rwi • ,, • 4,000,000 acres in their respect vc . . .. . states. The Senator says: 4fr , . . ,, I desire especially to call the f 1 attention «t the people of Idaho to 1 1 . . the threatened fiancer of the prop . . f . 11 osed creation of extensive game preserves. It is proposed by a ,, wardens being hold at Butte, Mont., that a reserve containing about 4,000,000 acres lying partly in Id- j all ° anJ l lartl .V in Montana, shall be created. About twothirds of thisjed preserve would be in Idaho. The danger from this proposition is more serious than tho creation of forest . . , .. . seif-constituted convention of game reserve« in that it emphasizes the restrictionsof forest reserves against cither settlement or enjoyment by the people of the state. I desire at tbis time to sound a note of danger ai d call 'or serious consideration ; of the question by the people of Idaho. There is a sentimental fea ture connected with this proposition that may appeal more strongly to REEEKAHS ENTERTAIN. Loyal No. 43 Visited by President Agnes Swinerton of Wardner. Mrs. Agnes Swinerton, President of the Rohokah State Assembly, visited the Rebekahs of Bonners Kerry duriu#. U>j> wwk i«r>4 <m* i*fircft5îtf??l by Loyal Totlgc' No. '13: on Tuesday evening, large attendance bf members of this, probably the strongest secret organ ization in Bonners Ferry, and the There was a number was increased by the pres ence of several sojourning members. After a business session, at which officers for the ensuing tenu were elected, President Swinerton de livered a very eloquent and pleas ing address and instructed the mem bers In tho secret work. Upon closing lodge, a banquet followed, which was one of the finest spreads ever served in tho lull. The ev ening was one long to be remember I otherwise. ed by the Rebekahs, socially and President Swinerton made u most favorable impression upon (lie members of the lodge. Her gentle manners and earnestness will cause her to be beloved by Rebekahs whereever she may visit lodges. She has been an officer in the Rebekah Slate Assembly many years, and has leid opportunities to j rea ch the exalted chair of Pres , ffient on two previous i hut each lime stepped aside, saei ; (icing hcr perso ) nl ambition in the | interest of some other sister that I this nobleness of character has ma de her many friends in the : eeinhlv. occasions, K h e felt deserved rccog ition, and ns The oflieers elected for the ensu j ing term follow : j N. G. — Flossie Bauman, j V. G. — Sarah J. Melder. ( R. S—Emma Taylor, F. S.— Ellla McLaughlin, j Treas.—Dollie Bruce. Trustees—Adelaide Medhury, Blanche Sheffield, and Emma Van ! l,aB ^ l ' n - ! _ Mabel McNear is the retiring i Noble Grand. Mrs. Swinerton while in Bonners | Ferry was the guest of Mrs. S. D. ! Taylor, ] ® e M ar ried in January. . M r- and Mrs. 11. S. Leo announce Uie engagement of their daughter, Nina Laura Phillips, to Samuel G. Yoder, of Bonners Ferry. The wedding will lake place in Jan uary.— Pend d'Oreille Review. Mr, Yoder is one of the popular office men in the employ ot the „ . .. „ T , ' j BOl,ner8 ter 7 Lumber Co. * --Have you scon those 2 for a nickel children's school handker < bi<4s a( ILdUnger-? to the people of the east than can bo estimated. Contempletion of a vast livid for recreation and amuse- ment to which they could go in . .. , , . ,, , their leisure time, will undoubtedly . . , bring strong support to this dau t .1 . .• serous measure from that section . , , • . of the country where people do not f , . • , , • . . , • ., feel particularly interested in the e * . building up of our state." n Hcprescntati ve V re noli believe«« . 4 . . , « the homestead law can not be 4 . ,, , practically applied to land under the government irrigation projects and will sooi introduce a bill , ,, , amending the law to allow settlers Ion irrigated lands to either obtain a leave of absence from tho titre of settlement until the water is turu on, or to make the lands subject j to entry on the same terms as land reclaimed under the Carey act. He will also introduce a bill opening the Cœur d'Alene reserva tion af cr a Hot ing lands in several ty to the Indians. About 300,000 acres of available land will be open jed to settlement if this law passes, Mr. French will also introduce bills for several public buildings. Representative French today drew a scat in the extreme rear of the center of the Republican house. Ladies' Anaml Bazar. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold their a'uiual ba zar and supper, at the I. O. O. F. . D( c. Hall, on Wednesday evonin 13, qpenmg at 5:30 p. m. The supper will also be served at 5:30, u-tl lite tunricnl jmjrrwa tv.»