Newspaper Page Text
The Bonnern T'erry Lierald SIXTEENTH YEAR. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 1906 NUMBER 13 Bonners Perrv Herald ESTABLISHED IN »1. THE PIONEE.K NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY, S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS $1.00 Oim year . Bit months. <• ADVERTISING RATES Local reading notices five cent« per line each Insertittii. Inegal Notices at legal rates. Rates for Display advertising made known on application. Cards ulThanks, Resolutions of Rea pact and similar mutter five cents per Hue. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Second Class Matter January 1. Entered 1VW6, ui the Poet office at Bonn» rs Kerry. Idaho, under the Act of Congress of March 8. 1879. Real Estate Before looking elsewhere let me show you the BEST BARGAINS in the KOOTENAI VALLEY Meadow lands. Fruit lands 1 Farming lands, and Timber lands, Before Prices go up. Here are a few samples. $1600. 160 acres Hay and fruit ranch, 80 acres meadow, small orchard, plough land and timber; good soil; good water, soon go up to 12000 $800. 80 acres splendid level land at Moravia station. 4200,00. 160 acres stock ranch, near town cuts 150 tons hay, 35 head cattle, town. GET iN $400. House and two lots in Good residence lots, $60 town. $75, and $100. Timber lands, $8.00 to $12.00 per acre. See my splendcd residence lots in 50x125 in Park addition. $50. to $100.00 each. Some Several 160 acre tracts, improved at $10 00 per acre. Have always cn hand a good homestead relinquishments, cheap. Chas. O'Callaghan, REAL ESTATE, : : NOTARY PUBLIC. INSURANCE Bonners ferry, Idaho. The Laigest Ever held in Northern Idaho, at Prices that appeal to everyone and means a b i g Saving to you. . . . ! II 4. Sale I I I I Sale Starts Oct. 3, and Ends Dec. 3, 1906 Nothing Reserved ! Bargains in Everything ! Stock consists of Men's Suits, Pants, Mackinaws, Shirts, Socks, Gloves, Mitts, Hats, Caps, Shoes and Rubbers, in fact, Also, Ladies' Cloaks, Underwear, Shawls, Shirt Waists, Skirts, Notions, Dress Goods and Dry Goods, Ribbons--E very thing Sale that can be found in a first-class dry-goods store. on Boys' Suits Pants, Shoes, Shirts, Rubbers, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Underwear. FOR GIRLS AND CHILDREN You can just find everything lhat you may ne;d. V Blankets and Quilts. Batting Comfort Goods. SPECIALS Shoes for Men,Women and Chil dren, Boys and Girls, we can save you big money on, as we are go ing to seil »11 shoes away below cost, in order to unload. Specials Men's Mitts, Gloves, Socks, Underwear, Clothing of all kinds. Sweaters, Malone Bants and Coats, Shoes, Rubbers, Hats, the best Wool Shins the country. Slickers, Over alls, Caps, Suspenders, Suit Cases, Ttunks, etc., that will pay you to investigate, as ne are g ,.ing to surprise all pur *' chasers. HOLLINGER'S DEPARTMENT STORE REDUCED TO THE INNER CIRCLE That Appears to be the Condition of the Bolt in Kootenai County. The article which appeared in the columns of the Herald on Sept. 8, under the heading of, "The Morgan Ring Joins Democrats,'' seems to have aroused the ire of Mr. Morgan and his lieutenants. That the article hit home to the leaders of the bolters is in evidence from the fact that instead of meet ing the issues candidly and fairly they have resorted to personal abuse and mud-slinging, to try to obscure the real condition and the If the cause of the bolter is io righteous and holy, he could take a higher plane for argument. But he-does not do so—he cannot ; his weakness of their stand. position is false and weak, and he must resort to bi'lingsgate to bols ter up a tottering cause. Judge Morgan and a half-dozen of his followers are attempting to betray the Republican parly. They were fairly and overwhelmingly defeated in the primaries of the county. For nearly two years they have been preparing for just such action as they have taken, in case they lost in the convention. They now openly consort with Democratic leaders, a thing which for nearly two years they have been doing secretly. Their chief spokesman, although masquerad ing as a Republican for a few months, has always been a Demo crat- a lifelong Democrat. The Herald was justified in us , ,, ,, 1 „ t., mg the term Morgan Ring. The Morgan organs have