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The Bonners Ferry Hera! BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1906 SIXTEENTH YEAR. NUMBER 8 Bonners fe rry Herald ESTABLISHED IN 1891. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS 11.00 One year i0 Six month« ADVERTISING RATES: Local reading notice« live cents per line each Insertion. I<egal Notices at legal rates. Ratos for Display advertising made known on application. Cards of Thanks, Respect and similar matter five cents per line. Resolutions of PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Entered as Second Class Matter January 1, 1906, at the Post at Bonners Ferry. Idaho, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Real Estate Before looking elsewhere let me show yon the BEST BARGAINS in the KOOTENAI VALLEY Meadow lands. Fruit lands' Farming lands, and Timber lands. Before Prices go up. Here are a few samples. $1500. 160 acres Hay and fruit ranch, 80 acres meadow, small orchard, plough land and timber; good soil; good water, soon go up to $2000 $900. 80 acres, fruit and truck ranch near town, good improve ments. $800. 80 acres splendid level land at Moravia station. $650. 160 acres timber land. GET iN s $350. Good house and lot in town. $400. House and two lots in town. Good residence lots, $50t $75, and $100. Timber lands, $8.00 to $12.00 per acre. $150. Splendid homestead re linquishment in timber. Have many other* splendid bargains. Chas. O'Callaijhan, REAL ESTATE, : ; NOTARY PUBLIC. INSURANCE Bonners Ferry, Idaho. 1«! *1 •: r The Emporium Will Open on Saturday With a Complete Line of New and Up-to-date TA 1 L L I N Er R V Fiom $1.25 to $ 5.00 From $3.60 to $25.00 .Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please give us a call and we will sure do you no harm. We will also have in stock a side line of N O T 1 O M 8 . Mrs. frank Cane. Street Hats. Dress Hats. Hats Made to Order 1 « Mrs. frank Dotq. V,., .J '•I VWWV^WWVWVWWWVWVW'WWVW N VA AVWA CITY MEAT MARKET T Nicholson Fresh and Oured Meats ALSO FISH, FOFLTRY FTC HOME PRODUCTS A SPECIALTY Correspondence solicited from people having Stock, Poultry or Dairy Products for sale, anywhere. ********** *************** afe am * THIRTEENTH ANNUAL Spokane interstate FAIR September 24 to October 6, 1906 * £ * * * * OPEN DAY AND NIGHT x $35,000 in PRIZES and PURSES Two Weeks Fair and Rices. Larger Exhibits in every Department. $5000 for county and District Fruit exhibits. Home Industry Exposition occupying new $5000 huildltig, filled with working exhibits. Senoational Free acts every Free Vaudeville and Band Concert every night. For Program, Price a afternoon. Admissicn after 6 p. m. only 10c. Lists and other information, address, R0BT. H. COSGROVE, Sec. and Manager, - - SPOKANE, WASH. 519 First Avenue, wwww GAIN OF KOOTENAI j The Kootenai Country the Most Prosperous Section of the State of Idaho. $2,000,000 IN WEALTH State Auditor Bragaw has given out the figures of the assessed value of the state, exclusive of the rail roads, the assessment upon which will bo determined by the stale board of equalization now in ses sion. The figures show that Idaho gained more than $10,000,000 in assessed valuation during the past year, an increase of more than 14 It is gratifying to note that Koot enai county leads ever}' county in the state. The gain in Kootenai, exclusive of railroads, is over two million dollars! In 1905 the as per cent. $2,32V,301. This is $4,360,304. When the sessment was year it railroad, telegraph and telephone assessment is added to this, the total assessment of the county will total over $7,000,000. Kootenai is now the fourth county in the state, and were it to remain intact for another year would undoubtedly take first place, passing Ada county in which Boise is located, and which now stands first, and has Call for Warrants Notice is hereby given that I am prepaired to pay the following Kootenai County warrants, with accrued interest; Current Expense Fund, series of 1905: Warrant No. 826, lo and includ ing warrant No. 993, dated Dec 9th, 1905. General Road Fund, series of 1904; Warrant No. 199, to and includ warrant No 269, dated Oct. 11th, 1904. Interest ceases ten days after, , r; t publication of ihi.i ca'L First publication dated August 17th, 1906. C. J. Shoemaker, Treasurer. —Dress sho°s with staying qual ities at Hollinger's. a valuation of $9,000,000 but gain- 1 ed only $100,000 last year, However, the proud distinction I of being the first county in the state, can not now be attained owing to the fact that Kootenai county will be divided at the next session of the legislature. Its territory ; will embrace two strong, husky ; counties, however, nd each of them ! growing faster than any other counties of the state, because of | their greater, un eveloped resour rces. The financial candition of the government of Kootenai county is also in splendid shape. The debt has been reduced to less than half what it was two years ago it being now only $142,358. Idaho offers better inducements to the homeseeker and investor than any' other state in the Union and the Kootenai country, the best part of the state, as is shown by the figures. These