Newspaper Page Text
The Bonners Fei f r I - > i \ S "Cl SIXTEENTH YEAR. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, AUGUST il 1906 , NUMBER 6 Bonners ferrv Herald ESTABLIöHKD IN 1*91. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS One year .11.00 Bit .:10 A OVERTIMING R ATB8 Local reading notices flee each insertion. Legal Notice Ratt-s for Display advertising application. Card* of Thanks Respect s per line legal rates. on Resolutions of 1 i <1 similar matter fl PUBLISHED WEEKLY. January 1 .1 1906, at the 1'ost-office at Bonnen Ferry. Idahu. under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Before looking elsewhere let mo'" show you the BEST BARGAINS EntnrM a* S-coin! Clus« M liter Real Estate in the i KOOTENAI VALLEY Meadow lands. Fruit lands' Farming lands, and Timber lands, Before Prices go up. Here are a few samples. $1500. 100 acres Hay and fruit ranch, 80 acres meadow, small orchard, plough land and timber; good soil; good water, soon go up to $2000 GET iN $900. 80 acres, fruit and truck ranch near town, good improve ments. $800. 80 acres splendid level land at Moravia station. $050, 100 acres timber land. $350. Good bouse and lot in town. $400. House and 2 lots in town [ good residence lots $50 75 100 tim-1 ber lands $800 to 1200 per acre. $150. Splendid homestead linquishmcnt -in ftritber. many other splendid bargains. j j I . . Lnas. 0 ( dliagiian, re * i Have j REAL ESTATE. : ; NOTARY PUBLIC. 1 INSURANCE Bonners ferry, Idaho. i ! j John Muiilkelp. Charles Berger. j Ml. £> B NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Offiee at Cocur d'Alene, Idaho, Aug. 6, 1906. Notice Ih hereby Riven that the lollowine named .eitler hu filed notice olhl. Intention to make final proof!» support of hi. claim, and • that .aid proof will be made before r. s. Com mia.loner O. J. Bandelin al hi. ofrtej at Perry, Idaho, on Oct. 13. 19U6vla: JBKEMIAM L. DeiBK, CARPENTER SHOP f Contractors And Builders* Carpenter Work of all Kinds Estimates Furnished. Dttmrlment nl the Interior, land Office al d'Aiene, Idaho, amrum o. 1906 . Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of liis claim, and that said proof will be made before O. J. Bandelin, U. 8. Com misa l oner at hl« office at Bonnen Ferry, Idaho, on October 19, 1906. viz: chaule. E. Olson, who made homestead entry No. 2616 for the; 8 H NEK. NW**!»* NK'; SWi^Hcc 2«. Tp 61 N. R. 1. K. B. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. He name» the following wit his continuous residence upon said cultivation of said land, viz: George W. ('line, Fred W. ses to prove Mottner, Louis Mottner, W. R. Perrigo, all of Naples. Idaho. 8-9-9-13 U. N. IH VN, llvgi.ter Bom who made Ud entry No.for the NWJ -4 Sec, 12. Twp. 63 K of R. 1 . W. B. M. He name* the following wit hl» continuous residence upon, una cultiva lion of, »aid land, viz: Andrew J. Kent, of Ferry, John Carlson, Otto Anderson, Charles Larson, of Copeland, I«l iho. 8-9—C-18 «»CM tO prov k. n. liras, ut-gisu-r Department ol the Interior, land Office at cœur d'Alene, Mahn, Ang. o. 1906 . Notice is hereby given that the following— named settler has filed notice of his Intention Bonne NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. pport of his rial id proof will be made bcf< uisMloiicr, at hi» office i Uctobcr 9, 190t», viz : R. Boyp. to make final proof i and that Ignalz Well. I'. S, c. Hand point Idaho, it Jac who made H d entry No. 2543 f r the SK' 4 of aec 32 In Twp 61. N. of R. 1 K. H. M. He nainca the following witnesses to prove hiacontiuuous residence upon and cultivation of. said Und. viz; Clarence Randall of Elmira, Idaho. Amdln K. Randall, Charles V. Olds, W. U. Pcrrlgo. of NapW Idaho. K N. D: sv. Register. 