Newspaper Page Text
Ihe Bonners Perry Herald FIFTEENTH YEAR. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO. SATURDAY DECEMBER 16, 1906 NUMBER 24 Bonners Fern/ Herald ESTABLISHED I* 1891. THE PION EER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOF, Editor and Proprietor TERMS 11.00 Hue year .... iHtill . Pix o ADVERTISING KATES : Local reading brillccs live cent« per line each insertion. 1***1 Notices ut legal rates. Kate.« for Display Havertialng made known on application. Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect und similar mutter ftvo cent« per line. - Entered at the Port Office at Bonncra Ferry, Wahn.«Bornndtn.« Matter, DIRECTORIES ioes everysuematc ; evening at Rlt ' 0 n us.i.ofr. catholic li!L.5r , "iÄÄi't^N^y T .MTÄ "■ „ . " M ethodist kkscopal Church servirai, aw held at tho X O. O. F. Hill every timday Eveutug. begin fling at 7.10. au aro » iiivi»«.d to hi tend. Ubv R C. MOTKR, Pa «tou. Churches. P RF.8BYTERI IS — Regular preach In* Sunday morniDtr at 10:30, mid «. 7;30, Sunday «chool it 11.80 n. i Rsv. FATUKR KH.I.Y, I'HUpr. Secret Societies. A SONIC— Bonners Kerry I-odgc, Nc.48, A. F. A- A. h., holà» saitd nwrUDgmu Ute i«u Wcdunsi.iy eveuiii* o< the month on or heforo a full moon. B'.jonrniu*; Muster rumiu» «{uuiitied ure tm M I'rkvy Mbuitb, Reerctnry. Dll TKI i ows Uto|iUiu LoJg", N<* 36,1.0. f. F.. every öniurday evt tiiu* ni8o cl»«i U. VImoiiu brothers frulerailly iuvlu*d. s M. Kai man, K. 0. O NVm. VuuGusken .Seciotury. KBKKAI! l»h<JRKE, I.O.O. F.— Ixiyal Hi)* kali lAwlpf* No. 43, 1.0. O. F. tnocl*» crery Tucsiluy cvi uln* a Vlultii.* Kobekahn ioMihUv Mabll MjN'aac, N. U. Mn, b. Ü. Ta Y Lon, 8ecreiury. R u tuof k. Miss rr TttimSi' 7 °tveuing Cl f 1 t"g l. FJtoVtw! l t'"'c. K 'K*ï"L«TÜir. y K, lairn: 10, meet* every other I'ythimt hu.i. Mis* i*noei>e MuteuV. m. oi i<. uiiuV cncamument i. o. o. K. * Kootcimi CatAp Nu. 25,1 O. O. F., mrelb utumi sni Mouiiuyuof the mono, m 8 nVi-Hk. Vmitiug palriurehH eonlium luviico. Medbiiry.V, l*. W. S. Cnrti-.' •nib NIGHTS OF I'VTlilAo Acme l.öiljje, No. 1 Pythian Hull K R atuboxe sisters— Crenuat Temple N« . K Friday eveniui; tu KiugiitK VUulug uieiuberM UiVtU«T. M . E. C , U. L nights or "iUK Maccabees Koot.-u.u TB..I, N...ÜU, E.o. r.M„mecta every Wwlucwlny evemnu at Sc . e.ik. vmung jir Kuigllli. lioilot Go. cauhton. cuuou..uüi.-r mi.'Wluio. k j a dies ok Tin-: Maccabees Lm North Slur Hive, No. lii, L. O. T. M., meet« e\'ery alteraate )\(dtieMlii\ eveiilmr .iitto'clm-u. kluitliiK Ladies ul vwiy« rordliilly «uvued. Man. iiAURUfr j; k Kit y, i.imy I oumauder. ?ie». luma Tavlok. Retold Keeper. a., , I nnv , an > time Day or Night at tho Combina- * tion Cafe. t j K M ODEUV WOODMEN OKAMSiMU Nnrtfi Si»r OM.ip, No. 6leii, M. \\. tiled« m WtKKlmoii lln:: every Mmidtiy wt'i _, \ l»iiin k Neighbors miuhvs aeicmiu'. U U. Ukukvi UK, V. C. E. L. Lnuk, ri Where Do You ta5? Fresh Oysters any Style, McMurtriu (a McGinty, Profnidov«. P - HOLLINGER'S CHRISTMAS GOODS ; BIGGEST AND BEST - STORK - IN BONNERS FERRY k Presents Presents : For for Children. Everybody. including Foilet Cases, Albums, Jcwclrg Cases, Fancy cases, Toys of Every Description, Dolls, Necklaces, a beautiful line of Jewelry, Si Ik Handkerchiefs, Fyrographic Goods, Furs Sofa Pillows, and One Thousand Other Articles. Old Santa Unloaded at Hollinger's OU ( R LOCALS The Big Dry Goods Store id HEYBURN'S RATE ; j j . ! The Senator has been misrepresented, and is more Radical than Roosevelt. REGULATION VIEWS Some newspapers have recently been trying to place Senator Hey T, ■ , hum in a false light with respect H is very likely that the views of .j i l . , the President and Senator ftcyburn to '1'° proposed railway rat. I,*..- . lation, and to give the idea tlmt ho „ ,| 1( , re .. k | is not in harmony with the method I prohuhlo that Ilevbnrn believes in . , * favored by President Roosevelt. 