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The Combination Concert Hall Show Every Night Ginn if Spscialtlss Every Saturday Hilt New Acts—New Faces. jy W jj * - - W A Clean, Laughing 1 Show From Start To Finish. 6« Your Abstracts from the Panhandle Abstract Company (LIMITED) Rjthdrun. Idaho PROMPT SER VICE AND A L WA YS RE LTABL E Information regarding Real Estate furnished at reasonable rates. Surety Bonds, fire Insurance, Conveyancing and notary Work & Mt. It.-*- ** * * * * * * UL-M. UL W W <at-ML. ** ** * * ^ itv^v * ft * EUROPEAN PLAN PHONE M.629 * ft Hawthorn Hotel * Formerly Hazelwood Block fine Rooms» by the DAY, Rooms 50, 75 and $ 1.00. By the Day * * * WEEK or MONTH ft ft * ^ft^ft********* :«c **** ** * * ft* * — » # I Free ILvtii on Every Floor Mrs. Fred Kaiser, Prop. ft Corner POST and 2nd Avenue HFOKANh, WASH. ft _r,_ ml -•L t t ti THE MILWAUKEE n •> THE PIONEER LIMITED "SHORT LINE" OMAHA TO CHIC \GO « "SOUTH-WEST LIMITED" KANSAS CITY TO CHICAGO 3T. PAUL TO CHICAGO No Train« in the Service on any railroad -in the world that equal« in equipment that of the • CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE &. ST. RAILWAY PAUL » They nnd «lining cur« give I heir pat rons « not obtainable elsewhere. Berth« sieeiMT« hi in similar nnd operate their n «lee pin g all their train« and : •lie ? of service their longer, higherand wider than any other Hue. car« • They protect theii train* bv the Block system. • ions male with Connect ai! transcontinental lines in Union Di pots. 4 1 • _ H. S. ROWE, General Agent. 134 Third Street, Corner Alder : Portland, Oregon. : P f 3 'I The Most Delightful Way to Cross the Contineni Through Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Leadvillo Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Gieatest Ait Galleiy Passing Castle Gate, Canon of The Grand, Tennessee Pass, Marshall Pass and the Royal Gorge. 3 TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER Equivalent and Service Second to None. Seek no further, lor heller can't be found. For Detailed information, address W. C. MCBRIDE, Gen'l Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. 124 Third Street WEI „ Would Like "STOTT xc Tu INVESTIGATE und USE the -O R Sc N KANSAS V Union Pacific Route f A a ;e I For your Fast Trains Daily. next trip East—Two Most Modern and Up-to-date Equipment.—The liest and moat picturesque Route j DENVER, OMAHA, CITY, CHICAGO, \ I life prvf» The nam« Eldredge has stood for the * BEST In the SewlogMachine World._ rr . 4 Here Is a New Eldredge; B. TIER I hirtV than EVER, and Superior 10 all A 1111 others. Fostive take-up; self set _ - ting needle; self threading Shuttle; I automatic tensionrelease;automatic 1 vdlo bobbin winder j positive four motion feed- capped ncddlc bar; noiseless self adjusting roller »»earing wheel, steel pitman: five plv laminated woodwork, with a beautiful set of nickeled steel attachments. Ask your dealer for the Improved fc,1drcdgc ••B" and do not buy any machine until you bsvt •een it. and all Eastern Point* THE ONLY LINE VIA SALT LAKE & DENVER Lowest Rates to and from All Foreign Countries. National Sewing Machine Co. BFI.VinF.4F. ILLINOIS. Write ui tor lull particular, aud Kates OEO. J. MOULER. Ocn'l Agent. sookanc. Wasii. Kii.r.l.le \... SAl'UdlMV, JANÜARY20, 1906 . Bonners Terry Berald EDITORIAL NOTES. The legislature to be elected i next fall will select a successor to \ Hon. Fred T. Dubois, our present senior senator. The manner of selecting the successor to Mr. Du bois is at this time furnishing an interesting topic for consideration, | 1 especially among the Republicans, I for so far as the Democrats are concerned, it is already a welj settled fact that Mr. Dubois will !»