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e Bonners Perry Herald BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1906. NUMBER 4 SIXTEENTH YEAR. BonnersPerrvHerald established ix iwi. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTKN'AI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS 11.00 ..TO One year . •l* months ADVERTISING RATER: txK*al reading notice« five cent« per line emch Insertion. U*gal Notice« at legal ralea. Rates for Display advertising made known on application. Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of fcoapect and similar matter five cent« per line. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, is Second Class Matter January 1, lt06, at the Post-offtci- at Bonners Ferry. Idaho, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1H79. F. nie red Real Estate Before looking elsewhere let me show you the BEST BARGAINS in the KOOTENAI VALLEY Meadow lands. Fruit 'ands' Farming lands, and Timber lands. Before Prices go up. Here arc a few samples. $1500. 160 acres Hay and fruit ranch, 80 acres meadow, small orchard, plough land and timber; good soil; good water, soon go up to »2000 GET IN $900. 80 acres, fruit and truck ranch near town, good improve ments. $800. 80 acres splendid level land at Moravia station. * $650. 160 acres timber land. $350. Good house and lot in town. $400, House and 2 lots in town good residence lots $50 75 100 tim ber lands $800 to 1200 per acre. $150. Splendid homestead re linquishment in timber, many other splendid bargains. Have Chas. O'Callaghan, BK.VL ESTATE. : NOTARY PUBLIC. INSURANCE Bonners Ferry, Idaho. CHAULRS HrfRGER. Jobs Muhlfkld. M. £• B. CARPENTER SHOP Contractors And Builders. ♦ Carpenter Work of all Kinds Estimates Furnished. Democratic Convention The Democrats of Kootenai county met in «invention at Rath drum on Thursday. The conven tion met and organized and elect ed the eighteen delegates to the state convention,and then adjourn ed until August 17. The object of postponing the con vention is presumed to be to take advantage of some dissentions supposed to exist in the Republican party. The resolutions favor county vision. a di'set primary law, en dorse Senator Dubois and condemn the state and county administra lions, endorse Bryan for President ,d instruct the delegates to slate convention for Lawyer J. McClear of Coeur d'Alene fur dis trict judge. V The Creamery. There was a meeting of the stock holders of the creamery company Wednesday to elect directors complete the incorporation. The building is constructed the machinery for the plant St. Paul on the 21st. The plant should he ready operation now in a short time. on —The Bonner Merc. Co. sell you summer will keep you cool cheaper can buy them elsewhere. _Now is tbe time for goo.1, viceable. light weight, underwear. The Bonner Merc. Co. have what you want. underwear you Administration Forces Control by the Majority REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION Claimed by them Since the Primaries Seventy-eight to thirty was the | way the administration forces and the antis lined up at Coeur d'Alene , , , ' last Tuesday at the Republican | county convention. This was just i one vole less than Chairman Chos. L. Meitman claimed the day after the primaries, or, rather, he claim ed 73 votes for the Dunn-lleitman administration ticket, not counting I the six contested votes from j Bonners Ferry. The Antis had spread the report] that the vote would be very close, and the public was anxious to set what, if anything, the Morgan men had up their sleeves. It ap pears, however, that there never was a time that the administrative forces were not thoroughly cemen ted, or when they did not control by two to one, or better. The big fight that was predicted did not come off. It was a one sided The majority held a cau contest. ous and agreed upon their nomi nees, and when it came to a vote in the convention, it was done by acclamation; The Bonners Ferry contest at tracted attention. It was conduc ted much the same as a trial. Heitman appeared for the contes tants, and Morgan for the other delegation. Both sides were well supplied with affidavits, in addition to statements of the delegates themselves. The committee listen ed to the evidence decided in favor of the contestants, and the con vention sustained the committee. Coercion of the Spokane & Inter national railway laborers, and pre sumption of many of their votes being illegal, were the grounds up on which the contest was made. The ticket nominated is an ex ceptionally strong one, and is well distributed throughout the county. The Morgan delegates, including the Judge himself held aloof from the convention, after the first round. The resolutions adopted favor dividing Kootenai into two counties $ 492 50 Financial Statement. Financial Report of the Bonners Ferry 4th of July committee; Amount raised by finan cial committee. Amount paid to secretary in Entfees. 60.00 S Oil*. 50 j ( l () 325.00 45.00 15.00 Total Received. Return Entices to Thulkie Prizes paid in race. Fixing race track. Fixing base ball grounds Base hall team expenses from Priest River. Printing bill Herald. Building Hoats. Team hire to Win. Elder L. 41.50 13.50 4.50 4.00 ton R. McPherson, dray and 2.50 ice. 30.55 20.00 10.00 K.T. Co. for supplies. Log rolling prize. Tug of war. Fixing Taylors fence. 