Newspaper Page Text
The Bonners Ferry Herald BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY JANUARY 20. 1906. FIFTEENTH YEAR. NUMBER 29 Bonners Ferry HeraM ESTABLISHED IN 1Ö1. THE PI ON EE, R. NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOR. Editor and Proprietor TERMS .<1.00 so On«» year Fix month*) A D V E RTI A I KG R ATE8 ; Local reading nolle«** five cent* v«*r line each Insertion t^*gul Notice* at legal rate*. Kate« for Display advertising made known on application. Cards of Thank«, Resolutions of Respect and similar mutter live cents per line. - R^uu. M»»iee.on iheUh s«.irt«v mooib. Sunday »»ho;»! every Sunday «t ti 30 rut. fathlr kflly. Pisior^ hr-id »I > 1,0 ,t"s heiiin-j ~ Entered nt the Post Olllcc at Bonner« Kerry. Second Cliss Mutter. Idaho, DIRECTORIES Churches. P RESnVTERI IN Uiscubir preafhlm» SnndHv inornltiv at 10:30. ami a me evening at 7 SO Suudav school H U.JWa »n Rkv. O n W I L>0N, Pastor •lee« every alternate QvTIIOUC ETHODIST EPISCOPAL KecnUr Church I O. O F. Hill ill me at 7; 30. AI ten 1. M IfHi* * ry biuduy Eve or Itiv1*.«d to Kkv H C. MOTKIl, PiikTo«. Secret Societies. asonio Bonner« K M 'i.?™; w n t vio "ü- u , T . . H. l>.T aylor. Worshipful Master. T. J. Jone«, hecretnry . 11 v no m i ows— 1'ioplila Lodge, Tfi, T.o. G i f .. mwiti every stuunlny even 0 « nit* «»'I'U'k VDifin* bru her« fruternullv InvHwi T W McLaI'GHDI* Noble brand W. w. Feci : ha ( he, ; c O y. KREKAII UtORJCtt, 1 . n. o. f.— Knyal lu U-ttwh Lotipe No 4;i, I. o. o. F. meet« nrery Tuemlay evening »t F:iKi VTaltlag U«*tM*kHh» • Oftllli. * J l V Ill'll. M F. M. IUCKAK. N U. Mr«, rtecruuiry. * u. r \yl u! * R NDiUTS OF PYTIIiAa Acme LOtlgt*. No. l/i, K o rythiau 21 Mil every Ti.'uid.i/ » c/riiM k. VtaiUtig iviilghi* ulw -i K wiling > ■unie. L F.Boykkr, i . C. E. L. Lia ilk, K, of K. A- S R ath bom; sisieks Cnuwut T< lupin > .in. Frida} evt'uluy iu VU illu* 11115011» Ti in f olher Kuuiiih .1 Pvthirt* hn • vit«*«!. Mr«. W. L. MUU?ai, M E. C , Mr«. T. A, Bishop, M. of ,. Ë NCA MEM £ NT I. O O. F. Kool* uul Lamp No 26,1. o. O. F.. Uluml 3r«l oi the ui< Vim 1 1 m: pHinurchti cordiHt.v Mcdbur) .u, K. vn . s Cimi**, •♦.f **v Ml K 11. 1 ii»^ NIGHTS UK lilt MAC! A III. Is Kool» 1 evt ry a «tor iitaim WoUiipm!«} vvvui V lblllllK dir K n if, ui.~ 1. AU4HON Lot K Ti'lil, Nu.-HI, k U. T M., Sn u>. UiVIUlt H, 11. V'AUtl D K. K L A DIES OF Til K M lCCA BEES North Sur Hive, Ko. l»i, i every HlicuMie N\ vUu« *<U> ov Imnili: l.mllt t> til rtn}« «unJiii llARRlBr Emk.EY, umiy Emma Tay T 3J , •k. ny Ito.l . Mu«. Uvcoiti Ktiepor. M odern woodmkn ok ameimcv Njrlh Si»*r Lump, No XI. Nt. A., mevta In ttoo«.tiui*n Hultevciy M*md«y evt-ulua. Niblituii N»'Uhl»or* mIwun« welcome. W N\ I KHI'Ht' UK. V.t h i. Lia ~ m MAILS pOST OFFICE HOCKS — CftU't; open* n. H il. except ft'ml*t* . «ni clrtcHHt S p Open Sundays from λ a. i ■ bound until cl« i. in 2 p. in. K ' WiMuboun J J;IU u. C'opeUurt anti I'orlhll. Muuduyii, Wctlucmlayh Mud Krni*«y f. !•. <'oOK. J it., I'oHtniHhier. ■ 7 u. ui. Where S>o You Cai? Fresh Oysters any Style, any time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. L McMurtrie &. McGinty, Proprl«tt«*r* IF YOU WANT TO SfcLL VOUH Real Estate List it with me at the N. P. L A N 1) OFFICE I have Buyers and if the Price is right I'll sell it. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Real Estate Examine my List of splendid Ranches, Timber Lands and Citv Property in Bonners Ferry and Kootenai Valley, it will pay von, I am selling" them every 'day I Söll - Psriftr T ^iruT lYOrillUll I dull It LallU pee this special offer. $3000—Buys splendid Stock Ranch 204 aci es, cuts 100 tons bay, good building, fino hearing orchard, 7 miles out. Enquire at once. PARrv ADDITION Sec these Splendid Residence Lots ■IN which I have just placed on the Market. Chas. O'Callaghan, > : NOTARY PUBLIC B6.AL ESTATE, i ; Bonners Frrry. Woho , j ANOTHER RANK FOREST RESERVE Another Dead Line to Progress Within Two Miles of Bonners Ferry. Like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky yesterday came the annou ce ment that a l»rge area of country situated south and east of Bo tiers Ferry hail been withdrawn from settlement for the purpose of creat ing the "proposed Cabinet Forest The lino comes within two miles of 'onners Ferry, the Northwest corner of the reserve Being near the top of the hill on the bench road to Cow creek. The proposed reserve extends to the ^ ontana line on the cast, to the Pend d' Oreille lake on the south, andin most places to the Poise, Rpcpm* i Mmedian on the west. 11 had becn ho P ed that the e°v*j ernmcBt had '■cached the limit of reserve business in North Kootenai when it withdrew lands for the 1 rr v I» proposed Kootenai Reserve, after establishing the Priest River reserve. The people of this locality will begin to fullv appreciate the 4 r 0 * » I t . etiorts of Senator I ley burn topre-i vent our tributary and con tribu ting territory from being tied up Bonners Ferry Postal Business. J. F. Cook, Jr., postmaster at Bonners Ferry, submits the follow* i ing figures as to the amount of bus iness done at the postoffice during the four quarters running from Jan. 1, 1905, to Jan. 1. 