are facts that a good many people can and will ponder over with profit. T % / Bonners Ferry School Items 'The Bonners Ferry schools will open Monday, September 3. All pupils coming in from outside districts must see the Superinten dent for classification. He will be at the school budding for that pur pose between 2 and 4 p. m. on Sep tern ier 1. Through the kind, ess of the editor, notes will appear in these columns from time to time through out the ensuing school year indica ting the progress of the Bonners F en y Schools We adopt this means as it is the only way we have of getting in touch with the parents and letting them know what is going on in their schools. Without co operation of the parents in the home, the work of the teacher avails but little. The most aggra vated cases of discipline in the schools grows out of a misunder standing between the school and the home. 1 he course of study is a means of developing the intellectual side of the child. The discipline and routine work of the school, includ ing obedience to all directions If sued, are a means for moral devel .... . , . opinent. We cannot hope to sue _i ■ . , . ceed in the management and in ... . u ii i struction ot your child unless you . , ... . , as parents hear these facts in mind , and correlate with ns in the edu „ , I oi . . cational work. Show some inter est in what your children are do ing in school; see that they devote the evenings of Monday. Tuerdav, Wednesday, and Thursday to school work; call at the school house and see for vourself what your hoy or girl is doing. These ..... ... , -.1 1 indications of interest will be an incentive such as a year of scold ing and punishing on our part could not effect. Harry L. Hayden. Millinery! Millinery! Mrs. Rudcsill of the Wonder Millinery of Sand Point, Idaho, will he at the West Hotel, Monday, Sept. 3rd, for one week, with a full line of stylish, up to date Millinery, Thanking the Ferry for their appreciation of my stock of previous seasons, 1 wish to say 1 will come with a more com plete stock than ever, and invite ladies of Bonners every one to call and see for them selves. Prices right. Chairman Shoemakar of the Re publican Central Committee has called a meeting ot interested Re publicans to meet at Rathdrum, ! . Thursday, August 30, to decide up on the most feasible line of dividing Kootenai County, in accordance with the resolutions passed by the convention. The Herald heartily endorses this move. • —Bright new goods for fall trade arriving daily at the Bonner Merc. Co's, big store. Variety enough to suit every taste and the prices are very reasonable. NORTH 3ID£ j Marjorie Harrison met with an accident last Saturday by the ac cidental discharge of a gun in the hands of one of her playmates. The bullet entered the leg above the ankle. She was brought to town and Drs - Kr >' and p ani i jbe11 dressed u,,> wound. At last accounts she was getting along nicely. Mrs. H. C. Ferhracho and child ren are spending a week on their ranch, ren wbo bave boon visiting here f or 8ome time, left on Wednesday f or their home in Portland, Mrs. Link Ferbrache and child Mrs. Aubury Bunting, formerly of this place, but now of Calgary, B. C., visited rele.iives here a fe w 'days last week. Her father, Mr. Brant, returned home with her. Captain A. C. Fry, and F. L. Fry, with the Steamer Errand Boy, made a trip down the river Sunday returning Tuesday. Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Brooks and Miss May Weathers, relatives of Mr. McNear, who have 'wen spending some time visiting here, left on Wednesday for Spokane. From there they expect to return to their homo iu Iowa. (/^An 11-pound daughter arrived at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Hider man, Tuesday, Aug. 14th. Miss Hattie Gilson of Leoniu is home from Spokane where she graduated, with distinction, from a well known musical college, Litt i e Fear* Gilaon bids fair to outrival the famoi.s Annie Oakley M an expert sbol . The regulto{ her first experience with a rifle wft8 a half dozen o{ dead rabbite> and as moré ground squir relfJ Thia ia a creditab i e ach ieve ment far a new boi . inne r and |in , v ,. B >;vond „ ; v ^ i)t tin*, she would have been equally success ful had larger game crosged her th I notice that Anna Gilson po sess08 an alnount of talent au urtist - which if P ro P®rly developed " ould P lace her ,ar above the level niedipcrily. Mr. Cox one of the operators at Leonia is about to move away with his family, their destination I un derstand, is Texas. Mr. Burkhart b j g successor has already arrived, u e alld b j 8 w ife h avc taken up their residence in the Gilson cot tag0- Mr, McCarthy, the other genial young operator still remains, CURLEY CREEK There is a new manager at the , . . , , ,, Leonia store who is evidently well . , acquainted with the most approved *, , , , modern business methods, store presents altogether a new * , . " appearance. It is very well stock , . , / , , ed «.th neatness and good order Polling. Ita manager knows how t0 extend the Courte8 >' thttt ls to customers Prices range along the popular level, and as it now stands the Leonia store will com P are