Newspaper Page Text
Hei aid The Bonners Perry FIFTEENTH YEAR. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 24 1906 NUMBER 34 Bonners FerrvHerald ESTABLISHED IS IS91. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COl'XTY. _ - S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMB 11 •«» ...v year .... 61X months... « ADVERTISING RATES: Local reading notices five cents per line each insertion. Inegal Notices at Icrk! rates. Kate* for Display advertising made known on application. Cards of Thanks, Résolutif» Respect and similar matter five cents per line. ■ i Entered at the Post Office at Bonners Kerry. Idaho, as Second Cliss Matter. DIRECTORIES Churches. P HKSBYTERl AN - llcgnl Sunday morniutr at 10:30, and 8». 7:30. Sunday school at 11:30 ». n • Rkv. O. 8 WIL»ON, Pastor. very alternate ne evening at preHcbint: service* qatiiolic Regular scrvlccson the4th Biuulav of each Sunday school every Sunday at 11:30 month. a fx*. Rrv. FATHER KELLY. Pustor, ETHomsT episcopal Remit ar Church Services are held at th« I O. O. F. Hill every tuuday Kvenlum begin « invited to al rkv r c. muter. Pastor. M niu^ at 7.30. All ten Secret Societies. A SONIC Bonners Ferry Isxlfre, No.43. A. F. £ A. he 2nd Wed nt M M -, bolus Ktrtled meetings« » evening of the mouth. Sojourning Master rons o'laiilied are »raten. ally levtrel to B D Taylor, Worshipful Master. T. J. June«, fcecreUtry no EFi.iows— UinpUiH Lodge, No 36,1.0. O K.. meets ret y Saturday evening ui8 «» cVI mihiw brothers fraternally Invited T. W McLapghur N oble Grand W. W. Ferlmaciik, loiury. KBEK AÏI DEGREE, I.O.O. F.— Loyal Hcbekah Lodge No. 43, l. O. O. F. meet * ever)'Tuesday evening ti 8:00 o'cloik. Visiting Kebekatas cordially iavued. Mr H. M. liACMAr N. G. Mrs. D. TaYLoh. becreiary. O R K MGIITSUF I'YTIIlAo - Acrt!«; l.odgo, No. If», K. of V. meets in I'yihitut iittli every Ttnmduy iveutug ul 8 o'clock. Visiting Knigbi* always welcome W. T. James*. C. 8. U. Taylor, K, of K. A S. • R ath bom sisters CTeaeul Temple >t . Friday evening Vlfriiiug members* invited. Mr». W. L. KlitLear, M. i: C 4 Mrs T. A, Bishop, M. of R. ana C NOAM I'M FAT I. 5 ". F. Kooieiml Cauip No. 25, I. O.O. F., meet» Iht and 3rd Monday* ol the month at 8 o'clot k Vibiting patriarchs cordially invited. II. L Medbury.C, l*. NV. S. CurtlF, âciibo. to, mectp every other Knight* of I'yihlMM hn.i N1QIIT8 OF 1 HE MACCAHEEri Koui» nni Tent, No. 20, K. O. T. M., meet evtry uifernate Wedoebday eveuiu# at »o'clock Viaiting Air Kuigm»* uiway» Invited Go Cal'bton. Uomumiuler B, H. WalJâkk K. K K |^A Dl ES I > t TH K. MA CCA B E ES North Star Hive, No. 16, L. O. T. M., meet* every altc^aMte Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. VD-imo: i^«iiwk hIwhj* IfvRRiKr Kmkuv, Uoly « ommantlet. M K «I v a TaYLOR, llecotd Keeper. Mb*. lull* mi vlied. ODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA— Ninth Star Camp, No. 6160. M. W. A., meets iu \\(M»tlmctt Hait every Monday evcnltiu, \ ibiung Nelghb*>r» alwav* welcome. \V W. FkHbuv< hk. V. C. E. L Lutlk, » M tern MAILS P OST OFFICE HOURS— office opens a k 8 a. in , and clow?* at 8 p. m., except smidava. Open Sundays from D a. 2 p. in. Kuaibmiud mall closes at 12 5o p. in. U'eHlbtnind mail elo»eh at 2:40 n. ni. Copeland and I'orthill inaileloacsal 7 u. m. Mondays, Weduestlays and Fridays I. K. COOK. JR.. Postmaster. ,0 t 8 p,in. Where Do Yon tat? Fresh Oysters any Style, any time Day or Night at the Combina tion Cafe. V McMvirtric £* McGinty, POprlci IF YOD WANT TO SELL YOUR Real Estate Examine my List of splendid Ranches, Timber Lands and City Property in Bonners Ferry and Kootenai Valley, it will pay you, 1 an. selling them every day $3000—Buys splendid Stock Ranch 204 acre«, cuts 100 tons of hay, good building, tine bearing orchard, 7 miles out. Enquire at once. List it with me at the JS T . P. L A N D OFFICE I have Buyers and if the Price is right I'll sell it IF YOU WANT TO BUY Real Estate I Sell Northern Pacific Land THIS SPECIAL OFFER. SEE $1500.