■ nominated as the Democratic can didate by the next slate convention, and will be selected as his own successor if that party should win. There is very little prospect of a Democrat!victory, however, and consequently all interest in the Senatorial contest rests on the Republican side. Will the Repub licans nominate a Senator in the convention, or will they follow the custom in vogue since the establish ment of the Government—leave it to the legislature to decide? That is likely to be a big question for the convention to decide, and it will likely be decided in accordance with the wishes of the Senatorial candidate that dominates the con vention. Mr. Borah is understood to favor the convention plan. Gov ernor Gooding, Chairman Brady, Judge Standrod, and Judge Beatty are understood to be against the I convention plan. 1_ _ idently believes his chances better before the convention. The Governor and tlie other gentlemen seem to be inclined to prefer to to take their chances with the leg islature. Mr Borah ev arc The Chinese question is bobbing up in new form. Owing to the discrimination against the Chinese by the laws of this country, the j Chinese have declared a boycot ] against American products. The result has been to close nearly cv cry Hour mill on the coast. China has been a heavy buyer of our flour. She U now importing that product from Australia, paying a higher price, rather than patronize Americans. The shoe has begun to pinch pretty hard and the big mill men have seen a row light, and are now in favor of Chinese immigration. Our Uncle Jimmie Hill, who carries a largo part of freight, is uko out in favor of John Chinaman. , As a consequence we are likely to find some Grange reading in the newspapers on this coast, relative to the Chinese. The advocates of Chinese Immigration out here have been as scarce as "hen's teeths", but the newspapers will be found who will advocate j John Chinaman's c ause, in the in j terest of the big flour mills, who want to sell their product, the big wheat growers who want a larger market for their wheat, and various other people interested in cheap labor. Thk growing importance of Bon ners Ferry is again illustrated by the fact that on January 1 the postoffice at this place was raised from a 4th to a 3d class. This was I due to the fact that the receipts of the office were averaging above j $1900 per annum. As a matter of fact tho receipts of the office for the past six months have approx imated that sum. A more detailed statement in this regard will appear elsewhere in this issue. In making the change from a 4th to a 3d class office, the appointment of postmas ter passes out of the hands of the Postmaster General and becomes a Presidential appointment. Pres ident Roosevelt has named John F. Cook, Jr., the present incumbent, to succeed himself, upon recom mendation of Congressman French. The appointment is for four years. The Senate has confirmed tho nom ination, although the official notice has not yet reached Postmaster Cook. Thk map of Kootenai county is undergoing such wonderful chang es, that Senator Heyburn will have to knock at the doors of the Gov ernment for a new map before an Railroads . , .... . , , ; |hc t orhm .mo n Inch is construct-. ing nearly 100 miles of road through the county, passing through Hon ners Ferry, and the Lewis line, in the timber belt, near Ctrur d'Alene, I an electric line will lie built in the ! other year has elapsed, to | lieing projected everywhere. Besides spring from Cœur d'Alene to Hay den Lake and perhaps to Pend d' Oreille Lake. , And still another standard guage is announced to be constructed from Spokane to Rath drum. on to Fish and Spirit Lakes, terminating at the South end of Lake Pend d'Oreille. A steam line k ala* projected from Coear d'Alana tc Murray. Watch Kootenaicoun ty boom I PHISTER IS COMING Another StdrLinçj ExpOSC ill the World of fraud. While the insurance scandal, land frauds and other evils arc be ing aired in our newspapers, there is another—a greater evil—exist ing in our midst, which deserves the immediate attention of the This evil is the thinking public, fakir who gives Ids victim glasses which are not only utterly incorrect, but in many instances ruin the eyes Some of these tricksters have taken a three-dollar correspondence course from an irresponsible insti tute, which sends forth questions, answers and diploma at once, there by saving postage, abounds with such "diplomas." The only way in which the people can be protected from this evil, is by having a state law passe i reg ulating Optometry, and compelling everyone