1906. The receipts were as follows: Jan. 1 to March 31, April 1 to June 30, July 1 to Sept. 30, Oet. 1 to Dec. 31. if 533.13 628.61 826.51, 1041.92 ♦3030.27 Total for year There were 1230 letters registered d nring the yea r a nd $ 10,018.61 worth of money orders were sold during ;thc month of December alone. The money order business for the year amounted to over *80,000. As an office of the 3d class, Mr. Cook will receive a salary of f 1200 per annum, hut will have no allow ance for clerk hire. The new elas sifieation will not, however, inter fere with his conducting any other business in connection. The Steunenbcrg Case. Harry Orchard, the alleged mur derer of ex-Governor Stounenbcrg, has been bound over without bail, as a result of the preliminary trial. Matters in connection with the i assassination of the ex-Govcrnor continue to be of sensational in terest. I Attorney .Miller of Spokane, who i left for Caldwell to defend Orchard I without so much as a request from ! that individual, has secured assist ant counsel, and announces that ho It has also I developed that detectives are on I tho ground working in tho interest of Orchard. The question natural I. . . n .1 • Iv arises, where no. » all this mon will camp on tho ground until tho Orchard case is tried. , ey and influence come from to back Orchard. The i fforts of the detectives work ing in the-interest of the slate is to j try to locate the accomplice of Or c hard, the mysterious stranger seen , j Orchard's'company. 1 I , The Milwaukee headed for Bonners. As nearly every town between j the British line and old Mexico has rec ®ived a tip that the C. M. & St. p, R' y i s coming its wav, the Her ! ai.d can not delay longer to put in j a bid for Bonners Ferry. We are led to make this claim . ; «-hnt the Milwaukee will strike j Bonners Ferry from the fact that j Major Faust of tho Libby News j lias mapped out the only practical j route for the Milwaukee, via Lib , by, in which case Bonners Ferry would of necessity get the road, for j once in the canyon of the Kootenai, the Milwaukee, like Jimmie Hill's ) line, could only got out by taking j the sky route, at least until it gets j down to the head of the valley, ' I miles east of town. Tim Msjor rtaf'' that infor-nn in reserves, when they read the following special in the Spokesman Review: , ! In T. 58 n., R. 1 c., sections 25 1 to 36 inclusive. Coeur d' Alenc, Idaho, Jan. IS— The Register of the Land Office has been advised that in connec tion with the proposed < abinet forest reserve in Idaho and Mon tana, the department has with drawn, save for mineral entry, all the unappropriated la ds within the following area: In T. 00 n., Il, 1 w., sections 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36. In T. 56 n., R 1 e., oo much as lies east of Lake Pend d' Orielle. In T. 57 n., R. 1 e., so much as lies north and east of Lake Pend In T. 69 n., R. 1 e. sections 1 to : 18 both inclusive, i • t>0 n., R. 1 <*., sectio s 19 . • .. • , • t° both i< cluBiye. I 1 1 • hi n., K. 1 sections 22, ; 22 ^ 24> 25? ' 2(i 27) :1 , 35) ftl d In T. 55 n., R. 2 and 3 e., the I north one-third of two teirs of j sections. AH <>f T.nynships, 56 57 58, 59, and 60 North, Ranges 2 and 3east. All of T til n R 2 c j ln T. HIN., R. 3 E., so much a« lies south of the Kootenai River. tion has "illtered" through to the effect that it is impossible to get a reasonable grade bv way of the Ln lo pass, and that the route will he abandoned and the road will take a Northern route, coming via Great Falls, Kalispell, Libby, l onners Ferry and Spokane. While this "Altered" information is not as direct as wo should like the Major to hind ns, yet the the proposition is not without mer it, and the route would be a good one. Railroading Under Difficulties. The Kootenai Valley train that left here Thursday morning for Creston, B. C., and scheduled to re turn at 2:30 p.m., had not got hack this morning. In the par lance of the road, the train was "bucking snow." A deep fall of soft, wet snow made progress very slow at best, but 8 miles out the Here they remain