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The Bonners Ferry Herald BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 1906, SIXTEENTH YEAR. NUMBER 9 Bonners Ferrv Herald < ESTABLISHED IK HOI. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS « 1.00 One year ., Hit months ADVERTISING RATES: Aitif, notice* five cents per line Iicpal Notices at legal rules nuvertisliiR made know Local euch Insertion lutes (or Display Application. Curds of Thanks. Resolutions of Respect ami similar mailer five cents per line. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Second Class Mutter January 1, Ferry. Idaho, of March «. 1«79. Kutered 1906. at the Post-* fllcc at Ron under the Act of Congress Real Estate I _____________ 1 elsewhere let me | Before looking show you in the the BEST BARGAINS KOOTENAI VALLEY Meadow lands. Fruit lands' Farming [ lands, and Timber lands, Before Prices go up. few samples. $1500. 160 acres Hay and fruit ranch, 80 acres meadow, small orchard, plough land and timber; good soil; good water, soon go up to $2000 GET iN i Here are a 1 Chas. (VCaliaöiian, ** $900. 80 acres, fruit and truck ranch near town, good improve ments. $800, 80 acres splendid level land at Moravia station. $650. 160 acres timber land. $350. Good house and lot in town. _ $400. House and two lots in Good residence lots, $50. j town. $75, and $100. Timber lands, $8.00 j to $12.00 per acre. j $150. Splendid homestead re linquishment in timber, many other splendid bargains. • \ ! Have NOTARY PUBLIC. KRAL KBTATE, INSURANCE oiu'i Pe rry, Idaho. r » m I • I I I I e m The Enifrorium Will Open on Saiurday With a Complete Line of New and Up-to-date M 1 LL1 N EE R V Fiom $1.25 to $ 5.00 F rom $3.50 to $25.00 Street Hats Dress Hats Hats Made to Order.Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed. I Please give us a call and we will sure do you no harm. We • will also have in stock a side line of NOTIONS. Mrs. Trank Dotq. Mrs. Trank Cane. ' v.. «! « '•1 T, ough Dogs delight to bark and bite, An 1 Little Birds to sing, Drop into "Dutch" and Al's place For almost anything, In the Line of ■ . lastno JP S» *-■ W CONFECTIONERY BILLIARDS POOL G A S E Y Bonners Ferry, - H O T E L BLOG K, ********* mm mm mmrnrn &**£***»* 1 HIRTEENTH ANNUAL ' Ü * Spokane Interstate T A1 R * * * * w Hr ^ ^pivtpmhpr O/ tn Artnher fi I (Mlft 1(1 UUÜIHT U, I UUl) 4É lu y OPirV IUV ivn NIGHT mm 1 A 1 £î nmiF& _ M ^s I'M rawa $35,000 in PRIZES cincJ PURSES 25 r 1 mm X mm M| ^ AH flu d|| W * »!> ff« Two Weeks Fair and Race.». Larger Exhibits in every Department. $5000 fur county and District Fruit exhibits. ^ Home Industry Exposition occupying new $5000 building, * filled with working exhibits Senoational Free ads eveiy afteinoon. Free Vaudeville and Band Concert evsry night. Admiaskn after 6 p. •«. only 10 j. For Program, Price Lists and other information, address, » » » * * *■ * * AÉ Aft W R0BT. H. COSGROVE, Sec. and Manager, SPOKANE, WASH. * 519 First Avenue, 0 £ jy \ Q G R A ' T 1C T 1C K ET NAMED ON MONDAY _____ The Adjourned Convention not SO well Attended as the First one was. Hathdrum, Idaho, .Aug. 27.1 The democratic nominating con-! by the chairman, Earl Sanders, of Coeur d'Alene. C. E. Riggs of Candidates were named as follows: vention met in Fraternal hall this afternoon and was called to order Sandpoint was appointed secretary The convertion was harmonious. For state senator, J. L. McClcnr of Coeur d'Alene. Representatives, C. E. Riggs of of Sandpoint, E. S. Prindle of Priest R >ver, W. B. Hagar of Harrison A. Darknell of St. Marys. Clerk district court, T. L. Quarles of Rathdrum, incumbent. Sheriff, A. R. Derr of Clarks and A - Iork. Treasurer, W. J. McClure of Lane. Probate jndge, F. A. McCall of - REPUBLICAN MEETING A large and representative body of Republicans including members of the executive committee, met at Rathdrum on Thursday. While various matters relating to party policy were considered, the most im passed the last legislature. It is the same as the line agreed upon by the Democrats in their county con vention, except tliat at Squaw Bay, on lake Pend d'Oreille, it jogs north ■one mile to give the old county six portant matter deter mined was that of agreeing upon a division line be tween the old and the new county to becreated by the next legislature. About 60 or 70 representative Republicans were present, repre smiting all parts of