8 9-9-13 T --Judge A. J, Kent was Irans Spokane the acting business in fore part of the week. FRED T. DUBOIS AND STOCKSLAGER Nominated to Lead the Democratic Party of Idaho in Fall Campaign. The state Democratic convention was held at Coeur d'Alenn last Monday and luesday. Fhe con-j . . . , .. veiltlOIl WR8 fairly well attended , and the delegates worked them selves up to quite a pitch of excite ment, considering that the tick-1 nominated has not a ghost of a show to win. expected, Mormonism 1 * 8 ^' ie key-note of the platform :md a11 the speeches. So strong did the anti-Mormon sentiment. Senator Dubois was in complete control of the convention, and, as might • be run that the anti-Dubois delegates from Fremont and Bear Lake counties were unseated on the ground that they were Mormons and did not support tho Demo cratic ticket two years a?o. The debate on tho Mormon issue was and at limes the acrimonious disputants nearly came to blows Not all of the gentil, s in the con vchtion favored such radicalis The convention stood 1(10 to 80 against tho Mormons. 1 lie main feature of the p a 1 form Is a declaration in favor of the m. rcadoption of tho Mormon- test oath, which lias for its object the ment of the complete disfranchi Mormon voters. The ticket nominated is as fol lows: Passed Water Works Ordinance 1 he town boartUhad an important! meeting last Tuesday evening, at | their regular semi-monthly meet nled by put in a pumping plant, to furnish water for the town, came up for first j>-eading, and by a vote tho board in record as favoring tho mg. The ordinance presc Mr. Featherstone for a franchi went franchise. Representatives of the Bell Tele phone Company were present and presented an ordinance for a fran chise. The ordinance was with drawn to insert Fome provisions board deemed desirable by the and will come up again :.l a future meeting. Neither tho franchise for the water works nor for the telephone provides for an exclusive right. The board appointed N. B. Wil , off announces Man Tho event of entered race; also the Ed Dries baugli horse of Sandpoint, and perhaps others. tering a horse for the race puts iu> $50, Ihe race will take place on the u, „„„„ ' horses Will Compete. P..I: „ ,i ... . 1 recüe(l '"g race, there Will bt a hall game at the hall grounds he , 1 ... \-. , - 7 , ,, i [°" 1,0 *> -'l s0 « food ball I between {Hams a» town trustee in place of -U C. Moore, who has resigned ing to his removal to Sandpoint, : RACES AND SPORTS Sunday, August 19. is tho date ' 1 ll ' ^ - 1 big racing event at Bon ners Ferry, besides a number of ■ . . Rt.ructlon q ager AI. P, Roglo j , .... * 1110 aa } 9 wl, l 1)0 a ()00 yard, free for all, horse race. ThoMlltphv and , , 1 • ^ ÛHiaill horses have beeil for' this Each ) erson en and the winner takes all. course. Some fine game an Indian and a white In addition to the free for all race, there will be ; team, and other sports. 1 Indian pUliy 1 a pony race, and an race. The event will attract great in ! terest and draw a large croud. There will be no home ball game tomorrow, as the home team go9s to Sandpoint to plav a return game ... ... ~ '» lUKCT 8 Colts. Card of Thanks 1 desire to-express heartfelt thinks to all who render ! assistance in my recent great bc my most ! f reavement. : ' Samcol Pearson. —There will be Episcopal ser viette at the 1. O. O. F. lodge morn on Sunday evening st the usual hour, Rev. Daughters conducting the servie ! i i ] United States Senator—Fred T. i Bingham county. Member of Congress—Uees Hat ta bail 2 h. Idaho C Ulitv _ , ** Justice of the Supreme Court— (steward 8 .Denning .Latah county .j j (jovernor-U. q. «jtockslager, j Bj u i ne countv " j I i cuU n u t (lovernor—George C Ghapin, Bingham countv. ' ! Secretary of State-Floeurncy ! ..t \\f i : « * Oalioway, Washington county. Attorney GeiiuniJ-Karl Paine Ada countv. Lewiston countv. ,, . I j Treasurer - Dr. .). I). I Auditor—J. M Bennett, Canyon county. ; Superintendent