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rhe Bonners Perry Herald BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY JANUARY 13 1*06 FIFTEENTH YEAR. NUMBER 28 Bonners Perry Herald E8TADLI8UED IN IS«. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COCNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS On? year HI * month* II 00 .50 ADVERTISING R ATES : Local rending nolle»*« flve cent« per line each insertion. l,egal Nolle»*» al lug«» rule«. Hate* for Dlsplny advertising mad** known on application. Card* of Thank«. Rraolullons of Respect and similar matter five cents per line. D j p ECTO RIES ■ . • -- - ■ ■ — Entered at the Post Office at Bonners Ferry. Idaho, as Second Cits» Matter. Churches. RF.3RVTF.K1AN — P Kefcnlttr preaching aerrlcea every alternate Bun-In y inornlne at 10:30. and »une evening at 7:10. Sunday school at 11 ;80 a. Rev, O 8 WILeON, Pastor. C atholic— Regular rendre» on the4th Sunday of each month. Suuday acbool every Suuday at 11 ;*) . R*V. FATHER KELLY. Pastor. BTB0D18T EPISCOPAL— Regular Church Service« are held at the 1 O. O. F- 1I«H «very »unday Eveuiuir. bogiu* Ding at 7:80. Alt M invited to at Kbv K C. MOTEH, Pastor. Ml Secret Societies. A SONIC— Montur» Fcrrv Lodge. No.43. A. F. A A. M., bolos »tail'd meetings«»! «he last Wednesday evening of the month Sojourning Mainer Macons quallbed are Oa ten.wily invited to vieil H. D, Taylor, Worshipful Master. T. J. Jones, Secretary DD EKTl OWH Ptopluu Lodge. Mo 36,1.0. G K.. meets every .Saturday eveu'otr at 8 «i ci.u k VUiiincr bro heis fraternally invited T. W McLaughlin N oble Grand W. W. Pbrdhaciie, tutelary. ERKKAH DtORKE, l. O. O. F.— l/>jral Kebekah Lodge No. 43. I. O. O. F. iQMit* every Tuesday evening i t 8;00 oVlo' k. Vlattice Kebekaha cordial I y invited. Mr-. M. Rau*an. N. G. Mrs. 8. Ü. Tayloe, Secretary. M before a full moon. o R NIGHT3UF FYTUIAO" Acme Lodge, No. 15, K. of P. meets lu Pylhlau Hall «very Tmmdav evening at h o'clock. Visiting knights uiwmvh wele L F.Boykek, C. C. K. L. Little, K, of K. «Sc 8. K R ath bom: sisters Crcheut Temple Nt. 10. meet« every other Friday evening iu Knight» of Pythia* ha.l. Visiting member* invited. Mrs. W. I,. KtULcar M. E. C , Mrs. T. A, Bishop, M. of H. nun C NCAMPMEST 1. «». o. V. Kootenai Camp No. 2ô, I. O.O. F., meet» 1st and 3rd Monday» of Hie month at 8 o'ebak. Visiting pan uirriiK cordially iuviu .0 Medbary.c, I*. W. s. Curtis. 8» Jibe. U. L NIOIITSOFUIE MACCABEES— Koop*uai Tent, No. 24», K. O. T. M., meet, awry alternate Wcdue*dtt> evening ui 8o'clock Visiting Mr Knight« always invited Gt» C aLuton. Com mander H, U. W'ALkMi H. K K L adies ok the maccahees North Slur Hive. No. 18, L. O*. T, M . meet* »•very alternate Wedneaduy evening ai b o'clock. VUiuiig Ladies aJwiijs cordially invited. Mm. If a a riet Ekkby, Lady « otuiuauder. Mb*. Emma Taylor, Record Keeper. M OUKKN WOODMEN OP AMERICA— Ninth St*r Camp, No. 616«». M. W. A., iu VVooiliueu Hull every Monday evening. Visiting Neighbor* always welcome. K*rbua( Hk. V. c. E. L. Little, » ■ w w MAILS P OST OFFICE HOCKS— Office open* o, 8 a. ni , and clore* at 8 p. in., except sanday*. Open Sundays from u a. m. to 8 p. m. Eaaioouud mail c lotie* at 12.50 p. in. Westbound mail clore» at 2:10 p. m. and 8 p. m. Copeland and Forlhili mat 1 c'o»c*hI 7 a. m. Monday*, Wednesday* and Fridays I. K. C»»OK. JR.. Fo*tma»ier. Where Do You Eat? Fresh Oysters any Style, any time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. ». McMurtrie & McGinty, Proprietor*. IF YOO WANT TO SELL YOCB Real Esta le List it with me at the JS T . P. L A N 1) OFFICE I have Buyers and if the Price is right I'll sell it. IF YOU WANT TO BOY •Real Estate Examine my List of splendid Ranches, Timber Lands and City Property in Bonners Ferry and Kootenai Valley, it will pay you, 1 am selling them every day a. - I Sell Northern Pacific Land see this special offer. $3000—Buys splendid Stock Ranch 204 acres, cuts 100 ton* hay, good building, fine bearing orchard, 7 miles out. Enquire at once. See thsse Splendid Resident Lots PARU ADDITION which I have just placed on the Market. Chas. O'Callaghan, » NOTARY PUBLIC. BP.At ESTATE, : Bonners Pern/, Idaho. HEYBURN RECEIVES WARNING LETTERS Detectives Still Working on the Steunenberg Case and Tightening the Coils. Chicago, Jan. 11.