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Bonners Perry Herald ' - SIXTEENTH YEAR. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY. JULY 14. 1906. NUMBER 2 Bonners Ferrv Herald ESTABLISHED IN 1891. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS One year ... Hi* months II 00 50 ADVERTISING RATER : Local reading notices five cents per Une each insertion. I<eaal Notices at legal rales. Rates fur Display advertising made known on application. Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect and similar matter five cents per line. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, is Second Class Matter January 1, 1906, at the Post-Office at Bonners Ferry. Idaho, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Enlon*«! Republican County Convention. Pursuant to the authority and by the direc tion of the Republican County Central Com mittee for the County of Kootenai, Stale of Idjiho, a Republican County Nominating Con vention will convene at the City of Coeur d* Aicne, in the County of Kootenai, Slate of Idaho, on Tuesday, the 24th day of July, A. D. 1906, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, tor the purpose of nominating Republican candidates for the following offices, towit : One Stale Senator, Five Members of the lower house of the legislature, Clerk of the District court. Sheriff. Assessor, Treasurer, Probate Judge. County Attorney, Superintend ent of Schools, Surveyor, Coroner, Three Coun ty Commissi mers. The said Convention will also select twenty-three delegates to represent Kootenai County in the Republican Stale Con vention to be held at Pocatello, on the 1st day of August, 100G. The various precincts of the County are titled to delegate representation in said County Convention as follows: Athel, three delegates: Bonners Ferry, six delegates; Hellgrove, one delegate; Boundary one delegate: Boluder, one delegate; Black tail, one delegate; Coeur d* Alene, sixteen delegates; Clarks Fork, two delegates; Coco lalla, one delegate; Garlln Bay, one delegate; Copeland, one delegate; Colburn, one dele gate ; Emula, one delegate; Granite, one dele gate; Gamblin Lake, one delegate; Harrison' eight delegates; Hope, five delegates; Hauser one delegat. ; Kootenai two delegates; Lane, two delegates; Lake Creek, one delegate; Lakeview, one delegate ; Laclede, two delegates Mission, two delegates; Medimont. one dele gate; Mica Bay. one delegate: Newport, one delegate. Naples, one delegate ; Northsidc, one delegate; Priest River, three delegates; Prairie, : delegate; Post Falls, three delegates; Rath drum, ten delegates : State Line, two delegates : spirit Valley, one delegate: Santa, one dele ate, eandpoint. ten delegates; St. Maries, three delegates; St. Joe,one delegate; Sanders, one delegate; Valley, one delegate; Wrcncoc, delegate. Wolf Lodge, one delegate: West Branch, one delegate. Dated and signed this the 19th day of June, A. D.. 1906. / » : CHAS. L. HEITMAN, Chairman Republican Central Committee for Kootenai County, lUaiio, Attest. R, SOBERS. Secretary. Real Estate Before looking elsewhere let me show you the BEST BARGAINS in the KOOTENAI VALLEY Meadow lands. Fruit lands' Farming ♦ lands, and Timber lands, Before Prices go up. Here are a few samples. $1600. 160 acres Hay and fruit ranch, 80 acres meadow, small orchard, plough land and timber; good soil; good water, soon go up to $2000 GET iN $900, 80 acres, fruit and truck ranch near town, good improve ments. $800. 80 acres splendid level land at Moravia station. 160 acres timber land. $650. Good house and lot in $350. town. $400. House and 2 lots in town good residence lots $50 75 100 tim ber lauds $800 to 1200 per acre. $150. Splendid homestead re linquishment in timber, many other splendid bargains. Have Chas. O'Callaghan, V* REAL ESTATE, : : NOTARY PUBLIC. INSURANCE Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Chakleh Berger. John Mchlfslo. CARPENTER SHOP Contractors And Builders. Carpenter Work of all Kinds Estimates Furnished. ^_Ladies call in and see our pretty line of belt's, just arrived from the east. At Hollinger's. IT IS DONE DUNN IS IT Charles L. Heitman Again Sweeps in the Re publican Primaries of Kootenai County. The Republican primaries were held in Kootenai county last Mon day, and Charles L. Heitman has again swept the political field. His majority is not so large as in former years, but is safe, and re -1 markable, considering the treir.en dons fight that has been made against him, and sustains his