! 1 .eut alSTM. Admission free; supper Procecds to apply to the cost of shingli g the church building, A cordial invitation toall to attend, 25c. The musical and literary pro gram, prepared by Mrs. \V. F. 0 nes 4 will be as follows: j ! Selection Orchestra. 1. 2. Song Quartette. 3. Solo - Mis. F. A. Shultis. 4. Recitation — M rs. F. A. Dot by 5. Selection —Orchestra. 6. Solo Mrs. Geo. Kendall. 7. Rec. Mrs. S. M. Bauman. 8. Solo 9. Selection Orchestra. 10. Recitation—M aky McNkak. 11. Comic Quartette. Monster Mountain Lion. Jamcs McGreevy of the Bonners Ferry Lumber Co. tel « of an ex- j citing chase and capture of a a i tain Lion, near their camp No.2, few miles out from Bonners Ferry. While driving out to camp Mr. Groevey and one or two'others came I upon the fresh tracks of the lion in i The dogs were put ; upon the trail and chasad tho an- ! imal to tho Moyic where it was | treed. The hunters came up and shot the lion which proved to be 1 one of the largest of Us kind ever i killed in this locality, measuring 10 feet, (i inches from tip to tip. the new snow. Grave Danger Averted. A bracket supporting a coal oil lamp in the barber shop in the"! bar room of the Hotel Casey broke yesterday evening, and the lamp fell and bursted. The oil caught fire and made a big blaze, but the Haines were exstinguished, and no damage to speak of resulted, occasion gent a thrill of terror up and down the street, however, and will sufiice as a warning in the unprotected condition of the town. The Tho engine toat would be of great s,TVlce m case of il fire - but seems to be a lack of interest or encoura „ pmcnt {or .. vo i, mtppI . (ir „ 0 ' , l t "P ar,nit ' n t to make use of it. Would it not be well to call a meet ing and see if something can not be done to organize for better fire protection? - T , , —Ladies, we have the famous ! Jackson Cornets in all Fizcs from 18 to 40. Try a pair once and you will wear no other. See them at Hollinger-. town has a good fire Railroad Contractor Wedded. U. T. Daniel«, of Bonners Ferry, the well-known railroad contractor, was married on Wednesday even j«ng of last week, at the Presbyter Iian church, to Mrs. Minnie Myrtle Ward, of North Yakima, Wash., Rev. O. S. Wilson officiating. The bride arrived on the afternoon train and the marriage took place the bame evening. Only intimate friends of the contracting parties were present. Mr. Daniels is at present engaged ,. , m completing a grading contract , ., a . f T . >or the Spokane iv International „ B'ulwny, having work on both . , ,,, , , , .. »ides of the river, each grade ending , , , rl 11 lh * unuge. I • conMriuuon . , f # . t » • Cflllip is lOCatcQ JUSt 01118106 ItlC 111 , „ . .. . . , , corporate limits, just below town. ... , , . Ho has a large oUtllt and employs , , e a large force of men. Tho Hbi|AIi0 join8 thft m frien ,j 8 of the h couple in • . • ., , . ' , wishing them every happiness and succe8g j n j Four Men Reported Killed at Tunnel No. 2 Last Night. Just as we go to press word reaches us that a terrible accident occurred iast night at Tunnel No. 2, four miles east of Bonners Fer ry, on the Corbin line, at one of Twohy Bros.' camps. Either a premature,or a sleeping blast, went off in the tunnel, and four men are reported killed and several injured, When particulars reached town, it was found that four Italians were seriously injured, but not killed. Starting Work on Bridge, 1 be ~<nn-»i $**-■<. »m«. Wen *■ 6,1 for tho «»iwtrnetion of the ex ^ enB * on °fh K ' L riy approach, so as to provide a bridge across the Koo tenai River during the low water j season. A. J. Kent is in- charge of the I work and will rig up a steam pile driver on the ferry boat. He states that he expects to have the bridge completed in about ten days. There is sufficient ice in the river to prevent the ferry boat from running and not enough to permit of crossing on the ieo, so that traf j lie across the river is entirely cut The need of a bridge can not ! be overestimated. off. Additional Locals. —William Elderton, tho livery man, lias fitted up a sleigh design j Voun-1especially to accommodate large i parties The seats extend along ^ K: , * |1 ' ^ <>x ) a,lc * ' V >H a * ,m,t JO people. It is just the I * *'' n 8 ^ <>r sleighing parties, i --A largo part of Vloo e's spring ; l, at8 am l clothing' will bo here be ! {„ re Christmas, | Boys! „ . r . 1 . re ' lln ' ,n ' I,ls " n i workl " K al *' arna «' 8 hvery stable, . w.