the county. After a full discussion an nnami The mous agreement was reached. line agreed upon is six miles south of the line proposed in the bill that Post Falls. County attorney, W. J. Flynn of J Superintendent of Schools, Miss India Tnrkint n of Dudley. Coroner, O. F. Page of Sandpoint. met, A. Burroughs of Athol; third district, J. P. Dunn of Bonners Ferrv. No candidate appeared for sur vcyor and the place will he filled by the executive committee. Dr. Soul lon of Coeur d'Alene was nominated for representative, but withdrew his ' Coeur d'Alene, district, Commissioiieis -First Levi Crow of Em ida: second dis name, A. A. Darknell being chosen instead. Editor J. C. Scott of Coeur d'Alene Press was chosen chairman of the county central committee, succeeding T. L Quarles. sections more than the Democrats propose. This concession was de manded by Coeur d'Alene, because an electric line is to he built to that point and they wished it to be wholly in their county'. The line as agreed upon gives general sati-faction. The Republican, nominees for the legislature will sign a pledge to vote and wak' for county division, and on the dividing line indicated. It will therefore cease to be an is sue in the campaign. Those in attendance from Bon ners Ferry were -Thus. J. Jones, member of theexeculive committee J. W, McK night, Republican i iee for Representative and W. E. Leslie, Commissioner. pect of Republican success could ■ not be brighter. nom* Republican nominee for They say the pros Election Officers. The election olficcrs for Bonners Ferry as appointed by the board of county commissioners is_as follows; lodges, George R. Gray, Lee Fu kes, James Fitzpatrick ; Distribut ing clerk; T. W. McLaughlin; Counting judges, F. A. Davis Mal com Bruce, William VanGaskeu: Registrar, Emma Taylor: Fcr Copeland —Judges, John Jarvis, C. M. Parker, R. J. Guthrie; Distributing clerk, Marion Guthrie; Registrar, C. S. Cole. For Boulder—Judges, Earl New ton, Hector Me Kenzie, Emanuel Schielte; Distributing clerk, Scott Cooper; Registrar, Thos. McKenzie. For Boundary—Judges, Dent Black, John Ewing, John Van Et ■ton. Distributing clerk, Thomas Montgomery; Registrar, Charles Olds. For Naples — Judges, Mrs A. Bond, L. McMillan, J. A. Boddy; Distributing clerk, Win. McArthur; Registrar, \V. B. Roberts. Draper and His Bloodhounds. The famous Harry Draper and his bloodhounds arrived Tuesday and attracted great interest. Mr. Draper is a man about 35 years age, well-built, and was dressed hunter's garb. He has a keen in stinct for bis business and has [gained great fame with his hounds I in t acking criminals and hunting for lost men. He has made many successful and daring captures. I The hounds arc natural man : trailers Draper secures some old garment of the man he wants 1 trail, gives the hounds the scent, and when they strike a « of the | Fame scent they follow it as natur ally as a bird dog will trail a game 1 bird. I They did fine work here, follow |ing young Waterman's trail where ! hundreds of others had c. ossed ground afterward». The trail was r , . t . . lost only in the wagon road whore L„ ,„,„, 1 , r,.o,I,. it • 0 mui , travel niaclt It impossible to work. . Draper has Ins dogs well trained tin,! iw vor If nrmwl ♦l-.n.wi J and IS V trv proud OI tlicin. j _ -See ofic line of ladies under skirts. I he best ever shown 1 >1 or: town, prices ranging from 11.25 hk I X (V) ;i t Bonner Afore ('o ai Donner Merc. io. j — Some very pretty patterns I Lwa cnitc n* VfAnri.'o Vfono> CU I hü\ j* MlltS at 31oort S Mens onOpi and think of it 25 per cent off. 1 must dispense with oar boys rartment fur l.o-k of room. ' TRAILED WITH BLOODHOUNDS Search for A. B. Waterman in the Forest on North Side. •T The northside has been intensely agitated during the past week over aman hunt that has been in pro gress. The object of the search was to find A. B. Waterman, aged 22, son of A. S. Waterman. Young Water man had been acting queerly for a week , or '«ore. and on Saturday morning disappeared from his father's place, not far from the Me Ncsr p'ace. Mr. Waterman has a ranch six out where he had left the eon, making ties, while he was working in another locality. On ariving home on Tuesday of last week, ho found the young man in the house with the door locked and the win dow shades down, and otherwise arti ^'l, ueerl - v - Wednesday morn th | father £| lnd him at their pl ac e