Newspaper Page Text
_ r m The Bonners Fen > Herald BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY. JANUARY 6, 1906. NUMBER 27 FIFTEENTH YEAR. Bonners Ferry Herald ESTABLISHED IX -.«1. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY i S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS . .50 One y*.ir ... ADVERTISING HvTKH: riUlnif noticed Hvc cents per line c^çh Insertion. Nolle«*« at lepnl rate», fûtes for DtapUy ndvortlKln*; made known on application. Cards of Thanks, Resolution« of Hedpeci and similar matter five cents per line. Entered at the Post Office at Donnera Ferry. Idaho, as Second Cl is« Matter. Loch 1 DIRECTORIES Churches. P RESBYTER! AN — Regular i 7:». Snndit \ school •him; services every alternait* ci ht mo evening al ll ll.SO n. >n Bsv. O. It. WII.-ON, IMsftir Q.vTUOUV Régula» BcTvJce^nn IhMth Suiulnv o(»*nrh mouth. Sunday ttchual every Sunday ill 11:20 « n.. Rkv. FATHER KTLLY. INflor. ETHODIST KPIsCOPAL KikuIht Church Service*« hit* held ntthc,,.* I (j. O. F. Hill evtry Mi ml« y Evening, begin nluj; at 7.20. All are »• luvDid to ut nmd. Rev R C. MOTER, Pasto*. M Secret Societies. A »0 NIC— Bonners Ferry I^dgc*. No.13, A. F A- A. M., Loins staled meetlugson the Iasi Wednesday evening of the mouth on or before a full moon. F'-'wunilug MHater Marcus qualified arc /»« (• riin : j [nvlU i lo viol I I M ntsar m sspek. secrcui ry. | l 'u.o?hiu 0 L^e, Vo stt.o. o K.. mo«, Ä« ÄÄ"'i55i^* "'a""«. babSÄ». x.ji. vvm. viiiG.iken.swiatary. R K "seu^h K l^c i.o. o.f. N u ' S ' U ' T "' LVU ' mohtsok i'ythTao L°F!BovKiwî\l ,B c* l ltfï.a.iiTL«/K.n<'BT™s;|*t o K DAT1IHONK S1STKK6 LTfhful Temple Nt. 10. meet« «very oilier Friday evening in Knights of Pythias ha i. Vluilug members luvlleti. Mrs. K. L L M. E, C , Miss Pnoebe him ear. M. I r. E ncampment i. o. o. y. Kootenai Camp No 25, I. O.O. F., imtls It-i und 3rd Mondays* of the moiiti. at h oVlot k. Visiting pairlurciiH cordialiy invited. 11. L Mfdbury.t:, W.ö.Curtl», «ciibc. N I (i 11 TS OK 1 II K M A IT AII EES '< Teia, No. 2U, K.o. T M., meet i very alternate >Vedae»d«iy eveuiiiK at Ht»'el»»ek Vitulug iir Kmghii* uIwmjb li.vitid CANTON (.h • |t, II. WalLlh K. K t.'OiuiiiiiUik r L A OIKS OK I IIP. MACCAI! ices— Ni-rUi Slur Hive, N every uUeruHle Weduebday oveulng v nuiii« l.Hiiu-h ni mi \ b ronUaily «a Harriet Kkkky, Raima Taylor, Ueeoid Keej o, l«l, L. O. T. M.. incetb lUr.l. Mi; omiuainiki. M He j ODERN WOODMEN OKAMEPICV NjiiIi Si**r t \> (MHliueii IVI , No. MIHI. M. IV. A., every Mouil.iy eveiilua, W W HtU? ■ ptl \ thUiti(( Nemiiboro always» weleu 1 lulu veil c, V . U. E. L. LtilLb, « it I K Where Do You Eat? Fresh Oysters any Stylo, any time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. McMurtrie ti McCinty, Proprietors. John Muhlkeld. CHAKLC8 BULGER. M* S* lie / CARPENTER SH08> Contractors And Builders. S Carpenter Work of all Kinds j F.stim a teg Furnished. i Mintzer, will preach 8«nday morn -1 .ng at North Skie .School House, at ; 11 o'clock, and at 7:30 at the I. O. O. F . Hall, in the evening. Sacri mental services to follow preaching. ) Wc invite all who can to attend and hear this most excellent man and preacher. Notice. The Presiding Elder, Rev. G. W. service R. C. Moteu, Pastor. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains* unexcelled from the west to the east and south, Making close connections with! trains of all transcontinental lines, _■_ ... , . passengers are given her choice of routes to Chicago. Louisville, Mem phis and NewOrleans, and through , ,i.„ r..,. these point to i ' Prospective trave ers de iring vn-. formation » to the lowest «to ' and best routes are invited K> «*r wspondence a ub the ollowing «ht» I,..',,,, B. U Truubl'll, Commercial Agent street, Portland, Ore. i. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A , 142 Third street, Portland. Ore. Paul B. Thompson, F'rt. & Passenger Agent, Bldg Seattle, Wash. 142 Third ASSASSINATED! Most Fiendish Crime in the History of the State of Idaho* EX-GOV. STEIMENBERG Deadly Bomb Exploded by aa Unknown and Hidden Fiend when The Deceased was Entering his Peaceful Home. Former Govcrno; Frank Stoancn -1 berg was assasinatod at his homo at Caldwell last Saturday evening j As he entered the gate an ] He was picked up and carried into) the house, but lived only about 25 i minutes. Ho was frightfully mang-; i'.tr. unknown and unseen fiend explod- j ed a deadly bomb with fatal effect. ; J L » ( ^ I • His right arm hung only by | ghreds. His lower limbs were also j mangled. He was semi-conscious aftt * tho explosion, but was un- [ ai)le to say anything that would throw any light on the subject. He never knew what had happened, ' Believing he had been shot. j The ex plosion was of terrific force, breaking window lights in bouses some distance around. Thc deed had been carefully planned. The bomb was composed of a high ex plosive, and scraps of iron, copper' and lead to assist in the fiendish purpose. The bomb was laid at the gate and ex besides contained ploded by means of a lish line at tachcd to the trigger, the cud of ) thc line held by the assassin secret- j ed at a safe distance. No crime was ever committed in the state that produced such a tremendous sensation. The prom-1 high chin j ir.en-.