—Splendid stock ranch, 160 acres, 100 acres meadow, balance plow land, orchard and timber, running water, fane locality. Partial payments. _ Oias. OXallaghan, kkal estate. : : notary public, Bonners Perrv, Wdho. » ASSASSINS IN THE TOILS Charged with the Conspiracy that caused sassination of Former Governor Steunenberg s "The operations of the Mollic ran to earth and disrupted were work of the Moyer-Heywood crowd. but their days are numbered. "Haywood, Moyer and Petlibone We have absolute evidence that will foul assassination of former Governor will convict a great many others, not escape in any possible way, and torneys can not keep them from the the day of dynamite outrages in James McFarland. •• On inside pages of the Hk iald ., e » .i „• , Will be lOUlui the particulars Ol the f , ... . . arrest oi the omcers Ol the West ern Federation of Miners, charged with complicity in the assassina tion of former Governor Sleunen berg, and other mysterious crimes. The best detectives in the world have been working on the case, and the result of their labors is outlined in the above words of Detective James McFarland, the veteran who exterminated the "Mollic Maguir Cs . Tiie leading points in the case, aside that given on another page, arc that Harry Orchard lias confes sed, acknowledging that he sprung the machine that hurled Frank Steunenberg into eternity; that Moyer and Heywood conspired with him to that end; that lie had accomplices with him in Caldwell to plan the assassination; that a ! i The Anniversary Masquerade Ball, announced to take place last Monday evening, Feh. 26, vas cal led off, owing to the death of one of our pioneer townsmen. -T.,! i 1 he Knights of Pythias have postponed the event until Tuesday evening, Feh. 27, that being the last date before the Lent season commences. The New Rank. The First State Bank of Bonners Ferry will bo opened for business during the coming week, according to the plans of the Officers, building is being remodeled by Muhlfeld & Berger. The officers of the bank will he as follows; J. I. Monks, President. W. P. Mahoney, Vice President, W. D. Baxter, «'ashler. A. E. Riekerd and F. T. 'ioore, with the three above mentioned, constitute the board of directors. The Cashier Baxter arrived last Sat urday, and is gating matters readiness for opening. Porthill Wedding. Pohthill, Ida., Feh. 17, 06.— very pretty and quiet wedding took place Wednesday evening, Feb. at the residence of Mr. and Mrs., Charles Olds, near i'orthill, which our young and popular bach lelor, Andrew Robinson, was united in marriage to Sarah E. Ingram, formerly of Gentry, M«>. Their , many friends wish them a long and hannv married life The ceremony happy marneu life. 11.0 cirenionj was performed l»> H. A. I rtnch, y of Houndarv Iireeinot " -■? P . . Opposition to Reserve. . T „ 4 . . . A -J- K *nt » preparing a plat showing the character of lands the proposed Cabinet reserve jacent to Bonners Ferry. In 1 ..... , , nect.on with this work he proposes to gather affidavit« from settlers within the proposed lx.und.nes, of which will be forwarded to ben ator Heyburn to aid liim in : r j_j deoU8 b gbt against wholesale j . , , , , withdrawals of public lands 1 I forest reserves. Mr. Kent- is taking this matter ! up at tho reijucst of settlers,. every settler in the proposed gerve> or the proposed Priest River ! ^ehould call at his office .