justified the use of the term. They peisist in speaking of a Heitiran ring, and if the friends who gather around Mr. Heilman as a leader constitute ring," what are the men who gather around Judge Morgan as a leader ? We fail to fee the differ ence, except that the inner circle of the Morgan ring has piovcd it self traitorous to the Bepublican party, for no cause whatever, ex cept disappointment that the ma jority of the party did not deem them worthy of political prefer ment. The parties constituting the in ner circle of the Morgan ring have boasted of carrying a vast number of votes in their vest pockets. Re ports that reach the Herald are » a The Republicans had rather a lively primary last Monday, ihere were 124 votes polled. There was no fight for justices of Republican Primary. the peace, O. J. Bandelin and Thomas Houston receiving practi-i cally the full vote. For constable it was different. A spirited but friendly contest was waged between W. If. Emery, the present constable, and William Castle, the latter not being on the ground, but backed by O. K. Rose haugh. The contest was so close that when the 100th ballot was counted, the two candidates were tied. The balance of the ballots gavc the nomination to Castle by a majority of 9. Both men are good Republicans, and either would have creditably represented the party. The officers of election were Thos. J. Jones and Charlie Nutt. Preparing Fruit Exhibit. A. J. Kent is preparing a fine fruit exhibit to display in his real estate office. He has purchased number of glass jars used for such purposes, and is selecting fruit for them, and would be glad to receive samples from fruit growers. He prepared two jars this week. One consists of Alberta peaches from the Annis ranch. They would prize-w nners, and are large and luscious-appearing. The other is jar of caily apples. This fruit was permitted to get too ripe, but still shows the size and quality. Mr. Kent sent a box of fruit Kalispell, this week, to be exhibit ed. He is to be commended his efforts to advertise the resour ces of the country. Harney O'Neil, of Shoshone conn ly, who sometimes figures in Koo Itenai county politics, and lias been a strong supporter of the bolters, before they,bolted, has washed bis hands of the whole aggregation. J. A.' Brown, who was chairman of the Moig-in caucus at the coun ty convention, says: countenance in any degiee this so called bolt of Judge Morgan and a few of his following. I was for Judge Morgan's renomination, took part in the Morgan caucus as its chairman. We were defeated by overa helming numbers, and the majority in a party should rule it. That is a Republican principle, and I see no reason tor going back on it at this time. As I explained at Coeur d'Alene to these gentlemen, when they were counselling revolt at that time, il can do no good. I shall support the Republican ticket, of course." B. S. Defenbach, head of the Northern Idaho Mercan'i'e Co., and a fo.mer Morgan supporter, says; to the effect that their attempt to carry any considerable number of well-meaning Republicans astray is proving a miserable failure. Their runks are becoming depleted every day as the true situation be comes more apparent. Senator 1 desire to s ate that I do not .. j gtanJ {or Repllblican prin ci plea, and work wi bin the party organization. There must be or ganization. I do not think the vv ' se - / was opposed to Mr. Weils candidacy for the senate | He hng ^ nol j linated by n ma j ot ity of the party in the county, j That should settle the matter with the party. I shall vote the Re publican ticket, of course." Contrast these manly statements with the billingsgate the loiters are putting out. j a leader, his name has to be used. Repudiation of connection with the bolters is the order of the day. Bartlett Sinclair writes us, repudi ating a letter that the Northern Idaho News states that he wrote the Capital News, and the Capital News sustains Mr. Sinclair. And now comes Senator O'Neil, who writes Mr. Sinclair, announcing that lie is not to be classed as l)o'ter. Nothing personal is intended our reference to Judge Morgan. As ..11 On Wednesday at he homo the bride a parents, Mr, and,Mrs. | William Eaton, Miss Keta Flaton I was united in marriage with Mr. The ceremony Eaton-Stewart. : J. W. Stewart. perfornud by Rev. R. C. Motor, ! the M. E. church. There were ] present, besides relatives of the ; bride, many intimate friends of the j contracting parties, | are young people highly esteemed Mr. Stewart and Miss Eaton in this community. Mr. Stewart is a man of splendid character, and possesses the qualities lhat assure success. Miss Eaton is daughter of a highly-respcc'ed piu neer family. She has grown womanhood in Bonners Ferry, been 1 school teachers, is finely educated and a young lady greatly respect of our most popular one ed and most popular with all who know her. