Newspaper Page Text
■ The Bonners Ferry Herald NUMBER 30 BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1906. FIFTEENTH YEAR. Benners Perry Herald ESTABLISHED IS Mil. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER er county. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS «I nn *>no year .... Wi monlfcs ■ the in in Al>VKRTIsr\'n R ATI'S Local reading Tiotire* live «cuts per line ♦arh Insertion- l.ognl Notice« tvt 1. "uT rites. %tatps for Dianlay advertising madt* known on application Cards ol Thanks. Rp.W allons of Hetpect and similar matter five cents per Ur.' Entered at the Polt Office at Bonners Ferry, Idaho. a«€»*coud Cilia Matter. DIRECTORIES Churches. P RESBY'TKRt AN — Regular preaching aerrlee« every alternate Sunday innrnine allO S«. and lunie evening at 7:90. Sunday school tt 11.90 a. m K kv. O. 6 WI LoeK, F aalor. the it the : a so Nie — . —arrives «.. buiai«t»ied uieeuiiBwm ihe in« w'ertiu»d.i)- 1 ;l «voDlnK of the moult, on or before tt full moon. ] sojourn lux MuHicr Mai>ot>s qualified ur« fr« i* D.*T«âJL ,l WBiîhr*«i bmwt. T. : Janen, ! *** re " rr 1 eu i C atholic Regular Bwvicc* on the^lh Sunday ofcrtrh mouth. Sunday »chool every Suuday ut 11 :30 R*V. FATHER KITLLY. PHbtor. ETHOIMST KT1SCOPAL Kegulnr Cfturçh Services ore held «1 the Gl Ö. O. F. FI ill every hinday Evening. heglu InvOcd to Hi lt rv R MOTER. Pastor. M «ilug at 7.SO. All lend. Secret Societies. M Dl) FFMOWS Ulophlit Lodge, N© 36,1.0. C K.. «vary .Saturday eveuln g nl 8 o'clock. kiro'.hciH fraternally invited T. W MpLaucmlik K oblc Grand. TV. \V. FemnRACHR, S« leiury. KBEKAH DbA'j RE R, I. O. O. F. Kebeka+i No. 43, I. O. O. F. meet« cvct y Tuesday evening it 8:00 o clin k. VltoitiLK KebekiiliH rerdm'.ly iavlltd. Mr- j 94. M. Bauman N. G. Mra. s. y. Tavi.oh, Heereiary. NKiHTSOF I'YTHlAft Acme Lodge, No. IT», K. of P. uicctn ln 1 r Thuudav < veil lug at 8 nlghiB uIwhvh welcome. E. !.. Little, K, of li. .v s. O VibitlllB of R K rylhlnu ilaJl evory o'clock. Yinitiiig K L. K.Boyker. C. C. « ATIIÜGNE tiiSTCRB— CreMMit Temple Nt. 10, meets every other Friday evening in Kiilshls of l'yibiab h« I A'iElllug momberti luvltt d. Mrs. V. L Klui.ear, AI. E. C . Mrs. T. A, Kislioyi M. of R. uuu C of on E ncampment i. o. o. k. Kootenai Cutup No..20, I. O. <i. F., uieett 5bisn<1 3rd MotidiiyHof Um? month «it 8 o'clock. widttQg mMmom eiwd ln ... luvlted. M. L Alcdbury.C, P. W. S.Curtlb, Scitbc. NIGHTS OS' 1U£ MAC-CABliK.-j - l\ool"Uitt 1 «mu. No. 20, K.U. T. M„ every alternate \Vctlue»duy.';vcuiug ui 8«'c.lot k Viailiug iar KuigblH always invIUd. C'AUBTOK. K ' ■ K II. WAJ kKU K. K CviUUlitHdtT to L adikb ofthk MA<X*ABEE8— North Star Hive, Ko. hi, «L. O. T. N. every alternate Wednesday evening at 8 «»'clock. tied. Mas. , meets Vial ling Ladles always cordially d 1 ak kikl L'ackhv, Lady » .ouim<iader. Mus K m m v Ta v u>u, Record Kcepw. M odern woodmk.n of amkiuca— N trll: tlar CttUi{g No 6180, M. W. A . meets ut Woodmen Hail every Monday etvuiug, W. W VUitiiig Neighbors alwu\svvele 8 KKBu.i« »k, V. C. K. L. Lutlk, elira MAILS 1ST 0"KH'K IIIM'lts tdiicv N Bn J rt*x'*epi ••*ud *8 * *; P AVl-n.i. . AI..:. Where Do You Cat? Fresli Oysters any Stylo, any time Day oj- Night at the Combina tion Cafe. "McMvirtrrc t. McGinly, I*roprletorM JF YOU WANT TO SELL - vor* - Real Estate I List it with me at the N. P. L A N 1) OFFICE j i I have Buyers and if the Price äs right F 11 sell it. JF YOU WANT TO BUY Real Estate I I Examine - my List of splendid Jlanohes, Timber Lands and City ! Property in Bonners Ferry and Kootenai Valley, it will pay you, J am selling them every day I Sell - Northern Pacific Land ! S I 4;i000— Buys splendid Stock Ranch 1 204 acres, cuts 100 tons of , hay,, good building, |>ne l out. "inquire at once™ ' HEE THI3 SPECIAL OFFER. $1500.—Splendid stock ranch, 1801 acre», 100 acres meadow, balance plow land, orchard •und ti miser, running water, fine ocality. Partial payments. Chas. O'Callaghan, aiEAL ESTATE, : : : .NOTARY PUBLIC. Bonners Ferry, Idaho. STILL ANOTHER FOREST RESERVE _ » Half a Million Acres to be added to the Priest River Forest Reserve. ... Right on tor. of the announce-, w h. n loo government gels!,, , ... B . ment of the withdrawal of a mil- through with its reserve exploits, lion and a half acres of land f or Recording to present withdrawals the Cabinet Reserve, as outlined ■ *" ' ' ' ' > v » • 1 1 1 : • will not ^.i in these columns last week comes ! ' 1 ' " !'