• , j and furnish the information needed, —Our store is headquarters j stationery of all kinds. Jones Bishop Maguires in Pennsylvania, whom I children's play compared with tfie They have existed for US years, will never see Colorado again. convict them of complicity in the Steunenberg and evidence that too, of the same offense. They can the legal knowledge of all their at gallows. You can say for me that the west is at an end."—Detective part cf his confession has been ver ified by the finding of infernal machines placed to destroy other men, placed where he said they would he found. In addition to the Orchard con fession, other corroborative evi dence has come to light. Letters between Heywood and Moyer and others of the organization have been intercepted which, it is said, implicate the accused men in a most damaging manner. The detectives claim other equal ly strong .evidence against the ac cused that will only be made pub lic when the trial comes off. ! The case certainly looks dark 1 for the accused. The federation prisoners were taken to Caldwell on Wednesday to be give a preliminary trial. A special grand jury will ho called and asked to indict these men. HUSH MONEY AT SANDPOINT Whitaker Says Gamblers Pay $50 Wcnth Protection The following sensational state ments appetty in the Sposeïmàn Revievv of Feh. 22: a Sanupoixt, Idaho, Feh 21 —in ! . 1,1 'the council last . nta er accused Dr. läge the with entering into an agrec llHllt " ltl t » ,t gamblers whereby j they wore* to Duv $50 nur niontli iv * ' T * r ,nonw to Sheriff .Joust of Kootenai county j lln( l be was to keep his hands off ! of them. evening W. F. | ' on Hot words were ex changed. have gone further, but for the fact that the other members of (he council promptly adjourned the i meeting. and the affair might Hill-W ertenberger. j A very happy wedding occurred Wednesday evening, Feb. 21, the contracting parties being Missl Grace Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hill, Wortcnberger, son of Mr and Vrs Joll|1 Wertenhorgor, Rev R C Moter of , he M E Chnrch ' and Cornelius per forming the cercmoney. The happy couple will reside in the Morrow residence, o Cottage Av<*. They are the recipients of a many congratulations i„ j . * < 8 |! 'b- r • N. Dunn, of the L.S. Office, was in town Thursday. e too a vantage of the holiday , to visit North Kootenai and feel ...... ... Uu - public pulse relative to his can did f||r djgtricl Mr J. . . . .. ... Uunn frankly avows his candidacy. I He put in the few hours hero mak ing the acquaintance of as many «« »ioh«*îIïIp mw) •; u* * »le. a^ ui hf °„ the night m traln f° r Coeur d Alenc. Lewman Mandle. ,, ... j MARR,ed-Mr. S. E. Mandlo ■ «i.d Mrs L. B. Le« man were unit «■' in holy matrimony at the Hotel Gasey pallor on Sunday evening, Feb. 18, 1900, by Justice of the, Peace A. J. Kent Mi and Mrs. great which the Herald joins. Register R, N. Dunn Here. Mandle went east as far as Great!' | rnlls^and Helena, Mont Tbeyex-' pect to locale in Runners Ferry and make that their future hornej re- here. Mr. and Mrs. Mandle aie the popular proprietors of the Mod Cafe, , suctess and happiness. you The Herald wishes them lor 1 —It's • cinch you can find tome & thing nobly ut Moore's to fit from the pn und up. : Henry L. Carlton, a prominent and pioneer citizen of Bonners Fcr ry, passed to hia final rest, on Thursday at 1 p.m. The death of Mr. Carlton was not unexpected. He has been failing since last May when he was compelled to relin quish his position as town marshal. His death was due to Bright's de sease, and complications resulting therefrom. About two years ago he had a slight attack of paralysis. Last November he had a very severe attack, and the third and fatal at tack came the evening before his death, and from which he never regained consciousness. The end was peaceful. His great physical vitality was shown by the fact that ho was able to walk up town the evening