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart took afternoon train for Spokane for brief honeymoon. They will side in one of Mr Osier's dwell a ings. The Herald extends most dial congratulations. Bartlett Sinclair wishes us correct the charge that he is against the Republican ticket. John Doherty, the barber, was Spokane visitor this week. Mr. Lewis, the new owner of Montgomery ranch, is bringing 400 head of cattle fiom W ash. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Yoder moved to Sandpoint where Mr. Yoder engage in business. DEMOCRATS DESERT DUBOIS. Former-Congressman John Hailey Wants no Bogus Democracy. Hon. John Hailey, lifelong Democrat, and who was sent to Congress from Idaho for three terms by the Democratic party, and is recognized today as one of the wheel horses of the party, repudi ates Dubois in the following inter esting letter; Hon. H. W. Lockhart, Chairman State Central Committee, Ho se, Idaho: Dear Sir—Yours of the 1st re ceived on the 7th, in which you ex tend me an invitation to speak in the present campaign, on certain lines indicated in your letter, and also on the platform adopted at the late Democratic convention hel l in Coeur d'Alene, .hiding from your letter and the platform, you seem to have hut one issue to present to the voters of Idaho, and that is a I charge against the Mormons of church interference in political af fairs and the practice of polygamy and of unlawful cohabitation, have laws upon our statutes which make the practice of the two latter a crime. If there is any man, or if there are any men in Idaho who know of any man or men in Idaho who have taken a plural wife or wives, or practiced unlawful cohab itation since the head of the Mor mon church announced more than ten years ago that the Mormons had stopped the taking of plural wiv.s and the practices of unlaw ful cohabitation, he or they should, as good citizens, go before the j proper officer and swear to a com- j plaint charging them with a crime. ' Have the person or persons who! have violated the law arrested, tried by the courts, and, if found guilty, .punished as prescribed by j law. I do not know of any viola -1 lions, in Idaho or elsewhere, of the] law referred to. Nor do 1 know of We any Mormon church, or other j church organization, as a church, interfering or meddling in politics in Idaho. If a man or a woman'I belongs to a chuich, I care not what church, their paramount duty is to obey the laws of our country. We have no laws which prohibit either maje or female citizens, who are qualifitd voters, from partici pating in campaigns, if they choose to do so. While I am a Democrat, and be lieve in Democratic principled, I fail to find any Democrat c prin cipl s, as I understand them, in your platform or your letter. The universal custom with all political parties has been for all cai.didates who accept nominations from anyj convention to endorse the platform adopted by the convention which 1 nominates them; and I take it for granted that the candidates on your ticket all endorse and approve the platform adopted by the con vention at Coeur d'Alene. Believ-1 ing as I do that the convention that adopted the platform, the candidates, and the managers of their campaign, are making a mis- ; take in the course they seem to be pursuing, that it will be detrimen tal to the party and against the t best interests of 'he people of this gtatc { niuSt r , 8pect fu, !y decline y OUr invitation to speak on the lines indicated in your letter, or to support the candidates endorsing wa«]y our P 1,llforni - . Ke*Pecthilly v JOHN HAILEY. Boise, Idaho, Sept. 10, 1906. ; ; I Heyburr. is Coming. It will be a sou; ce of great pleasure to the publie to