Newspaper Page Text
Herald The Bonnei I * err\ •*5f T » BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO, SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 1906. NUMBER 17 SIXTEENTH YEAR. Bonners Ferry Herald ESTABLISH KD IN 1891. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF KOOTENAI COUNTY. I S. D. TAYLOR, Editor and Proprietor TERMS » 1.00 .30 One yeai* . . Six months.. ADVERTISING RATES: Local reading notices five cents per line euch insertion. Legal Notices ai legal rates. Rates for Display advertising made known on application. Curda of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect and slmila r matter tivc cent« per line. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Matter January 1, 1906. at the Post-'>fllce at Bonners Ferry, Idaho, uuder the Act of Congress of March S. 1879. Entered as Second Cl J. f. Cook, Jr. Before looking elsewhere let me j •ho. ,o„ the BEST BARGAINS in the - KOOTENAI VALLEY Meadow lands. Fruit lands' Farming lands, and Timber lands, GET iN Before Prices go up. Here are a I few samples. T RUSS ONLY Which will give satisfaction and which we T H E guarantee is the W E T M O R E, U can get it at COOK'S. Real Estate > $1000. 100 acres Hay and fruit ranch, 80 acres meadow, small orchard, plough land and timber; good soil; good water, soon go up to $2000 $800 . 80 acres splendid level land at Moravia station. 4200,00. 100 acres stock ranch, near to vn cuts 150 tons hiy, 35 head cattle. town. $400. House and two lots in town. Good residence lots, $50 $75, and $100. Timber lands, $8.00 to $12.00 per acre. See my splended residence lots in 50x125 in Dark addition. $50. to $100.00 each. Several 160 acre tracts. Sonic improvid at $10 00 per acre. Have always cn hand a good homestead relinquishments, cheap. Chas. O'Callaghan, HEAL ESTATE. : : NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE Bonners ferry, idcilio. />^aaaaaaaa^aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... Draying ... Prompt attention given to anything in the Drav Business Transferring, Goods deli ver ed,Furniture moving. Con tracts taken. Cali on J. .E Howe. »•^/WWVWWW * è ' • • • mm •••••••• • «EE « Ä Nature's Wondrous Handiwork! # » '5 : BT» « "7*1 o i Through UTAH a n«l COLORADO tur Grand, and Tanne Cabtli Gate, Canyon or Black Canyon, Marmiall •EE PanBCM, AND TIIE WOBLD FAMOUS : Royal nones : T For Desciiptive l*aiuphlct ,t t write to 1 W.C. McBRIDt. Cent Agt * 124 Third St. Portlaii, Or. V •••*••*<***•• C. P. Shelliel 1 has purchased the confeclionery business of Lawrence ld. Parker. conducting the store while Mr. J. W. Northrop v 1 Sheffield i.- east. r-fr: T mm v r^v ; A <* ■ ' " ■•-' V" A* a I IM, '>■ • m .*>■ rasiii r. ■ r 1 : ■ i V : Jgw .-vSs m 'if ' / ' ïsjr. I ! , , . SUGPlkS TOD IS*Jit _ l-jpi C 1LO XU .11 ^1-1 G "A: j 1 ■ '■JÊP . »■ ■a • m •oSÎ 9 -r uV ■■ i$ I Senator Heyburn The Wallace Times, owned by Millionaire Day, and Maj.NNood, Dubois'nominee for district judge, is beinv circulated free of charge in Bonner Fer y and Kootenai conn ty. T li o corporation influence seems to be lined up pretty solidly, The taxpayers do not care for a change. They have their tax statements and they note that tax ation is being reduced. They a ! so note that times are good; never better. Every pr .duct brings a good price, wages were never bet ter, and conditions are not ilkoly to be improved by a change. The" people will not be fooled by tho noise made by a few corporation controlled fellows who failed to control the conventions. A large republican majority is indicated by rej oris coming from all parts of the county. It will not be surprising if the majority is | as large as two yea-s ago, when ill reached 2(XK). The reason for this continued vote of confidence in the j . . , j republican pa, ty is because it has given a clean, economical, Dus ness I administration, luxes hue 