Newspaper Page Text
The iionner ■«fi #^#'1 «•a* ■ c W-> Jii^JL. J BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 1906 NUMBER 12 SIXTEENTH YEAR. BonnersFerrv Herald ESTABLISHED IS 1X91. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY, S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS « 1.00 One year . Six months.. ■D ADVERTISING KATES I.K-nl reading nntk'i , <i five cents pet line each Inpcrtlwn. 1 ^'KhI Notice« at Icrhi rate?*, Ral. H for Display advertising mad«* known on application. ('unis of Thanks, Resolution» of Respect ami similar mailer five cents jh* I PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Second Class Matter January 1, nnors Perry, Main*, of March 3. 1879. Entered 190', at the Post "fllee at Ho under the Act of Congress Real Estate Before looking elsewhere let me show jou the BE in the I' BARGAINS KOOTENAI VALLEY Meadow lands. Fruit lands' Farming lands, and Timber lands, Before Prices go up. Here are a few sam pies. 1 _ #1600. 160 acres Hay and fruit ranch, 80 acres meadow, small orchard, plough land and timber; good soil; godd water, soon go up to #2000 GET IN #800. 80 acres splendid level land at Moravia station. 4200,00. 160 acres stock ranch, near town cuts 150 tons hay, 35 head cattle, town. #400. House and two lots in Good residence lots, #50 town. #75, and #100. Timber lands, #8.00 to #12.00 per acre. See my splended residence lots in 50x125 in Park addition. #50. to #100.00 each. Several 160 acre tracts. Some improvid at #1000 per acre. Have always cn hand a good homestead relinquishments, cheap Chas. (VCallaghan, RKAI. ESTATE, : NOTARY PUBLIC. INSURANCE Bonners Fern/, Idaho. n B I [•3E Hi » .—-,—-t-v <» :*l r The Emporium I» now Open With a Complete Line of New and Up-to-date S|a MILL1N ERY I ! j . From #1.26 to # 5.00 .... From #3.50 to #25.00 Street Hats. Dress Hals ... Hats Made to Order.Prices Right. • n 5 Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please give us a call and we will sure do you no barm. We will also have in stock a file line of N O T ION S . Mrs. frank Doti|. V.. Mr», frank Cane. •I « T; ough Dogs delight to bark and bite, An 1 Little Birds to sing, Drop into "Dutch"' and APs place For almost anything. In the Line of Idaho . - CONFECTIONERY BILLIARDS POOL HOTEL CASEY BLOC K, Bonners Ferry, - *********** ******** ******* THIRTEENTH ANNUAL jp * * * Spokane Interstate fÂHI September 24 to October 6, 1906 * * * * * ■ * * * * ■ » • « OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 0 0 % f » $33.000 in PRIZES and PIRSE8 n 8 Two Weeks Fair and Races. Larger Exhibits in every Department. #5'XX) for county and District Fruit exhibits. Home Industry Exposition oecupying new #5000 building, filled with woiking exhibits, Senoalional Free acts eveiy afternoon. Free Vaudeville and Band Concert every night. Admission after 6 p, m. only JOs. For Program, Price Lists and other information, address, R0BT H. COSGROVE, Sec. and Manager, SPOKANE, WASH. X w S * * £ W g " * * * * 519 First Avenue, * .4 ********** ■#**•■** ******** fJjJjjjj [ |[| Hd : Commissioner Fixed the Levy nearly one-third Lower than Last year. J I Republican Administration Entitled j DEBT IS ALMOST WIPED OUT To Much Credit. I The Board of County Commis- I doners have fixed the tax levy for 1906 at #2.70 on. the #100 of valu- ; ation. It was #3.20 last year, i No special road tax has been levi-d this year, so that outside of in ; eorporated villages the rate ibis 'year is #2 70 against #3.70 last! ! year, including road tax. In connection with this subject, j the fact should not be overlooked \ j i that the debt of the county was cut down to one-half its formel ! ,. , istration, The Herald will have the ligunt . . . , . . . | taken from th,> reCOrds later on, and they will reflect gi ? credit on the county adnr.ini tie ( I ligures, during the present udtr.ii; | . l * 011 - j I —Newman Cano of Coeur d' ! Alone is visiting his brothers, F. M. and Dell Cane. — R, McPherson has been quite ill for a week with