on the North Bide, near the Me Near place. Friday morning he again disappeared and remained out all night, but returned Satur day morning. He was in a dazed condition and sullen. On Saturday morning, leaving a neighbor to watch,Mi. Waterman went to secure the doctor. While the attention of the attendent was attracted else where for a brief interval, the young man nutdc a dash for the timber and disappeared, and all trace of him was lost, although men searched the hills. Harry Draper and his blood hounds were sent for and arrived on Tuesday. They found the trail and followed it some distance. It led back to Mr. McNoar's orchard and again to the county road where it was lost. Young Waterman's mental trou bles probably came from a sun stroke received while working in a hay field a few weeks Of late he has been studying diligent ly on civil engineering. Living alone, and weakened in body and mind, the strain proved too great, and hchecame unbalanced. The search was kept up, large numbers joining in the hunt Draper's hounds were unable to find a fresh trail until Thursday evening, when thev struck the scent near the ri yh, but it. was too late to continue the work in tTie wood», and they returned to the ranch and watched the premises, believing he might come in. The theory proved correct, for about nine o'clock he appeared stealthily approaching the house, bare-footed and carrying bis shoes. He mad" no effort to get away when his father approached him, and ho ac companied Mr. Waterman into the house. He was not talkative, but seemed to be rational to some ex tent He was not hungry and looked none the worse for exposure or lack of food. They returned to town and the voung man was taken East on the Friday morning train, by his brother, E. S. Waterman, who with another brother, Geo. K. Water man had arrived Thursday morn ing to join in the search. Their home i» at Dos Lacs, N. D. The father and the other son leave for North Dokota next Tues dav. It is hoped that the young man, with rest and company, will soon recover. Mr. Waterman requests the Her ald to express his graitude to all who assisted him in the search. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Couer d'Alene, Idaho. August 22. 1ÎN*». Notice !» hereby given that Kino Kelly of Porthill. Idaho, has filed notice of his inten tion to make final commutation proof in Rap port of hi*claim, viz; Homestead entry No.4427. June 3, 1905, for the NKV4 See. 20. Twp. 65N.. Kg. 1 W.. B. M., and that said proof will be made before O. I. Bandclln, ü. 8. Commission Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on October 13. 1906 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of «aid land, viz; Allen £. Parnam, Harry Gra ham. both of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, George Holmes George Tyson, both of Porthill, Idaho. R. N. Dunn. Register. 9-1 10-4» NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Couer d'Alene, Idaho. August 22, 1906, \"ii that Masv ' us■ filed notice of her intention to make final five year proof in m port of her claim, viz : hometeead entry v«,. 4 made February 16. 1904. for the BU h lotsS and 4. Sec. 8, Twp 65 N. of R. 1 \ and that said proof will be made bef« Bande lin, IT. S. Commissioner, at Bonners y, Idaho, on October 12. 1906. 8nc names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said label, viz; William Van Gasken, Uu re nee M. Parker, both of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Walter E. Walker. John F. Van Ktten*. both Porthill, Idaho. 9-1 10-6 Notice is hereby pi nés, of Porthill, Idaho . h K. mid W..B. m o .'T R. N. Dunn, Register. Notice of Election. Notice i. hereby given th»t, where*«. » * (-ehooi Eu-ctio u «inrthe i.-yy of t«x C * *nd i«»ne of bonds, for the Creation ol Independent School District No. U out of the territory District No,.11. and nu remolutntnee UK .iln*tsaid petition having been filed, it refore ordered, that an Btection be held . I Ihn 24th day of September. 