Newspaper Page Text
4« The Bonners Perry Herald , /* FIFTEENTH YEAR. BONNERS FERRY. IDAHO,- SATURDAY DECEMBER 23 1905 NUMBER 26 BonnersrerrvHerald EST.UlLISlTUI) IX ISM. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER or KOOTENAI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOR. Editor and Proprietor TEKMS *1.00 Oik* year Wx months ABVKftTtftlKG RATED reading notices five cent* per line* •Mich Insertion 1^1 Notices at legal rates Kate* for Dw;/ih> advertising rondo known on application. Card* of Thanks, R-unlutlona of lies pce t and «dmllai matter five-cent»! per line. Entered nt the Post Office At Bonner/Perry. Idaho. hr Second C! ish Matter. DIRECTORIES - j K nights os i-vTuiAo Amo i.oiige. No. ui, K. oi f. meets iu I'ythluu lull everr Thimdn/ cmitUR it ( o'clock, Vuuting Kiiiuiii» iiuvav» welcome, L, K.Büykk», U C. K. L. Lem*. K, o( ft. A 8. - R ATUBONE SIBTEKS crsM-ut Tempi.- a,. u>. moots every oilier Friday vveitiUK in Kuiglit. of Pyiliiu» ha.l. voulus member«uivitei. Mrs. u. I. i.irn n. I M. E. C , Mis* Phoebe himeiir. M. oi uihi C ! Churches. P RESBYTERIAN — Regular prearljlne serviere evory alternate Sunday moraine at mid «»nie evening nt ? .>50. Sunday school «t 11 SO n. m Rev. O. ë. fTILeON, r**tnr. aTHOUC— Regular Horvirei Sunday school every rtuuduy ni 11:30 Rkv. FATHER KFLLY. P*i*tor G lhellh SuikIhv ofeach omh. m. n.. ETUOD16T KPlsCOPAÏ* Kegu I ni Church service* 1 » nr« held nt the K O. O. F. Hill every tiimlay Eveulug. begin fling at 7.JO. Ali are •• invi'ol to al ien i. Hkv K C, MOTfiB, Pa stob M Secret Societies. ASONIC- Uouner« Kerry Lodge, No.43. A. F. & A. U-. hulas '-(riled meeting«» vtenlng o< the mouth on « Sojourning M Hüter Mhfouh qualified lire fm ternully iu\itv«i lo visit M I be Inst W' diiCHbiy before a full moon. Pknky Mr..iiu, bcoreiiiry. l)I> I'Kl.lOWs — Kiopluu Lodge, X« 36,1.0. O K., mort* Vlaitlns S M. Bauman. O clock. «•very Saturday evtui ng at 8 bro tiers fraternally Invited. Ci. WM. VtiiOMskeu.Seeielury. KREKAif DfcliKKE, I. O. O. F.— Loyal Ri bekHb Ixxlpe No. 43. I, O. O. F. «U0O1« orery Tuewlny evening it 8:00 i V lullt* g Knbekiili« fordlally invited. Kl** M A BEI. Mo V •! A ft. N. ti. M Becrtuiry. R 'do« k. S. D. TiYLOB, CNCAMPMEST I. O. o. K KooUMiui CHinf) N«. Üâ, Ï. O.O. F., mod* IbtHUd 3rd Hominy:» of the mont), ut 8 o'clock, j VUluug pulriiirviiH c* J'kdburv.r. P. W.s. onhuiiy iuviiud. li. L. Curtis, Si iUm*. N I U Il Ta OK THE MALTA D KES - Rool'UiHi Tent. No. Ä*. K . (i. T. M.. meet* »OfitK-'k K wt ry uUciiuiu- Wi-Om^iiiis uveuing V mil iug Mr KmgUit always li.vlttd <îu • I iidut «pi. w«.kw u. k 1 I ASiMorMMtUaccAiSI^* j Ncrih sim- Jine,..... u,. j, o, t. M.. meet t*\ or,v Hlu-aau; a edue-moy uveulut;.. Su'eioeX. i Vldltn.K U<llw«U«)-i •■..r.!i.iil>- luwum. M: v it n i kt 1, m us V, I.Hi'y . Iiuim.n 1er. JIk>. I ; c a euros. ■ r. MA 1AY1..U1, live ! jmjoatKN woon m tA o iMEI a; i— nh bi«r u Mitip, No. MW, M. U. A.. ftuycu m UoutiiutMt Una every .Moudey evviiiuk, \ UkBBAi:u«î l l* 1 .T. r, K. l £"uiÏÏKTia7jc " " __ Where S>o Itxi Cat? Fresh Oysters any Style, any time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. McMurtrie ë* McGinty, l'rcprieîortf. -"i p*. HOLL! NGER S CHRISTMAS GOODS BIGGEST AM) BEST - STOCK - IN BONNERS FERRY If Presents Presents ; ■ lor for Children. Everybody. Including Toilet Cases, Albums, Jcwelrg Cases, Fancy cases, Toys of Every Description, Dolls, Necklaces, a beautiful line of Jewelry, Silh Handkerchiefs, Pyrograpbic Goods, Furs Sofa Pillows, nnd One 'lh lusaud Other Articles. Old Santa Unleaded at Bollinger's ftBAO OU<R LOCALS 'T'f TT • T\ S' 1 • I hp t (xpruts iTOrP A A/i jf VJV/VVAO k/lwl V I« REPEAL TIMBER of Pas AND STONE ACT Congress will make quick Work sing a Repeal Law. SpcqfHlCormjfOiulcnr. to the Hep. tin Washington, Dec. 20.