1 more stringent regulation than Xhi3 is v „ y U|lf , lir to „... Idaho Roosevelt does. p cnator f or (j,,, rea8on that Pres- 1 Hcvburn and French have been 1 ,» .a , , * I , , .. Hoosevelt has no Bett fed plan extremely lucky tins session in of rilt0 re « ,, ' at,on - lhc 1 Wk ' ,u I securing good scats. Senator Hey- ' is in favor ol some kind of railroad 1 hum has a seat formerlv occupied , . ■ 1 rate regulation, and so is Senator | hv Senator Platt of Connecticut) -, . . . . 1 * , . . , | henator lleyburn, but «H the I res- and is considered one of the very , . 1 , ident has not yet signihed his de- best on the Republican side. sired hill, it is most unfair to say is prohah v the most conspicuous I the Esh-Townsend bill or any other prominent bill of that character. This that Senator Heyburn is not in tic- ' seat ever held hv anv Senator from j *.i .i ■> . , .i vot'd with the President on this the Northwest. ... ,x .i .• « , 4 1 . ■ .i . r .. .. . \ nittitcr. i)ii llio otiicr hand it must a Beat in tliG cento F of t tio K(*pub- 1 be remembered that Senator Hev- ' lican sitle of the House and within ! Mr. French drew I burn lust year introduced a bill for ! a very few feet of some of the dis Ihc control of railroads which was tinguished leaders, $nd also a short considered much more radical than distance of his former seat. Christmas Ball North Star Camp No. 01(10, M. W. A., will give the Christmas Ball this year as usual, it being their 7th annual ba 1. The ball will take place on Christmas night, in the v, /-» T -v .. ,, U. U. r. Hall. be Borvod in tho banquet room by '' . W. Ferbracho, and till under-! stand what that means. The imi The supper will sic will be the best that can be oh-1 tabled. Tickets will be the usual • *. lln . .. ... , price, $1.00 lor the hall, and oOc a ... , ,, , plate for supper. The hall is not given to raise money—all, the mt'nibvrs CftFC for i.S to make OX ' . |içnS68, SO Hint til© F6C6 Will all ' go loifards providing for a good . . . . , tlUUb. IrjvUation is exuiided to n rpj 4 . . all. rhe executive committee con . . e ,,, , » , T .. isists of W . W. Ferbrache, J. N. Mo , , . . . . bracken, and k. L. Little. ö . « t I ... . , , Senator Hev burn will be glad to , ' , . . . send (lower, garden and other seeds furnished by the government for distribution to those who will an ply for them. Address W. B. Hev Notice. burn, 1 nited-States Senate, Wash ington, D. C. Mascns Elect Officers. Bonners Ferry Ixtdge No. 1IÎ, A. F. & A. M., elected officers fur the ensuing year, at their meeting last Tuesday evening. The following were selected: ' \V. M.— H. D. Taylor. .S. W. F. A Shultis. J. W,— G. R. Grav. Treasurer .Secretary E L. Little. T. .1. Jones. flnn.i'inJ Tfon.c oopeuud items, Yip ,,,,.1 \lp„ wi.Ii ,,,, .'IT. .11111 Alls, « lUtllCJ IU\C TP tHrllc d from a visit to Spokane Church cervices at the school house? wore lai'licly nttflidvd last Sunday. One vc»untf 1 idv united , . * s * 5 u with the ehttrrh and will hu bant • , , ,, , , . . ,, izocl by Kev. Adams and formally • , » : received into the C hnslian Chutcli • 4l in the near future, A Sunday School has been or ganized at the school house with the following officers: Mrs. DaviK; c .,*n . ,, , , »«pi; Kev. A. K. Adams ^ ^ 1w ' . /' . 0,1 S , l ' n ,' lay ,x ' forc { hristni " there will be special Christmas vices at the school house. .School at 11, at 2p.m. and bring luncheon and have a good social time. assistant sc r Sunday and preaching] All arc invited to come Ona Case Proved Fatal. S. McKibben died at the railroad hospital last Sunday result of the injuries received the premature explosion in tunnel No. 2, on Twohy's work, last Fri day night The man had a leg broken and was injured internally. tiftho other three men injured, o o has returned to work, and an other is able to be out. The third is in the hospital with a broken Onlv two of the night, as a in leg. men were; Italians. McKibben was a laborer, aged He bad a brother in Washington, who arrived yester-j day, but too late for the funeral. __ ___ about 45. