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The Bonners Ferry Herald i _ FIFTEENTH YEAR. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1906 NUMBER 33 Bonners Eerrv Herald ESTABLISHED IS 1991. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER » OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. S- D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS Ottc* year . Fix month* . .11.00 •0 ADVUKTISING RATES Local reading notices five cents per line each Insertion. Legal Notices at legal rates. Hates (or Display advertising made known on application. Cards of Thunks, Resolutions of fwspoct and similar matter Avocents per Une. Entered at the Post Office at Bonners Kerry. Idaho, as Second Cl i*n Matter. DIRECTORIES Ti?,uT™ Ferrv i.r«iit<-. No.«, a. f. & a. : oveDinKofVhe nim'ih^^ïo^'niiuïNu'ncr M». RU TÏTi!ot rt wV«h r ^ttTM»àt«! ,, T. *j'.°J on«, ! Se<:reur * Secret Societies. M DD FKMO«?* Utopltia Lodge, Mc» S6,T.O. O K.. meets »very Sauinlay ev« u> u*r ui 8 o cluck Vl-itlnv bna hers fraternally Invited T. W McLaughlin K ohlo Grand W. \V. Fcudhache. imary. KBKKaH DEGREE, l.O.O. F. Loyal Kebekah l.odfe No. 43, 1 O. O. F. Intel* every Tuesday evening n 8:60 o'clock. Vixitlux Rebekahs cordially iavltcd. K. M. BAUM AIT. N. G. Becreiary. O R Mr.. S. D. TaVloa, II M'iUTSOK PYTHIA»- Acme}(tt, No. |ft, K. of V. moots Hi I'ylhlau Hall every • venin k at h (•'clock. Vuitiup Knights always welcome. Wi T. Jam kh. C. C. ». D. Taylor, K, of K. a S. K AfHBONK Sift I K KB Creveut Temple M . 10. moot» every other Friday evening tu Knights of Pythias ha*!. Vistllug members invited. Mrs. W. L. KiuLear M. E. C . Mx*. T. A, Bishop, M. of B. auu C H E ncampment I. O O, F Kootenai Camp No. 2ô, I. 0.0. F.. nice ft. 1st and 3rd Monday» of the niouti. mi 8 o'vlix k Visiting patriarchs cordially invltul. li. I. Medbnry.O, t. W. ». Cum*, detibe. NIOHTSOFTUEMACCABKES Kooi^ K Tent, No. 20. K.O. T. M., every ai tor nute Wednesday evening ni 8 o'clock VUiilng ôir Kinght» ulway» invited Ct< Caüston. Coinuoiuder P, H- WajJâer K. K L a I>1 ES OF TH K M ACC A B F. E8 North Star Hive, No-16, L. O. T. M., meets every alternate Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Vial Hug i-adiea always cordially invited. Mk». JlvKKiKr I'vKitV, l-ady i.ommander. Mb». Emma Taylor, Record Keeper. ODERN WOODMEN OFaMEKICA — North St*r Camp, No. »>100. M. W. A tatou in Woodmen Hall every Monday evening \ tatting N-eigiibora ui way» welcome. W W ► fuhr u:hk,\. c. K. L. Litt M l f CU.m Where Do You Eat? Fresh Oysters any Style, any time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cale. McMurtrie Fa McGinty, Proprietor*. IF YOU WANT TO SÜLL YOUB Real Estate Lisl it with me at the S. P. L A N 1) OFF! CE I have Buyers and ii thc I'rici is right I'll sell it. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Real Estate Examine my List of splendid Hanches, Timber Lands and City Property in Bonners Ferry and Kootenai Valley, ii will pay you, 1 am selling them every day. I Sell Northern Pacific Land SEE THIS SPECIAL OFFER. $3000—Buys splendid Stock Ranch 20 f acres, cuts 100 tons of hay, good building, fine bearing orchard, 7 miles out. Enquire at once. ♦ 1500.—Splendid -lock ranch, 160 acres, 100 acres meadow, balance plow land, orchard and timber, running water, fine locality. Partial payments. Chas. O'Callaghan, HEAL ESTATE, : : NOTARY PUBLIC. Bonners Pem/, Idaho. —Stetson's Cul issal dramatic and scenic production of "Uncle Tom'« Cabin comes ta I O. O F. Hall on Friday evening, Feb. 23 It will be the best production seen here The Thrilling floating ice scene on the Ohio river, the town light scene on the St. Clair planta tation, with other Stirling scenes A clever quartette of colored singers adds materially to the program by a number of high class specialties. It ie an entertainment that can be enjoyed by young and old, and all parants should gratify their children in their desires to witness what will bt to them, a pleasure lûug te be remembered. LAYING STEEL ON THE 1 Laying Rails on the Corbin Line between Inter national Line and Bonners Ferry. The Spokane & International ors will not be out of the way, and laid the first rails on their line ' »1 others bridges and culverts are I to be constructed, causing a delay, yesterday, commencing at the In ternational line where they connect and the 900-foot bridge across the Kootenai will not be ready before with the C. P. R. branch frym the I M at thc car ] iebt . j As fast as _[Crow's Nest road, rails having been I the grade is ready, however, thc