-o of the man, lib acter, his Kindly disposition and Celebrated Golden Wedding. Hon. Henry Melder and wife! celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding on New Year's day., An article in relation to this inter esting event was published in our lust issue. Mr. and Mrs. Melder gave a puli he reception to their friends, in the ' ■afterie on, from 2 until u o'clock. There was a continual stream of callers during the time--friends I who called to tender their congrat _ B I he guests wore served ° . , I The Melder home was beautiful ulations. willi rofreshmente. lv decorated for the occasion. Mrs. II. S. Braga w, Mrs. FL J Young, Mrs. Minnie E. Rose, Os car F'. Melderand Fred IC. Melder, sons and daughters of Mr. and M rs. Melder, arrived on Sunday, Harry j Melder being at homo. Besides the ir embers of the fam ily, Mrs. 11. L. Medbury and Mrs. 18. D. Taylor assisted in receiving Although this was Mr. and Mrs. \i e |der'e 50th anniversary of their ; marriage, it must not be concluded from ijiat fact that they are old p e0 pi u . The contrary is demon ) stratt .,i j, v t | l0 ( act 'that they at I t ,, ntlcd t | le Nt . w Year's ball and kil the grand march, and participated in the dances, including two-steps and waltzes, as gaily as anyone. »\gain the Heuald congratulates j Mr. and Mrs. Melder, und wishes them many happy returns of their 1 • 11 ■ i marnage anniversary. ) The New Year's ball given hy tho I{ache lor's chib was well attend ' e( i anO the financial imrt of the ett, aua me nnanuai )>ait oi tin affair came out on the right side of the le dger. There were several ' left which they voted divide nlnong the church aid soci ( otie8 . The kvill was very nicely managed, thc music was lively j and perfectly rendered. ~ ; bachelor's wore a silk badge, upon ; which was inscribed, "New Year The Bachelor's Ball. The , .. I.. is thc leading familv i"1906," Bonners Ferry," dor's Club," and two suggestive] turtle doves. "Bach —The Grocer. 1 manly qualities, on one side, nml | the heinousness of the crime on the j j other, startled the people from 0,1 *' j ] end of the state to the other. j Prompt measures were taken by j authority to bring «be demons to justice. Governor Good i ing being notified, a special train | was run from the capital to Cald-1 ani ' j ; those in well, carrying the governor j other prominent citizens. Govern |or Gooding offered a rd rewa of [ $5000 for the apprehension of the assassins. Shoshone county offered $5000 more; Canyon county, $1000; ' and the family $2,500. making j j $13,500 reward in all. Every pos Bible avenue of escape is being guarded, ami suspicious characters jure being taken into custody. Five arrests have so far being made, . The funeral occurred on Tues day and there was a great out pouring of people to pay their last respect to their beloved fellow cit izen. Governor Gooding and staff and all the state officers were in ) attendance, and many prominent j citizens, including ex-Uovernor ! Morrison and es-Governor Hunt. | Rev. Boon oi tho Advent church j conducted the ceremonies and W. E. Borah, at tho request of the ! family, delivered a brief and touch- ! I ing oration. C The New Bank. Articles of incorporation of the First State Bank of Bonners Ferry were tiled with thc county auditor last Tuesday. 