\ VE " R "* • °-' n " T in mese columns msx wees, conies out o{ the 100 townships in that) another announcement that 450,000 j p !lr t of Kootenai county north of acres more has been withdrawn in 1 the Pend d'Oreille River. All of Kootenai county to be added to] North Kootenai except u little the Priest River Forest Reserve. ... . , fringe along the Kootenai and I , ,, , i lie dispatches do not indi-ate I l end d Oreille will bo swallowed , , , i where tins land is situated, but as , up by the reserves. it is in the Cœur d'Alene land dis- j It is useless to protest. Senator tnct. H must be on the cast side of Hcylmrn has .lone all an the present reserve, as the west United States Senator could do to : line of the reserve is in Washing- prevent it. Senator Dubois lias ton. W hen the official description done all he could do to bring about —arrives it will bo found to include this calamity 1 ;l ^ the land l> 'tween the present ' 1 he forest reserve policy is l ' l1_ ] K i ri . i; no i]l0 .. ,. rv . ri i, Km tr»rn f,,] custom line oi the ro.tiso, tin American. U i. an Li'ltin hul. ! summit of the Kootenai- Priest Lake It is a cruel blow to the hopes and 1 range " nd tbe wester,! et, s e ,A th ' a,ril,itions of a P^P 1 « livin « in a i meadow lands Of the Kootenai Val- ; territory as large ns one of ley, an area equal to the number | eastern states, of acres withdrawn. But it goes! TO OPERATE BUCKHORN The IIcuai.d is in receipt oi a letter from W. J. Stapish, President of the Hoosicr Boy Gold Mining Go., of Anderson, Indiana, announcing that operations will be resumed at the Buckhorn caniji as early in the Mr, Stapish states that the company has been thoroughly reorganized, and that operations will be carried on in earnest, and not in the haphaz/.ard manner heretofore governing. spring ns the season will permit. He states that money is available for starting the mine and mill and This-is ecitainlv good news. Further particulars about this promising properly in the Movie dis Diet will be given next \vce to make the Buckhorn a producer. ►*> » w a i. | j i I ràftvj. j j j j ¥ »ask. -, as K -v 4 T fr ■ M i j j:* à 1 . "-- • e<] in Ids fate and enjoyed the reflec Miss May Hart, daughter of lion that he had not lived in vain. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Hart, was grad- Whether we take this or the oppo uated last Thursday from the High situ view, it School in Spokane with high hon- ; much confidence in divine KOOTENAI VALLEY BY, AT BONNERS FERRY. Graduated with High Honors. is not placing too; power held in to believe that sometime, in sonic the Spokane Theater. Miss Hart sphere of existence, he has reaped was the first on the program, he-, a conscious reward for Ids The exorcises were ors. säen - ing one of the few of the clai solec- fici ted to deliver an motion. She no- ; The Forbes-Iundy Matah. quitted herself with great credit. She was self possessed and tq«'k< in a clear, well-modulated t m ■ of voioo t ) iat co ., ld be i, ( . al , t ; 1 he following relative to a local . , , , , , ent has been handed us for pub .. * Iication: •v in anv, , , , part of the great building. | H ,u ' il ' k past local sports have The Spokesman-Review In. 1 the | bueu looking forward to the Forbes following comment on her oration: I Lundy boxing contest w hich ,s scheduled to be pulled off tonight. Kid Forbes is well known in the "Miss May Hart had a biograph ical oration on Beethoven. She | , depicted the hardships, the sorrows, I c,t >' , an ? ls onc ol lhe liKelie8t look - the calamity of deafness, and the ^ cha « w in . tho , 10 rthwe 8 t tragedy of the life and death of the He 1, * s Ulan )' frK ' nds 1,ere who great musician. 'But,' she conclu- ! ul ' 1 iohft tfanled to sec him in ded q )ig goul stilI ]ives in t , 1( J action against some good man of compogilions ho has In the his weight. case of these, as with many of our U,e *° rolln<ls If he succeeds in stop-, very ^ likely get a j nmtc-.i with little Freddie W e.