know that . , , , , Senator Heyburn is scheduled to speak in Bonner's Ferry on Oct. 23. Senator Heyburn's staunch Americanism, and his bravo fight against unnecessary extension of a forest reserves, have greatly en deared him to the people here. Correction is made of the dale of the speaking by Hon. Avery C. Moore, the committee having changed the date from Oct 10 to Oct. 9. —Dan Murphy and A. E. F'ar-j nam are in Spokane with their race horses this week. They have two swift horses. a '•V r The £m frori um Is now Open With a Complete Line of New and Up-to-date to a in M I L L 1 N E R V From $1.25 to $ 5.00 From $3.50 to $25.00 Brices Right, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Blease give us a call and we will sure do you no harm. We will also have in stock a side line of NOTIONS. Mrs. frank Cane. Street Hats.. Dress Hals .. .. Hats Made to Order Mr», frank Doti|. 4 •1 9 Building the Power Plant. A. W. Featherstone, owner of the electric light plant, arrived Wed nesday, from Wallace, and is now the city. Mr. Featherstone has had a large force working on the power plant at Myrtle Creek, and will be ready to install the machin ery in about ten days. He has built 1600 feet of flume, and has a fall of 220 feet to the power house. As soon as the work at the pow plant is completed, work at the city end of the line will commence, including the laying of the mains and establishing of a pumping sta tion. It will not be necessary to close down the lights at any time, as none of the machinery now in use will bo moved to Myrtle creek, the plant used there being entirely new. Notice to Taxpayers. Taxes of 1906 will be due and payable on and after Oct. 10, 1906. Notice of amount due will he sent all tiio-o having address on the roll. If you do not receive notice, rite for one. Always describe property if pos sible. Hlease examine your tax receipt and see if it covers all your prop erty. Taxes will become delinquent on the first Monday in January. 1). R. ADAMS, Assessor and Tax Collector. -IN 'C hJS I SL.O I U ! |p AO TUT TTTY xtlIVITI ctilU Li I 1 $600. Two lots on corner, five room house, $500. One lot, barn, four room house, a u furnished, FRUIT LANDS $ 550 . 40 acres, one mile out, 3 acres cleared, level, PROPERTY Bargains on Cottage Avenue $800.00 Each. 2 forty foot lot, and 5 room houses. $350. One lot and 3-room house. Bargains property, situated on Main St. Fiaton ville. in resident $550. One lot and 5 room house »760. $700. 160 acres, two miles out $75.00 3-4 acre tract,will he sold 0 n terms to suit the purchaser, suit the purchaser. - $ 050 . Two lots, good corner, and six room bouse, $ 100 . 1 acre tract on terms to $10,000. Another Bargain, 532 acres of meadow land, 180 tons of hay, 68 heard of cattle, 8 horses jand everything pertaining to a well furnish ranch best improved stock ranch in Kootenai valley. $1,000. A good investment, 158 acres of meadow land all improved, hearing orchard, good house, wagon and hack, 19 cows and calves, 7 heifers, full dary outfit, with every thing pertaining to a well stocked, "'ill sell land for $2600 insured for $1,000 including post ol5ice in livel y hltlo town good business. Will invoice stock. Will take I each balance 6 months. $800.00 Store building 30x50, A. J. KENT, Real Estate, Deuuty Mineral Recorder, aim Justice of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO C. C. Mercantile Co [LIMITE D] Wholesale and Retail Merchants Turnilurc and Undertaking [HrrMTS ffl WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMING, CARPETS. LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES. ■ LET US FIGURE ON FURN SHING YOUR HOUSE. WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU THE FREIGHT. 8 W. A. ALEXANDER, Bonners Eerrv, Ida. go mo The Red Cross Pharmacy For Pure Drugs, Med ici nes. Toilet Articles, Perfumes, fancy Candie-*. Cigars Yours Truly to please, J. B. BRODV, Proprietor and Owner, Successor to JONES & BISHOP. f Clx Bonners Terry Cumber Co.,Dd ! ! j : HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY OF LUMBER DIMFINSIONS. Sized or Rough GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SHIPLAP. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. 4 Finishing Lumber of all Kinds ! «The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co