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Land Office at d'Alene, Idaho, Doc. 13, 190j. •c is hereby teiven that the following named K-ttl-r has filed noticj of his Intention to make final |irt»nf in «apport of hi« claim and that «aid proof will hi* made before Tho«'. J. Jones, f. 8. Commissioner, at hi« office Donner* Kerry, Idaho, Department of the Intern Noll nt February, 8 1906. viz; Nathan White. who made homestead No. 2219, for the SW^ See. 31, Ta p. 63 N. R. 1 E. B. M He names the following witness«« his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; Jesse J. McCiury, John F. McOlocklin, Clarence J. Curtis. Jorgen Q. Jor gcnsen.all of Bonners Kerry, Idaho. 12-16-1-20 prove R N. Dvsn. Register. that (he following hied notice uf his intention to make final proof In support of hi« claim, and V"t«M proof Wilt W made before Thu., j Joncs», L T . 8. ( oniml«siuncr. at 1>I» office at Bon lier» Kerry, Idaho, on February 8, 1006, \iz is II,!X,,Y J t v , EDW ** 1 *. who made homestead No. 91-57, for the 8WJ^ Bee. 14, Twp. 6*2 N. of K. I. E. B. M. He name« the following witnesses i hi«continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Harry Plato, (teoige Hutchings. Edson 8. Cave, William L. Robbins' all of Bonnern Ferry. Idaho. 12-16—1-20 NOTICE FOU rUBl.lCATION IVlmrtmont of the Interior, Lind Office ut t'oeur d'Alene. Idaho. Die. 13, UK)',. Notice ia hereby giv named settler h to prove R. N. Dm*, RegUler. —For fresh Fruits. Oysters and Candi»" go (<• (hr CTrsrenl 8toro. Sale of Hrmo Cooking'. The Ladies* Aid Society of the M. E. Church will have a Sale of ; Home Cooking, including Mince j Pies, Cake, and Plum Puddings, on j Saturday, Dec. 2d, commencing at ! 1 p. m. The Sale will he held at the C. C. Mercantile Co.'s Store, You are invited to call and pur-1 chase your Christmas requirements in the cooking line. , „„ , 1 ho contractor have the pil- ( in, for (ho »ppro.,,1, toll.. r.ilro.,1 | l.rite ™~rl, ,11 .In,«,. T,„. bdse work for the bridge has been r • i I * . • m, . hnisned Tor some time. The work ' v 'll P° ahead rapidly, us mu, erial arrives. _ Harry Melder is assisting in iT 0 iH ng<îr . a Btor<! during the boll- ' , 1 ,,,.. « P „ ann i nays season. Tl..» p A „ nil - .*i in< »onner Anscnmiu \ o. Uiiuoware in one of their show windows. I . Additional Locals. l' l,s pretty display of fancy nearing completion. —Trov Morrow'" new cottage is —The Hotel Casey, under the proprietorship of J. W. McKnight, a d the management of M. Coin stock, is crowded with patrons all the time. —Married— Mr. Oeo. Ladley to Miss Annie Frv. The voting pen • ^ ' pie hied themselves away to Spokane ; (luring the early part of the week, j and were there married. The Hkr- | Ai.n extends congratulations. —Henry Guthrie was up from ''opeland this week on road busi ness. Ho went to Laclede to see Commissioner Christianson. The ball given by the Or etustra last night was an enjoyable occasion, the music being cxccpt iona ly fine. The orchestra was composed of the following: Nutt, 1st Violin-, »lerhert Wales.; Cornet ; C. Christensen, Trombone; ! M. H. Walden, 2nd Violin; O J j Bandelin, ''iarionet; B. 11. Walker, Piano. E. L. A large part of Mon e's sprin bats and clothing will bo here lie fere Christmas. Get in the game, j ''ovs! i — Kent A Boyker will finish driving the piling for tho bridge across the Kootenai todav. —The C. C. i.- the leading family Grocer. Senator Heyburn is going to see that every one of his constitu-i ents that wants government seeds shall get them. Just write him I about it. as per his notice elsewhere, - Don't forget that Christmas present at Moorc's.vThey have some crackcrjacks. _ M rs. Geo. Tannarof Sandpoint viaitcd Mra . Harrv Bawvor this wee | For Bale Fine, full blooded Brown Leghorn eockrels, at $1.00 j Mrs. H. Plato. each. tivc Ho - V8 ' at * 1 -7ö per suit. Those suits are dark colored and • I ... ■ . , , Wo have placed on sale Sevent . . * . ( T at $i./o.— Bonner Special Sale. winter weights and are sold ever where at $2.75 to 44.25. . . . - vour C " olce M ercantile Co. - - service THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains unex-elled Imin the «est to the cast and south vlakiiig clu IraÎDB f >f nil trfinNrni I i 1 * 1 . t >i 1 linn*. ' «ilh cnmieeti m« passengers are given their clndce routes to Chh ago, Louisville, Mem phis and NenOileans. and through these peint- lu the far east. Prospective travelers desiring in formation as to the lowest rate . , UfF* IDVlted to C*»r- I respondent with the followiiiE .