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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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m w Stop and Consider these F acts ! .—. We maintain the Highest Standard nf Quality. Ail Heavy Goods, we You will find by Trading with us (hat We are if We Can help ¥0« We Buy in Car Lots Headquarters For Everything in the Line of Hardware CEX Groceries ^ 1 sie Save $50 to $100 and can Poritivcly give our Customers the advantage of BETTER GOODS Of your Yearly Salary or Daily Wages on your Purchases, Why should we not interest yon? If you arc not already a Customer of ours -AND LOWER PRICES JOIN OUR PROCESSION EOR 1900 We enjoy the Largest Trade in the Country, and always have a Large and Complete Stock on hand. Than can be had whore goods arc bought in smaller quantities. The Bonner Mercantile Co., Ltd, Bonners ferry. Æ & M. COMSTOCK, Manager. J. W. McHMOIIT, Proprietor. HOTEL CASEY Leading Hotel of Bonners Ferry Whole Sale and retail Wines, Liquors, Cigars BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO. Pure Liquor« lor Family Trade a Specialty. !•! [•I 1 HE V w y Idaho Market ta». a'-. I HtsM : r : W?s 3 ■m FITZPATRICK BROS., Props. 4 <■ BoN.NKKS riCHHY, IUA1K1 ii Fresh and Cured Meats Fish, Poultry and Sausages. HIGHEST PRICKS PAID FOR STOCK. J !îl\ E IN A CAi l. V™ toi [«n iei JCXXKXS«:*»: î tî E. L. NUTT ** **** ** ** ** ****** ***• **** ************ H. W. NU IT X *- * ii ce •. e 0 * CRESCENT STORE DKAI.KKH IN ** *' *; ■ GROCERIES andCONFECTIONREIES Try Our Choice Fa eilv i t X WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF CLOCKS. WATCHES, AND JEAELRY. * i r I • » AM. W«»RK OÜAHANTKKD REPAIR WORK A 8PKT1ALTY« V. I * S BONN EUR KERRY. IDAHO * v %0\0%0%0\0 ************ *<•» ********n ***^**** 3KL ■■ The Club Wm. HAKT. Proprietor. AGENCY FOR The Celebrated Green River Whisky I High-Grade Whiskies Imported and Domestic Wines, Gin and Cigars BILUHSDS AND POOL Bonners Ferry, IdaKo. 9 9 9 ■8 W ^ j* |g TM M Bi'dods of Lienors and Wines AT THE 'WHITE CARIBOU BAR' jfvChoice Cigars always on Hand'* Shade's Beer on Draught 9 P. C. Fisher, Prop. Local and Personal —See Ilollingers big bargain counter. —The C. C. is the leading family Grocer. —Senator Dubois says he cor dially approves the forest reserve policy in Idaho. But the point in that case is, who approves Senator Fred T. —In Moore's spring line of cel ebrated "Hawes" $3 hats, there is something to tit every face, figure and fancy. — W. H. Tromhlee is now at Pot latch, Idaho, the new lumber man ufacturing city of the Clearwater. — Do not forget While Bins when you need cough syrup.—Jones & Bishop, —Come in and see our new stock of huts —Latest styles.— C. C. Merc. Co. -If your watch needs repairing, send it Io 1C. M. Brown. —W. F. Jones Las sold his res idence property in Bonners Ferry. He has not deiided as to his new locution but ha* a business opening in Coetli d'Alene U ul he may ae Mrs. Jones will remain here cept. until he h .s decided upon a. locu lion. —Big reduction sale is on in the Dry goods dépannent of the Bon ner Mercantile Co.'s big store Ev ery tiling in the dry goods line, will be sold at actual cost. —The Bonners terry bovlii team has challenged the Saiidp ont team fiir a match to he pulled off in Spokane for $100 to $150. The Sandpoinl l»ani had published a statement that the Bonners Ferry team would not meet them else whtre than at the home alley. The home team has put the finis on I ha t talk by the action above stated. —Our annual clearing remnant 'ei-gain c unter wiil bel adtd next •nek. Look out for it. At Hoi lingers. —You can buy underwear now from the Bonner Mercantile Co. at prices that should induce you to Jay in a supply. — \V. J. Hoaglai.d has rented a large wheat ranch in the Pielou«e country and haves next week with hi- family for that country. Mr. Hoaglund was formerly in the meat market business her?. Their many friends will wish tehm every CASS, suc .