before his death, though otherwise it was plain to be seen that life was fast nearing its last ebb. Death of H. L. Carlton. Henry L Carlton was born in Louisville, Kentucky, and was 68 years of age on January 10. was married Oct. 30, 1902, to Miss Mary Kelley, of this place. Except the bereaved wife, he has no known near relatives living. The deceased lias lieen promin ent in politics in Kootenai county and has held a number of political positions. He was Deputy Sheriff under Sheriffs Pease and Bradbury. He served as state land selector under Governor Hunt, lie held a number of local positions, and was serving as town Marshal when taken ill. He was uncompromising in in his political contests, and was usually successful, ana fulfilled his duties honestly, vigorously and with ability. He was loyal to ids friends and unrelenting with an adversary. His was a strong character and he will lie greatly missed in the community, where his loss will be irourned. The bereaved wife has the great est sympathy of all. The funeral will take place Sun day (tomorrow) afternoon at two o'clock, the services being held at the I.O.O.F. Hall, under the direct ion of the Oddfellows, assisted by the Rcbekahs, of which lodges lie was a member. He School Notes. The newly elected officers of the literary society are: Mary McNear, President; Pearl Fisher, Vice-Pres ident; Mamie Beeler, Secretary; Phoebe Boileau, Vivian Hollingcr and Jack -Van Gasken, Program Committtec. Vivian Hollingcr was out of school three days last week on ac count of sickness. Pullman Va Gasken is belli id ' 16 counter in his father's store th * 8 wec,i - newspaper, ''Some Donts for Par The following clipping from a ents" is worth considering: Do no believe all that your chil jdren tell you about school. There was onl >' onu (il0r 8 u Washington un ^ ^ ie ' s ( l«'ad. Do not tell the teacher that Wil lie will not lie. She probably knows better. ^ cac h er bv N« Hie the contents 1 ^ * ue , uic conicnis of which she knows. Her aggres . . . . . . . 68 , «ve look of triumph is not sooth ling, and the teacher is only human. . . . ,, D# »«t make uufavorabie com H *« nt u P° n the «' et l'°d» °f theteach er in the presence of your child. ^ him t(J in tho wood while you are doing so, if it must be done >e one. Do not reproach tho teacher with L, e fact that „ Tommyhu not lenrn . od a Bingle t)ling lhe entire year", sho u not rwäponsib le f or fii 8 l lick 0 f brains Do not condemn the teacher with out a fair hearing. That is accord ed even the worst criminal. There _ I are usually two sides to a story. • Do not send a scathing note to . , , , , Do not send a verbal request to have Jessie's seat changed. There) t. . . , is often a vacant seat, and one) change usually means at least half a dozen. Do not exocet I be »Aneber tu i>o not expect mt icacntr to 111 jim o ir# * without f notion pLil <1 manage uunoui incuon a cn,m whom you yourself have never been able to control. Do not insist that the teacher is keeping your child bacs through spite. She will hardly risk her reputation as an instructor to grat ify a personal grudge, how.'.i disagreeable the child may be. Do not forget that the parent owes a duty to the teacher just as it «un. surely as the teacher does to the child.—Alice Cook Fuller. DISAPPOINTMENT. Have you met with disappointment*, friend of mine? Donut give way to ri loving or repine; Sombre cloud« will flee away, There will come a brighter day, When the golden beam« of pleasure shine. round y have all pleasures on We can never this earth; Man must havi from hU birth. 