> ^ upprCFeotilll V*f8: P- H Trumbull, J* v LlNLPEV ! Third commercial AgenÇ 14 J street, Portland. Ore. T. F & P A , 142 Third stri-et, Portland, Ore Paul B. Tiidmpsjn Krt. & Passenger Agunt, Bide. Seattle, Wash. The Spokane & International seems to he able to "dough" to carry on its enterprise. A blanket mortgage, amounting to the snug little sum of 14,'200,000, was recently filed with the county recorder, covering the road, prop erty, and in favor of the Knieker hooker Trust Co. was issue. raine the The mortgage to carry through the bond . .. «»._. » ( , . f ; J " «»'>/ 2*' I * . loK ' IU i Rule notoriety in tho hooka ne na . \ ei i 1 » £"?" "n 1 'court in lime II" ' I* ' i court in Hope. He was charged with selling a lew pounds of meat, I cut rom a quarter shipped in to , 1 ... 1..1 n,., 1 some note! n an nt nope. Justice n„,.i..,. . 1 . , . , 1 HOOK^ IS somewhat like 1)18 fa-| —Watch the crowds go to Hol lingcr's store. He has the goods that attract. mous namesake and fourni Mr. Shavelear guilty. The N. P. R'y officials do not take any stock in tho charge as they stand by Mr. Shavclcar and have appealed his I case. I For Sale. A pair of fine work mares for Alamo Colony. sale. Clothing Sale. . , . . , ,, which we are closing out at .half v . We have 112 men's suits left l.'IO.OO suits at $15.00. $20.00 suits at 10.00, $10.00 suits at $5.00. All new goods bought this year. Bonner M kkcantii.e o. Lots for Sale. Lots No. 5, 0, and 10; 15, 1(5, 17, 18, 1!*, and "20, in Block Nine (!)), Town of Eaton. Address, James Graham, Cœur d'Alene, Idaho. -IN Real Estate Now is the time to buy, while Prit *ik Ferry tagrowiMu nml will continu'* to ! Brow. Look over my list if you want in a health y climate. Or tio you want to make I a good in vest in Jill? Look over my bargain* in Î are Low ' I lit î FARM and CITY PROPERTY BARGAINS I II ON THE ramm pun Buy a lot in Riverside Addition now is the time, and build you house. 1 will sell for twenty days . , ' .A. lots in Riverside addition for $50.00 on insta'lmcnt plat , $10.00 down and $10.00 per month. Tho Corbin depot is only one Block from these! lots, you will never buy them a cheaper. Two Snaps ■* Will make a fine home. 3-4 of an acre of land; 3-room house, cel lar, Ice bouse, Harn. All fenced. Price $750. ^ fenced, and 4-room house for T' 1 **) Do not pay rent when you can buy a home ior $300. 1-4 acre of , 1 l*»vc several good relinquishment« on hand that will be sold cheap. Call and look them «•«r, hUo remember. I will your property free, if you l»*i it with me. I will ehurge you 5 per eeut commisNion on u Sale. 0 A. J. KENT. Real Estate, Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Justice ai the Peace. BONNERS FERRY IDAHO » 4 SHOES 1 ^ hi** i* the time of the year when it is necessarv have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. to Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Shoes arc made by the Hamilton-Brow Shoe t'o., tho Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the World. I. HS Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing Lut the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower th n they should be sold at, the present Prices of Rubber. considering Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. Wo call especial attention to our FINE LINE of C HOP ER IKS, and we make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C. C Mercantile Co [L IMIT E D] furniture and Undertaking wall paper, PIC URE FRAMING, carpets, linoleums, WINDOW SHADES T LET Uri FIGURE ON FURN ISHING YOUU HOUSE. WILL OU AU aNTEE TO 8 WE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Donners Eerrv, Ida. T J Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonners Ferry Idaho Che Bonners ferry Cumber Co., Dd I HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OK LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Siscd or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. ; Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co V J