rep-! utation as to political generalship. He met with loss along the line of the Spokane & International, That corporation has it in for Mr. Heitman because he was attorney for the ranchers, in the condemna tion cases. They voted hundreds of men in Bonners Ferry, Naples, Elmira, Colburn and Sandpoint, and those places went for Judge Morgan. The convention is composed ofj 109 delegates, of which it appears that Morgan has 36 delegates as against 73 for Dunn, for distiict judge. Of the larger precinct?, Morgan carried Bonners Ferry 6 votes; Harrison, 8 votes; Sandpoint, 10 votes. Dunn carried Coeur d' Alene, 16 votes; Hathdrum, 10 votes; Post Falls, 3 votes; St. Maries. 3- votes; Hope, 3 voUs; Priest River, 3 votes; Clarks Fork, 2 votes; Athol, 3 votes. BONNERS KERRY RESULT The most exciting political con test in the history of Bonners Ferry took place last Monday when the Republican primary was held. There was 371 votes poled, and the faction headed by Judge Mor gan carried the day by an average of 9 votes. The determining factor in the contest was the Spokane & Inter national railway. Special trains were run over the line and all Mr. Palmer has purchased They visited Spokane during the Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin Com pany carries one of the largest stages that was ev> i put under any one tent; its size is sixty by sixty four feet. They carry special scenery and electrical effects for each and every act. Bonners Ferry Wednesday July 18. Married in Wisconsin — W. F. Palmer, scaler for the Bonners Ferry Lumber Co., was married on June 7th to Miss Ethel Mason, at Glenwood, Wis., the bride's borne. Miss Mason is a neiceof F. A. Shultis, and visited hire last year. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer returned from Wisconsin the first of last year. the Hubbel residence where they will reside. week. Idaho State Timber Sale. Notice is hereby given that at the County Court House at Rath drum, Kootenai County, Idaho, at 10 o'clock a m., Friday, July 20, 1906, the timber upon the following described lands belonging to the State of Idaho will be offered for sale at public auction: k Twf. Rge. area 1 Feet . j Appraised \< ri> n m r .1 v tik> I'iti « # SUBDIVISIONS. NO. 18.220 8.920 'J.OGO | 24.873 80 18,680 8,ISO 1,050 21.296 SO 2.872 1.MK0 3/296 66 6,730 1,830 1.760 9.035 «0 960 2.090 13.991 30 5.610 80 14.6* K) 434 10 4.0/2 .V) 7,598 HD 5,545 00 6.763 15 5 910 90 5,980 HO 6.205 CO 10.195 15 16 58 N 1W 623,38 86 59 X 1W 640.00 36 48 N 2 RT 219 91 86 68X 2W 610.018 NWW, W 86 14 \ 3W 110.00 K i « I » 4 1 All (loss right of way). 2 All. TU of NU ami lota 1. 2, 3 ami 4 . 4 All. 3 N 5 NU NE »4. SE'4 NEU. U ÔW U, HEU SVVU and 8 6 All. 9,741 16 52 N 3W If. 57 N 8W 16 49 N 4W 36 MN 4W .... 1« 53N 4\Y . 36 50N 5W 16 a»N aw 4.860 60 2.010 9.580, 1,3.» 6,180 - ... 2.720 90. 740 1,860 40 10,000 220 99Ô 658.80 640 00 HO 00 640 00 640 00 4HÜ.00 7 All. .. 1 u* 8* NEU - 2.970 6.110 4.460 5,875 4.701; 1,002 6,23 40. 1.34 j 45014,780 9 All .. 10 All . 11 All. h'w» 4 8W«4 and 12 NU, sue 13 NU.... 8 A 86 58 N 5W 16 56 N 5W 86 50 N 6 VV 36 46N IE 820 00 640.00 588.16 566.00 Î.7 4.600 4.470 . 16 AIL ! 16 NU, HW ■ 8EU SEU and SAU ■ Terms of sale: Cash on the day of sale. No timber will bo sold at less that appraised value. Timber will be sold under a ten year lease running from date of sale. Any timber remaining uncut or unremoved at the expiration of that time will revert to and become the property of the State of Idaho. For detailed estimates and appraisements see State Reports at ' County Treasurer's Office, or the State Land Department, Boise, Idaho. By Order of the State Board of Land Commissioners. C. S. McCONNELL, Register. C. J. MUNSON, State Land Commissioner. Dated June U, 1900. their laborers gathered up and brought in by Assistant Superin lei.dent of t onstruction J. C. Rogers who marched them to the poles. They brought in about 130, most of whom succeeded in voting, at the Morgan men had all the officers of the primary. Notwith standing the hand the railroad company took in the contest, the result was very close, indicating the strenuosity of the contest on both sides. The victors are supposed to be pleased that they won, while the defeated candidates are pleased to have received such a large vote from actual residents. Both sides theniore have cause for feeling good. good. It would be impossible for the Herald to describe the preliminary scenes without creating offense, and as our mission as a newspaper is to assist in the upbuilding of the town rather than to create dissen (ion?, we draw the veil of charity over the proceedings. There was six delegates to elect and there being two tickets in the field, twelve names were voted for. The following are the tickets, the first set of six being declared elected, the vote following each name: Harry Sawyer. Fred Gleed........ G. F. Osier. Marlin Peteison VV. T. James. G. Hooker. 194 191 189 189 189 187 W. A Alexander. W. A. Leslie. Frank P» terson.. T. J. Jones. F. T. Moore. Claud Cummin?. 185 177 177 179 184 180 Continental Starts Again The Herald learns from several sources that the Turrish interests in the Continental mine intend starting operations again on that property. They were visitors to the property recently and are making preparations to resume operations. This great property is sure to be handled on an ex tensive scale sometime, and it would seem that it had gone through all the crude stages. Notwithstanding the fact that Senator ' Heyburn was ill boring several weeks of the session of con gress just closed, he unde a record of which he can well he proud. In stead of harping continually about j ll»e "purity of homes" in Idaho, he was working for the passage of measures that would be of benefit to the people. His efforts in behalf of | tiro pure food bill, w hich is now a law, are to be heartly commended. | Presbyterian Church. The remodeling of the Presbyter ian Church has been completed, and the church will be reopened on the coming Sabbath. There will be services both morning and evening. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. Sunday School at 11:30. Endeavor Society will meet in the lecture room at 7 p. m. Preaching service at 8 p. m. Special music at each service. Nearly #1,000 worth of improve ments have been made on the building and yet the finances have been so managed as to leave the church out of debt. All the im provements have been provided for except the electric light fixtures. No special collections will be taken on the coming Sabbath but the usual offerings will be taken and all the money received will be ap plied to electric light bill. The public is invited to come and see the church which their assistance has made possible. The old building has been so transform ed that one would not recognize it. To appreciate the amount of work done one must visit the church. The present design is beautiful indeed. Rev. and Mrs. Spicer will finish their work and leave for Spokane the early part of next week. It is hoped that the pulpit will be supplied by a regular pastor in the near future. The members of the church wish us to extend to the public their hearty thanks for the generous assistance rendered them in the improvements just completed. John F. Stowe's big pavilion •'Uncle Tom's Cabin" Company, the largest and best in the world, will appear for one night only at Bonners Ferry Wednesday July 18, under a water-proof tent with a seating capacity of two thousand, with the largest stage ever known under one tent, with abundance of special scenery. This should be a welcome announcement to the amusement public that loves this charming old drama. It is a well known fact that Stowe's company is one of the best that has ever presented this great play, and this summer season will hut add to its popularity with young and old, for it is even better than what it has been, if such a thing could be possible to so good a company. The musieial part of the program has been greatly increased, with a military band of twenty solo art ists and an operatic orchestra of ten pieces, Watch for the noon day concert and enjoy a musical treat. Prices 25 and 35 cents. Morgan Reversed In reversing Judge Morgan, in the case against the Coeur d' Alene mine owners, brought by certain ranchers, the court said: "It is earnestly argued by counsel for respondents that if this court should hold that there is error in sustaining the demurrer to the com ptants, or either of them, it would result in 'the depopulation of Sho shone county, the abandonment of all mining and milling therein, and the consequent bankruptcy of the inhabitants.' Deploreable as this might bo—if true—it furnishes no excuse for the court to shirk its responsibilities in disposing of the questions before us on the merits. The law is no re specter of persons, corporation? or individuals, and in its creation and the enforcement reaches out and protects the lone settler in his rights, let them be ever so meager