1 lie capital stock is $15,000, and the incorporators are M. P. Mahoney, W. D. Baxter, J. I. Monks, of Watertown, S. D., A. E. ,, t Uickcrd and Fred 1. »Moore, of ,, Bonners F my 1 bo particulars of the organiza , tion have heretofore been published m the Herald. , A. E. nickerd has received ad . . , , . , , . vices of the shipment of thc safe to , , , , . . bo used by the institution. In Honor of Steunenberg, Mayor Alexander received the i following telegram from Governor Gooding, dated at l.oiso, on New ) Year's day; I "In thc death of Ex-Governor Steunenberg, the state lias met with .v great loss. That he paid the ex treme penally for standing for law and order in Idaho, is without a question in my mind I am asking Uie A avers of all Idaho cities to!. all public see that the Hags on buildings and school houses bel kept half-masted throughout day of funeral. Your cooperation will be apprieiated. F'. R. Gooding, < .overnor." with tic above In accordance suggestion, i'rof. Huston had the the funeral. Throughout the state | great respect was shown for the 1 honored dead. • ilag on the school house Hunting at half-mast on Tu lay, the day of It is re Assessor Flint Resigns j Warren Klint, county Assessor, has tendered his resignation, to take effect next Monda, . . 1 ., orletl th .,, ll( . ...... a „ fe '. to ! »i ' . . ' ^ i | )y t j U) conntv commissioners. j Plint lia s been out cruising Umber for a lumber company when he toL houl d have been in his office a. tending lo business, U is said that there are many errors in thc assessment foils, and '' that tho business in woefully be hind. Estray. One steer, branded J I> on right side, brown color, eyes white ringed. Anyone knowing of a steer as above /described will kindly leave word ( , , at ( nr roll's ranch, near Copeland. Assassin Eun Down The officials anti detectives work i«g on the case believe they have the Steuneaberg assassin incustody, His name is Harry Orchard, j He had ; alias Thomas Hogan, been stopping at Caldwell for sev oral months, under an assumed name, representing 1 imfelf as look ing for an investment In his room was found an explosive powder, also a fishing reel with the line re moved, and other things of a cir eumstantial nature,' that looks He gave < his name as Hogan, but he bus been identified os Harry Orchard, jf the Burke black for the accused. and was a member Miner's Union at file time of the labor riots in the Coeur d' Atones, j A most astounding fact is that ; when Orchard, alias Hogan, was | taken betöre tho Probate Juge to j nrra jg ne d i ho niade this state j nient ; "If the Spokane newspa j p Pre publish a report of my arrest j a ] ttwyer w jjj CO uie to defend me, otherwise I need two days to get one f rom that city." | statement a Spokane lawyer has Parted for Caldwell to defend Or chard, without the formality of a request from the accused. True to this woul(J Havor strongly ;of a conspir n cy, and indicate that the conspir a tors were prepared lor nil emerg encie8 Thc i awyer Î Kred Miller. j of law (irm of Robertson, Mil , er and R osen haupt, Frank Rob gon> pi 10 i iea( j 0 f tR e (4. IU) has near- 1 , v a | ways lleen the „^„ruey for the This dynamiters. The toils arc tightening around Orchard, as each day develop# some new evidence, tending lo connect him with tho crime. The facts thus far brought out point to a deep as well as a damnable conspi racy, and sensational develop ments in Ibis connection are to bel ! looked for. ! Kay be Cripple Creek Dynamiter Sheriff Edward Bell, of Teller county, Colorado, .!; / wired the sheriff at Caldwell to hold Orchard at all hazards. He is accused of being the man who blew up the 1 Independence depot, June 6, 1901, killing 14 non-union miners. . . ,, , t nesday night. About $300 in cash , , , . , and cheeks were secured, also a > ^ ^ (wo rcvulv ,,., i,,. , , Ihree suspicious looking clinrac i. . . . , , I tors, one of whom had done some | r ... , . r work for Mr. v\ ood, were suspected, -, , , , . , Two were arrested, but thc third I , , ,, made a run and got away. He; . „ ,, was overtaken near Kootenai Falls Han Robber into Kootenai River The poslotiice and store of D. T. 1 Wood at Trov was robbed on Wed land shots exchanged with him. i The robber retreated to tho top oil a bluff overlooking the Kootenai River and disappeared. From in j dications in the snow at the top of ! the bluff and at tlie water's edge ! the posse was satisfied that the 1 man slipped and fell over the prec was I ipiec, into the river, and a ; di-owned. Tho ollu . r two n)en h a U ;l hear to!. , , , , lng ai <l weru bound over - bel I ! FOR SALE OR RENT. I herewith offer for sale or rent and three lots in Will sell or residence 1 ««>' I Riverside addition. ! f®« 1 either furnished or un urnish-1 I'urnitur** also for sale. | at l 'd. Ap of ply at residence. Henuy Mei.deii 27 tf Birthday Party. Miss Nellie Callahan had a birth-. day party on Thursday evening, Dec. 29, at the homo of lier parents Mr. and Mrs. 1'. 11. Callahan, in re- ! honor of her 15th birthday. Those who were present to enjoy the oc Mi.-.