« tafc«« .low.i with typhoid fever i 110 Ut< ! ° t ,|C "t'ek. He was tak onto the (erbräche ranch to be j i eared for. —Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hollinger . ! Get in the game, went to Spokane Wednesday, re turning Thursday evening. P art 'nts until after the holidays. —Mrs T. J. Hopkins, of Everett, Wash., arrived Monday and will \ remain until after the ho'idays, visiting lier sister, Mrs. T. J. Hoi-1 Ungar. —Don't forget that Christmas ; p rC8ent at Moore's.—They have I some crackerjacks. ■ —Harry Melder arrived Thurs day and will remain to visit bis „ • . .. f . , . I ' " ,sa -' : ' 11 Northern Idaho News, 'settling for s 01 »«' r >ght of ways for the Corbin road", from which wc infer that Mr. Walk has secured a position with that road. Mr. W ark was one of the appraisers who assessed ; tho damages to be allowed the ranchers for right-of-way through at their rat ches. The ranchers took an appeal to the district court. ; —Robert M. Wark was in Sand State Lands For Lease. Pursuant to an order of the Slate ! Hoard of Land Commissioners, of the State of Idaho, notice is hereby given that applications to lease state lands will he received by the | undersigned, the Register of said board, at his office in Boise, Idaho, up to January 1,1906. Notice is further given that lea-1 j ses of all lands not applied for at j | that date will be offered at public j auction on January 15, 1906, or as j ranged f< r in the various counties soon thereafter as sales can be ar- ; .... of the state, , , . h urther information cun be ob tamed by writing to the County J J 1 reasurer or to the Register of the . ,, ... , ,, state Tourd of Land Lonunission ers, at Boise, Idaho. By order of the State Board of Land Commissioners, 12-9—12-30 V. S. McConnell, Register. Knights Elect Officers, Acme Lodge No. 15, K. of P. selected officers for tho ensuing i term, at their meeting Thursday I evening, as fol ows: j C. 0.- W. T. James. V. C.—W J. Hoaglatid. Prelate— W. W. Ferbrache. j M. of Ex.—Geo. R. Gray. M. of F.-C. 1). Rowell. K. of li. and S. - S. D. Taylor, M. at A.-IL L, Medbury. M.of W.—T. W. McLaughlin. I. G.—J. F. Sullivan. O. G.—E. L. Little. The retiring Chancellor Coni | mander is L. E. Boykcr. | to buy for a present a visit to our store will help you. Jones & Bishop. — If you are in doubt as to what Lots for Sale. Lots No. 5, 9, and 10; 16, 16, 17, 18, IP', and 20, in Block Nine (9), I Town of Eaton. Address, J-Ames Graham, Cœur d'Alene, Idaho. ReaS Estate Now I« tlie time to buy, while Price« art- Low. J Bonner« Ferry i« growing »ml will continue to i grow. Look over my list If you want » home In a healthy ci imate. Or do you want to make a good invcKtment? Look over my Bargains in FARM and CITY PROPERTY BARGAINS ON THE Buy a lot in Riverside Addition, now j H t },,. time, and build you holl8c . { wi R for twe „ty days] | ot ^ in Riverside addition for $50.00 j on ingtallment plan, $10.00 down hind $10.00 per month. The Corbin llt T ot is onl >' 1{ l ot 'k from these ! lots, you will never buy them ! cheaper. INSTALLMENT PUN a I \ Two Snaps Will make a fine home. 3-4 of j an acre of land; 3-room house, cel- j j lar, Ice house, Barn. All fenced.! ! Price $750. De not pay rent when you can | buy a home ior $300. 1-4 acre of hud fenced, and 4-room house for ' *300. ' 1 n-avuiever«i«uodruiinqui«hmrntsonh*nd 'X', -Ä /'SilÄ 'your ^"5 'pii-'cammisîklS onasiu-" iU ! BONNERS FERRY, A. J. KENT, Real Estate, Deputy Miner«! Recorder, und J lift ice of the Peace. IDAHO SHOES This is (he time of the year when it is necessary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Shoes arc made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower than they should bo sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. | Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. Wo call especial 1 attention to' our ÏTNE LINE of GROCERIES, and we make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C C. Mercantile Co [L I M T T E D] ■4 Turniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PIC URE FRAMING, carpets, linoleums, WINDOW SHADES. 1 LET US FIGURE ON KURN. V, IS HING YOUR HOUSE. C WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT, /. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners ferrv, Ida. T J , Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D. JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonners Ferry, Idaho as 'i Cbc Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Dd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Sized or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SII1PLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. & Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. 4 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Perry Lumber Co J