2.IK) $ 514.55 Total expended, Balance left in First State Bank to he disposed of by the 4th of July Committee at which will he held Monday, July 30th, 1906. its last meeting A. C. Moohe, See. Bank makes Fine Showing The First State Bunk of Bonners Ferry is able to make a splendid showing for an institution that has not been in business six months. Its tot il resources the first of the week amounted to $62,864.67. Its deposits were $47,580.67. for Railroad To The Weber The parties who have become in terested in the Donnelly-\t eher mining properties at Lakcview on Lake Pend d'Oroillf, have a party of surveyorsin the field at Lakeview laying out a line of railroad from the mines to the beach, will be 10 miles long, be smelted, the new people who prepairiug to spend $200.000 improve the properly. ser The road The ore will are instead of three, Besides indorsing the candidacy jot Dunn for Judge, the convention instructed for 11. S. Brugaw for ^ Bnditor an ., for ,j. C . jjgbers f or g p,t c superintendent of public 8C i 100 ] a F< Bowing arc the nom inations for the county ticket. Chairman of county central committee, C. J, Shoemaker, Coeur d . Ak . n(!j sheriff, Charles McDonald Rathdrum; probate judge, M. D. Coeur d'Alene; Frieden mi trt . ngur e r) <j. J. Hiocmaker, Coeur d'Alene, superintendent of schools, W. R. Ramsey, Hope; auditor R. E. VcCrae, Rathdrum; senator Ignatz Weil, Sandpoint; county attorney, Peter Johnson, Sandpoint representatives, J. W. McKnight, Bonners Ferry; J. C. Finstad, Priest River, and Joseph Fallon, Coeur d'Alene; assessor, C. A. Bailor, Emida; county surveyor J. K. Ashley, Jr. Sandpoint: coroner Dr. Knapp. Hope; Commissioner First district, C. C. Edwards, ?t. Maries, Second district, Clark, Lach do; Third district, W. A. Leslie, Bonners Ferry; judge of district court of First district, Robert N. Dunn, Coeur d'Alene. All were made be acclamation. H. A. Following is the list of delegates elected to the state convention at Pocatello: C. J. shoemaker, A. V. Chamberlin, E. R. Wkitla, J. N. Busby, George O. Dart. R. S Bra gaw, Andrew Christenson. B. W, Ross, K. Wannatnaker, Thomas J. Jones, 8. D. Taylor, Ignatz Weil, George R. Barker, O. B. Moon. Charles L. Heitman, Edwin Doust, Jacob Wolfgang, Joseph Rickarg, S. A. Varnnm, S. Wcnz, N. G. Kel logg, E N. La Veine and Peter John son. The delegation to the state con vention will he unaninous for the renomination of Governor Gooding and Congressman French, senatorial question has not been discussed but most of the delegates are known to be opposed to the nomination of a candid;.te for Sen ator by the convention. The Bonners Ferry Recognized Bonners Ferry received substan tial recognition at the Republican convention, the successful delega. t> on securing everything they ask for. There has long been a desire have this locality represented a . . • • the board of county commissioners. ! For this position William A. Leslie, a farmer living on the North side, was nominated. He is an active, i energetic citizen, and will make good commissioner. For years Bonners Ferry been endeavoring to secure state aid for a bridge across the Kootenai river. The legislators whom we have depended upon heretofore have always had other fish to fry, and our bridge bill never had any such support as is necessary. There a sentiment for a member of legislature from Bonners Ferry time, and the delegation asked and secured the nomination of W. McKnight, proprietor of Hotel Casey, a man • of business ability and political experience. T. J. Jones and S. O. Taylor were selected as delegates to state convention. T. J. Jones was selected as mem ber of the toui ty central commit tee, and later honored by the chairman by being made a member of the executive committee. The delegates awarded seats the convention were T. J. Jones, W. A. Leslie, W. A. Alexander, Frank Peterson, Fred Moore Claude Cummins. The contested delegates were T. James, Harry Sawyer, Martin Peterson, G. Hooker, Kred Gle*d, and G. F. Osier. Had they seated and on the winning they would have also been to have secured substantial recog nition lor the town, as the person nel of the delegation was such as have had influence, Spokane Interstate Fair The enlarged grandstand at the Spokane Interstate fair this year will accommodate 7,000 people and will furnish actual scaling capacity for at least 5,000. This means its capacity is nearly double what it was before. The grandstand was crowded to its utmost limits several times last year, and it is believed that with greater accommodations in this respect, the crowds which witness the races will be much lar ger than at any time in the past. Seven thousand dollars have been expended in enlarging the grand stand. The stair way also has been changed so that it will come to the top of the grandstand and avoid all the confusion which usually pre vailed last year around the center of the building where people were constantly coming and going. Chairs are being installed to take the place of the benches which wore used last year for reserved seats. This will be a big improvement and will be greatly appreciated by patrons. These improvements in the grand stand will be enjoyed by the crowds which attempt to sec the races on Derby Day and on other special With this grandstand occasions, filled with 7,(XX) cheering people, if the horses are not able to run it will not he because they have not enthusiastic hackers. In fact there is everything to indicate Spokane will have the finest racing this year ever held. Will Celebrate again M. P. Bogle, manager of the Bonners Ferry Base Ball team, has made arrangements for a great time next Sunday. In fact the affair will start Saturday evening, when the hall team will give a social dance in the hall. On Sunday, there will be another ball game between Bonners Ferry and Sandpoint, to settle the championship, the game last Sun day having resulted in a tie on the close score. ; tit. 2 ta •' • alter . 