—Without a doubt the timber and stone act will be repealed at this session of Congress. A determined effort was made last year to repeal this law, and a bill to that effect passed the Senate but it was defeated in the House. ^ I he land frauds in Oregon | and other western states seem to j have convinced the me.. * > ers of both houses of Congress that i. *he ' timber and stone act is repealed, j the land frauds will be put an end'the to. The timber and stone act is believed by many to he a good law and not the cause of frauds, and this was urged against a repeal of the measure hist year, but the recent startling discovery of frauds in several of the states has knock cd the bottom out of this argument, and it is only a question of a short time until the law will be repealed, Burton L. French has been pro moted to the committees on Im-1 migration and Public Lands. These committees are two of the most ; , . . T , i .i . ,, , i important, to Idaho that Mr. French . ,,n :i i i i i couId possibly nave secured, and ri i • • i 1 J . . • i Idaho is indeed fortunate in hav -1C, , . . mg her Congressman on these im . . , , , , | portant idaces. As a member of IMPORTANT CAPTURE , ,, , Alfrel Hampton, charge of the District of Montana and Idaho, and 0. K. Andrews, Im migriitlon Tnappclor at Uii; ub-e . . ... .. were visitors at the H eiiai.h office lasp'-e'tor in j la t Tuesday, having just returned » >•,op |{-Atliilriiiu where Itjifl ïronî uaifKirlilll, \\ lu U. liny ,ulu successfully prosecuted the cases against the 14 Chinamen arrested by Inspector Andrews on a charge of unlawful entry into this coun try. Twelve of the fourteen China men were found guilty, twelve, eleven were ordered deport ed, and one, Toy Wing, was hound over to the federal grand jury. The officers were very much elated over the outcome of the trials, partic Of the the Immigration Committee, he will he able to do much to prevent a repeal of the Chinese Exclusion And as a member of the Law. ■committee on Public Lands, he will he better able to look out for the in terests of the state in oonnnection with all land matters that may come up. A great many members were after these places, and it was a great surprise to some of them that French was Uncle Joe's choice. A bill hrs been introduced in Senate by Senator Heyburn provitlinsj for the granting of ISO additional sections of public land ts the State of Idaho for the purpose of aiding in the con structiou of the Slate Capitol. When Idaho was admitted she on ly received 32,000 acres of land for Statu capitol purposes, while Mon tana received 132,000 acres, Wash ington 1152,(KK) acres, Wyoming 107,000 acres, and Utah 64,000 acres for the same purpose. Idaho is now constructing a capitol build ing that will cost about if 1,500,000, , and i ... . r i i . • , eminent to treat Idaho as fairlv as t • . . . i i , , v , her Sister states, she should have . . an additional appropriation of , , , oublie land. order for the General Gov - - Oliven ofiici.ils ularly as it related to Toy Wing, who i-i an old offender, having been deported three times, ami who has ,,1 _ _ From Mr. Andrews and Mr. Hampton the following facts are learned; Toy Wing has been identified as an escaped convict of the Idaho , penitentiary and has a record of crime extending back 22 years. It commenced in Boise in 1883, when he assaulted and robbed an aged Chinese couple in that city, for which crime he was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary. After serving a little less than a year he escaped and successfully eluded tin- officers. He is believed to bo the same Chinaman who rob j i bed an aped ( hinawomatj in Wyo ming and served a term in the Wyoming prison. He was next heard of along the British Colum bia-ldabo border where for years he has been doing business in the capacity of smuggling his country men across the line into this coun-1 try. He has been captured and deported three times, but this is the first time the immigration of fleers caught him "dead to rights", and he is not likely to give any more trouble for years to come. For aiding and abetting bis coun trymen to unlawfully enter this country he is subject to a term in prison and a heavy tine. But should the federal grand jury turn him loose, the Slate of Idaho would probably require him to return and j serve out his sentence, at the end oi which time the federal author ities would again step in and see that ho was deported. Connected with Toy Wing's cap ture there is a little romance that indicates that robbery and smugg ling were not the worst of his