-ks, Both F orbes greatest works of art, tho last degree 01 beaut - v or P°' ver C0l,les lo ny > ] through tbe sufferings ol the pro- ! , ^, ** X | .. durer. The immortal 'Paradise I an< ' art ' ,ul ^ much after Lost'was wrung from the agonized 1 ^ 8amo Sl -U'' and a contest he soul of the blind Millon. «o Bee-, twecn the t ' v,> wol,Ul be wel1 pntron thoven's intense suffering was the iiw1 ' Forb * h *n already challeng necessary seeding of onr splendid ' !1 * er <«nd llo harvest of musical wonts. Some irs. I students of his life think that, in ! his later ■The U.C. is the leading family er. as personal representative of Gov jernor Gooding at the "See America First" convention at Salt Lake on "See America First" J. H. Richards of Boise will act Wi E.- Borah was | January 25. compelled to decline the appoint -1 ment on account if » pressure of court business in Cassia county where he has a number of import* ant eases pending, one of which is : scheduled for trial on the 23d. , -n i .u Idaho will hayaone of the strongest | , l 0 gs j |,| 0 delegations lH)rg {rom G e E. M. Height) of the "Pin" road at I Weiser, and Col. Hamer of St An- j 1 lie other of state arc j m thony. I he central Idea animating the jail forthcoming conference will be the , fact that scenery and climate are . , , , ,, valuable assets capable of Convers . . , , ,, , ion into dollars and cents, egUon the flgureg iwivanced are I almo „ t aglound ing in their magni tudo - It no w largely a matter ! n{ conmion ktlow | ed ge that, accord - 1 ;. t(j rcaliablo 8tatigticg) Americ 1 ang ann ually spend in Europe i-coon ooo 000 Nor docs this figure * ZUU,UUU,WU# «or UOt8 Uih. OgUR j ncluclo fit least fin additional 200, lt fa ftrt treagurt . g But placing the amount diverted j the]^ h<mw oircuhltion at only $190,01)0,000, it has been shown! that if this vast sum eould be re From the financial side of this | tained here say for a period of 10 srJL'ÄfÄ ä build a perfectly equipped sea level canal at Panama and leave $1,500, 000,000 in the treasury. It would build a great roadwa- from New York to Sau Francisco and another I from Portland, Oregon to St. Au- ! Rustine, Florida and yet another I ^ J . n'at Lakes to the Gulf i 1 I it from the ' of Mexico. Another evidence of the value of scenery from the economic stand - 1 ! K,i,,t '* ^at at least $80, 1 000,000 has beeil left in Vermont j du ji nt r the past Î 0 years bv sight 1 | A recent estimate made in Cal -1 j ifornia is to the effect that the i tourist traffic to that state this will leave $17,000,000 in j circa ation there in the various 1 channels of trade. season Important Letter by Orchard. Boise, Idaho, Jan. 23.—It is learned that an important clew to the identity of Harry Orchard's al leged coconspirators in the Frank j Steuncnberg assassination has been ; j secured by Caklwell officers in the j form of a letter written by Orchard j from Caldwell during November aud returned, to him last week from the dead letter office. The name j i>f the man to whom the letter is ; i addreMcd is oppressed by the of liters. The letter was sent to » | j town . 1 . Colorado, but after remain-1 ing unclaimed for a certain period, was sent to the dead letter office in Washington, and from there rc I turned to the writer. The contents I of the letter have not been I)llld ,., • ; public. It is known to contain, ! however, Orchard's advice to a Col |orado friend to come at once to Caldwell. 'I have a hunch of money," reads - ''and there is lots of - the letter, money in lids job, with no chance I of being caught." - 1 H j s believed that while the man to whom the letter was addressed j did not receive it, still he received word from Orchard through an 1 . , , other source, perhaps through an 1 other letter, and came to Caldwell in re.eponsp to the latter'» advice. ; Th< . na , ne of the , nan is therefore being kept gecrct unti , he can bt . ,s j located - ] t in : of I Rathdrum. Say, Whitla Wants a Report! The following is taken from the Bust Falls Advance. To a Bonners Ferry reader il sounds liken josh: Both Sheriff Doust and Conntv ", Attorney Whitla deny the report ,h at gl„t machines are rmining in Mr. Whitla says that a ■ he has been informed that they wt , re running for a few days while he was away on his eastern trip, but that since his return he has in vesligated the matter and can find no machines running. He says it is his B tention to prevent gam bling anywhere in the county if lie can and would be glad to have he a,i y onc report casts that may have eonic to their notice. Kootenai County's Cash. Rathdki m, Idaho, Jan. 25.