— Bishop I) N. Mdnturff, pres idi nt of tiie Alamo c dony, lliform ttie Mkuald that the} have ar ranged to establish a créa men plant at the farm. They will have 10J cows of tneir own and will take cream from all the customers they can secure Tiie colony will make the breeding of B>own Swiss cattle a specialty—<v breed said to I be next to the lersey for dairy pur j pose*, and equal to tue Durham for beef, ( —When you get Shi ling's Tea, j Shilling's Coffee, Shilling's Baking Powder, Shilling's Extracts, you ^et what yon want. If you don't j get what you want, you get your money back. At the C. C. Merc. Co. Situation Wanted —By a young lady, either as Clerk or Cashier. References, Applications may be left at (he Hkrvt.d office —Hardware:—Keen edge tools, handy household utensils, best im plements for farmer, mechanic and woodsman can be supplied by the Bonner Mercantile Co. at prices that are right. —Senator Heyhurn has our thanks for a map of Idaho, showing the forest re.-eives in contempla lion by tue forestry department. The map was made by tak ng a photograph of a map hanging in the office of the forestry bureau at Washington. Practically every thing in North Kootenai is to be thrown into a forest reserve except a strip a few miles wide along the Kootenai and another along the Pend ii Oreille, —Agent for the best laundry in town. If you want your laundry done first-class, leave it at the Hotel Bonner Barber Shop.—E. C. Day, Prop. —The Coffee for Your Breakfast that will make your head clear and put you in condition to do a good day's work is Tillman & Bendel Coffee.—C. C. Mercantile Co. —The limit of gull was reached when the department of the interior included Bonners Ferry and the west half of the Kootenai Valley in the proposed addition to the Priest River forest reserve. Phis entire west half of the vullev, for a dis tance of thirty-five miles and from one to five miles tv He jg meadow and agrictllturul lands. —Children*!, fleece lined under wear all sizes 24 to 34, 23c. Chil dren',. heiw Heeee lined 1 1 use sices 5 to 10, 2 pairs fur 36c, sold regu lar and 25c and 30c. All ladies union suits he'nw cost. Ladies all w >ol hose 2 pairs for 45e reg Your nlar price 35c choi-e "I any wrapper in our store at 75". At Hollingers pair. per ,, , . ... —Our best valentines are going , r . rapidly.—Jones ife Bishop. L. Nutt and mother lelt Wednesday on n v.sit, to their home in Minnesota. Mr. Nutt will re torn in a couple of weeks, bot Mrs. Nutt will lemun until her Fine repairing —E. liusbat d disposes of bis property there, when they expect to come to Idaho to locate —Jen • Irv, Watches and Clo k Post Office store, a specialty. —The Alamo colony has pur-j chased the City Meat Market, con* •lucipii by HiiRohcroft & Benoy, liking possession Tuesday morning. H. Fletcher Mclutuiff will man age the bu-iness. The object the colony in engaging in the bus iness i* to dispose of their beef cattle ami pork without hitting the middleman's The bishop informs us that in addition to their profits. liecf cattle, they expect to raise and market 1000 head of hogs each year. —The FitzPatrick Bros., owners of oneof the largest and finest stock ranches in the Panlundle of Idaho, are n.aiketing a fine herd of steers through their meat mrrket in Bon ners Ferry. They ear ply ibeir shop with meal from thsir own ranch, and are swelling up a uice hank account from the proceeds of the sah if their stock thus market •d. Kootenai Valley stock bus iness paye whet, properly conducted —Go and pee a snappy line of For shapely design and pattern they're in a class of their Wald Moulded trousers just in at Moore's. 'own. .lust a re minder. Moore Bros, ire now awaiting the a.rival of a| new shipment of graphophopes and 500 of the verv latest records. —Weeks tablets will break up a told.