—A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington says: Some alarm is felt by the friends 0 * ^ enator Heyburu of Idaho over a number of threatening letters re ccived by him in the last lew months. For a time the senator and his friends, with whom he has discussed the matter, were inclined to look upon the threatening mis sives as the work of harmless cranks, hut since the assassination of for mer Governor Steunenberg more importance is attached to them. Threatening letters also have been received by Representative John Cheney, who appeared as the'to attorney of 1 iovernor Steunenberg before a congressional committee at the time it was investigating the Idaho mining troubles. Senator lleyburn has expressed the opinion that the state author ities of Idaho ought to take decided steps to apprehend the writers of the threatening letters. Steunenberg Case. Interest in the foul assassination Not a day passes without some interesting development in the case, but still the assassination is surrounded of ex-Governor Steunenberg con tinues at high pitch. with a great deal of mystery. The evidence so far secured is largely All the suspects have been re leascd except the accused Harry Orchard. circumstantial, but very strong. The most interesting Masonic Installation. Officers for Bonners Ferry Lodge No. 43, A.F. & A.M., were installed a last Wednesday evening, Past Mas ter Cyrus W. Burns officiating. At a the conclusion of the ceremonies Past Master Burns made an able and instructive address. Those in stalled were: S. D. Taylor, Wor shipful Master; F. A. Shultis, Sen ior Warden; Gto. R. Gray, Junior Warden; E. L. Little, Treasurer; Ti\os. J. Jones, Secretary; C. K. Andrews, Senior Deacon; N. B. Williams, Junior Deacon. Millwaukse Boute in Kootenai. The C. M. & St.. P. Ry will have two lines across Idaho, according j to men high in the councils of that | organization. The road will enter Idaho from Montana via the Lolo pass, near which point the line will converge into two routes, one heading across to the St. Joe and down that stream to Coeur d'Alene •lake, thence onto Wallula via Spo kane. The other line will go down the Clearwater river to Lewiston, and thence down the Snake to the Columbia, meeting the other li e at Wallula. An Old Time Supper. The Epworth League of the d. E. Church will give an Old Times supper, followed by a short musical program at the Oddfellows' Hull, on Friday evening, January 19 Supper 25c. 1'rocecds to go towards furnishing seats for the M. E. church. Committee. Toy Wing Goes to Pen. Toy Wing, the notorious China- j man, captured by Inspector C. K. 1 Andrews, has been taken bock to the penitentiary at Boise to serve out the remaining six years of his seven years sentence. A full account of Toy Wing's notorious record appeared in the Herald a few weeks ago, including his capture here at Bonners Ferry by Chinese Inspector Andrews, on a charge of unlawful entry into this country. While in custody he was I identified as an escaped convict, ' havinc eluded the officers of the [territorial penitentiary 21 years ! ago. The federal officers turned him over to the state authorities. When he has served his lime, he will be a subject for dej>ortation, under the charge for which Insjsjctor An-j drew? made the nrro?t. ! developments of the week with re gard to this mysterious individual are the facts of his identification by Sheriff Edward Bell, of Teller county, Colorado, as the man want ed for blowing up the depot at In dependence and the killing of 14 non-union miners, and the further fact that the Western Federation of Miners with headquarters at Denver have announced that they would defend Orchard, and have asked the Silver City union to procure counsel for him. These facts, together with Orchard's astounding declaration that if the news of his arrest had been wired the Spokane papers, a lawyer would come from that city to de fend him, and the fact that a law yer did start at once from Spokane, without Orchard's request, makes the case highly sensational. Fred Miller, the Spokane attorney, is now at Caldwell, working for the defense of Orchard. He gives no explanation as to why his client should make such a remarkable statement, which one would think he would be quick to do in the in i terust of his client, if ho had any j satisfactory statement to offer, i 1 hat the full facts will eventually [Comeout admits of no doubt. The State of Idaho can never allow this blot upon its fair I to go unpunished. No expense ] should be spared to run the crim , inals to earth that the majesty of name ^ c * ^ aw lna y be vindicated. Troy Bandit not Drowned. KalispiU.l, Mont., Jan. 8. For a crime committed