—The county auditor's report for the last quarter shows total receipts of $38, ',160.73. Cash on hand to the crc | dit of the general funds of school amounts to 112,887.44, districts $8388.16 in the special funds. These amounts with balances on hand from other funds make a total of : $30,223.15 cash in the treasury. The county commissioners have) -, , | awarded the contract as overseer I j of the floor farm to David A. Sulcr, j the present superintendent. Wall Paper Price Reduced. —To make room for spring stock jail wall papers arc reduced 25 per , cent at Alexander's I furnished by distribution to those who will ap ! Pty for them. Address W. B. Hcy 1 »»n™, United States Senate, Wash 1 ington, D. C. Lots for Sale. b)ts No. 5, 9, and 10; 15, 10, 1/, 18, 19, and 20, in Block Nine (0), j Town of Eaton. Address, James G bah am, tuur d'Alene, Idaho. Notice. Senator Ilcyburn will be glad to | send flower, garden and other seeds the government for IN Rea! Estate »"«ncrH Fi rry i»k grow. Look over r 1 « » ••iinuu«. or a., >-.m «in i„ it good luvcsliiuuil? Look over my Ibirguins in Now Is the time to buy, while I'rle are ix»w. log and will continue to want it home >■ list if S 1 FARM and CITY PROPERTY "Arjrnod relinquishment, 160 acres moadoW) | mile from town, liousc, $ 450 , 00 . j 1 A Bargain, $1100. G-room house Rents land 4 lots on Main street. for $50 per month. Wil1 rent for W° P er mo,ltl ' A Snap. $1200. Living Booms, Blacksmith shop and good lots, - ; $500 Buys n fine home. A 6 -j room house, barn, chicken house, good well, and one acre of land set out to orchard, fenced. $100 cash will buy this property, balance on j time. ; wi „ n , ake ft finu i lome . 3.4 o{ | an acru of i and; 3. roon . house, cel , ar k . ( . , 10Ust . t An f e , lC ed. ,, ■ ,., buy a home for $300. ! ' ar< * fenced, and 4-room house for ! •T.OO, Do not pay rent when you can 1-4 acre of I bave several |?o<><1 relinquishmcDts on hainl t lia I v. ill be m.*M ein*111». i'uHuidI look llolii ..v.-r, ni*o nam riiH r, 1 «111 u.ivmi.c y..ur : propoity free, il y « liarße y«»u . iRTctulcommlMlon liNt it with L*. i will a Hale. A. J. KENT, Real Estate, Dt-jiuty Mineral Recorder, and Justice of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO îhsre's no Belter -Service ! ' . ; Than that via the j * fVBTCHkj From Kansas City, Saint Louis and Memphis to points in the South, South east and Southwest. ; Ltavil , K Kansas City at 6:30 P. M. daily, will take you to Springfield, Mem phis. Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville , n d all points in the Southeast, it 1 For detailed information apply to G. W. MARTIN 6ENESAL WESTERN AGENT 1106, 17th St. DENVER. COUO. I SHOES This is the time oi the year when it is necessary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Shoes arc made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoo Go., the Largest Shoo Manufacturers in the World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower than they should be sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We cull especial attention to our FINE LINE of GROCERIES, and we make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C. C. Mercantile Co [L I M I T E D] furniture and Undertaking SSSSbBt WALL PAPER, PIC URE FRAMING, carpels, linoleums, WINDOW SHADES rqij T LET US FIGURE ON FURN ISHING YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners ferrv, Ida. T J. JONES T. A. Bishop, M. D. JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonners Ferfiy, Idaho Che Bonners ferry Cumber Co., CM •HAVE ANYTHING YOf W ANT IN THE WAY OK LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Si/cd or Hough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SIIIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. \ Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co I