wishing to practice to pass a statf examination. Dr. Pfister, the German Eye The West Specialist. who visits Bonners Ferry regularly, is from St. Paul, where he passed the Minnesota State Examination. He is the ONLY One in Idaho and Washington who has passed such Examination. Anyone wishing a verification of the above statement will receive same by addressing the Minnesota State Board of Optom etry, State Capital, St Paul, Minn. Dr. Pfister can Stop Headaches. Bad headaches for which you can find no relief, and prevent the decay of your nervous system. There is no disorder of the human system that has a greater or more perilous effect upon the mind, brain, and whole nervous organi zation, than eye defects. By this method glasses may often be laid aside in a short time, leaving the eyes entirely cured. Dr. Pfister is Strictly Honest In His Examination. and this coupled with his thorough knowlodge o{ defects ,, f lho eve lld the science of optic8j enHb]e8 hinl to give perfcct satisfaction, Hc , vill make any desired change for fornier patients, and he glad to lntet new ones , This is the fourth year of Dr. Pfister's visits to our town, where it is well known that he has helped many whom others have failed to benefit. He will be at HOTEL CASEY Friday and Saturday, Jan. 26 and 27. Remember these days and dates. TWO DAYS ONLY. Examination Free. I N S El N G Information Relating to the Richest Product of the Soil. Prof. Howard of the Missouri State Agricultural College says: "1 advise American farmers to cultivate Ginseng. Big profits are realized. It is easily grown, bulletin by the Pennsylvania State College says: Tho supply of nat ive Ginseng Root is rapidly dim inishing and the price per pound is correspondingly increasing, while the constant demand for the drug in China stands as a guarantee of a steady market for Ginseng in the future." American Consul General Wildman at Hong Kong writes: "There will be little difficulty in disposing on this coast of all the Ginseng that is grown in America. Ginseng is a staple on the mar ket the same as corn, wheat and cotton. The present market price varies from $6.00 to 18.00 per pound, while the cost of production is less than $1.50. There is room in one's garden to grow several hundred dollars worth each year. The plant can be grown throughout the Unit ed States and Canada in any soil or climate that will grow ordinary garden vegetables. There are two planting seasons, spring and fall. Wc are buyers and exporters of the dried propoct, and grow roots A and seeds for planting purposes. D* us show you how to make mon ey growing t.inseng. You can get a practical start in the business for a gma ll outlay and soon have a nice income. Send two cent stamp today for onr illustrated literature' I tolling all about it. \V rite at once -1 >' ou ,na >' uot this ad u 8 ain ' Cbe St. Cowls Ginseng Co 6HUUM- HS «*4 EXPORTERS I nine • • • MiOwAllDi LUU lb, • « • MISSOURI j —The C. C. is the leading family Grocer. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department ol tlu Interior, Land OBlce al Coear d'Alenf, Idaho. January. S, 1906 Notice 1 a hereby given that the following nanuHl settler ha« flleil notice of hl« intention to make final proof in support of hi« claim, and that said proof will be made before the Reg ister and Receiver at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho February 7, 1906. via: CBriL If. Wheatley. , Idaho, who made II. F.. No. rai2. of Willla for the HE** HE*.*, Sec. 1H. NE^ NE«*. and Lot 8. Sec. I». and HWfc NW^. Sec 20, Twp. 63 N . R. 4 W B. M. He name* the following witncs»e* to prove his continuous ret* hie nee upon and cultivation of »aid laud, vl* : John K. Hanson, Fred Snyder, Andrew Coolm, all of Williams, Idaho, and Henry Anirestatt, of Priest River, Idaho. 10 K. N. Dunn, Kcgisteer NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, land Office at Ctour d'Alene, Idaho, January 2, !90G. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hi« claim, and that said proof will be made before Thos. J. Jones, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Bonners 1. y, Idaho, John Linurkll, who made Homo«tcad Entry No. 1792. for the N)i NE«,*. and Lot« I and 2, See. 32 Twp. Cf* N. of K 1 W. B. M. February, 8. 