favorably with any place of its kind in Kootenai Co. George and James McCormick are harvesting a splendid yield of fine timothy and oat hay from their ranches this year, other crops of all kinds are equally promising In fact all the ranchers in this vi cinity are meeting with success this season. The The Yakt region, midway be tween here and Sylvanite, is prov ing quite a Mecca for Sandpointers. A small colony of them is estab lished there now. Some residences have been built and there is a con stant influx of visitors everyday. Fish and game are very plentiful here. The climate beautiful, tcen ery unsurpassed, whi'e the water possesses a distinctive merit. These are only a few of the great advan tages which this legion offers but it should be enough to make the world eventually hear of the Great Yaki summer resort. Cor. Prof. Harry L. Hayden, the new principal of the Bonners Ferry schools, arrived during the week. He was principal of the Nampa He comes 1 high school last year, highly recommended. Caught 200 lb. Sturgeon Geo. Schofield succeeded in land- $ ing a 200-pound Sturgeon last WS Monday. The catch was made in A the Kootenai, in front of his place, m about four miles below Bonners £ Ferry. The fish was Oft., 6in in length. Mr. Schofield has caught 9 [larger ones in the river, but still this last one was no small article to pull out of an inland water. Notice A congregational meeting of the Presbyterian Church will be held at the church on the evening of Sept. 7lh, at 8 o'clock, for the pur pose of authorizing the trustees of said church to grant to the Church Erection board of the Presbyterian Church a mortgage on the church property to the amount of $300, the same to cover the grant made by the Board toward the rebuilding of the church. This call extends not only to the members of the church, but to the members of the congregation as well. All are urged to attend. Elt.*n F. Spicer, Pnstor-at-Large of Spokane Presby tery. 8-25-9-8 [The purpose of granting above mortgage is simply to protect the hoard fiom an absolute loss of the money they have given to the church. The hoard of Church Erection a-k the mortgage solely that they may exorcise some con trol over the building they have helped to ereht and to prevent its being sold without their consent. The $300 is an absolute gift lo the church at Bonners Ferry.] E. F. S, Dissolution of Pardnership Notice is hereby given that the copardnership heretofore existing between Thos. Nicholson and L M. Peters, under the firm name of Nicholson & Peters, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Thos. Nicholson* retiring. L. M. • Peters collects all outstanding accounts, and pays all the firms debts Thos. Nicholson, L. M . Peters. —If you are not satisfied with the goods you aie buying elsewhere, why nut join the Bonier Mir Co.i We can furnish you procession, the best class of goods at prices that are reasonable, -IN Real Estate FARM and CITY PROPERTY Bargains on Cottage Avenue $800.00 Each. 2 forty foot lot, and 5 room houses. $350. One lot and three room house. in resident property, situated on Main St. Eaton ville. Bargains $550. $600. Two lots on corner, five room house. $500. One lot, barn, four room house. One lot and 5 room house $750. all furnished. FRUIT LANDS $550. 40 acres, one mile out, 3 acres cleared, level. $700. 160 acres, two miles out ; $75.00 3-4 acre tract,will he sold on terms lo suit the purchaser. $100. 1 acre tract on terms to suit the purchaser. $650. 3'wo lots, good corner, a nd six room house. — $10,000. Another Bargain, 532 j acres of meadow land, 180 tons of hay, 68 heard of cattle, 8 horses and everything pertaining to a well furnish ranch best improved stock ranch in Kootenai valley. dollars. j store building 30x50, ! $4,000. A good investment, 158 acres of meadow land all improved, bearing orchard, good house, wagon and hack, 19 cows and calves, 7 heifers, full dary outfit, with every thing pertaining to a well stocked ranch. Will sell land for $2600 j insured for $1,000 including post ; office in lively little town good : business. Will take j each balance 6 mouths. _ A* )* KtN 1 ♦ KC 3 i ilSldlC, Will invoice stock. Deputy Mineral Recorder, and Justice of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO $ WS A m £ 9 C. C. Mercantile Co [L I M I T K D] 9 WSioIesale and Retail *a # 9 « General % Merchants * 9 9 Tumlliirc and Undertaking WALL PAPER. PICTURE FRAMING, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES,. LET US FIGURE ON F URN SHIN G YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W, A. ALEXANDER- Bosißixs 7v:rrv. Ilia. 8 GO TO The Red Cross Pharmacy For Pure Drugs, M ed ici nes. Toilet Articles, Perfumes, fancy Candies, Cigars Yours Truly to please, J. B. BRODV, Proprietor and Owner. Successor to JONES & BISHOP. Che Bonners ferry Cumber Co.,Od HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IS THE WAY OF LUMBER ; j DIMENSIONS. Sited or Rough \ GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHI FLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Let ns figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. ! * Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co k,