in Troy on Thursday, Jan. 4, William Heard, a youth cf 19, was today sentenced to Deer Lodge penitentiary for five years. Heard robbed the Wood's store and postoffice at Troy, getting about $100 from the store, after midnight. He eluded a posse, swam the icy Kootenai river twice and also cx changed shots with his pursuers. He made his way to Libby, 15 miles cast, and while resting and asleep in a hotel was arrested by a con stable. Heard gave up the whole game, pleaded guilty and accompanied the officers to Kalispell, the county seat. Today he pleaded guilty. oun ty Attorney McKeown persuaded him to make a clean breast of it. Hoard is a husky lad, with lots of nerve, which was shown by his swimming the Kootenai twice. Ratiidiu m, Idaho, Jan. 8. - Dis- j Judge Morgan's Court Dates. trict Judge Morga has fixed the •lates for holding court during the j present year as follows: In Koot-1 enai county, on January 22, March 22 and November 12; in Shoshone county, February 12 and October ! 15. Parker Killed Four Cougar», Rathdrum, Idaho, Jan. 8. Pete Parker of Bonners Ferry brought in four cougar skins today and re ccived the bounty of $15 each. The law requires that the right j foreleg of the animal shall be skin 1 '« ! «1 out and burned in the presence In addi of the commissioners, which was done with each animal, tion to the bounty, Mr. Parker ex pects to sell the hides at $10 each, He will continue cougar hunting during the winter. He considers the law of great protection for deer, estimating that each cougar will kill at least a deer a week while -The Herald prints butter paper, does the work properly, and charges no more than it will cost the snow remains at the present depth. you to have the work done in Spo kane or elsewhere. We furnish the paper, or the customers eau f rnish it themselves. New Train tc Bonner* Ferry, Effective tomorrow a new time card goes into effect on the Great Northern. j The most important feature of ' the new card is that it provides for j another passffhger train between Bonners Ferry and Spokane, mak ing three passenger trains daily each way. The train will be known as the Bonners Ferry Local and will leave Spokane at 8:00 a m., arriving at Bonners Ferry at 12:30 p.m 4 turning to Spoka> e the Bonners Re ^ crr y local will leave here at 1:14 p.m , arriving in Spokane at 5:45 p. m. No. 3 under the new card is due to arrive at 1:14 p.m., and ihe local will run as a section of No.3. Regular No. 3. will make no stops between Bonners Ferry and Spo kane, except to discharge through passengers, the Bonners Ferry loc al will attend to all the local bus iness, stopping at all stations. The Gieat Northern had a local passenger service between Bonners Ferry and Spokane a few years ago and it proved a great convenience and very popular with the public, as no doubt this train will. -r — G. B. Whitney and Chauncey Guthrie, of Copeland, were in town Wednesday and Thursday, figuring on a logging contract. — Prescriptions will receive care ful attention at Jones it Bishop's. —The electric light company this week established telephone connec tion between the plant and the Hotel Casey, and also connected with the residence of T. M. Dennis, the local manager. The phone in the Hotel Casey is for the benefit of the public. Anyone having bus iness with the company is invited by the management to use this phone. i —A brand new lino of 1006 spring samples of E. V. Price Co.'s tailor ing now awaiting you at Moore's. A first class fit at a moderate prise. — S. W. Roundsville, chief clerk for Winters, Parsons & Boomer, states that his company is figuring on finishing their contract by the latter part of March. Over a foot of snow fell here in the last 36 hours, but a Chinook wind is blowing this morning. j - The hoard of county "ommis sioners have appointed D. R. Adams to succeed Warren Flint, resigned as county assessor. Mr. Adams filed his bond and assumed the duties last Monday and quiet now reigns in the county assessor's office, where, for a time, it was thought matters would end in a riot. ■ Coeur d'Alene Journal. FOB SALE OB BENT. 1 herewith offer for sale or rent my residence and three lots in [Riverside addition. Will sell or re nt either furnished or un'urnish Furniture also for sale. ed. ply at residence, Ap Henry Melder 27 tf Special Sale. We have placed on sale Sevent - five Boys' Suits at $1.75 per suit. These suits are dark colored and winter weights and are sold everv where at $2.75 to $4.25. Our price y 0 ur choice at $1.75.