i laid on the C. P. R. branch last rails will be laid, and when they December. Tracklaying will pro-; arc forced to stop by reason of un gress towards Bonners Ferry as j completed work, the work trains fast as conditions will permit, but will have plenty to do to improve there will be no great rush for the the grade on which rails have been reason that iu places the contract-I laid. Construction Notes. Hastings & Degin, having the first five miles of construction work south of the International line, have completed their contract and the ; grade is ready for the steel. Brock enridge & Lund have been assisting j them in their contract. M. Tobin, having a 31 mile con tract near the haH way house com-1 pleted his contract a few weeks j ago and pulled out for other work, j Brec,enridge & Lund, who built | the O. P. R. end of the line, and who have boon working on Hast ings & Degin's contract, arc mov ing their outfit to Laclede, near where they have taken a new con tract. Half their outfit passed through Thursday, the oilier half being expected along the first of next week. John Hath, who had a small con tract, has bis work completed. Twoby Bros., who had a 6 mile contract near Bonners Ferry, in eluding two tunnels aggregating nearly 1000 feet, have completed their tunnel work and steam shovel work, and arc winding up the con tract. May & McArthur, having a 4 mile contract above the Movie bridge, have completed their work, McDaniels, having the first con tract cast of the Ferry, will have 60 days work yet. He basa heavy rock cut to work out. or from the Cascade divisio of the N. P., secures the first train on the A1 John ; lark, a passenger conduct His engineer is Corbin road. Mathewson, for seven years a pas senger engineer on the F. F. & N., who gets the first engine, are old Corbin men. Both There will bo a vast amount of work to do after thc rails are laid. The finishing touches will ho put on by means of steam shovels and work trains. All the above work is located be tween Bonners Ferry and the In ternational line. South of Bonners Ferry, as far as Saudpoint, con struction is well under way, there being litle or no heavy work, and it is probable that that part of the road will be ready for the rails by the time trains get across the Koo tenai River. Bteunenberg'a Assassin. The trial of Harry Orchard for the assassination of Ex-imvernor Steuncnberg has been postponed until the April term of the district court at Caldwell. Orchard is now in the penile- tiary at Boise for safe keeping. I here have been no new developments in the case for some weeks—at least none made public, although a force of the most skillful detectives in the country are working on the case. It is now thought that Orchard hail two ac complices who were in Caldwell at the time of the murder. Effo:l* are being made to apprehend these men. Some legal questions raised by the defense will be disposed of at the present term of court. Glove Contest. Kid Forbes and Harry Rogers will meet tonight at the I. O. O. F. Hall in a 15 round boxing match to decide the light-weight cham pionship of ihe state, agement lias announced that tho T",« 1 «™. 1 ? T TuTT 1 ' at 10:30 oclock and that there shall bo no delay or waiting on tho arrival of the crowd. The man Call it Finehot ounty. Practically the entire territory that at various times thccountv j divisionisls have attempted toset off as a county, under the various names of "Bonner", "Roosevelt", "Pend d'Oreillc" or cd over by Gifford Pinchot, chief of the forestry department, at Washington, townships in the proposed new county, and as Mr. Pinchot is boss of all but a few fractional town ships, the H skald would suggest to the divisionisls that they finish thc job and call it "Pinchot Coun ty." The area not included in the reserves and proposed reserves would not be over 10 townships, - 'Clark", h* now one vast forest reserve, presid There are about 77 | left on the bills for the winter, so do not miss it. —Next ThuHay evening Is the dale for the K. of P. grand masque rade. This will be the best thing Farewell Reception to Melderc. Hon. Henry Melder and wife left Lakes, near Rathdrum, where they "ill reside in the future, after an official residence in Bonners Ferry for a number of years, doared themselves to Bonners Fcr ry people very Thursday for their home at Twii They cn much, and their departure was tnucli regretted. Farewell receptions were given them by the Rcbekahs and thc Rathbono Sisters, the former on Tuesday evening, ai d thc latter Thursday were splendid