1906, vl* He name« the following witne»«cA to pro/c hin continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land. vl*: Harry A. Graham, Duals W. Erlenwcin. John F. Van Ktten, all of Porthill, Idaho, and Fred C. Fis he.*, of Bon ners Ferry, Idaho. 1-6—2-10 R. N. Dunn, Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Dec. 18, 190. r ». Notice I« hereby Jglven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Tho» J. Jones, IT. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Bonners Ferry. Idaho, February, 8 1900, vl*: Nathan White, who made homestead No. 2219, for the BWX Sec. 34, Twp. 63 N. H. 1 K. B. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Jesse J, McCtury, John F. MoOlocktin, Clarence J. Curtis, Jorgen G. Jor • all of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. R N. Dunn, Register. gei 12-10—1-20 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office, at d'Alene. Idaho, Dee. 13, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler bus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in NUpport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Thos. J. Jone«, U. 8. Commissioner. at his offic» at Bon ner« Ferry, Idaho, on February 8, 1900, viz: Henry U. Howards. who made homestead No. 2(67, for the HW«^ See. 14. Twp. 62 N. of K. 1. E. B. M. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Harry Flato, Geoige 8. Hutchings, Kdson 8. Cave. William L. Robbins' all of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. 12-10—1-20 C( It. N. Dunn, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at d'Alene. Idaho, Dec. 13, 1906. Notice in hereby given that the following named «eitler ha« filed notice of hi« intention to make final proof in «apport of hl« claim, and that «aid proof will be made before T. J. Jonen, Ü. 8. Commtastoner, at hin office In Bonner« Ferry, Idaho, on February H, 1900. viz . William F. Woodley who made homestead entry No. 8E»4. 8ec. 26, Tp. 63 N., R. I K. B. M. He name« the follow ing wltne««eH to prove hi« continuouH reside for the upon and cultivation of «aid land, viz: Tlioman W. MID«, Martin M. Fry, Thuinn« Bosanko. George 8. Hutching«, ail of Bonner« Ferry, Idaho. 12 16 -1-J0 K. N. DUNK, Register. Timber Land. Act June 3 'STS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, Coeur o'Alene, Mali j. Nov. 23. 1906. Notice ib hereby given that in comptl »nc» with the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of timber land« in the Slat •« ■»f California. Oregon. Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by Act of Aug. 4, 1892, Wm. H. Louer of Bellgrove. County of Kootenai. 8tale of Ida ho, ha« thi« day filed in thi« office hi« «worn statement No. 1792, for the purchase of the 4 , of Section No. 22. in Tuwiudiip No. 61 N., Range No. 2. W. B. M , iiid will offer proof to show that the land 'ought is more valuable for it« timber or «tone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim t«» said laud before the Register ami Receiver of this office at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, on Wednesday, the Tlh «lay of February, 1906. lie names witnesses: .lames Mell«, Mager Holley, James K. Hansen. ah of Bellgrove. Idaho, ami William Ruths of 8pok*D«, Wish. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the «bovc describe«! lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 7th day of February, 1906. 112-2-3 R. N. Dunk. Register. 'I THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL, Maintains unex-elled service from the west to the east and south. Making close connections with trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers are given their choice ol routes to Chicago, Louisville, Mem phis and NewOrleans, and through these points to the far east. travelers desiring in formation as to the lowest rates and best routes are invited to cor respondence with the following Representati vue: B. H Trumbull, Commercial Agent. 