81111 your lot is not There are others (ar more sad, Grief and Joy arc bound together with grief in his measure bad, girth. foot upon your trouble with Put y will, If your grief it seems to double, keep Do not let the old world know That your heart is tilled with And the armth ol others' joy will break the chill. Wo should never grieve o' that have passed, For this mortal life is fleeting oh! troubles f.tM And there's use to be «ad; While we're living, let's be glad, For the ground will one day claim un at the last. —A. K. Adams, Copeland, Idaho. Increases Capital Stock. The Bonner Mercantile Co., Ltd., has filed articles of incorporation, increasing their capital stock from $20,000 to $40,000. The iuoorporat W. L. Kinnear, Ed Little, ors are: \V. T. James, James Fitzpatrick, and Luke Williams. lots for Sale. Lots No. 5, 9, and 10; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, in Block Nine (9), Town of Eaton. Address, — James Graham, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. -- The C.C. is the leading family Grocer. — 20 brood sows wanted at one« —the Alamo Cnlonv Co. tf - Hay for S rt le—125 tons of tine wild hay, hal'd, for -ale by tbe^ mini cnlonv. Call or addiess us. Good feed for horse. tl Situation Wanted By a young lady, either as Clerk or Cashier. References, Applications may be left at the Herald office. -IN Real Estate Now is the time to buy, while I'rlees are Low. Donner« Kerry I« growing; and will continue to grow. Ixiok over my list if you want a home ; In a healthy climate. Or do you want to make good investment? Look over my Bargains in ' FARM and CITY PROPERTY A good relinquishment, 160 acres m« : ad,m-, 1 mile from town, house, ■t450.«j0. i nr ire house Barn Pr - C , #750 ' ' ' A Bargain, $1100. 6-room house and 4 lots on Main street, for $50 per month. Rents A Snap. $1200. Livery Barn, Blacksmith shop and 3 good lots. Will rent for $50 per month. $500 Buys a fine home. A 6 room house, barn, chicken house, good well, and one acre of land set out to orchard, fenced. $100 cash will buy this property, balance on time. Will make a fine home. 3-4 of an acre of land; 3-room house, cel All fenced. Do not pay rent when you can huv a homo for $300. 1-4 acre of , • lard fenced, and 4-room house for $300. _ I bnvr several good rellnquiibmenr» on hand tlla t win be »old i iu-ap. i »n»mi took them over* also remensber, 1 will lulwrtiM* your property free. If you list It with me. I will «'h»rg*'you 5 per cent commission on n Snlo. | j j A« J* KENT, Real Estate Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Justice o{ the Tvacc. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO SHOES This is the time of the year when it is necessary to have Nice, Warm, Dry Footwear. Our .Shoes Combine Style and Quality Most of our Shoes are made by the Hamilton-Brown Shoo Co., the Largest Shoe Manufacturers in the World. Our Rubber StocK is fresh and new and nothing but the Reliable Brands, at Prices Lower than they should be sold at, considering the present Prices of Rubber. Men's and Boys' Underwear AT LOWEST PRICES. We call especial attention to our FINE LINE of GROCERIES, and we make a Specialty of catering to the Family Trade. Mail Orders Promptly attended to. C C Mercantile Co [L I M I T E D] « Turniturc and Undertaking wall paper, PIC URE FRAMING, Carpets, linoleums, WINDOW SH \DK8 Ti LET U8 FIGURE ON FURN. Ï8HING YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. 3 W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, ida. T. J. Jones T. A. Bishop, M. D. « JONES & BISHOP DRUGGISTS Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Notions. Choice Cigars, Paints and Oils, Spray Pumps. BoNNtfis Ferry, Idaho f M ^ -jx « ßOfltlCfS TCffV ClItîlbCf ßO,, CîÔ m HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER DIMENSIONS. SiieJ or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. 4 j 1 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds lhe Bonners Ferry Lumber Co V J