crimes. Found with him when he was captured was a Chinese girl whom he claimed as bis wife, mak ing wife No. 2 living in this coun I try, with a No. 3 back in China. From information obtained by the I officers it was very evident that he i was aiming to reach one of tl»e big coast cities where he could sell the ! girl into slavery, and where, it is learned, she would command the To}- W ing had married her in China, after the 1 Chinese custom, had compelled her to ship with him as a. stow-a-way sum of $1000. on the vessel, and then trudge alone through Canada with him in the disguise of a Japanese boy. Inspector D. H. Andrews had «I been on the look-out for the pair .inn' the 1?th of September. Toy Wing passed throng) Ferry on that date, on Ids way to British Coluirhia. Bonners Inspector An-I drews rounded him up at that time, but be produced a nativ« -born cer tificate and was allowed to pass on. Toy Wing was then traveling un j t > r ti ie name of Leo Henry, The Inspector later became snspie ious but Wing succeeded in getting across the line. The Inspector learned enough, however, to know that the scoundrel was going a ter the woman, and figured correctly that he would soon be back. It was nearly a month before his Sure wa * t 'l 1 * n K " as rewarded, enou 8** 0116 dark night a hand of Celestials showed up at the Knot-1 c nul ' a hailway bridge to cross tlie r ' ver - Inspector Andrews wait °*| un * 11 they came across and (1 ' mlK ' (1 (lown {roln thl ' , '>gh trestle " u ' n 10 ' surrounded them", and they were taken so completely by surprise that no trouble was ox. l' L ' r ' encet I in effecting their capture, ^niong the bunch of eight taken in llla J_ " !l8 ^' L ' notorious ^°-V " ù'o Rl, d the woman, Ab On. Inspector Andrews was not aware at tllu ^ lme "-hat an important Cil P^ UJ-u Iliad made, but this docs nut «H-trac-t in the least from the Aurels to which he is entitled for pl uc '* n 8 Toy W iug where he will ( l° no more harm, Mr.Hapmton,Inspector in charge, left no stone unturned to collect the evidence ne to convict was Assary the hinamen. j One official sent all the way to San Francisco to investigate some of the bogus claims of the Celestials. The con victions should have a salutary ef fect in detering others from unlaw fully entering this country. It may he of local interest to know that "old Jake", the gardener, living on the McLaughlin was one of the two lucky ones who were liberated. ranch, Visited by W eyerhaeuser. C. A. Weyerhaeuser, a member of the Weyerhaeuser syndicate, arriv last Saturday, remaining over until Monday with A. E. Ric .crd, manager of the Bonners Ferry , Lumber Co. Mr. Weyerhaeuser complimented Mr. llickerd very 1 highly on the splendid arrange ments about the mill. Among the; imimienninnl. , ...ill I. « .... late improvemt nts at the mill na\i , 1 ... ,i,.„ „ 1,„,1 litt n to UOUOlt tilt uM shed t.apac ity and to put a roof over the tramway. The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co. is running their mill right along, employing a force of about 70 men, besides having 100 men in the . . ... " ooas ,n , thl " vln " Ity > nnd con ' tru ^ tow f,,r the, J , i llave 3o ,,,or( - mak ' n « a W roll of over 200 men. Th . e 1,1,11 contlnue8 to r <->«-ive its W 1 * °, f ]o ** b y rail - off of t,lc K - V ' 1,no ' 1,ut thelr cani P n, ' ar P° r ' " now la,ulin ß lo ** 0,1 the ma,n ,in ^> ^ logs can be hauled 1,1 from CroS 8 P ort l{ rosH Heavy Holiday Shopping, The merchants of t onm-rs Fern have all made heavy holiday sales. A feature of the trade has been the early buying. People coinmei ced shopping for the holidays three weeks ago, and a large part of the goods had been, sold when the stores closed for business on Sat urday of last week Several of our merchants sent in rush orders to Spokane and brought in a second j stook. It is safe to say that when the stores clos tonight, there will not be much left for old Santa to distribute. The local postotlic-o and the express oJlico have done a flourishing businoss in forwarding presents. The entire country is phenoumially prosperous, und Bon ners Ferry and vicinity has had her full share — For fresh Fruits. Oysters and Candies go