142 Third -treet, Portland. Ore J. C Lindsby, T. F. & P. A , 142 Third street, Portland, Ore Paul B. Thompson, Frt. <St Passenger Agent, Co In. an Bldg. Seattle, VVash. sift î|f#| Mart r 'j : Tr%U moreM cUrII Patlrr«a>aM lath* U"h«4 This »* Thwr* Stato than of any oih.r mete ol uaucina. account of thfir »tyla, accuracy and »implicit^. ■ M*C«H** M«*r*»l**Tha Queen of PsaWogkas saote »uh»f nbwra than any othar Ixrlwt Mag —i'i subscription (m numbers) c*i*n ft* cei»la. Lataal ■umber. $ CPBts. F.v«ry «-ibacnbcr g«ta a McCall 1 at lam Free. Subscribe today. Lady Apente Wanted. Handsome premiums liberal i»*K c >rorr aaion Tuttei" « aialorue cf da Sicr..) ard Prem: m Catalo-u- fab-win* 4.0«) •eat Ire*. Addxcu IHL McCALL CO., New York t >04 F* PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L-J CGM M It-SIONK R! THOS.J JONES, NOTARY PUBLIC : : : ; and CONVEYANCER OFFICE A f JONES DRUB STORE QKM I - I 1 Dr. F L ROBERTS DENTIST BURKE AVE. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO P HYSICIAN I DR E. E. FRY, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office opposite the Po«t office on Main Street. : : ; PHYSICIAN] GEO. H COFFIN, SURGEON. PHYSICIAN AND Bonners Perky, • * • Idaho. _ AWYERI _ JAMES E. DOLAN, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. '■»llections Promptly Attended to BONNERS FERRY. IDAHO J_AWYER CHAS L. HEITMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rathdrum. Idaho FroollCM lu SUtc. Federal and Supreme Conn« I AW YER BARTLETT SINCLAIR ATTORNEY-AT LAW Rathdrum Idaho I AWY BRI E. W vAHEELAN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office at International Hotel Annex BONNERS FERRY, - - IOA' O I AWYKR O J. BANDELIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , ♦ ♦ * IDAHi BONN ERB FERRY Ld. II. M. f î W.S. Beebee, Dentist, 7 ' cir .ri dore iPl T<4o Doors West of Hotel Casey Bonners Ferry, Idaho " • I I m S I 9 5 m ■ ■ g $ I j | : S ; — S PARLOR! lié [•) T0NS0RIAL .1, K. C. DAY. Prop. Fumigol Germicide Sterilizing used Antiseptic lotions used. (Mean Towels used. Sculp and Face Massage Treatment* Everything in sanitary condition. notice. ^ No Chloroform used while getting m shaved. ■ First—-Clnss Work H nnrunl •*«««! I Shop in BONNER HOTEL I Bonners Ferry, - - - Idaho. I ; [•I j ... Draying ... Prompt attention given to anything in the Drav Business ] Transferring, Got ds deliver ed,Furniture moving. Con tracts taken. Call on J. E. Howe. K. V. Railway Time Table. Kixiti iiH. Vmi l»*_\ Hail Soriheru Depot .a 8 m. I àalurdiiys, tel iruiug iu time 10 uec-l with No. 3 and No. 4. I Tu »ir -■ lays Livery and Feed Stable ^ First Class Rigs and Saddle Horses Parties taken to all Parts of the Cou. try. Careful Drivers furnished. i BLACKSMITHING ■ First class Blacksmith Shop in Connection. All kinds I of Blacksmithing done and work guaranteed. Charges I REASONABLE l/% Wm ELDER TON I 1 Bo.nneks Ferry, Idaho Give Me t] the .V, Remington" i says the experiencecl operator. Remington TypewrlterCompany 327 Broadway, N«w York. Write for Catalogue Rkmminqton Typewriter Company Spokane, Wash, 110 Washington St. I Hit THE COMFORTABLE WAY. WKBT STATIONS FAST No. S I No. i No. 4 No. 2 WHlfttFlsH 8 : 1 * 8:40 10:40 10:55 a. in. p. in p. ni . 1:86 1 24 BONNERS 8:29 p. ui. 3:36 IKRRY a;m 7:46 7:10 8POKANK 9:40 9 SO To Seattle, Tacoma and all Pacific Coast Points St. Paul, Cl.*. »g , Nfw York and all Points East. Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Buffet Library Cars, Modern Day Coaches, Dining Cars, Meals a la Cart». BEST MEAL ON WHEELS Fast Overland Trains Daily EAST AND WEST 1 l For furl ('articular«, Rate«, Fold er«, etc., call on ..r addie«« E. 8. BLAIR, Gen'l Agent, Spokane, W ««h. C. P SHEFFIELD, Agent, Boi F rry, Id. • •••••• • m m • The M Meals t in Bonners Ferry at the : : ; : ft • ..Spokane Restaient II : Only * Reduced Rates by theWeek. *• * • ••••••••• 26 c ■ i Si Sf NE jLnmu Before You Purchase Any Other Write THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE, MASS. Many Sewing Machines are made to sell recard less of quality, but the " New Iloiat* ** is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all condition* of thetrade. The "Ne w Home" standsatlhe head of all IXltfh-icrwde family sewing machine* ftold by authorized dealer* only. FOR SACK BY