11< 11 ; greatly reduced; corporations have i been compelled to p»y up i ten back t ixes; the county debt baa been reduced about one-half; times better, and labor was The only | discontent that is heard is fr un someone who has a fancied politi cal grievance, but the mass of th< voters are looking at results, past and present, »nd are not going to take chances in the future because Johnny Doe did not get an office. were never never in such demand. I It is au old trick of the Dubois ites to claim everything just before j election, in the hope of influencing some voting. Two years ago, when they met the most serious Waterloo ever inflicted on any party in Koo . . wir , îllRt tenai county, they wire ju.t as boastful as they ars row. Their claims are absolutely without foundation, as may be noted by the f""owing ludicrous incident: The county speakers on the Du bois ticket were scheduled to speak at Naples last Tu sdav evening. The meeting «as »complete lizzlt . , . ... , , . and not a citizen showed up to jh ar I he speakers. A rt port was promptly wired into the Spokes rnan-Review by a Dubois boomer from Sandpoint that the Naples { niceting was large and enthusias j tic. This is but a sample of the T; Dubois rejorts that are I cing ped died about, but the county is going overwhelmingly republican. 1 Registration Law Changed. Everyone desiring to vote at tho coming general election must reg ister for the election, no matter if your name was on the i oil two The law war changed a t the last session of the legisla i ture. If you do not register he 3. you can not vole. gleet this matter. 1 years ago. tweep September 1 and November Do not ne I ROOSEVELT WATCHING IDAHO. Washington Dispatch—It has been officially announced that Sec rotary Taft, tho strong arm of the administration, at the special re quest < f the president, will make two spe ches in Idaho, in order that the p ople of the state may know that the sympathies of tHe national administration are with Governor Gooding and those who stand with him for law and erder. georetary Taft will speak at Poca tello Friday, November 2d, and Boise next day. President Roosevelt has been deep-1; tv in'crested ifi the' Idaho 'echtest '•ince its inception, because he has been anxious that the people shall give their hearty support to the ticket that stands for law and or der. He deeply icgrctted the i t tempt made in some quarters to becloud the issue, when it was so apparent to him that this is the onlv issue involved. I'ho president chose Secretary Taft to go to Idaho, became Taft is J the most forcciul if his advisers. ' gecretary To(t will confine himself almogt entirely to the q llcst ion of law and order, and will leave no iloubtllinthe) th(J preri . ent and | 8 entire administration look to to Bave good name by re-, cording an overwhelming majority j for the republican ticket. j School Notes. Our new room, in charge of Mi-s | Dawson, lias, started in on its work, This is quite a relief from tiie for-: gested condition of the mer con rooms, and the teachers are now 1 nrc free to devote tiicir time to m individual pupils, u ig a 60lirce of n , Rrel to the school management to see so many boys roaming the streets during ,h. . r », ho„„. Tto c.„ productive of no good to the boys, and j g the cause of not a little halt hearted work being done in (h® schools. The best results cannot be obtained u|lless Uie pare nt8 see tQ u U)at the pupils put j ütnB ftl home in studv . C * n ^ ol " f ,US ^ ^ns m school and get them as he should, m some „ o I , Pullman Van G sken-H i g h school. _ Agnes Muhlfdd--Ligblb grat e. Jack Nan Gasken— Se ve n t h a( j p Vina (PCsllaghon— Fixth grade, Joe Hubble-Fifth grade. Adina Sandstn m— Fourth grade Allen Loughney—Third grade. Vera Jones —Second g ade. Margaret Andrews— hirst grade, In la* t month's honor roll the name of Oliver Campbell should have been mentioned, he having attained to the bighe.