as well as the capitalist, the corporation or individual with its or his millions." "Under the provisions of the con stitution," further says the opinion "private property can not be taken for public use or for corporations without just compensation being first made to the owner except by consent. The courts, and it never was intended to be other wise un derstood, are not masons to chisel away vested rights of private indi viduals however humble or obscure the owner for the benefit of the public or great corporations. — Sheriff Edwin Doust i? in town today. Ho was unable to reach Naples for the primary but says Mike Conroy, the del egate, is for Dunn. Final Election Returns. Complete returns received at this office show that at the primary election last Monday, the Heitman Dunn faction elected 73 delegates in the county, as against 36 for the Morgan faction. These are figures as announced by Chairman licit man. This result gives the lleit man-Dunn faction so great a ma jority that there remains no possi bility of changing the result. The action of the convention can be forecasted in a number of in stances. Mr. Dunn will be nomi nated District Judge; C. H. Mc Donald, sheriff; .1. C. Shoemaker, treasurer; McRae, probate judge; Adams, assessor; the delegation to the state convention will support Governor Gooding and Congress man French for renomination. .1. C. Shoemaker of Coeur d' Alene will likely be selected for chairman of the county committee. —The members of the board of county commissioners will be in Bonhers Ferry next Wednesday. They w ill go to Copeland on Thurs day to look after some bridges. Notice to Creditor». Estate of Samuel B. Cm son. deceased. Notice I» hereby given by the undersigned, Administrator of the estate of Samuel B. Car son, deceased, to the creditors of, and all per sons having claims against the said deceased, to. exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said Administrator at his home, Bonners Ferry, the same being the place lor the transaction of the business «I said estate, in the County of Kootenai. State of Idaho. Dated at Rathdrum on the 81 day of May, 1906, William A. CArhon. Administrator of the estate of 8 amURL B. Carson, deceased. •IN Real Estate FARM and CITY PROPERTY Bargains on Cottage Avenue #800.00 Each. 2 forty foot lot, and 5 room houses. $350. house. One lot and three room in resident Bargains property, situated on Main St. Eaton ville. $550. $600. Two lots on corner, five room house. One lot, barn, four room $500. house. j $800.00 Store building 30x50, ! insured for $1,000 including post! office in lively little town good i business. Will invoice slock, I Will Like j each balance 6 months, |_ One lot and 5 room house $750. all furnished. FRUIT LANDS $550. 40 acres, one mile nut, 3 acres cleared, level. $700. 160 acres, two miles out #75.00 3-4 acre tract, will he sold on terms to suit the purchaser. $100. 1 acre tract on terms to suit the purchaser. Two lots, good corner, and $650. six room house. Another Bargain, 532 acres of meadow laud, 180 tons of! hay, 68 heard of cattle, 8 horses and everything pertaining to a well furnish ranch best improved stock ranch in Kootenai valley. $ 10 , 000 . $4,000. A good investment, 158 acres of meadow land all improved, bearing orchard, good house, wagon and hack. 19 cows and calves, 7 heifers, full dary outfit, with every thing pertaining to a well stocked ranch. Will sell land for $2000 dollars. A.J. KENT» Real Estate» Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Jubilee of Ibc Peace. BONNERS FERRY. IDAHO ' (d C C Mercantile Co © [I. 1 M I T E 1>] « Wholesale and Retail « r> C General % Merchants furniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMING, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. Ur" n . LET US FIGURE ON KURN SHING YO UR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. j W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Ferry, Ida. GO TO The Red Cross Pharmacy For Pure Drugs, Medici nes. Toilet Articles, Perfumes, fancy Candies, Cigars Yours Truly to please, J. B. BRODV, Proprietor and Owner. Successor to JONES it BISHOP. r Che Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Ltd HAVE ANYTHIN« YOU WANT IN THE WAY OK LUMBER DIM ENSIGNS. SUo.I or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SH1PLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. V Lot us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. * Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co V.