train struck ice as well as snow, and the engine and several cars went into the ditch morning before the helper engine rt>aoh, 'd them and pulled them * 5UC ^ { ,,n the track. By noon they had not reached Port Hill. In the moan time the coal had given out and Engineer McDermott and Con-i bantlon cd until three o'clock the next sent down from the main line Victor Raymond had to tho train in order to S 1 ' 1 a rancher to haul them some wood. In due time the fuel question was settled, . Hnd then they bucked more snow. The crew ani passengers had to WL ' k lhe BospUaHlies of the ranch ers along the line in order to pro v ' dc themselves with provisions. U was Kug'neer McDermott's first trio ■ A- we go to press this morning, Saturday, we learn that a relief lr ; lin 1,1,8 P 01 '" 0111 Lrinac the ' • *"> l ! R, y !> l 'ing olf the trac>< ngiiin, a> >1 having been ui able to P ut 38 far as Co P ela " d - j b» ve their home invaded by n par l - v of f rie,lds i occasion being the 22nd anniversary of their mar riage. Those present -passed a most enjoyable evening. Card! playing and music served as the means of entertainment. A tine luncheon was partaken of at the midnight hour. A Wedding Anniversary. 1 Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. Jones were surprised last Thursday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Jones were made the recipients of a lovely Chocolate set, presented by their friends, and wished many happy returns of their wedding anniversary. Es tray. One steer, branded J D on right side, brown color, eyes white ringed. Anyone knowing of u steer as above described will kindly leave word .it Carroll's ranch, near Copeland. 27-.'k Shavelear Plays Even. Sandpoint, Idaho, Jan. 15.— harles Foy, proprietor of the East Hope hotel, at Hope, recently left for a visit to Sjiokane, checking a trunk through to that place. On his arrival there the trunk was searched and found to contain lake It seems that a few weeks trout. ago he had the Northern Pacific agent at Hope, J. H. Shavalear, ar rested for the alleged cutting off of some meat from quarters of beef shipped to Foy. * The agent on learning of the shipment of fish, infoi<ijft() Spokane officers, who searched the trunk and found the Fov lia* been arrested fish there, ayd will be given a hearing soon. _ , —-r — "Pfister it coming!" See page 3. The Engin-; *-'s Camp. Contributed : A trip to Chief Engineer Bowen's of the Spokane ife Interna* camp tional R. R., is well worthy of the journey to the top of the hill on the other side of the Kootenai. My wife and I having had sev eral invitations to spend the after noon and partake of a meal at this delightful spot, accepted and the merry time we had amp y repaid us and will long be remembered who the city of te ts is i o more. Arriving at camp, we were invit ed to spend part of the afternoon with Mrs i oiven, a person with a most pleasing personality, the life of the camp; a peep into fier tent makes one feel the real joy of liv ing in the open, the tent a cozy, pretty little place, made cheerful with pictures and all the latest magazines are to lie found as well as the daily papers. A most startling sound caused us to cease our social visit and pre pare for our meal, and i dare say great was my curiosity to invade the sacred coniincsS dol the mess lent. r. Williams, a lively The chef, good looking young man, greeted us most cordially, inviting us to make ourselves at home, and seat ing us well near the center of the table from where we were able to enjoy a most sumptuous meal and converse with a fine looking and healthy hit of young men. Mr. Bowen is u brilliant convers ationalist when once ho is started, ho seems to be a favorite amongst the hoys. Mr. Johns, the clerk, is a rustler especially in getting the mail and taking care of the live stock. Mr. Browne represents the camp in town, he is a firm believer in Dr. Chas. v\ agner's book, "The John represent the German dement a d lire two inseparable com pan i° n8 an( I are usually engrossed in as, "the best Simple Life". Mr. Horst, "Little Paul", and Mr. Feldennan,, "Ed" try to follow Mr. Brown's example in leading the simple life, hut are usually unfortunate. Geo and ; s»*«" d " L 'P questions way to cut wood on other peoples | P r °P«rty without being arrested." Geo. is the "Beau r«njiuel"of the : crowd, a shining light in society, parti u l« r *y fond of the ladies. which trail is amply reciprocated f'J the ladies, 'he wit of the table found when a rid» U wanted, how Frank, the teamster, is not to J over, when yo» deci le to take quiet drink by yourself he is like a bad penny. Russel and Dorly are botli very quiet but silent water runs deep," and they both can loose the "kids" at a social er and ,alkt r and worker, is ways ready .to contradict these i f*> r y tales. Chandler speaks very little at the table, but he has trouble of his own with the " »V eary time in town. Rogers, Chandler and anifen arc in a group by themselves. ( | Hanifen, one of the camp's hand 1 some men, can tell some of the most absurd tales about railroad ing, and Rogers, the greatest walk Willies. 