typhoid. McPherson has been sent for and is on her way home from Wis consin. —A. E. Rickerd, managar of the Bonner Ferry Lumber Co., trans acted business in Spokane during the week. Mrs —F. A. Rhultis, of the Bonners r-r Dumber Co, has bcf/ri'Tlï Oregon, on business this week. Ho will visit relatives at Clarkston, Wash., before his return. —W. A. Alexander leaves for Spokane Sunday, for a few days. Miss Hawkins will act as clerk in bis absence. Additional Locals —For the best goods at lowest prices the Bonners Merc. Co. is the place where you take no chances 3 1 ' jon quality or price, — Miss Etta Boatiy of Virginia City, Minn, has accepted n position I in the dry goods department of the Bonner Merc. Co. Miss Beatty | Iconics highly recommended, and] W >H 10 d ubt add greatly to the popularity of the big store. Wanted.—In I the Emporium | Write or call for ; Maker l onneciion with \< jj j ne , store, particulars. - Dress - - W, K. Hutchinson, of Sand-. point, Democratic candidate for assessor, was u pleasant caller at I this office Thursday. Mr. Hutch inson resided here in early days. - R. S. Renier has rented a dwelling in town for his mother and his children who have moved to town that the latter might at tend school. , , " rs - ® d '-'•tb'O'i, °* Lema, is visiting Mrs. C. D. Rowell. Mrs. Gilson's daughter Miss Pearl, is attending school. —Edwin Doust, Sheriff of Koo tenai county, was in town Monday an(J Tue8(lay on civil busimss, and made this office a pleasent call. —Mr. and Mrs. John Werten berger have moved to Coeur d' Alene where they expect to locate. —Frank II. Richardson has sold a residence in Eaton addition to William Brooks, from Iowa, who recently arrived with his family. Consideration, #800. made the sale. — Miss Glced of Spokane is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. P. Gleed. She is a sister of Mr. Gleed. — Mrs. F. G le d returned from Coeur d' Alene last week. She visited lier daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sutscluiler. She left her little daily I ter, Laurel, in Coeur d' Alone to attend the sister's school. A. J. Kent are showing an unusual assortment, embracing the new styles of famous shoes for which we have the sole agency, at Hollingers. — Mrs. James O'Conner and daughter, Mbs O'Conner,of Mohall N. I)., is \is ting Mrs. Ella White. Mrs. O'Conner is a Lousin of Mrs. White. - We —The Rathboue Sisteis enjoyed very pleasant social evening, at Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ki linear 's, last; evening. Cards, music and refresh ments was the piogram of the evening. D , „ r n i i —Prof Harry L. Hayden who has been at the hospital with an ! attack of typhoid fever, will be , I . . , , , able to return next week, andre . . j sumo his position. Miss Dawson . 1 . 1 - • u- i „ has been teaching m his place. . Another room will be opened about Oct. 1. with Miss Dawson in c-.arge. — R. S. Anderson, attorney at law, j will buy timber lands. Office with i A'. J. Kent. —J. F. Cook, Jr., has secured the services of Dr. Park Halland, of Billings, to look after the pres-1 cnption department of pis drug store. Dr. Holland with his fami ly resides in T. E. L. Logan's dwelling. —Just received at the Emporium a beautiful line of Ladies' Silrsl Lesle hose, infants worsted hose, also the ruben vests for children. Remember this-Moore Bros. j can't afford to sell you u niistit, as they have a perfect fitting repula «ion to sustain. —J. I. Monks, president of the First State Bank, bus gone to Watertown on business. #wilornia, Howard attending school He accompanied by his son, Howard. They will spend the winter in Cali in Pasadena. —A convention of Commercial Clubs will be held in Spokane I next Tuesday, during the week of the fair. It will he an important gathering, intended to devise ways and means of exploiting the actual resources of the Northwest without reference to any particular locality. Bonners Ferry ought to be repre-1 seated. \ Sandpoint Dramatic Co. The Samlpoint Dramatic Do. produced '*A