10 innings. It will be an exciting game. Manager Bogle will also have some splendid races pulled off Sun day. There will he an Indian Pony race, a white man's pony race, and a grand free for all for the fast horses. In addition to the horse taces, there will be foot racing, including a one mile foot race, besides Indian races, and other races. Manager Bogle has put new life into the ball team, and the boys are now ready to play all comers. The team has been greatly stren gthened. With Bogle in the lead there will be nothing slow about any part of the pregram. The Sandpoint crowd will come up Saturday night to enjoy the dance. Let there be a good attend ance and give the ball team good support. The ball game and races will take place on the lake shore, near the G. N. tracks, below the Y. The management is having grand stand built at the grounds so that spectators can sit in the shade anil watch the hall game and races. a North Side News Mrs. E. O. Edwards is recover ing from her recect illness. F. L. Fry is out on a prospecting trip for a week. The Mills boys left Tuesday for their new home in Washington where Mr. Mills has purchased home. MDs Zoe Donaldson is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. O. Edwards. She is from the Biller Root Valley, Mont. Mrs. Samuel Pearson, who has been ill for some time, is improv ing slowly. P. W. Owen and son Ernest the 9th of the month for an extend ed trip through the country, bound for Aiizona. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Swartwood are staying with Mrs. Owen daring Mr. Owen's absence. Link Ferhia'he came in this week to visit his family at Ferbrache ranch. Mrs. Hannah Ferhiache, is improv ing in health. J. in W. side to His mother. —Take your country produce of all kinds to the K. T. Co's. They can market all you have. A Swell Ball Game The Ball Came Sunday l»e twren Sandpoint and Bonners Ferry was the linest ever witnessed here, both teams putting up a »positional article of ball, the game being called at the end of 10 innings on account of darkness, score standing 2 to 2. Charlie Nutt for the locals pitched a beautiful game allowing only 9 hits striking out 16 men and kept the hits well scattered. Collins, catcher, caught a perfect game behind the bat in fact the whole team played error less ball only four errors being made, which were excuseable con sidering the condition of the grounds. The fast and snappy game the locals pul up kept the fans yelling all ti e time and they proved to the people they were fast enough to meet any amateur in the country. A return game will he played Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at the new grounds l»eyond the Y on the G. N. Ry. near the lake. The team has secured several offers from Spokane to play them and several games will be played here before tbe season closes. M. Bogle as manager has signed C. Nutt for the balance of the season which puts tbe team on an equal footing with any amateurs in the state, the boys are practicing faith fully for the game Sunday, and Captain Cummins says keep your eye on the hoys for they are sure The summary of the winners, game is as follows: 1 2 a I 5 « 7 8 a 10 RHFOE 001100000 0 2 2 »a 4 10 1)001000 0 2 a 27 3 Bonners Ferry Sami Attendance 250. Umpire— Mlley. The Bonner Mere. Co. have made a big reduction this week on sum mer shirts waists; a big line to select from. —You can save money by buy ing your overalls and work shiits of the Bonner Merc. Co ■IN Rea! Estate FARM and CITY PROPERTY Bargains on Cottage Avenue $800.00 Each. 2 forty foot lot, -and 5 room houses. $350. One lot and three room house. in resident Main St. Bargains property, situated on Eaton ville. »550. $600. Two lots on corner, five room house. $500. One lot, barn, four room house. $750. One lot and 5 room house all furnished. BRUIT LANDS $550. 40 acres, one mile out, 3 acres cleared, level. $700. 160 acres, two miles out $75.00 3-4 acre tract,will bo sold on terms to suit the purchaser. $100. 1 acre tract on terms suit the purchaser. a Two lots, good corner, and $650. six room house. Another Bargain 532 acres of meadow land, 180 tons hay, 68 hoard of cattle, 8 horses and everything pertaining to well furnish ranch best improved stock ranch in Kootenai valley. $ 10 , 000 . $4,000. A good investment, 158 acres of meadow land all improved, bearing orchard, good house, wagon and hack, 19 cows and calves, heifers, full dary outfit, with every thing pertaining to a well stocked ranch. Will sell land for $2600 dollars. $800.00 Store building 30x50, insured for $1,000 including jiost office in lively little town good business. Will take J each balance 6 months. Will invoice stock. A.J. KENT, Real Estate, Deputy Miner*!* Recorder, and Justice o( the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO C.C Mercantile Co [L IMIT E D] Wholesale and Retail £ Merchants furniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMING. CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. LET US FIGURE ON FURN SHING YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. jf W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida. GO TO The Red Cross Pharmacy For Pure Drugs, M edlcines, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, fancy Candies, Cigars Yours Truly to please, J. B. BRODV, Proprietor and Owner, Successor to JONES A- BISHOP. c Che Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Ltd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OK LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Sized or Hough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SH1PLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. a Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. 7 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co