1906. at the school house in School District No. II. the question ' bo voted on at »aid election will be: "Shall In I dependent School District No. 11, Kootenai! County. Idaho, be created to consist of same Territory now embraced ^«.win, in ! »nid District who are Qualified to vote School Eh étions for the levy of taxes and issue to , bonds win be entities to vote. At said election the [»oils shall 1 C Dck aadshall close at the hour Uhln'thc line constant r un si i 7 o'clock. l* in • In witnaaa whereof, l have hereunto set . hand aud affixed the s'*al of the Botird County Commissioners in and for Kootenai * ^ ounl f* of Idaho, on this J7th day Î AU,UIS ' 1S06, t. l. quables. ' m .»dt.rVÄ oÂI' —When you are ready for your New Fall Shoes they are ready for you at Hollinger's, The famous Dr. Reed and K E Z in the latest toes, both blucher and button, and all the different up-to-date leathers, patent, vici, corona, gun metal and platinum calf. Copie in and see them while the stock is complete. Dairy Herd and Hay Ranch for Sale !15 head high grade short horn ; cows and heifers, price $25 per head. I 160 acre ranch that cuts 200 tons | of red top and timothy, price $11,000. Will sell both or cuttle alone. Will sell cattle for cash, or if pur chaser takes all, half cash. Also 160 acres hill-ranch for sale. 30 acres in cultivation. 200 fruit trees some in beating. Call or write. C. J. CURTIS, Runners Ferry, Idaho. On K. V. Railroad 5 miles from town. Notice A congregational meeting of the Presbyterian Church will be held at the church on the evening of Sep). 7th, at 8 o'clock, for the pur pose of authorizing the trustees of said church to grant to the Church Erection board of the Presbyterian Church a mortgage on the church property to the amount of $300, the same to cover the grant made by the Board toward the rebuilding of the church. This call extends not only to the members of the church, hut to the members of the congregation as well. All are urged to attend. Elt.iN F. SpicKR, Pastor-at-Large of Spokane Presby tery. 8-25-9-8 - Dissolution of Pardnership Notice is hereby given that the copardnership heretofore existing between Tlios. Nicholson and L M. Peters, under the firm name of Nicholson & Peters, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Thos. Nicholson retiring. L. M. Peters collects all outstanding accounts, and pays all the firms debts. Thos. Nicholson, L. M. Peters. —If you are not satisfied with the goods you ate buying elsewhere, why not join the Bonner Merc. Co. procession. Wo can furnish yon the best class of goods at prices that are reasonable, -IN Real Estate FARM and CITY PROPERTY Bargains on Cottage Avenue $800.00 Each. 2 forty foot lot, and 5 room houses. $350. One lot and three room house. in resident j property, situated on Main St. Eatonville. Bargains $550. $600. Two lots on corner, five room house. $500. One lot, barn, four room house. One lot and 5 room house $750. all furnished. FRUIT LANDS $550. 40 acres, one mile out, 3 acres cleared, level. $700. 160 acres, two miles out $75.00 3-4 acre tract,will be sold on terms to suit the purchaser. $100. 1 acre tract on terms suit the purchaser. $050. Two lots, good corner, and six room house. $10,000. Another Bargain, 532 acres of meadow land, 180 tons hay, 68 heard of cattle, 8 horses and everything pertaining to well furnish ranch best improved stock ranch in Kootenai valley. $4,000. A good investment, 158 acres of meadow land all improved, heaving orchard, good house, wagon and hack, 19 cows and calves, heifers, full dary outfit, with every thing pertaining to a well stocked ranch. Will sell land for $26001 dollars. 1 ! • I business I $800.00 Store building 30x50, ] insured for $1,000 including post ■ office in lively little town good Will invoice stock. v ! Will take J each balance 6 months. : K T IfClllT j L i V IT.l l X f ÜSlcllC J * of Deputy Mineral Recorder, | »ml Juitln of the Peaco. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO i C. C. Mercantile Co [L I M I T E D] Wholesale and Retail Merchants furniture and Undertaking WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMING, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. \ / T LET US FIGURE ON KURN. SUING YOUR IdOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv,Wa. I GO TO The Red Cross Pharmacy For Pure Drugs, Med icines. Toilet Articles, Perfumes, fancy Candies. Cigars Yours Truly to please, J. B. BRODV, Proprietor and Owner. Successor to JONES & BISHOB. f Che Bonners Terry Cumber €o.,Dd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER j DIMENSIONS. Sited or Bough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. 1 i j Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. | ! I 1 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds ' The Bonners Perry Lumber Co J