Prodigal Son" at the Opera House last A ednesdav even , __i ' <•„„ mg and were greeted by a line , . . , audience, all of whom enjoyed the ; play. , W. E. Graham was the leading j man and impersonated the Jew to the delight of all. W. .1. Costello. as Harry Glyndan, tlie liero of the drama, made good in his part, much applause. Mrs. winning Costello, as Ned, the hero's lioy companion, was a very pretty part. Mrs. Nora B.Cook, as leading lady, did spend idly. Tilho Hjorquist, as J. P. Wilson, as Ruth Glyndon [ was also strong in her part. To P s >' ( '* rro11 ' a,ld wlth whrnn tl,e audience was well acquainted, was n,08t Phasing in her acting Mrs. ) Al. Williams, J . A. Flynn, S. A j Hnroldson, Robffrt Horn, W. J, j , their respective entire I made a very good , I Smith, G. K. Steel, Don Stewart, G. G. Dukes, in The parts, all did fine. company impression. Nominated for Legislature At a recent meeting of pie Re-! publican executive committee, 8. ' , ... , ,, D. Taylor, editor of the Herald, was nominated for Representative in place of J. W. MeKnight, also of According loan opimon from the Attorney Gen 1 w. i- • i . i eral's office, Mr. MeKnight has not resided in the county the requisite length of time, hence his résigna Bonners Ferry. tion and the change. This nomination, as in the case ,, . , of Mr. Mcknight, came unsolicited. The nominee asked no one to urge bis name. He t\as the choice of Mr. MeKnight, as his successor, and of the local delegates to the convention, and the committee acted in accordance with their de sire. As to his eandidtu y. the nominee has only this to s^v^Jje has lived in Kootenai county 15 years, and has been before the public sulfic lently to enable many of the voters to know bis fitness or unfitness to represent them. As they are to be the judge, he passes the matter up to them with this simple statement. —Any Indy who wishes to get an accurate authoritative idea of the newest millinery should not fail to visit us. Each day we add some thing new to our already extensive 1 exhibit. No old ideas here. Noth (inghutthe newest, prettiest styles W hat's more the I prices are so low that buying will I to show you. be easy. ! ! The EmTohîum. Society of —The Ladies' Aid i the Presbyterian church, gave J ' ** | their annual supper last Wednes da - v ove,nn(; ' H was as usual a, very elaborate affair, and the ladies - ' are entitled to many compliments, J * ' ! which the gentlemen present were " 6 , • T* 1 in < xpn ssinu. Ottiu H.utu at tl,e meutin S ' v,,re: Mrs ' W ' [ j Kinncar, president; Mrs. B. W. Ludington, Vice president; Mrs. S. D. Taylor, Secretary; Mrs. A. J, i Kent, treasurer. Know Where to Look For the good things you want in footwear—know where to find them best and cheapest. Know what to avoid—that's the secret of shop |ping. Know -That the largest stock ! of all new footwear in the Pan handle of Idaho is to bo found Know—That pri 'es are lowest, {quality considered, right here at TI ..." o ingcrs, Know—That no second rate or j damaged good^ are sold at Holling ers. right here at Hollinger's. j Know—That the foremost shoe And above all we want you to i know that your trade is appreci »assoie in Hollingers Bonners Ferry is at ! ated. ™. • I t ,o n 1 . -The arrival of « 10-lb boy at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thot. J. ; Jones, brought joy to the home of I that household this I Tho». J. now has two daughters morning. and a son - and the latter ac< l ui!ii - tion niakes him a ver Y R roud man ' —Mrs. F. T. Berger is home i from an extended visit in the east., Sheriff's Sale. Statu of Idaho. ) County of Ko.dnai \ hy virtue of a chattel mortgigc executed and delivered on the lOih . . . . . „ ld«v of August, 190 j, bv llie Pco üllitwl Cnureh .if Spokane, Washington, a corporation, mort gagor, to Chris. Marlin, of Spokane, Washington, which mortgage is on record in the ,,ffice of ,he Recorder of the County of Kootenai, State of Idaho, in hook on page ... ; and by viitue of the provisions of Section 3390, 