of Public In struction—Miss Domical French,! Blaine countv. I Judge District No. 1—-Major W. W. Wood, Shoshone county. Judge, District No. 2—Authority dclega e I to committeemen from counties of district to select candi date. Judge, District No. 3—Thomas D. Cahnlan, Ada county. Judge, District No. 4—Guy C, Barnum, Blaine county. Judge, District No. 5 -C. A. Boyd Bannock county. Judge, District. No. ii— Gus D Quarles, Lemhi countv. Judge, District No. 7- Edward L. j Bryan, Canyon county. Victory for the People One of the best results of tbel°^ | Republican state convention was ; the adoption of a plank favoring a | Direct Pritnarv law. Thc-adoptioi 1 S to'of the plank meana that the law will ' boenacted, because the Republicans j !will # win and can and will deliver I I the goods. The adoption of the Australian i ballot was hailed as a wise law and j went far toward purifying general j elections, It cut out fraud, ballot box stuffing and coercion, and gave ! greater effect to the individual bal-! A Direct Primary law is even ! j lot. more desirable, and of greater necessity in maintaining free gov ernment. It effects the very foun dation jif the elective system. If the people's will has been defeated in the nomination of candidates, the error i an not be rectified at the general elections. If the people's will is defeated in c inventions by boss or corporate methods, or by fraud, the people are helpless under our present primary laws. A Direct Primary law gives the people direct voice in the nomina tion of candidates. It cuts out the ' convention. They vote on the choice of candidates direct. The lawalso throwsaround this primary election the protective features of the Australian ballot, so that fraud in the selection of nominees is re-1 duced to the minimum. I From all over the state come complaints that the pre eirt system I is open to all tho evils that corrupt | the elective franchise. Tho Direct Primary will as far as is possible remedy this. The reform is on tho way, and, b -fore another campaign, will be It will revolutionize the|« .jjl in force. old methods. The politicians u [have to study new tactics, New Millinery Store A New Millinery Store will be opened to the public aliout Sept 1. It will he located on the corner in Bonner Hotel, where we will have elegant and commodious quarters, stocked with a complete line u f| fashionable Millinery. Dotey lias been secured as trimmer. The ladies are asked to watch .for Mrs. F. A. ) future announ ements. Mks. F. M. Cane, Stock to Pasture Wanted stock to pasture at the Brown ranch, on Myrtle Creek. Fine pasture, well fenced. Rates reason.tble. Enquire at the ranch " 'Lj ( 31 8. LciBRttHT. Indorses McKnight and Weil The following is taken from the ° . Libby News ami pays a high com pliment to IgnaU Weil. Republican candidate for Flûte Senator, and .1. W. McKnight, Republican candi date for Representative. The com nient» of the News a e of interest ! because Editor r aust is intimately acquainted « ith boll, Mr. McKnight 'and Mr Weil. Mr. Faust published ! the first newspaper ever printed in , . , . îsandpotnt, M r. \\ eu S homo, ami IS i now publishing a newspaper in i Flathead county, Montana, Mr. McKnight's former home. The News 8a y 8: , . The re P ubllcai ' J over ln Kootenai county, Idaho, evidently believe in a lollg cam P*& n ' Th oy niet a ' ! Cocur d ' Alone City last week aml ! ' ,laccd their " cket in tho , fl0 . Id - While except from a general point . , v . . . . 