—Jones & Bishop. —A. E. Rickerd, manager of the Bonners Ferry Lumber company, has been in Spokane this week at tending the annual meeting of ths lumbermen s association. About 250 of the leading lumbermen of the northwest were in attendance, and a very profitable and enjoyable meeting resulted. Speeches, ban quets and good feilowsuip was the order of the day and many matters >f importance to those engaged in the great lumber industry were passed upon. —We have a choice line of toilet soaps --Jones & Bishop. — G R. Ur. y, manager of ghe C. (!. Mercantile Co., was down with an attack of lagiip on Wednesday, ul is abi- to tend to business again. The cold nights this week have helped out the logging camps. The Banners Ferry Lumber company's camps have fixed up their roads by shoveling on snow, and the teams are now hauling iu log i at a lively rate. —New shoes, dress shoes, loggers siloes, boys shoes. In fact the big gest and best assortment ever seen in Bonners Ferry at tiie exclusive Mens store. — Moore Bros. —Mr and Mrs. J. B. Brody of Orling, Wash., sister and brother in-law ul Mrs. lames McGreevey, are making Mr. and Mrs. McGree vey a visit. —Assessor D, R. Adams was in town Tuesday and Aednesday and while here made this office a pleas ant call. Mr. Adams is ppoinling i ms deputies and otherwise getting ready to make the assessment ul . .... the county . He will put et^hl or ^ |uen itl Uje fitld at 0|lce . He faas app , )inl9d j, L Medhury dep lUy , or Bocner8 Ffcrry aild the Kuülanal valiey . Mr . AdaiI18 ha8 ^ UUU8lderiit)Ja experience in the assessors office, liavmg been chlel deputy under both Mr. Thompson and Air. Flint and is otherwise so that it H hoped that the assessors office will be in 1 ■ a capable man, splendid shape this year. —For a nice window display ol stylish «bo«», just lake a look al ; iluiliDger'e turner. bur eiyle, jquaJUy and price we lead all com-1 We propose to sell you ; ptlilors. oflshuss— stylish shoes that 1 wear And we are also headquarters foi ji ogg e r « and cruisersfoolwear. Miss May Hart returned from Spokane on Sunday. Di. Neal S. Walker of Spokane, brother of B. H. Walker, has been v.siting friends and relatives here lor the past week. Hj lias accept i d a position in a dental parlor in Seattle. —The town trustees at their reg ular semi-monthly meeting, held last Tuesday evening, look up the eousideiation of three new ordinan ce- that they pr ipose to enact. One relates to ruiiroad crossings and seeks to prevent trains from keep ing the crossings blocked fnr long periods. The other two relate to street obstruction«. All three are very necessa-v ordinances. The second reaiing will be given at a special meeting to be held nexl I week, and the ordinances wiil come | up for final consideration at the I next regular meeting, Tuesday ev ening. February 20. If 1 FREE ^ J\ free iwss mantle eiocKi With $30 in Cash • onr.ots free Standard örapbophowei With $35 in Cash Coupons. at Moore Bros Hen's Shop. We Divide the Profits with our Cutsumors. 8ec? L I ❖ MODEL CAFE Tin; HOTEL CASEY VXD ER MANAGEMENT MRS. L. E. LEWMAN, Proprietress XEW We Employ Only White Labor Tnj our Regular Sac Dinner, from 5 tu 8 p. ui. OPI: A I Vi } ■ A A I) A 2GET Only First Class Cafe in tHe City ❖ ❖ WWW >WWV t/k S»VW i CUV MEAT MARKET aLAMo CtiLONI AO., Pro|>'». fresh and Cured Meats i J 1 ! ,» ? 5 I * ALSO Butter, Eggs, Fish and Poultry HOME PRODUCTS A SPECIALTY Correspondence solicited frqm people having Stock, Poultry or Dairy Products ior Sale, anywhere. Lutext Winter Stylo» Period Fit Guaranteed. Domestic and Imported WOOLENS I i 9 9 WALDEN BROS Merchant Tailors ♦« Cleaning an I Hepairir.g Neatly D ine Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Lots for Sale. Lots No. 5, 9, and 10; 15, Iß, 17, 18, IP, and 20, in Block Nine (9), Town of Eaton. Address, Jambs Graham, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Wall Paper Price Reduced. To make room for spring stock all wall papers are reduced 25 per cent at Alexander's —All prudent buyers will take the advantage of the extremely low prices which the Bonner Mercan tile Co. are making in their Dry goods clean-up sale. — 20 brood sows wanted at —thftvUstno Colony Co. • «»ncc tt Teachers' Examination Feb. 22-24. Notice is hereby given that examination of all applicants for first, second, third, and primary grade teachers' certificates, and state and life diplomas will bo con ducted at Rathdrum, Idaho, begin ning Feb. 22, 1906, at the hour of nine o'clock a. m. an R. C. Egbers, Bup't. Schools, Kootenai Co. — May for Pale—125 tons of fine wild hay, haled, for sale by the Al Good feed for hcree. amo colony. Call or addiess us. If