3301, 3392, 3393, 8894 and 3395 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Idaho, I will on the 25th day of September, A. D. 1906, at the hour 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said of mortgages day, at the Alamo Colony, abtiul 8 miles from Bonnern Ferry in the county >i Kootenai, Stale of Idaho, proceed to sell far cash, to the highe 1 1 bidder, at public auction, the following described property, I embraced in and covered by said chotUd mmtgage to wit: 22 Head of Milk Cows. Said property being sold as the jp r .,p ( , r (y ( ,f n le People's United! Church of Spokane, Washington, mortgagor, to satisfy said ehattsl | moilgags above mentioned, and! two promise ry notes executed and delivered by said People's United Church, by David Mclnturff, Pres ident, and Lew is Cooper, Treasurer, I ! nnortgagor, to the »aid Chris Martin mortgagee, dated the 5th dav of I Aug " Bt , 1905, fur the sum of Seven 1 Hundred fourteen dollars and bfteen cents with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, up «" pr-miMory notes and I Chattel Mortgage there is now due lhe pum of Seven Hundred fifty q ve dollars and 80e, principal and ' interest, a-ul the further sum of One Hundred and fifty dollars at '^ys tees, provided for in the said promissory notes and said 0 h»Mri M or ig ag e, and the costs of Hiis proceeding. The said proper ly to be sold to satisfy said promis sory note and Chattel Mortgage. Given under mv hand at Rath drum, Idaho, this 18th day of September, 1906 Euwin Doubt, Sheriff for KooU-nai county, Idaho. -— _ —A Republican, primary to se lect nominees for precinct officers will he held Monday, I —Your prescriptions properly compounded at the Red Cross Phar macy. LOOK m IK I — IN Real Estate FARM and CITY j PROPERTY Bargains on Cottage Avenue j #800.00 Each. 2 forty foot lot, ! and 5 room houses. One lot and 3-room house. #350. property situated on Mam St. I Eatonvillc. j Bargains in resident #550. Two lots on corner, five #600. room house, 1, 0ne lot - barn > four room house. #750. One lot and 5 room house i all furnished. HU IT LANDS #550. 40 acres, one mile out, 13 acres cleared, level. „„„ „„ -{.4 , icri , t J. ac{ w jjj l e so p] ()|) terms to suit the purchaser, #100. 1 acre tract on terms to suit the purchaser. Two lots, good corner, and #650. six room house. #10,000. Another Bargain, 532 'acres of meadow land, 180 tons of iia . v ' (1H 1,eard of rattle, H horses and everything pertaining to a well furnish ra> - li best improved ■ st ,„. k ranc h Kootenai valley, j I #4,000. A good investment, 1581 I acre ^ meadow land all improved, bearing orchard, good house, wagon and hack, 19 cows and calves, 7 heifers, full dary outfit, with every ! thing pertaining to a well stocked ranch. Will sell land for #2600 ! dollars. #800.00 Store building 30x50, ingured fef |1(000 | nc ] U( iin e post l oftice j n lively little town good j business. ! Will invoice stock, Will take J each balance 6 months. BONNERS FERRY A J and Justice of the Peace. IDAHO ■ si » r* C. C Mercantile Co ! 9~ [L I M I T E D] * 9 Wholesale and Retail & m 9 ■ General % Merchants m furniture and Undertaking cr&w WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMING, CAR PE I S, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. T~ LET 118 FIGURE ON FURN HH1NG YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. I W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Perrv, Ida. GO TO The Red Cross Pharmacy For Pure Drugs, M edicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, fancy Candie». Cigars Yours Truly to please, I j J. B. BRODV, Proprietor and Owner. Successor to JONES & BISHOP. Cite Bonners Terry Cumber Co.,Ctd HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OK LUMBER DIMENSIGNS, sued GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHH'LAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Rmigh * Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. * Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Fern/ Lumber Co