1 view the people of Huthead county would have but little intere-t in the local affairs of that part of Idaho conditions aro such that the out come of tho election in the northern I comity of our sister state will be j w atched with considerable interest. The occasion for this is the nom ination of two well known citizens, well known here as well as among thepeople of Kootenai county. One of them is Igifiitz Weil, of Sand point, who hus keen nominated for state senator and the other one is.I. W. McKnight, of Bonners Ferry who has been selected as one of the nominees for the lower bouse. Both of thes" gentlemen are royal good fellows and deserve well at the hands of the people of Koot enai county and no doubt will bo elected by big majority, is one of the old timers of Kootenai Mr. Weil count - v - haJ faitl > »« the future of Sandpoiut when it was hut little hotter than a way station on the Northern Pacific and has been one , , , , , tie most cuerget c and en pa de boosters for the welfare of bis conn | 4 - v and sta,fi making that place S k * a ' int0 that county and put it inloa j ««ercanttlo establishment at Sand I P° int andmnJe that œncern one of the big institutions in Idaho. Like i man - v al '°tlH i r good man he lost his j a11 during Clcvdond's first admmis j tration > but hassinco fevered and f the richest men in ts now one ( ! tbat l ,ar * ^daho. Mr. McKnight is »ell known in Flathead county and lias an inter ! e8 p n a largo business in Kalispcll. His reputation here is one of the best and he has always been consult red j one of the progressive and energetic business men of this county. He has a host of good friends here who will take a great interest in his campaign this fall and while they may not be abloto do him any material good if well wishes wen worth anything he would win with out jnaking a canvass. Both of these gentlemen arc suc cessful business men and if elected the people of Kootenai county will have two sph ndid representatives in the legislature at Boiss next win ter Fine Peaches A. F. A nuis is now marketing his early peach crop, from his famous fruit raned four miles be I low town. The peaches are finely developed large and luscious and I the best in quality that have ap | pcared in the market, Pathetic Drowning A most pathetic and peculiar I«* 80 of drowning occurred here yesterday, in which the little son f Mr a »' 1 Mrs. F. A. Shultis lost j its life. The little one was one I year old on the 25th of last May. I While the mother's eyes were off of it for a few minutes, the little ' one worked its way to a tub of water, pulled itself up to the side ''»J fell partly in, hallancing its» If I on the rim, its head being in the water where Mrs. Shultis' sister, f| Miss Day, discovered it, not five 1 ' were hurridly sent for but all ifforts to bring back life were without avail. minutes after Mrs. Shultis last saw Dr. Fry and Dr. Campbell The parents aro naturally dir traded over the affair. They have tho greatest sympathy of all.' The funeral will be held Sunday, " at 3 p. m. —Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rickcrd were in Spokane last Wednesday. notice for i-oblication. of '''i' Cocurd Alcnc. Idaho, August 6. 1906 Notice i< hereby giv-n that the i,.iin»Tii^ i "Æ " XjT ÄÄ «n.i that »am proof «m he made i,<f„re S ^ J ; *' hi " ! :mm via: F* rry. Idaho. on Cctobvr is I.AWRENCB M. I'ARKKR, Coin-land Idaho, who made II E. No. itut U the v, s\v, ««■ «, \ k sk'. sip " Lfth e mLuJ im continuous re»i.ienee ' v ' 111 " Stnllh, of Port hill. Idaho. 0 sorge Holme a muel Montgomery. cl Copeland, Idaho, 8-911 l Inesst •s to pro ml cultiv T«l. upon. U N. Du Register. ' - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IVparlim-nt ol the Interior. Un.l office Î, lilaho, Augu-d 6, UK«;. Notice I» hereby given that the loltowln • otiecofhU intention a Cocur il'Ale i'd settlor hus filed ••i to make Anal proof I mid that salt! proof support ot liis claim. Ill be made before delln, IT, s. Commissioner, at his «»flic îr» Ferry, Idaho, .1 I at Bo October i » iso«. John F. Van Kttkn, of Forth HI. Idaho, v 38« for the SW« W. P M. lu ole il E entry Nt», ee. 23 Tup 6.