5» Summing up and looking over thu whi le outfit, they are a jolly and sociable crowd, and let . tell you. dear reader, if the invita . lion conics your way, take it instantly. XXX Wall Paper Price Reduced. To make room for spring slock all wall papers are reduced 25 per cent at Alexander's Seehaver goes to Canal Zone. John Seehaver, formerly of this place, but for several years past connected with the Oklahoma Gulf Railway, as chief clerk in the engineering department, writes the Herald that he has resigned his position to go to Panama, where he has a position in the Canal build Hc was booked to mg service, sail from New York to Christobal on January 13. — "Pfister is coming!" See page 3. —William Dollar, one of Cœur d'Alene's most wealthy citizens, was united in marriage last Wed nesday with Miss Christina A. Playfair, also of that city. Dollar is president of the Exchange National Bank, and heavily inter ested in the Idaho Hotel, the elec tric railway, and real estate, and Mrs. Dollar will go south for two months on a wedding tour, re turning by the way of the West Indies and Old Mexico. —Harry Melder is assisting in Hollinger's store this week. — Remember, Moore Pros just received 100 of the swellest tailored suits you ever saw. Don't wait till the prettiest patterns are snapped Mr. Mr. up. Situation Wanted —By a young lady, either us Clerk or Cashier. References, Applications may be left At the H irald office. Notice. Senator Heyburn will be glad to send flower, garden and other seeds furnished by the government for distribution to those who will ap ply for them. Address W. B. Hev hurn United Stales Senate, Wash ington, D. C. Lots for Sale. Lots No. 5, 9, and 10; 15, 10, 17, 18, 19, and 20, in Block Nine (9), Town of Baton. Address, James Graham, Cœur d'Alene, Idaho. IN Real Estate Is the time to buy, while Price« arc Low. Homier* Ferry l* growing and will continu*' to grow. Look over my list if you want a ht in a healthy climate. Or do you want to m a good Investment? Look over my Hurgul In FARM and CITY PROPERTY BARGAINS IN OS THE INSTALLMENT PLAN buy a lot in Riverside Addition, now is the time, and build you a j house. I will sell for twenty days ) ots Riverside addition for 150.001 on inMn , ml . nt p j ai tia00 down! and m w month The Corbin depot is only one Block from those ! lots, you will never buy them cheaper. Two Snaps Will make a fine home. 3-4 of an acre of land; 3-rootn house, eel-! lur, Ice house, Parti. All fenced.! Price •i : 750. De not pay rent when you can buy a home ior $300. 1-4 acre of lard fenced, and 4-room house for WOO. I Luve «ever«! good relinqal*hmenta on hand that will be «old «heap. Call und look (hem «vit. also remonber, 1 will adverliae your proinny frer. u>ou H*t it wuh me. i win eh«rKe >ou o pi r cent e<tmmiMiion ou « Hale, A.]- KENT, Real Estate, I Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Justice of tho Peace. BONNERS FERRV, IDAHO SHOES This is the time of the year when it is necessary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Slices are made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower th n they should be sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We call especial attention to our FINE LINE of GROCERIES, and wo make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C. C. Mercantile Co [L I M I T E D] Turniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PIC URE FRAMING. carpels, linoleums, WINDOW SHADES I I J •} h i LET US FIGURE ON FURN. ISHING YOUR HOUSE. will guarantee to save YOU THE FREIGHT. Ü L> W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, ida. T J Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D. JONES & BISHOP 1 DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. BoNNtHs Ferry, Idaho isæær. CIk Bonners Terry Cumber €o., Ctd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER II DIMENSIONS. Sized or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. 8HIPLAP. FLOORING, BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. 5 - Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. 1 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co J nmr-THTTi