-es Rae Huston,) McNoar, Velma Blakeslee, to j MarJ | he ! H»«»l < »ve, Phobe Boileau, a. Will Woods. Will Kinnear. Pull and ^'ics. casion were: j man VanGaskcn, Ed Moore, Er nest Moore, Albert Cuuston, Percy' be Special Sale. • Wc have placed on sale Seventy-1 five Boys'Suits at $1.75 per suit. These suits are dark colored and winter weights and arc sold every where at $2.75 to $4.25. Our price vour choice at $1.75.—Bonner Mercantile Co. , . • To the Citizens of Bonners Ferry Wc desire to say, that with hut one or two exceptions so far, all who have been solicited personally to assist in the erection of a house of worship for the Methodist people, have responded with such willing ness and liberality that wc have felt encouraged to begin building, and desire to push it to completion at the earliest possible date, in order to do this we will require considerable more cash and help in work, and believing that no public spirited and broad minded resident of the place would bo wil ling to allow an enterprise in which the whole public is to be benefitted, But to be accomplished without having helped in it, and in as much as we arc unacquainted with most of you, request that any who liuvej not subscribed heretofore, express; a willingness to do so to some engaged in this enterprise, so that an opportunity may be given them \ to do so, and any and all persons! who will contribute work, can do) OIK* so by reporting to tho superintend- ! ing carpenter with saw and ham mer, who will give them due credit for the amount of work done. wc hope to sec this house complet ed, which we are satisfied will give With many thanks to all who have so far expressed their interest and good will in this enterprise, and trusting to their future help and sympathy with that of many others who have not yet done so. great satisfaction and be a credit to the citizens of Bonners Ferry. In'behalf of tho officials, mem bers and friends of the Methodist Episcopal Church, R. C. Moter, Pastor. a,u ' block Nine (!t), Town of Eaton. Address, James GrahaSi, Cceur d'Alene, Idaho. Lots for Sale. Ixits No. 5, 9, and 10; 15, 16, 17, ? Ill 11 III (/ IN _ V\1>M fTTV 1 2 t.1v 1T1 CtllU V>1 JL 1 j i l i Real Estate i, Moiinery Ferry I« gr y"". "yy n| i ««»{ lf > in a nealtny olimate. Or you want a gooil investment? Look Now Ik the time to buy, w hile Price« are Low. « i hr and w ill continue to home make er my bargain* in j want PROPERTY k - -/V-bA-xT g s. >■ •• r 1 I ; IN ON THE IKSIALLMENT plan Buy a lot in Riverside Addition, | ! now is the time, and build you a ! I house. I will sell for twenty days 1 lots in Riverside addition for $50.00 on installment plan, $10.00 down | and $10.00 per month. Thc Corbin de|>ot is only one Block from these) lots, you will never buy them cheaper. Two Snaps in ; buy a home ior $300. Will make* a fine home. 3-4 of : , an acre of land; 3-room house, ; lar, Ice house, Barn. All fenced. ; Price $750. | II and'lard fenced, and 4-room house for *300. ccl Do not pay rent when you can 1-4 aero of : I l*«vc Kcvcra! goo<l rclinqnlKhmcnU «n band (hat will bo hold cheap. Call and h»o4: them ver, also remember, 1 will atlvcrtUe your roperty free, if you Hist It with tr hargo you 5 per cent commiMdon on u Sale. I will 11* ; BONNERS FERRY, A. J* KENT, Real Estate, Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Justice of thc Peace. IDAHO SHOES This is the time of the year when it is noeeasary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Shoes are made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower than they should ho sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We call especial attention to our FINE LINE of GROCER ! ES, and we make a Specialty of catering to the A Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. A C C Mercantile Co [L I M I T E D] $9£#BS furniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PIC ÜRE FRAMING. C \RPE I S. LINOLEUMS, U I \ 1)0 A Sil .DES fl ET US FIGURE ON KUHN IS UNO YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUAR A NT EE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT, (3 § ? W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida. T J. Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D. JONES 8c BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Idaho Bonnehs Ferry, ' Y Cb? Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Dd HAVE A.NVTH1NG YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF | ! 1 LUMBER DIM ENSIGNS. Sued or KougU ta y GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLFIS. LATH. Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. : Finishing Lumber of ail Kinds | The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co V