to the Crescent Store. Fon Sale Fine, full blooded | Brown Leghorn oockrels, at $1.00 Mrs. H. Plato. j each, j Special Sale. We have placed on sale Seventy* j flro Boys' Suits at $1.75 per suit. These suits are dark colored and winter weights and are sold everv where at $2.75 to $4.25. Our price your choice at $1,75. —Bonner Mercantile Co. Five Dollars Reward. For tlie return of a lost pocket hook, supposed to have been lost between Bonners Ferry and the top of the Fry hill, on Monday, Dec. 18. Pocketbook was ladies'style. chain handle, alligator skin, and brown or yellow color. Contained about 115.00 in cash, and a ladies' plain handkerchief. Five Dollars j reward will be paid for its return : with the money. Apply to, Mrs. Pete Pauker, P. O. Box 153, Bonners Ferry. —The C. C. isthe leading family Grocer. white spot on forehead, no brands, said an -1 '"„'viaTT iT i'T' ,a NÏ^!*idTho W j«"' 1 man, at io udo n «.m. Any p»rty claiming j "" cortAo*the undc.s'tuncd. be-1 (or* tb«d«te u( this aale. I NOTICE OF KSTRAY SALE. L. Lunden, Constable. Nk plus, Id u h - Watch the crowds go to Hol linger's store. He has the goods that attract. — The public school held Christ mas exercises yesterday. A pro gram suitable to the occasion was carried out. There was a Christ mas tree, and old Santa Claus ap peared in all his glory. — Don't forget that the K. T. Co. carry a full line of Rubbers, Shoes, Hats, etc. Drop i and see them, when you want something service able. You'll have to hurry for the good things are going fast at Moore's. Lots for Sale. Lots No. 5, 9, and 10; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, in Block Nine (9), Town of Eaton. Address, James Graham, Cœur d'Alene, Idaho. ■IN Real Estate ~ Xow Ik the time to buy, while Prices *ro Eow. Bnnneni Ferry 1» groiviiiK mid will continu*! to RI0W . i..,,k ..vcr iistn you want u home io II licultliy climute. Or do you »«nt to ranke a good investment? Look over my Ilurgalmi in FARM and CITY PROPERTY Ï1 A np A 1\TC DAKUA1 IN O in ON THE INSTALLMENT PUN Buy a lot in Riverside Addition, now is the time, and build you a house. I will sell for twenty days lotsin Riverside addition for $50.00 on insta Iment plan, $10.00 down and $10.00 per month. The Corbin depot is only one Block from these ; lots, you will never buy them cheaper. Two Snaps Will make a fine home. 3-4 of an acre of land; 3-room house, cel lar, Ice house, 1 am. All fenced. Price $750. Dc not pay rent when you can buy a home ior $300. 1-4 acre of lard fenced, and 4-room house for $300. I Lave Révérai good relinquishments on hand that will be sold cheap, ('all and look Uum over, also remember. I will advertise your property free, if you list it with mo. I charge you 5 per cent commit* .ou on * önle. »tu A. J. KENT, Real Estate. Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Justice of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO SHOES Tibia is the lime of the year when it is necessary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear, Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Shoes are made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers iu the World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower th n they should be sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We call especial attention to our FIXE LINE of GROCERIES, and we make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C C Mercantile Co [I. IMITE D] m furniture and Undertaking wall paper, PIC URE FRAMING, C A R PE 18. LI N OLEU M 8, WINDOW SHADES f X LET US FIGURE ON F URN. ISH 1 No YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUAR \NTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. I - »X». A. ALCJtJiTlillYCn, D,„ t A r» T. A. Bishop, M. D. T J Jones JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Idaho Bonnlhs Ferry, ?JSSf f 'i Che Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Dd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Sited or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATIL Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. ■4 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds I The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co