-t grade in the fifth. Following is the honor roll (or October; Mrs Thomas Hydorn and daugh ter, Miss Hydorn, o? Piiest River, were here this week to attend the Gauston-Hydorn wedding. Y î OUI. CAUSTON-K Hiss Emma S. Causton and Claud L. Hydorn Married. A very pretty wjedding took place lut wedn sday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Caus ton. The bride was their young jest daughter, Miss Emma S. Cnus lon, and the groom Mr. Claude L. Hydorn. Tho ceremony was per formed by llev. Daughters of the Episcopal church, and was most Genevieve Johnson impressive, and Laura Hydorn, the former a little noies of the biqdi', and the latter a little sister of the groom, 1 m ted as bridesmaids, and Albert I Causton, brother of the bride, as GeorgejC.iustou gavel Miss May Hart played the wedding inarch. The ceremony was witnessed by a number of friends and relatives, including the following; Mr. and Mrs. f. Causton, Mr*. Thos. Hy dorn and Miss Leah Hydorn, of Priest River, Mr and Mrs. Louis Johnson, Emory, Mr. and Mrs. George Ev ans, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little, Mr. laud Mrs. Win. Van .Gasken, Mr. and Mrs Harry Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Taylor, Miss Rosa Per kins, Miss Stella Perkins and Mr. Stephen Ridley, besides those pre The bride was gowned in white s nk and 1 ice, wearing a bridal veil !ln( ] a wreath of orange blossoms, and carrying a bouquet of bride's iorated with white and blue, a pro fusion of pot'ed 0 (| )C attractiveness of tho groomsman. awav the bride. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. ros s. After the ceremony and con gratulations, all were invited to the di big room, to partake of the wedding supper, which was splen did, and it would rtquirc our whole stock of superlatives to Je-cribe it. The parlor was beautifully dec plants adding ' i 1 "in In the center of the room was a i arg „ «oral bell und, which the | ceremony was performed The j dining room was decorated in pink L„ ) gn . on , here, also a profusion of j Ill:)nt8 nni] Hower8 bl . illg nrti8 . ica |. Iv utilized to produce a tashful and harmonious d corn'ive effe I. 'I he newly-wadded couple were the r ei])ients of many valuable and beautiful gifts. Both bride and groom come from prominent families, and have many f r i„ IU | t who join the Herald in congratulations and best wishes, Dexter Williams, son «f X. B.l Williams, »turned from Nebraska' lust Wednesday evening, bringing | with him a bride, Returned With a Bride. Mr. Williams was married Pierce, Neb., on October )G,to Miss, Margaret S. Hubble, Tho bride and groom were g hoolmat s in j their childhood days, back in \ ir ginia. The many friends of Mr. Wil Hams join the Herald in wishing ' 1 1 'ho newly-wedded couple happiness and prosperity. ! S Evidence of Prosperity. Roscbaugh & Earn am on Tues day gold the old Bjerke place npar c lam , for f4ü(K); They ht lU^co-ac. tract i„ Julj fo) . $1M0 and sold the fam e to : i Clarenc« Mo ire in August for $32401 | and this wick fold tho same for to Be. jamin Washtucna, Wash. Mr. Mo re to Mr. Oscar Budd of Washtucn'. Wash., for $4600. Roscbaugh and Farnam sold on Wednesday tho Marie Cooper Küster of ! The Duboisites held a meeting , I .... I j ■ here lust N\ edeaday night, f * ,e 1 following candidates were piesent, pevera | u j whom made speeches: ... . Dr. Morris, candidate for st ite itrea-urer; Major Wocxl, candidate i for di-trici judge; J. M. Fiynu, . candidate for p obate judge. * l ,e meeting was a frost, in point of numbers, as thu-igem. Democratic Meeting. candidate for county attorney; A. 1 R. Derr, for sheriff; F. A. McCall, j Scna'or W. B. Heyburn will speak in Bonners Ferry tonight, bis meeting having been postponed from Tuesday until Saturday. All should turn out to hear this great will as en orator. Republican