testimonials cf their Both receptions noon high standing in fraternal circles, A large party of friends accom train to see P an * e d them to the them off and bid them farewell. ; j ! ' ; j j 1 Lij^ — Annual Masquerade Ball K. of P. Oïl voMTSfläV îeb. 22,1906. You are Invited ! Event of the Winter ^ GRAND MARCH A1 9 P. ^ ^' 1$ ALL TICKETS, $1.00 SUPPER, 50c. BOfinePS Perry Comet i>ând in Attendance. All \I ■■ sonore will Up rennirpit (a All masquers wm ue required to make themselves known to the mast inemseives Known to me door keeper, to prevent the ad mission of undesirable persons. ACME LODGE No. 1S NOTE: Knights of Pythias Telephone Line. The Corbin people are construct ing a telephone line from the Boundary to Sandpoint, where they will connect with a system. The lino reached Bonners Ferry yester day and will be in Sandpoint in two weeks. The construction is temporary, to rush it through, and will be rebuilt later. It is a com pany lino but arrangements will be made w hereby the public can be accommodated. 1). I'. Hanifen is in charge of the construction. Candidate for District Judge. Hon. R. N. Dunn, Register of the United States Land Office at Coeur d'Alene, will bo a candidate for District Judge to succeed Hon. R. T. Morgan, the present incumbent. Mr. Dunn resided at Wallace, Ida ho, until his appoi tine t as Reg ister. lie served as County At torney of Shoshone county, and is a lawyer of ability, with a clean record as a public official, and is a lnan who enjovMhe highest respect of hia wiue drd# o{ acquaintanceB( bolii in Kootenai and Shosho e counties. Campaign is on. The calling of the Republican state central committee together serves as a reminder that the cam From this time paign is again on. until next November, men anxious to win political honors, or lucrative offices, will be very active. In Kootenai county two hostile factions have been arrayed against each other and feeling has been very bitter. This condition is charged to be due to Chairman Charles L. Heilman's autocratic sway. But now that Mr. Heilman has announced that he will neither seek nor accept the chairmanship for another term, it ought to follow as a natural consequence that fac tional lines should be wiped out. This is good logic, but logic and politics do not always jibe, and we doubt if the original discoverer of the alleged cause of the trouble be tween the two factions will bank to any great extent on this logical consequence. However, it is nonsense to as sume that all intelligence or polit ical virtue is hound up in any one faction. There are good men and men not so good in both factious. To Repeal Land Laws. I ho senate committee on public lands will shortly report a bill for t (io repeal of the timber and stone laws, and substitute therefore a law authorizing the secretary of the interior to sell to the highest bid der at public outcry or otherwise, under such rules and regulations and subject to such conditions and restrictions and in such quantities las he may prescribe, the right to ; cut and remove, withi such time as be may prescribe, any timber from any unappropriated nontnin jeral surveyed public lands, chiefly valuable for timber, after first hav j ing had such timber duly apprais ! cd and after giving public notice of the time, terms, manner aid place of such sale, The bill will give the secretary j power to reject all bids, Thu bill will repeal the act of icongress approved June 3, 1878, and all amendatory acts thereto, providing for the sale of timber lands in thc state of California, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, Ida ho, Montana, Wyoming and other western states and prohibiting the patenting in the future of any lands valuable chiefly for timber under the commutation provisions of the homestead laws. All the funds derived from the sale of the timber and stone in the ; public land states are to he supplied to the reclamation service, and 10 i p t >r cent of the funds derived from - Uho sale of timber and stone in the i i public land states is to constitute a! permanent fund, the interest of which only shall be expended for j the support of common schools and j the maintenance of public roads in j ike County in which the timber SO; . . Sold W as located, Under SUCh laws as nla i' n® prescribed by thc legis- 1 latum of such state. —Hats! Hatsl Hats! Come, and see the hats at tho K. T. Co's The prices will make you feel good. | Hats from $1.00 up. School Notes. A set of "Masterpieces of Elo quence", twenty-live valûmes, was recently added to the school