—Bonner Mercantile Co. [ 1 THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Maintains unex-elled service from the west to the east and south. Making close connections with « ra ' nB transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice of rou tes to Chicago, Louisville, Mem P^' 8 am * New Orleans, and through ^ese points to the far east, Prospective travelers desiring in f° rn * a tion as to the lowest rates and best routes are invited to cor : respondence with the following Representatives: B. H Trumbull, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Ora. J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A , 142 Third street, Portland, Ore. Paul B. Thompson, Frt. <k Passenger Agent, Dolman Bldg.. Seattle, Wash. Operate Corbin Train» by Telephone K. J. Roberts, superintendent of construction of the Corbin line, was in town and out on the line north of here, several days this week. Asked ah >ut the proposed telephone line along the road, Mr. Roberts' reply was, "Oh, give us time!" "Then you really intend to con struct such a line," was next asked. "Yes, we shall operate our trains by telephone," said the busy sup erintendent. "The construction of the line is considerably in the fu ture then," was next suggested. "Oh, wo can commence laying track next week," said Mr. Roberts. The Herald learns that while a few miles of grade are ready for rails on the North end, yet there is an undercurrent of feeling among contractors that no Corbin trai s wil cross the Kootenai before May 1. Wall Paper Price Beduced, -To make room for spring stock all wall papers are reduced 25 per cent at Alexander's Not cheap clothes, but the best clothes cheap. 1 — Moore Bros.' Motto; See? —When in need of stock and poultry food, do not forget Gold Jones & Bishop. om. Estray. One steer, branded J D on right side, brown color, eyes white ringed. Anyone knowing of a steer as above described will kindly leave word at Carroll's ranch, near Copeland. 27-3t Lots for Sale. Lots No. 5, 9, and 10; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, in Block Nine (9), Town of Eaton. Address, Jamks Guaham, Cœur d'Alene, Idaho. Real Estate j Now 1« the time to buy. while Price« are Low. Bonner* Kerry i* growing and will continu»* to crow. Look over my ll*t if you want a home in u healthy climate. Or do you want to u good investment? Look over my Bargai ke in FARM and CITY PROPERTY BARGAINS IN RIVERSIDE ADDiriON ON THE INSTALLMENT PUN Buy a lot in Riverside Addition, now is the time, and build you a house. I will sell for twenty days lots in Riverside addition for $50.00 on instalment plan, $10.00 down; and $10.00 per month. The Corbin depot is only one Block from these lots, you will never buy them cheaper. - Two Snaps Will make a fine home. 3-4 of an acre of land; 3-room house, cel lar, Ice house, Barn. All fenced. Price $750. De not pay rent when you can buy a home ior $300. 1-4 acre of lard fenced, and 4-room house for $300. I l'ave several good relinqui«hm«nt» on hand that will bo »old cheap. Call and luok them ► over. al»o remember. 1 will advertise your property Ire«, if you list U with o« I will charge you 5 per cent comiuiation on a Hale. A. J. KENT* Real Estate, Deputy Mlntral Recorder, and Juillet of tbc Peace. BONNERS FERRV, IDAHO B • SHOES This is the time of the year when it is necessary to Our Shoes Combine have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Style and Quality Most of our Shoes are made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower th»n they should be sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We call especial attention to our FINE LINE of GROCERIES, and we make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C. C. Mercantile Co [LIMITE D] furniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PIC URË FRAMING, carpets, linoleums, WINDOW SHADES £ T LET US FIGURE ON FURN. IS HING YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. s W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida. T J Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D. JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. BoNNtHs Ferry, Idaho r Y Che Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Dd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OK LUMBER DIMENSIONS. 8i«ed or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. » * Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. *4 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Perry lumber Co V J