Ticket. State Ticket. United Staten Se.tatur - Win. fe. Borah Supr»; tue Jud go— George II. Stewart CoiigreHKinan HuHon L. French Governor—Frank K. Gooding Lieutenant (Joveruor—K. A. Murrell Secretary of Slate—Robert l.unsilon Treasurer- C. A. UaxtiugH Attorney General—John J. Ou been Auditor-Robert 8. llragaw Hupt, of School* 8. Bell Chamberlain Stale Mine Inspector Robert N. Bell First Judicial District. District Judge -Rollert N. Dunn Legislative. State Senator; luuatz Weil, Saiuipolnt of l.cglMlnturc: Me in be Joseph Fallon. Coeur d'Alene; J. C. Klim tad. Priest River; William Gleason, Ht. Maries ; S. D.Taylor. Bonners Ferry. County Ticket. Auditor -Robert S, McCrea Sheriff- ('buries A. McDonald Treasurer— C. J. Shoemaker Assussor-U. A. Bailor Probate Judge- M. D. Friede nberg Supt. of Schools—J. W. Ramsey ty Attorney—Peter Johnson ( utility Surveyor—J. K. Ashley, Jr. Coroner— Dr. W, M. Knapp CommissloncrB; First District—€. C. Edwards •1 District—A. J. Clark Third District-William A. Leslie » • Beet Precinct. Justices oi the Pt (). J. Hundelln Thomas Houston Constable : Win. H. Castle. This is registration day. Geo. H. Gray, manager of tho C. C. Merc. Co., has installed n line, new cash register at a cost o{ over s x hundred dollars. In addition to legistering amount purchased, it turns out a ticket for the custo mer thowing amount purchased. B. W. Ludington is expected j home in n few days, from his [eastern trip. 1 Millinery Sale . . ClosI,,K out ln,Illne, Y b low co f j Oct. 12th to 21)ib, at the Einpori s ■ um. ' I -IN Hea8 Estate P R O P P R T Y r n W r ^ " ' T FARM and CITY Bargains on Cottage Avenue $800.00 Each. 2 forty foot lot, at|and 5 room houses, $350. One lot and 3-room house. $550. Bargains in resident I property, situated on Main St. Katonvillc. $600. Two lots on corner, five; room house. One lot, barn, four roorii ! $500. S bouse. One lot and 5 room house $750. all furnished. | * 4 n aC res one mile out , JSS C ,," c 3 TeU $7(X). 160 acres, two miles out $75.00 3-4 acre tract,will be sold on terms to suit the purchaser. $100. 1 acre tract on terms to suit the purchaser. $650. six room liousc. Two lots, good corner, and $10,000. Another Bargain, 5 acres of meadow land, 180 tons oil bay, 68 heard of cuttle, 8 horses j iin< i everything pertaining to aj well furnish ranch l»cst improved Htouk r!lIu . h in Kootenai valley. _ j $4,000. A good investment, 158 , ■ , acres of meadow lanci alt improved, bearing orchard,^good house wagon 1 and hack 'l? COW8 a " d calveR ' ' > heifers, full dary outfit, with cvery tiling; p i'rtaininp: to a well stocked j ranch. Will sell land for $2600 j dollars. $800.00 Store building 30x50, insured for $1,000 including post i office in lively little town good j business. Will invoice stock, Will take i each balance 6 months, ■ A.]. Kent, Real Estate, Dcuuty Mineral Recorder, amt Justice of the Peace. BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO C C. Mercantile Co [L I M 1 T E D] Wholesale and Retail General % Merchants furniture and Undertaking S». Wall Paper, Picture f raming, Carpets, Linoleum, Window Shade» Furniture sold on install inents. =£= 0 a 9 & ttTff s W. A Alexander, Bonners Ferry* IdaKo. : Hew Ûoye.\ Sewing Machines. i HjuclttT Pnr'fJh !3*n GO TO The Red Cross Pharmacy For Pure Drugs, Med ioi nes. Toilet Articles, Perfumes, fancy Candie-. Cigars Yours Truly to please, J. B. BRODV, Proprietor and Owner. Successor to JONES & BISHOP. ia f 1 Oc Bonners Terry Cumber Co., Ctd 9 HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE WAY Of LUMBER DIMENSIONS, sud GROOVED ROOFING. COMMON BOARDS. DROP SIDING. SH1PLA P. FLOORING. BEADED CEILING. BEVEL SIDING. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATH. Rough % j Let us figure with you when in need of build ing material of any kind. Finishing Lumber of all Kinds The Bonners Ferry Lumber Co si ^