library. The botany class are studying seeds and seed germination and by' the aid of the microscope have been able to secure some very good drawings of seed structure. The unfinished room in the school building has been provided with a hand-ball court, a set of exercise rings and a trapeze bar as a start toward a gymnasium; Indian clubs have also been ordered. One hundred sixty-two attend ance certificates of pupils, who have been neither absent nor tardy for three months, were forwarded last week to the county superintendent. It is hoped the parents will assist the teacher in making the absent and tardy marks as few as possible. The total enrollment for the year to date is 154. The fifth grade has been advanced to the grammar room. Last Friday the literary society enjoyed a debate by the grammar room on the question: "Resolved that the telephone is more useful than the telegraph." Leaders a thin ative. Jack VanGasken and Ella Dolan; negative, Tom Martin and Ada Wood. The decision, by vote, was in favor of the negative. MONTHLY liKI'om l*ui»iln neither absent nor tardy during the month ending Feb. 2. 1906. Albert Causton. Will Woods. Velma Blakeslcc. Walter Moore. Agnes Muhlfeld. Loyd Wales. Lesilie Kent. Ada Wood«. Kdmlre Uoileait. Oliver Campbell. Fred Dolan. Edna Hockett. Jimmie Murphy. H buben Boileau. Fred Cauxton. Viola Moore. Helen Hlckerd. Eva Boileau. Lucille Callahan. Lillian Callahan. Arvida Bamlstrom. Anna Callahan Flora Belle Ludlngton. Vera Jones. Margaret Andrew«-./ Mark VanGaskcn. Claude Albert. Ralph Fisher. Carl Danielson. Ferdinand Sandstroni. Warren McGreevy. Rao Htmon, Goldie Danielson. Phoebe Boileau Tom Martin. Zoe Kent K11 a Dolan. Jack VanGasken. Kdna Albert. Hoy Blakealoe. Kugcnc Campbell. Ethel llcathershaw. Kmera Kinnear. Claud O'Callughan. Mary Miller. Adina Hundatrom. Ada Church. Josh* Landis. Tina Christensen. Ethel Moore. Agnes Christensen. Martin Christensen. Marlon II111. Eddie. Murphy. Bert Albert. Jim 1111) Clatc Paul, Jack McNamara. Situation Wasted By a young lady, either as Clerk or Cashier. References, Applications may be left at the IhuAt.n office. •IN Real Estate Now in the lime to buy, while Price» Bonner* Ferry is growing ami will continue to grow. Look over my*list if you want a home In a healthy climate. Or «1« you want to make a good Investment? Look over my Bargain» in Low. FARM and CITY PROPERTY A good relinquishment, 160 acres meadow, 1 mile from town, house, !f450.00. A Snap. $1200. A Bargain, $1100. 6-room house Rents and 4 lots on Main street. for $50 per month. Livery Barn,1 Blacksmith shop ami 3 good lots. Will rent for $50 per month. $500 Buys a fine home. A 6 room house, barn, chien en house, good well, and one acre of land set out to orchard, fenced. $100 cash: will buy this property, balance on time. Will make a fine home. 3-4 of an acre of land; 3-room bouse, cel lar, Ice bouse, Barn. All fenced, Price $750. Do not pay rent when you can buy a home for $300. 1-4 acre of lard fenced, and 4-room house for $300. I Pave »evernt good relinquishments on hand that win be»oia cheap ein ..n.i look them over, also remember, I «ill aiWeriiae your property tree, it you fiat it » ItU me. I win charge you s per com commiaaioo on a sale. A* ]• KENT, Real Estate Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Juiillce of tho Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO ■•a SHOES This is the time of the year when it J« necessary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Our Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Shoes arc made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower than they should be sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We call especial attention to our FINE LINE of GROCERIES, and we make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C. C. Mercantile Co [L IMITE D] Turnlture and Undertaking wall paper, PIC ÜRE FRAMING, carpets, linoleums, WINDOW SHADES T LET US FIGURE ON FURN ISHING YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. ' -V § W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida. T J. Jones T. A. Bishop, M. O. JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. Bonnlhs Ferry, Idaho IB Che Bonners Terry Cumber €o*, Ctd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER DIMENSIONS. 6i»od or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SIIIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES, LATH. V Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. ! 4 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Perry Lumber Co ■—