*» N. K. I, He mes the following it m ss to his continuum 1 cult i vat ioi Id land, viz; George Holmes. L. W. Krleu rein, Charles Olds, Z. 'oil hi 11, Idaho. •e upt nf Montgu cry. ill of 8 9 l>-18 R. N. Dunn, Register. NOTICE OR PUBLICATION. •m of the Interior, I. •, Idaho. August 0, 1906 , Nolle,* Is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied Hr part d Office at d'Ale tlce of his intention o imtko final p mil that said pi of in mu »f will be pport of hin claim, de before O. J. Bandelin, U.8 nnnlssioner, at bis office, at Bonner» Furry, Idaho, o October 12, 1900, viz: Hannah c. Fkruh.' widow of Peter A. Ferbrache, dece made H K No. 1730 tor the SW« 4 NE'i, HE. 1 .* N\V y *. «ec 20, Twp 02 N. R. 1. K. B. M. He name» the following witne la eonti i . •d, who >s to prove *e and cultivation of, said land, vit; Malcolm Bruce. Joseph ('. Par ent, Andrew J. Kent, William Van G aalten, ail ol Bo » reside y, Idaho. 39-9-13 R N. Du i i. Re 1 ter. NOTICE FOK PUHLICATION. Dej '•»I of the Interior, Land Office 1 1 Idaho, August 6, 1906. ii that the folio dice of hi» intentio Coeur d'Ale Notice is hereby give named »ettler ihr tiled n i»K tu make final proof i and that Mid proof will be made before O. J. Bandelin, U. S. Coinnil» o pport of his claim, ■r lit his office at Oct. 12, 1906 viz; B< cm Furry, lilaho, CLARA Mai n.E Walker, who ule IM try No. 1970 ft the W NWJ 4 23 Twp <«» N .of R. 1. W. B. M. following a ml NW s " H vit nut c» to prove ml cultlva ■1 Neu nuyur, ('harlea D. Black, W. Fail Walker all of Port hill, 1/lalui. Ills contii him residence upon, f said land, viz; F k Yack, t 8 9 9 11 H. N. Dunn, RegD in Real Estate FARM and CITY PROPERTY Bargains $800.00 Each, and 5 room houses. on Cottage Avenue 2 forty foot lot, $350. house. One lot and three room Bargains property, situated on Main St. Eatonville. $550. resident in $600. room house. Two lots on corner, five $500. One lot, barn, four room house. $750. One lot and 5 room house all furnished. FRU1T LANDS $550. 40 acres, one mile out, 3 acres cleared, level. $700. 100 acres, two miles out $75.00 3-4 acre tract,will be sold on terms to suit the purchaser. $100. 1 acre tract on terms to suit the purchaser. * $(>50. Two lots, good corner, n ml six room house. Another Bargain acres of meadow land, 180 tons of| hay, 68 heard of cattle, 8 horses and everything pertaining to a weil furnish ranch best improved stock ranch in Kootenai valley. $10,000. 5. of If $4,000. A good investment, 158 acres of meadow land all improved, bearing orchard,good house, wagon and hack, 19 Tows and calves, 7 heifers, full dary outfit, with every thing pertaining to a well stocked ranch. Will soli land for $2600 dollars. i $800.00 Store building 30x50, insured for $1,000 including post office in lively little town good I business. Will invoice stock, WiU ta ke \ each balance 6 months. A ' , S NT .?f aIEstate and Justice of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO C C Mercantile Co [I- I M 1 T E D] Wholesale and Retail 'General % Merchants t ■ Turniuirc and Undertaking wall paper, PICTURE FRAMING, CaRBEIS, linoleums, WINDOW SHADES. LET US FIGURE ON FURN ISHING YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Sonners Ferrv, Ida. GO TO The Red Cross Pharmacy For Pure Drugs, M edicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, fancy Candies, Cigars Yours Truly to please, J. B. BRODV, Proprietor and Owner. Successor to JONES it- BISHOP. fitttai - I the Bomtm Terry Cumber Co., Ctd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER j I DIM ENSIGNS. Sized or Kmifth GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS, DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. ; I Let ns figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. Finishing Lumber of all Kinds 'The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co V